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FPGA ENHANCED SURVEILLENCE TECHNIQUES by Brian Coulson Heflin B.A., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2006 A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering EAS_ECE_2008_004



Brian Coulson Heflin

B.A., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, 2006

A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Masters of Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


This thesis for Master of Science degree by

Brian C. Heflin

has been approved for the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering



Chia-Jiu Wang, Chair


Terrence E. Boult


Ramaswami Dandapani



Brian C. Heflin (M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering)

FPGA Enhanced Surveillance Techniques

Thesis directed by Professor Chia-Jiu “Charlie” Wang

This thesis presents the theory, development and the simulation results for

a target detection and tracking system designed around a Virtex 4 FX FPGA.

The chosen target detection method is based on the subtraction of a reference

background from the current image obtained from the camera sensor.

Additionally, a comparison of different target detection and tracking algorithms

that use the background subtraction method for target detection is also

presented. Portions of the implemented FPGA accelerated target detection and

tracking system are based on the Lehigh Omnidirectional Tracking System

(LOTS) tracking system developed at Lehigh University under the guidance of

Dr. Terry Boult. The FPGA modules implemented the target detection, reference

background model and per pixel threshold updates, and the reduced resolution

“parent” image used the in target tracking algorithm. Xilinx simulation results are

shown for all of the implemented HDL modules. Finally, Xilinx map and post

place and route timing results are presented to show that the system can operate

with an input clock frequency of 200 MHz.

To my wife and son,

Jennifer and Coleson Heflin



First, I would like to give thanks to my thesis committee chairman Dr. Chia-Jiu

(Charlie) Wang. I met Dr. Wang early in my undergraduate program and feel that

his knowledge and support was the key to my educational development and my

success in my Electrical Engineering curriculum.

I would also like to show my gratitude to Dr. Terrance E. Boult for his

assistance, patience, and guidance throughout my thesis research. I would also

like to extend my thanks to him for his comments and ideas during our graduate


I also wish to show my appreciation to Michael D. Ciletti. His knowledge and

insights to the Verilog HDL language, and algorithm development for FPGAs is

exceptional. I feel honored and privileged to have been his student.

Finally, I would like to thank the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

and the Electrical Engineering department chair Dr. T.S. Kalkur for giving me the

opportunity to perform the role as associate professor for the Spring 2008 Rapid

Prototyping with FPGAs class.

Table of Contents

List of Tables…………………………………………………………..vii

List of Figures…………………………………………………………....x


I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………..1

1.1 Visual Surveillance Fundamentals…………………..…….……2

1.2 Basic Background Subtraction…...……………………..………3

1.3 Purpose and Scope of the Study……………...………..………4

1.4 Arrangement of Thesis…………………………………………..5

1.5 Data / Other Limitations………………………………………….6


2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………..8

2.2 W4 Algorithm………………………………………………………8

2.2.1 W4 Background Modeling and Foreground Pixel Detection…………………………………………………...8

2.2.2 Tracking with the W4 Algorithm…………………………...9

2.3 Single Gaussian Model/Pfinder System………………………12

2.3.1 Target Detection using a Pfinder ……………………….12 2.3.2 Target Tracking using Pfinder …………………………..13

2.3 Adaptive Mixture of Gaussians………………………………...14

2.4 LOTS……………………………………………………………...15

2.4.1 Background Subtraction………………………………….16

2.4.2 Pixel Thresholding…………………………….…………..19

2.4.3 QCC………………………………………………………...21

2.4.4 Cleaning Regions…………………………………………23

2.4.5 Tracking with LOTS……………………………………….25

2.5 SUMMARY OF ALGORITHMS………………………………..25

III. METHODOLOGY…………..………………………………..29

3.1 FPGA Based Methodology and Architecture Introduction…..29

3.2 Background Subtraction/Pixel Thresholding HDL Modules...31

3.2.1 Background Subtraction Controller HDL Module………32

3.2.2 Background Subtraction Data Path……………………..37

3.3 16x16 Reduced Target Map……………………………………43

3.3.1 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller…………………44

3.3.2 16x16 Reduced Target Map Datapath………………….48

3.4 TARGET MAP FILTER HDL Module………………………….50

3.4.1 TARGET MAP FILTER Controller……………………….50

3.4.2 Target Map Filter Datapath………………………………53

IV. Simulation/Synthesis Results……….…………….………..56

4.1 Simulation Introduction…………………………………………56

4.2 Background and Threshold Initialization……………………...57 4.3 Simulation Results for the Background Subtraction HDL


4.3.1 Experiments with FRAME 870…………………………..60

4.3.2 Experiments with FRAME 911…………………………..63

4.3.3 Simulation Results for the Target Map HDL Modules..66

4.3.4 Simulation Results for the Target Filter HDL Modules…………………………………………………67

4.4 QCC Results……………………………………………………..68

4.5 Discussion of Simulation Results……………………………...72

4.5.1 Simulation Results For the Target Map HDL Modules..74

4.5.2 Simulation of Target Map Filter HDL Modules…………74

4.6 Xilinx XST Synthesis results …………………………………..75

4.6.1 Xilinx XST Synthesis Summary………………………….76

V. CONCLUSION……...………………………………………...78



A. Synthesis, Map, Place and Route and Static Timing Report……………………………………………….....81

B. Verilog HDL Code……………………………………130


List of Tables


2.1. Summary of the 4 Target Detection and Tracking Algorithms……………….25

2.2. Results of [6] for the 4 Target Detection and Tracking Algorithms………….26 3.1. Truth Table for Embedded Update Flags………………………………………31 3.2. The Inputs to the Background Subtraction Controller

module………………………………………………………………..…………..33 3.3. The outputs of the Background Subtraction Controller

module…………………………………………………………………….………33 3.4. Control Signals Asserted at Each State Background Subtraction

Controller……………………………………………………………………………37 3.5. The Inputs to the Background Subtraction Data Path Module……………....38 3.6. The Outputs of the Background Subtraction Data Path Module…………….40 3.7. Truth Table for the 6-bit map_inc Value………………………………………..43 3.8. The Inputs to the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller Module…………..44 3.9. The Outputs to the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller Module………..44 3.10. Control Signals Asserted at Each State 16x16 Reduced Target Map

Controller………………………………………………….………………………47 . 3.11. The Inputs to 16x16 Reduced Target Map Data Path Module……………..48

3.12. The Outputs of the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Data Path Module………49 3.13. The inputs to the Target Map Filter controller module are………………….51 3.14. The Outputs of the Target Map Filter controller module……………………51 3.15. Control Signals Asserted at Each State 16x16 Reduced Target Map

Filter…………………………………………………………………………….…51 3.16. The Inputs to Target Map Filter Data Path Module………………………….53

3.17. The Outputs of the Target Map Filter Data Path Module…………………...54 4.1. Two Background Reference Models……………………………………………57

4.2. Output Threshold Images for Both Initialization Techniques………………...59

4.3. Verilog HDL simulation results for Caviar Frame 870………………………..60

4.4. Verilog HDL simulation results for Caviar Frame 911………………………..63

4.5. Returned images from the QCC algorithm…………………………………….68

4.6. Frame Rate and Corresponding Frame Size for a MICRON MT9T001…….72

4.7. Logic That Did not Meet Timing and the Actions Taken to Allow the Design

to Run at 200 MHz……………………………………………………………….75


List of Figures


1.1. Eight Major Stages In A Target Tracking System………………………………2

2.1. Example of Correlating Silhouette Edges to Track a Person Running……..10

2.2. Example of the W4 Locating Both Target’s Head, Torso, Hands and Feet..11

2.3. Example 24x24 Difference Image With It’s “parent” Image………………….22

3.1. Top Level Block Diagram for the FPGA Based Target Detection and Tracking System………………………………………………………………....30

3.2. ASM Chart for Background Subtraction Controller……………………………36 3.3. ASM Chart for 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller……………………….46 3.4. ASM Chart for Target Map Filter Controller……………………………………52 4.1.Verilog HDL simulation results for the 16x16 reduced target map using a

constant map_inc value of 6’b010_010…………………………………………66 4.2. Verilog HDL Simulation Results for the 16x16 Reduced Target Map





INTRODUCTION 1.1 Visual Surveillance Fundamentals

Visual surveillance algorithms have the job of detecting and tracking

targets. “From an architecture point of view, many visual surveillance systems

further decompose the problem resulting in to eight major stages: acquisition,

detection, grouping, tracking, filtering, classification, updating models, and

sensor control” [1]. Figure 1 below shows the block diagram of a target tracking


Figure 1: Eight Major Stages In A Target Tracking System

The first two phases in the tracking of a target are the acquisition phase, where

the next image from a camera sensor is obtained and the detection phase where

a target or multiple targets are located within the image from the camera sensor.

The detector used in some target tracking systems is based on subtraction of a

reference background model from the image obtained from the sensor in the

acquisition phase.

