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Fraud principles1

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II. Fraud Principles
  • 1. II. Fraud Principles

2. 1. What is fraud? l2. Classic fraud research3. Fraud triangle and it`s scope4. Profile of fraudsters5. Who is victimised by fraud more often?6. Fraud taxonomies7. Fraud tree.8. Evalution of a typical fraud 3. 1. What is fraud? Fraud as a crime. Fraud is a generic term, and embraces all the multifarious means thathuman ingenuity can devise, which are resorted to by one individual, to get an advantage byfalse means Corporate fraud. Corporate fraud is any fraud commited by, for, or against a businesscorporation. Management fraud. Management fraud is the intentional misrepresentation of corporate orunit performance levels The ACFE defines financial statement fraud as: the deliberate misrepresentation of thefinancial condition of an enterprise in order to deceive financial statement users. 4. 1. What is fraud The U.S. Supreme Court in 1887 provided a definition of fraud in the civil sense. The mostimportant point was the 4th: `That it was made with intent` The defendant can easily defend the claims with the oops theory that is, oops, I made amistake But, if at the beginning of the fraud investigation, the victim entitys antifraud personnel takethe time to establish a pattern, even if that means allowing the fraudster to continue to stealfor awhile, then the victim can establish forensic evidence related to intent. The fraudstermight try the oops defense, but if the victim is able to produce dozen of instances, thejudge or jury will probably not believe it. 5. 2. Classis fraud research In order to commit fraud, a rationalization must exist for the individual to decidefraud is worth committing The current term fraud was traditionally referred to as white-collar crime, and thetwo are used synonymously here. Jaspan and Black tried to derive antifraud measures their book ` The Thief in theWhite Collar `. Jaspan and Black advise employers to: (1) pay their employees fairly, (2) treat theiremployees decently, and (3) listen to their employees problems, if they want to avoidemployee fraud. But to temper that bit of humanism with a little reality, they also suggest thatemployers should never place full trust in either their employees or the securitypersonnel they hire to check on employees. 6. 2. Classis fraud research Hartung disagrees with Jaspans and Blacks generalizations and focuses onthe individual. He argues: Their criminality is learned in the process ofsymbolic communication, dependent upon cultural sources. In reality, both Jaspan and Black, and Hartung appear to have been correct. Hartung noted that individuals are inevitably affected by their environment. Jaspan and Black suggestions to deter fraud say the same as modern effortsdo: Create an environment with few reasons and with few opportunities tocommit fraud. 7. 3. Fraud triangle Why a person in a position of trust would become a violator of that trust? 8. 3. Fraud triangleCressey interviewed about 200 embezzlers in prison. One of the major conclusions of hisefforts was that every fraud had three things in common: (1) pressure (sometimes referred to as motivation). Sometimes an insatiable greed causesrelatively wealthy people to commit frauds. Motives to commit fraud in business usually arerationalized by the old saying that all is fair in love and warand in business, which isamoral, anyway. (2) rationalization (of personal ethics). In an ACFE Report, 93 percent of the reportedfraudsters had no prior criminal convictions. E.g I am just borrowing the money (3) knowledge and opportunity to commit the crime. This aspect of the triangle is the onlyone that auditors can easily observe or control. 9. SCOPE OF FRAUD Research in the last 10 years has been able to reveal both the scope of fraud and themost effective means of detecting frauds. Research by the ACFE reveals that the estimated level of fraud detected from 1996 to2008 has been consistent in the U.S. economyapproximately 6 percent of annualrevenues. In 2009, KPMG released its fourth Fraud Survey. KPMG interviewed 204 executivesin companies with at least $250 million in revenues. 74 percent of employees reported they had personally observed wrongdoing in theirorganization in the prior 12 months. The greatest concern was the potential loss of public trust, according to 71 percent ofthe executives 10. 4. PROFILE OF FRAUDSTERS Who? The person is usually someone who was not suspected, oftentimesleast suspected. Are some people more prone to commit fraud than others? Gwynn Nettler,in Lying, Cheating and Stealing, offers these insights on cheaters and deceivers: People who have experienced failure, who are disliked and who dislikethemselves, impulsive, distractible, ignorant people, people who have greatpressure to achieve important objectives. 11. 