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Fractal Technologies

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Fractal Technologies. 45nm example2 library Validation With Crossfire™. Formats checked. Formats of example2 library checked: Spice Lpe_worst spice Verilog 2 files, 10 flavors With/without pwr pins, TETRAMAX, NTC, RECREM VHDL: Component Entities Liberty NLDM : 19 full databases - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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06/15/22 Fractal Technologies Confidential Fractal Technologies 45nm example2 library Validation With Crossfire™
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04/22/23 Fractal TechnologiesConfidential

Fractal Technologies

45nm example2 libraryValidation With Crossfire™

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Formats checked

• Formats of example2 library checked:– Spice

• Lpe_worst• spice

– Verilog• 2 files, 10 flavors• With/without pwr pins, TETRAMAX, NTC, RECREM

– VHDL:• Component• Entities

– Liberty • NLDM : 19 full databases• CCS : 14 full databases (ff, sf, fs, ss, and tt missing)• ECSM: 19 full databases

– LEF: 9 technology variants• Every LEF has full technology

– PLIB: 9 technology variants– GDSII– Cadence CDB: layout, schematic, symbol views– Milky Way

• CEL+FRAM• FRAM-only (FRAM supplied twice)

• Additional formats supported– Documentation (html or pdf)– OpenAccess– Other ASCII based formats – SLIB– FastScan, atpg– Logicvision

Colors used in this report:• Black lines describe checks• Green refers to checks passed successfully• Red indicates checks that failed, potential library errors

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• Created cell lists used for presence checks:– Schematics: 812 cells (Cells with a function, incl. TAPCELL)– EXTRA: 15 cells (Functional cells, separately provided)– FILLS: 13 cells (Filler cells) – DCAPS: 20 cells (Decoupling cells)– ISO: 8 cells– LH Level Shifters: 8 cells– HL Level Shifters: 4 cells

• Remarks:– Technology defined in both std and EXTRA LEF file– Milky Way FRAM views provided twice– CCS misses 5 characterization corners (ff, sf, tt, ss and fs) present in

NLDM and ECSM– ECSM corners in different locations (timing_power_noise and


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Cell Presence Layout DatabasesSchematics Extra Dcaps Fills LH-lvl-shift HL-lvl-shift Iso-cells

lef-xlm (9 databases) 812/812 15/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

plib-xlm (9 databases) 812/812 0/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

mw-CEL-cell_frame 812/812 0/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

mw-FRAM-cell_frame 812/812 0/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

mw-FRAM-frame_only 812/812 0/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

gdsii 812/812 15/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

cdb-layout 488/812 0/15 17/20 13/13 0/8 0/4 8/8

cdb-schematic 487/812 0/15 17/20 5/13 0/8 0/4 8/8

cdb-symbol 487/812 0/15 17/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 8/8

plib-xlm (9 databases) 812/812 0/15 20/20 13/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

CDB details, file transfer problem?

• Dcap cells missing: CAP16B DCAP32B DCAP64B

• Schematic: has only GFILL cells, no FILL* -> GFILL cells have no symbol!

• All views: cells from AN2 to LNSN, all cells from LNSN to OR4 are missing

• Layout: has LNSN cell but does not exist anywhere else

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Cell Presence Netlist and Behavior

Schematics Extra Dcaps Fills LH-lvl-shift HL-lvl-shift Iso-cells

Lpe_worst 93/812 0/15 0/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8

spice 812/812 0/15 20/20 5/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

verilog 811/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

verilog-pwr 811/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

tetramax 811/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

All other Verilog flavours (10) 811/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

VHDL component + entity 811/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8


• lpe-worst: file transfer problem? No .ends last subcircuit

• spice: only GFILL cells, no FILL cells

• Verilog, VHDL: no tapcell

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Cell Presence NLDM

Schematics Extra Dcaps Fills LH-lvl-shift HL-lvl-shift Iso-cells

nldm-bc 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

nldm-bc99 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

nldm-bc1.21-99 0/812 0/15 0/20 0/13 0/8 4/4 0/8

nldm-bc0.99-121 0/812 0/15 0/20 0/13 8/8 0/4 0/8

Lt, ml, tc, wc, wcl, wcz 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 8/8 4/4 8/8

nldm-tt 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8

nldm-sf 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8

nldm-ss 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8

nldm-fs 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8

nldm-ff 812/812 15/15 20/20 0/13 0/8 0/4 0/8


bc 1.21-1.21


bc 0.99

bc 0.99-0.99

bc-0.99 EXTRA

bc 1.21-0.99

bc 0.99 -1.21

Structure of NDLM characterization corners

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Cell Presence CCS & ECSM

• CCS corners identical to NLDM:– -lt*, -ml*, -tc*, -wc*, -wcl*, -wcz*

• Missing CCS corners:– tt, sf, fs, ss, and ff

• ECSM corners identical to NLDM:– -lt*, -ml*, -tc*, -wc*, -wcl*, -wcz*, -tt*, -sf*, -fs*, -ss*, -ff*

• ECSM files are not in one place:– Tt, sf, ss, fs and ff corners inside timing_power_noise– All other ecsm files in signal_storm

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Hierarchy consistency

• All databases contain master cells for all instances:– Cadence CDB, Milky Way, gdsII, spice, verilog, VHDL

• Exceptions: – CDB schematic: ipin, opin, iopin, nch, pch, ndio symbol

views missing

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Terminals & Pins (1)

• Are the same pins defined in all formats?– Golden Reference used: verilog

• Check passed all formats (except gdsII)

• CDB layout view has BIDIRECTIONAL pins instead of input/output

Crossfire error visualization

Example lib 2

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Terminals & Pins (2)

• Most pins are drawn in M1– Applies to CDB, Milky Way, LEF, PLIB– Exceptions having pins in M2:


• Extra VDDL pin for LH level shifters– No VDDH pin for HL level shifters?