1.2 Basic Background Subtraction

The detection phase uses background subtraction to detect changes in a

scene by computing the absolute difference, for every pixel, between the current

frame and a stored reference background frame . A difference image is

computed with equation (1.1):


where delta is the absolute difference the pixels of B and I. Next, if delta is

greater than a noise-based threshold , it is assumed that the pixel value

change is due to the presence of a target. Additionally, the choice of must be

high enough to ignore noise, but low enough to detect targets. There are two

primary approaches to reference modeling. The first is to adapt the reference

model over time by blending information and statistics extracted from many

images. The second method uses the two most recent frames for building the

reference image. After the detection phase has completed the next stage is the

grouping phase. The objective of the grouping phase is to assign a label to

pixels that are potentially a target pixel. “The most basic form of grouping is

simple connected components—the assignment of the same label to adjacent

pixels. Since this stage is early in the system, these uniformly labeled and well-

connected pixels regions are not necessarily deemed true targets. They are

often referred to with the less descriptive term blobs” [1]. The next phase is the

tracking phase. In the tracking phase each “blob” is related to blobs detected in

previous frames. An example of basic tracking would be to associate blobs from

the current frame to blobs from the previous frames that overlap or are within

some proximity of each other. After the tracking phase has completed the next

phase is the filtering phase. During the filtering phase more tests are performed

to ensure that the detected targets are really targets. The filtering process could

range from simple detection of targets without the minimum number of pixels or

area to more complex methods such as detecting changes in illumination, or

blobs that result from reflections or shadows. The optional classification phase

consists trying to further characterize detected targets. For example, a vehicle

recognition routine running in parallel with the target detection system could be

used to automatically detect and track vehicles of interest. The model update

phase consists of updating the internal models and parameters with new

information obtained from the most recent frame. “This might include adjusting

various thresholds, adjusting the background models, or updating internal system

variables. Since in many systems there can be several parameters per

pixel..[c]reating a system that both properly and rapidly self-adapts its internal

model is perhaps the largest challenge faced by visual surveillance community”

[1]. The final optional sensor control phase can incorporate the results of the

model update phase to adjust parameters of the video stream such as gain or

sensor integration time or it may activate a motor so a camera mounted to a

motor driven platform can follow the target.

1.3 Purpose of and Scope of Study

This thesis will document the implementation of an FPGA accelerated target

detection and tracking system for a stationary 3 Megapixel video camera.

Portions of the FPGA accelerated target detection and tracking system are based

on the Lehigh Omnidirectional Tracking System (LOTS) tracking system

developed at Lehigh University under the guidance of Dr. Terry Boult. The FPGA

modules will implement the target detection, reference background model and

per pixel threshold updates, and the reduced resolution “parent” image used the

in target tracking algorithm. I will also include a discussion of the complete

architecture for the target detection and tracking system including tracking,

filtering, and pixel grouping that will be executed by software running a PowerPC

embedded in a Virtex4 FX FPGA.

1.4 Arrangement of Thesis

Part I contains the introduction and the motivation for the thesis topic.

Furthermore, Part I is an introduction to the concepts of visual surveillance and

background subtraction. Part II is an examination of various target tracking

algorithms that use a target detector that is based on subtraction of a reference

background model from the image obtained from the sensor. Part III is a

complete examination of the individual Verilog HDL modules contained in the

target detection and tracking system. Additionally Part III contains a discussion of

the rest of the target tracking algorithm that will execute on a PowerPC running

on a Virtex 4 FPGA. Part IV contains my Verilog HDL simulation results for the

background subtraction/thresholding modules as well as the 16x16 reduced

resolution target map and target map filter HDL modules. Additionally, Part IV

contains a discussion of the Xilinx XSTsynthesis results, and timing benchmarks

for all of the implemented Verilog HDL modules. Part V is the thesis conclusion.

This section will be present recommendations and additional work that is needed.

Part VII is the Bibliography and Appendix. The Appendix contains all of the

Verilog code and the Xilinx synthesis, timing, map and post place and route

reports for all of the implemented Verilog HDL modules.

1.5 Data / Other Limitations

Since this thesis is the implementation of the hardware acceleration of the

target detection, reference background model updates, per pixel threshold

updates, and the reduced resolution “parent” image used in a target detection

and tracking system, the simulation data will be limited to the execution of the

background subtraction, pixel thresholding, reference background updating, and

formation of the 16x16 reduced resolution target map. The later parts of the

connect components tracking algorithm will be performed by software and is not

a part of the HDL simulation. However, the results from my simulations were

saved to data files and the connected components C++-code imported these

data files to generate the images shown in part IV.





2.1 Introduction This chapter contains a review based on published literature of several target

detection and tracking algorithms including the W4, Single Gaussian Model or

Pfinder, Adaptive Mixture of Gaussians, and the Lehigh Omnidirectional Tracking

System (LOTS).

2.2 W4 Algorithm The W4 algorithm as proposed by Haritaoglu in [2] operates on gray scale

images. The W4 algorithm uses shape analysis to locate target’s hands, legs,

feet, head, and torso. Using the results of the shape analysis the W4 algorithm

will create a model of the target’s appearance so it can track the target even if

the target becomes occluded and unocculuded.

2.2.1 W4 Background Modeling and Foreground Pixel Detection

Three different parameters are assigned to each pixel to model the background.

The three parameters are the minimum intensity, maximum intensity, and the

maximum absolute difference in consecutive frames. The first step in the W4

algorithm is pixel thresholding. A pixel is considered a possible target if

(2.1) Where is the minimum intensity, and is the maximum intensity, and

is the maximum intensity difference. Unfortunately the resulting threshold

image contains a considerable amount of noise. Therefore, the next step is to

perform a region based noise cleaning that is comprised of an erosion operation

followed by a connected component analysis that removes regions with less than

50 pixels above threshold. The result of the connected component analysis is a

set of bounding boxes with target pixels. Next more morphological operations

comprised of dilatation and erosion are applied to the pixels inside of the boxes

and the final boxes are returned as targets.

2.2.2 Tracking with the W4 Algorithm

The goal of the W4 algorithm is to perform a fast and robust tracking algorithm.

The W4 algorithm is designed to track objects even if the first level of detection

does not segment multiple targets. “[The W4 algorithm] can determine whether a

foreground region contains multiple people and can segment the region into its

constituent people and track them. W4 can also determine whether people are

carrying objects, and can segment objects from their silhouettes, and construct

appearance models for them so they can be identified in subsequent frames. W4

can recognize events between people and objects, such as depositing an object,

exchanging bags, or removing an object” [2]. Next the W4 algorithm performs a

two stage motion estimation algorithm. First a preliminary calculation of the

object is performed to determine the initial displacement of the median between

the foreground region in the previous frame and current frame

Next, “…the best match between previous silhouette edges and current

silhouette edges is found by correlating over a 5x3 displacement mask centered

at the initial displacement estimate”[3].. Figure 2.1 below shows an example of

correlating silhouette edges to track a person running.

Figure 2.1: Example of Correlating Silhouette Edges to Track a Person Running

The W4 algorithm also generates a temporal texture template for each target that

is being tracked using the average intensity of the corresponding foreground

pixels. Dynamic template matching can then be used to identify targets when

they become occluded and then unoccluded. Next the W4 algorithm locates the

target’s hands, feet, legs, head, and torso “Hands are located after torso by

finding extreme regions which are connect to the torso and which are outside of

torso…height of the bounding box of an object is taken as a height of the

cardboard model, then fixed vertical scales are used to find the approximate

initial location of body parts” [3]. Figure 2.2 below shows an example of the W4

locating both targets head, torso, hands and feet.

Figure 2.2: Example of the W4 Locating Both Target’s Head, Torso, Hands and Feet

The target models are then tracked across multiple frames using a correlation

technique. “The estimated location of an template is calculated by global motion

g(t) of body and local motion l(t) of head (hands). The correlation results are

monitored during tracking to determine if the correlation is good enough to track

the parts. Changes in the correlation scores allow us to make a prediction about

whether a part is becoming occluded. When tracking fails, detection is re-

initialized subsequently with the static cardboard model”[3]. The W4 algorithm

can run at 25 Hz for 320×240 resolution images on a 400 MHz dual-Pentium II


2.3 Single Gaussian Model The Single Gaussian Model of Pfinder algorithm as proposed by Wren in [4] is

target detection and tracking system that also tries to interpret the target’s

behavior. “The system uses a multiclass statistical model of color and shape to

obtain a 2D representation of head and hands in a wide range of viewing

conditions. Pfinder has been successfully used in a wide range of applications

including wireless interfaces, video databases, and low-bandwidth coding” [4].

2.3.1 Target Detection using a Pfinder

The Pfinder system operates on color images. The intensity and color of each

pixel is represented by a vector . The mean and covariance of

each pixel is updated recursively with the following formulas:



where is the pixel in the current frame and is the learning rate, and


After the background adaptation phase is complete, the log likelihood of the

difference between the current image and the background is computed with

equation 2.5.


