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1 UFO WAVES: AN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos FOTOCAT Project [email protected] Introduction In the study of UFO phenomena there are several topics that emerge as key issues for the understanding and potential resolution of this worldwide enigma. The subject of UFO waves and UFO flaps is, evidently, one of these. Compiling bibliographies of research items has been a recurrent interest in my investigative life (1-7), as I have always thought that, as in mainstream science disciplines, progress is linked to the knowledge of prior work in the field. Those who ignore what their senior colleagues have produced on a given matter waste time duplicating past efforts or are unable to build upon previous finds. Over the years, the field of ufology has produced many authoritative bibliographies. With a few exceptions, these are general lists of literature, sometimes annotated, but usually not organized by topic (8-28). Nevertheless, these assist the researcher and represent an academic advancement. As I am committed to the concept of achieving a synthesis of knowledge in some of the main areas of the study of UFOs (29), I think a more pragmatic approach is to design a series of very specific, subject-focused bibliographies. As a practical example, I have combed through my files to create a thorough bibliography of articles and papers related to the mystery of UFO waves, those periods when UFO reporting increases noticeably and suddenly with respect to average historical records. I have been assisted by a number of top scholars who have contributed references, actual materials, pdfs and online links to create what is intended to be a comprehensive list of the literature on this subject published all over the world. It is a fact that, over the years, different UFO researchers have been working in the same areas without each other’s knowledge, sharing common interests, motivations and objectives. One example is Edoardo Russo, leader of the Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), who compiled a rather extensive bibliography on this same theme in 2005. Mr. Russo has been very generous in ceding all the data he collected to the current bibliography. Another researcher that has kept a meticulous thematic register of UFO papers is French scholar Claude Maugé. Thanks to his open collaboration, I have consolidated his records into the present bibliography as well. The material here presented ranges from initial ideas and informal conjectures to articulated statistical work and formal studies on the shaping and development of waves and their relation to external factors, and on the existence of any periodicity or temporal
Page 1: FOTOCAT Project - cnes-geipan.fr...1 . UFO WAVES: AN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY . Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos . FOTOCAT Project . ballesterolmos@yahoo.es. Introduction . In the study



Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos FOTOCAT Project

[email protected]


In the study of UFO phenomena there are several topics that emerge as key issues for the understanding and potential resolution of this worldwide enigma. The subject of UFO waves and UFO flaps is, evidently, one of these.

Compiling bibliographies of research items has been a recurrent interest in my investigative life (1-7), as I have always thought that, as in mainstream science disciplines, progress is linked to the knowledge of prior work in the field. Those who ignore what their senior colleagues have produced on a given matter waste time duplicating past efforts or are unable to build upon previous finds.

Over the years, the field of ufology has produced many authoritative bibliographies. With a few exceptions, these are general lists of literature, sometimes annotated, but usually not organized by topic (8-28). Nevertheless, these assist the researcher and represent an academic advancement. As I am committed to the concept of achieving a synthesis of knowledge in some of the main areas of the study of UFOs (29), I think a more pragmatic approach is to design a series of very specific, subject-focused bibliographies.

As a practical example, I have combed through my files to create a thorough bibliography of articles and papers related to the mystery of UFO waves, those periods when UFO reporting increases noticeably and suddenly with respect to average historical records. I have been assisted by a number of top scholars who have contributed references, actual materials, pdfs and online links to create what is intended to be a comprehensive list of the literature on this subject published all over the world.

It is a fact that, over the years, different UFO researchers have been working in the same areas without each other’s knowledge, sharing common interests, motivations and objectives. One example is Edoardo Russo, leader of the Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), who compiled a rather extensive bibliography on this same theme in 2005. Mr. Russo has been very generous in ceding all the data he collected to the current bibliography. Another researcher that has kept a meticulous thematic register of UFO papers is French scholar Claude Maugé. Thanks to his open collaboration, I have consolidated his records into the present bibliography as well.

The material here presented ranges from initial ideas and informal conjectures to articulated statistical work and formal studies on the shaping and development of waves and their relation to external factors, and on the existence of any periodicity or temporal

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pattern within. Major books and monographs focusing on specific wave periods all over the world have also been included.

I have listed the bibliography by chronological order of publication. By doing so, I want to give a sense of history of the progress of ufology, adding a temporal flavor to it: who first stated this or discovered that.

There is one aspect I have purposely avoided in this compendium. That is the robust research conducted to prove or disprove the relationship between the rise of UFO reports and geophysical variables such as faults (first suggested in France by Fernand Lagarde) or seismic activity, the so-called Tectonic Strain Hypothesis (first proposed in Canada by Dr. Michael A. Persinger). Although these factors might also influence levels of UFO reporting (i.e. waves), I have excluded the ample existing literature on the basis that this distinct line of inquiry in the field of geophysics merits a systematic bibliography of its own.

The literature of sociology and popular culture amply covers episodes of mass delusion, war fears, short-term collective hysteria and the like. I have excluded these related topics from the present bibliography unless there is a direct relationship to alleged accounts of the apparition of unusual aerial vessels, flying machines or aircraft.

I have also excluded any articles proposing, investigating or refuting the theory of “orthoteny.” Although those alignments were first discovered in data of the 1954 wave in France, similar straight-line patterns have claimed to be found elsewhere. Whether this is simply a pure statistical artifact or not, it cannot be considered relevant to flap periods.

This bibliography is not an end in itself. My main goal is to encourage UFO students in academia to analyze the problem of these reporting surges with a view to interpreting and modelling the underlying mechanisms that generate them. The response to this question will enlighten us as to the nature of UFO phenomena.

To this purpose, I have striven to facilitate, when existing or known to this compiler, online sources where the reader can consult or download the actual essays. I have also indicated with a ℗ sign when the author owns the paper in a .pdf format. For a number of books and monographs I have provided publisher information. Moreover, when I have found a given book (at least temporarily) available from Amazon, I have added the proper link. Likewise, when a work is devoted to a very particular wave and the title does not disclose its timeframe, I have included the wave date in brackets, following the item’s heading.

Selection has proved to be tough when deciding between countless magazine or journal articles devoted to episodes from UFO wave periods, or when having to extract material from others’ input. Especially when many articles are written discussing a wave on either skeptical or believer grounds (e.g. the 1989-1992 wave in Belgium.) The basic premise in order to allocate a reference here is that it has to give quantified data on a flap, an overview of a wave (start, unfolding and termination) or an insight into causes and antecedents to its

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development, not merely a series of stories and anecdotes or case studies. This has proved difficult to ascertain when the actual article is not at hand to read so I followed the principle that too much is better than too little. If there are items not fulfilling such requirements, any new edition will clean them up.

The bottom line in selecting an optimal item is that it is crucial for the understanding of a given UFO wave, as well as any work that investigates the statistics of a wave, or sets forth any theory on periodicities or cycles discovered within a longer period where several waves have occurred.

An important single contribution is the outstanding work performed by researcher Loren E. Gross with his series of UFOs: A History monographs compiled from 1971 to 2005, with case reports from all over the world encompassing the 1896-1963 period along with ~100 booklets with some 11,000 pages of case material. This bibliography will include references to his massive work for the early waves up to 1957.

I am inviting fellow researchers to report any mistakes and to supply any references I may have missed. I am also requesting readers to provide any links to works already included here that are available on the internet. Finally, I would appreciate any contributions of pdfs of essays (already cited or new), in order to complement an archive that before long will be shared with everybody through a dropbox-type system.

The present compilation also attempts to correct two major flaws detected in the evolution of the literature on this subject. To this effect, it is aimed at:

(1) Highlighting the importance of much research work made in Europe in the early decades of UFO publications, which were neglected or ignored by English-speaking ufologists, and, therefore, never verified, tested or improved.

(2) Calling for an intelligent synthesis that firstly summarizes all finds and secondly concentrates the accumulated knowledge of this problem so far, which is a much-needed step before we can carry out a global analysis of the underlying causes of the wave phenomenon. To this objective, and after this publication, I will encourage the formation of an ad hoc taskforce of volunteers to study the collected materials, which will be the object of a separate communication.

Finally, this essay serves to pay a heartfelt tribute to the pioneering and painstaking work carried out by many scholars, some of them unheard by later generations.

Chronological Bibliography on UFO Waves

℗ Anonymous, “Air Ships.” [1896-1897] Popular Astronomy, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1897, pages 54-55.

℗ Rudolph Umland, “Phantom Airships of the Nineties.” [1896-1897] Prairie Schooner, Vol. 12, winter 1938, pages 247-260.

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L.H. Truettner & A.B. Deyarmond, “Unidentified Aerial Objects. Project Sign,” Technical Report No. F-TR-2274-IA, USAF Air Materiel Command (AMC) Intelligence Department, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, February 1949, including Appendix C by G.E. Valley (pages 19-26) and Appendix D by J.E. Lipp (pages 27-35), http://www.nicap.org/docs/SignRptFeb1949.pdf

℗ H.W. Smith & G.W. Towles, “Unidentified Flying Objects. Project Grudge,” Technical Report No. 102-AC-49/15-100, USAF Air Materiel Command (AMC) Intelligence Department, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, August 1949.

Oscar Rey Brea, “OVNIS. Sobre su existencia, posible realidad, procedencia y características aparentes.” Unpublished manuscript, 1950. ℗ Personal communication to José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, April 14, 1974, Stendek, No. 35, March 1979, pages 44-45 & 49. Also: UFO Press, No. 13, October 1979, pages 30 & 35, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169549523/Ufopress-13-Octubre-1979-Ocr

United States Air Force Projects Grudge & Bluebook Reports 1-12 (1951-1953), NICAP, Washington, D.C., 1968, http://www.nicap.org/docs/pbb/nicap_pbr1-12_srch.pdf

℗ Lonzo Dove, “The Mars Explosions and the Flying Saucers.” Space Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1953, page 3. ℗ Quoted in Gray Barker, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers, University Books, New York, 1956, pages 87-88 & 224-225. ℗ Quoted in Albert K. Bender, Flying Saucers and the Three Men, Saucerian Books, Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1962, pages 54-55.

