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5 fr F VW l- J i J t ri < rfl = BKSJ ± 1 Ev < I- Pj f E t t t q OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JULY 29 1909 4 t 1 < i irfj 1- J J I i L 1 > t ro l ifrl F c t t > EVENING STAR i > i J r t- cL USfnpsudL R CarreN i bwJ ers 1 < r- I W C U WTTWGER- ft Editp > j CARROLL Bttotafe Man r- BLUE JLI LAWt FOR ATLANTIC CITY < i t Mli Uter <Of thirteen churches in l A Atlantic City fcave declared themselves loadera a m vement for reform that 1 Y Jcs JfttMded to close Sunday saloons sbt down boardwalk amusements on j the Sabbath and make over Atlantic C City Into a r Puritan town on the h first day in the week f The Star doesnt favor blue laws Jf- I They nearly always cause a reaction 1 that to worse than tIe original trou- ble ¬ But that Atlantic City needs I something drastic ti evidenced by the following dispatch that tells ot the j treatment ef a woman on the beach tlwre the tbe- tti1tIcClty day JT J July 28 of BthedfntMra at rage started by a mob of yattngvterswno took It into their heads to force her to lead a beach parade a pretty and shapely girl In JLbright green bathing suit made a MuatIon len the leach this Hrniag when she dashed along the strand and Into the hospital tent to- t escape h tormentors A thousand I bathers who followed the vision sur- rounded teatent while sympathetic officials fixed chagrined young wo- man ¬ tip with a loag cloak but she 7 was held a prisoner for nearly an hour 1 i before the beackpolice could break- up the crowd and force Its members- to move on The Incident which started In fun When the girl appeared In her full out- fit ¬ which Included even sboes hose vp a 14 bathing cap of the vivid green V- s developed Into a scene of wild excite- ment ¬ jf before its finish According to- p the tearful story of the girl she was promenading the lower beack and at- tracted ¬ all the attention due to her 1 beautiful plumage when a score of lads started In to amuse themselves J Armed with sticks as swords the youngsters fell In behind the damsel EL who made the startling discovery F that she as leading a constantly growing procession in full view of the 1 grinning boardwalk thousands Before c4 the impromptu parade reached Yongs pier It had been joined by a jug crowd of youngmen In bathing suite some of > them accompanied by girls who had been their bathing companions If that is the kind of people who fre- Quent ¬ Atlantic City they need not blue p law but martial law The Star doesnt believe sue a thing could happen at a Southern seaside resort If a hun ¬ dred men could be found to treat a woman wilh such disrespect at least a thousand would be present to teach tkem better manners a MIGHT STRIKE HIM DUMB 11 An old lawyerwho artioretliiwlt has for a partntr another old fellofor who isVery conservatIve and straitl- aced saysto tfew York Times Re- cently ¬ the wit remarked to his pirt ner that It was advisable to employ a 11 female stenographer la the office maintaining that stenographers of r that varietywere much more satisfac- tory ¬ L than males f Butthe partner dldht like the idea t i My dear fellow he objected I dont think It would be proper It wouldnt do Wouldnt do at allY01f see here 1 should be in the office i hour after hour every day quite alon- er wlth thc young lady and Well observed the wit wHta twinkling eye couldnt you holler- S i- a S THE COOKS PICTURE- A f j r wealthy society woman in Wash- Ington D C had one of those domes ¬ tic upheavals which ended In her cook leaving abruptly says thotNpw York Times Gue tS were expected no one to cook the dinner no results from telephoning so she saljled forth In quest of emergency help Meeting a very neat looking colored woman phe stopped her and explained her dilem- ma ¬ offering large moiey Inducements- The woman listened In silence then galdWhere < does yo live missus Seeing a my of hope Joyfully the 4 Tody gave her address to be met with this reply Well yo jess go home and look I k t In yo glass an youll see yo cook I T IT WASNT HIS ANSWER S A party of young men were camp ¬ ing and to avert annoying questions they made it a rule that the one who asked a question that he could not answer himself he had to do the cook- Ing says the lcelrind Leader Ono evening while sitting around the fire one of the boys asked Why is it that a ground squirrel never leaves I Rny dirt at the mouth of Its burrow fcv They all guessed and missed So he L J was asked to answer ithimself Why he said because they al- ways ¬ l begin to dig at the other end of t the hole > But one asked how does he get I to the other end of the hole i14 Well was the reply thats your question i P WORSE THAN A FISH STORY I V The Say AlL Messenger says 1 The report published In the Mes- senger ¬ several days since of the birth- of a strange looking child near the llae of Alabama and Florida did not 4 impress Itself upon our people as be- ing ¬ strictly truthful Not that the- yl doubted the source from whence it l13 1 came to Troy but it seemed imposs- ible ¬ 4 Ji ble that such a thing could happen in L these days But the Messenger is in position to verify the report and add a little In- teresting ¬ facts to it- ChUdlt f A The it can be called a l fjr child was born and lived several days r It was covered from head to foot with hair it had two short horns one over Jf eeach ear and its feet were like the r k hotrfsjota cow- l After living severaldays the chil- dkcP died It is nowin Dotban Ala where the remains are being embalmed for f preesrvatlok The chili was born in Vernon FIa f J e btedt parentage and its mother j kIllItbutherefuaed when she saw it asked the doctor to ri The story has aeunded pretty fishy i < f T all leg but today the story Is hi th- en i dispatches and hQrc can be no J 4L doubt 01 iL I i t It Ig said that thousands of negroes aa4 maay whites have visited the freak baby at Vernon and that hun I 4re4 of negroes are leaving that sec L < i y tkmUhrough fear many claiming that r j tlte devil has cone to earth t S- t < 1 A STIFWINQ WAR WHOO- PIrc o- tJ iy J t t theaieeofPiteraburg says a writer inVLiiipisuBtrsMayajlne when v h Io1tJI CtdeatKwre eadiithg even > t f 111 r f ttbskI 4 pa kga iC h- u4JsroI 0- n b of t i soWtara sklralsa pr < < 5 KI 1e At f > i1 i lr 1 p- Ic p i i 1 1- J r j o 1 1 > or > 1 1 > t i r f Mr o I dide a sudden raid on an unsus- pecting ¬ federal brigade After ome Interchange of firing the assailants rushed upon their discon centei enemy One emaciated John- ny ¬ huriedly emptied the knapsack of a prostrate soldier and straightened- up regardless of blades and bullets waved his booty above his head Charge em boys charge emhey- cll doTheyve got cheese SENTIMENT BY THE SEA They were sitting by the sad sea waves just he and she says the Phil adelphia Times Aftera long silence- he ventured to say something senti ¬ mental She looked at him and said in a scornful tone of voice 91 there anything I hate it is sentiment I think it is so nonsensi ¬ calYou > surely cant think that is sen- timental ¬ he said That was Just a remark passed for want of something- to say I will tell you of a person who was sentimental I knew a young lady who was so sentimental that every- day she took a half hour off to go down to the morgue and see if any of her admirers had committed sui- cide ¬ I Ther Is more catarrn in this sec- tion ¬ Hhe country than all other dis Vases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incur ¬ able For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and pre ¬ scribed local remedies and by con- stantly falling to cure with local treatment pronounced it Incurable Science has proved catarrh to oe a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a traspoonful It acts directly on the blood and mu ¬ cus surfaces of the system They of- fer ¬ one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Address FJ CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by drug ¬ gists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation Mr Z C Chambliss of Ocala Is In the city attending to business matters Mr Chambliss is one of the pioneers- In raising high grade cattle in Flprida and owns a large stock farm near Ocala He Is a guest of the Park Ho ¬ Jacksonville Metropolis 28th jijiia r We are mailing to our customers friends and the public in general some very valuable information If you do not get this Information it is your fault and not ours for your name is not on our mailing list In this case we would thank you to send us a card containing your name aid address and information will be sent to you Respectfully The Globe the Underg solling Store In Ocala The Austrian steamship Emilia 2 321 tons Capt Suttora arrived in port yesterday afternoon from Trieste Aus ¬ tria and docked at the Cummer ter- minals ¬ to load with phosphate from the Cummer Phosphate company for the account of Louis R Chazal The Emilia is consigned to John G Mc Giffin Co and will also take mis- cellaneous ¬ freight Jacksonville Me- tropolis ¬ 28th- Everyone j would be tjy tak- ing ¬ Foleys Orino Laxative for stom- ach and liver trouble and habitual constipation It sweetens the stom ¬ ach and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orlno Laxative today Sold by all druggists R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen The best pills made are DeW tt5 Little Early Risers the famous little liver pills They are small gentle pleasant easy to take and act prompt- ly ¬ They are sold by all druggists S J 1w- IU 4- t I L = = Ad THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES- and taste us sweet Thats why Schles Ingers nnd Lowneys Candies in half and pound boxes are so popular Pure confections these flavor delicious Our confectionery is free from adultera ¬ tion It is wholesome and healthful Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News- papers ¬ AT BALLARDS D r Nr 0 The Proof is m the BREAD- If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively OcalaI MARTIN CARN PULLIAM TRIED THE PISTOL Route Out of Existence President of the National League of Baseball Clubs Tired of Life New york July 29 Harry C Pul liam president ofie National League baseball clubs attempted suicide last night in his room on the third floor of the New York Athletic Club Stand ¬ ing in the center of the room Mr Pulliam held a revolver to his right temple He fired only one shot The bullet destroyed the right eye and passed through the upper part of the left It Is not believed that he can recover although he continued con- scious ¬ Ing for some time after the shoot i L DONT NEED GLASSES Many people do not need glasses but most people do I You may be one of the majority There are two ways of finding out One await for time and disease to drive you to It- TwoConsuJt us about it We Can Tell You whether or not you need them DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fia Office hours 9 to 10 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office and lab- oratory ¬ rooms 2 and 4 Gary block BATTLE AT BARCELONA Madrid July 29The government- is rushing extra troops to Barcelona where the rioting continues The ar- tillery ¬ is using heavy guns to demolish the barricades erected the rioters- A note was issued officially saying that the situation was very grave and that the rebellion must be repressed- with an iron hand A MILLIONAIRES BABY attended by the hlgnest priced baby I specialist could not be cured orstom ach or bowel trouble any quicker or surer than your baby if you give It McGces Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬ hoea dysentery and all derangements- of the stomach or bowels Price 25 cents and SO cents Sold by all drug ¬ gist HEAVY LOSES ON BOTH SIDES Melilla Morocco July 29 Yester- days ¬ battle cost the Spanish two hun- dred ¬ dead and wounded including General PIntos and two lieutenant colonels The Moors charged in the fact of a heavy fire from the artillery and their loss is also believed to beI large Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief in Foleys Honey and Tar as it cures stubbon coughs after other treatment has failed L M Rugglcs Reasnor Iowa