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Forward in Faithfulness: Jesus at Twelve Years Old ... Bulletins... · FIR S O ur mi January 6,...

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FIR S O ur mi January 6, 2008 Forward in Faithfulness: Celebrating 200 years of witness for the Lord Jesus Christ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH April 14, 2013 Our mission is: To grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to make Him known in our community and the world. Jesus at Twelve Years Old
Page 1: Forward in Faithfulness: Jesus at Twelve Years Old ... Bulletins... · FIR S O ur mi January 6, 2008 Forward in Faithfulness: Celebrating 200 years of witness for the Lord Jesus Christ


Our mi

January 6, 2008

Forward in Faithfulness: Celebrating 200 years of

witness for the Lord Jesus Christ


April 14, 2013

Our mission is: To grow in the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to make

Him known in our community and the world.

Jesus at

Twelve Years Old

Page 2: Forward in Faithfulness: Jesus at Twelve Years Old ... Bulletins... · FIR S O ur mi January 6, 2008 Forward in Faithfulness: Celebrating 200 years of witness for the Lord Jesus Christ

SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY April 14, 2013 9:00 AM A nursery is available during the service. We will be happy to assist you in finding your way.

Large print Bibles, bulletins and hymnals are available in the rear of the room.

Gathering around the Word of God

Songs of Praise and Welcome and Announcements

Blessing the Children

Lord God, bless your children here. Show them your goodness. Give them your peace for when they are afraid. Teach them to hear your voice. And go with them now as they go to worship You! Amen.

Encountering the Word

First Reading Psalm 128

Sermon Reading Luke 2:41-52

Sermon Jesus at Twelve Years Old

Responding to the Word


Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Song of Response and Charge and Benediction


It is no accident you are worshiping here today. God’s Spirit has led you to this place at this time to meet and be met by God, and you have

responded. First Presbyterian Church is a fellowship of faith, a spiritual community of peo-ple who put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and desire to serve Him as Lord.

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Jesus at Twelve Years Old Luke 2:41-52

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A nursery is available during the service and an usher will be happy to assist you in finding your way. Hearing devices and large print Bibles, bulletins and hymnals are available in the rear of the Sanctu-ary. In the Fellowship Hall (next door) we offer a large screen video simulcast of this service. ORGAN PRELUDE Love Divine, All Loves Excelling


CALL TO WORSHIP Brittany Eaton, Liturgist Liturgist: Praise the Lord, all the Earth! People: Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars! Liturgist: Let all creation praise the name of the Lord; for God’s glory is above earth and heaven. People: All people; young men and women alike, old and young together, praise the Lord! Liturgist: Let us pray. PRAYER OF PRAISE *HYMN No. 239 How Happy is Each Child of God *CONFESSION OF SIN (In Unison) Loving Father, you nurture us from our mothers’ wombs with blessings of divine and human favor. Yet we have withheld our favor from those whom we deem unlovely. For-given by you, we have refused to forgive others. In your love, show us mercy. Give us hearts to love as we have been loved, to show favor as we have been shown favor. En-able us always to act in Jesus’ name with thanksgiving for your unchanging love re-vealed to us in His incarnation and your abiding Holy Spirit. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *GLORIA PATRI (The Hymnal, No. 579) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

April 14, 2013 SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY 11:00 AM

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FIRST LESSON: Psalm 128 (Pew Bible, OT Section, pg 442; Lg. Print pg 968) Liturgist: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. BLESSING THE CHILDREN Lord God, bless your children here. Show them your goodness. Give them your peace for when they are afraid. Teach them to hear your voice. And go with them now as they go to worship You! Amen. (Children up to the grade 4 will be dismissed to Our Chapel-Children’s Church) ANTHEM Morning Has Broken SECOND LESSON: Colossians 3:12-17 (Pew Bible, NT Sect., pg 834; Lg. Print pg.1834) Liturgist: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. *HYMN No. 357 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee SERMON LESSON: Luke 2:41-52 (Pew Bible, NT Section, pg 725; Lg. Print pg 1592) Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON Jesus at Twelve Years Old Rev. Jonathan Fettig PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) on Pg 14 in the hymn book) OFFERTORY On Eagle’s Wings GIVING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS *PRESENTATION, The Doxology (The Hymnal, No. 592) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING

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HYMN No. 299 Amen, Amen *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *CHORAL BENEDICTION May the Grace of Christ Our Savior *POSTLUDE Fanfare and March *Those who are able, please stand

WELCOME It is no accident you are worshiping here today. God’s Spirit has led you to

this place at this time to meet and be met by God, and you have responded. First Presbyterian Church is a fellowship of faith, a spiritual com-

munity of people who put their trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and desire to serve Him as Lord.

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Adult Sunday School

9:30 am (youth room at the back of the first floor education wing) -- Adult Sunday School at this time will resume on April 21. We will be viewing a video series by Mario Bergner called "Alive Again," designed as a kind of "Beta" that could follow the "Alpha" program. So if you've been through Alpha, or feel like you've already got a handle on the "basics" of Christianity, come explore some practical and important ways to continue to grow in Christ. The first two topics in the series are: April 21 - The Virtue of Hope April 28 - The Practice of the Presence of God

10:45 am (John Knox room) April 14 - **new series** Prayer: What is it? and Kinds of Prayer (led by members of the Prayer Partners) .

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FUNCERT Sunday, Apr. 21st

5:30 - 8 pm – Fellowship Hall Potluck / Entertaining Talent Show

BRING: 1 or 2 covered dishes depending on your family size and your own table service. Ham and rolls provided.

Invite your friends for good food, fellowship, and an evening of music and entertainment as talented members of First Presbyterian Church perform for you. Get your act together! Please submit your entertain-ment plans to Carole Conway, Brittany Eaton, or the church office (393-1326) as soon as possible.

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CHURCH INFORMATION AND DIRECTORY Please let the office know of any ad-dress, email, or phone number changes for you or your children, so that our records are kept current. Thank you for your help. And if you desire a copy of the current church directory, please ask for one through Holly in the office. The directory is updated monthly. GRIEF SHARE Started another 13 week session on April 11th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This program consists of discussion of the previous week's home study, a 35 minute DVD, fol-lowed by sharing of the participant's thoughts of the topic and where they are in their journey of grief. If you or a friend has had a loss and needs help in dealing with grief, we welcome you to come to this program. As we need to know how many are attending and how many books to order, you MUST register with Holly at the office at 393-1326.

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DEACON’S PRAYER AND COMPASSION “… pray for each other so that you may be healed …” James 5:16

Members & Friends Of Our Church Family At the Ohio Eastern Star Home 1451 Gambier Rd. Katherine Garzieri Autumn Health Care 1133 Gambier Rd Helen and Everett Chrisman, Jean Fribley Emeritus at HillenVale 1615 Yauger Rd George Edick The Living Center 201 N. Main St. Myra Philpott At Home: Eloise Hagan, Toby Lord, Jean Smith, Treva Haltermon, Ellen Proper, Violet Waugh and Dorothy White. Treva Haltermon 661 N. County Line Road, Sunbury, OH 43074 Clayton McDougall Worthington Christian Village Apt. 610 165 Highbluffs Blvd. Columbus, OH 43235

Members & Friends Of Our Church Family Special Prayer Concerns Mike Abell Colleen Brokaw (brain surgery) Chris Cooksey Jackie Ward Evans-cancer (N. Smith sister) Treva Haltermon (health concerns) Roger Hite-(McKenzie family friend) Preston Pine Barb Reitsma Harriet Sells (T. Lord’s family) Will Smith (car accident-head injury) Gretchen Stultz Kirk Swartz (cancer- Ketner’s nephew) Gus Walker-cancer Violet Waugh Misty Wittmann (Lupus-Family of Shillito’s) Bill and Julie Williams (Family of M. Shillito)

Country Club Retirement Ctr 1350 Yauger Rd Martha and Jack Warden


� Ushers at the 11:00 AM Worship Hour include: Dottie Denton, Ron Fox, Perry Trinkner and Joan Mann.