A pixel is classified as a potential target if else it is considered as part of

the background. Finally, the algorithm detects targets by performing connected

components on the non-background labeled pixels.

2.3.1 Target Tracking using Pfinder Once the Pfinder algorithmhas located a target it tries to build a more detailed

model. “A more detailed model of the user includes information about the

composition of the user. The same gaussian blobs that are used to classify the

image can also be useful as a model of the user” [5]. Next, the Pfinder system

tries to locate the head, feet, and hands of the target. Once the head, hands, and

feet have been located the system can track the target and can also identify if the

target is sitting, standing or pointing. The Pfinder algorithm can process 10

frames per second on an SGI indy with a 175Mhz R4400 CPU, and Vino Video

with a reduced fame size of (160x120).

2.3 Adaptive Mixture of Gaussians

In the adaptive mixture of Gaussians algorithm each pixel is modeled by a

mixture of K Gaussians:


where K = 3..5 or 4 in [6], “Furthermore is assumed that . The

background is updated as follows:

If matches component , i.e., is within standard deviations of (where

is 2 or 2.5), then the component is updated as follows:

(2.7) (2.8) (2.9)

where Components which did not match are updated by:

(2.10) (2.11) (2.12)

“The foreground is detected as follows. All components in the mixture are sorted

into the order of decreasing . So higher importance gets placed on

components with the most evidence and lowest variance, which are assumed to

be the background. Let for some threshold Then

components 1…B are assumed to be background. So if does not match one of

these components, the pixel is marked as foreground. Foreground pixels are

then segmented into regions using connected component labeling. Detected

regions are represented by their centriod” [6].

2.4 LOTS

The LOTS tracking system was developed at Lehigh University under the

guidance of Dr. Terry Boult. The area of application of the LOTS target detection

and tracking system is different from many other tracking systems. It was

designed to “track targets in a perimeter security type setting, i.e. outdoor

operation in moderate to high cover areas.” Some of the constrains and

implications for the LOTS system as presented in [7] are:

• The lighting is naturally varying. We must handle sunlight

filtered through trees and intermittent cloud cover.

• Targets use camouflage, thus it is unlikely that color will

add much information.

• Targets will be moving in areas with large amounts of

occlusion; finding/classifying outlines will be difficult.

Trees/brush/clouds all move. The system must have algorithms

to help distinguish these “insignificant” motions

from target motions.

• Many targets will move slowly (less than .01 pixel per

frame); some will be stationary for a two minutes or

more. Some will try very hard to blend into the motion

of the trees/brush. Therefore frame-to-frame differencing

is of limited value. Temporal adaptation schemes must

not add slow targets to the background.

• Targets will not, in general, be “upright” or isolated. Thus

we have not added “labeling” of targets based on simple

shape/scale/orientation models.

• Targets need to be detected quickly and when they are

still very small and distant, e.g. about 10-20 pixels on


• Correlation, template matching, and related techniques

cannot be effectively used because of large amounts of

occlusion and because in a paraimage, image translation

is a very poor model; objects translating in the world undergo

rotation and non-linear scaling.

The LOTS target detection and tracking system has three distinctive features.

The first distinct feature is the use of multiple background reference models. The

system uses 3 background models. The second distinct feature of LOTS is the

speed that the system adapts its background models. The last distinct feature of

the LOTS target detection and tracking system system is the use of a per pixel

threshold with a high and low threshold.

2.4.1 Background Subtraction

As presented in [1] the LOTS system uses a three background models. At

time the primary background is represented by and the second

background by . The pixel intensity value is represented by , where

is the pixel index for a gray scale image. Additionally, in [1] is was

presumed that the input at time was closer to the primary background model

. The difference images are defined as:



and the variable , as the index with the smaller difference and as

the remaining index. In [1] they also allowed for a process to label the pixel as

being the the target set or in the nontarget set . The background models are

updated as follows:


Usually is smaller than . Additionally, the other background model is not



However, the LOTS system does not update every pixel in the background every

frame. Instead it reduces the rate at which the background is update so that the

multiplicative blending factor was at least 1/32. For example, an effective

integration factor with is achieved by adding 1/32 of the

new frame to the background every 1024th frame. “Given a target that differs from

a mid-gray background by 32 and a threshold of 16, the adaptation results in

requiring between 2 to 4096 frames for the target to become part of the

background” [8]. To further reduce the rate that the target pixels blend into the

reference background, pixels identified as “targets” have a smaller effective

integration factor. Initial analysis of the LOTS system showed that if the

background model was updated every frame, it became by far the most

computationally expensive component of the system since it requires a multiply,

add, and a shift operation. Therefore, for a faster implementation of the

reference background update a new update rule called the up-down, or the

conditional increment model was developed. Equation 2.17 below shows the

conditional increment model.


“The most important drawback to the conditional increment model is that if a

target is mislabeled, the system does not “blend” it in significantly; it does not

matter if the target is nearly the same or distant in grey values, the update is

constant. Since the primary goal of this aspect of the system is to update the

background to handle diurnal lighting changes (which should be slow), using a

scaled difference does not seem justified. Rather than always blending quickly,

LOTS has a separate rapid lighting change detection subsystem that temporarily

changes the system behavior when large (i.e. non-diurnal) lighting changes

occur. When strong lighting changes are detected, the current system

temporarily increases its thresholds while also switching to a larger alpha-

blending-based algorithm to more quickly adapt away the changes. The switch

between the modes is automatic and based on rate of growth in a number of

pixels labeled as targets. If the growth rate is very radical, such as might occur if

an adversary shines a laser directly into the imaging system, the system reports

it immediately and tries again on the next frame. With this separate lighting

model change technique, the system can maintain high sensitivity while

maintaining robustness” [1]. Since the primary and secondary backgrounds are

updated with temporal blending to allow them to track slow lighting changes, the

blending can result in persistent false alarms and targets leaving “ghosts”. To

deal with these issues the system has a third background reference image,

called the old-image that is used in the cleaning phase of the tracking algorithm.

Unlike the primary and secondary backgrounds the old-image is not updated with

an incremental or blending model instead it is an exact copy of an input frame

from between 9000-18000 frames ago. Furthermore, regions that contain targets

when the old-image is formed are marked as non targets.

2.4.2 Pixel Thresholding

The LOTS tracking system also utilizes multiple pixel thresholds. The first

threshold is a global threshold. The global threshold is used to deal with the

camera gain noise and can be adjusted while the system is running. The second

threshold is a per-pixel threshold. The per-pixel threshold “…attempts to account

for the inherent spatial variability of the scene intensity at the pixel, e.g. points

near edges will have higher variability because of small changes in the imaging

situation can cause large intensity changes” [7]. Similarly to the multiple

background models, the per-pixel threshold is not updated every frame. The

adaptation scheme slowly decreases the threshold for missed pixels. A missed

label means that the pixel was not above threshold but is part of a detected

region. If a pixel is detected the threshold remains constant. A detected label

signifies that the pixel corresponds to a detected region. Finally, if the pixel

becomes an insertion due to noisy pixels or if the threshold is to low it is

increased. An insertion label means that the pixel was above threshold but not

part of a detected region. Equation 2.18 below shows a summary of the threshold

updating scheme.


Since there should only be a small growth in the number of pixels that are above

threshold, the system contains a counter for the number of pixels that are above

threshold. If the growth or number of pixels is too large, the system assumes it is

probably a rapid lighting change or a radical camera motion. “The system

attempts to handle radical growth by presuming it to be a rapid lighting change

and temporarily increases both the global threshold and the allowed growth rate.

This attempt to increase the thresholds is tried twice. If it is successful in

reducing the growth, we proceed as usual except we force an update of non-

target regions with a blending factor much larger than usual. If after raising the

threshold a few times we still detect that the number of pixels differing from the

backgrounds is growing

too fast then we presume the growth must be because of camera motion. To

handle camera motion we:

1. skip tracking for this frame,

2. then increase the allowed growth rate suspending tracking for the next frame

3. call for an absolute update (all pixels are updated). If camera-motion events

are considered significant, we also inform the user” [7].

2.4.3 QCC

After the background subtraction and thresholding is complete the pixels

that are above high and/or low threshold need to be grouped into regions. A

connected component labeling technique called Quasi-Connected Components

(QCC) is used to not only to label the regions but also to discard small noise

regions in an efficient manner suitable for implementation onto a FPGA.

Furthermore, the processing time for the QCC algorithm is reduced by three

techniques. The first technique is that only the part of the row between the

leftmost pixel above threshold and the rightmost pixel above threshold is

processed. The second technique is that the connectivity analysis uses a

modified union-find data structure to allow very fast association of regions. The

last technique is the QCC algorithm operates on a reduced resolution or “parent”

image. Figure 2.3 below shows an example 24x24 difference image with it’s

“parent” image below.