writes The doctors said I had consumption and I got no better until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet Sold by all drug- gists ¬ STONE WAS JUSTIFIED Baltimore July 29 Senator Wm J Stone of Missouri was acquitted in pollee court for having struck a waiter on a dining car for being impertinent- to him The judge held Stone to be justifiable In striking the negro Contrary to Tradition I I What Is the best way to make a Hvlngr Annex a rich and generous mother I Inlaw Quite Right Why are women such silly crea- tures Because they Ire so quick to dis- cern ¬ what Is desired What do you mean Men like congenial company Added Later If all the worlds a stage there was one of the important ages that Shake- speare ¬ missed when he only counted seven And which is that The tank drama Too Cold- I confess 1 havent much charity It Is a good thing too Why do you thiuk so It would feel so uncomfortable with you Slight Mistake He looked Into her tender eyes And thought he saw his fate A wireless message too it seemed- If he could read It straight But the expicssion ro Intense Was caused by what she ate Repose How do you manage to keep such- a good temper 1 avoid the company of those who ask fool questions Good morning Better Still- I I hear you hare a lawsuit on hand Yes but I am not worrying over it Got a good case No but Ive got a good lawyer Forehcught If little children woald tac heed And snatch an hour or tw6 from play To train their parents up with care Twould save them many an anxious I day i Generally What comes after Lent Of course Easter elegance- No I did not mean that small I economies and big bills I TaWell Query my boyT Is the cub reporter tie bear editors- son We have the nicest line of hair- brushes combs and other toilet arti- cles ¬ in the city Tydings Co c EXCURSION TO SILVER SPRINGS A very pleasant excursion party from Crahamville went up to Silver Springs Saturday on the barge Sharpshooter The excursion was gotten up in honor of Mr nnd Mrs Bob Holly of Claxton Ga and Misses Christina Helnemann and Beulah Hoi ly who have been attending school In Atlanta and are at their home near Grahamville for vacation A delight- ful ¬ dinner was served on board the Sharpshooter and after several hours at the spring the party returned to Grahamville all having enjoyed the trip so much that another was plan ¬ ned for the near future The excursionists were Capt and Mrs E L Mills Mate John Swell W A Counts Mr and Mrs Bob Holly 3Ir and Mrs A L Long Mrs Heine mann Miss Christina Heinemann Mimes Carrie Holly Beulah Holly and Mr Ray Holly littles Misses Annie Lou Long Louise Heinemann and Helen and Kate Mills Master C W Mills Graham Davis and Marsdcll Long Claud Counts and Hinrich Heinemann SomeOneElse TAFT PAYNE AND ALDRICH- Got Together and Put the Final Touches on the Tariff Figures Washington July 29A majority of the members of the conference com- mittee ¬ xm the tariff bill brought their labors to a close at 6 oclock last night Immediately afterwards Senator Al drich and Representative Payne went- to Fort Meyer in an automobile where President Taft was watching the flight of the Wright aeroplane to lay the report before the president- All day the conferees attempted to bring down the House rates on gloves and the Senate rates on lumber to fig ¬ ures of which they thought President Taft would approve but to no avail Although this was not admitted by the conference it is believed that Senator Aldrich and Representative Payne have been instructed by the conference to arrange such figures as are agreeable to the president and ac ¬ ceptable the House and Senate Returning from Fort Meyer Repre snntativc Payne and Senator Aldrich seemed satisfied with the result of the mission but would not tliscuss mat- ters ¬ It was announced officially that the democratic members or the con ¬ ference will be called in session to- day ¬ The rates on lumber in the rough state 140 a thousand feeL Gloves were made dutiable at rates in advance of the rates of the Senate- I bill which is nearly the same as the Dingley tariff The rates on print pa ¬ per is 3 a ton Hides were left on the free list It Is believed that the report will be disposed of by both the Senate and the House next week ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS ON TRIAL- I will place an electric smoothing Iron In your home on a few days trial upon request at my office or by card- or phone They are the the greatest I little thing in the home especially in hot weather Connect the cord with I one of your light drops and in a few I minutes the iron is hot Xo smoke- or dirt and Hat only where it is I wanted H W TUCKER I TAFT IS NOT PLEASED I Thinks Tariff on Lumber Should Not Go Above 125 I Washington July 29 Congression- al ¬ visitors to the White House report I that President Taft is not satisfied I I With the supposed agreement between tho House and Senate conferees as I announced last night Mr Taft has expressed himself it is said in em- phatic ¬ I terms that the rate on rough lumber should not go above 125 FAN BARGAINS- An lfhtIncn Westinghouse electric fan that is positively guaranteed to burn only three cents worth of elec- tricity ¬ in ten hours steady running Sec them at once H W Tucker tho electrical supply man If people with symptoms of kidney I or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Pills This great remedy stop the pain and the irregularities strength- ens ¬ and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease- or other serious disorder Do not dis- regard ¬ the early symptoins Sold by I all druggists I I I WHAT EVERY NAN KNOWS 1ve1v I T 1 That every womaa knows h- atCANDIES k 1 Are the Rest la theJVVorld Her first choiceher last I choiceand her choice- at all times I FAVORITES WTTTO CHOOOUIZS OIT make aa exceptional gift package For Sale by TWTROX- LERririr I l ahr COMMERCIAL STATIONERY of Tiigh grade and quality for office and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and facilities for supplying large and small orders will amply attest