4. PROFILE OFonFRAUDSTERS Why Do Employees Lie, Cheat, and Steal the Job? The employee believes he can get away with it, she desperately needs or desires themoney or articles stolen, feels frustrated or dissatisfied about some aspect of the job,Everybody else steals, so why not me?, has no self-control, Theyre so big,stealing a little bit wont hurt them, The employee was economically, socially, orculturally deprived during childhood. Why is it that, despite the consequences of criminal behavior, it still occurs?Apparently, it is because the rewards gained often exceed the risk of punishment. Many times, if not most, when a fraud is detected, the extent of punishmentregarding the perpetrator is to be fired, sometimes without even paying back thefraud losses. 12. High-Level and Low-Level Thieves Hall and Singleton provide a similar profile like ACFE RTTN for a typicalfraudster in general. These criminals are: (a) in a key position in thecompany, (b) are usually male, (c) are more than 50 years old, (d) aremarried, and (e) are highly educated. This profile leads us to this overallconclusion: A white-collar criminal does not look like a criminal! 13. High-Level and Low-Level Thieves Most expensive fraudsMost frequent frauds Have been with the firm for a long Have been an employee for about the sametime amount of time as the high-level thieves Earn much less Earn a high income Could be either male or female (gender Are male doesnt matter) Are over 60 years of age, Are between the ages of 41 and 50 Are well educated Have finished high school Have never been charged with Operate aloneanything criminal And have usually not been charged with any criminal behavior 14. 5. WHO IS VICTIMIZED BY FRAUD MOSTOFTEN? Fraud is therefore most prevalent in organizations that have no controls, notrust, no ethical standards, no profits, and no future. Small businesses and organizations have a higher risk of fraud than anyother size entity, because they are more likely to have one accountant, nosegregation of duties, and no compensating control, and those factors are themost common in fraud. 15. 6. FRAUD TAXONOMIESWe focus on frauds in financial statements and business transactions.The following are some of the ways fraud has been classified. Fraud can be perpetrated against customers, creditors investors, suppliers, bankers, insurers, or Consumerand Investor government authorities (e.g., tax fraud)Frauds Criminal fraud requires proof of an intentiona deception. Criminal fraud denotes a false representation of a material fact made by one party to Criminal and another party with the intent to deceive and induce the other party to justifiably rely on the fact to his/her detrimentCivil Fraud Civil fraud requires that the victim suffer damages. Fraud for Frauds directed against the companyand against the Company Frauds that benefit the company Internal means all the ways used to fraud such asprice fixing, corporate tax evasion, violations of environmental laws, false advertising. Internal and External fraud such as frauds committed by vendors, suppliers, and contractors who might overbill, double bill. externalfraud Management Internal controls are measured by their effectiveness; they must be monitored constantly to ensure that they are functioning at the level designedandand intended nonmanage ment fraud 16. 7. The fraud tree The three main categories are (1) fraudulent statements, (2) assetmisappropriation, and (3) corruption. 17. 8. Evolution of a typical fraud3.Rationalization 2.OpportunityFormulate intent without1.MotivationaKnowledge and self-incrimination; e.g., 4.Commit the fraudFinancial need, greed, ego. opportunity to commit thejust borrowing the fraud.money, 18. 8. Evolution of a typical fraud6.Conceal the crime8.Suspicion or discoverydiscovery of variance Use large 7. Red flags or anomaly including a5.Convert asset to cash volume accounts, rely on Red flags could sufficient analysis, discrepancies, internalapathy, alter documents, be a lifestyle change controls, internal audit,destroy documentsexternal audit, accident 19. 8. Evolution of a typical fraud9.Predication determined 10.Fraud theory11.Fraud investigationA The fraud theory 12.Write a report Identify and gatherfraud professional believes approach helps to identify Almost all fraud forensic evidence, loss of a fraud has occurred, isthe most likely schemesinvestigations require aassets confirmed, loss occurring, or will occurand how they are being report at its conclusion documentedbecause of circumstances perpetrated 20. 8. Evolution of a typical fraud14.TrialPresentation of facts and testimony before trier of13a.Disposition: Termination 13b.Disposition: Prosecution fact, use of expert witness, presentation of forensic evidence 21. Summary An understanding of the fraud principles is the foundation to any antifraudactivity, whether it is developing a fraud policy, investigating a fraud, ordesigning antifraud controls. Therefore it is vitally important to know all one can about the fraud triangle,fraud tree, scope of fraud (it can happen here), profile of a fraudster, andother basic principles.
