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Fr. John Prosser Rector of Si Joseph's United Effort Wt...

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fflfi m) fM ^U, ju-*g. 5* "ij jf»$J»t* ^ 8EWS FBOH CAYUGA. WX£CA GENEVA AKD CLYDL ¥lifi-,€AYlfwjif v VOL tfc-Ng, 3$ Fr. John Prosser Rector of S i Joseph's Rev. John Prosser, C.3S.R., « ve'ceraa rafeifcaasg?, ha» been appointed rector St. Joseph's Chunta, Rochester, repiftdss the Very Rev. Charles Gatteaberg«sr. C.SSR., who fun been in the pott for tit* past two years Father Guuetibergcr wlfl f* to 'St PttOe»M»** draw*. Pitt*. twrgh. Appointment of tlw «**** recta? nunc from the new provincial of | the Redemptomt Father* of th* ; Baltimore Province, tit* Vary R»T. John Prawtey, CS8JR, Other Chaste* Several other changis to the pejr» sonnet and admlaUtration of St, Joseph's were alio announced Father Preiser arrived Friday tn Rochester where be ha» sister, Sister a Robertlne. S.8JS*.D., prtn- ctpa) of Holy Redeemer School. A native of Baltimore, the Redtmp. I' tort it ha* been tn the mission fields for 19 years- Seven year* hare been spent tn Puerto Rleo, Bis lat- est post «ra* at the million beuse at Lima, Ohio He hat been a prteu of the order for the past 28 year* Too other new appointees to the staff of St. Joseph's are the Rev. Uonry MisaiJ. C.SSJL, former rec- tor at St. Peter'* Chureh, Phlla> delphia and the Rev Joseph Daley, C.SS.R.. former rector at Epb- rata. Pa Rev Thomas Chapman, CS.S.R-, of St Joseph's, t$a» trnnaferred and has left for the Rtdcmptorlst house at Saratoga Sprlnjs. Father Mbstj la also appointed •drnonltor of the Rochester house.. t'onsultors are the Etv. Joseph Wlnteeiti. C.SSR, and the Rev. Arthur Finn. C.S-SJL, both of St. Joseph V t iactfitu wKtst wmmmm FR GtTTTENllSRGER St. Joseph's rectnrv eresentlv *""" "' °" "-acra-aica ay w is priests M / 8 broth«;!E x ^"!?f?:: ?!f h0 P Kca e ^ Newly named to omnia* American Catholic nelti bureau a t (h» V * t k « n , WW t**\ imfh #. Sullivan, Roch-ster Dlacew priest (crated. rlfhO confers With t*e H w . Jehu 8. Ksmfalt, W«MClaX editor, (ataiHHBf > and the Kev. Patrick 4. Klynn. ftNter Of t l w CwwrteMowrMl M cwttttqt tt» Insn for the aloorsaa p p e r . RedMassSlaUd ? ioc « san j^R???' For News Post at Vatican The Rev. Joscoh J* SulKvim, one of BwhftiWi forme? Army wartime chaplain*, will *i*il from New Yorfc f«SXt' Tuesday ovenlnf. aboard Che 88. Saturate fat Bottle, It#, ti'bere he has teen ajrsJgRid the Important task of tsUMishlng Uw Third anniul Uwycr,' -Red. ^t AMCtfktBi «e*» bo- Mot* will be celebrated by Hl3 lt *? u lD "** EttrMl CU * For Lawyers At St. Josephs In Lorctto Centenniil Larclto. f%— i NO Work ProvtBt* men . i Ing the past UCCKS haxp be«*n .. .e.irig over the scats led by a disastrous fire which dr strayed the main college bu 1- • # # here In 19*2, in preparation tor Pmcmal ChaSOdCl nlaj October 4 to G. houses 13 priests U i U » <uuuiua,_. , L , _. -. of th, Conization of the Most % J ? e P h, ^? , ^ h . 0 i , Jllol, Redeemer of th. Balttmor. ^ . f f P i ^ ^ i l I'.f.f; « * * £ The Sattiraia la schedilted (o «r« vvi^,,^ ! H»« in Naples on September If, Fsthjr Sullivan completed four K.C. C/Cf/7700Ae Se/ Sunday St. Mary's School rut H U T «• FIRST (Of FURNiTURE HOUSE FURNISHINGS It's Everybody - * Store IMl *uhofn'» i.Tfjt-«4 nut*] mttv- (U«rteff «ti«r*«»ij snrt tu-«t <>tj ntt*f*vtf Ratnff ri»rt»4*ftin| l^*f ahil*l»rtt«»t|t a. R. WA.IT co. 71 OKNEsKE STRPKT Al/BtKN \r.\\ VOKK ^cTfnTr ^ _ 0 1 V " I ^ w ° L ^ t o l Ss'iaS; AM. C^ncl! K«, tJ ,f tf » I The Red Mass la a votive M o s s ' ^ ,hc,nr Welf " re Coafc«ae« Xc*a injnby, wai b, ^ y g y ^ ^ of tu* Holy Ohoaa In which , ^IT '™ Krvee . K „. ttMmAmm /_„|8cpt. 7 at C a m p C o l u m b i a , <ffl iDlvlne Guidance l> Invoked lor I, J ^ S ^ n VSMJTSS ° * » » " ^J*** » » «UII» «* jthosc entrusted with the admin- - J****! 08 "*" m _ w IIB K«w s «l. t _ ...... ^ . * . Uttalion of the Ian . _ ' „ ' . 