Whether- you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬ ger a note book or a letter press Its worth your while to come In look around and compare prices OCALA NEWS COMPANY I T- IEkUT1FYYOUILAi p > i 1 < v T r > 6 f V 5- wUfej Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened ss- lg Latest I Methods i J > t 3 S 4 I 1 1 We have just received one ofiftct ftnp f Iftew a 11 Lawn Mower Grinders a maclnneJespeciUyfrl iitt for the purposeof grind ing JLwn MoweryJ rhkii- i 7 does the work perfectly If you wilFfa7orSiHwitir i W p yoir patronage we guarantee to give you back the jj Mowerjn better condition tlitn the day yowfought- I j u t it It will be sharp and staysharp Ipngertlijui thef < old style way which I usually doug byinexpe >1f- cricnced workman with a file or an emery wheeL i- S 5 1err- j v t t c r- S i Next time your Mower needs skarpeLa- girinn ttrind- miike no1Itr us a4 we Iii It cut so nicely it wifi- fsiARION r jl 3 J f itw X Kfc J C 1 I HARDWARE- c I > I I MORRILL PROMOTES MORALITY I Or Thinks He Does by Sensational I Methods in the Pulpit Minneapolis July 29U doubt had I existed In the minds of many as to his carrying out threats made several lays ago that he would protograph- women appearing on the streets In peekaboos it was dispelled when Rev G L Morrill delivered his illus- trated ¬ lecture on the lewd and nude- at a local theater last night The ser ¬ mon was heard by a packed house mostly women At least twentyfive pictures of Minneapolis women on Xicollet avenue were thrown upon the screen Some wore low neck dresses vhllp others were shown with tight fitting clothes Exposures up to the knees by several women who were photographed was the most startling part of the illustra ¬ tions these women coming In for a greater share of criticism- Dr Morrill also threw scenes of several animals found in the London Zoo and compared the women with them Any woman who is immodest enough to hold her skirts to her knees- on the principal thoroughfares of this city should be placed In the same cate- gory ¬ with these animals he saidIt I is indecent exposure at best and any woman who cares so little about her ¬ self as to pull her dress above her knees probably so men can gaze upon her fancy hosiery should be consid- ered ¬ no better than an animal- Dr Morrill spent most of Saturday afternoon securing the photographs- He got several of the subjects una- wares ¬ others dodged the camera rays- as much as possible Frequent attempts- were made by men escartinj women slated for an exposure to demolish tho camera and one barely missed breaking the lens 1The pastor was threatened by several with prosecu ¬ tion Pedestrians followed the preacher as he walked from place to place evi- dently ¬ enjoying the procedure but did not Interfere None of the names of those who appeared in the illustrations could be learned their faces having previously- been blurred Dr Morrill refuses to make public their identity- Dr Morrill took occasion to criti ¬ else local ministers Show me the preacher with a ten thousand dollar salary who would come here and por ¬ tray the immoral acts of those who claim to be lovers of God and leaders- of society he said None of them would dare to do It If a man were drowning I would jump In and try to save him Tho ordinary minister would not- OKLAWAHA TRIBE NO 411 O R M Meets Thursday evenings at 730 at Yonges Hall W Gray C of R 2 KNIGHTS OF PYTB1AS Conventions held every Mon- day ¬ x evening in Castle Hall over Peysers store A cordial welcome to visiting knights Sidney Halle C C Chas K Sage K of R and S 100fTu- lula Lodge No 28 11 J I 00 F meets ev- ery ¬ az Tuesday evening In Yonges Hall Visiting brothers al- ways ¬ welcome W L Colbert N G M M Little Secretary OCALA LODGE- NO 286 BPOEMe- etsSecofld Tuesday evening in each month iW J until October Visit- ing ¬ brethren always welcome Bradford Webb Exalted Ruler Stephen Jewett Secretary I OCALA AERIE- NO A 1814 FOEc- 3t Jj 1f n 2 Meets every first and hird Wednesday even- ing ¬ I at 815 oclock Visiting brethren always welcome F W Ditto President- W C Moore Secret- aryFAM MarlonDunn Lodge Xo 19 meets In the temple on the first and third Tftursday even ¬ ings of each month Visiting brothers cordially Invited L A Bouvier W SI W V Wheeler Secretary OCALA CHAPTER NO 13 R A M Regular convocations of the Ocala Chapter No3 R A Yon the 4th Friday In every month at 8 p m N LGottlieb H P Jake Brown Secretary Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to curs chilis and fever 25 cents 4 i to d < if f 6- o S i 3 t- z s 4 i L r 2L1 C I > tIRES SOLTtDON rJ J tI r TO FIT ANY RIMS 11ro iOLT bON CLINCHER QD CLINCHER 4 t t- j < 1 J t- WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FI8K TIRES AS Jr SL WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO r j REPAIRING AND TRE V VULCANIZING DONE i t i PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES f L t f 1r 5 OCALA IRON WORKS ofliisM i I I i to 1 j > r Hudson 4 Mdl St > Ho4 I The w sensation in mot9rcioi- ChalmersDetroit There is It notieed to say anything for thisitar f I Write T 5 ABERNATHY j 4 a 7 I I > Orlando Florida 1 > r J T f lIi FORT KINGH- ADE 5 1 Ul IMS Bottled In Bond s One Quart 100 FourQuart350- Delivered375 BOITLEDIN6OID 4 i c- T J L1L t 1- 4 This is a choice High Grade rr Private Stock lye Whiskey I k o 1- ecrIL 2 and we FiIJywaruIee it to w NCi be as good as any bottled ia 1 bond whiskey on the market that is sold for 150 a quart THE CARMICHAEL SOleD OCALA 1a FLORIDA I = H = 0 V aih4r- nr s 1- SnoVJ UumentPOi- mfJe1 j1 5 1t CUF- eSr I J Rheiatism Neuraia Lam rF m Back Old So Wouds- bnuse J eo n 4 t t TamSs etc r = r 1 ro = I 1 lt1 I cive h a rIDA ana iJe hOfl Y1CCU frEj u > i nree Pi 5 5Oc ana r- s leQO- t1 6 L = P ftiLRDSMOWL1iMNTCO I J2l jI1ES F LLiJID Fwkt- sTLiws ifl rc i iI roui- a J SoJ ancS onunendd ALL DhGGIt Tf p J S b S n
Page 1: fr F VWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03232/00245.pdf · fr F VWl-5 J i J t ri < rfl BKSJ ± 1 Ev < I- f Pj E t t t q OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JULY 29 1909 4 t 1