℗ Jarrold, Edgar R., “Spotlight on Australia.” Space Review, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1953, page 6.

℗ Paolo Vocca, Il Giornale di Napoli, December 1, 1953. Also: L’Unione Sarda, January 9, 1954.

Wilbert Smith, 2 December 1953, in Aimé Michel, Lueurs sur les soucoupes volantes, Mame, Tours, 1954, pages 258-260, http://www.pdfarchive.info/pdf/A/Ai/Aime_Michel_-_Lueurs_sur_les_soucoupes_volantes.pdf

℗ Edgar R. Jarrold, 7 January 1954, in Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, Duffy & Snellgrove, 1996, page 77.

℗ Jimmy Guieu, Les Soucoupes Volantes viennent d’un autre monde, Fleuve Noir, Paris, 1954, pages 122-123, http://tinyurl.com/puzwz6w

℗ Oscar Rey Brea, Pueblo (Madrid), April 9, 1954. Also: El Ideal Gallego (La Coruña), December 1954, unknown edition. Also: El Ideal Gallego, April 13, 1956. ℗ Also: Personal communication to Antonio Ribera, October 28, 1961.

Aimé Michel, Paris-Match (Paris), April 10, 1954.

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℗ Eduardo Buelta, “Marte,” in Astronaves sobre la Tierra, Oromí, Barcelona, 1955, pages 11-13.

Donald E. Keyhoe, “Mystery on Mars,” in The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1955, page 122, http://tinyurl.com/oeopkmx

Special Report No. 14. Analysis of Reports of Unidentified Flying Objects, Air Technical Intelligence Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, 5 May 1955, https://archive.org/details/ProjectBlueBookSpecialReport14, or http://www.nicap.org/docs/pbbsr/BBA-PBSR14.pdf

Ernesto Thayaht, “Prima relazione dopo un anno di attivitá.” CIRNOS, Fiumetto, 25 October 1955.

Edward J. Ruppelt, “The Big Flap,” [1952] in The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1956, pages 139-156, http://tinyurl.com/oo7gj6y

℗ Jimmy Guieu, Black-Out sur les soucoupes volantes, Vaugirard, Paris, 1956, pages 19-21 & 56-59, http://tinyurl.com/q58u57g

Aimé Michel, Gray Barker’s Saucerian Bulletin, 15 September 1956. Critique in: CSI Newsletter, 1 May 1957, pages 12-13.

℗ Marc Thirouin, “Les observations mondiales en 1956.” Ouranos, 20, June 1957, pages 45-47.

USAF, “Preface to Project Blue Book Report No. 14.” Draft unpublished, July 1957, http://www.fold3.com/image/1/11883743/ to http://www.fold3.com/image/1/11883754/

℗ Aimé Michel, “La vague de 1954 et le cycle martien,” in Mystérieux Objets Célestes, Arthaud, Grenoble, 1958, pages 271-273.

℗ Alex Mebane, “The 1957 Saucer Wave in the United States,” in Aimé Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight-line Mystery, S.G. Phillips, New York, 1958, pages 233-277 (appendix).

℗ Richard Hall, “Venus As A UFO Source.” U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. 1, No. 6, December 1958, page 7.

℗ Eduardo Buelta, “Como ‘ellos’ están explorando la Tierra.” Boletín del CEI, 1, January 1959, pages 5-7.

℗ Antonio Ribera, “UFO Waves Follow a Certain Pattern.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, May-June 1959, pages 12-14.

℗ Eduardo Buelta, “Pronóstico cumplido” and “La sexta oleada.” Boletín del CEI, 6, June 1959, page 1, and pages 4-8.

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℗ Eduardo Buelta, “Encrucijada”, “La constante de frecuencia” and “Investigaciones estadísticas.” Boletín del CEI, 9, October 1961, pages 1, 3-5 & 12, and 6-12.

H.B. Lord, “Search for UFO Pattern.” Orbit, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1962, pages 11-13; and Vol. 4, No. 2, 1962, pages 2-4.

℗ Eduardo Buelta, “Objetos No Identificados (ONI): Resumen de investigaciones (I).” February 1962. Ciclope Informa, March 1970, pages 37-40.

℗ Jacques Vallée & Janine Vallée, “Mars and the Flying Saucers.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 8, No. 5, September-October 1962, pages 5-11.

℗ Ivan Troëng, “Venus Observed.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 8, No. 5, September-October 1962, page 12.

℗ Aimé Michel, “Michel Tells of New Finding.” The APRO Bulletin, November 1962, pages 1 & 5.

℗ Olavo T. Fontes, “UAOs Capture New Specimens.” The APRO Bulletin, January 1963, pages 1 & 3. ℗ Also Flying Saucers. UFO Reports, 3, October 1967, page 64. ℗ Also: Jim & Coral Lorenzen, “The Man from Brazil,” in UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, New York, 1969, pages 202-204.

Richard Hall (ed.), “Patterns. D. Concentrations with Time,” in The UFO Evidence, NICAP, Washington, D.C., 1964, pages 156-171, http://www.nicap.org/ufoe/UFO%20Evidence%201964.pdf

℗ André Avignon & Roger Alvarez, “Aspects cycliques de la courbe de frequence des observations de M.O.C.” Bulletin du GEPA, No. 6, June 1964, pages 11-13.

℗ Marc Thirouin, “Mysteres et enseignements des derniers rapports et statistiques officiels americains.” Ouranos, No. 30, June 1964, pages 21-30.

℗ Jacques Vallée, “Ghost rockets: A moment of history.” [1946] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 10, No. 4, July-August 1964, pages 30-32.

Jacques Vallée & Janine Vallée, “La vague américaine de 1954”, “L’histoire des MOC. La grande énigme”, “Les cycles d’activité”, and “Les principales vagues,” in Les Phénomènes insolites de l’espace, La Table Ronde, Paris, 1966, pages 15-41, 125-127, 162-172, and 173-193, http://www.pdfarchive.info/pdf/V/Va/Vallee_Jacques_-_Les_phenomenes_insolites_de_l_espace.pdf Also: “A World of reports” and “Cycles of Activity,” in Challenge to Science, Neville Spearman, London, 1967, pages 114-137 and 138-149.

Antonio Ribera, “Probable origen,” in El gran enigma de los platillos volantes, Pomaire, Barcelona, 1966, pages 308-314.

H.B. Lord, “UFO Patterns.” Orbit, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1966, pages 15-17.

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℗ Jerome Clark, “The Greatest Flap Yet?” [1965] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, January-February 1966, pages 27-30; and No. 2, March-April 1966, pages 8-11.

℗ Stuart Stevens, “Sighting Peaks and Planetary Oppositions.” Orbit, Vol. 7, No. 2, February 1966, pages 17-19.

℗ Donald B. Hanlon, “Virginia 1965 Flap.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 2, March-April 1966, pages 14-16.

℗ Jerome Clark, “The strange case of the 1897 airship.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, July-August 1966, pages 10-17.

℗ Donald B. Hanlon, “Texas Odissey of 1897.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, September-October 1966, pages 8-11.

℗ Lucius Farish, “Unidentified ‘Airships’ of the Gay Nineties.” [1896-1897] FATE, November 1966, pages 94-104.

℗ Marc Thirouin, “La ‘Grand Vague’ des ESPI.” [1964-1966] Ouranos, 32, December 1966, pages 1 & 63-73.

Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, Washington, D.C., 1967, http://tinyurl.com/n9b4828

℗ Raymond Veillith, “Périgées de la planéte Mars et vagues de MOC.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 86, January-February 1967, page 10.

℗ Donald B. Hanlon & Jacques Vallée, “Airships over Texas.” [1896-1897] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 13, No. 1, January-February 1967, pages 20-25.

℗ John A. Keel, “North America 1966. Development of a Great Wave.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, March-April 1967, pages 3-9.

John A. Keel, “’Flap Dates,’ Kidnappings, and Secret Bases.” TRUE: The New Report on Flying Saucers, No. 2, Fawcett Publications, 1967, pages 14-17 & 56-60.

℗ Marc Thirouin, “A propos des cycles de frequence des observations.” Ouranos, No. 33, September 1967, pages 98-102 & 108. And “Remarques sur la courbe des frequencies d’observations d’ESPI.” Ciel Insolite, No. 1, August 1969, page 6.

℗ Jerome Clark & Lucius Farish, “The 1897 story.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 5, September-October 1968, pages 13-16; Vol. 14, No. 6, November-December 1968, pages 6-7; and Vol. 15, No. 1, January-February 1969, pages 26-28.

℗ Gordon Creighton, “A New South American ‘Wave’.” [1965] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 5, September-October 1968, pages 23-28.

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℗ Edward U. Condon, “Summary of the Study,” in Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Daniel S. Gillmor (ed.), E.P. Dutton, New York, 1969, page 23, http://files.ncas.org/condon/text/sec-ii.htm and http://tinyurl.com/pcdpsm4

℗ Paul Julian, “Statistical Analysis,” in Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Daniel S. Gillmor (ed.), E.P. Dutton, New York, 1969, pages 804-810, http://tinyurl.com/pcdpsm4

℗ Björn Överbye, “Ghost-bombs over Sweden.” [1946] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, March-April 1969, pages 17-18; and No. 3, May-June 1969, pages 18-19.

℗ John A. Keel, “The ‘Flap’ Phenomenon in the United States.” Flying Saucer Review Special Issue No. 2, June 1969, pages 11-27.

℗ Fernand Lagarde, “Les M.O.C. en 1965.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 102, October 1969, pages 15-16.

David G. López & Félix Ares de Blas, Estudio de la oleada 1968-69 (Part I) & Análisis de la oleada 1968-69 (Part II), Madrid, 1970. ℗ Also: David G. López & Félix Ares de Blas, “Conclusiones del análisis estadístico de la oleada 1968-69.” Boletín del CEI-Madrid, No. 4, 1972, pages 3-16. ℗ Also: David G. López & Félix Ares de Blas, “Conclusions of the Statistical Analysis of the UFO Wave During 1968-69.” Data-Net Report, February 1973, pages 2-11.

