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Franchise Newsletter-June (1)

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Free ALINE Upgrade See Page 4 for Details 2014: #1 Project Continuing To Build Your Email Database By: Fran Rosario As stated before, the larger your email database, the more consistency you will have in bringing new clients into your shop. We seldom plan a marketing event that does not add to our current email database. It is no longer a secret that the centers with the largest databases have also been the centers with the largest revenues. In our last issue of the “FitGolf Networker” we shared the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activities that enabled us to generate many more leads through our website than ever before. One of the most successful activities lending to the increase in website production has been the addition of our blogs called “tips of the week”. If you are not receiving these tips and blogs then please contact Dan Lovero to make sure you are included in the database that automatically gets these emails. (Continued on Pg. 2) Greg Johnson Social Media Testimony, Pg. 3 Issue 3 June, 2014 NETWORKER THE of communication to help grow your FitGolf business Opening the lines
Page 1: Franchise Newsletter-June (1)

Free ALINE Upgrade See Page 4 for Details

2014: #1 Project Continuing To Build Your Email Database

By: Fran Rosario

As stated before, the larger your email

database, the more consistency you will have in

bringing new clients into your shop. We seldom

plan a marketing event that does not add to our

current email database. It is no longer a secret that

the centers with the largest databases have also

been the centers with the largest revenues.

In our last issue of the “FitGolf Networker”

we shared the Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

activities that enabled us to generate many more

leads through our website than ever before. One of

the most successful activities lending to the

increase in website production has been the

addition of our blogs called “tips of the week”. If

you are not receiving these tips and blogs then

please contact Dan Lovero to make sure you are

included in the database that automatically gets

these emails. (Continued on Pg. 2)

Greg Johnson Social Media Testimony, Pg. 3

Issue 3 June, 2014

NETWORKER THE of communication to help grow your FitGolf business Opening the lines

Page 2: Franchise Newsletter-June (1)

2014 Project: Continued

In this issue, you will find new information to help you grow your business as well as an

updated report on the success of what our most recent email blast has become. We will show

you a comparison with our last email blast. In our search to find the BEST times to market spe-

cific activities, we have been choosing different months of the year for our special promotions to

get the production and to find ways to increase business (not only all the time, but especially)

during the “slowest” times of your year.

We have spent over 3 years in search of a way to increase a center’s email database

quickly. One area we researched was in the purchasing of golfer’s email addresses. Needless to

say, the reason it has taken us so long is because email list companies are a dime a dozen and

most are junk leads. However, we have finally found a com-

pany we are comfortable with and we will be doing our first

run with them shortly. This company has a 98% delivery rate

and all the leads are golfers in a targeted geographic area. If

you would like to be included in purchasing email leads of

golfers in your region, just call or email me for more infor-

mation. The next step to developing this list is how to use it

effectively. Anytime activity appears to slow down, it is time

to send a proven effective promotion to get a few new clients

in the door.

Now to shift gears… Over the last few weeks our con-

centration on social media has dominated our blog’s content. If you have not been receiving our

“golf fitness tip” and our golf fitness business blogs then you will want to read the recent articles

directly from our website. Follow this Link: http://fitgolf.com/subscribe-to-tip-of-the-week/ and

read the articles entitled “How to Utilize Social Media in Golf Fitness Marketing”. There you will

learn about the most common social media sites used by businesses as well as most basic so-

cial media tools necessary to be efficient in social media marketing.

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Social Media: Sacramento Testimony

Social media has given us a chance to reach otherwise unreachable potential clients. Two or three of our big-ger name clients have hundreds if not thousands of fol-lowers. Any time we create a post or tweet, we make sure to tag them, and it is seen by several of their fol-lowers. We get more views, likes and clicks of that one post, as it goes out to other followers as well. In turn, as people start to see it more often, they become more interested in OUR Facebook page. Usually in time, they like our page and now see EVERY post we send, including research projects or deals. My average posts are only seen by 20-30 people... I tagged a few popular clients in one, and it was seen by close to 1000 (and still being seen—see picture). Social media is also a way for people to see who is coming in, what types of things you do, and show how you are different from others. Videos, pictures, etc. will lure people to your webpage, instead of waiting for people to hopefully search Google for it. Fran says it takes how many times to remember a face? I've started to put myself in a lot of these pictures too, because a lot of people I'm friends with or those who see these posts are the pro's I work with. Greg Johnson

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ALINE: Buy 15 Pairs - Get FitStop Free!

Aline has developed a new measuring system called the FitStop. They would like to offer a free

upgrade of the new FitStop system (to replace the old fit stands) to each franchise at no cost if

they order 15 pairs of Alines. This new system will allow you to measure faster and clients won’t

have to step up to the stand. You can look at the flier for the new FitStop system below.

