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Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book...

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1 Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017 Executive Headteacher Paul Cotter Head of Fox School Emma Madden Head of Ashburnham School Ben McMullen Deputy Headteacher Fox Ros Morgan Deputy Headteacher Ashburnham Maya Wittleton Assistant Headteacher Fox Jenny Noy Assistant Headteacher Ashburnham Kate Webster Chair of Governors Jodie Terry Vice Chair of Governors Jonathan Heawood
Page 1: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan


Executive Headteacher – Paul Cotter

Head of Fox School – Emma Madden

Head of Ashburnham School – Ben McMullen

Deputy Headteacher Fox –Ros Morgan

Deputy Headteacher Ashburnham – Maya Wittleton

Assistant Headteacher Fox –Jenny Noy

Assistant Headteacher Ashburnham – Kate Webster

Chair of Governors – Jodie Terry

Vice Chair of Governors – Jonathan Heawood

Page 2: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


Fox /Ashburnham joint School priorities

Target Actions Monitoring Impact

To lay the ground

work potential future

growth across the

federation through

strategic and

curriculum support for

Avonmore Primary.

To develop a new TLR structure across the Federation schools

both for this academic year and thereafter.

To examine the feasibility of sharing resources across the

Federation with an aim of reducing overall costs.

To offer school to school support for Avonmore School

For EHT to provide strategic support to Avonmore GB and LT.

To identify potential future financial savings by sharing staff

across 3 schools

To present TLR structure to

HR Govs in Spring term in

time for new budget setting.

EHT to report back to C of

G on strategic


The Fox / Ashburnham

Governing well informed

about the


of expanding Federation.

To consolidate whole

school systems for

assessment of reading,

writing, maths in line

with new curriculum

expectations and

assessment without



Conduct cross federation moderation meetings to review


Set out fine-tuned systems for assessments of all subjects

following moderation, national tests and outcomes,

Review thresholds against national standardised tests.

Introduce new tests where data or testing systems from 15-16

insufficient: spelling and reading.

Ensure that the assessment procedures accurately assess and track

attainment and progress of SEN and PP pupils.

Update assessment policy and overview to reflect these changes.

To establish assessment reporting timetable consistent with termly

assessment data.

To report to Governors

standards committee with

new assessments in place

Cross moderation meetings

within and outside of


Assessment lead training

delivered by LA

Consistent approach to

assessment of spelling

Whole school systems in

place for monitoring of


Whole school systems in

place for reporting data to


Appropriate next steps been

given in book and

assessment monitoring.

Data submitted to SIMS

with ability to identify

underperforming pupils.

Confidence in the data

produced by internal

assessment systems.

For all schools direct

students to

successfully complete

their training year and

achieve at least good

in their overall grading

Schools direct students receive a tailored CPD programme and

support throughout.

Provide additional high quality CPD across both schools- to

include Fox led courses and additional twi-light training sessions.

All teachers to attend Roehampton mentoring training.

All students to have class teacher mentors.

All students assigned a member of the LT to mentor them during

their final assessed block.

Class teachers to

visit/observe students

during second school


Schools Direct students to

be observed both formally

and informally throughout

the year.

Schools direct students

consistently teaching to

good standard by end

Spring Term.

All students achieve at least

good by end of year.

Students feel fully

supported throughout the

Page 3: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


School direct lead to attend termly meetings at the Primary ITT

steering group to stay abreast of ITT developments.

Underperforming students to attend additional Easter and Summer

CPD training run by Fox

RM to formally observe all

students termly.

RM to meet 1/2 termly with

Ash mentors and Fox

mentors to monitor

students’ progress.

Schools direct lead to

feedback at LT meetings ½

termly and report termly to


year- exit questionnaire

conducted by RM

Early identification of

underperforming students

and support/monitoring pup

in place.


For all NQTs to

successfully pass their

NQT year and gain


NQTs to attend additional external CPD to improve teacher

subject knowledge

Regular NQT coaching programme with allocated mentor. Jointly

identify key areas for development and be coached in these.

NQTs to observe outstanding practice in all key subjects

throughout the year.

For NQTs to observe outstanding practice in another local school.

NQT mentors monitor

subject knowledge through

observations and

recommend additional


NQT mentors to observe

NQTs both formally and

through coaching.

Mentors to recommend

class teachers across the

federation to observe

depending upon outcomes

of coaching sessions.

All NQTs to successfully

pass their NQT year and

gain QTS.

