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"Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

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Conto bilingüe creado por Rebeca Vidal e Raquel Martínez e inspirado nas ilustracións do libro El arenque rojo de Gonzalo Moure e Alicia Varela. Bilingual story created by Rebeca Vidal e Raquel Martínez, inspired by the illustrations in the book El arenque rojo by Gonzalo Moure & Alicia Varela.
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“Fred & Lizzie” “Alfredo e Elisa” Inspired by the illustrations in the book El arenque rojo by Gonzalo Moure & Alicia Varela
Page 1: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

“Fred & Lizzie” “Alfredo e Elisa”

Inspired by the illustrations in the book El arenque rojo by Gonzalo Moure & Alicia Varela

Page 2: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Fred, or Freddie, and he went to the park every day. He didn’t have many friends. Everyone thought he was different, strange, and no one wanted to play with him.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Lizzie, or Liz, and she went to the park every day. She didn’t have many friends. She liked to read, and she read everywhere. But her favourite place was the blue bench in the park.

Page 3: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Houbo unha vez un neno. O seu nome era Alfredo, ou Freddie, e ía ao parque todos os días. Non tiña moitos amigos. Todos pensaban que Fred era diferente e raro e ninguén quería xogar con el.

Houbo unha vez unha nena. 0 seu nome era Elisa, or Lis, e ía ao parque todos os días. Non tiña moitos amigos. Gustáballe ler e lía en todas partes. Mais o seu sitio preferido era o banco azul que había no parque.

Page 4: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

One day, Fred saw a girl sitting on a bench. It wasn’t the first time. She was there every day, like him. She was alone too, like him. He hid behind a tree and looked at her. She was so pretty. He wished he could be her friend.

Like always, Lizzie was reading in her favourite blue bench. The book was great! Suddenly, she realised that there was a boy looking at her from behind a tree. She recognised him – it was Fred. Her mum had told her many times not to be his friend because he was a little bit problematic.

Page 5: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Un día, Alfredo viu unha rapaza sentada nun banco. Non era a primeira vez. Ela estaba alí todos os días, coma el. Estaba soa tamén, coma el. Alfredo escondeuse detrás dunha árbore e detívose a mirala. Era moi guapa. El desexaba ser o seu amigo.

Coma sempre, Elisa estaba lendo no seu banco preferido. O libro era marabilloso! De súpeto, deuse de conta de que había un rapaz mirándoa desde detrás dunha árbore. Recoñeceuno: era Alfredo. A súa nai dixéralle que non podía ser a súa amiga, pois era un rapaz algo problemático.

Page 6: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Fred decided to go talk to her. He was brave, he could do it. He

remembered that his father once told him that girls like flowers, so he took

one from the ground to give it to Lizzie.

Page 7: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Alfredo decidiu ir falar con ela. Era valente, podía facelo. Lembrou que o

seu pai lle dixera una vez que ás rapazas gústanlle as flores, de xeito que

decidiu coller unha flor do chan para levarlla a Elisa.

Page 8: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Lizzie was reading. She was so concentrated that Fred was afraid of

disturbing her. He stood there, with the flower in his hand. Maybe it was

not a good idea, after all.

Page 9: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Elisa estaba lendo. Parecía tan concentrada que Alfredo tiña medo de

molestala. Ficou alí de pé, coa flor na man. Se cadra non era unha boa

idea despois de todo.

Page 10: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

But he did it. Finally, he went to her and offered her the flower. It was a

beautiful flower, like Lizzie. He really wanted her to have it as a symbol of

their friendship.

Page 11: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Pero fíxoo. Foi a xunto dela e deulle a flor. Era unha flor moi fermosa, coma

Elisa. Alfredo non o dubidou: quería ser o seu amigo.

Page 12: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Lizzie was surprised. Fred had given her a flower! And it was pretty, too. But

she couldn’t keep it, because her mum would be angry at her if she did. She

threw the flower to the floor and told Fred to go away.

Page 13: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Elisa sorprendeuse. Alfredo déralle unha flor! E era moi bonita. Pero ela non

podía aceptala xa que a súa nai íase enfadar moito se o facía. Tirou a flor ao

chan e díxolle a Alfredo que marchase.

Page 14: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Fred was very sad. Lizzie didn’t want to be his friend, like the other

children. He decided to go home, because he didn’t want to be in the park


Page 15: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Alfredo púxose moi triste. Elisa non quería ser a súa amiga, como lle pasaba

cos outros rapaces. Decíu voltar á casa porque xa non quería quedar no


Page 16: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Lizzie really really REALLY wanted to be Fred’s friend. She watched him go

away, and she was sad. She knew he was a good boy. All the teachers loved

him at school, and everyone knows that teachers are always right.

Page 17: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Elisa, en realidade, quería ser amiga de Alfredo. Viuno marchar e púxose

triste. No fondo sabía que era un bo rapaz. Todos os profesores da escola

adorábano, e todos sabemos que os profesores sempre teñen razón.

Page 18: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

They had to be friends. Lizzie got up, picked up the red flower and decided to give

it to him as a symbol of their friendship.

Page 19: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Elisa levantouse, colleu a flor vermella do chan e decidiu devolverlla coma se dun

siímbolo de amizade se tratase. Non dubidou: tiñan que ser amigos.

Page 20: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

She ran to him, very fast. Fred was leaving the park, and she had promised

her mum to stay there all the time so she had to run. She wanted a friend,

and Fred could be a very good one.

Page 21: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Correu ata el moi rápido. Alfredo estaba marchando, mais ela prometéralle á

súa nai que ía quedar no parque todo o tempo así que tivo que correr. Quería

ter un amigo de verdade, e Alfredo podería selo.

Page 22: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Fred felt someone touching his arm. Oh my god. It was Lizzie! She was smiling at him and she had the flower in her hands. Lizzie gave him the flower and told him what he wanted to hear – “Hey, can we be friends?”

“Of course!” he said. And they walked together in the park until Lizzie had to go. But before she left, they

promised to see each other the next day.

Page 23: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Alfredo sentiu que alguén lle tocaba no brazo. Meu deus! Era Elisa! Viuna sorrir coa flor vermella na man. Elisa deulla e díxolle o que Alfredo quería escoitar: “Queres ser o meu amigo?”

“Claro!”, respondeulle el. E camiñeron xuntos ata que Elisa tivo que marchar. Pero antes, prometeron que se

verían ao dia seguinte.

Page 24: "Fred and Lizzie / Alfredo e Elisa"

Historia creada polas alumnas en prácticas

Raquel Martínez e Rebeca Vidal.

Correción do texto en galego polo alumno

en prácticas Borxa Logares.

El arenque rojo / Gonzalo Moure ; Alicia Varela – [Boadilla del Monte, Madrid] : SM, D.L.

2012. – ISBN: 978-84-675-5685-8 – SIGNATURA: LI MOU are
