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Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

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Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals April 12, 2017 Deanna Grady, Sr. Manager, Government Sales - LinkedIn Robin E Hunt, CoFounder and Partner - ThinkData Solutions, Inc.
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Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goalsApril 12, 2017Deanna Grady, Sr. Manager, Government Sales - LinkedIn Robin E Hunt, CoFounder and Partner - ThinkData Solutions, Inc.

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Deanna GradySr. Manager, Government SalesLynda.com from LinkedIn

Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

Page 3: Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals


• Introduction: Robin Hunt• Innovation in the context of

government• How to foster innovation as a team

leader• How to innovate as a team member• How to use technology to drive

innovation• Takeaways• Resources• Q&A


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Robin E. HuntCo-Founder and Partner, ThinkData Solutions, Inc.Lynda.com author, developer and educator

Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

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1: the introduction of something new2: a new idea, method, or device

Innovation can happen anywhere


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Why is innovation important?“By putting innovation at the center of the organization, from top to bottom, you can improve the numbers; at the same time, you will discover a much better way of doing things — more productive, more responsive, more inclusive, even more fun.” - Fast Company


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Achieving mission critical goals ● Requires alignment across the team and

agency● Works best when goals are clear● Benefits from advance planning● Succeeds with disciplined project


“Customers are wrestling with mission-critical decisions, evaluating

solutions that all sound the same, and struggling to achieve the value they expect, when experience has shown them that far too many solutions come

packaged with a high degree of risk and a low probability of success.”

- Jeff ThullPrime Resource Group7

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“Invention is about creating something new, while

innovation introduces the concept of “use” of an idea

or method.”- Bill Walker

IT guy and globalization driver

“I think innovation also is the ability to re-imagine things that already are.”

- Eric SchmidtCEO, Alphabet

Robin E Hunt
We need to swap the quotes order.
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Impactful inventions

Light bulb


Global positioning





Robin E Hunt
Out house image
Robin E Hunt
Satellite image
Robin E Hunt
Light bulb image?
Janet Byerlein
yes I will add these all later
Page 10: Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

Innovation arises from invention

Light bulb

Energy efficient

GPS navigationDedicated



Water saving


Robin E Hunt
Modern toilet
Robin E Hunt
Smart phone nav image
Robin E Hunt
new halogen image
Page 11: Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

1.How do governments innovate?


“Incremental innovations occur everywhere, but breakthrough innovations—the kind that leverage new technologies and business models to drive down costs, increase accessibility, and improve services—have tended to remain the province of the private sector.

“Fortunately, that type of innovation is beginning to trickle into government as well. Leaders inside the public sector are learning to pursue these major breakthroughs without the benefit of the profit motives that drive entrepreneurs elsewhere.” - Stanford Social Innovation Review


Janet Byerlein
Grammar question. Also, I don't think the statement answers the question, rather it says some of the hurdles. Recommend we first start with what is innovation, then what is means in context of government, then obstacles, then examples
Robin E Hunt
See if you like this better.
Robin E Hunt
Original :Innovation is making changes within a working an existing infrastructure that is full of people and processes. It is important to not that these processes have existed and can be some of most challenging and rewarding to change.
Robin E Hunt
Innovation in government is about finding new ways to impact the lives of citizens, and new approaches to activating them as partners to shape the future together. It involves overcoming old structures and modes of thinking and embracing new technologies and ideas.
Robin E Hunt
Creating an environment, which reinforces the development of strategic goals through processes that organize and align activities in support of achieving goals towards innovation.
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Innovate when:● There’s a better solution

● You’re required to work differently

● The timing is right for change

● Task is done the same way for many years

● You need a better way to measure outcomes


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Working through obstacles● Controlled processes ● Legal requirements● Common objections


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Controlled processes

Often entail:●More paperwork and

documentation●An act of Congress (literally)●Typical risks of change

However, a framework and documentation can provide guidance that makes projects easier. 14

Robin E Hunt
I am not to fond of this graphic because i immediately tried to relate it to process, and i get why we have it, if our target were manufacturing then this would be amazing, so i am not sure.
Janet Byerlein
I can change it, what type of image do you think would fit here. I was just trying to show process even if not literally the type you are doing.
Robin E Hunt
This is a tough one, do you have a particular image provider you want me to dig into? I use istock, but i know for my other course they suggested something else
Robin E Hunt
Gov't is full of paper and process so even a documentation process image might be what i would look for
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Legal requirements include:● Document archiving policies and laws● Information and privacy policies● Review board for contracts etc.● Compliance standards and policies


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How to move past objections

●“We already have a way to do this.”○ How is your idea better?

●“It’s too hard to change.”○ How can you make it easier?

●“There’s too much of a learning curve.”○ What training is needed?


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Lynda.com Learning Path


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2. How to foster innovation as a team leader.

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”- John F. Kennedy


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Do an innovation assessment

● What are you doing to foster innovation within your team?

● When your team comes up with an idea, how often does it come to fruition?

