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FREE! Beacon Drug Co. Nov … · TORRANCB HERALD, To Calif. THURSDAY, NOV. 6, With Which Is...

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TORRANCB HERALD, To Calif. THURSDAY, NOV. 6, With Which Is Consolidated the Lomita News CROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-Publisher MICHEAL STRASZ6R. City Editor •1336, El "Pfado^ Tal«f)ho4J>e—Tot-fitftee-444- Torrance, California .---•——— .Edited lit) Gene Darncll --Telephone* 101 anil -1-H T..' MnxrielU, Mr nd Mrs. Paul Pullo Her! Dy j. E. .MIS .. i-:. .\ni.phy. MI- J>"" »j" Unspfr. Mr. nnU Mm. Joe Stone. I Hafgard, Mm. A. W. Molnr.ut, Mm. : mud, Mrs. W. K ""'""';'J Mr. nnd Mr", t.. 1.. Fordlcr. and j Prank Cloth. Mr*. J. O. Motfro, *nd Frnnl: Thnmieioii. anu nnd Mr«. O. K. Fosjum. the hgatcitn. Mm. May McKlnU-y. ' Mr*.-Hm symbol'. Landscapes are uncil ti expic.«s tho spiritual. Tho Jap nno.-ic pictures nti-lvc to be i vulrclM" portn while o Japancs poem in ' fi vocal picture. Tin new never pntnt people pen MEMBER United In be nerved lit the publl i"::io until S o'clock, after which !il tin re will be a earnlvnl and dun Mm. Knink K. Miller Is chair- j TI man of the afialr and is planning ' n,dn-rt I Illli TcMllllfr alfalr. to h- held n ill ,-ich i lub M-ur. * -f * BETTY GIVES HALLOWE'EN PARTY i'n. 11 ftrcncf hetwe h .step In II e. Some of these ninny an SO blocks idhei-H take only -xphilnliiK the ,ln- I'hlncHc and Jnp- Id lluit Ihe Chinese TT r 1 (several Illl.lcMlliifr events lor Ihe : HuiUmn, Merlon Ullbcrl. l-'ninel VA//TIC j'™>lnf-'- W"- «lll I,- ,,HHl«twl li.v!|i,, N| im,, n . r! ,, v |i CB ue. ll.iml .. . w cuo „„,„,„.,.* fro,,, n, 0 THo uebekui.a, i Hook,,-. M,,,. i,,,,,. Kddi.- .,„!. •«> ; , .,,, -r•..,»,•,> Mii>nmiiy .1,,,,,,,. P«».——————i__. ^ . ,, , _, IVi.-t Xol.l,. «.imn,lH club, and the- |.,d, McMaHler. Klmer Dill h>. I '""' Ml ^ , N'" k '\' U ''-,'. \],,,^.''. t , j j,, JiVac. ...,.„-.„. r % at Beautiful Ceremony!™: 1 "^'v't * ^r' l) r;!':r,,;:r' J !' 1>- ""^'iSv'...'^".:,,:.,.,,^,..-,™,,-,;.•! M ,,. ,«„„,,,.„ „„„»,«„„«,»„ . ^ __•< :- nr ._ TV ' ' ' ' + '*' *' ' " i|r.ue l-'rldiiy cvciiiiiK. 'numbers. "The r.yp.sy Trail n m| .";:.:~::,'~,~ - > ——~—— - * ———^^rr-——•—• .f°~'~; YT1_ M _.__ __..,_.*_ ' Onm.™ 'iinilsh.-il ill" div.Tsiiin i.. A japMni'M" SiiiiMi-l." MI-H. JiillKi» r.iliininiii, and ,.-mejxil UK Hccond class j ll'll. .at-Iliu-l'.oaUimr-e at Toriunciy_____L .lei- lie- Act of Match 3. ISTii. nin;- jit -i] cli'irch when Miss Juan .\e, lalidn. J ila-.iunlcr nf Dr. nnd Mrs. \V. J. y... .S-.I.UII |i..-r year ^ yVHIhuil .Mllos^CrrcvTsoil of .........Sfi.OO per year >h(. Xt . |1(c ,-,.,.,.,.-„> <;„,.,,,.