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i J tri < rfl=

BKSJ ± 1

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i Jr t-

cL USfnpsudL R CarreNi bwJ ers

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Editp> j

CARROLL Bttotafe Man r-



< i t Mli Uter <Of thirteen churches in

lA Atlantic City fcave declared themselvesloadera a m vement for reform that


Jcs JfttMded to close Sunday saloonssbt down boardwalk amusements onj the Sabbath and make over Atlantic

CCity Into a r Puritan town on the

h first day in the weekf The Star doesnt favor blue lawsJf-


They nearly always cause a reaction1 that to worse than tIe original trou-


But that Atlantic City needsI something drastic ti evidenced by the

following dispatch that tells ot thej treatment ef a woman on the beach

tlwre the tbe-tti1tIcClty

dayJT J July 28

of BthedfntMra at rage started by amob of yattngvterswno took It intotheir heads to force her to lead abeach parade a pretty and shapelygirl In JLbright green bathing suitmade a MuatIon len the leach thisHrniag when she dashed along thestrand and Into the hospital tent to-

tescape h tormentors A thousand

I bathers who followed the vision sur-rounded teatent while sympatheticofficials fixed chagrined young wo-


tip with a loag cloak but she7 was held a prisoner for nearly an hour

1i before the beackpolice could break-

up the crowd and force Its members-to move on

The Incident which started In funWhen the girl appeared In her full out-fit


which Included even sboes hosevp a14 bathing cap of the vivid greenV-

sdeveloped Into a scene of wild excite-ment


jf before its finish According to-

p the tearful story of the girl she waspromenading the lower beack and at-


all the attention due to her1 beautiful plumage when a score of

lads started In to amuse themselvesJ Armed with sticks as swords the

youngsters fell In behind the damselEL who made the startling discovery

F that she as leading a constantlygrowing procession in full view of the

1 grinning boardwalk thousands Beforec4 the impromptu parade reached Yongs

pier It had been joined by a jug crowdof youngmen In bathing suite someof > them accompanied by girls whohad been their bathing companions

If that is the kind of people who fre-Quent


Atlantic City they need not bluep

law but martial law The Star doesntbelieve sue a thing could happen ata Southern seaside resort If a hun ¬

dred men could be found to treat awoman wilh such disrespect at leasta thousand would be present to teachtkem better manners



An old lawyerwho artioretliiwlthas for a partntr another old fellofor

who isVery conservatIve and straitl-aced saysto tfew York Times Re-


the wit remarked to his pirtner that It was advisable to employ a

11 female stenographer la the officemaintaining that stenographers of

r that varietywere much more satisfac-tory


L than malesf Butthe partner dldht like the idea

t i My dear fellow he objected Idont think It would be proper Itwouldnt do Wouldnt do at allY01fsee here 1 should be in the office

i hour after hour every day quite alon-er wlth thc young lady and

Well observed the wit wHtatwinkling eye couldnt you holler-

S i-



Af j r

wealthy society woman in Wash-Ington D C had one of those domes ¬

tic upheavals which ended In her cookleaving abruptly says thotNpw YorkTimes Gue tS were expected no oneto cook the dinner no results fromtelephoning so she saljled forth Inquest of emergency help Meeting avery neat looking colored woman phestopped her and explained her dilem-ma


offering large moiey Inducements-The woman listened In silence thengaldWhere

< does yo live missusSeeing a my of hope Joyfully the

4 Tody gave her address to be met withthis reply

Well yo jess go home and lookI

kt In yo glass an youll see yo cook


A party of young men were camp ¬

ing and to avert annoying questionsthey made it a rule that the one whoasked a question that he could notanswer himself he had to do the cook-Ing says the lcelrind Leader

Ono evening while sitting around thefire one of the boys asked Why is itthat a ground squirrel never leaves

I Rny dirt at the mouth of Its burrowfcv They all guessed and missed So he

L J was asked to answer ithimselfWhy he said because they al-


l begin to dig at the other end oft the hole

> But one asked how does he getI to the other end of the holei14 Well was the reply thats your

question iP


V The Say AlL Messenger says1 The report published In the Mes-


several days since of the birth-of a strange looking child near thellae of Alabama and Florida did not

4 impress Itself upon our people as be-


strictly truthful Not that the-yl doubted the source from whence it

l13 1 came to Troy but it seemed imposs-ible


4 Ji ble that such a thing could happen inL these days

But the Messenger is in position toverify the report and add a little In-


facts to it-

ChUdltfA The it can be called al fjr child was born and lived several days

r It was covered from head to foot withhair it had two short horns one over

Jf eeach ear and its feet were like ther k

hotrfsjota cow-

l After living severaldays the chil-dkcP died It is nowin Dotban Ala where

the remains are being embalmed forf

preesrvatlokThe chili was born in Vernon FIaf J e btedt parentage and its mother


kIllItbutherefuaedwhen she saw it asked the doctor to

ri The story has aeunded pretty fishyi <

f Tall leg but today the story Is hi th-

eni dispatches and hQrc can be noJ 4L doubt 01 iL I

i t It Ig said that thousands of negroesaa4 maay whites have visited thefreak baby at Vernon and that hunI 4re4 of negroes are leaving that sec