'la annually^offered to beg Gods, r . W " ' ! ! " ' ABbara - Sitter St. Benedict blessing on th* courts of itatlce' L " tin AmertelL 3:00 p. m, ttjf lltrry Short, the completed her terms as principal j M ^ FaJJ xem opeio .. TTjcjUaaites Vatkan Naira j athletic «V«tt» Will *t in Claret Red MSSJ"' cornea from Tha NCWC haa long been A>-'ol BeniJfd Oliver. c;t»ffn»a of DC. services the Catholic prcaa ei>r*t*d In ttft C«»p Olipel, ind ine aiass e f l | M p^^ 8^^,, Canada, and dinner wlfl b# lerved itattlrtt «* AreReadiedFor rtr**t«h'tl*f b*\k fef J<»c*\ puro, *ttl Wattf «y|5 *»4 «Jf»tt «{**•* •mm tft »J» «g tiMr «*«#« lif tfci ftitt www. it. m$m% ««^o4 « f *<^ is« * iheteuiEh elf*hiftf In mm* mum lw cj>«dnit <t*y t jath^Hife f«r*ny t* In *x*»U*tit rmir. . «*r* -$3&mm, Q&irittmi< m. wtm*m %% •& fMntai # ; s*»l«» School, mintm <!**• «HMH# JhUVf l^m.i^iM^.iiii #taL •W* IMRMUM h»i Mift- «|«9«*l«*'' *iKt«tmvt mm Wt imn t*iftc* let lhi :Kliv^|*rtt« l*o*>, iW** k|« N*r» lh«*^Wy iTv»4^te4. K.Ciluxiliary r«iliait it^i :igt Sir * ^ W „,,„ w «ajnpi|jdtMr it&iM*eii v "'" M U»lW C^ur*; fcaiayt, mm®. •-*'»§: .'«*ttftflfj*,-aw el Mwwi Cottadl will «4ttft« thiir mil nwttfofi <w WiNlmt. eiy, i g t , if, Accicdtef «n a«no«fl<!«Ws«nt by Mw ArtWi 1 Jfehw»f» l»r*il#ijtit * , Tht *iu#irir w0t twtk lit mtitem „4Mm -in# H*««r »**»*>, imKt ] ti^;(iaiMMM.Tef ,€*#!«,' -3mJ» m * . Hit 0 JRoef. t^Ktti «ta§ tfti'fli^iMaNsr*', - "Wit .Aw»Ul*fif rtfi^W.lt. v*fu«b{« it w Of m -mm cm? witte* «f ihty hav» tWy • eeeartHi '|tifet t W r Wtii*g](^ iMtriy eight j«iaK«l^ ' At S. F. School &m«* tana-WHH lae optn.- t»f el tht jMPt**nt «h««l yi*r, m, PutrWt'i JPifWj.. iffpRW' twfr neinf mamltert %i mmilLm ot to, liwufh,, -Sd $% mfajiit- who »tfii (Mushtimtmnth $jtm t •»4 whofiotAiff'-ht«i Iftfll. tm United Effort Wt Inter-Faith Rally Hfitijn ifii hwa»-w MBwt^MW^wwtsa^t,^,,, fMifriirte' lUst' Stadiunv with * ^ # i g f K j«», mm mm-mm.vm m with it* »«!« «*faw i»> % iHi^^llWs.ltpili.lH X«c tdtt twi«to*r outy. Mr, H Will jjiallil tuiitt MMditMM. At Mil - HMJftJfHJfA ' T^J lifclfllMl *^«e '^'av^J*. •€> ^^ii^iklAi >£,A --^«~ U L > -&ei^. 'IfjMBtfB-wjr. TMH 1 }!' IWT. D(tfl[ ^M|H #-'^nit w>» -mamm hm frt#i. -llt^si Jbjiyi^^l^ \^bJF" ~m^s4' M l ^ b l l f e ^ ^ H C . Ul^V-attw, i « ^ •***»*«, Th* AMMtudaei iJim«ritt •ef nMt ••«»- mm m 'm %%*• be the new srltool Slut er Josi.ia Broihers School liet ior Utica PurciiaM at tinea bjlldlnti and Uh. 0«W*I6, s«. P«t«S[% r*««ty wi» jssf M followij Kinderfarbjjw «r, M. ttaltn Rohj-fia, t«t» IMfo «i« Mary & i4«yj 2nd, gri4^ if. M. Afn« Viricwitj 5?4 «r4d*. Jr, , ._^ ., .... _. u . Afttw Jaary: «h. »«*f, %|jp*irri*'tt»Hfil f*«^r#i ; -»* it. Jfl#«mm stn. t » m 9k m atom. U m^'fr-Mmm WINSHIP WON DER FOLD WARDROBE CASE of St Mary's School In Junc, terrn and has b^m transfwred to St (In/ . ^ vcglraems worn by ie , Jr0Bi rf imTt Mnt IU facllltiea I ,„. "..„"...L ^ J " . ^ Mcmlcas School In Rochester mllUs , en| pf ihe M a n d ^ , to R om e vrhieh la comlfcrtd e a e i ™ * IMW,e 5 fl ""™. , Sister St. Benedict, durlnc her, historically, from the academic of the most strat*«lc n«»a e»8t«r» I Lttrturer-Profram ChalmtsB, eight }»ars as tearhor in St gpipno^,,- tthich , U rroundod tne In the world a* well as belnf tl» Jack Welch has appointed C3ary Marj i and her sut years as prln- ro Ses oi the dutlnffulsited peraon be»dqoarter» of the Church. , Iloey as 0eaer*l Cfc»lratlUl. npal of the school, has been de- «g Cs who asawted al the Mass. As director of the new NCWC — o voted -o her xvork ^nd to the chaplain of Military Pre»« Bareau In Rome. Father mterwt* of the children -r^,, gr^n aI t hls >Par . g MaM SulUvnn will gather all natrs r*>, Ststrr Marie MarTarei U lo wU1 ^ (jpjjyprpd b y the Rt. Rev Ports released from oftelal VBaatB , principal of the, j,j sst j anl0s tlrttf.th. Ctan sourees aa well as oth«r report*' cellor at tha Military Ordlnariati* reaehlns; the City fro* aooreaa' his t»een t r a n s , n d i cn j, ih0 ctanccrj' of the throujfcojt Barope. fetred to Holy Rosary 8-;.oo! In chaplaU3 ^ ol ,„ l h 0 m c n a n ( , Hi, duties- will also fnclnda U » „, . , . t , ut . R/K-hMfer S^e leave* after hav R!rnPn ln m , Utar) ^.^ lC0 r; U , hiadlinj of all cahJe dlsjatrfws of, 61 tcrM o( nd tn UUe * by th * injr t a u j t t tn St HiiYs Srhool ot(ict . tta , faub^h^^ )n >,-?