„.,. ............ ...................Ic T1|l . Headlines-and Names -V Jt'iiiicmher those ricrciiiniiig black h--utilities finny; " ver ^'i',!^,). \^,,H "" i ^i$^\l\\^~£»w-l 1 rn" Ti'i'iH pages of every newspaper, large and small, daily i.iossoms. sin- >-^ff\>,\ a show, iifi-J weekly, h'raiding the end of ths World war 12 years ! "f pink i,.is.-buds and niy of u iigp next Tuesday? . ".''.• ' "I',',;; |, lix.,,,,. tl , N,.,., __^RkmeMjer-Jjie riotousscpnes of rpjolfing_iit .flu- c.lns,'' ! ,„ ,,„ ,,..;,,, of Hint sanguinary (-(iiil'licl? the. breathless inonie.it an-i. Miss i-Yanr.-s^-'tri •>• and Mil rt'h..'ii 'tht—m:\vs tame of the '.'iidiiijA' "!' fwii 1 'years bluotl- Bl1 "" •"" shed. iiiTVu-rackiiiL; suspense and high-pitched hysteria? ",'.]j',j'"'" ; """' ""^ """ 1 " 1' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - .,!! A.i ,'clio of the 'tumultuous,events of Monday. Xovent- 1,,,,'eiiveiy. ami <-ani.-,i bu.in.ts 1,1 bcr I I', 1U1S. still .'ings in a yellowed and dog-.uireti- copy »'•< hid and pink s».,-i pens. t)f a'niewspapir piv.-erved as a "nieinento of those hectic _ |i .l i j i l '"K,.!,",,!,',"^^ "U'I'K'"'.-'A'I' iJawnVir'" •liU's by'Mr.s. Thomas A. Cowan, of Amelia street. Keyston.-. . sll ' t ',\ ••) |. 1)V( .' v,,u Truly." accojiU —.— -.-V revei'bfrant i-lasli of .-symbols of rejoicing •-an(|-8oiiiv--rpm»' n"~hj—iitTrrr-Th^-oilui^-ricTieis. •il. the bride "II Ihe a nil of World War Over! Armistice Signed! | her ' The ROY IS TEN WHAT'S ON IN TORRANCE TniliL>-._X.n-7-ir Knlf-'lils ,,r (°t>^ ""Illllllill.-'. \V. n. t.:.. KiiiHcopal T " r-TMlee ricllcl'.-__\latlini.(^- .Veia-dhnri.'. Siilllrilliy. .\nv. N Uilii l-'elluw.M dinner and 'carnival dunce at l.-n. <); ! '. h'nll. Lomltii. _ilwrt7ir: \,,v. , 10 KnlKlil.s of I'ythlasi _lli«'Ctoi-! !< mc-ftlllp, -^ir.iinlin- »< t'liniinoroe. Tuftidiiy. NIIV. 11 ArmlHticc <lnj . WediKHday. N.iv. 11> Keliukulm. .\l is.siiinary JiniL-Cuunwil-oh-thtr" ___i'hilMti;7TT cliui-eh. fe'n tral l.ei;i,in Auxiliary 1, e n e fit l,ridi:c t«a nt KlkH Temple, l.ns AiiKeleM. J<nK'lils ..f 1:11- IlllnliliK. 0. K. S. ION HALLOWE'EN 1 Itny XVhalln. KUII uf .Ml. nil line, cpli-hnittd lilu tenth hlitlula Friday evenlllK' with n llallowc'e taffy pull amused the yimim- (riicst dnriliy the eVelllllL-. al'ler w lie i n ' IriMlinientH Uere xerved. 1 'n-Hcnl «-rrr A-lberr IVInTiTu | Junior Walkur. Dick Decchc .Viiriiuin HudHun. Jamca I'ark ll.iriH (Sro.sainan. Toniniv an I'liark-H Uray. WnynO l-lilluii, J'.h f.Jliyilll. ' Hllljd.l Cl:iel.,n _UiAiil YullllKT. .Mary \Vhalen. and th yilUIIK hoal, Hoy U'halin. * * * : BRIDGE TEA WILL SWELL SCHOLARSHIP : A licnei'lt brlil«e tea and fawii Tun pie ill r.oH Angeles 1K-X iTIiinwIiiy aflerniiun. Xoveml... i: Til,- -affair iM licinj,- Hiionsorcd 1. ihe American Legion, aiixiliur niemlier.