℗ John A. Keel, “Mystery aeroplanes of the 1930s.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, May-June 1970, pages 10-13; No. 4, July-August 1970, pages 9-14; Vol. 17, No. 4, July-August 1971, pages 17-19; and No. 5, September-October 1971, pages 20-22 & 28. In French: “Les faux avions des années 30”, Annuaire du CIGU, No. 2, June 1985, pages 169-199.

℗ Donald B. Hanlon, “The airship... fact and fiction.” [1896-1897] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 16, No. 4, July-August 1970, pages 20-21.

Carl Grove, “The airship wave of 1909.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 16, No. 6, November-December 1970, pages 9-11; and Vol. 17, No. 1, January-February 1971, pages 17-19.

Claude Poher, Études Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignages d’Observation d’UFO, 1971. Also: Etude statistique des rapports d'observations du phénomène OVNI, 1976. http://www.geipan.fr/typo3conf/ext/dam_frontend/pushfile.php?docID=1627 ℗ Critique in: Patrick Martinez & Christian Sanchez, “Les études statistiques de M. Poher.” Bulletin mensuel de la S.A.P.T., No. 386, May 1976, pages 106-108. ℗ Critique in: Claude Maugé, “Regards critiques sur un fichier au-dessus de tout soupçon…” OVNI-Présence, No. 27, September 1983, pages 30-40.

℗ David R. Saunders, “People, Places and UFOs: A multiple correlation analysis.” (UFOCAT Results-4). Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, draft 16 April 1971.

℗ Jacques Bonabot, “Une étude délicate.” Visiteurs Spatiaux, No. 25, June 1971, pages 3-6; and No. 26, September 1971.

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℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Jacques Vallée, “Waves of activity,” in “Type-1 Phenomena in Spain and Portugal”, Flying Saucer Review Special Issue No. 4, August 1971, pages 59-61. Also: Data-Net Report, March to May 1971, pages 40-64. In Spanish: “Estudio de 100 aterrizajes de OVNIS en la Península Ibérica.” Stendek Special Issue, July 1971, pages 2-36. In French: “Etude de cent atterrissages ibériques.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 111, April 1971, to No. 115bis, January 1972. In Danish: “Ufoer over Spanien og Portugal.” Dansk UFO Center, Thisted, 1974.

Loren E. Gross, The Mystery of Unidentified Flying Objects: A Prelude 1896-1949, September 1971, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-Mystery-of-UFOs-A-Prelude.pdf

℗ Joël Mesnard, “Quelques remarques concernant la répartition dans le temps des observations de soucoupes volantes.” Phénomènes Spatiaux, No. 30, December 1971, pages 11-14.

℗ David R. Saunders, “The Shapes of UFO Waves.” Data-Net Report, December 1971, pages 4-5.

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Record and Analysis of the Spanish Negative Landings.” Data-Net Report, December 1971, pages 5-13. ℗ Also: Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 18, No. 4, July-August 1972, pages 31-32 and iii-iv; and Vol. 20, No. 2, October 1974, page iii. In Spanish: “Registro de los aterrizajes negativos españoles.” Stendek, No. 13, June 1973, pages 28-34.

℗ John M. Prytz, “Flaps: A New Approach.” Flying Saucers, No. 75, December 1971, pages 33-34. Republished: No. 80, spring 1973, pages 2-6.

℗ OBRIS/CFRU, “Periodicité ou hasard?” Phénomènes Inconnus, No. 2, 1972, pages 8-10.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Carlos Orlando, “Notas estadísticas sobre la oleada de 1950 en España y Portugal.” Stendek, No. 8, March 1972, pages 23-33. In English: “Statistical Notes on the 1950 Iberian UFO Flap.” Data-Net Report, April 1972, pages. 4-14. ℗ Also: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Carlos Orlando, “Follow-Up to the 1950 Survey.” Data-Net Report, May 1972, pages 2-7. In Spanish: “Ampliación al ensayo sobre 1950." Stendek, No. 9, August 1972, pages 26-29.

℗ Jacques Bonabot & Michel Roy, “L’Année 1950.” Visiteurs Spatiaux, No. 28, June 1972, pages 8-14; and No. 29, September 1972, page 6.

℗ Félix Ares de Blas & David G. López, “Aplicación de la informática al estudio del fenómeno OVNI.” Boletín del Centro de Cálculo de la Universidad de Madrid, June 1972. Also: Boletín CEI-Madrid, No. 3, April-June 1972, pages 2-8.

℗ Oscar A. Galíndez, “Algunas constantes en las manifestaciones argentinas del Tipo I.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, July 1972.

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℗ Jacques Bonabot, “UFO Sightings in Belgium 1947-1971.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, 1 September 1972. Also: Reply by V.J. Ballester Olmos, 14 September 1972.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Jacques Bonabot, “The World-Wide Wave of 1950": Further Enquiries.” Data-Net Report, October 1972, pages 2-9. In French: “La Vague Mondiale de 1950: Nouvelles Questions.” Visiteurs Spatiaux, No. 30, December 1972, pages 3-9.

℗ Michel Bougard, “Des OVNI aux XIXeme siècle.” [1896-1897] Inforespace, No. 4, August 1972, pages 39-40; No. 5, October 1972, pages 38-40; and No. 6, December 1972, pages 37-40.

℗ Jean-Luc Vertongen, “Juillet 1972: une mini-vague?” [July 5, 1972] Inforespace, No. 7, February 1973, pages 21-24. ℗ Also: Michel Bougard, “Juillet 1972: un complèment d’information.” No. 12, December 1973, page 25.

Roberto E. Banchs, Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales. Cuadro General de Observaciones de OVNI en la Argentina, CEFAI, Buenos Aires, February 1973.

Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman, “Mystery Airships of the 1800's.” FATE, Vol. 26, May 1973, pages 84-94; June 1973, pages 96-104; and July 1973, pages 61-67.

℗ Jacques Scornaux, “Statistiques des observations sud-américaines de 1946 a 1971.” Inforespace, No. 9, June 1973, pages 20-22.

℗ Jacques Bonabot, “Phénomène Type-I 1968-1972.” Visiteurs Spatiaux, No. 32, June 1973, pages 3-6.

Peter Rogerson, “UFOs, Phantom Helicopters and Contemporary Panics.” Merseyside UFO Bulletin, Vo. 6, No. 2, August 1973, pages 46-48, http://mufobmagazine.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/helicopters.html

℗ Oscar A. Uriondo & Roberto E. Banchs, “La oleada de 1950 en la Argentina.” CEFAI revista, September 1973, pages 14-19.

Miguel Guasp, Teoría de Procesos de los OVNI, Valencia, November 1973. Also: Aimé Michel, “Michel vs [on] Guasp.” Stendek, No. 17, September 1974, page 38.

℗ J. Bernard Delair, “The Five Year (1967-1971) Analysis.” The UFO Register, Vol. 4, No. 2, December 1973, pages 16-24.

Loren E. Gross, The Mystery of the Ghost Rockets, [1946] Fremont, California, 1972 and 1982. Also: UFO`s: A History: 1946: The Ghost Rockets, 1988, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1946-The-Ghost-Rockets.pdf

Loren E. Gross, The UFO Wave of 1896, Fremont, California, 1974. Also: UFOs: A History. 1896, December 1987, http://www.cufos.org/UFO_History_Gross/1896_UFOs_A_History.pdf

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Philip J. Klass, “The 1973 UFO Flap,” in UFOs Explained, Random House, New York, 1974, pages 278-292, http://tinyurl.com/pkpbe4u

Michel Bougard, “En 1909-1910, una vague d’observations insolites.” Inforespace, No. 13, February 1974, pages 37-44.

℗ Rudy de Groote & Jacques Bonabot, “The Year 1950 in the United States.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, April 1974.

John Harney, “The Phantom Helicopters.” Merseyside UFO Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 4, April 1974, http://mufobmagazine.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/the-phantom-helicopters.html

℗ Roberto E. Banchs, “Estudio comparativo de las observaciones de Chile y Uruguay.” CEFAI revista, May 1974, pages 9-13.

Pere Redón & Mª Carmen Tamayo, “Sobre la oleada ibérica de 1974.” Stendek, No. 16, June 1974, pages 3-8.

José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “Breve monografía analítica del flap español de primavera de 1974.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, September 1974. Summary in Stendek, No. 19, March 1975, pages 16-18. ℗ In French: “La vague espagnole de 1974.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 144, April 1975, pages 20-24; No. 145, May 1975, pages 18-22; No. 146, June-July 1975, pages 26-28; No. 147, August-September 1975, pages 23-24; No. 148, October 1975, pages 20-22; No. 151, January 1976, pages 7-10; and No. 153, March 1976, pages 23-26.

José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “Aplicación del Test χ2 de Pearson a la oleada ibérica.” [1974] Stendek, No. 17, September 1974, pages 34-37.

℗ François Toulet, “Les observations d’OVNIS obeissent-elles a un processus contagieux.” Phénomènes Spatiaux, 40-42, June-December 1974, pages 8-10. ℗ Spanish translation available.

David Webb, 1973: Year of the Humanoids, December 1974 (62 pages). Enlarged version: 1973 - Year of the Humanoids, Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976 (110 pages).

℗ J. Bernard Delair, “Synopsis of the Great World-Wide UFO Wave of 1973.” The UFO Register, Vol. 5, Parts 1 and 2, December 1974, pages 8-94.

℗ David R. Saunders, “Extrinsic Factors in UFO-Reporting.” AIAA Paper 75-43, AIAA 13th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Pasadena, California, January 1975.

Roberto E. Banchs, “Análisis comparativo de las observaciones de OVNIS de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay.” CEFAI, Buenos Aires, March 1975.

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Michel Bougard, “Juillet 1947: le phénomène OVNI entrait dans l’historie.” Inforespace, No. 20, April 1975, pages 11-17.