«• Vatican oad Koropean t w « to the Society «1 Mai«y 'or tralnlue Msr- for r.even >ears, y ork a%lring Uw w a r a n d wag United Stat™. ,Utilst Brother* Is announced by .ststet Pralrts Iklarte »!«. . atofajstp^ a m r ranfts Car P«fc*r Salilvan served as awtat- Bliho» Water A Faery of 8 p » . •ea.-ht in <?t \Hry , 5?rhflol has ^ , , 1 Speliman. B s h o p WlUlarn am P 3 * 1 ^ «» »»>• Pro-Cathe4ral of. it j«„„. M .„ #h . «_JL M nlth NeemranslerTPdtoNa^rethCol-.K Mc^Ttj, C5SR. BUhop John tn. Sacred Heart btfore Ms „,. ; cu« dloc«. «. th. 8 r « « l M Cath- '^ p 'F miara. CiiC. and Bls.iop rotlibeat in the A r * y ChapUirr"* oli < B3J »- ; ° William R. Amoid. Corps In Jnao, I»tS. The *!t* to #l|lit mSe$ Borth- J. F. SuJIivan ^larks A tradition of seeking the In ! DwrlB* his fotir years of Army wm rf rjtlcst, Located In tfet «n» 40 Years in Business *Pln»U<w of the Holy Ghost for duty h* served with the Air Tra^- ! u , rf N e w ?<rf% g UM< t h # t l t . ti Sen«a Falls Ja.nes F Sulh ^ ud ^^ tawyrm and leglshtters £«» C 2 E »« u,n ^ * l ^amP toaa, N.I _^ eattdtototts vai on Scr< 1 ceebrated the, 8 ' a s V*^ i * i VIa ** ^ ^ °«<rk t o . * - »«^ ^ » Kara^l Air Base In "!»««« M J**" ICW ««aa»«ts fortieth amtlwrsary of hte «!h the 'hlrteenih «mtur> In France,,'wfi»- fitw Sopteraber 19« to, comic* from Dlocttet ef SyraeoM, irart'v i n o business In l»r7; En < jla « d and Rorl * W! )<?n th»{ atItt3rch ° { * hi » poar he-served as B«chc*\or. Albany, Brooklyn and M Sullivan opened a retaa to- Roman RoU aas rstabllah^d byj Wifi * chaplain of tbs 40th Bo«nb .New York. harro" store and In WIS expanded Po ^ 1™<*™ r\' the Red Mass WiD » »t Er«*na»n. Bavena. He ^^ ^j,^ ^^j ^ ^ ^ j « . r aa« Irartit led B< w.ii.-'j rhe *owp*ted his terminal leave tn SSnT gJialZ? ^"[hi-^k ^ «rf " - »«• A»!««H Po«- « « rfW .chooi «f* *t.w« tojWday.JS^ S. « ttemmewt TV . ^ h f , .VR-1 Xtew « ^ ^ W » J- SuiHvon and Mra. Join ^ »<«»«ty •* «•«». "., full a l l tjua. MTB. tmis A. Wiaim " FranS H* 1 ^" Sollivan. 79 Kroo Street. Wfb «hool ewrlrahni «•«! be 2*» ,<to ? ) ^ g*?* 1 ***** n rraace . - . .. i plans for the Fall and Winter iihict, and */. If, Wi«wtfM^|»^ i*»rtliif I#i0fir.' •*-. who'win t*«ch the fl/th xr»(i#^! tt tMt *« *7 <h»rttfrt***WM* and comet front S(. Paul'* l*«r- *yn«iWn*« *>f Awbfltfl Wu Is t •)<• business to ln-ludp «'tole- taJc trade To1a>. the firm itth r>ver 500 HCcourtts se>tres MI*V rouniie^, Keeping three 4*l<*srrifn. trtrep trur'is and 1(i othr • employees biis\ Mi Siillivan is a lifelone tiem •ie of S; P?trici<<i Parnn and i nfiH of the Knl?hts of Co- 1 ambus PMtomtmai t®. (jradf, Mr. % Rate Gertrudei Tia grad|^' $f t hL tUpm*} tndf 81&. ##d^ Uh M. Edwurtj M*rk«. Pflndpdl, Sr. ilary D«al«v *|W hW beenft«jr#(or «KJ ptk tew stifiy hatfe««iia*Ufg^ 19 tfts ©Ri^ : lit Mlnaloa at S«lma, At», »i)»h la sponicrtd by thft Siitej** M 8L JoaspJl. Sr. M, Urj&m *$$ haa bwn in fitn«ca e**!l» (sr iha peat two yean, haj fone 10 Ittuot, to teacft. Women's Beard Sets Meeting at Club tlw Clrat Fall meeting pt m Board of Director* at the feath'l cluslvely w UJS trai«l«a of jrosrnif loUc Worrwn'g dub wUl be heVSi ^UtoOr -|iip#Wtlvi#' b<Kh ^ w^^-jfiMt ,*t» : ,;i»;'.tht' -4rti -*«^W'-i^f-***MS^W*- fit'tWf| : «Wii'iy #jtiSl#jfi»-*lf|f filt'ltt* 'UelMr *ut- that fitet |WWjr W, mm mm w-mt--k''-$*m*t- ! White m*ny *ik# ehutclm *r* mfibm* M, m&mm: &&&• W Hiiii. p Je^NeMtasi *I ^M^A^w^i.»ii^wi'*ii..W.j^tf.>.W.X'Wft»riW''"^ii»^ IP has rmn r? led on and En "land v» iitn-jt tion n.ncf I21S In t >*• I'n led 5- ,: P< InlerrBp- i ie an- -f._ Father Sullivan w»s ordained to Vaufht. the Prlrstoood, fl?pt. 24, 133H He Director of the nffsv Kbool <vaa s^adualed from St. Andrew's Brother Joseph llervar, B.M, •A4 c)ren9 l d i . 1 f a .-b-£««9 t»«.>v «**fi«itj! soto crciiMivrtr gr BENNETTS TRACY AUBl K.V. N V Phooe » DAIRYLAND Ice Cream Stores QUALITY KE CREAM Bny .t by the Pint. Qnui. Oallan Sfxv 1 !"! Prices for PartlevT Bill tiotmes —4. Latliruore S3 Xorth St 14H Mary St Phone 4156 nual R«>d Mas* has been held anA 8t R * rn,Ir<J '» Seminaries. Rince 1928 In Now York. Oall- ** ?omia. Pennsylvania District of Pirnir StltlfMir Sflf Columbia and fllinoia Member,, *"**' l « C »»PPB* »8t of the Judiciary of boih State Ro flltar SfiCIAlV and Fedurai courts ar,d the Gov-1 £ m l < " " 0 H B ei-non and l^i-utor* of tUetse FiT%t ta0 n»««lna of St Hel- states have repularl> altertdted en * A,tar Sod<,f >' »'B1 he a pic- the Masses nc * !! PP-'r Wednesday. Sept. 10. The Hon. William F Love. Su- i ! 