All NQTs to feel fully

supported throughout the

year. (end yr questionnaire)


Fox Specific Targets and Actions

Raise attainment of


children in Year 4

Maths: 10 pupils

3D, 5 pupils 3E or


Reading: 6 pupils

3D, 10 pupils 3E

or below

Lead Literacy teacher coaching in all aspects of English provision,

co-planning and support marking.

Senior teacher taking 1 class for Literacy co-planning with other

Year 4 teacher.

Set up 3 way split for spelling including senior teacher

SEN spelling groups to incorporate dyslexia friendly approaches.

To develop the subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding

of the teachers through staff meetings and external CPD

Close work with SENCo to identify out of school provision for


Observations of


Pupil attainment and

progress data meetings.

Book scrutinies

Cross moderation of

assessments and books

HoS termly meetings with

Year 4 teachers to discuss

the progress of all identified


Attainment raised for all

under-attaining individual


Underperforming children

making at or expected


Page 4: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


Writing: 11 pupils

3D, 13 pupils 3E

or below

Focusing on differentiation successfully and targeting SEN pupils

across Literacy.

EAL support for new arrivals and support for Year 4 teachers

Involvements of outside agencies to address specific needs

Half termly pupil progress meetings, including parents.

Employment of new TA to support statemented pupils

To ensure that children

who are not making

expected level

progress in writing,

phonics, reading and

maths are provided

with immediate


Correct identification through ongoing AFL and formative


Support and intervention is reviewed half termly across year

groups and discussed at SLT and inclusion.

Deployment of experienced staff to conduct intervention.

For staff to have appropriate Professional development so that

their support is effective.

Coaching support for all staff teaching interventions

Termly data monitoring

Interventions are reviewed

half termly at SLT/

Inclusion meetings.

Class teachers mid-year

performance management

meetings with focus on any

underperforming children

Governor intervention

learning walk

Observations of all

intervention groups

To have high quality

intervention across the

school led by highly

qualified teaching staff.

Children in intervention

groups to make higher than

expected progress.

Aim for a higher

proportion of children

achieving Exceeding

in target subjects


Links to maths targets above

Improve independent provision for SSM through use of NRich

and enhanced use of the outdoor area from March


Develop more meaningful writing opportunities from earlier in the

year closely linked to children’s interests

Story scribing and writing on a large scale

Integrate writing opportunities into other curricular areas making

use of new resources

Introduce pre-cursive handwriting from Summer 2.

Teachers across federation attend CLPE/Arts council book project

Class teachers to set targets

for those on track to achieve

exceeding in Spring 1 –

these children to be

monitored at moderation

sessions and key assessment


Focus on Numbers, SSM,

Reading, Writing

To increase the number of

children exceeding in

writing and maths

compared to 2015-2016

ensuring that other subjects

maintain numbers.

To implement a

consistent approach to

cursive handwriting

from Reception to

Year 6

RM to visit to other schools to look at teaching of cursive writing

Rm to run whole school staff meeting looking at hw progression

Two ‘published’ pieces of hw every half term (1 literacy and


Identify chn for hw intervention group

Teachers to complete handwriting monitoring form

RM to take in termly

samples of handwriting

identify % chn using

cursive script. To report to

LT team

95% of chn using cursive

script in literacy books

Progression shown

throughout the year.

Published pieces to show

improvements in

Page 5: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


Chn to use handwriting grips.

Plan timetabled for children who need support

presentation and handwriting.

To promote reading

for pleasure. Review and continue to develop whole school systems to

encourage and monitor reading for pleasure and share these ideas

across the federation (e.g. Book Club, reading records, whole class


Ensure library and book corners are well resourced and organized.

Ensure all children have access to library once a week and can

borrow texts.

Explore/ trial new subscriptions, e.g. First News, The Week,

Comics, etc.

Parent workshop on reluctant readers

Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative

spaces in which pupils can choose to read

Key leaders attend high quality training at CLPE and Nicky

Gamble and disseminate ideas

Visit other schools to look at best practice (Barnes and Thomas


To ensure high quality and multi culture texts are represented and

promoted in book corners and library.

Literacy co-ordinator to

monitor book corners

Spring and Summer term

Chn feedback on quality of

texts in book corners.

Mid-Year PM management

review by reading subject


Children questionnaire

enquiring about reading

opportunities and their

enjoyment and schools part

in this.

Questionnaire results

showing school promoted

reading for pleasure.

High quality varied texts

available in library and

book corners.