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Message from ALINE: Golf Posture and ALINEment

The address position in golf encompasses many elements includ-ing grip, angle of club face, the physical strengths and weakness-es of the golfer among many others. In the address position, the golfer strives to be in a balanced athletic posture in preparation for the back swing where they want to minimize any sway away from or towards the target. The goal of this athletic posture is balance. Balance is the foundation of every good golf swing. This involves proper weight distribution at address and then proceeds through each phase of the swing. The keys to maintaining good posture during the golf swing include strength, muscle endurance, motor control, and proper lower leg alignment. Lower leg alignment be-

gins at the foot where the feet are a stable base of support planted on the ground. The ground serves as a source of power as the body coils around this base of support and transfers power up the chain to the club head. An unstable foot is a major power loss in the golf swing. Power is lost due to a hyper mobile (pronated) foot where the direction of power transfer is not up the body but "dumped" out the chain but the foot moving in an opposite direction. Assessment of posture involves assessing ankle and foot mobility, and proprioceptive capabili-ties of the golfer. The ALINE fit system is utilized in evaluating lower leg alignment and the Sin-gle Leg Balance Test can be used to assess motor control and proprioception. The ALINE in-sole can make immediate improvements in leg alignment and when used in conjunction with ex-ercises for motor control will have a tremendous positive impact on club head speed and ball distance. Foot issues such as fallen arches and plantar fasciitis can rob your golf game of power by decreasing the stable foundation neces-sary during address and swing. "Address" your pos-ture when looking for ways to increase your golf perfor-mance and increase the enjoyment of each round for years to come. Next in the series: Generating potential energy in the back swing with proper form.

Before ALINE After ALINE

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Dave Ostrow has been selected as a board member for Girls Golf Revolution, and FitGolf will be

partnering with the organization to make golf more accessible to girls. The goal is to help them

reach their goals in life through the game of golf, in other words ‘Bringing girls to the game of

golf.’ Eric MacCluen, in his 25 years of experience, has noticed a need and is working to make

change a reality. This will create opportunities for girls to get involved in golf and be partnered

with the mentoring program. FitGolf will be there to support the growth of women’s golf.

“This organization is about mentoring girls through the game of golf,” says Eric MacCluen, Direc-

tor of Instruction, Applecross Golf Academy and Founder, Girls Golf Revolution. “This goes be-

yond chipping and putting, it is about developing life skills for these girls while raising awareness

about the game of golf.”

The article was picked up by worldgolf.com; read it here Girls Golf Revolution - World Golf

FitGolf Videos: Published by GAP Here in Philadelphia we have been working with our Golfer’s association to produce exercise vid-eos. These videos will be accessible on their site for all of their golfers. When these videos post we are going to begin calling golf associations in your areas to see if we can partner with them to bring a video exercise database to their site. The goal is to begin a working relationship with all golf associations within each franchisee’s territory to assist in future promotions. This is a great way to promote directly to our target market with exercise videos. Our series just published on GAP’s website and has been titled ‘Shape Your Season’. You view the landing page here.

Dave Ostrow: Named to Girls Golf Revolution Board

Announcements & Updates

Important: Press Releases

As FitGolf continues to grow and expand press releases are becoming more important to our de-

velopment. Each piece of news that is worthy of being noted should be written up so that it can

be submitted and reported. This can help FitGolf with news exposure and it can be great for so-

cial media content. We need to be more active with our press releases so we can be in the news

every day. This will increase the amount of articles that get picked up because if we consistently

post then sites will look for our reports. If you have something that you would like to be released

you can send the details and a quote to be written up and sent in. These are great ways to grow

FitGolf, expand our reach, gain followers, and educate the public about what we do and what we

stand for.

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10 Minute Cushion: Update Over the past 8 months we have been building a relationship between FitGolf and The 10 Minute Cushion. The purpose of the 10 Minute Cushion is to stretch and correct your posture, preparing your spine and surrounding muscles for functional activity. This process happens naturally by using gravity to stretch over our specifically designed foam arch, allowing for proper communication between the brain, spinal cord and the extremities. This enhanced position allows for greater sustainable neuromuscular activation to gain immediate and optimal performance. Benefits of daily use include increased range of motion, increased spinal rotation, increased distance, and improved posture.

FitGolf has become 10 Minute Cushion’s distributor in the United States. Our goal is to

expand the distribution throughout the country to each franchise. We are excited to continue

developing our relationship with them, as we continue to offer this effective product to our


How to use the 10 Minute Cushion (1:33)

10 Minute Cushion Testimonial: (1:31)

Improving swing rotation

FitGolf Clinical Instruction: (9:57)

How to use the 10 Minute Cushion

To Get Started with your 10 Minute Cushion distributorship, call Fran Rosario for your started kit.