℗ Ronald Westrum, “The Nature of UFO Flaps or Waves.” Personal communication to Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, May 12, 1975.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “The Emergence of UFO Waves: A Suggestion.” Personal communication to Ronald Westrum, June 1975. ℗ Also: V.J. Ballester Olmos-David R. Saunders correspondence exchange, July 1975.

℗ Jacques Bonabot, “Phénomène de déclic et OVNI.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 148, October 1975, pages 3-4.

℗ Michel Monnerie & J.-C. Dufour, “OVNI-Lune et correlations.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 148, October 1975, pages 23-25. ℗ Spanish translation available.

Peter Rogerson, “The Phantom Ship and the UFO.” [1897] Merseyside UFO Bulletin, No. 35, November-December 1975, pages 4-10, http://mufobmagazine.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/phantom-ship.html

Loren E. Gross, Charles Fort, The Fortean Society, & Unidentified Flying Objects [August 1895-August 1947], Fremont, California, 1976, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-Charles-Fort-The-Fortean-Society-&-UFOs.pdf

Héctor P. Anganuzzi, “Jornada del 13 de mayo de 1962,” in Historia de los platos voladores en la Argentina, Plus Ultra, Buenos Aires, 1976, pages 68-74, http://es.scribd.com/doc/111923910/Historia-de-Los-Platos-Voladores-en-La-Argentina-Hector-p-Anganuzzi#scribd

Miguel Guasp, “Essay on the Possible Correlation between the Geographical Distribution and the Directions of UFOs based on the Spanish Wave of 1968-69.” UPIAR, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1976, pages 13-34, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=158

Fernand Lagarde, “Vague d'observations en 1954 du phénomène dit O.V.N.I.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, 1976 (Map 80X62 cm).

℗ Ernst Berger [Alexander Keul], “Are UFOs Poisson-Distributed?” UPIAR, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1976, pages 65-71, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=158 ℗ Critique in: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “On UFO and the Poisson Distribution.” UPIAR, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1977, pages 201-202. ℗ Also: Ernst Berger [Alexander Keul], page 203. ℗ In Spanish: “¿Están los OVNI distribuidos según Poisson?”, “Ballester Olmos se rectifica” and “Berger corrige a Olmos.” UFO Press, No. 24, November 1986, pages 34-45, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169293065/Ufo-Press-24-Nov-1986

℗ Michel Monnerie, “OVNI-Lune-Soleil et correlations.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 151, January 1976, pages 23-27. ℗ Spanish translation available.

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℗ Pierre Viéroudy, “Vagues d’OVNI et esprit humain.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 154, April 1976, pages 4-10. ℗ Critique in: Claude Poher, “Lettre ouverte a M. Vieroudy.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 155, May 1976, pages 3-4.

℗ Irving E. Anderson, “The Periodicity of Flaps,” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Nancy Dornbos (ed.), CUFOS, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, pages 1-5, http://tinyurl.com/pvuk4zy

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Are UFO Sightings Related to Population?,” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Nancy Dornbos (ed.), CUFOS, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, pages 15-24, http://tinyurl.com/pvuk4zy

Loren E. Gross, “The UFO Wave of 1947-California: June 25-July 16,” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Nancy Dornbos (ed.), CUFOS, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, pages 80-88, http://tinyurl.com/pvuk4zy

℗ David R. Saunders, “A Spatio-Temporal Invariant for Major UFO Waves,” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Nancy Dornbos (ed.), CUFOS, Evanston, Illinois, May 1976, pages 231-233, http://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/saundersefur.htm

℗ Franck Boitte, “Bebedouro et la vague brésilienne de 1969.” Inforespace, No. 29, September 1976, pages 29-33.

Roberto E. Banchs, “La vague de 1954 en Argentine et en Amerique du Sud.” Phénomènes Spatiaux, No. 49, September 1976, pages 25-31. In Spanish: “La oleada de 1954 en Argentina y Sudamérica.” UFO Press, No. 3, April 1977, pages 23-29, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169296605/Ufopress-03-Abril-1977

℗ J. Bernard Delair, “The Prediction of UFO Waves,” in Charles F. Lockwood & Anthony R. Pace (eds.), Proceedings – Second National Research and Investigation Conference, BUFORA (November 1976), London, 1978, pages 21-32. ℗ Expanded in: “On UFO Waves and Their Possible Future Prediction.” The UFO Register, Vol. 7, Parts 1 & 2, December 1976, pages 22-30.

T.R. Dutton, “An Objective Analysis of the UFO Phenomenon,” in Charles F. Lockwood & Anthony R. Pace (eds.), Proceedings – Second National Research and Investigation Conference, BUFORA (November 1976), London, 1978, pages 98-125.

Ronald Westrum, “Social Intelligence about Anomalies: The Case of UFOs.” Social Studies of Science, Vol. 7, 1977, pages 271-302.

℗ Allan Hendry, “A Statistical Analysis of the Air Force Blue Book UFO Files-Part I.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1977, pages 3-4.

℗ Jenny Randles, “Statistical Analysis of Northern UFO Activity in 1975.” BUFORA Journal, Vol. 5, No. 5, January-February 1977, pages 7-8.

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Félix Ares de Blas & Mª del Carmen Garmendia, “Reflexiones en torno a las observaciones de OVNIS en 1950.” Stendek, No. 27, March 1977, pages 26-30 & 39.

℗ Daniel Boueyre & Pierre Viéroudy, “Apparitions OVNI et Inquiétude de la Population.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 163, March 1977, pages 6-9. ℗ Spanish translation available. ℗ Critique in: Jacques Scornaux, “Lettre ouverte a M. Vieroudy.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 167, August-September 1977, pages 34-45. Also: Pierre Viéroudy, page 35.

℗ Vincent Maltesse, “Evolution dans le temps des observations d’OVNI.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 166, June-July 1977, pages 8-12.

℗ Roberto E. Banchs & Oscar A. Uriondo, “La oleada de 1950 en la Argentina.” UFO Press, No. 4, July 1977, pages 23-29, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169297339/Ufopress-04-Julio-1977

℗ Alain Gamard, “Quelques résultats d’une étude statistique portant sur 559 cas d’observations d’humanoides à travers le monde.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 167, August-September 1977, pages 10-13.

℗ Bettini, Bourron, Desbois, Gitton, Lenoir & Venturini, “Dé.com.po.si.tion…d’ un doute.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 167, August-September 1977, pages 15-22. ℗ Spanish translation available.

℗ Willy Wegner, “The Mystery ‘Airship’ over Denmark in 1908.” The UFO Register, Vol. 8, Part 1, November 1977, pages 3-8.

℗ Michel Bougard, “Navires de l’espace ou dirigeables impossibles?” [1897]. Inforespace, No. 36, November 1977, pages 37-40.

℗ Allan Hendry, “Mini-Flap in Northwestern Pennsylvania…But of IFOs? [29 October-3 November 1977] UFO Newsfront, November 30, 1977, in International UFO Reporter, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 1977.

José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “Actividad OVNI en España-Año 1977.” Stendek, No. 34, December 1977, pages 28-33.

Miguel Guasp & Pedro Redón, “Estadística provisional de casos de OVNIS en España y Portugal durante el periodo de 1945 a 1975 ambos inclusive.” Stendek, No. 30, December 1977, pages 47-48.

Michel Monnerie, “Les vagues” and “Les travaux de l´´Ufoloque,” in Et si les OVNIS n’existaient pas?, Les Humanoides Associes, Paris, 1977, pages 154-156 and 181-196.

Robert Roussel, “La grande vague des années 70,” in O.V.N.I. la fin du secret, Pierre Belfond, Paris, 1978, pages 17-141.

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Ernst Berger [Alexander Keul], “Austria UFO Patterns.” UPIAR, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1977, pages 53-89, Editecs, Bologna, 1978.

℗ José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “La oleada de 1975 en la Península Ibérica.” UFO Press, No. 6, January 1978, pages 19-27, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169339886/Ufopress-06-Ene-1978 Also: Stendek, No. 33, September 1978, pages 41-45.

℗ Miguel Guasp, “Posibilidad e imposibilidad del paradigma procesal,” in Actas del primer congreso nacional de Ufología, Stendek-CEI, Barcelona, February 1978, pages 43-56.

David G. López, Félix Ares de Blas & Ángel Salaverría, “Bases para una modulación teórica del fenómeno OVNI,” in Actas del primer congreso nacional de Ufología, Stendek-CEI, Barcelona, February 1978, pages 59-108.

℗ Allan Hendry, “The Great 1978 UFO Flap that Flopped…So Far.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 3, No. 2, February 1978, page 8.

℗ Allan Hendry, “A Mini-Flap in Minnesota: UFO or Helicopters? [22 March 1978] UFO Newsfront, April 30, 1968, in International UFO Reporter, Vol.3, No. 5, May 1978.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Encuentros en la tercera fase: discusión de los posibles efectos sociológicos del film.” Stendek, No. 32, June 1978, pages 1 & 17.

℗ Jean-Pierre Rospars & Richard Delécolle, “Recherche de modèles de répartition dans l’espace et dans le temps d’atterrissages allégués d’OVNI aux États-Unis,” in Claude Poher, Présentation au conseil scientifique du GEPAN des résultats d’études menées sur les rapports d’observation de Phénomènes aériens non identifiés, Volume 2, Attachment 12, GEPAN, CNES, Paris, June 1978, pages 1-31.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Oleadas de actividad”, “Marte” and “Sobre la naturaleza de las oleadas,” in OVNIS: El fenómeno aterrizaje, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, July 1978, pages 200-208, 208-210, and 218-224, http://tinyurl.com/nrah767 and http://tinyurl.com/nvgsmpg and http://tinyurl.com/p3u7vfz

José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “Actividad OVNI en España – Año 1977.” UFO Press, No. 8, July 1978, pages 20-31, http://www.scribd.com/doc/169341461/Ufopress-08-Jul-1978

℗ J. Bernard Delair, “1972: General Analysis.” The UFO Register, Vol. 9, Parts 1 & 2, December 1978, pages 32-62.