To further develop as a

dyslexia friendly


Updated training on dyslexia for all staff

All IEPS to relate specifically to aspects of dyslexia

To research available resources for use in school and at home to

support this approach (including diagnostic assessments)

Create a consistent progression for spelling for SEN learners

Update SEN policy to include best practice

SENCo to monitor IEPs to

ensure appropriate targets

All staff are better informed

about how to support

dyslexic children.

Dyslexic children better

supported in class

Improved dyslexic

assessments lead to earlier


Implement Maths

Mastery in Year 3

Year 3 teachers attend 3 days maths mastery CPD at beginning of


Year 3 teachers observed by external maths mastery lead.

Teachers in Year 3 to be involved in best practice network

meetings across other schools.

Fox mastery teacher (NF) to coach Year 3 teachers in adapting

Maths Mastery curriculum to incorporate.

good practice form mastery training.

Mastery teacher to Co-plan with Y3 teachers

Evidence of fluency in

maths books through book


Numeracy Lead to termly

monitor Year 3 books to

ensure curriculum coverage

Mastery teacher to feedback

to LT team on progress of

Year 3 maths

Year 3 successfully

integrate Problem solving

and reasoning in curriculum

and ensured full curriculum


Bar modelling confidently

used by children in Year 3

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Mastery teachers to model lessons – through TRGs

Mastery teacher to re-write curriculum overview

To write additional units – arrays, multiplication and

addition/subtraction column method and division.

Year 3 teachers to be involved in Maths Hub bar modelling and

problem solving project

Year 3 teachers observe Shanghai teachers at Ashburnham

Ensure curriculum coverage tallies with termly assessments.

Maths subject leader to

monitor maths coverage

across year 3.

TRG s in Year 3 attended

by HoS and EHT

Children’s attainment and

progress approximately in

line with previous years.

To ensure all children

across different sites

are provided with safe

and secure learning

environment and high

quality provision.

Training for all staff at beginning of the year looking at new

arrangements with safety in mind

Weekly timetabling enable adults to be used for coaches and


Set up Whats PP groups for senior staff across three different sites.

To have Senior staff positioned at the three sites./

EHT visit each site weekly

For 2 additional senior staff to attend Level 3 safeguarding

training and take responsibility for CP at other sites

Additional staff to attend First aid training

To carry out regular fire drills across 3 sites and ensure any safety

issues addressed.

Weekly walk arounds by Fox site manager checking safety of 3

Fox sites

Standing item at premises

governors on Fox site

Regular meetings with Fox

site managers to review H

and S and systems.

Standing item on LT

meetings to monitor H and

S arrangements and quality

of provision

Governors curriculum visits

to schools

Governors to monitor

internal in year data

Fox children are kept safe

whilst en route to school and

whilst at school

Quality of teaching and

learning remains

outstanding across three



To ensure Fox NQT

and CPD programme

maintains profile and

retains consistently

high standards in light

of building works

To advertise courses on external portal

To promote all upcoming course at the end of all current courses.

Improve the quality of the course information through improved

looking course booklets.

To ensure that temporary CPD site locations have correct facilities

including IT and catering

Ensure that always 2 expert course leaders on every course.

To ensure succession planning by having 2 course leaders

prepared to run courses

Develop course feedback form which could help lead to further

bookings via better data base and improved direct marketing.

To create short video clips of courses and post on school website

To monitor all bookings on

regular basis.

To monitor school mailings

hits and opens

To monitor feedback from

course directly after courses

To report to Governors

attendance rates/evaluations

and projected incomes.

Monitor which marketed

email group leads to most


External courses – £40,000


NQT courses-£20,000


Increase the number of new

schools that attend courses

at Fox.

90% of all courses receive

good or outstanding


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To successfully

implement and

evaluate all maths hub

third year projects

(See Maths Hub action

plan for more detail on

individual projects)

To recruit high calibre candidate to replace JN and to ensure

correct handover takes place.

To have ½ termly maths hub project meetings with senior Maths

hub leads to monitor local and national projects

To set up Maths Hub strategic board with range of external

professional and meet termly

To ensure Maths Hub finances are separate from the school budget

and are fit to be audited.

For EHT and HoS to cover Maths Hub lead role for 1 term.

To ensure maximum benefit in professional development for

Federation schools through local maths hub projects.

PC/EM to meet ½ termly

with JN to look at

individual projects to ensure

projects are running


Maths Hub update at

curriculum governors


Maths Hub project update at

strategic board meeting

New Maths Hub Lead is

able is recruited and able to

successfully co-ordinate and

evaluate 16/17 projects

All maths hub projects

successfully evaluated

All maths hub projects have

high evaluations

Maths Hub finances fully

spent and accounted for.

