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Fred Popowich - The Application of Interactive Data Expooration and Visulaization

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1 © VIVA 2012
Page 1: Fred Popowich - The Application of Interactive Data Expooration and Visulaization

1  ©  VIVA  2012  

Page 2: Fred Popowich - The Application of Interactive Data Expooration and Visulaization

What is Visual Analytics?!Visual analytics is…!!the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. !

Using technology for human analysis & decision-making!Explore and synthesize information

and derive insight from massive, dynamic, ambiguous and often conflicting data.!

Provide timely, defensible and understandable assessments.!

Communicate assessments effectively for action.!

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What is Visual Analytics?!Visual analytics is…!!the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces. !

Using technology for human analysis & decision-making!draws upon traditional research areas including !–  data/text mining, !–  visualization, !–  human computer interface, !–  machine learning!–  …!

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•  The  Vancouver  Ins4tute  for  Visual  Analy4cs    (VIVA)  is:  •   a  joint  SFU/UBC  research  Ins4tute  dedicated  to  developing  a  network  of  resources  for  Visual  Analy4cs  to    

•  orient,    •  promote,    •  facilitate,    •  and  broker    

research,  educa4on  and  training  in  Visual  Analy4cs  

•  VIVA  leverages  the  cri4cal  mass  of  VA  research  pioneers  at  those  two  universi4es  to  create  a  network  for  Visual  Analy4cs  in  Canada.    

What is VIVA?!

©  2012  VIVA  

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•  VIVA  operates  from  Vancouver  working  locally,  na4onally  and  now  interna4onally.  

•  VIVA  is  currently  leading  the  crea4on  of  the  Canadian  Network  for  Visual  Analy4cs,  a  not-­‐for-­‐profit  organiza4on  •  uni4ng  all  Visual  Analy4cs  research  organiza4ons  in  Canada    •  Working  with  government  agencies  and  industry  partners  

•  crea4on  of  consor4a  of  companies  built  around  industry  sectors  that  include  aerospace,  safety,  security,  health,  medical,  finance,  new  media…  

•  VIVA  is  involved  with  ini4a4ves  in  Visual  Analy4cs  around  the  world,  notably  in  the  U.S.,  the  E.U.  and  now  Brazil.  


©  2012  VIVA  

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VA Case Study – Health & Safety!Use visual analytics on historical production data to determine ergonomic focus areas and estimate injury costs on aircraft production lines.!

Accident  clusters  by  type  and  frequency.    

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VA Case Study – Bird Strikes!Using visual analytics on FAA Wildlife Incident data, a company researcher and VA Intern developed…!

•  safety related design changes!•  improvements to pilot training material!

Results presented at major conferences on bird strikes.!

Bird  strikes  during  day,  dusk  and  night.    

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•  VIVA  ar4culates  itself  along  three  elements  cons4tu4ng  its  mandate:  •  1)  VA  Network:  Establish  a  VA  research  Networking  infrastructure  

for  research,  exper4se  and  educa4onal  programming;  •  2)  VA  Research:  Promote,  facilitate,  orient  and  where  possible  

support  research  in  VA,  with  a  focus  of  applica4on  to  real-­‐world  problems  encountered  by  industry  and  government  organiza4ons.  

•  3)  VA  Educa4on  and  Training:  Build  a  capacity  to  train  VA  resources  at  all  levels  in  the  use  of  VA  tools  and  best  prac4ces.  –  VIVA  contributes  to  training  the  data  scien4sts  and  analysts  needed  to  

stem  the  rising  4de  of  world  data.    

–  VIVA  extends  the  science  of  VA  to  Canadian  Industry  notably  through  its  Andrew  Wade  VA  Challenge  (AWVAC)  Program.    


©  2012  VIVA  

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•  Educa4on  and  Training  •  VA  Workshops  

•  Analyst  Workshops  •  These  are  aimed  at  those  analysts,  managers  and  subject  maXer  experts  who  will  use  Visual  Analy4cs  in  their  work  

•  IT  Workshops  •  These  are  aimed  at  the  IT  specialists  who  will  support  these  tools  and  manage  the  data  feeding  them.  

•  Problem  specific  workshops  •  Focus  on  different  sectors  

•  Summer  Schools  •  Customized  Training  Packages  •  On-­‐line  courses  and  webinars  


©  2012  VIVA  

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•  Evalua4on  and  Training  •  Andrew  Wade  VA  Challenge  (AWVAC)  Program  

•  Trains  students  on  VA  tools  and  techniques,  using  real-­‐world  datasets  in  a  collabora4ve  environment  •  Once  they  have  achieved  proficiency  in  VA  tools  and  techniques,  students  (under  faculty  supervision)  are  available  to  work  with  professionals  in  organiza4ons  to  address  their  real  world  problems,  using  their  actual  data  sets.      

•  Throughout  a  semester,  students  proficient  in  various  VA  tools  work  together  with  industry  subject  maXer  experts  to  find  new  solu4ons  to  problems.  

•  Can  lead  to  internships  and  careers  that  benefit  students  and  organiza4ons  alike.  


©  2012  VIVA  

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•  Evalua4on  and  Training  •  VA  Tool  Recommenda4on  

•  A  compila4on  of  recommenda4ons  about  the  pros  and  cons  of  the  most  common  VA  systems  available.      

•  In  conjunc4on  with  providing  free  access  to  various  systems  on  a  trial  basis,  these  recommenda4ons  can  help  groups  new  to  VA  pick  out  the  systems  that  best  suit  their  needs.  


©  2012  VIVA  

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•  Research    •  Facilita4on  /  matchmaking  •  Assemble  consor4um  teams  for  specific  projects  

•  Explora4on  workshops  •  Tools  development  

•  Partners  •  universi4es,  companies,  organiza4ons,  …  •  Boeing,  Mitacs,  Dalhousie,  GRAND,  …  


©  2012  VIVA  

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For  more  informa+on  about  Visual  Analy+cs    please  visit  h8p://www.viva-­‐viva.ca    or  contact  us  at  info@viva-­‐viva.ca  

Thank you!

©  2012  VIVA  