-. (if the fourth area, an tie- inn, Is 'derived will he apiilie In the American Uechm auxiliary schnhii.sliip " fluid. Keservation IIIMV l,e inn lie Ihniifi'li Mis l!,,xl GIVEN THURSDAY 1 .Members- of- .tliu \Vum»l£»- - lllar> uf tile Kpim:iipal eh V were' h,jsteHm.n at a dellK i benefit bridijc hri-iikfiiHl at (. * .Mra. Raymond Young bridge. Mm. (;ill Hi-ei.iiil. mill '. : I-'. U. \Viiikler riin.iolnl.iiiij. . ! . * * # - P. E. WOMEN 1 FORM CHEERIO CLUB 1 An i,ruaiii/.ali,in ' Iliai will Hirnieil l.-u<l l-'riday..uvcniiiK \ nine nii-in«ii'i-!i of the l.adic.s' i : Illni-y of t!i.- Pacific Klcctrlc al the home ,,,' MI-M. Marry I'l at l"l; Aiila|,,da. avinile. i The .Cheerio club will meet ''alfil all wivcK of I'acll'ic *:ic i attend Ihe ineetinijs. one uf 'linain |,n,|,i,«es ul ihe dub 1. 1 JKllstnin Illlerisl in Ihe mutin r L . In I..W AtiKvli-s: and 1,, am ' entertiiiliiim allair.s for the ' ' lance r. K. women. Mr«. l-'i awards.— Jac.illuline il h l-'r.-inli (.'a McNcll wlnnlnir Hie.'ihc plalio. hel ween —ITirHnK Hi'- intennlssi Ihe Illlicilcon and the clllb sesslnn play of JapiuicMe prints whlcl -WlrH fmrl—11,-rir'Uroo^fff^rffli ivei-e exhibited. * * * /ORIENTAL ART IS ' LECTURE TOPIC .Miss Helena \Vhltfonl of. I'as '"'f Wnmen'H club Wednrsdny afli l'" s i noon. Mi'ns U'ldlford "npoki- "'" i Oriental all. (rlvliijf an Inleresli ' InnlKlrt Into art .if Japan a C'hillll. The difference between Hie arts of the «estenl «ivj'ld and tin- eiiBtcrn world is caused by Ihe ; difference III -.'their- symbols. __.\111 |iio|iles tvurk out their ldslo;-y and i UHS-.COHIUUU: i-danuu, and financially. Mr.». Ihankcd the eliih nf the card parly niwhl ft.r MIC. E . are two ll':arl ul II " iilinertiivc , Whilfurd. .HIT belv tin Tli ProfessiQnal —Directory^ Mis ---Thai's ihe big blacli headline that precede;! tha story: |' i|'| ' i ' l ' 1.^ s _jii--large tj'i)e. "Washington. Nov. 11.—The war will end tiiisj " M|.'-!'i'n7,tv ^Horning at ti' o'clock, Washington lime, 11 o'clock Paris'»ed.iinK time. The arniJslit.- was signed by the (Je.'inan i ;'presenia- "" i-nd.-.- i<.n-,-^rf ,,n -KiiKi-acia , ^ twt'.s at mi'.liiigh:. This statement was made by Ihe Slat:- i j',.',';"',',',' *''' '""' Vll< ''"'' '""'"-' ^epartnu'iil ;ii :.?::'iil this iiinrniiiyr——xiw;—a^unuinet-iiieiit I w m—mrtrh.—ai—isiajUunnsffiutM'I M ''••<• l; 'i.v tHniply said. "I'll..1 armistice has been sign-.id.'" _ ,sir,,-i. ^^"^ : "• <'• I'uxi * -K WILL INSTALL line I AT JOINT AFFAIR ,; oc- i I .us AiiKclc.s County Council ..I net-.! the American Legion and Aineri- n- ivenin-. Dr. J.