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Formulasi Nasal saline

Date post: 10-Jan-2016
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Larutan Irigasi Hidung

of 16


PowerPoint Presentation

By: Kelompok IVFORMULASI SALINE NASAL IRRIGATIONIntroductionWhile some amount of mucus production from the nasal and sinus lining is normal, allergies and sinus infections can cause excessive mucus production. This excessive mucus production causes nasal and sinus symptoms such as a runny and stuffy nose or post-nasal drip. The key to symptom relief is to physically wash away this excess mucus and allergens, such as grass and tree pollen, dust particles, pollutants and bacteria from the nasal passages. This rinsing will reduce inflammation of the mucosa membrane, allowing you to breathe more normally.The prevalence of allergic rhinitis has steadily increased in developed countries since the industrial revolution and now affects 20-40% of the population. Studies suggest that allergic rhinitis israre in infants but are estimated to affect around one in six children aged 6-7 years, one in ten children aged 13-14 years, 18% of those aged 15-34 years and 10% of older adults aged 35-54 years. AR is more ommon than asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis.Rhinitis

Anatomi Hidung

Anatomi Hidung Penderita SinusitisRancangan FormulaTiap 10 ml larutan irigasi hidung mengandung:NaCl3 % NaOH/HCl 0.1 Nadjust pH 5,5Purified waterad 10 mlNo Bahan Kegunaan Jumlah/wadahJumlah/batch1NaClBahan pengisotonis2NaOH/HCl 0,1 NPengatur pH3Asam boratBuffer 4Natrium BoratBuffer5Purified water Pelarut Alasan Pemilihan Bentuk Sediaan 8Alasan pemilihan bahan tambahanNaClUntuk sediaan parenteral dan nonperanteral khususnya sebagai zat pengisotonis NaOH/HCl 0,1 NBuffer Borat Purified waterPerwadahanCara kerja Terima kasih