To ensure Fox

building project meets

the requirements of the


EHT and Governors to attend weekly meetings with LA and GT

ensuring building progressing as set out in plans

EHT and Governors to source additional FFE including IT,

phones, wall bars, furniture etc.

Appoint and work with contractors to complete additional FFE.

Monitor the minutes from

buildings meetings

Work closely with

Governors consulting over

decisions regarding FFE

Building completed

according to plans.

Fox children have better

access to learning spaces

Ashburnham Specific Targets and Actions

Raise attainment of


children or groups of

learners and groups

with specific

additional needs.


Current Year 5

-Writing (40% at or

above expected


-Reading (57% at or

above expected


Current Year 6

-Writing: 37% at or

above expected


Year 5 and Year 2 have writing intervention groups with KW

Year 2 split mixed ability for maths JR/JE

Year 5-whole school RFP incentives in places, supportive

planning and CPD in place from EB

Year 5 Guided Reading SEN group daily with KW

Year 6 split maths LC/EB- EB SEN group

JR to invest in RLI program for Year 1 & 2 that didn’t pass

phonics screener

Beanstalk Readers targeting specific children

Observations of


SEN & subject learning


Pupil attainment and

progress data

Book scrutinies

Parent workshop feedback

Attainment raised for

under-attaining groups as

measured at the key data

capture points in the year

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-Reading: 53% at or

above expected


Maths: Current Year 6 maths

baseline data:

2D: 1 child

3D: 1 child

3S: 3 chn

4E: 3 chn

Current Year 2 maths

baseline data:

1E: 13 chn

To prevent and reduce

any gaps in writing

and maths across the


Mastery approach to


Lit- PP/whole

With a focus girls


compared to boys in

maths across school –

particular focus on

current Y6 (75% of

girls are PP)

Deeper immersion into Literacy units for higher quality outcomes

Scaled back literacy units

Visits to schools

Whole books

Intervention groups

Reading for pleasure and links to writing & parent

Whole school literacy display board- raise profile and links

Intervention groups in Y6

Ensure same day intervention is in place for all groups

Project with Chinese visitors (both are female) to target the girls

in Y5 & 6

Additional project TBC- possible career speaker linked with


Continue to embed Maths Mastery and elements of mastery in Y4

up. JE to deliver staff training, coaching, model lessons, our staff

to attend TRGs and have co-planning sessions and observe

Chinese teachers.

Termly data monitoring

Class teachers mid-year

performance management

meetings with focus on any

underperforming children

Subject Leader learning


Governor intervention

learning walk

Inclusion meetings with

focus on underperforming

vulnerable /SEN children.

Observations of all

intervention groups

To have high quality

intervention across the

school led by highly

qualified teaching staff.

Children in intervention

groups to make higher than

expected progress.

Reduce the number of

children classified as

Persistent Absentee

(PA) from 2015-2016

academic year.

High attendance celebrated weekly in assembly

Classes to display attendance certificates

Rewards for best attenders

Regular monitoring of

absence with SL

Letters and meetings

triggered by sub 90%


PA to decrease from 15% to

7% below 90% attendance


Page 9: Fox/Ashburnham School Improvement Plan 2016-2017€¦ · Parent workshop on reluctant readers Book Corners in all classrooms to be interactive, calm and creative spaces in which pupils


Sequence of reminders for low attenders: letter, meeting, threat of


Engagement with ACE service to elevate the threat of sanctions

being imposed (PCNs, prosecution)

To have fully designed

and funded playground


MW to attend meetings with Foster and Partners & Bryan Adams


MW to visit range of playgrounds with Foster & Partners

Playground to include two ‘league level’ pitches to enable

Ashburnham to host Netball and Football league games as a cost

saving measure and to raise the profile of the school

Design and Build team- Made from Scratch to present plans and

time scale

Made from Scratch to work with MW to provide plans for DT in

one year group- poss Y2?

Children across school to be involved in designing aspects of the

playground- competition to be run by pupil council

CPD provided to all staff on making the most of the playground

space & on understanding different types of play.

Early Years Team to discuss plans and ideas for the Reception

outdoor classroom- MW to feedback to design team.

MW to present plans to


Plans shared with parents at

coffee morning

New playground completed

with range of different areas

that meet the needs of

various different types of

play but also meets the

requirement of the leagues

we need to be part of.