Figure 2.3: Example 24x24 Difference Image With It’s “parent” Image

For example, during the initial phase of QCC the 24x24 difference image shown

in figure 2.3 could be reduced by a factor of 4 in each direction, as shown in the

6x6 image to the lower left of the difference image. “Because of its relation to

similar concepts in multi-resolution processing, this is generally called the parent

image, where each parent pixel has multiple child pixels that contribute to it. The

value of each parent pixel in this parent images is, initially, a count (area) of how

many pixels were above the low threshold and how many were above the high

threshold” [1]. The original LOTS implementation used a 32-bit integer to hold the

number of pixels above the high and low threshold in a 4x4 block. Where the

upper 16 bits contains the count of the number of pixels above the high threshold

and the lower 16-bits is the count of the number of pixels above the low threshold

but below the high threshold. In a 4x4 block the number of pixels that could be

above high and/or low threshold could be 16. “Because of limited ranges, this

allows a single 32-bit addition to combine both counts without the danger of

overflow” [1]. In figure 2.3 on the previous page the shaded pixels are above the

low threshold and the pixels that are patterned are above the high and low

thresholds. The difference image in figure 2.3 shows regions with pixels that are

above the high and/or low threshold. The upper left region contains 5 pixels

above threshold, one of which is above the high threshold. The lower left region

contains 13 pixels above the low threshold only. The middle right region contains

21 pixels above threshold, 4 of which are above the high threshold. The value of

bottom green pixel in the bottom left parent image of figure 2.3, has a value of 6

since it is the parent of 6 pixels above the low threshold and 0 above the high

threshold. The second yellow pixel is associated with 2 pixels above the low

threshold, and 1 pixel above the high threshold. Therefore it has the value

0x0100 + 0x0002 = 0x0102 (258 decimal).

2.4.4 Cleaning Regions

The next phase in the QCC algorithm is to clean the detected regions with

three different algorithms: size, lighting normalization and unoccluded region.

The first algorithm uses area thresholds to remove noise regions. The lighting

normalization and unoccluded region cleaning algorithms makes use of

normalized intensity data from the input image, the primary background, and the

third background or “old image”. The second cleaning or lighting normalization

algorithm tries to account for local lighting variations by reperforming the pixel

thresholding procedure using a normalized background intensity. The

normalized background intensity is computed for each region so it can handle

sun light filtered through a tree or small cloud patches in the scene.

The third cleaning phase or unoccluded region cleaning algorithm is used “…to

see if it is a region where a moving target has disoccluded the background, i.e.

handling a “ghost” image. This is done by doing a thresholding with-hysteresis

comparison against an intensity normalized version of the old image”[7].

2.4.5 Tracking with LOTS

The tracking phase of the QCC algorithm tries to connect target regions

detected in the current frame to targets detected in prior frames. First the QCC

algorithm uses the current “parent” image as well as the “parent” image from the

past frame to associate blobs from the previous frame. Blobs that are connected

in space-time are labeled with the same label they had in the past frame. Next

the algorithm tries to merge new regions with other regions in close proximity that

have strong temporal associations. The QCC algorithm will also connect new

regions with regions that were not in the previous frame but had been tracked in

earlier frames. “For regions that are “tracked”, we maintain information on their

position (image coordinates and 3D world coordinates), current and average

velocity (image and world), their size, length of time tracked, path (most recent

100 positions), positions avert to their most recent intensity distributions, and

their confidence measures” [7].


In summary, the Pfinder algorithm and the adaptive mixture of gaussian

MOG algorithms are very computationally intensive and the system parameters

require extensive tuning. The algorithms are also very sensitive to changes in

illumination such as the sun going behind a cloud. Additionally, the longer that

the scene remains static the smaller the variances of the background will become

and a sudden change in illumination will cause the entire frame to turn into a

target. The W4 algorithm is less computationally expensive than the Pfinder

algorithm or adaptive MOG algorithms however, the W4 algorithm is extremely

sensitive to motion of background objects camera jitter, and illumination changes.

The LOTS algorithm is also less computationally expensive than the Pfinder or

adaptive MOG algorithms and it can also account for sudden changes in

illumination even if the scene remains static for extended periods of time. Table

2.1 below shows a summary of the 4 target detection and tracking algorithms.

Table 2.1: Summary of the 4 Target Detection and Tracking Algorithms.

Method Speed Adaptability & Precision

Complexity Changes in Illumination

W4 Medium Low Low Sensitive Single Gaussian/ Pfinder

Slow Medium High Sensitive

Adaptive MOG

Slow High High Less Sensitive than Single

Gaussian LOTS Fast High Low Moderately


Additionally, in [6] the authors compared the various target detection and tracking

algorithms against each other using a performance measure called Tracker

Detection Rate (TRDR) and False Alarm Rate (Far).

Where is a true positive detection, is an insertion or false positive, and

is a messed target or false negative. Table 2.2 below shows the results of

their experiments for the 4 target detection and tracking algorithms from the

previous section.

Table 2.2: Results of [6] for the 4 Target Detection and Tracking Algorithms

From table 2.2 if can be seen that the LOTS algorithm had the highest target

detection rate and the second lowest false alarm rate as compared to the other 3

algorithms. While the Pfinder, MOG and W4 algorithms can be used to detect

and track targets, for an FPGA implementation the computational complexity of

the 3 algorithms out weighs the performance as compared to the LOTS

algorithm. Additionally, the LOTS algorithm can achieve better performance while

using only fixed point operations that can readily implemented onto a FPGA.

While the W4 is less complex than the Pfinder and MOG algorithms it still

requires more complex dilation and erosion operations on the pixel data as

compared to the LOTS algorithm. Furthermore the SGM, MGM and W4

algorithms are extremely sensitive to motion of background objects camera jitter,

and illumination changes while the LOTS algorithm has routines to account for

camera jitter, and illumination changes.





3.1 FPGA Based Methodology and Architecture Introduction

The FPGA based architecture for implementation the target detection and

tracking system consists of using the FPGA fabric for the preprocessing of the

data to include the background subtraction, background reference model

updates, pixel thresholding, and the forming the reduced resolution “parent”

image presented in section 2.4.3 in conjunction with using an embedded

PowerPC to perform the later steps of the target tracking using the QCC

algorithm. The FPGA based architecture will allow parts of the tracking system

to execute in parallel and at different clock frequencies if necessary. The

PowerPC and FPGA modules can transfer data through the use of the FPGA’s

embedded dual-port block ram. The PowerPC can be connected to a dual port

block ram controller that allows the C-code to access the block ram’s content

easily through the use of pointers to the block ram’s assigned address space.

Additionally, user created HDL modules known as pcores, that are attached to

the processor local bus or PLB bus will be used to read and write pixel data,

background model, and threshold data to the multiport-memory controller

input/output buffers. Then the multiport-memory controller will read and write the

data to the DDR SDRAM. Figure 3.1 below shows the top level block diagram for

the FPGA based target detection and tracking system.

Figure 3.1: Top Level Block Diagram for the FPGA Based Target Detection and Tracking System

3.2 Background Subtraction/Pixel Thresholding HDL Modules

The background subtraction HDL Module will accept 8-bit pixel data and

64-bit background and threshold data for processing. Since the reference

background data is only 32-bits for input every pixel this will allow the HDL

module to operate on two pixels in parallel. The output of the background

subtraction HDL Module is the map increment or map_inc value for the 16x16

reduced target map HDL modules and the updated reference background and

threshold data that will be stored back to the DDR SDRAM. Embedded data in

the 3 most significant bits (MSBs) of the per pixel threshold data will be used as

update flags. The truth table for the embedded flags is shown below in table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Truth Table for Embedded Update Flags

Threshold[7] Threshold[6] Threshold[5] Action Performed

0 0 0 No Update

0 0 1 Update B1 Detected

0 1 0 Update B1 Missed

0 1 1 Update B1 Insertion

1 0 0 Update B2 Detected

1 0 1 Update B2 Missed

1 1 0 Update B2 Insertion

1 1 1 No Update

A detected label signifies that the pixel corresponds to a detected region. An

insertion label means that the pixel was above threshold but not part of a

detected region. A missed label means that the pixel was not above threshold

but is part of a detected region.

3.2.1 Background Subtraction Controller HDL Module

The background subtraction controller HDL module is a finite state

machine (FSM) that will control the flow of pixel and reference background data

into the background subtraction datapath module for processing. Control signals

are sent from the background subtraction controller to the background

subtraction datapath to perform operations such as subtraction of the current

pixel data from the reference backgrounds and the reference background

updates. Additionally, at the end of every frame the controller will check the

number of pixels that were above the high and/or low threshold. If the number is

greater than a user defined value it is assumed that the change is due to a rapid

lighting change or radical camera motion. The background controller will handle

radical growth by first assuming that the growth is due to a rapid lighting change

and will increase the global threshold by 4 in addition to the allowed growth rate.

This technique is tried 2 times, if it is successful in reducing the growth, the

system will continue processing the input frames and update all non-target

regions with a slightly larger blending factor. If the previous technique fails it is

assumed that the radical growth is due to camera motion. The controller will

perform the following tasks:

1. Increase the allowed growth rate and suspend tracking for the next


2. Call for an absolute update of all background reference pixels.

3. A flag or interrupt can be sent to the PowerPC to inform the user

that a camera motion event is taking place.