L <i y tkmUhrough fear many claiming that

r j tlte devil has cone to eartht S-


PIrc o-

tJ iy J t t theaieeofPiteraburg says awriter inVLiiipisuBtrsMayajlne when

v h Io1tJI CtdeatKwre eadiithg even> t

f 111r f ttbskI4

pakga iC h-u4JsroI


nb of t i soWtara sklralsa pr

<< 5KI 1e At f> i1 i

lr1 p-

Ic pi i 1 1-

Jr j o 11 >or> 1 1 > t

i r fMr



dide a sudden raid on an unsus-pecting


federal brigadeAfter ome Interchange of firing the

assailants rushed upon their disconcentei enemy One emaciated John-ny


huriedly emptied the knapsack ofa prostrate soldier and straightened-up regardless of blades and bulletswaved his booty above his head

Charge em boys charge emhey-cll doTheyve got cheese


They were sitting by the sad seawaves just he and she says the Philadelphia Times Aftera long silence-he ventured to say something senti ¬

mental She looked at him and saidin a scornful tone of voice

91 there anything I hate it issentiment I think it is so nonsensi ¬


surely cant think that is sen-


he said That was Just aremark passed for want of something-to say I will tell you of a person whowas sentimental I knew a young ladywho was so sentimental that every-day she took a half hour off to godown to the morgue and see if anyof her admirers had committed sui-



Ther Is more catarrn in this sec-


Hhe country than all other disVases put together and until the lastfew years was supposed to be incur¬

able For a great many years doctorspronounced It a local disease and pre¬

scribed local remedies and by con-stantly falling to cure with localtreatment pronounced it IncurableScience has proved catarrh to oe aconstitutional disease and thereforerequires constitutional treatmentHalls Catarrh Cure manufactured byF J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio isthe only constitutional cure on themarket It Is taken internally Indoses from 10 drops to a traspoonfulIt acts directly on the blood and mu ¬

cus surfaces of the system They of-


one hundred dollars for any caseIt falls to cure Send for circulars andtestimonials Address F J CHENEY

CO Toledo Ohio Sold by drug ¬

gists 75c Take Halls Family Pillsfor constipation

Mr Z C Chambliss of Ocala Is Inthe city attending to business mattersMr Chambliss is one of the pioneers-In raising high grade cattle in Flpridaand owns a large stock farm nearOcala He Is a guest of the Park Ho ¬

Jacksonville Metropolis 28thjijiia r

We are mailing to our customersfriends and the public in general somevery valuable information If you donot get this Information it is yourfault and not ours for your name isnot on our mailing list In this casewe would thank you to send us a cardcontaining your name aid address and

information will be sent to youRespectfully The Globe the Undergsolling Store In Ocala

The Austrian steamship Emilia 2

321 tons Capt Suttora arrived in portyesterday afternoon from Trieste Aus ¬

tria and docked at the Cummer ter-


to load with phosphate fromthe Cummer Phosphate company forthe account of Louis R Chazal TheEmilia is consigned to John G McGiffin Co and will also take mis-


freight Jacksonville Me-




would be tjy tak-ing


Foleys Orino Laxative for stom-ach and liver trouble and habitualconstipation It sweetens the stom ¬

ach and breath gently stimulates theliver and regulates the bowels and ismuch superior to pills and ordinarylaxatives Why not try Foleys OrlnoLaxative today Sold by all druggists

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

The best pills made are DeW tt5Little Early Risers the famous littleliver pills They are small gentlepleasant easy to take and act prompt-ly


They are sold by all druggists


J 1w-




L = =



and taste us sweet Thats why SchlesIngers nnd Lowneys Candies in halfand pound boxes are so popular Pureconfections these flavor delicious Ourconfectionery is free from adultera ¬

tion It is wholesome and healthfulEvery kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News-papers





Nr 0

The Proof is m theBREAD-

If you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusivelyOcalaIMARTIN CARN


Route Out of Existence President ofthe National League of Baseball

Clubs Tired of LifeNew york July 29 Harry C Pul

liam president ofie National Leaguebaseball clubs attempted suicide lastnight in his room on the third floor ofthe New York Athletic Club Stand ¬

ing in the center of the room MrPulliam held a revolver to his righttemple He fired only one shot Thebullet destroyed the right eye andpassed through the upper part of theleft It Is not believed that he canrecover although he continued con-scious


Ingfor some time after the shoot

i L


Many people do not need glasses butmost people do I

You may be one of the majorityThere are two ways of finding out

One await for time and disease todrive you to It-

TwoConsuJt us about itWe Can Tell You whether or not you

need them DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FiaOffice hours 9 to 10 a m and 130

to 430 p m Optical office and lab-oratory


rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Madrid July 29The government-is rushing extra troops to Barcelonawhere the rioting continues The ar-tillery


is using heavy guns to demolishthe barricades erected the rioters-A note was issued officially sayingthat the situation was very grave andthat the rebellion must be repressed-with an iron hand

A MILLIONAIRES BABYattended by the hlgnest priced baby I

specialist could not be cured orstomach or bowel trouble any quicker orsurer than your baby if you give ItMcGces Baby Elixir Cures diarr ¬

hoea dysentery and all derangements-of the stomach or bowels Price 25cents and SO cents Sold by all drug ¬