New outdoor learning area

for Reception providing all

weather opportunities for

outdoor learning.

Adequate outdoor storage to

reduce set up/pack away

time for sports and EYFS

To raise the profile of

mathematics even

further through

Shanghai exchange

JE to visit Shanghai – observe over 20 maths lessons – these can

then be taught in school / for TRGs to show Chinese pedagogy and

lesson design – increase staff subject knowledge and exposure to

mastery lessons

Profile of the school increased as a result of external visitors when

we host the Chinese teachers:

5 secondary schools

24 primary schools working with NCETM

maths specialists (this will also strengthen the

ties with other specialist teachers to enhance

future collaborative opportunities)

course delegates from Maths Hub, NQT and

external courses – target of 100 teachers

Staff across the federation to observe Chinese teachers and

participate in TRGs- increasing pedagogical understanding and

subject knowledge

Impact of project measured

by comparative data gather

pre and post in the areas of

maths taught (y2: addition

and subtraction; yr3:


Enthusiasm for maths is felt

across the school, including

year groups other than


Parents are aware of the

importance of the project

Ashburnham school profile

is heightened by widespread

visitors and media attention.

Teaching of maths in these

focus areas improves

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Link to be made with Chinese teachers to allow future

collaboration / resource sharing to take place

Link to be made with Chinese researcher / lecturer - may lead to

involvement in research projects and published texts

JE to work with the NCETM and other specialist teachers to

develop a progression document for all year groups containing

stem sentences, resource and lesson progression (2 year NCETM


Supporting 6 schools throughout the year including hosting TRGs

with our staff being observed.

JE to produce two page maths story to summarise how maths is

taught at Ash for all visiting guests to give a focus to TRGs and

any observations by visitors outside the federation.

Dr Huang to lead CPD at Ash

All Ashburnham staff observe SH teachers multiple times.

To promote reading

for pleasure. Engaging texts for boys and girls ordered through OUP by EB

Current Year 2 and Year 3 classes being taught Guided Reading

by specialist Literacy teacher with adult-led and independent

groups continuing to rotate on a four-day rotation per week;

EB to run termly Reading KS1 and KS2 Parents’ Workshops:

EB’s expectations for personalised Reading Records introduced

Incentivise pupils from PP backgrounds with more interactive

reading workshops, activities and author visits, e.g. Fairy Tale

Workshop for KS1

More afternoon time given to pupils in KS1 for choosing

appropriate and engaging books from School Library with

TA/ST/Year 6 Library Monitors

Book Corners in all KS1 classrooms continue to be interactive,

calm and creative spaces in which pupils can choose to read

Focus on encouraging reading for pleasure with teachers

recommending engaging children’s books (Literacy Staff Meeting

led by EB 22.11.2016)

Fortnightly Reading Award awarded by EB in assembly for any

outstanding reader (independent or in class) from Nursery to Year


Buddy Reading to continue

Door step library to be investigated between EB and Laura Malkin

EB to monitor children’s

reading records- particular

focus on types and

quantities of texts

Termly monitoring of book


Closely monitor termly

reading assessments across


Guided reading sweep

Pupil questionnaires on reading


Children more engaged in

reading for pleasure

Reading assessments show

improvements (as well as

measureable increase in

spelling and SPAG scores

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Communal area displays to promote reading for pleasure

Staff to present a children’s literature text at the beginning of each

staff meeting

Early Years –

To achieve Healthy

Early Years Silver


Physical Development:

Kim Lambden Parent Workshop (2nd week September, policies)

Parent/ Carer Dentist Workshop (Autumn 1)

Dentist at end of September to work with children

CZ and JR to meet Anna Brennam to write up HEY Silver Action

Plan for Year – 23rd November 2016 – see separate action plan

Improve PD provision across the EYFS (See PD audit)

Screen and track children most weak physically. PD Intervention

group led by Andrea, Anna and Alvaro, coordinated by Kim

Lambden. Kim to model PD intervention (1st December)

Begin to collate children’s Dentist and Immunisation records –

record on SIMS

To support design and development on new Reception outdoor


Emotional Wellbeing:

All staff attend Emotional Wellbeing and Attachment training in

September led by Young Minds charity

6 week Parent Gym Program (Parenting workshop led by West

London Action for children – Autumn term) Reception and

Nursery parents

VIG (Video Interaction Guidance) Pilot with several children in

Nursery and Reception – Vicki Evans School EP

Investigate Forest School Training opportunities

Arrange for yoga, massage, mindfulness, cooking in the

curriculum (workshops for teachers and TAs through My Time


Baseline assessments from

workshops taken from staff

and parent workshops

Feedback given to link


Audits of current provision

and resources

Individual child activity


PD data and progress


Intervention screening docs

Learning walks

All children make excellent

progress in PD and PSED

development, regardless of

their starting points.