The ASM chart for background subtraction controller HDL module, figure 3.2, can

be found on the following page. The input and outputs of the background

subtraction controller HDL module are shown below in tables 3.2 and 3.3.

Table 3.2 The Inputs to the Background Subtraction Controller module:

Clk_200MHz System clock with a frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Threshold_Counter [21:0] Count of pixels above the threshold in the

previously process frame Table 3.3 :The outputs of the Background Subtraction Controller module: Get_data Read control signal to Pixel and Reference

Background data buffers Get_data2 Control Signal to datapath module to

indicate that pixel and reference background data on input line should be stored to temporary registers

Get_abs Control signal to data path module to indicate that the current pixel data should be subtracted from both reference backgrounds

Get_min_diff Control signal to data path module to indicate that the minimum difference between the pixel data and the reference backgrounds should be stored in the min_diff register

Update Control signal to data path module to indicate that the background data 0/1 should be incremented/decremented by the INCREMENTAL parameter

Update_alpha Control signal to data path module to indicate that the background data should be multiplied by either 15 or 7 depending on the value of update_pixel0/1_nontarget and update_pixel0/1_target

Update_alpha1 Control signal to data path module to indicate that the previously multiplied background data should be added to the current pixel data

Update_alpha2 Control signal to data path module to

indicate that the previously added data should be shifted by either 2 or 4 depending on the value of update_pixel0/1_nontarget and update_pixel0/1_target

Update_pixel0_nontarget Control signal to data path module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_0 should be updated this frame with nontarget parameters

Update_pixel0_target Control signal to data path module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_0 should be updated this frame with target parameters

Update_pixel1_nontarget Control signal to data path module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_1 should be updated this frame with nontarget parameters

Update_pixel1_target Control signal to data path module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_1 should be updated this frame with target parameters

Update_pixel0 Control signal to data path module to indicate that background_0 should be updated

Update_pixel1 Control signal to data path module to indicate that background_1 should be updated

Label Control signal to data path module to modify the update flag in background_1 and both map_inc values

Inc_SRAM_read_ptr Control signal to data path module to increment the read pointer to the pixel data and background reference data buffer

Inc_SRAM_write_ptr Control signal to data path module to increment the write pointer to the pixel data and background reference data buffer

Write_SRAM_Out Control signal to output buffers to write the current input data to the buffer

Output Control signal to data path module to output the updated background reference data and map_inc data

Temp_inc_global Control signal to data path module to indicate that the global threshold should be incremented by 4

Decrease_global_1x Control signal to data path module to indicate that the global threshold should be

decremented by 4 Decrease_global_2x Control signal to data path module to

indicate that the global threshold should be decremented by 8

Update_old_frame Control signal to data path module to indicate that the old frame reference data should be updated with the current pixel data

non_target_update Absolute_update Control signal to data path module to

indicate that all pixels should be updated this frame

Figure 3.2: ASM Chart for Background Subtraction Controller

Table 3.4 shows the controls signals that are asserted at each state shown in the

asm chart on the previous page. All of the control signals are generated with

combinational logic.

Table 3.4: Control Signals Asserted at Each State Background Controller

State Table Control Signals S_reset NONE S_get_new_frame get_frame S_get_data get_data

inc_SRAM_read_ptr S_reg_input get_data2 S_update_alpha update_alpha

update_old_frame (1 time every 9000-18000 frames)

S_update_alpha1 update_alpha1 S_update_alpha2 update_alpha2 S_get_abs get_abs S_get_min_diff get_min_diff S_label Label S_label_update label

update S_output write_SRAM_out

inc_SRAM_write_ptr S_check_threshold_count NONE S_inc_global_threshold temp_inc_global

temp_inc_limit S_clear_loop_count decrease_global_1x or 2X

abs_update S_camera_motion_loop skip_next_frame


3.2.2 Background Subtraction Data Path

The background subtraction data path HDL module will process of pixel

and reference background data. Control signals received from the background

subtraction controller will signal the datapath to perform operations such as

subtraction of the current pixel data from the reference backgrounds and

reference background updates. The input and outputs of the background

subtraction datapath HDL module are shown below in tables 3.5 and 3.6.

Table 3.5: The Inputs to the Background Subtraction Data Path module: Clk_200MHz System clock with frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Get_data Read control signal from the controller

module to indicate that to Pixel and Reference Background data buffers are being read

Get_data2 Control Signal from the controller module to indicate that pixel and reference background data on input line should be stored to temporary registers

Get_abs Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the current pixel data should be subtracted from both reference backgrounds

Get_min_diff Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the minimum difference between the pixel data and the reference backgrounds should be stored in the min_diff register

Update Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the background data 0/1 should be incremented/decremented by the INCREMENTAL parameter

Update_alpha Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the background data should be multiplied by either 15 or 7 depending on the value of update_pixel0/1_nontarget and update_pixel0/1_target

Update_alpha1 Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the previously multiplied background data should be added to the current pixel data

Update_alpha2 Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the previously added data should be shifted by either 2 or 4 depending on the value of update_pixel0/1_nontarget and update_pixel0/1_target

Update_pixel0_nontarget Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_0 should be updated this frame with nontarget parameters

Update_pixel0_target Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the reference background

for pixel_0 should be updated this frame with target parameters

Update_pixel1_nontarget Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_1 should be updated this frame with nontarget parameters

Update_pixel1_target Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the reference background for pixel_1 should be updated this frame with target parameters

Update_pixel0 Control signal to data path module to indicate that background_0 should be updated

Update_pixel1 Control signal to data path module to indicate that background_1 should be updated

Inc_SRAM_read_ptr Control signal from the controller to increment the read pointer to the pixel data and background reference data buffer

Inc_SRAM_write_ptr Control signal from the controller module to increment the write pointer to the pixel data and background reference data buffer

Write_SRAM_Out Control signal to output buffers to write the current input data to the buffer

Label Control signal from the controller module to modify the update flag in background_1 and both map_inc values

Output Control signal from the controller module to output the updated background reference data and map_inc data

Temp_inc_global Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the global threshold should be incremented by 4

Decrease_global_1x Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the global threshold should be decremented by 4

Decrease_global_2x Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the global threshold should be decremented by 8

Update_old_frame Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the old frame reference data should be updated with the current pixel data

Absolute_update Control signal from the controller module to indicate that all pixels should be updated this frame

Table 3.6: The Outputs of the Background Subtraction Data Path Module: Pixel_read_ptr Read pointer to inout data and pixel

buffers Pixel_write_ptr Write pointer to output data and pixel

buffers SRAM_out_DATA [63:0] Updated Backround and Threshold data

for 2 input pixels Map_inc_out [5:0] Data to the 16x16 reduced target map

HDL modules to indicate whether the two previously processed pixels are above/below high/low threshold.

Threshold_Counter [21:0] Count of pixels above the low threshold in the previously process frame

Since the FPGA module is processing 2 pixels in parallel, the names for the

datapath registers and wires have a 0 or 1 at the end.

The Background Subtraction Datapath consists of: 8-bit registers: Live_Pixel_0, Live_Pixel_1. Contains the values of the current

pixels being processed.

8-bit registers: Background_1_0, Background_1_1, Background_2_0, and

Background_2_1. Contains the values for the primary and secondary


8-bit registers: Threshold_0, Threshold_1. This register is added to the

GLOBAL_REGISTER to form the low per pixel threshold.

8-bit registers: Old_Frame_0, Old_Frame_1. Contains the values for the

Old_Frame that is between 9000-18000 frames old.

8-bit registers: T2_0, T2_1. Contains the values for the per pixel high threshold.

3-bit wire: flag_pixel_0, flag_pixel_1. Concatenation of the LBS of

Background_1_0/1, Background_2_0/1, and Old_Frame_0/1

8-bit register: GLOBAL_THRESHOLD. This register is added to the

Threshold_X register to form the low per pixel threshold.

8-bit registers: Diff_1_0, Diff_2_0, Diff_1_1, Diff_2_1. Contains the absolute

value of the Live_Pixel_X subtracted from Background_X_X.

8-bit registers: Min_Diff_0, Min_Diff_1. Contains the minimum difference from

Diff_1/2_0 and Diff_1/2_1.

3-bit registers: map_inc_0, map_inc_1. Increment value for 16x16 reduced

target map

18-bit registers: read_ptr, write_pt. Read and Write pointers to image

background and threshold data block rams.

1-bit registers: back_1_0_gt_live, back_1_0_lt_live. Flags to indicate whether

the background_data_pixel_1_0 is greater/less than the current pixel data.

1-bit registers: back_2_0_gt_live, back_2_0_lt_live Flags to indicate whether

the background_data_pixel_2_0 is greater/less than the current pixel data.

1-bit registers: back_1_1_gt_live, back_1_1_lt_live Flags to indicate whether

the background_data_pixel_1_1 is greater/less than the current pixel data.

1-bit registers: back_2_1_gt_live, back_2_1_lt_live Flags to indicate whether

the background_data_pixel_2_1 is greater/less than the current pixel data.

8-bit registers: diff_1_0_val0, diff_1_0_val1 Precomputed values of

8-bit registers: diff_2_0_val0, diff_2_0_val1 Precomputed values of

8-bit registers: diff_1_1_val0, diff_1_1_val1 Precomputed values of

8-bit registers: diff_2_1_val0, diff_2_1_val1 Precomputed values of

3.3 16x16 Reduced Target Map

The 16x16 reduced target map is an HDL implementation of the “parent”

image that is used in the QCC algorithm. The 16x16 reduced target map HDL

module will accept a 6-bit map_inc value from the background subtraction HDL

module and the output a 16 bit “parent” image value. The top 8-bits of the

“parent” image value contains the number of pixels in the 16x16 block that are

above the high threshold and the lower 8-bits is the number of pixels that are

above the low threshold but below the high threshold. The values are limited to

255 to prevent overflow. Table 3.7 below shows the truth table for the 6-bit

map_inc value.

Table 3.7: Truth Table for the 6-bit map_inc Value

MAP INC Pixel 1 Pixel 2 001_001 Below Low Threshold Below Low Threshold 001_010 Below Low Threshold Above Low Threshold and

Below High Threshold 001_100 Below Low Threshold Above High and Low

Threshold 010_001 Above Low Threshold and

Below High Threshold Below Low Threshold

010_010 Above Low Threshold and Below High Threshold

Above Low Threshold and Below High Threshold

010_100 Above Low Threshold and Below High Threshold

Above High and Low Threshold

100_001 Above High and Low Threshold

Below Low Threshold

100_010 Above High and Low Threshold

Above Low Threshold and Below High Threshold

100_100 Above High and Low Threshold

Above High and Low Threshold

3.3.1 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller

The 16x16 reduced target map controller is a finite state machine FSM

that sends control signals to the 16x16 reduced target map datapath based on

the current state. The 16x16 reduced target map controller also contains several

counters that are used to determine some of the state transitions. The ASM chart

for 16x16 reduced target map controller HDL module, figure 3.3, can be found on

the following page. The input and outputs of the Background 16x16 reduced

target map controller HDL module are shown below in tables 3.8 and 3.9.

Table 3.8:The Inputs to the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller Module:

Clk_200MHz System clock with a frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Rx_map_inc Control signal from the Background

Subtrction controller to indicate that map_inc data is being transmitted at the beginning of the next clock cycle

Filter_not_ready Control signal from the Target Map Filter controller to indicate not to trasmitt the next row of map data.

Table 3.9: The Outputs to the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller Module:

Read_map Read control signal to the target map buffer

Write_map Write control signal to the datapath and target map buffer

Inc_map_write_addr Control signal to the datapath module to increment the write pointer of the target map buffer

Inc_map_read_addr Control signal to the datapath module to increment the read pointer of the target map buffer

Buffer_read_select Control signal to the datapath module to select which temp buffer will be used to hold the data that was read from the target map buffer

Buffer_write_select Control signal to the datapath module to select which temp buffer data will be used to write the map data to the target map

buffer Reset_map Control signal to the datapath module to

indicate that the map buffer is being reset. Reset_map_write_ptr Control signal to the datapath module to

reset the write pointer to the target map buffer to the INIT_VALUE

Reset_map_read_ptr Control signal to the datapath module to reset the read pointer to the target map buffer to the INIT_VALUE

Update_tile Control signal to the datapath module to indicate that the buffer selected for processing should be updated with the current map_inc value

Temp_select_process Control signal to the datapath module to select which temp buffer will be used to process the current map_inc data

INIT_VALUE [8:0] Address for the start of a new row MAX_VALUE [8:0] Length of the 16x16 reduced row ADD [9:0] Last address on row = INIT_VALUE +

MAX_VALUE Reset_tile Control signal to the datapath module to

indicate that both temp buffers should be reset

Rx_map_data Control signal to the Map Filter controller to indicate that the map data is being transmitted

Reset_map_read_out Control signal to the datapath module to reset the read pointer to the target map buffer to 0

Furthermore, the 16x16 reduced target map is fully parameterized to allow for

different block sizes and image sizes.

PARAMETERS for the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller Module Are: parameter PIXELS parameter BLOCK_SIZE=16/PIXELS parameter NUMBER_OF_ROWS parameter SIZE_OF_ROW parameter SIZE_OF_ROW_1= SIZE_OF_ROW/BLOCK_SIZE parameter SIZE_OF_ROW_2= SIZE_OF_ROW/(BLOCK_SIZE*PIXELS)

Figure 3.3: ASM Chart for 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller

Table 3.10 shows the controls signals that are asserted at each state shown in

the asm chart on the previous page. All of the control signals are generated with

combinational logic.

Table 3.10: Control Signals Asserted at Each State 16x16 Reduced Target Map Controller

State Table Control Signals S_reset NONE S_set NONE S_reset_map_init write_map, reset_map, inc_map_write_addr S_running_init S_update_tile_init update_tile, inc_map_read_addr, read_map S_running update_tile, write_map, inc_map_write_addr

S_get_map_inc NONE S_write_last write_map S_new_row reset_map_write_pointer,reset_map_read_pointer S_read_first_value read_map S_wait_read_out_flag NONE S_update_row_counter NONE

Additionally, there are 5 counters that are used to determine some of the state


row_update_complete_counter: Used to count the number of rows in the 16x16 reduced image that have been completely updated. update_counter: Used to count the number of updates inside of a 16x16 block. process_counter: Used to count the total number of update reset_counter: Used to count number of blocks that have been reset to 0. read_out_counter: Counts the number of blocks that have been sent to the target map filter HDL module.

3.3.2 16x16 Reduced Target Map Datapath

The 16x16 Reduced Target Map Datapath HDL module will process the

map_inc data from the background subtraction HDL modules and form a 16x16

area count of the number of pixels above the high and low thresholds. Control

signals received from the 16x16 reduced target map controller will signal the

datapath to perform operations such as updating the 16x16 block counter based

on the value of map_inc and reading and writing to the temporary target map

buffers. The input and outputs of the 16x16 Reduced Target Map datapath HDL

module are shown below in tables 3.11 and 3.12

Table 3.11: The Inputs to 16x16 Reduced Target Map Data Path Module:

Clk_200MHz System clock with a frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Rx_map_inc Control signal from the Background

Subtraction controller to indicate that map_inc data is being transmitted

Read_map Read control signal to the target map buffer

Write_map Write control signal to the datapath and target map buffer

Inc_map_write_addr Control signal from the controller module to increment the write pointer to the target map buffer

Inc_map_read_addr Control signal from the controller module to increment the read pointer to the target map buffer

Buffer_read_select Control signal from the controller module to select which temp buffer will be used to hold the data that was read from the target map buffer

Buffer_write_select Control signal from the controller module to select which temp buffer will be used to write the map data to the target map buffer

Reset_map Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the map buffer is being reset.

Reset_map_write_ptr Control signal from the controller module

to reset the write pointer to the target map buffer to the INIT_VALUE

Reset_map_read_ptr Control signal from the controller module to reset the read pointer to the target map buffer to the INIT_VALUE

Update_tile Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the buffer selected for processing should be updated with the current map_inc value

Temp_select_process Control signal from the controller module to select which temp buffer will be used to process the current map_inc data

INIT_VALUE [8:0] Address for the start of a new row MAX_VALUE [8:0] Length of the 16x16 reduced row ADD [9:0] Last address on row = INIT_VALUE +

MAX_VALUE Reset_tile Control signal from the controller module

to indicate that both temp buffers should be reset

Rx_map_data Control signal to the Map Filter controller to indicate that the map data is being transmitted

Map_data [15:0] Data containing the number of pixels in the 16x16 block that are above the high and/or low threshold

Map_inc_in [5:0] Data from the Background Subtraction HDL module indicating how the map dta should be updated

Reset_map_read_out Control signal from the controller module to reset the read pointer to the target map buffer to 0

Table 3.12: The Outputs of the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Data Path Module:

Map_read_addr [5:0] Read pointer to target map buffer Map_write_addr [5:0] Write pointer to target map buffer Map_data_out [15:0] Data containing the number of pixels in the

16x16 block that are above the high and/or low threshold

The 16x16 Reduced Target Map Data Datapath further consists of: 1-bit register: read_map_delay. read map delayed by 1 clock cycle 5-bit registers: map_inc_temp0, map_inc_temp. Temporary buffer to hold current map_inc value 16-bit registers: map_temp0, map_temp1. Temporary buffer to hold the current map data. 3.4 TARGET MAP FILTER HDL Module

The target map filter HDL module will parse every row of the 16x16 reduced

“parent” image from the 16x16 reduced target map HDL module output buffer.

On every row of the “parent” image the target map filter will insert two 16-bit

values. The first value is the position of the left most pixel that is above threshold.