6 ® *• m , n , h o scbocl **n, preme Court Justice. Appelate n*™^ "oad. Division, I* chairman of a com- w f !?.' " . * " a-ran?emr>nts «'IH naltte* of dt»tln f nteri«i a t tw . **™> tl&tty GooMcin, M»iste4 ne-y* which u inviting li»>«rrs. ;&' MM o«jnei» Anthony r>Kalvo. jud-es. and m^lle lyffi-'ala to KffnMrf HoOTe Russ-I Stark. , « „ , . s « , « *•„„»« attend the Mass I-flouard SMandi. John hammer!. ^JotlieiS V1110 fAeetf 'Raymond Tjtter. Harold Schott * native of Cleveland, he> holds a do. grn at 1AA from Cattholle Uni- versity. Cha$»lalti of the sdssol trill be th« Eev. Uoasrrd M. Fee. S-M. Seven Brothers will (sake up th« first fa»roHy. Sod«ty of Mary ot eh» pH>vfr«a of CifjcinnsW ha* 1h»rg;e of the now eatabllslssHBjl. Prwrltielal Su- perior is Very E<*». Walter C Tred- tin of Dayton. Ohio, the hesdquar- urs of the province. •••<)'• '• ••• • I, | program .as arranged by the , I program committee under Oic leadership of Mm Uwrem* DriscotL * First on the agenda wlil b* the manbergltij) drive to be held froai Sept. ? 19 to gepf, 29 with « largr? corps of *0rk«r» iitiOei by Mra. Ronald J. Hc0oaaldl»| mwnbcrahlp chairman. Regular fiKatey msfflttg vrtll be heldfcfejnday,%tspt. 12, gterw tor which wal fee «mo«tc«4 liter. WQ5TER DAmr HAR r«r mutism ttn Crw»»st Bulk. P»ek«*e* ami 0ei»«rf» «r-|lW#""" ; ' *p*ehl |)tl»l^tfc«C»«l«#«., . •*0ur FMfhsef* «r» Al|My« .."' ff» 0«ftt Att*;,** AutWTp, I il r Hll IIII»M1»*»M*««M»M<»|IM»«««»M»^ W i»Hi»»iiiWiif"M IH I ' I I I 'I - , I >.I«UI«. '»— i«mi.iiiiipi#miniiii>imr>sti ASMMRI JH^Mfj^ltfL. jfcAs#' tsts^M^tssk- 1 ** ••^'w^^A'i •e^^^r» r e^e|eii»wBH|F^^ jl!flfy¥tM0MM(tUl090 »-, Slanleh - ».NO The liev. Jo- an ^i ' ^^ Rl ^ i '*: , sepi Bnsun. S J . or<» o f the mast /"lowlr* * ? business ponion «T tin 2 u*sh«l srhoter* of otrr' 0 ^* 1 5 ^ * CMmMlf dem " tlnw In rhe field of litanrtcai art%, IV**^™ *^ ** pl »^*«rt«» by ha« died nere at the age of 91. HrS " Reisin g er ' At St. Alpso&sus Aul»stm-*Triff montJily m«tfnj? and covered dish «upfer af the St. Aiphonsu* Molh&m? Cla* will j h# heJd at the Puish Uoam on Friday evented gent- 5 at 0-JO. : All member* and tnothent of Mrs.; children of ssnosl are aw* favlt**!. . V*MW ^^AMMiMMs*»^*snsM^sj^iSs**ssswi Wedding OIKI Shower Gifts Cartain* Drapcr>- Fahrtcsi Venetian Blind** Window Shades Long s Curtain Shoppe SOS E\rHA.\(,E ST. GENEVA nail, in. • ii i ••. n . • i . ( t ' i-,-inri-ir^if iiniti-irtm ru."i. *i.-.„ i|-).%fwi.^nnr*ijTi * hfr mtny &oo:<s are standard worte <m litwirlcal VPSW- AlrYaVftlS merits arid sacrM vessels which g^ne^ paUbf..^. afid „.,_ „„„.„ v . ^.«, w « „«.«»» ^lataLi. W ^ a V ^ l t ^ JsBn29 ^"^wtfe 34 Cayu-ja su j A W^te Ele^Jian! SSe *fli alio 1 "' , an? parents ol a son. born As. be coijducted at this sneetfsg. gwst 2fi, In the Senoca Palls Ho*. pltaJ. pttbllshed a arch r«c*ana. btrok oa baroque THE CATHOLIC SHOP IS* Genesee St-. ACBIR.V S. T. "For Yoer Religrlotta Articftstr" Grreetins Cards Volive Ughtm Mr^ and Mr*. Kenneth Huebe-' ler. of Kewarfe Jt. Y, are pti^f eats of a daughter, Nancy Jfetrte, j bora Aagast 26, bi Nenrark. Mrs. j. Hae&aler ®as Jaae MeParlasd. t. ^i^SJ^s«««^e\^^>^Vs<^^^svs^r^»^>^^^»«^^Ww^»»<V»#*l»a^»ss»)l>W»»^^^ The Utile Gift Shop " t e a r '^««»|W«# Ottbolir «n«t!r Crnttr" M storlls m, At*am.' S. Y. |l 'a*%^»«Ws%»^s>us1^»i»e.iiSs^(^i»i^i^^s^ijijsv»)^s^>^^sjs»j^vs<<>^ PERSONAL LOANS NATIONAL BANK OF AUBURN ff«s t«« Istarasea *«a isr*sficiiiMt Cft«t« 6*br *<>* KaM sf' .»«»«*«**--_' fe &9frs» JlflO !•> 4m* war cs«r»if00 Tak« tte»a»w *» far «»*# ••>»* *"i- ! *-i~r> ••!• &••• ' \i- . "ft- •rf "•*^ s m * v. ,;S»1 77 K«th St. (3 doo.a Souths Dai ;-&ag«i;eaaSa sjsrai r-'.^i. </>:*-; >?sf-Sik^«^s -i ^ ^ , -~^.-y*5^W-^wy.ti ?3fW?«rS!S«3!ESWBB! M*#%*#i1
Page 1: Fr. John Prosser Rector of Si Joseph's United Effort Wt ...lib.catholiccourier.com/1946-november-1948-february-catholic-courie… · fflfi m) • fM ^U, ju-*g. 5* "ij jf»$J»t* ^


