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Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

Date post: 18-Nov-2014
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Pro tips from best-selling author Aaron Ross.
SALES QUESTIONS YOUR PROSPECTS 4 Can’t Hel But Answe. Aaron Ross Predictable Revenue PRODUCED BY: Pro Tips from Best-Selling Sales Author Aaron Ross
Page 1: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]


YOUR PROSPECTS 4Can’t Hel! But Answe".

Aaron Ross Predictable Revenue


Pr o T i p s f r om Best-Se l l i ng Sa l e s Aut h o r Aar o n Ro ss

Page 2: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

On average, it takes 8.4 tries to reach a live prospect on the phone.

Source: Sales Shift

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The takeaway?

Page 4: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

Don’t me# u! the ca$ once you actua$y reach someone.

The takeaway?

Page 5: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

I’ve made thousands of sales calls.

Page 6: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

I’ve made thousands of sales calls.

I’ve taught reps how to make thousands of sales calls.

Page 7: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

I’ve made thousands of sales calls.

I’ve taught reps how to make thousands of sales calls.

But there are only a few questions that I find rea$y work.

Page 8: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

So here they are: simple prospecting sales questions from the pro%.

Page 9: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

“Did I catch

you at a bad


1Start friendly.

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With this question:

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 1

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With this question: •  You’re asking for permission to chat.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 1

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With this question: •  You’re asking for permission to chat. •  You’re diffusing defensiveness.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 1

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With this question: •  You’re asking for permission to chat. •  You’re diffusing defensiveness. •  You’re showing respect.

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 1

Page 14: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

“ If you were me,

how would you

approach the


2Request help.

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With this question:

“ If you were me, how would you approach the organization?” 2

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With this question: •  You’re being honest.

“ If you were me, how would you approach the organization?” 2

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With this question: •  You’re being honest. •  You’re asking for help.

“ If you were me, how would you approach the organization?” 2

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With this question: •  You’re being honest. •  You’re asking for help. •  You’re getting the right advice.

“ If you were me, how would you approach the organization?” 2

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“May I ask how

you're hand ling

____ today?”

3Engage them.

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With this question:

“May I ask how you're hand ling ____ today?” 3

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With this question: •  You’re showing interest in their


“May I ask how you're hand ling ____ today?” 3

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With this question: •  You’re showing interest in their

expertise. •  You’re making it easy to talk about

their business with a specific, get-to-the-point question.

“May I ask how you're hand ling ____ today?” 3

Page 23: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

“Do you have

your calendar


4Make it easy.

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With this question:

“Do you have your calendar handy?” 4

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With this question: •  You’re taking next steps around their


“Do you have your calendar handy?” 4

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With this question: •  You’re taking next steps around their

schedule. •  You’re ensuring a second


“Do you have your calendar handy?” 4

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Asking a few questions that make you feel good ...

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... als& make% it easy t& have a great conve'ation.

Asking a few questions that make you feel good ...

Page 30: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

When should you ca$ next?

Send a follow up email with Signals – a free tool that will alert you when your prospect has opened and clicked your

content. That’s when you should call next.

Page 31: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

When should you ca$ next?

Send a follow up email with Signals – a free tool that will alert you when your prospect has opened and clicked your

content. That’s when you should call next.


Page 32: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

C heat Sheet : 4 Q uest i o n s Y o ur P r o spe cts C an ’ t He l p B ut Answer

“Did I catch you at a bad time?” 1

“ If you were me, how would you approach the organization?” 2

“May I ask how you're hand ling ____ today?” 3

“Do you have your calendar handy?” 4

Aaron Ross Predictable Revenue

Page 33: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

By Aaron Ross Author, Predictable Revenue


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Page 35: Four Questions Your Prospects Can't Help-But Answer [+ Cheat Sheet]

Now that you’ve mastered the phone call, start mastering prospect emails. Click to view that SlideShare:
