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Foundry-master Pro Brochure

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  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure



    The frst class laboratory optical emission spectrometeror complete proessional metal analysis

  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure


    Engineered or high perormance and reliability, the

    new FOUNDRY-MASTER PRO, with its innovative

    optical system and extended wavelength range, assures

    precise identifcation and trace analysis o important

    elements such as N in steel and P in aluminium.


    Product highlights:

    Uncompromised analytical perormance and reliability or production

    process control

    Accurate and repeatable analysis including grade determination

    Superior Low Carbon and Nitrogen measurement perormance

    Excellent long-term stability and minimum detection limits

    Wide 130 nm 800 nm wavelength range covers all elements

    High-resolution Multi-CCD optics or optimal spectral line


    Unique, proven Jet-Stream Technology ensures analysis accuracy

    on samples o all sizes and shapes

    Editable Grade Identifcation library

    Solid and robust technology allows continuous use in any location,

    even in rugged conditions

    Easy to use, even or untrained operators

    Easy-access advanced spark stand

    Intuitive yet exible Windows-based user interace

    External PC workstation incorporating the latest technology

    Vacuum optics means low argon consumption and minimal costs

    Minimal and cost eective maintenance


  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure


    Sample adaptors

    Ease-o-use and simplicity

    The intuitive user interace and numerous customer-driven

    eatures make analysis work easy and simple. Just place the

    sample on the sample stand, start the measurement and read

    the result.

    The FOUNDRY-MASTER PRO generates quantitative

    analyses o materials. The analysis results are displayed on

    screen and can be stored in an internal database or material

    validation purposes. The analysis data can also be exported

    to an external PC with productivity tools, which enables

    certifcates to be easily created and printed.

    The FOUNDRY-MASTER PRO comes with actory calibration

    based on available certifed reerence materials. In addition, the

    instruments sotware allows the calibration and element ranges

    to expanded using customer samples without difculties. In this

    regard, even very specifc calibration needs can be met.


    Unique sample stand

    A unique sample stand, proven Jet-Stream Technology and a

    superior plasma oscillator ensure straightorward and precise

    analysis o samples even with complex shapes and sizes rom

    large semi-fnished products to small parts. Even wires as thin as

    1 mm can be accurately measured using a single universal adapter.

    Spark stand deposits are minimised through optimised

    argon ows

    The sample stand is easy to maintain even during operation

    only one window (indirect light path) and one lens (direct light

    path) to clean, with no need to touch the vacuum system

    Vacuum lens assembly

    Results canbe displayed on

    screen, printed out

    or sent remotely to

    other devices

  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure


    Easy and simple analysis work

    EBSD Hardware

    Intuitive, inormative user interace

    FOUNDRY-MASTER PROs Windows-based sotware makes

    it convenient and easy or the operator to perorm both routine

    measurements and more demanding customer-specifc test

    confgurations. In addition, the user can monitor all important

    automatic control unctions perormed by the analyzer.

    Service and maintenance tools are ully integrated

    Optical test routines

    Hardware test routines

    Remote access enabled

    Spectrum evaluation tool included

    Wavelength calibration provides ability to identiy

    unknown peaks

    Keep organised

    Robust yet sophisticated

    vacuum system

    Efcient allows measurements down to 130 nm

    Economical no argon gas purge or optics

    Enhanced vacuum level check by optional gauge

    results monitored by the sotware

    Edwards two-stage vacuum pump with oil and

    oil-mist flters

    All serviceand maintenance

    tools are ullyintegrated

  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure


  • 8/3/2019 Foundry-master Pro Brochure


    Oxord Instruments, at High Wycombe, UK, operates Quality Management Systems approved to the requirements o BS EN ISO 9001. Thispublication is the copyright o Oxord Instruments Analytical Limited and provides outline inormation only which (unless agreed by thecompany in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced or any purpose or orm part o any order or contract or be regarded as arepresentation relating to the products or services concerned. Oxord Instruments policy is one o continued improvement. The companyreserves the right to alter, without notice, the specifcation, design or conditions o supply o any product or service. Oxord Instrumentsacknowledges all trade marks and registrations. Oxord Instruments Analytical Ltd, 2011. All rights reserved. Part no: OIIA/058/C/0111

    The system o choice or metal manuacturers,processors and the oundry industry

    Oxford Instruments

    Industrial Analysis

    For more inormation please email:

    [email protected]

    UKHigh Wycombe

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    Proprietary detector and read-out technology developed specifcally or

    spectroscopy applications makes FOUNDRY-MASTER PRO the system o choice

    or incoming and outgoing inspection in dierent metal processing companies.

    State-of- the-art technology guarantees reliable operation

    and measurement results

    The FOUNDRY-MASTER PRO uses the latest optical technology without compromise in

    element selection, concentration range, or the base metal to be checked. This is due to

    the use o CCD solid-state detectors.

    The readout system o the high-resolution Multi-CCD Optics with up to 30,000 channels

    uses highly advanced electronics and sotware algorithms or perect signal processing.

    Tests can be perormed on all standard material grades and chemical elements.

    The wavelength range, which starts rom as low as 130 nm, enables the measurement o

    Nitrogen in steel. Using deep UV carbon lines improves C perormance signifcantly. Other

    elements such as B, Pb, Sn or Sb also have well-defned, interesting lines in deep UV.

    www.oxford-instruments.com/oes or more inormation

    Typical Applications

    Analytical mode / identifcation

    Steel, cast iron and high alloyed steels

    Non-errous metals and their alloys

    AI: wrought alloys, casting alloys, etc.

    Cu: bronze, brass, cupronickel, etc.

    Mg, Zn alloys, solders

    Nitrogen in steel

    P in aluminium

    Ultra low carbon analysis

    Improved LODs or Pb, Si, Sn, etc.

    Elements such as Se, La, Te, etc.

    We put the spark in spectroscopy

    As part o Oxord Instruments environmentalpolicy this brochure has been printed on FSC paper