The second value is the position of the right most pixel above threshold. These

inserted values will allow the connected components algorithm execute faster

since it will only have to process parts of the row that contains pixels that are

above threshold. After a row is processed by the target map filter modules, the

data will be written to a PowerPC accessible block ram for connected compinents


3.4.1 TARGET MAP FILTER Controller

The target map filter controller is a finite state machine FSM that sends

control signals to the target map filter datapath based on the current state. The

target map filter controller also contains counters that are used to determine

some of the state transitions. The ASM chart for the target map filter controller

HDL module, figure 3.4, can be found on the following page. The input and

outputs of the target map filter controller HDL module are shown below in tables

3.13 and 3.14.

Table 3.13: The inputs to the Target Map Filter controller module are:

Clk_200MHz System clock with a frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Rx_map_data Control signal from the 16x16 reduced

target map controller to indicate that map data is being transmitted

Table 3.14: The Outputs of the Target Map Filter controller module:

write_left_indicator Control signal to the datapath module to indicate that the left_indicator data should be written map data buffer.

write_right_indicator Control signal to the datapath module to indicate that the right_indicator data should be written the map data buffer.

reset_left_flag Control signal to the datapath module to indicate that the left flag buffer should be reset to 0.

filter_not_ready Control signal to the 16x16 reduced target map controller to indicate not to transmit the next row.

Write map Write control signal to target map filter buffer

Table 3.15 shows the controls signals that are asserted at each state shown in

the ASM chart on the following page. All of the control signals are generated

with combinational logic.

Table 3.15 Control Signals Asserted at Each State 16x16 Reduced Target Map Filter

State Table Control Signals S_reset NONE S_wait_flag NONE S_rx_data NONE S_write_left_indicator Write_left_indicator, filter_not_ready S_write_right_indicator Write_right_indicator, filter_not_ready,


Figure 3.4: ASM Chart for Target Map Filter Controller

3.4.2 Target Map Filter Datapath

The target map filter datapath HDL module will process the 16x16 reduced

map data or the “parent image”. On every row of the “parent” image the target

map filter datapath will insert two 16-bit values. The first value is the position of

the left most pixel that is above threshold. The second value is the position of the

right most pixel above threshold. Control signals received from the 16x16

reduced target map controller will signal the datapath to perform operations such

as inserting the values into the “parent” image data and writing the data to a

PowerPC accessible block ram. The input and outputs of the Target Map Filter

datapath HDL module are shown below in tables 3.16 and 3.17.

Table 3.16: The Inputs to Target Map Filter Data Path Module:

Clk_200MHz System clock with a frequency of 200 MHz Reset Reset Signal from simulation testbench Map_data_rx [15:0] Data containing the number of pixels in the

16x16 block that are above the high and/or low threshold

Rx_map_data Control signal from the 16x16 reduced target map controller to indicate that map data is being transmitted

Write_left_indicator Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the left_indicator data should be written map data buffer.

Write_right_indicator Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the right_indicator data should be written the map data buffer.

Reset_left_flag Control signal from the controller module to indicate that the left flag buffer should be reset to 0.

Table 3.17 :The Outputs of the Target Map Filter Data Path Module:

Write_ptr [`TARGET_REG_SIZE-1:0] Write pointer to the target map filter buffer

Map_data_out [15:0] Data containing the number of pixels in the 16x16 block that are above the high and/or low threshold, tags on each row

Additional registers of the Target Map Filter Datapath are: 1-bit register: rx_map_delay. rx_map signal delayed by 1 clock cycle 1-bit register: left_flag. Flag to indicate the first pixel that is above threshold on the current row has been located. 16-bit registers: left_indicator_flag, right_indicator_flag. Position of the first and last pixel on the row that is above threshold.





4.1 Simulation Introduction

This chapter contains simulation results for the background subtraction, 16x16

reduced target map, and target filter HDL modules. The full version of the

simulator built into Xilinx ISE was used to simulate all of the Verilog HDL

modules. Additionally, file I/O commands added in the Verilog 2001 standard

were used to load the image, background reference and threshold data to

multiple block ram modules and write the simulation data from a block ram

module back to an image file. The final simulation of the background subtraction

HDL modules consisted of producing threshold images that shows the pixels that

are above the high and low threshold image for each input image, a count of the

pixels above threshold for each input image, and the 6-bit map_inc value. The

high and low output threshold images were produced according to equations 4.1

and 4.2:

The 16x6 reduced target map filter was simulated using both a constant map_inc

value and the actual map_inc values for each of the input images generated from

the background subtraction HDL modules. Finally, the target map filter HDL

module was simulated using the 16-bit map value from the 16x16 reduced target

map output buffer data.

4.2 Background and Threshold Initialization The following image data was obtained from the CAVIAR: Context Aware

Vision using Image-based Active Recognition web site. From the CAVIAR image

sequence two empty scenes, frames 700 and 730, were selected to be the

background reference models. Table 4.1 below shows the two background

reference models.

Table 4.1 below shows the two background reference models.


Background 1


Background 2

Next, the per pixel threshold was initialized with two different techniques. The

first technique consisted of initializing the low threshold to the absolute

difference of the two reference backgrounds:


where represents additive noise. The additive noise value used for the

simulation was 6. The second technique consisted of using Matlab to find the

maximum and minimum pixel value inside of a 5x5 pixel block. Next the low

threshold was set according to the following equation:


The high threshold was set to 32 plus the low threshold for both

techniques. Table 4.2 on the following page contains the output threshold images

for both techniques.

Table 4.2 on the following page contains the output threshold images for both techniques

Threshold image using

technique # 1

Threshold image using

technique # 2

4.3 Simulation Results for the Background Subtraction HDL Modules

4.3.1 Experiments with FRAME 870

Table 4.3 below shows the Verilog HDL simulation results for Caviar Frame

870.The first set of threshold images were produced using the absolute value

plus additive noise threshold initialization technique and the second set of

images was produced using the 5x5 block average threshold initialization

technique. Table 4.3 also contains the count of the number of pixels above

threshold for both techniques. The scene contains three targets that are show

inside of the red boxes.

Table 4.3: Verilog HDL Simulation Results for Caviar Frame 870

Frame 870

Pixels above the low threshold using threshold initialization technique #1

Pixels above the low threshold using threshold initialization technique #2

Pixels above the high threshold using threshold initialization technique #1

Pixels above the high threshold using threshold initialization technique #2

Pixels above threshold

Threshold Initialization Technique #1: 2421 pixels #2: 521 pixels

4.3.2 Experiments with FRAME 911

Table 4.4 below shows the Verilog HDL simulation results for Caviar Frame

911.The first set of threshold images were produced using the absolute value

plus additive noise threshold initialization technique and the second set of

images was produced using the 5x5 block average threshold initialization

technique. Table 4.4 also contains the count of the number of pixels above

threshold for both techniques. The scene contains three targets that are show

inside of the red boxes.

Table 4.4: Verilog HDL Simulation Results for Caviar Frame 911


Pixels above the low threshold using threshold initialization technique #1

Pixels above the low threshold using threshold initialization technique #2

Pixels above the high threshold using threshold initialization technique #1

Pixels above the high threshold using threshold initialization technique #2

Pixels above threshold

Threshold Initialization Technique #1: 5022 pixles #2: 1629 pixels

4.3.3 Simulation Results for the Target Map HDL Modules

Figure 4.1 below shows the Verilog HDL simulation results for the 16x16

reduced target map using a constant map_inc value of 6’b010_010. The map inc

value will update the current 16x16 block value by 2, therefore all of the blocks

should have a value of 256 as shown below. Next, I generated the 16x16 map

data from caviar frames 870 and 911 and compared the results to a similar

Matlab based target map program that I created. The results were exactly the

same for all blocks.

Figure 4.1: Verilog HDL Simulation Results for the 16x16 Reduced Target Map

4.3.4 Simulation Results for the Target Filter HDL Modules

Figure 4.2 below shows the Verilog HDL simulation results for the 16x16

reduced target map filter. For the second row or block ram addresses 26-49 the

inserted values at the block ram address were 26 and 49 since the all of the map

values are 256. Next, I generated the 16x16 map data from caviar frames 870

and 911 with the inserted values on every row and then confirmed that all of the

inserted values were correct.

Figure 4.2: Verilog HDL Simulation Results for the 16x16 Reduced Target Map Filter:

Inserted Row Indicator Values

4.4 QCC Results

The following results were obtained using a C++ and OpenCV based QCC

algorithm similar to the one presented in section 2.4.3. However the QCC

software could only accept my threshold images as the input and not the 16-bit

reduced resolution map data.The QCC algorithm returned 3 targets for both

scenes using both threshold initialization techniques. Table 4.5 below shows the

returned images from the QCC algorithm.