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¥lifi-,€AYlfwjif v

VOL tfc-Ng, 3$

Fr. John Prosser Rector of S i Joseph's

Rev. John Prosser, C.3S.R., « ve'ceraa rafeifcaasg?, ha» been appointed rector e£ St. Joseph's Chunta, Rochester, repif tdss the Very Rev. Charles Gatteaberg«sr. C.SSR.,

who fun been in the pott for tit* past two years

Father Guuetibergcr wlfl f* to ' S t PttOe»M»** draw*. Pitt*. twrgh.

Appointment of tlw «**** recta? nunc from the new provincial of

| the Redemptomt Father* of th* ; Baltimore Province, tit* Vary R»T. John Prawtey, CS8JR, Other Chaste*

Several other changis to the pejr» sonnet and admlaUtration of St, Joseph's were alio announced

Father Preiser arrived Friday tn Rochester where be ha» • sister, Sister a Robertlne. S.8JS*.D., prtn-ctpa) of Holy Redeemer School. A native of Baltimore, the Redtmp.

I' tort it ha* been tn the mission fields for 19 years- Seven year* hare been spent tn Puerto Rleo, Bis lat­est post «ra* at the million beuse at Lima, Ohio He hat been a prteu of the order for the past 28 year*

Too other new appointees to the staff of St. Joseph's are the Rev. Uonry MisaiJ. C.SSJL, former rec­tor at St. Peter'* Chureh, Phlla> delphia and the Rev Joseph Daley, C.SS.R.. • former rector at Epb-rata. Pa

Rev Thomas Chapman, CS.S.R-, of St Joseph's, t$a» trnnaferred and has left for the Rtdcmptorlst house at Saratoga Sprlnjs.

Father Mbstj la also appointed •drnonltor of the Rochester house.. t'onsultors are the Etv. Joseph Wlnteeiti. C.SSR, and the Rev. Arthur Finn. C.S-SJL, both of St. Joseph V

t iactfitu wKtst wmmmm

FR GtTTTENllSRGER St. Joseph's rectnrv eresentlv *""" "' °" "-acra-aica ay

w is priests M / 8 broth«;!Ex^"!?f?:: ?!fh0P Kca™e^

Newly named to o m n i a * American Catholic nelti bureau a t (h» V*tk«n, WW t * * \ imfh #. Sullivan, Roch-ster Dlacew priest (crated. rlfhO confers With t*e H w . Jehu 8 . Ksmfalt, W«MClaX editor, (ataiHHBf > and the Kev. Patrick 4. Klynn. ftNter Of t lw CwwrteMowrMl M cwttttqt tt»

I n s n for the aloorsaa p p e r .

RedMassSlaUd ?ioc«san j ^ R ? ? ? ' For News Post at Vatican

The Rev. Joscoh J* SulKvim, one of BwhftiWi forme? • Army wartime chaplain*, will *i*il from New Yorfc f«SXt' Tuesday ovenlnf. aboard Che 88. Saturate fat Bottle, I t # , ti'bere he has teen ajrsJgRid the Important task of tsUMishlng Uw

Third anniul U w y c r , ' -Red. ^ t A M C t f k t B i «e*» bo-M o t * will be celebrated by H l 3 l t * ? u lD "** E t t r M l C U *

For Lawyers At St. Josephs


Lorctto Centenniil Larclto. f%— i N O Work ProvtBt*

men . i Ing the past UCCKS haxp be«*n . . .e.irig over the scats led by a disastrous fire which dr strayed the main college bu 1- • # #

here In 19*2, in preparation tor P m c m a l C h a S O d C l

nlaj October 4 to G.

houses 13 priests U i U » <uuuiua,_. , L, _ . -. of th, C o n i z a t i o n of the Most % J ? e P h , ^ ? , ^ h . 0 i ,

Jllol , Redeemer of th . Balttmor. ^ . f f P i ^ ^ i l I ' . f . f ; « * * £

The Sattiraia la schedilted (o «r« v v i ^ , , ^ ! H»« in Naples on September If,

Fsthjr Sullivan completed four

K.C. C/Cf/7700Ae Se / Sunday

St. Mary's School

rut HUT «• FIRST

— (Of



It's E v e r y b o d y - * S t o r e

I M l * u h o f n ' » i.Tfjt-«4 nut*] mttv-

(U«rteff «ti«r*«»ij snrt tu-«t <>tj ntt*f*vtf

Ratnff ri»rt»4*ftin| l^*f ahil*l»rtt«»t|t

a. R. WA.IT co . 71 OKNEsKE STRPKT

Al /BtKN \r.\\ VOKK

^cTfnTr ^ _ 0 1 V " I w ° L ^ t o l S s ' i a S ; A M . C^ncl ! K « , t J , f tf » I The Red Mass la a votive M o s s ' ^ , h c , n r W e l f " r e Coafc«ae« Xc*a injnby, w a i b, ^ y g y ^ ^ of tu* Holy Ohoaa In which , I T ' ™ K r v e e . K„. ttMmAmm / _ „ | 8 c p t . 7 at Camp Columbia, <ffl

iDlvlne Guidance l> Invoked lor I, J ^ S ^ n V S M J T S S ° * » » " ^J*** » » « U I I » « * jthosc entrusted with the admin- - J****!0 8"*" m_ w " « I I B K « w s « l . t _ . . . . . . ^ . * . Uttalion of the Ian

. _ ' „ ' . 'la annually^offered to beg G o d s , r . W " ' ! ! " ' ABbara - Sitter St. Benedict blessing on th* courts of i tat lce' L " t i n A m e r t e l L 3:00 p. m, ttjf l l trry Short, t h e

completed her terms as principal j M ^ F a J J xem o p e i o . . TTjcjUaaites Vatkan Naira j athletic «V«tt» Will * t in Claret Red MSSJ"' cornea from Tha NCWC haa long been A>-'ol BeniJfd Oliver. c;t»ffn»a of

D C . services the Catholic prcaa ei>r*t*d In ttft C « » p Ol ipel , ind ine aiass e f l | M p ^ ^ 8 ^ ^ , , Canada, and dinner wlfl b # lerved itattlrtt «*


rtr**t«h'tl*f b*\k fef J<»c*\ puro,

*ttl Wattf «y|5 *»4 «Jf»tt «{**•* •mm tft »J» «g tiMr «*«#« lif tfci ftitt www.