FitGolf Sacramento has been a part of some great opportunities in their area. They had the op-portunity to take part in a great event with Ryan Winther, at Rancho Murieta. The Ryan Winther Golf Classic raised money which will help juniors and the Game of golf, and Ryan ended the day with a WORLD RECORD 235.1 mph ball speed. FitGolf Sacramento also shot a promo video with Kim Welch, a winner of Big Break Kanapali. You can watch the video here. They also fea-ture her on their testimonial page along with Isaac “Sasquatch” Sanchez, a Big Break Greenbri-er winner, who is premiering in his first event PGA Tour event this summer. You can view this promo video here also. Greg Johnson also put together a great promotional video that we can all use to promote our mission at FitGolf. You can view this video here. Most recently they spoke at a demo day right after Ryan Winther and Isaac Sanchez at Haggin Oaks. They have also worked at a multitude of other events offering stretch tents.

Announcements & Updates (Cont’d)

In the News: FitGolf Sacramento

Read a message from

10 Minute Cushion

Page 8: Franchise Newsletter-June (1)

What a simple piece of foam can do for golfer

You might be asking yourself how a piece of foam could possibly help your golf game. Let me tell you.

The 10 Minute Cushion uses the combination of a specifically designed foam arch and the natural force of gravity to stretch and correct your posture. This unique curved de-sign facilitates proper expansion of your spinal muscles and ligaments, stretching the chest, ribcage, hip flexors and shoulder muscles.

Regular stretching of theses key areas can increase spinal rotation by 5 to 8 degrees over the course of ten days, which in turn, increases range of motion. This change happens faster than any other methods I've seen. In addition to the above, your shoulders rotate and are drawn downwards, resetting their position. This improves posture which is certainly a key to good golf.

With the back now in its strongest; natural position; we can now expect better commu-nication between the brain and outer extremities. Talk about optimizing perfor-mance. Additional use of the cushion in preparation to play or after a round can cut down on back pain by unloading the spine after 70 violent swings.

Yes the cushion does all this. More than you might expect. After clinical testing with golfers the product was well received and is gaining popularity in the golfing communi-ty.

Sandy Joel Levy, RMT

A Message from 10 Minute Cushion

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"With the amount of time junior golfers spend sitting and often in front of comput-ers/mobile devices it is imperative to create awareness to the proper alignment of the spine. The 10 minute Cushion has been a great tool which many of my junior golfers use to ‘reset’ their spine either before practice, at the beginning or end of a workout, or following a round of golf. The resetting of the spine allows them to efficiently rotate both on the backswing and downswing leading to shots which fly far and straight. The 10 minute Cushion has been a great tool for many of my competitive juniors who spend extended periods of time away from home at tournaments - very easy to pack in a trav-el bag! Most importantly junior golfers need healthy spines to allow them to endure the countless number hours of practice which are so crucial during their soil development years. Definitely a great piece of equipment for any junior golfer!!!"

Jeff Overholt B.Sc, PGA of Canada Coach Golf Performance Coaches - Lead Coach York Regional Team - Head Coach

A Testimonial from 10 Minute Cushion

Page 10: Franchise Newsletter-June (1)

In January’s edition of “The Networker” newsletter we talked about the email blast we sent out

on November 7th, 2013 to the members of the Golf Association of Philadelphia (GAP). This is

a large group of “golfers” in the Philadelphia region. The promotion was for a “FREE 3-D

Technology Assessment” utilizing the K-VEST. On May 6th, 2014 we sent out the exact same

promotion through the GAP. Below, you will find the results of this recent blast compared to

the results of the November 7, 2013 email send. To determine if we could actually improve

our effectiveness we had to be able to compare the new numbers to the numbers we’ve been

obtaining for the last 2 years. These are the average results for each of our KVEST email pro-

motions over the last 2 years from the Philadelphia location only:

% of total leads we were able to contact: 61

% of total leads actually setting an appointment for assessment: 47

% of those contacted making an appointment for assessment: 77

% of total leads actually coming in for assessment: 47

% of assessment turning into Evaluations: 17

% of Evaluations turning into Programs: 60

K-Vest Blast Comparison: Past 3 Blasts

Previous Nov. 7 May 6

% of total leads we were able to contact: 61 85 75

% of total leads actually setting an appointment for assessment: 47 76 67

% of those contacted making an appointment for assessment: 77 84 87

% of total leads actually coming in for assessment: 47 64 58

% of assessment turning into Evaluations: 17 56 46

% of Evaluations turning into Programs: 60 66 36*

* Evaluations to Programs SO FAR… this percentage will change as we complete the

remaining evals scheduled.

K-Vest: Email Blast Update

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The trend we are noticing is that the percent of assessments turning into evals in the Nov.