Melilla Morocco July 29 Yester-days


battle cost the Spanish two hun-dred


dead and wounded includingGeneral PIntos and two lieutenantcolonels The Moors charged in thefact of a heavy fire from the artilleryand their loss is also believed to beIlarge

Many people with chronic throatand lung trouble have found comfortand relief in Foleys Honey and Taras it cures stubbon coughs after othertreatment has failed L M RugglcsReasnor Iowa writes The doctorssaid I had consumption and I got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey andTar It stopped the hemorrhages andpain in my lungs and they are now assound as a bullet Sold by all drug-gists


STONE WAS JUSTIFIEDBaltimore July 29 Senator Wm J

Stone of Missouri was acquitted inpollee court for having struck a waiteron a dining car for being impertinent-to him The judge held Stone to bejustifiable In striking the negro

Contrary to Tradition



What Is the best way to make aHvlngr

Annex a rich and generous motherI


Quite RightWhy are women such silly crea-

turesBecause they Ire so quick to dis-


what Is desiredWhat do you meanMen like congenial company

Added LaterIf all the worlds a stage there was

one of the important ages that Shake-speare


missed when he only countedseven

And which is thatThe tank drama

Too Cold-

I confess 1 havent much charityIt Is a good thing tooWhy do you thiuk soIt would feel so uncomfortable with


Slight MistakeHe looked Into her tender eyes

And thought he saw his fateA wireless message too it seemed-

If he could read It straightBut the expicssion ro Intense

Was caused by what she ate

ReposeHow do you manage to keep such-

a good temper1 avoid the company of those who

ask fool questions Good morning

Better Still-I


hear you hare a lawsuit on handYes but I am not worrying over itGot a good caseNo but Ive got a good lawyer

ForehcughtIf little children woald tac heed

And snatch an hour or tw6 from playTo train their parents up with care

Twould save them many an anxiousI day


What comes after LentOf course Easter elegance-No I did not mean that small

I economies and big bills




my boyTIs the cub reporter tie bear editors-


We have the nicest line of hair-brushes combs and other toilet arti-cles


in the city Tydings Co



A very pleasant excursion partyfrom Crahamville went up to SilverSprings Saturday on the bargeSharpshooter The excursion wasgotten up in honor of Mr nnd MrsBob Holly of Claxton Ga and MissesChristina Helnemann and Beulah Hoily who have been attending school InAtlanta and are at their home nearGrahamville for vacation A delight-ful


dinner was served on board theSharpshooter and after several hoursat the spring the party returned toGrahamville all having enjoyed thetrip so much that another was plan ¬

ned for the near futureThe excursionists were Capt and

Mrs E L Mills Mate John Swell WA Counts Mr and Mrs Bob Holly3Ir and Mrs A L Long Mrs Heinemann Miss Christina HeinemannMimes Carrie Holly Beulah Holly andMr Ray Holly littles Misses AnnieLou Long Louise Heinemann andHelen and Kate Mills Master C W

Mills Graham Davis and MarsdcllLong Claud Counts and HinrichHeinemann SomeOneElse


Got Together and Put the FinalTouches on the Tariff Figures

Washington July 29A majority ofthe members of the conference com-


xm the tariff bill brought theirlabors to a close at 6 oclock last nightImmediately afterwards Senator Aldrich and Representative Payne went-to Fort Meyer in an automobile wherePresident Taft was watching the flightof the Wright aeroplane to lay thereport before the president-

All day the conferees attempted tobring down the House rates on glovesand the Senate rates on lumber to fig ¬

ures of which they thought PresidentTaft would approve but to no availAlthough this was not admitted bythe conference it is believed thatSenator Aldrich and RepresentativePayne have been instructed by theconference to arrange such figures asare agreeable to the president and ac¬

ceptable the House and SenateReturning from Fort Meyer Repre

snntativc Payne and Senator Aldrichseemed satisfied with the result of themission but would not tliscuss mat-ters


It was announced officially thatthe democratic members or the con ¬

ference will be called in session to-


The rates on lumber in therough state 140 a thousand feeLGloves were made dutiable at rates inadvance of the rates of the Senate-

I bill which is nearly the same as theDingley tariff The rates on print pa ¬

per is 3 a ton Hides were left onthe free list It Is believed that thereport will be disposed of by both theSenate and the House next week


I will place an electric smoothingIron In your home on a few days trialupon request at my office or by card-

or phone They are the the greatestI little thing in the home especially inhot weather Connect the cord with

I one of your light drops and in a fewI minutes the iron is hot Xo smoke-or dirt and Hat only where it is I

wanted H W TUCKERI


I Thinks Tariff on Lumber Should NotGo Above 125

I Washington July 29 Congression-al


visitors to the White House reportI that President Taft is not satisfied I

I With the supposed agreement betweentho House and Senate conferees as

I announced last night Mr Taft hasexpressed himself it is said in em-


I terms that the rate on roughlumber should not go above 125


An lfhtIncn Westinghouse electricfan that is positively guaranteed toburn only three cents worth of elec-tricity


in ten hours steady runningSec them at once H W Tucker thoelectrical supply man

If people with symptoms of kidneyI or bladder trouble could realize theirdanger they would without loss oftime commence taking Foleys KidneyPills This great remedy stop thepain and the irregularities strength-ens


and builds up these organs andthere is no danger of Brights disease-or other serious disorder Do not dis-regard


the early symptoins Sold byI all druggistsI




1ve1v I T


That every womaa knows h-atCANDIESk 1

Are the Rest la theJVVorld

Her first choiceher lastI choiceand her choice-

at all timesI FAVORITES

WTTTO CHOOOUIZS OITmake aa exceptional gift package

For Sale by





of Tiigh grade and quality for officeand store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock andfacilities for supplying large and smallorders will amply attest Whether-you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬

ger a note book or a letter press Itsworth your while to come In lookaround and compare prices