℗ Jean Sider, “La vague d'ovni de Nouvelle-Zélande... en 1909!” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 180, December 1978, pages 9-13; and No. 181, January 1979, pages 14-18.

Andrew E. Rothovius, “Analogies of the propagation waves of the Great Fear in France, 1789, and of the airship flap in Ohio, 1897.” Pursuit, Vol. 11, No. 1 (# 41), winter 1978, pages 17-22.

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℗ Milton W. Hourcade, “Análisis comparativo de los informes de OVNI registrados en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay,” in Fenómeno OVNI. Desafío a la Ciencia, De la Plaza, Montevideo, December 1978, pages 6-14.

Eric Zurcher, “Repartition temporelle,” in Les apparitions d’humanoides, Alain Lefeuvre, Paris, pages 57-71.

Michel Monnerie, “La vague de 1897” & “Le XXe siecle et le romanticiste martien,” “Naissance du mythe ovni,” and “Enfance du mythe ovni en France,” in Le naufrage des extraterrestres, Nouvelles Editions Rationnalistes, Paris, 1979, pages 80-90, 92-118 and 119-145.

Ernst Berger [Alexander Keul], “1954/1955 – The Austrian Share.” UPIAR, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1978/79), pages 87-134, Editecs, Bologna, 1979, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=159

L.M. Gindilis, D.A. Men’kov & I.G. Petrovskaya, “Time Distribution of Events,” in Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR: Statistical Analysis (USSR Academy of Science Institute of Space Research Report PR 473, 1979), Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, Illinois, June 1980, pages 9 & 48, http://tinyurl.com/pymz4fc In French: Observations de phénomènes atmosphériques anormaux en U.R.S.S., GEPAN, Note D’Information No. 1, 15 February 1980, http://www.cnes-geipan.fr/typo3conf/ext/dam_frontend/pushfile.php?docID=1568

℗ Allan Hendry, “UFOs vs Time-Yearly,” in The UFO Handbook, Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1979, pages 254-258, http://tinyurl.com/oaye574

Gérard Barthel & Jacques Brucker, La grande peur martienne [1954], Nouvelles Editions Retionalistes, Paris, 1979. Critique in: Willy Smith, MAGONIA, No. 23, July 1986, page 27; MUFON UFO Journal, No. 219, July 1986; and Ovni-Présence, No. 36, January-February 1987, pages 8-9. Groupe d'Enquête sur 1954 de Lumières Dans La Nuit, Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 299, September-October 1989, pages 31-35. Claude Maugé, “Bonne question, mauvaise réponses!” March 2000, unpublished manuscript. Pier Luigi Sani, “The “Great Martian Scare”... of two French ufologists who “now think better” and have changed their minds!” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 34, No. 3, September 1989, pages 15-22.

Alain Gamard, “Étude statistique portant sur 1.000 cas d’observations d’humanoides.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, ca. 1979.

℗ Ahmad Jamaludin, “The Geographical Migration of UFO Waves: A 10-Year Cycle?” The UFO Register, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1979, pages 24-30.

℗ Robert G. Neeley, Jr., “1897: The Airship in Illinois.” Journal of UFO Studies, Vol. I, No. 1, 1979, pages 49-69, http://www.cufos.org/pubs3.html

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Jenny Randles & Peter Warrington, “UFOs in Perspective” and “Researching the Phenomenon,” in UFOs: A British Viewpoint, Robert Hale, London, 1979, pages 18-19 & 170-171, http://tinyurl.com/na5dud3

℗ Félix Ares de Blas, communication to Consejo de Consultores de Stendek, 13 January 1979.

℗ Wido Hoville, “Phénomène UFO et Activité Solaire.” UFO Quebec, No. 17, first quarter of 1979, page 7. ℗ In Italian: “Ondate UFO e attivitá solaire.” Ufologia, No. 3, May-June 1979, pages 2-8.

℗ Félix Ares de Blas & David G. López, “Correlación entre desempleo y OVNIS.” Stendek, No. 35, March 1979, pages 38-40.

℗ Félix Ares de Blas & David G. López, “Correlación entre observaciones OVNI y población.” Stendek, No. 35, March 1979, pages 41-43.

℗ José-Tomás Ramírez y Barberó, “Consideraciones sobre la distribución en el tiempo de avistamientos OVNIS.” Stendek, No. 35, March 1979, pages 44-49 & 43. Also: UFO Press, No. 13, October 1979, pages 30-36, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169549523/Ufopress-13-Octubre-1979-Ocr

℗ Michel Bougard, “1883: une vague de faits insolites.” Inforespace, No. 45, May 1979, pages 28-32.

℗ David G. López & Félix Ares de Blas, “OVNIS y fenómenos de ionización atmosférica. Análisis de las observaciones en España.” Stendek, No. 36, June 1979, pages 32-38.

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Correlaciones astronómicas.” Stendek, No. 36, June 1979, pages 39-41.

Philippe Nicolas, “Ovni et activité solaire.” Inforespace, No. 46, July 1979, pages 3-6.

Eric Gregor [Luc van Cangh], “Ovni et activité solaire entre 1600 et 1976.” Inforespace, No. 47, September 1979, pages 2-9.

℗ Allan Hendry, “UFO Flap 1978: Italian Style.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 4, No. 3-4, September-October 1979, pages 14-19; and No. 5, November 1979, pages 13-15.

Ron Miller, “Does the Media Create UFO Sightings? “Robur” and the 1890s Flap.” Second Look, Vol. 2, No. 1, November-December 1979, pages 14-17.

℗ Félix Ares de Blas & David G. López, “Análisis de la distribución de la casuística ibérica a lo largo del año (periodo 1951-1977).” Stendek, No. 38, December 1979, pages 36-39.

Gérard Barthel & Jacques Brucker, “Le ressac d’une vague.” [1954] Inforespace Special Issue No 3, December 1979, pages 39-43.

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Kevin McClure & Sue McClure, Stars and Rumors of Stars. The Welsh Religious Revival, 1904-1905, Harborough, Leicestershire, 1980.

Solas Boncompagni, Marcello Coppetti, Fernando Lamperi, Roberto Ricci & Pier Luigi Sani, UFO in Italia. L’ondata de 1954, Tedeschi, Florence, 1980.

David G. López & Félix Ares de Blas, El fenómeno OVNI. Análisis de 30 años de observaciones en España, Cáceres, 1980.

℗ Maurizio Verga, “Analisi e confronto della distribuzioni temporali assunte dal fenomeno UFO in alcune ragioni del globo”. Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, 1980.

Loren E. Gross, The UFO Mystery: 1947, July-December, Fremont, 1980. Also: UFOs: A History, 1947, Fremont, 1988. Also: UFOs: A History, Volume 1: 1947, Arcturus, Scotia, 1988 and 1991. Also: UFOs: A History, 1947, Jan 1st-Jun 23rd. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2000; UFOs: A History, 1947, Jun 24th-Jul 6th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2000; UFOs: A History, 1947, Jul 7th-Jul 10th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001; UFOs: A History, 1947, Jul 11th-Jul 31st. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001; and UFOs: A History, 1947, Aug 1st-Dec 31st. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-July-Dec-The-UFO-Mystery.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-Revision.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-Jan-Jun-23-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-Jun-24-July-6-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-July-7-July-10-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-July-11-July-31-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1947-Aug-1-Dec-31-SN.pdf

℗ Félix Ares de Blas, communication to Consejo de Consultores de Stendek, 22 January 1980.

℗ Félix Ares de Blas et al, “Proyecto Iván. Experiencias obtenidas de la fabricación de una falsa oleada de OVNIS.” Stendek, No. 39, March 1980, pages 38-42. Also: Félix Ares de Blas, “Ivan. Historia de un Proyecto.” El escéptico digital, No. 3, April 28, 2002.

℗ Nicolas Greslou, “Vagues d’ovni et inquiétudes…” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 193, March 1980, pages 3-10; and No. 194, April 1980, pages 13-17.

℗ Josiane d’Aigure & Jan d’Aigure [Josiane & Jean Giraud], “Requiem pour une vague.” [1896-97] Inforespace, No. 51, May 1980, pages 2-21. Critique in: Jean Sider, “Requiem pour une blague.” Inforespace, No. 54, November 1980, pages 11-16.

℗ Maurizio Verga, “Un analisi della distribuzione temporale di un campione di osservazioni italiane di Tipo-1.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, November 1980.

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Juan Antonio Fernández Peris & Luís Manuel Garijo, “Estudio analítico de las observaciones OVNI Tipo I ocurridas en España peninsular durante el año 1974.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, December 1980.

℗ Eric Gregor & Henri Tickx [Luc van Cangh & Philippe Nicolas], “OVNI: un phénomène parasolaire?” Inforespace Special Issue No. 4, December 1980, pages 3-44.

℗ Claude Gaudeau & Jean-Louis Gouzien, “Étude d'une population de témoins. Étude de la propagation de l’information (Vague de 1954),” IRAME, Tours, 1981.

Jenny Randles, “Modern Research Work,” in UFO Study, Robert Hale, London, 1981, pages 190-192, http://tinyurl.com/oagq56a

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Miguel Guasp, “Distribución, en el tiempo, de la actividad OVNI” in Los OVNIS y la Ciencia, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, 1981, pages 214-242, http://tinyurl.com/nh5sa59 and http://tinyurl.com/nrzxz38 and http://tinyurl.com/nvgsmpg and http://tinyurl.com/p3u7vfz

℗ Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Miguel Guasp, “Un teorema para las apariciones OVNI,” in Los OVNIS y la Ciencia, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, 1981, pages 244-289, http://tinyurl.com/nh5sa59 and http://tinyurl.com/nrzxz38 and http://tinyurl.com/nvgsmpg and http://tinyurl.com/p3u7vfz

I.L. Olivyer & Jean-François Boëdec, Les soleils de Simon Goulart. La vague OVNI de 1500 à 1600 d’après «Histoires admirables et mémorables de notre temps», Les Runes d`´Or, Marseille, 1981.