Results in PD and PSED

support increased GLD

attainment at the end of the


Ashburnham awarded HEY

Silver award with actions

for Gold Award next year.

Early Years –

To close the gaps

between GLD for

PP/non PP (56% 79%)

and Boys/Girls (58%



Support from Nursery and Reception (high number of summer born in

1617 cohort)

Early identification of children needing additional support.

Intervention to begin Autumn 2.

Referrals for:

High needs contingency funding with a view to apply for an EHCP.

School-based SALT

Termly monitoring of

impact of intervention on

children’s progress across

Primes and specific areas.

Observations of staff to

focus on the quality of

adult-child interactions

when learning and at play

Gaps between GLD for

PP/non PP (56% 79%) and

Boys/Girls (58% 82%)

narrow by the end of the


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Early Years Intervention Team


Lead timely, effective intervention Prime Areas:

Physical Development (see HEY actions above)

Intervention from Healthy Early Years Team (gross and fine


Communication and Language

Buy in SALT – priority children in EYFS (see class overviews)

Weekly TA led EAL & SALT intervention groups

EYFS staff Makaton Training – JC to feedback to staff on 2 day

Makaton Training

High-quality speaking and listening activities to be planned for

across the curriculum.

PSED (see HEY actions above)

• Pupil Voice – Plan, Do, Review Sessions

as priority in supporting

children’s language


Review composition of

intervention groups


To promote pupil well-



Roots of empathy projects in Y5 and Yr1

WLAC- Mighty Me, Shining Stars & Transition

Pupils with extreme emotional need to have dedicated specialist

TA support


All staff to have a PM target relating to pupil wellbeing

CPD for staff during INSET and staff meetings on personal, social

and emotional aspects of child development (BM, CZ).

Vulnerable pupils to have allocated staff


Parent groups eg. Parent Gym

Parent coffee mornings from WLAC

Shining stars parenting project

Mighty Me parenting project

Pupil wellbeing

questionnaire (Spring term)

Regular meetings between

learning mentor, social

worker, BM and KW

Regular review of

behaviour tracking

The personal and

psyicolological needs of the

pupils are well-attended to.

Children’s learning is not

impeded by emotional




between parent/carers

and school

Improve newsletter

Develop digital newsletter format

Establish class rep system for relaying information

Questionnaire questions on


Pupil outcomes are

improved through greater

communication and support

for the school

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Put up and maintain information noticeboards outside school

Increase the twitter updates

Refresh website content

Hold coffee mornings for p/c’s to voice concerns

Seek feedback on number

of visits to website and

newsletter readership

Fox/Ashburnham School Self -evaluation

Outcomes for Pupils

Ofsted Criteria for Outstanding

Fox Ash

1 Throughout each year group and across the curriculum, including in English and Mathematics, current pupils make substantial and sustained

progress, developing excellent knowledge, understanding and skills, considering their different starting points.

1 1

2 The progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs currently on roll

matches or is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points.

1/2 2

3 Pupils are typically able to articulate their knowledge and understanding clearly in an age-appropriate way. They can hold thoughtful

conversations about them with each other and adults.

1 1

4 Pupils read widely and often across subjects to a high standard, with fluency and comprehension appropriate to their age. Pupils in Year 1

achieve highly in the national phonics check.

1 1/2

5 For pupils generally, and specifically for disadvantaged pupils, disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, progress is

above average across nearly all subject areas.

1 2

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6 From each different starting point, the proportions of pupils making and exceeding expected progress in English and in Mathematics are high

compared with national figures. The progress of disadvantaged pupils matches or is improving towards that of other pupils nationally.

1 2

7 The attainment of almost all groups of pupils is broadly in line with national averages or, if below these, it is improving rapidly. 1 1


Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment and have attained relevant qualifications.

1 1



Compared with the national average for all pupils, higher proportions of pupils and of disadvantaged pupils, progress on to a range of higher

and further education establishments, apprenticeships, employment or training. These destinations strongly support their career plans



Personal development, behaviour and welfare

Ofsted Criteria for Outstanding

Fox Ash

1 Pupils are confident, self-assured learners. Their excellent attitudes to learning have a strong, positive impact on their progress. They are proud of

their achievements and of their school.