● What is your reaction when the same person suggests new ideas frequently?

● How often do you think about innovation? 19

Building Creative Organizations

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Motivate others to innovateCreate a culture that supports innovation and ideas● Brainstorm solutions as a team● Encourage the team to embrace new ideas● Use training to help reduce skill gaps

“You've got to think about big things

while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.”- Alvin Toffler,


Janet Byerlein
suggest remove if not saying a new message
Robin E Hunt
I actually think that this should stay
Page 21: Fostering innovation to achieve mission critical goals

Use an innovation framework● Provides a safe process for the ongoing

elimination and creation of ideas ● Ensures your team knows how to handle

each step of the process● Keeps the process of innovation moving


“Having an innovation

framework to support the

development of new ideas provides companies with a strategic approach to innovation from

the inside out.”- Heidi Hattendorf

Dir. Business Strategy, Motorola


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Walk ideas through the process


“Just because something doesn’t

do what you planned it to do

doesn’t mean it’s useless.”

-Thomas Edison, Inventor

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Learn to spot innovators

●Always discussing a new way●Seeing problems and suggesting solutions●Learning something new●Trying to do things differently

Innovators often don’t realize it. Leaders often miss the signs. They are:

Innovative Characteristics

Strategic Thinker...Curious...

Passionate ...Problem solver ...

Flexible...Handles objections...


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3. How to innovate as a team member

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford, Inventor


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3 Steps to innovate

● Find a real problem to solve● Identify potential solutions● Gain buy-in from leadership


“Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and where appropriate profits.”- Edward deBono, Brain Training And Lateral Thinking Pioneer

Breaking Out of a Rut

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Find a real problem to solve ● One problem can be a byproduct of

another ○ Break it down to isolate the real issue

● List problems and create a hierarchy○ Main problem → underlying problems

● Agree on which problem you’ll be solving

● Make a plan


Janet Byerlein
Janet to add a new image
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Identify potential solutions●Research how others may have

solved it● Evaluate data●Whiteboard ideas ●Leverage existing technology ●Discuss proposed solution with

others to preempt obstacles


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Gain buy-in from leadership

1.Present the real issue and objective2.Communicate your vision3.Evaluate the risks and rewards4.Estimate pre and post time and effort5.Develop an implementation plan and

projected timeline “You can’t inspire people if you are

going to be uninspiring.” - Robert Reich,

Commentator and Professor


Janet Byerlein
suggest add "from Leadership" to headline and lose this.
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5. How to use technology to drive innovation

“The great myth of our times is that technology is communication.” - Libby Larsen, Composer


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Technology supports innovation


“What you get by achieving your goals is not as

important as what you become by achieving your

goals.” - Zig Ziglar, Author

● Capture and enhance ideas● Reduce inefficiencies ● Access information faster● Facilitate iteration● Gain buy-in and approvals

Janet Byerlein
review copy together
Janet Byerlein
I'd like to have the structure of these 3 all match, e.g. types of tools. Isn't silos an answer to team collab?
Robin E Hunt
Well human silos are bad...but technology allows us to silos that team information and protect it, so i need to determine a better way to say it.
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Technology enables project success

● Target a completion date

● Manage timelines and milestones

● Identify dependencies●Keep stakeholders informed

● Provide high-level overview


Project Management Fundamentals

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Online collaborationCreate documents and easily share them online. Share within a project file rather than email attachments.● OneDrive

● SharePoint

● Dropbox

● Confluence


SharePoint Online Essential Training

Robin E Hunt
We could literally use the logos of these tools ?
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Project managementStay on track, improve time management, and facilitate team communication.● Microsoft Project

● Trello

● Basecamp

● Visual Studio Team Services


Microsoft® Project 2016: Essential Training

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Diagram tools and workflowIdentify detailed flows and tasks within each phase of the project and across functional areas.● Microsoft Visio

● Microsoft SharePoint Approval Workflows

● Windows Problem Steps Recorder


The Basics of Data for Analytics

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● Innovation doesn’t mean a new invention● Create a shared understanding of

innovation● Encourage a culture, leadership approach,

hiring processes, incentives, role expectations and training that facilitates and breeds innovation

● Develop processes to generate ideas● Ensure you have the technology tools to

turn ideas into completed projects● Share best practices and successes

Janet Byerlein
Robin, Can you take a pass at this.
Robin E Hunt
i did but i think slide 36 is really the summary and takeaways?
Janet Byerlein
Good point, we should merge these - will do on the call
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● Fostering Innovation - Learning Path ● Building Creative Organizations - unlocked

course● Breaking Out of a Rut● The Basics of Data for Analytics● SharePoint Online Essential Training● Microsoft® Project 2016: Essential Training


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Connect with us

Robin E. Hunt https://www.linkedin.com/in/robinehunt/

Deanna Grady https://www.linkedin.com/in/deannagrady/

For more learning on innovation, visit https://www.lynda.com/


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