Table 4.5 Returned images from the QCC algorithm

Frame 870 Low Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 1

Frame 870 High Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 1

Frame 870 Low Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 2

Frame 870 High Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 2

Frame 911 Low Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 1

Frame 911 High Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 1

Frame 911 Low Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 2

Frame 911 High Threshold

Using Threshold Initialization Technique 2

4.5 Discussion of Simulation Results

The performed simulation of the HDL modules was successful in producing

both low and high threshold images from frames 870 and 911 in the CAVIAR

dataset for both threshold initialization techniques. The background subtraction

module takes a minimum of 5 clock cycles to complete all of its datapath

operations when using incremental update method and a maximum of 8 clock

cycles to complete all of its datapath operations per pixel when using the alpha

update method. The alpha update method was also one of the bottle necks in the

original LOTS system and the reason why the incremental update method was

developed. A 3-Mega pixel sensor such as the MICRON MT9T001 has a

maximum pixel clock of 48 MHz or a clock period of 20.833333 ns and can

output pixels data at the resolution and corresponding frame rate shown in table

4.6 below.

Table 4.6: Frame Rate and Corresponding Frame Size for a MICRON Mt9T001

Since the background subtraction and target map modules were designed to run

at 200 MHz or with a clock period of 5ns that gives the HDL modules 4.1667

clock cycles to process each pixel to keep up with the 48 MHz clock. However,

since I also designed the system to process 2 pixels in parallel that gives 8.3334

clock cycles to complete all of the datapath operations. With an input clock of 200

MHz clock the background subtraction HDL modules can easily process a

640x480 image at 93 fps and a 2048x1536 image at 12 fps. However for an

FPGA such as the Spartan 3E the maximum input clock frequency is around 100

MHz, therefore the modules could only process a 640x480 image at 46 fps and a

2048x1536 image at 6 fps. In comparison the original LOTS system ran at 30

frames per second on a 640x480 image using a 266 MHz K6 with MMX enabled

processors, 32 MB of memory, and a PCI frame grabber. Additionally, the count

of the number of pixels above threshold was obtained for both threshold

initialization techniques. Threshold initialization technique #2 produced lo and hi

threshold images that contained a significant less amount of noise as compared

to the first initialization technique. Caviar frame 870 contained 2421 pixels above

threshold using the first initialization technique and 331 pixels above threshold for

the second intilization technique or for the 5x5 block threshold initialization

technique. Caviar frame 911 contained 5022 pixels above threshold using the

first initialization technique and 1692 pixels above threshold for the second

intilization technique or the 5x5 block threshold initialization technique. A

reduction in the initial noise and possibly false targets is especially important

especially if the camera is not going to be running all of the time since a

significant amount of noise can lead to numerous false targets when the system

is activated. Furthermore, the 5x5 block method only requires two reference

frames and can be computed offline.

4.5.1 Simulation Results For the Target Map HDL Modules

The simulation of the target map HDL modules was successful. First a

constant map_inc value of 6’b010_010 was used as the input to the target map

hdl module. The map inc value will update the current 16x16 block value by 2,

therefore all of the blocks should have a value of 256 which the simulation results

comfirmed. Next, I generated the 16x16 map data from caviar frames 870 and

911 and compared the results to a similar Matlab based target map program that

I created. The results were exactly the same for all blocks. The target map HDL

modules have a maximum delay a 4 clock cycles between receiving the map_inc

data and updating the current block counter. Therefore, the module is always

ready for the next map_inc data when it is being transmitted from the background

subtraction HDL module.

4.5.2 Target Map filter HDL Modules

The simulation of the target map filter HDL module was successful. First I ran

the simulation using the map data with a constant value of 256. I then verified

that the inserted values for the row indicator were correct. For example, the

second row or block ram addresses 26-49 the inserted values at the block ram

address were 26 and 49 since the all of the map values are 256. Next, I

generated the 16x16 map data from caviar frames 870 and 911 with the inserted

values on every row and then confirmed that all of the inserted values were


4.6 Xilinx XST Synthesis results

All of the HDL code for was synthesized using the Xilinx ISE software. The

Xilinx ISE software includes the Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST) which

synthesizes VHDL, Verilog, or mixed language designs into a Xilinx specific net

list or NGC file. Additionally, a global timing constraint of a system clock period

of 5 ns or a frequency of 200 MHz was applied to the design. During the HDL

code entry, testing and debugging phase of the design, the post map and post

place and route static timing analyzer was used to identify any logic that was not

meeting the global timing constraint of 5ns. Table 4.7 below shows some of the

logic that did not meet the global timing constraint and the actions taken to allow

the design to run at 200 MHz.

Table 4.7: Logic That Did not Meet Timing and the Actions Taken to Allow the Design to Run at 200 MHz.

Logic Problem Action Taken Alpha based reference background update

Trying to multiply, add, and shift a value in one clock cycle

Increase update to 3 clock cycles

Threshold counter compare in state machine

Comparing threshold counter for next state logic

Pre decoded compares in state preceding threshold counter compare outside of state machine

Update counter and indicator compares for background subtraction datapath

Assign statement for update counter and indicator compares for background subtraction datapath

Pre decoded compares using registered logic in state before compares are needed

Live_Pixel_0/1 Register Fanout Too High Duplicate LivePixel_0/1 Register in background subtraction datapath module

The global timing constraint was always met on target map and target map filter

HDL modules. The synthesis summary can be found on the following page and

the complete synthesis report can be found in Appendix A on page 81.

4.6.1 Xilinx XST Synthesis Summary

============================================================= * Final Report * ============================================================= Final Results RTL Top Level Output File Name : back_sub_top.ngr Top Level Output File Name : back_sub_top Optimization Goal : Speed Advanced HDL Synthesis Report Macro Statistics # FSMs : 3 # RAMs : 2 432x16-bit dual-port block RAM : 1 468x16-bit dual-port block RAM : 1 # Multipliers : 1 11x3-bit multiplier : 1 # Adders/Subtractors : 44 10-bit adder : 2 11-bit adder : 4 16-bit adder : 3 3-bit adder carry out : 1 5-bit adder : 1 5-bit adder carry out : 1 8-bit adder : 5 8-bit adder carry out : 7 8-bit addsub : 3 8-bit subtractor : 11 9-bit adder : 3 9-bit adder carry out : 3 # Counters : 14 10-bit up counter : 1 15-bit up counter : 2 18-bit up counter : 2 3-bit up counter : 1

4-bit up counter : 1 5-bit up counter : 1 8-bit up counter : 2 9-bit up counter : 4 # Accumulators : 5 10-bit up accumulator : 1 3-bit up accumulator : 1 5-bit up accumulator : 1 8-bit up accumulator : 1 9-bit up accumulator : 1 # Registers : 379 Flip-Flops : 379 # Comparators : 28 10-bit comparator equal : 1 10-bit comparator lessequal : 1 16-bit comparator lessequal : 2 3-bit comparator not equal : 1 4-bit comparator not equal : 1 5-bit comparator equal : 1 6-bit comparator not equal : 1 8-bit comparator greater : 10 8-bit comparator less : 3 8-bit comparator lessequal : 4 8-bit comparator not equal : 1 9-bit comparator equal : 1 9-bit comparator not equal : 1 Device utilization summary: --------------------------- Selected Device : 4vfx60ff1152-10 xc3s1200eft256-4 Number of Slices: 618 2% 7% Number of Slice Flip Flops: 450 0% 2% Number of 4 input LUTs: 1171 2% 6% Number of FIFO16/RAMB16s: 2 0% 7% Number of GCLKs: 1 3% 4%


In conclusion the design and simulation of the target detection and tracking HDL

modules was a success. The background subtraction datapath while processing

two pixels in parallel is able to complete all of its operations in 5 to 8 clock cycles.

Additionally, the 16x16 reduced target map and target map filter can complete

their datapath operations 4 and 2 clock cycles respectively. Xilinx post place and

route timing reports shows that the design can operate using a input clock of 200

MHz. The design could also be expanded to process 4 pixels in parallel to

accommodate a 5MPixel sensor with a master clock of 96MHz. Two pixel

threshold initialization techniques were also explored. The first technique

consisted of initializing the low threshold to the absolute difference of the two

reference backgrounds:

The second technique consisted of using Matlab to find the maximum and

minimum pixel value inside of a 5x5 pixel block. Next the low threshold was

set according to the following equation:

The second initialization technique produced threshold images that contained a

significantly less amount of noise. A reduction in the initial noise and possibly

false targets is especially important especially if the camera is not going to be

running all of the time since a significant amount of noise can lead to numerous

false targets when the system is activated. Furthermore, the 5x5 block method

only requires two reference frames and can be computed offline.

Xilinx synthesis report showed that the design utilizes approximately 617 FPGA

Slices or 2% of a Virtex 4 FX60 chip. The largest FPGA resource utilization will

come from the use of dual port block rams for the input and output buffers and

16x16 reduced target map buffers. However the buffers can always be scaled

down to make more block ram available to other parts of the system.

Finally, the hardware aspect of the target detection and tracking system is ready

for a real time implementation. However, the QCC software that can use 16x16

reduced resolution map data needs to be developed and implemented. Once the

software has been developed, the complete system can be integrated onto a

FPGA development board for further analysis and real time testing.


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