Daniel Cohen, The Great Airship Mystery, [1896-1897] Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1981, http://tinyurl.com/ok6owbc

Peter Rogerson, “Why Have all the UFOs Gone?” MAGONIA, No. 7, 1981, http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/why-have-all-ufos-gone.html

℗ Fernando Fernandes & José Mário Ferreira, “Análise da distribuição temporal do fenómeno OVNI na Península Ibérica (1950-1977).” Insolito, 41, January-March 1981, pages 12-19. ℗ Also: “Time Distribution in Iberian UFO Activity.” UPIAR Research in Progress, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1982, pages 27-36.

Alfred M. Gollin, “England Is No Longer an Island: The Phantom Airship Scare of 1909.” Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, spring 1981, pages 43-57.

Jean Sider, “1897: le plus grande vague d’OVNI de tous les temps.” Inforespace, No. 56, May 1981, pages 2-16.

℗ Ronald Westrum, “What is a UFO Flap?” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, July 1981.

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Maurizio Verga, “La vague italienne de 1978: Phénomènes du 1er type.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 207, August-September 1981, pages 30-33; No. 208, October 1981, pages 30-33; No. 210, December 1981, page 32-34; No. 211-212, January-February 1982, pages 40-22; No. 213-214, March-April 1982, pages 42-44; No. 215-216, May-June 1982, pages 37-41; No. 217-218, July-August 1982, pages 37-40; No. 219-220, September-October 1982, pages 37-41; No. 221-222, November –December 1982, pages 22-28; and No. 223-224, January-February 1983, pages 30-31. Also: “Bref résumé d'une analyse concernant la distribution temporelle d'un échantillon de cas italiens de “type-I.” No. 225-226, March-April 1983, pages 44-47. Also: “Informations complémentaires sur les phénomènes du type I de la vague italienne de 1978.” No. 239-240, May-June 1984, pages 38-42.

Ahmad Jamaludin, A Summary of Unidentified Flying Objects and Related Events in Malaysia (1950-1980), Kuantan, December 1981.

℗ Thomas E. Bullard, The Airship File, [1896-1897] Bloomington, Indiana, 1982.

℗ Louis Winkler, “The Not-So-Mysterious Airships of 1896-97.” MUFON UFO Journal, No. 169, March 1982, pages 3-6. Also: Don Berliner, “’Mysterious Airships’: A Comment,” pages 7-8.

Francisco J. Sarabia Sánchez, “Apuntes sobre la actividad no identificada en la provincia de Murcia para el decenio 1970-1979.” Personal communication to V.J. Ballester Olmos, May 1982.

Aleksandr Beletskiy & Vadim Vilinbakhov, “Nashestvie s neba, ili Chto vidali vecherami sem' desjatkov let nazad.” (An aerial invasion: Or what did they see, seventy years ago?) (In Russian) [1912-1913] Tekhnika Molodyozhi, No. 6, 1983, pages 50-53. ℗ In English: Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 32, No. 2, February 1987, pages 8-13.

℗ José Ruesga Montiel, “Proyecto CATARES: Una herramienta válida de trabajo.” [1968-1969] Cuadernos de Ufología, I, No. 2, 1983.

Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History, Volume 5: 1950 January—March, Fremont 1983; UFOs: A History, Volume 6: 1950 April—July, Fremont, 1983; UFOs: A History, Volume 7: 1950 August—December, Fremont, 1982. Also: UFOs: A History, 1950 January—March. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2000; UFOs: A History, 1950 April-July. Supplemental Notes; UFOs: A History, 1950 August—December. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2000, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Jan-Mar.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Apr-July.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Aug-Dec.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Jan-Mar-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Apr-July-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1950-Aug-Dec-SN.pdf

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Jenny Randles, “The Great Wave,” in The Pennine UFO Mystery, Granada, London, 1983, pages 108-111, http://tinyurl.com/os37mmn

℗ Jean Sider, “L'Airship, cet ovni qui annonça la soucoupe volante.” [1896-1897] Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 223-224, January-February 1983, pages 19-28; No. 225-226, March-April 1983, pages 26-32; No. 227-228, May-June 1983, pages 14-18; and No. 229-230, July-August 1983, pages 20-25.

Louis Winkler, “Ghost Rockets of 1946 and the UFO genesis of 1947.” UPIAR Research in Progress, Vol. 2, No. 2-3, 1984, pages 17-23.

Jean-François Boedec, Résultats statistiques élémentaires sur les Apparitions de Phénomènes Aérospatiaux non identifies dans le Finisterre, January 1984.

Louis Winkler, “Analysis of UFO-Like Data before 1947 (Part II of II).” Fund for UFO Research, Mt. Rainier, Maryland, February 1984.

℗ Thomas E. Bullard, “Newly discovered ‘airship’ waves over Poland.” [1892 & 1913] Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, May-June 1984, pages 12-14.

Ángel A. Díaz, “Anatomía de un ‘flap’.” [11 February 1980] UFO Press, No. 21, July-September 1984, pages 23-25, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169772798/Ufopress-21-Jul-set-1984

℗ Dan Mattson, “UFOs in Time and Space.” AFU Newsletter, No. 27, January-December 1984, pages 11-15.

℗ Kevin McClure (ed.), “Why 1947? The Coming of the UFOs” Common Ground, No. 10, 1984: Douglas Payne, “Kenneth Arnold – The Selling of Saucers,” pages 2-3; Peter Rogerson, “The Events of 1947,” page 4; Shirley McIver, “A Sociological View,” pages 5-7; Robert Morrell, “The 1947 Enigma,” pages 15-16; Robert C. Girard, “Why 1947 – In 1,000 Words or Less,” pages 17-18; Nigel Watson, “Mind the UFOs!,” pages 19-20; and Hilary Evans, “The World was Ready,” pages 22-28.

William Moore (compiler), “U.S. Department of State Documents on the Scandinavian Ghost Rocket Phenomenon of 1946.” Circa 1985.

Keith Partain, "A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between So-Called UFO Waves, Natural Constants and Planetary Cycles." Pursuit, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1985, pages 34-35.

Michel Meurger, “Zur Diskussion des Begriffs “modern legend” am Beispiel der “Airships” von 1896-97.” Fabula, Vol. 26, No. 3-4, 1985, pages 254-273.

℗ Michael R. Wooten, “A Statistical Overview: 1980-1982.” The Journal of Transient Aerial Phenomena, Vol. 4, No. 1, September 1985, pages 208-215.

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Jean Bourdon, Marcel Delaval & Fionn Murtagh, UFO/IFO Comparison: A Descriptive Study of the Year 1977 in Italy, UPIAR, Turin, 1986.

Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History, 1952: January—May, Fremont, 1982 and March 1993; UFOs: A History, 1952 June—July 20, Fremont, 1986; UFOs: A History, 1952 July 21st —31st, Fremont, 1986; UFOs: A History, 1952 August, Fremont, 1986; UFOs: A History, 1952 September—October, Fremont, 1986; UFOs: A History, 1952 November—December, Fremont, 1986. Also: UFOs: A History, 1952 January—May. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001; UFOs: A History, 1952 June—July 20th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001; UFOs: A History, 1952 July 21st—July 31st. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2001; UFOs: A History, 1952 August. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; UFOs: A History, 1952 September—October. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; and UFOs: A History, 1952 November—December. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Jan-May.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Jun-July-20.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-July-21-31.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Aug.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Sept-Oct.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Nov-Dec.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Jan-May-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Jun-July-20-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-July-21-31-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Aug-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Sept-Oct-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1952-Nov-Dec-SN.pdf

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Modulación social de las oleadas.” Cuadernos de Ufología, I, No. 15, March 1986, pages 18-20. ℗ Also: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Juan A. Fernández Peris, “Oleadas de casos”, “Los informes en el tiempo” and “Modulación social de las oleadas,” in Enciclopedia de los encuentros cercanos con OVNIS, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, March 1987, pages 39-41, 345-348, and 360-363, http://tinyurl.com/ns73pzp and http://tinyurl.com/nvgsmpg and http://tinyurl.com/p3u7vfz

℗ Jenny Randles, “Anatomy of a Wave.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 11, No. 2, March-April 1986, pages 4-8 & 19.

℗ Edoardo Russo, “1985: Analisi de un’ ondata.” UFO, June 1986, pages 14-17.

Louis Winkler, “Cometas y génesis del fenómeno OVNI.” [1946 & 1947] UFO Press, No. 23, July 1986, pages 15-17, http://es.scribd.com/doc/169291735/Ufo-Press-23-Julio-1986

℗ T.R. Dutton, “Global Distribution Analysis of Reported Close Encounters and Other Extraordinary Events (1868-1973).” Journal of Transient Aerial Phenomena, September 1986, pages 67-76.

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℗ Anders Liljegren, “Project 1946: The “Ghost Rocket documents released by the Swedish Defence Staff.” Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, December 1986, pages 19-24.

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Characteristics of Close Encounters in Spain.” Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1987, https://www.academia.edu/9079211/Characteristics_of_Close_Encounters_in_Spain

Nigel Watson, “Phantom Aerial Flaps and Waves.” [1896 to 1946] MAGONIA Magazine, London, 1987. Also: Phantom Aerial Flaps and Waves, Valis, 1990, http://tinyurl.com/pmvbd4n

Anders Liljegren & Clas Svahn, “The Ghost Rockets,” [1946] in Hilary Evans & John Spencer (eds.), UFOs 1947-1987, Fortean Tomes, London, 1987, pages 32-38.

Jean Sider, L’airship de 1897. Contribution a l’étude socio-historique de la vague de dirigeables fantômes aux Etats-Unis, Paris, 1987. New edition: Beaupré, Rouvray, 1995.

℗ Ron Miller, “Jules Verne and the Great Airship Scare.” [1896-1897] International UFO Reporter, Vol. 12, No. 3, May-June 1987, pages 4-10.