• Antenna symbol/schematic has no VDD pin– All other symbol views have additional VDD/VSS pins

• Labels present in M1TXT or M2TXT– Applies to CDB, MilkyWay CEL, and gdsII

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Layout vs. layout

• Checks identity between polygons: layout-vs-layout or abstract-vs-layout

– Performs Boolean mask XOR operations– Detailed check example: Abstract vs Layout

• “11 0” in GDSII <= “M1” LEF

• GDSII M1, M2, VIA equals– LEF– PLIB– MilkyWay cell-frame FRAM– MilkyWay frame-only FRAM

• GDSII all layers equals:– CDB-layout– MilkyWay cell-frame CEL Interview showing PLIB, LEF, GDSII, CDB and MilkyWay

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• All cells checked for self-symmetry and left/right abutment (alignment on cell-boundary) with reference cell (INVD):

• Check passed GDSII, all layers

• Example: Poly abutment error on multi-pitch level-shifter LH cells– Only, poly not e.g. nwell

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Routability (1)

• Checks if signal-pins can be routed to cell-boundary– Uses fast internal maze router– Users select layers (e.g. M1 only) or special

rules (e.g. double-via’s on outputs of high-drive cells)

– Technology settings (rules, vias, pitch) read from LEF technology

• Results– All cells are compatible for height and pitch– Total checked 3951 pins, 880 cells– 2666 routable in M1, 67% above average


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Routability (2)

• Only 1 pin is only routable only in M3:– Cell DFCNQD1, pin D

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Functional Equivalence

• Verified functional equivalence between Verilog, SPICE, VHDL and Liberty– Checks equivalence of Boolean expressions from different

databases– For (schematics) & SPICE, expressions are automatically


• Spice vs nldm: ok • Verilog vs nldm: ok• Tetramax vs Verilog: ok Crossfire feedback showing equations extracted from SPICE

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• Cross-checks arc-presence between Liberty, VHDL and Verilog

• Sanity checks on characterized delay and power numbers

• All NLDM delays increase with increasing output capacitance

• SDF expressions equal Liberty when expressions• Arc conditions are consistent (no redundant or conflicting


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CCS Characterization (1)

• Many cells do not have a single peak current (tc corner)

• Current curves generally have a “correction current” at the tail (tc corner)

Cell AN2, output_current_fall A2->Z

Cell DFCND, output_current_rise CP->Q

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CCS Characterization (2)

• 86 Cells exhibit peak-current anomalies (tc corner)– E.g. Cell AN3, rise current A3Z– Curve for slew 0.02, cap=0.1739 has 50 samples instead of 10

Cell AN2, CCS peak currents

Cell AN2, CCS current curve

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CCS Characterization (3)

• More examples of CCS peak current anomalies (tc corner)

Cell MUX2, CCS output_current_rise S -> ZNCell NR4, CCS output_current_rise A4 -> ZN

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CCS Characterization (4)

• Tristate buffer cells use different capacitance values for CCS and NLDM, e.g. :– tc corner, cell BUFTD, cell_rise: I Z– CCS indices: [0.00164, 0.008240, 0.021430, 0.047820,

0.10060, 0.20610, 0.41720]– NLDM indices: [0.0065720, 0.013170, 0.026360, 0.052750,

0.1055, 0.21110, 0.42220]

• CCS delays for tc corner are identical to NLDM delays– 2%/0.01 tolerance values

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ECSM Characterization

• Many ECSM-curves have large deviations (20-300%) between ECSM and NLDM delay values, e.g.:– TC corner, cell AOI22D1, cell_fall: A1 ZN, index (1,1) (cap=0.00045pf,

slew=0.004)– 33% deviation of delay value (0.01285 vs 0.0169)

Cell AOI22, CCS-NLDM deviation

Cell AOI22, clip from ECSM tc corner

Cell AN2, no CCS-NLDM deviation, typical

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Characterization Comparison

• Histogram plot of cell-rise delays– bc, tc and wc

corners – Delay cells


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• Summary of inconsistencies detected:

– Structure Technology defined in both std and EXTRA LEF file

Milky Way FRAM views provided twiceCCS misses 5 characterization corners (ff, sf, tt, ss

and fs) ECSM corners in different locations

– Presence Missing EXTRA cells in MilkyWay, PLIB, spiceLevel shifters missing from tt, sf, fs, ss, and ffIncomplete CDB and lpe databases

– Characterization CCS peak current anomalies in 86 cellsCCS capacitance values different for BUFT cellsECSM vs NLDM mismatches