it. m$m% ««^o4 « f*<^ is« * iheteuiEh elf*hiftf In mm* mum lw cj>«dnit <t*yt jath^Hife

f«r*ny t* In *x*»U*tit rmir. . «*r* -$3&mm, Q&irittmi< m. wtm*m %% •& fMntai # ;

s*»l«» School, mintm <!**• «HMH# JhUVf l^m. i^ iM^. i i i i # taL

•W* IMRMUM h»i Mift- «|«9«*l«*'' *iKt«tmvt mm Wt imn t*iftc* let lhi :Kliv^|*rtt« l*o*>, iW** k|« N*r» lh«*^Wy iTv»4^te4.


r«iliait it^i

:igt Sir * ^ W „,,„ w «ajnpi|jdtMr it&iM*eiiv"'" •

M U»lW C^ur*; fcaiayt,

mm®. •-*'»§: .'«* ttftflfj*,- aw

el Mwwi Cottadl will «4ttft« thiir mil nwttfofi <w WiNlmt. eiy, i g t , if, Accicdtef 1« «n a«no«fl<!«Ws«nt by Mw ArtWi1

Jfehw»f» l»r*il#ijtit * , Tht *iu#irir w0t twtk lit

mtitem „4Mm -in# H*««r »**»*>, imKt]ti^;(iaiMMM.Tef ,€*#!«,' -3mJ» m * . Hit 0 JRoef. t^Ktti «ta§ tfti'fli^iMaNsr*', -

"Wit .Aw»Ul*fif rtfi^W.lt.

v*fu«b{« it w Of m -mm cm? witte* «f ihty hav» w» tWy • eeeartHi '|tifet t W r Wtii*g](^ iMtriy eight j«iaK«l^ '

At S. F. School &m«* tana-WHH lae optn.-

t»f el tht jMPt**nt «h««l yi*r, m, PutrWt'i JPifWj.. iffpRW' twfr neinf mamltert %i mmilLm ot to, liwufh,, -Sd $% mfajiit-who »tfii (Mush tim tmnth $jtmt •»4 who fiotAiff '-ht«i Iftfll. tm

United Effort Wt Inter-Faith Rally

Hfitijn ifii hwa»-w MBwt^MW^wwtsa^t, ,,,

fMifri irte' lUst'

Stadiunv with * ^ # i g f Kj«»,

mm mm-mm.vm m

with it* »«!« «*faw i » >

% iHi^^llWs.ltpili.lH

X«c tdtt twi«to*r outy. • Mr, H Will jj ial l i l tui i t t MMditMM. At Mil - HMJftJfHJfA ' T^J lifclfllMl *^«e '^'av^J*. •€> ^ ^ i i ^ i k l A i >£,A --^«~ U L > - & e i ^ .

'IfjMBtfB-wjr. TMH1}!' IWT. D(tfl[ ^ M | H

# - ' ^ n i t w>» -mamm hm frt#i. -llt^si J b j i y i ^ ^ l ^ \ bJF" ~m s4' Ml^bl l fe^^HC

. U l^V-at tw, i « ^ • * * * » * « ,

Th* AMMtudaei iJim«ritt

•ef nMt ••«»- mm m 'm %%*•

be the new srltool

Slut er Josi.ia

Broihers School liet ior Utica

PurciiaM at tinea bjlldlnti and

Uh. 0«W*I6, s«. P«t«S[% r*««ty wi» jssf

M followij Kinderfarbjjw «r, M. ttaltn Rohj-fia, t«t» IMfo « i « Mary & i4«yj 2nd, gri4^ if. M. Afn« Viricwitj 5?4 «r4d*. Jr, , ._^ . , ...._. u . Afttw Jaary: «h. »«*f, %|jp*irri*'tt»Hfil f*«^r#i;-»* it. Jfl#«mm stn. t » m 9k m atom. U m^'fr-Mmm



of St Mary's School In J u n c , t e r r n

and has b^m transfwred to St ( I n / . ^ v c g l r a e m s w o r n b y „ i e , J r 0 B i rf imTtMnt IU facllltiea I ,„ . ". .„". . .L ^ J " . ^ Mcmlcas School In Rochester m l l U s , e n | p f ihe M a n d ^ , to Ro me vrhieh la comlfcrtd e a e i ™ * I M W , e 5 f l " " ™ . , Sister St. Benedict, durlnc her, historically, from the academic of the most strat*«lc n«»a e»8t«r» I Lttrturer-Profram ChalmtsB, eight }»ars as tearhor in St gpipno^,,- tthich ,Urroundod tne In the world a* well as belnf t l » • Jack Welch has appointed C3ary Marj i and her sut years as prln- r oSes oi the dutlnffulsited peraon be»dqoarter» of the Church. , Iloey as 0eaer*l Cfc»lratlUl. npal of the school, has been de- «g C s who asawted al the Mass. As director of the new NCWC — o voted -o her xvork ^nd to the chaplain of Military Pre»« Bareau In Rome. Father mterwt* of the children -r^,, gr^n a I t h l s > P a r . g M a M SulUvnn will gather all natrs r*>,

Ststrr Marie MarTarei U lo w U 1 ^ (jpjjyprpd by the Rt. Rev Ports released from oftelal VBaatB , principal of the, j , j s s t j a n l 0 s y± tlrttf.th. Ctan sourees aa well as oth«r report*'

cellor at tha Military Ordlnariati* reaehlns; the City fro* aooreaa' his t»een trans , n d i c n j , ih0 ctanccrj' of the throujfcojt Barope.

fetred to Holy Rosary 8-;.oo! In c h a p l a U 3 ^ ol , „ l h 0 m c n a n ( , Hi, duties- will also fnclnda U » „, . , . t ,ut . „ R/K-hMfer S^e leave* after hav R ! r n P n l n m , U t a r ) ^.^lC0 r ; U , hiadlinj of all cahJe dlsjatrfws o f , 6 1 t c r M o ( *» n d t n U U e * b y th* injr taujt t tn St H i i Y s Srhool ot(ict. tta, f a u b ^ h ^ ^ )n >,-?«• Vatican oad Koropean t w « to the Society «1 Mai«y 'or tralnlue Msr-for r.even >ears, y o r k a%lring Uw w a r a n d w a g United Stat™. ,Utilst Brother* Is announced by