1 1

2 Pupils discuss and debate issues in a considered way, showing respect for others’ ideas and points of view 1 1

3 In secondary schools, high quality, impartial careers guidance helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic

needs and aspirations. They are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.

n/a n/a

4 Pupils understand how their education equips them with the behaviours and attitudes necessary for success in their next stage of education,

training or employment and for their adult life.

1 1

5 Pupils value their education and rarely miss a day at school. No groups of pupils are disadvantaged by low attendance. The attendance of pupils

who have previously had exceptionally high rates of absence is rising quickly towards the national average.

1 2

6 Pupils’ impeccable conduct reflects the school’s effective strategies to promote high standards of behaviour. Pupils are self-disciplined.

Incidences of low-level disruption are extremely rare.

1 1

7 For individuals or groups with particular needs, there is sustained improvement in pupils’ behaviour. Where standards of behaviour were already

excellent, they have been maintained.

1 1

8 Pupils work hard with the school to prevent all forms of bullying, including online bullying and prejudice-based bullying. 1 1

9 Staff and pupils deal effectively with the very rare instances of bullying behaviour and/or use of derogatory or aggressive language. 1 1

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10 The school’s open culture actively promotes all aspects of pupils’ welfare. Pupils are safe and feel safe at all times. They understand how to keep

themselves and others safe in different situations and settings. They trust leaders to take rapid and appropriate action to resolve any concerns they


1 1

11 Pupils can explain accurately and confidently how to keep themselves healthy. They make informed choices about healthy eating, fitness and

their emotional and mental well-being. They have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships and are confident in staying safe

from abuse and exploitation.

1 1/2

12 Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online and of the dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social

networking sites.

1 1

13 Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society. 1 1

The Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Ofsted Criteria for Outstanding

Fox Ash

1 Teachers demonstrate deep knowledge and understanding of the subjects they teach. They use questioning highly effectively and demonstrate

understanding of the ways pupils think about subject content. They identify pupils’ common misconceptions and act to ensure they are




2 Teachers plan lessons very effectively, making maximum use of lesson time and coordinating lesson resources well. They manage pupils’

behaviour highly effectively with clear rules that are consistently enforced.

1 1

3 Teachers provide adequate time for practice to embed the pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills securely. They introduce subject

content progressively and constantly demand more of pupils. Teachers identify and support any pupil who is falling behind, and enable

almost all to catch up.

1 1

4 Teachers check pupils’ understanding systematically and effectively in lessons, offering clearly directed and timely support. 1 1

5 Teachers provide pupils with incisive feedback, in line with the school’s assessment policy, about what pupils can do to improve their

knowledge, understanding and skills. The pupils use this feedback effectively.

1 1

6 Teachers set challenging homework, in line with the school’s policy and as appropriate for the age and stage of pupils, that consolidates

learning, deepens understanding and prepares pupils very well for work to come.

1 1

7 Teachers embed reading, writing and communication and, where appropriate, mathematics exceptionally well across the curriculum,

equipping all pupils with the necessary skills to make progress. For younger children in particular, phonics teaching is highly effective in

enabling them to tackle unfamiliar words.

1 1

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8 Teachers are determined that pupils achieve well. They encourage pupils to try hard, recognise their efforts and ensure that pupils take pride

in all aspects of their work. Teachers have consistently high expectations of all pupils’ attitudes to learning.

1 1

9 Pupils love the challenge of learning and are resilient to failure. They are curious, interested learners who seek out and use new information

to develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills. They thrive in lessons and also regularly take up opportunities

to learn through extra-curricular activities.

1 1

10 Pupils are eager to know how to improve their learning. They capitalise on opportunities to use feedback, written or oral, to improve. 1 1

11 Parents are provided with clear and timely information on how well their child is progressing and how well their child is doing in relation to

the standards expected. Parents are given guidance about how to support their child to improve.

1 1

12 Teachers are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around the school. Resources and teaching

strategies reflect and value the diversity of pupils’ experiences and provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and

communities beyond their immediate experience

1 1

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Quality of Leadership and Management

Ofsted Criteria for Outstanding

Fox Ash

1 Leaders and governors have created a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. They are committed unwaveringly to setting high expectations for the

conduct of pupils and staff. Relationships between staff and pupils are exemplary

1 1

2 Leaders and governors focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, but especially for disadvantaged pupils. They are uncompromising in

their ambition.