7th and May 6

th sends have increased by 2.5 times. And also the percent of evals turning

into programs have increased by 10%. What this means: Even when doing the SAME

amount of work in a promotion like this, as we have done in the past, we have figured out

how to increase the amount of people moving from an assessment to an evaluation. This

automatically gives us the opportunity to exponentially increase our ROI on this particular

activity. What we found the secret to be was in the words used when making the initial call

for their assessment appointment. Based on our research here, there are 2 main factors to

concentrate on: 1.) Say the right words to get them to WANT to come in, and 2.) Prepare

the prospect to be ready for the trainer to give them the opportunity to go further into a


Below you will find a link where you can listen to an audio version of the phone call we

have been using to accomplish these two important points. You will be able to hear my

voice as the FitGolf caller and Ryan McLean playing the role of the golfer. You will find this

script to last only a few minutes for we have finally found a way to simplify a follow up

phone call for you. This call is made AFTER you have received a response to your promo-

tion for the golfer to receive a FREE 3-D Motion KVEST assessment:

If you would like help with this “New Phone Script” or follow-up procedure, please don’t hesitate to call me… Fran

K-Vest: Email Blast Update

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Welcome New FitGolf Location: Monroeville, PA

A warm welcome to our newest location owner Timothy Humphrey! He is cur-

rently in the phase of choosing his location in Monroeville, Pa just outside of

Pittsburgh and he will continue towards the completion of his FitGolf training

here at National Headquarters while the space is being chosen. We will keep

you posted on Tim’s progress!

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Patrick H. Rufo comes to FitGolf from Collegeville, PA. Patrick is a Certified Strength and Conditioning

Specialist (CSCS), Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT). His interest in personal training originated

from his experience as a four year rower at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Following

graduation, Patrick began sculling and competing at the national level. In 2006, Patrick moved to Phila-

delphia to train full time for Penn AC Rowing Association. As an elite member of Penn AC, he compet-

ed at the 2007 USRowing Pan American Trials in the Men’s Straight Four and 2008 US Olympic Trials

in the Men’s Double Sculls, finishing 3rd and 10th respectively. Following a year as an Assistant Coach

at the University of Pennsylvania, Patrick began coaching for Penn AC and took over the Penn AC

Junior Men’s Program. By 2011, Penn AC Gold became one of the top high school summer rowing

programs in the country. The program educated high school athletes on how to prepare and train

properly, as well as focusing on developing individual leadership and team building skills. Patrick con-

tinues to coach Master’s athletes (30 years and up) for Fairmount Rowing Association, where he works

with athletes of all abilities and fitness levels. Patrick is a Functional Movement Certified Professional

(FMS). He has earned his StrongFirst and RKC Level 1 Kettlebell Certifications. He is also a Primal

Move Fundamental Instructor, MovNat Certified Trainer, and Animal Flow Coach. Patrick resides in

Collegeville, PA with his wife and two daughters.

Please take the time to email Patrick at [email protected] to introduce yourself and welcome him into

our national team.

Introducing our NEW Golf Fitness Coach At the National Office

Patrick Rufo

New Team Member: Patrick Rufo

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Next Territory Areas “of Interest”: These are the areas where we currently have interested investors going through their due diligence to decide if they will be opening a new FitGolf Center. This does not mean we will definitely have a center in these areas, but it does mean there is a constant line of communication with possible plans of opening a FitGolf center in these areas.

Raleigh, NC Phase Two—Checking References

Dade City, FL Phase Two—Checking References

Atlanta, GA Phase Two—Checking References

Pittsburgh, PA Finalized—Opening in October

Denver, CO Phase One—Fact Finding Stage

Boca Raton, FL Phase One—Territory Study Phase

San Antonio, TX Phase Three—Philadelphia Visit Planned

South Shore Boston, MA Phase One—Fact Finding Stage

Next Newsletter: Issue 4, 2014

1. Special guests contributing to the FitGolf Networker newsletters from K-Vest, Aline, DBS, Golf Pros and many more. We would like to ask any franchisee to contribute success stories with either a specific marketing activity or with the use of your tech-nology. Please email Fran with your ideas at [email protected]

2. New Credit Card System information 3. Research Studies—The successes of bringing people in for the research study; con-

version rates for moving prospects to evaluations; how to perfect the research study script; not to mention findings of the research study.

4. Blogging and other Social Network marketing venues—How we have used them and how it is working for us.

5. Maximizing the use of your email database—Building your database.

Territories of Interest: Status Updates

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Thank you for all your hard work! A special thank you to Greg Johnson for his social media contribution to this edition of The Networker newsletter We will be sending you these newsletters on a quarterly basis and would appreciate ANY participation on your part either by sending us questions we can reply to or contributing success stories and educational content. Until next

Staff: Home Office

David Ostrow

Fran Rosario

Danny Lovero

Clint Rosario

Megan Rech

Jason Rivkin

Patrick Rufo






Golf Fitness Coach

Golf Fitness Coach