.ststet Pralrts Iklarte »!« . . a t o f a j s t p ^ a m „ r r a n f t s Car P«fc*r Salilvan served as awtat- Bliho» Water A Faery of 8 p » . •ea.-ht in <?t \Hry , 5?rhflol has ^ , , 1 Speliman. Bshop WlUlarn a m P 3* 1^ «» »»>• Pro-Cathe4ral of . i t „ j«„„. M .„ # h . « _ J L M nlth NeemranslerTPdtoNa^rethCol- .K M c ^ T t j , C 5 S R . BUhop John t n . Sacred Heart btfore Ms „ , . ; c u « d l o c « . « . th. 8 r « « l M Cath-' ^ p ' F m i a r a . C i i C . and Bls.iop rotlibeat in the Ar*y ChapUirr"* oli< B3J»-

; ° William R. Amoid. Corps In Jnao, I»tS. The *!t* to #l|lit mSe$ Borth-J . F . S u J I i v a n ^ l a r k s A tradition of seeking the In ! DwrlB* his fotir years of Army w m rf rjtlcst, Located In tfet «n» 4 0 Y e a r s i n B u s i n e s s *Pln»U<w of the Holy Ghost for duty h* served with the Air Tra^- ! u , rf N e w ? < r f % g U M < t h # t l t . t i

S e n « a Falls Ja.nes F Sulh ^ u d ^ ^ tawyrm and leglshtters £ « » C2E»«u , n^ * l ^amP toaa, N.I _ ^ eattdtototts vai on Scr< 1 ceebrated t h e , 8 ' a sV*^i*i VIa** ^ ^ °«<rk t o . * - »«^ ^ » Kara^l Air Base In " ! » « « « M J**" ICW « « a a » « t s fortieth amtlwrsary of hte «!h t h e 'hlrteenih «mtur> In France,,'wfi»- f i t w Sopteraber 1 9 « t o , comic* from Dlocttet ef SyraeoM, irart'v i no business In l » r 7 ; E n < j l a « d a n d R o r l * W!)<?n th»{atI t t3rch °{ *hi» p o a r he-served as B«chc*\or. Albany, Brooklyn and M Sullivan opened a retaa to- R o m a n R o U a a s rstabllah^d b y j W i f i * chaplain of tbs 40th Bo«nb .New York. harro" store and In WIS expanded Po^ 1™<*™ r\' the Red Mass W i D » »t Er«*na»n. Bavena. He ^ ^ ^ j , ^ ^^j ^ ^ ^ j « .

r aa« Irartit led B< w.ii.-'j rhe *owp*ted his terminal leave tn

SSnT gJialZ? ^ " [ h i - ^ k ^ «rf " - »«• A » ! « « H Po«- « « rfW .chooi «f* * t . w « tojWday.JS^ S. « ttemmewt T V . ^ h f , . V R - 1 X t e w « ^ ^ W » J- SuiHvon and Mra. Join ^ »<«»«ty •* « • « » . " . , full a l l t j u a . MTB. tmis A. Wiaim

" F r a n S H * 1 ^ " Sollivan. 79 Kroo Street. Wfb «hool ewrlrahni «•«! be 2*» , < t o ? ) ^ g*?*1 ***** n rraace „ . - . . . i plans for the Fall and Winter

iihict, and */. If, Wi«wtfM^|»^ i*»rtliif I#i0fir.' •*-. who'win t*«ch the fl/th xr»(i# ! tt tMt *« *7 <h» rttfrt*** WM* and comet front S(. Paul'* l*«r- *yn«iWn*« *>f Awbfltfl Wu Is

t •)<• business to ln-ludp «'tole-taJc trade To1a>. the firm itth r>ver 500 HCcourtts se>tres MI*V rouniie^, Keeping three

4*l<*srrifn. trtrep trur'is and 1(i othr • employees biis\

Mi Siillivan is a lifelone tiem •ie of S; P?trici<<i Parnn and i n f i H of the Knl?hts of Co-1 ambus

PMtomtmai t®. (jradf, Mr. % Rate Gertrudei Tia grad|^' $ft hL tUpm*} tndf 81&. # # d ^ Uh M. Edwurtj M*rk«. Pflndpdl,

Sr. ilary D«al«v *|W hW been ft«jr# (or «KJ p t k tew stifiy hat fe««ii a*Ufg^ 19 tfts ©Ri^ :

lit Mlnaloa at S«lma, At», »i)»h la sponicrtd by thft Siitej** M 8 L JoaspJl. Sr. M, Urj&m *$$ haa bwn in fitn«ca e**!l» (sr iha peat two yean, haj f one 10 Ittuot, to teacft.

Women's Beard Sets Meeting at Club

tlw Clrat Fall meeting pt m Board of Director* at the feath'l

cluslvely w UJS trai«l«a of jrosrnif loUc Worrwn'g dub wUl be heVSi

UtoOr -|iip#Wtlvi#' b<Kh ^

w ^ ^ - j f i M t ,*t»:,;i»;'.tht'

-4rti -*«^W'-i^f-***MS^W*- fit'tWf|: «Wii'iy #jtiSl#jfi»-*lf|f f i l t ' l t t * 'UelMr *ut- that fitet |WWjr W,

mm mm w-mt--k''-$*m*t-!

White m*ny *ik# ehutclm *r*

m fib m* M, m&mm:

&&&• W Hiiii.p Je NeMtasi * I



has r m n r? led on and En "land v» iitn-jt tion n.ncf I21S

In t >*• I'n led 5- , :P <


i ie an-

-f._ Father Sullivan w»s ordained to Vaufht. the Prlrstoood, fl?pt. 24, 133H He Director of the nffsv Kbool <vaa s^adualed from St. Andrew's Brother Joseph llervar, B.M,

•A4 c)ren9 l d i . 1 fa .-b-£««9

t»«.>v «**fi«itj!

soto crciiMivrtr gr


AUBl K.V. N V Phooe »


Bny .t by the Pint. Qnui. Oallan

Sfxv1!"! Prices for PartlevT

Bill tiotmes —4. Latliruore

S3 Xorth S t 14H Mary S t

Phone 4156

nual R«>d Mas* has been held anA 8t R*rn,Ir<J'» Seminaries. Rince 1928 In Now York. Oall- ** ?omia. Pennsylvania District of P i r n i r S t l t l f M i r S f l f Columbia and fllinoia Member,, * " * * ' l « C » » P P B * » 8 t of the Judiciary of boih State R o flltar S f i C I A l V and Fedurai courts ar,d the Gov-1 £ m l < " " 0 H B ™ ei-non and l ^ i - u t o r * of tUetse FiT%t ta0 n»««lna of St Hel-states have repularl> altertdted en* A , t a r S o d < , f >' »'B1 he a pic-the Masses n c *!!PP-'r Wednesday. Sept. 10.