1 1

3 The school’s actions have secured substantial improvement in progress for disadvantaged pupils. Progress is rising across the curriculum, including in

English and mathematics

1 1

4 Governors systematically challenge senior leaders so that the effective deployment of staff and resources, including the pupil premium, the primary PE

and sport premium and SEN funding, secures excellent outcomes for pupils. Governors do not shy away from challenging leaders about variations in

outcomes for pupil groups, especially between disadvantaged and other pupils.

1 1

5 Leaders and governors have a deep, accurate understanding of the school’s effectiveness informed by the views of pupils, parents and staff. They use this

to keep the school improving by focusing on the impact of their actions in key areas.

1 1

6 Leaders and governors use incisive performance management that leads to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’

improvement. Teaching is highly effective across the school.

1 1

7 Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach. They feel deeply involved in their own professional development. Leaders have created a climate in which

teachers are motivated and trusted to take risks and innovate in ways that are right for their pupils.

1 1

8 The broad and balanced curriculum inspires pupils to learn. The range of subjects and courses helps pupils acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in

all aspects of their education, including the humanities and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, social, physical and artistic learning.

1 1

9 Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British values, are at the heart of the school’s


1 1

10 Leaders promote equality of opportunity and diversity exceptionally well, for pupils and staff, so that the ethos and culture of the whole school prevents

any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. Leaders, staff and pupils do not tolerate prejudiced behaviour.

1 1

11 Safeguarding is effective. Leaders and managers have created a culture of vigilance where pupils’ welfare is actively promoted. Pupils are listened to and

feel safe. Staff are trained to identify when a pupil may be at risk of neglect, abuse or exploitation and they report their concerns. Leaders and staff work

effectively with external partners to support pupils who are at risk or who are the subject of a multi-agency plan.

1 1

12 Leaders’ work to protect pupils from radicalisation and extremism is exemplary. Leaders respond swiftly where pupils are vulnerable to these issues.

High quality training develops staff’s vigilance, confidence and competency to challenge pupils’ views and encourage debate.

1 1

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Effectiveness of Early Years Provision

Ofsted Criteria for Outstanding

Fox Ash

1 The pursuit of excellence by leaders and managers is shown by an uncompromising, highly successful drive to improve outcomes or maintain the

highest levels of outcomes, for all children over a sustained period.

1 1

2 Incisive evaluation of the impact of staff’s practice leads to rigorous performance management and supervision. Highly focused professional

development improves the quality of teaching.

1 1

3 Safeguarding is effective. 1 1

4 There are no breaches of statutory welfare requirements. 1 1

5 Children’s health, safety and well-being are greatly enhanced by the vigilant and consistent implementation of robust policies and procedures. 1 1

6 Leaders use highly successful strategies to engage parents and carers, including those from different groups, in their children’s learning in school

and at home.

1 1

7 A highly stimulating environment and exceptional organisation of the curriculum provides rich, varied and imaginative experiences. 1 1

8 Teaching is consistently of a very high quality, inspirational and worthy of dissemination to others; it is highly responsive to children’s needs. 1 1

9 Assessment is accurate and based on high quality observations. It includes all those involved in the child’s learning and development. Provision

across all areas of learning is planned meticulously. It is based on rigorous and sharply focused assessments of children’s achievement so that

every child undertakes highly challenging activities.

1 1

10 Children are highly motivated and very eager to join in. They consistently demonstrate curiosity, imagination and concentration. They are highly

responsive to adults and each other. They do not distract others or become distracted easily themselves.

1 1

11 Children are developing a very good understanding of how to keep themselves safe and manage risks. They demonstrate exceptionally positive

behaviour and high levels of self-control, cooperation and respect for others.

1 1

12 Children make consistently high rates of progress in relation to their starting points and are extremely well prepared academically, socially and

emotionally for the next stage of their education. As a result, almost all children, including children who have special educational needs and/or

disabilities, disadvantaged children and the most able, are making substantial and sustained progress.

1/2 1/2

13 Gaps between the attainment of groups of children and all children nationally, including disadvantaged children, have closed or are closing

rapidly. Any gaps between areas of learning are closing.

1 1

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Acronyms HS- Head of School DH - Deputy Head AHT – Assistant Headteacher LT - Leadership Team PM - Performance Management PP - Pupil premium CPD - Professional Development NQT - Newly Qualified Teacher SD - School Direct LA - Local Authority SE - Self Evaluation CoG – Chair of Governors HR- Human Resources UA – un-authorised