Robert G. Neeley, Jr., UFOs of 1896-1897: The Airship Wave, Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.

Kevin D. Randle, The October Scenario, [1973] Middle Coast, Iowa City, 1988, http://tinyurl.com/p5hf3q6

Robert G. Neely, Jr., The Airship Chronicle, [1896-1897] Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.

Nigel Watson, Granville Oldroyd & David Clarke, The 1912-1913 British Phantom Airship Scare Catalogue, Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1988.

Ahmad Jamaludin, Major UFO Waves: 1896-1982. Postmortem and Findings, Kuantan (Malaysia), April 1988.

℗ Donald A. Johnson, “Revival of 61-Month Wave Theory.” The MUFON UFO Journal, No. 241, May 1988, page 16.

℗ Thomas E. Bullard, “Waves.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 13, No. 6, November-December 1988, pages 15-23.

℗ Michel Nique, “La vague argentine de 1978.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, Vol. 296, March-April 1989, pages 24-30; No. 297, May-June 1989, pages 36-39; and No. 298, July –August 1989, pages 8-12.

℗ Anonymous, “Megaflap.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 298, July-August 1989, pages 6-7.

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℗ Robert E. Bartholomew, “The South African Monoplane Hysteria: An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Smelser's Theory of Hysterical Beliefs.”[1914] Sociological Inquiry, August 1989, Vol. 59, No. 3, pages 287-300.

℗ D. Scott Rogo, “ANTI-MATTER: Are mysterious waves of UFO sightings triggered by general public hysteria or by bona fide ufos?” OMNI, October 1989, page 121.

Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989.” International UFO Reporter, Vol. 14, No. 6, November-December 1989, pages 7-9.

David Clarke and Nigel Watson, Phantom Helicopters over Britain. A Review of the 1973-1974 Scare and an Overview of the Phantom Helicopter Phenomena, Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1990.

David Clarke & Andy Roberts, “Spearhead from Space?” [1987-1988] in Phantoms of the Sky, Robert Hale, London, 1990, pages 27-40.

David Clarke & Andy Roberts, “Wings over the World,” [1896-1897 to 1910s] in Phantoms of the Sky, Robert Hale, London, 1990, pages 41-52.

David Clarke & Andy Roberts, “On the Trail of the Phantom Flier” [1930s] in Phantoms of the Sky, Robert Hale, London, 1990, pages 53-64.

Jean Bourdon, Marcel Delaval & Fionn Murtagh, UFO/IFO Comparison: A Descriptive Study of the Year 1977 in France, UPIAR, Turin, 1990, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=156

Loren E, Gross, UFOs: A History, 1954 January—May, Fremont, 1990; UFOs: A History, 1954 June—August, Fremont, 1990; UFOs: A History, 1954 September, Fremont, 1991 and 1994; UFOs: A History, 1954 October, Fremont, 1991; UFOs: A History, 1954 November—December, Fremont, 1991. Also: UFOs: A History, 1954 January—May. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; UFOs: A History, 1954 June—August. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; UFOs: A History, 1954 September. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; UFOs: A History, 1954 October. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002; UFOs: A History, 1954 November—December. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2002, http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Jan-May.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-June-Aug.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Sept.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Oct.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Nov-Dec.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Jan-May-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-June-Aug-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Sept-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Oct-SN.pdf http://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1954-Nov-Dec-SN.pdf

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℗ J. Miguel Alcíbar Cuello, “Reflexiones en torno a la evolución de las manifestaciones OVNI.” Cuadernos de Ufología, II, No. 7, January 1990, pages 30-33.

Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian wave: an analysis.” [1989] International UFO Reporter, Vol. 15, No. 4, July-August 1990, pages 6-13.

Dominique Caudron, “C'est vrai: Je l'ai vu!” Science et Vie, No. 877, October 1990, pages 34-40.

℗ Robert E. Bartholomew, “The Airship Hysteria of 1896-97.” Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 14, No. 2, winter 1990, pages 171-181.

Donald A. Johnson, "A Revival of the 61-Month Wave Theory." KeelyNet BBS, 24 November 1990, http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/61cycle.htm

Wallace O. Chariton, The Great Texas Airship Mystery, Wordware, Plano, Texas, 1991, http://tinyurl.com/ohsl35v

SOBEPS, Vague d’OVNI sur la Belgique. Un dossier exceptionnel [1989-1992], SOBEPS, Brussels, 1991, http://tinyurl.com/q8vd6dx

℗ Robert E. Bartholomew, “The Quest for Transcendence: An Ethnography of UFOs in America.” [1896-1897] Anthropology of Consciousness, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, March-June 1991, pages 1-12.

Jean-Jacques Velasco, “Un cas remarquable. La reentré atmosphérique du 5 Novembre 1990,” SEPRA, Toulouse, circa 1992, http://www.cnes-geipan.fr/fileadmin/geipan-doc/RENTREE_ATMOSPHERIQUE_5_NOVEMBRE_1990__E-Csep_CR_T_S_A__compte_rendu-R.pdf

Marc Hallet, La “vague OVNI Belgue” ou le triomphe de la desinformation [1989-1992], Liège, 1992.

Julien Weverbergh, De UFO-saga - De grote UFO-golf van de lage landen [1989-1992], Uitgeverij Hadewijch, Antwerpen, 1992.

Frédéric Van Vlodorp, “La vague belge d’observations d’OVNI vue par la presse écrite francophone en 1989-1991: étude thématique et regard critique.” M.Sc. dissertation In Arts and Communication Sciences, Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres, Liège, 1992.

Jerome Clark, “Airship Sightings in the Nineteenth Century,” in The UFO Encyclopedia. Volume 2, Omnigraphics, Detroit, Michigan, 1992, pages 17-39, http://tinyurl.com/po6rva6

Jerome Clark, “Ghost Rockets,” [1946] in The UFO Encyclopedia. Volume 2, Omnigraphics, Detroit, Michigan, 1992, pages 168-176, http://tinyurl.com/po6rva6

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Bill Chalker, “UFOs in Australia and New Zealand through 1959,” [1909] in The UFO Encyclopedia. Volume 2, Jerome Clark, Omnigraphics, Detroit, Michigan, 1992, pages 333-339, http://tinyurl.com/po6rva6

Jerome Clark, “UFOs in the Nineteenth Century,” in The UFO Encyclopedia. Volume 2, Omnigraphics, Detroit, Michigan, 1992, pages 356-385, http://tinyurl.com/po6rva6

℗ Michel Bougard, “Impressions sur une vague,” [1989-1992] in Thierry Pinvidic (ed.), OVNI. Vers une Anthropologie d'un Mythe Contemporain, Heimdal, Bayeaux, 1993, pages 82-99.

℗ Gianni Favero, “L'atterrissage de Voronej et la vague soviétique de 1989,” in Thierry Pinvidic (ed.), OVNI. Vers une Anthropologie d'un Mythe Contemporain, Heimdal, Bayeaux, 1993, pages 167-177.

℗ Alexander Petuhov, “K anomalnym yavleniyam - nauchnyi podhod." (Scientific approach to the anomalous phenomena) (In Russian) Zemlya I Vselennaya, No. 5, 1992, pages 102-108. ℗ In Spanish: “El fenómeno OVNI en el espejo de la estadística.” AURA-Z, Series 2, No. 1, 1993, pages 28-37.

Franck Boitte, “Analyse des rapports d’enquetes de la période 1989-1991 - 1ère partie.” Inforespace, No. 84, August 1992, pages 24-35; and “2ème partie.” Inforespace, No. 85, December 1992, pages 28-48.

℗ Samuel Greco, “Williamsport Wave.” [5 February 1992] The MUFON UFO Journal, No. 290, June 1992, pages 3-10. ℗ Also: “The Williamsport Wave,” in Timothy Good (ed.), Alien Update, Arrow Random House, London, 1993, pages 125-150.

℗ Wim van Utrecht, "Triangles over Belgium: A Case of Uforia?" [1989-1992], Antwerp, September 1992.

℗ Denys Breysse, “Analyses statistique de la base de donnes. 2. Rubrique Date.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 314, December 1992, pages 35-39.

Marcel Delaval & Jean Bourdon, Confronto UFO/IFO dei casi italiani e francesi del 1977 - Il punto dopo 15 anni di ufologia, UPIAR, Turin, 1993, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=44

℗ Mário Neves Silva, “Vagas de observações de fenómenos aéreos em Portugal.” Anomalia, Vol. 1, 1993, pages 121-131.

Robert E. Bartholomew, “Redefining Epidemic Hysteria: An Example from Sweden.” [1946]. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Vol. 88, No. 1, 1993, pages 178-182.

℗ Michel Bougard, “Media et phénomène OVNI – Approche statistique sur un éventuel effect de rumeur.” Inforespace, No. 86, April 1993, pages 9-19; No. 87, August 1993, pages 12-20; No. 88, November 1993, pages 7-19; and No. 89, March 1994, pages 43-54.

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Roberto E. Banchs, “La localización del fenómeno,” in OVNIS. Peregrinos del silencio, EDAD, Buenos Aires, May 1993, pages 118-150.

Barry Greenwood, “The 1952 Saucer Wave – A Story behind the Story?” Just Cause, No. 36, June 1993, pages 1-9, http://www.greenwoodufoarchive.com/Just_Cause_Greenwood/Just_Cause_1993_06_n36.pdf

Franck Marie, OVNI Contact [5 November 1990] Editions SRES, Bagneux, June 1993.

℗ Denys Breysse, “L’analyses des vagues et de leur contenu.” Lumières Dans La Nuit, No. 318, July 1993, pages 32-41.

Curtis Peebles, “UFO Flaps and Social Factors,” in Watch the Skies! Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1994, pages 286-287, http://tinyurl.com/qexphgv

℗ Richard Hall, “Radar-Visual UFO Cases in 1952: The UFO Sightings that Shook the Government." Fund for UFO Research, Washington, D.C., 1994.

Joseph Trainor, “The New England Airship Invasion of 1909.” Fortean Studies, Vol. 1, 1994, pages 59-70.