� At the Sound Booth is Ike Gibler. Closing is Mead Weil. � Welcoming you at the Fellowship Table Kitchen Help Ike and Marilyn Gibler ( 9:15 AM) Carole and Chuck Waugh (11:00 AM) Elizabeth and Brett Wiley � Prayer Partners include John and Marsha Bibart, Deb Curran and Charlie Reitsma. � Sacramental Host is Deb Curran. � Serving Communion Communion is served by intinction every Sunday in the 9:00 a.m. service and

communion is served on the first Sunday of the month in the 11 a.m. service.

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Sunday, April 14

Please join us for Fellowship Time in Fellowship Hall. Times for fellowship are 9:00 to 9:15, 10:30 to 11 and at 12 noon.

8:15 AM Worship Team Practice – Fellowship Hall 9:00 AM Child Care—Available until Noon Room 102 Christian Education Building 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship—Fellowship Hall

10:50 AM Adult Sunday School

11:00 AM Worship Hour – Sanctuary

6:00 PM Jr. & Sr. High Fellowship & Study Group

Monday, April 15 5:30 PM Hot Meals 7:00 PM Scouts

Tuesday, April 16

12:00 PM Men’s Brown Bag Bible Study – Church Kitchen

6:00 PM Prayer Partners and Session Meeting

7:00 PM DivorceCare Wednesday, April 17

6:00 PM Bells of Joy Practice

7:00 PM Chancel Choir Practice Thursday, April 18 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study– Parlor

12:00 AM Bridge –Knox Room & AA Group Meeting

4:30 6:00 6:30


Art Class Alpha-Parlor Griefshare


Prayers for those in the Military Jason Abell-USA-Afghanistan (Abell’s nephew) Jacob Hahn-USMC- (Moreland’s nephew)

Matt Patterson-USN-deployed- (P. Patterson’s son)

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Church Servants

Administrative Assistant………..…..Holly Bredefeld

Childcare Attendants..........................Darbi French,

..........................Ellie French and Ronda Reynolds

Church Treasurer .......................... Bob Meldrum

Custodian........................................ Kevin Jones

Chancel Choir Director........................Dave Liles

Dir. of Youth .......................................Clint Eutsey

Dir. Of Children’s Ministry....................Kerri Stetler

Ministers................................. The Congregation

Organist .............................Margaret Van Sickle

Pastor ............................ Rev. Jonathan P. Fettig

First Presbyterian Church 106 North Gay Street

Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 – 3 PM

Phone: (740) 393-1326 Website: www.mtvpres.org

Email addresses:

Holly Bredefeld - [email protected] Rev. Jonathan Fettig - [email protected]

Clint Eutsey - [email protected] Kerri [email protected]

SESSION: The Session consists of the Pastor and Active elders and is responsible for the ministry, mission, and government of the church. Moderator: Rev. Jonathan Fettig Clerk of Session: Mike Conway Class of 2013 include Dave Paxton, George Stone, Eric Vanderhoof. Class of 2014 include Jim Carhart, Mary Crumm, Deborah Curran, Betty Hirsch. Class of 2015 include Amanda Gebhardt, Kevin Hawthorne, Bill Shriver. DEACONS: The ministry of a deacon is one of sympathy, witness, and service, after the example of Jesus Christ. Deacons minister to those in need: to the sick, the friendless, and anyone who may be in distress. Deb Curran is the Elder Shepherd for Deacon Ministry. Visitation: John Bibart, Joan and Jerry Mann, Carole Conway Griefshare: Anne Meldrum Prayer Partners: Deb Paxton Hospitality: Penny Sajkowsky Hot Meals: Jan Watson Youth Ministry: Monica Eutsey and Kim Reitsma Members: A faithful member accepts Christ’s call to be involved responsibly in Christ’s Church. Such in-volvement includes: worship, joining in fellowship, growing in discipleship, evangelism/mission and ministry.

Sunday service times are as follows: 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship 10:00 and or 10:50 a.m. Adult Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