The Hon. William F Love. Su- i ! 6® *• m , n , h o scbocl **n, preme Court Justice. Appelate n*™^ "oad. Division, I* chairman of a com- w

f!?. ' " . * " a-ran?emr>nts «'IH naltte* of dt»tlnfnteri«i attw. ™ **™> tl&tty GooMcin, M»iste4 ne-y* which u inviting li»>«rrs. ;&' MMo«jnei» Anthony r>Kalvo. jud-es. and m^lle lyffi-'ala to KffnMrf HoOTe Russ-I Stark. , « „ , . s « , « * • „ „ » « attend the Mass I-flouard SMandi. John hammer!. ^ J o t l i e i S V 1 1 1 0 f A e e t f

„ 'Raymond Tjtter. Harold Schott *

native of Cleveland, he> holds a do. grn at 1AA from Cattholle Uni­versity.

Cha$»lalti of the sdssol trill be th« Eev. Uoasrrd M. Fee. S-M. Seven Brothers will (sake up th« first fa»roHy.

Sod«ty of Mary ot eh» pH>vfr«a of CifjcinnsW ha* 1h»rg;e of the now eatabllslssHBjl. Prwrltielal Su­perior i s Very E<*». Walter C Tred-tin of Dayton. Ohio, the hesdquar-urs of the province.

• • • < ) ' • '• ••• •

I, | program .as arranged by the , I program committee under Oic

leadership of Mm Uwrem* DriscotL *

First on the agenda wlil b* the manbergltij) drive to be held froai Sept.?19 to gepf, 29 with « largr? corps of *0rk«r» iitiOei by Mra. Ronald J. Hc0oaaldl»| mwnbcrahlp chairman.

Regular fiKatey msfflttg vrtll be held fcfejnday, %tspt. 12, gterw tor which wal fee «mo«tc«4 liter.


DAmr HAR r«r mutism ttn Crw»»st

Bulk. P»ek«*e* ami 0ei»«rf»


*p*ehl |)tl»l^tfc«C»«l«#«., .

•*0ur FMfhsef* «r» Al|My« .."'

ff» 0«ftt Att*;,** AutWTp, I il r Hll IIII»M1»*»M*««M»M<»|IM»«««»M»^

W i » H i » » i i i W i i f " M IH I ' I • I I 'I -

, I >.I«UI«. ' » —



JH^Mf j^ l t fL . jfcAs#' t s t s ^ M ^ t s s k -

1** ••^'w^^A'i •e^^^r»r e^e|eii»wBH|F^^

jl!flfy¥tM0MM(tUl090 »-,

Slanleh - » . N O The liev. Jo- an^i ' ^ ^ R l^ i'*: , sepi Bnsun. S J . or<» o f the mast / " l o w l r * * ? business ponion «T tin2u*sh«l srhoter* of o t r r ' 0 ^ * 1 5 ^ * C M m M l f d e m " tlnw In rhe field of litanrtcai art%, IV**^™ *^ ** pl»^*«rt«» by ha« died nere at the age of 91. H r S " R e i s i n g e r '

At St. Alpso&sus Aul»stm-*Triff montJily m«tfnj?

and covered dish «upfer af the St. Aiphonsu* Molh&m? Cla* will

j h# heJd at the Puish Uoam on Friday evented gent- 5 at 0-JO.

: All member* and tnothent of Mrs.; children of ssnosl are aw* favlt**!.

. V*MW ^^AMMiMMs*»^*snsM^sj^iSs**ssswi

W e d d i n g OIKI Shower Gifts


Drapcr>- Fahrtcsi

Venetian Blind**

Window Shades

Long s Curtain Shoppe SOS E\ rHA. \ ( ,E ST. GENEVA

nail, in. • ii i ••. n . • i .( t ' i-,-inri-ir^if iiniti-irtm ru."i. *i.-.„ i|-).%fwi.^nnr*ijTi *

hfr mtny &oo:<s are standard worte <m litwirlcal VPSW- A l r Y a V f t l S merits arid sacrM vessels which g ^ n e ^ paUbf..^. a f i d „ . , _ „ „ „ . „ v . ^ . « , w « „«.«»» ^ l a t a L i . W ^ a V ^ l t ^ J s B n 2 9 ^ " ^ w t f e 34 Cayu-ja s u j A W ^ t e Ele^Jian! S S e *fli alio

1"', an? parents ol a son. born A s . be coijducted a t this sneetfsg. gwst 2fi, In the Senoca Palls H o * . pltaJ.

pttbllshed a arch r«c*ana.

btrok oa baroque



"For Yoer Religrlotta


Grreetins Cards

Volive Ughtm

Mr^ and Mr*. Kenneth Huebe-' ler. of Kewarfe Jt. Y, are pti^f eats of a daughter, Nancy Jfetrte, j bora Aagast 26, bi Nenrark. Mrs. j. Hae&aler ®as Jaae MeParlasd. t.


The Utile Gift Shop "tear ' ««»|W«#

Ottbolir «n«t!r Crnttr"

M storlls m, At*am.' S. Y. | l 'a*%^»«Ws%»^s>us1^»i»e.iiSs^(^i»i^i^^s^ijijsv»)^s^>^^sjs»j^vs<<>^



ff«s t « « Istarasea *«a isr*sf iciiiMt Cft«t«

6*br *<>* KaM sf' .»«»«*«**--_' fe &9frs» JlflO !•> 4m* war

cs«r» i f00

Tak« tte»a»w *» far «»*#

••>»* *"i- ! *-i~r> ••!• &••• ' \ i - . "ft-

•rf "•*^s

m * v . ,;S»1

77 K«th St. (3 doo.a Souths Dai

;-&ag«i;eaaSa sjsrai r-'.^i. </>:*-; >?sf-Sik^«^s -i ^ ,-~^.-y*5^W-^wy.ti ?3fW?«rS!S«3!ESWBB!

M * # % * # i 1