I T-



1< v T r >


f V 5-

wUfejHave Your Lawn Mower Sharpened ss-lgLatest I Methods i J >

t 3 S4


1 We have just received one ofiftct ftnp f Iftew a

11 Lawn Mower Grinders a maclnneJespeciUyfrl iittfor the purposeof grind ing JLwn MoweryJ rhkii-


does the work perfectly If you wilFfa7orSiHwitiri Wp

yoir patronage we guarantee to give you back the jj

Mowerjn better condition tlitn the day yowfought-I

j u t

it It will be sharp and staysharp Ipngertlijui thef <

old style way which I usually doug byinexpe >1f-

cricnced workman with a file or an emery wheeL i-S

5 1err-j v t

t c r-

S i Next time your Mower needs skarpeLa-girinnttrind-

miikeno1Itr us a4 we Iii

It cut so nicely it wifi-


r jl 3J f itw X Kfc J C 1


c I




I Or Thinks He Does by Sensational

IMethods in the Pulpit

Minneapolis July 29U doubt hadI existed In the minds of many as to hiscarrying out threats made severallays ago that he would protograph-women appearing on the streets Inpeekaboos it was dispelled whenRev G L Morrill delivered his illus-trated


lecture on the lewd and nude-at a local theater last night The ser ¬

mon was heard by a packed housemostly women

At least twentyfive pictures ofMinneapolis women on Xicollet avenuewere thrown upon the screen Somewore low neck dresses vhllp otherswere shown with tight fitting clothesExposures up to the knees by severalwomen who were photographed wasthe most startling part of the illustra ¬

tions these women coming In for agreater share of criticism-

Dr Morrill also threw scenes ofseveral animals found in the LondonZoo and compared the women withthem Any woman who is immodestenough to hold her skirts to her knees-on the principal thoroughfares of thiscity should be placed In the same cate-gory


with these animals he saidIt I

is indecent exposure at best and anywoman who cares so little about her¬

self as to pull her dress above herknees probably so men can gaze uponher fancy hosiery should be consid-ered


no better than an animal-Dr Morrill spent most of Saturday

afternoon securing the photographs-He got several of the subjects una-wares


others dodged the camera rays-as much as possible Frequent attempts-were made by men escartinj womenslated for an exposure to demolishtho camera and one barely missedbreaking the lens 1The pastor wasthreatened by several with prosecu ¬

tionPedestrians followed the preacher

as he walked from place to place evi-


enjoying the procedure but didnot Interfere

None of the names of those whoappeared in the illustrations could belearned their faces having previously-been blurred Dr Morrill refuses tomake public their identity-

Dr Morrill took occasion to criti ¬

else local ministers Show me thepreacher with a ten thousand dollarsalary who would come here and por¬

tray the immoral acts of those whoclaim to be lovers of God and leaders-of society he said None of themwould dare to do It If a man weredrowning I would jump In and try tosave him Tho ordinary ministerwould not-


Meets Thursday evenings at 730 atYonges Hall W Gray C of R


Conventions held every Mon-


x evening in Castle Hallover Peysers store A cordial

welcome to visiting knightsSidney Halle C C

Chas K Sage K of R and S

100fTu-lula Lodge No 28

11 J I 00 F meets ev-


az Tuesday eveningIn Yonges Hall Visiting brothers al-


welcomeW L Colbert N G

M M Little Secretary


NO 286


etsSecofld Tuesdayevening in each monthiW J until October Visit-


brethren always welcomeBradford Webb Exalted Ruler

Stephen Jewett SecretaryI



1814 FOEc-

3tJj 1 f


2 Meets every first andhird Wednesday even-


I at 815 oclock Visiting brethrenalways welcome

F W Ditto President-W C Moore Secret-


MarlonDunn LodgeXo 19 meets In thetemple on the first andthird Tftursday even ¬

ings of each month Visiting brotherscordially Invited L A Bouvier W SI

W V Wheeler Secretary


Regular convocations of the OcalaChapter No3 R A Yon the 4thFriday In every month at 8 p m

N LGottlieb H PJake Brown Secretary

Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed tocurs chilis and fever 25 cents

4 i

tod <

if f 6-o


i 3


s4 i L



C I>



j <1 J t-





f 1r5





i to


j> r


Mdl St>Ho4


Thew sensation in mot9rcioi-

ChalmersDetroit There isIt

notieed to say anything for thisitar fI Write T 5 ABERNATHY j

4 a7 I I

> Orlando Florida 1

> rJ

T f



1 Ul IMS

Bottled In Bond


One Quart 100



TJ L1Lt 1-


This is a choice High Graderr

Private Stock lye WhiskeyI k o 1-

ecrIL2 and we FiIJywaruIee it to


be as good as any bottled ia1

bond whiskey on the marketthat is sold for 150 a quart



=H = 0



s 1-

SnoVJ UumentPOi-


51t CUF-

eSrI J

Rheiatism Neuraia Lam

rF m Back Old So Wouds-bnuse


n 4t t TamSs etcr = r1 ro = I 1

lt1 I cive h a rIDA ana iJe hOflY1CCUfrEj u > i nree Pi 5 5Oc ana r-


leQO-t1 6


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a J SoJ ancS onunenddALL DhGGIt Tf


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