SOBEPS, Vague d’OVNI sur la Belgique Vol. 2. Une énigme non résolue [1989-1992], SOBEPS, Brussels, 1994, http://tinyurl.com/q8vd6dx

℗ R.G. Varlamov, “Prognozirovanie voln aktivnosti NLO." (Prediction of UFO Activity Waves) (In Russian) Zarubezhnaya radioelektronika, No. 9-10, 1994, pages 40-43.

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Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History , 1957 January—March 22nd, Fremont, 1995; UFOs: A History , 1957 March 23rd—May 25th, Fremont, 1995; UFOs: A History , 1957 May 24th—July 31th, Fremont, 1996; UFOs: A History, 1957 August—September, Fremont, 1996; UFOs: A History, 1957 October 1st—November 2nd, Fremont, 1997; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 3rd—November 5th, Fremont, 1997; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 6th, Fremont, 1997; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 7th—November 12th, Fremont, 1998; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 13th—November 30th, Fremont, 1998; UFOs: A History, 1957 December, Fremont, 1998. Also: UFOs: A History, 1957 January—March 22nd. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 March 23rd—May 25th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 May 24th—July 31th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 August—September. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 October 1st—November 2nd. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 3rd—November 5th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History, 1957 November 6th. Supplemental Notes, Fremont, 2003; UFOs: A History,

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Robert Bartholomew & Benjamin Radford, The Martians Have Landed!: A History of Media-Driven Panics and Hoaxes, McFarland, Jefferson, 2012, http://www.amazon.com/The-Martians-Have-Landed-Media-Driven/dp/0786464984

℗ Pierre Lagrange, “A Ghost in the Machine: How Sociology Tried to Explain (Away) American Flying Saucers and European Ghost Rockets, 1946-1947,” in Alexander C.T. Geppert (ed.), Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture on the Twentieth Century, MacMillan, New York, 2012, pages 224-244.

Franck Boitte, “Belgian Ufology: What Future Developments are to be expected after the Petit-Rechain Fiasco?” [1989-1992], November 2012,

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Thanassis Vembos, “Cold War Balloons and the Greek UFO Wave of 1954,” December 2012, http://www.vembos.gr/UFOs_Cold_War_Balloons.htm

Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Manuel Borraz, Heriberto Janosch & Juan Carlos Victorio Uranga, Avistamientos en la Antártida en 1965, UPIAR, Turin, September 2013, http://www.upiar.com/index.cfm?artID=182 http://tinyurl.com/avistamientos-ovni-antartida

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℗ Theo Paijmans, “The Tennessee Aeronaut Flap of 1907,” Fortean Times, No. 313, April 2014, pages 28-29.

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Eric Ouellet, Illuminations. The UFO Experience as a Parapsychological Event, Anomalist Books, San Antonio, 2015, http://www.anomalistbooks.com/book.cfm?id=82

Jean-Michel Abrassart, Nicolas Gauvrit, Marc Hallet, Renaud Leclet, Roger Paquay & Raoul Robé, OVNI en Belgique. Contributions Sceptiques [1989-1992], Lulu, June 2015, http://www.lulu.com/shop/http://www.lulu.com/shop/collectif/ovni-en-belgique-contributions-sceptiques/paperback/product-22234094.html

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2015, https://www.academia.edu/15395045/A_Search_for_Seasonal_UFO_Cycles_and_Fireworks_Skywatch_Effects

Michaël Vaillant, “Comment peut-on prouver l'origine extra-terrestre des OVNI?” October 2015, http://www.u-sphere.com/index.php?title=Comment_peut-on_prouver_l%27origine_extra-terrestre_des_OVNI_%3F Notes (1) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “A List of References on Formal Methods and Speculations for the Automatic Detection of UFO Phenomena.” Data-Net Report, June 1972, pages 10-11; and March 1973, page 5.

(2) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Science and UFOs: A Selected Bibliography of UFO Research Papers.” Data-Net Report, July 1972, pages 6-9; and March 1973, pages 4-5.

(3) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Computer Record of UFO Data: Assistance to Research.” Data-Net Report, August 1972, pages 4-7.

(4) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Census of Technical Works and Discussions Directly Related to the UFO Propulsion Problem.” Data-Net Report, August 1972, pages 7-8; and March 1973, page 5. In Spanish: “Bibliografía sobre propulsión de los OVNIS.” Stendek, No. 28, June 1977, pages 14-16.

(5) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Index of Articles about UFOs and Geophysics.” Data-Net Report, September 1972, page 2.

(6) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Aids to the UFO Investigator: A Bibliography.” The MUFON UFO Journal, October 1980, pages 12-14.

(7) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “UFO Research Bibliography.” UPIAR Research in Progress, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1982, pages 48-54; Vol. 1, No. 2, 1982, pages 65-71; and Vol. 2, No. 1, 1983, pages 61-70.

(8) Per Andersen, Dansk UFO-Litteratur 1950-1990, Vaniose, 1991.

(9) Lynn A. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, Virginia, AFORS 68-1656. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1969.

(10) Didier Charnay & François Hays, Le guide des livres ufologiques francophones (1951-2005), Editions du 24 juin, Viriat, 2005.

(11) Barbara M. DeVoe, Unidentified Flying Objects. A Selected Annotated Bibliography, Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 69-269 SP, December 29, 1969.

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(12) George M. Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, Greenwood, Westport, Connecticut, 1980.

(13) George M. Eberhatt, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography, Volume 1: Unidentified Flying Objects, The Scarecrow, Metuchen, New Jersey, 1986.

(14) George M. Eberhart, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography, Volume 2: The Extraterrestrial Contact Movement, The Scarecrow, Metuchen, New Jersey, 1986.

(15) Juan Antonio Fernández Peris, “Treinta años de literatura OVNI en España (1950-1980),” in Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Investigación OVNI, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona, 1984, pages 279-297.

(16) Martí Flò, Análisis bibliométrico. Anexo IV: Citas bibliográficas, Fundación Anomalía, Santander, 1997.

(17) Antonio González Piñeiro, 50 años de literatura ufológica en España, A Pobra do Caramiñal, January 2005.

(18) Antonio González Piñeiro, 60 años de literatura ufológica en español, A Pobra do Caramiñal, June 2015.

(19) Claude Maugé, “Bibliographie commentée de la littérature ufologique de langue française,” in Thierry Pinvidic (ed.), OVNI: vers une Anthropologie d’un Mythe Contemporain, Heimdal, 1993, pages 515-550. Also: “Bibliographie ufologique de langue française,” in Francine Fouéré (ed.), Phénomènes Spatiaux – Extraterrestres et soucoupes volantes (Vol 5), Trédaniel, Paris, 2008, pages 7-71.

(20) Cassiano José Monteiro, “Lista de livros sobre o fenómeno OVNI editados em Portugal”, in “Breve história dos OVNI em Portugal.” Anomalia, Vol. 3, 1993, pages 59.62.

(21) John Prytz, “ACUFOS Bibliography Service,” The Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies, from Vol. 1, No.1 , February 1980 to Vol. 3, No. 6, November-December 1982.

(22) Marcello Pupilli, Bibliocat iconografico 2015: Catalogo illustrato della bibliografia ufologica e paraufologica italiana (1947-2014), UPIAR, Turin, 2015.

(23) Richard M. Rasmussen, The UFO Literature – A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Works in English, McFarland, Jefferson, 1985.

(24) Martin H. Sable, Exobiology: A Research Guide, Green Oak, Brighton, Michigan, 1978.

(25) Javier Sierra, “Cuatro décadas de bibliografía ufológica en España (1950-1992),” in Ignacio Cabria, Entre Ufólogos, Creyentes y Contactados, Fundación Anomalía, Santander, 1993, pages 265-285.

(26) Marcia S. Smith, Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Unidentified Flying Objects: A Selected

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Bibliography, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 76-35 SP, February 18, 1976.

(27) Marcia S. Smith, The UFO Enigma, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., 76-52 SP, March 9, 1976.

(28) Dieter von Reeken, Extraterrestrische Intelligenzen – Bibliographie (3 Vols.), GEP, Ludenscheid, 1982.

(29) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “The Future of Ufology”, https://www.academia.edu/11170842/The_Future_of_Ufology


The author wants to thank effusively to the following fellow researchers for contributing references or materials to the present compilation and for assisting to the project in various ways:

Edoardo Russo (CISU), Italy. Martin Shough, Scotland. Claude Maugé, France. Martin S. Kottmeyer, USA. Jacques Scornaux (SCEAU), France. Robert E. Bartholomew, Australia. Julio Plaza del Olmo, Spain. Anders Liljegren (AFU), Sweden. Isaac Koi, England. Wim van Utrecht, Belgium. Mikhail Gershtein (SRCAA “Zond”), Russia. Ignacio Cabria García, Philippines. Robert Powell (MUFON), USA. Jordi Ardanuy (CEI), Spain. David G. López, Spain. Nigel Watson, England. Bruno Mancusi, Switzerland. José María Baena Liberato, Spain. Thomas E. Bullard, USA. Alejandro Agostinelli, Argentina. Marc Hallet, Belgium. Martín Fragoso, México. Danny Ammon (GEP), Germany. Jacques Bonabot (GESAG), Belgium. Jean-Michel Abrassart, France. Thanassis Vembos, Greece.

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Igor Kalytyuk, Ukraine. Matías Morey Ripoll, Spain. Diego Zúñiga, Chile. Chris Aubeck, Spain. Pierre Lagrange, France. Luis R. González, Spain. Juan Faillá, Argentina. Luis Emilio Annino, Argentina. Milton Hourcade, Uruguay. Ahmad Jamaludin, Malaysia. Roberto E. Banchs, Argentina. Xavier Passot (GEIPAN), France. Gilles Fernandez, France. Theo Paijmans, The Netherlands. Brad Sparks, USA. Michaël Vaillant (GEIPAN), France. José Juan Montejo, Spain. November 1, 2015.