-y."|ean l.v?i«n illixiliary will hold a vc a brief talk, ask- , joint insinuation of ol flcern ill the s lie cant in favor ofi .Masonic Temple In J.ons Uwu-ll lirolit hosidtalK to -|fp j tomorrow evening at 1 o'clnek. I .Mr. Hubert i lax free. He slated that if' this ; * -f d Mi. Jack . proposition can-led it would grout-' HALLOWE'EN IS.-aeh. as ! l> lienefii tb,; Jar,.,| Sidney Tor-; BRIDGE PARTY r.-inci^,MemnHaT liiiniiital inaBniUch Mrs. May .MeKin tln^TTVnV o'f thrill J'.illil in l,,xe.M lust 'ycur."10 "'! ,-l'nl, "mem'l Mrs. W. «'. llarnell and Ml l-ri-.;ii|tlil ul Ih- I'll Mis. Dun llarnan! jnildleily chairman. t.i (hi: Tor founded on I lie dlf- leienee 111 l heir philosophy and teclmUiuc. In the west man has IM-I-II I he ,-enter of art. The hu man figure hns been used to ex-',.,,.. uresn ideas. In the cast man has °"' C turned to nature lor hl» Ideals )r. A. P. Physician and Surgeon isidfr.. 1:111 Sarloii Av tlie la FRATERNAL' lie iffic IIB Kaiser and German Staff Flee to Holland; People in Revolt J3erlin Occupied By ~~ Revolutionist Force -Saturday-After-nooii .presented | or.having r iVA A J^IVIK AU ; DRS. MITTS & MITTS i. ihe an- j Woman's Benefit Associationl CHIROPRACTORS •j TORRANCE REVIEW NO. 37 , Office Hours Evenings l | Hattio Shuoo, President ,J A..\l.—Ii Noon Mini.. •\\Vil., l-'rl. 1 r.M.—.1 I'.M. 7 In U IDLTi i.'abrillo A \, mie Above KIII-I-K fale 'uriaiicc Tel. :;77 IH-IIII of the l.adie.i of tlie IMcifk: Klectri e hour Ihe honic.ss wrved re- j uicnl.s at a tahle attractivelv 1 Moots Second and Fourth T •alid with Hallowe'en up-' Women's Clubhouse, menls. I-resent were Mrs. Engracia Avenue I; .Miller. Mra. Her! ilrcen. 7:30 P.M. Cus IVIIIK. Mrs. Luther Hyde,'__.___.^.____^. sday "BULOVA" WATCHES 1503 Cabnllo Ave. - Phone 157-R | laid,-s. Til,- bridal JlKJlif «as ae- icenlid ui ihe ia«fc appoinlnielli^ ll-kiid : liobliie l,ou Kvaini.^WWS'lidnii ADiy, liiilli.-tins I'olloNviHl \vitli details of the taking of thei urcy. iir.' Ui!j-ron ^Scith 'Vtmii \MI-. ("lermnn capital by Wires "of th«,- Soldiers uiul Workmen's! Ldioy Grey, 'all uc.-ciunifiia; Mr. '.""'"' "' ''' l '-'"'"' j|1 '" J i';«- I'diih-r. j C'ni.icil aii'l of. Uie. garnison-going ov,.'r to the new govern—j tiu^iL-f"-tc_jiiL/L'oiniiion; ^ Miss ,", "•|', i ,' l ^| ] || 1!!,'|| '""| ,. 1'"' l ^;vlhi |"^ jj.,.^,!','^'! i.ii'iii. The lale i-'i'i'-derich .Rberl, then vice presKlcnt of th,; !,'/ "I'l^nnd-ia" ijj'ieii-' .\ir' t aiid'"\i'r'-r ' " l ""' lunchc-on wen- .\ir.s. "'\>. \ Jovial liemoc/alic pany in (i.ermany, was named lo t-arrv r. i;. i.iriin-y and loiaine Wriiicn ' "•'"'' °' Hawthorne. .Mra. cimi-ies j •HI Ihe chancellorship. - •*"••<•" Kaincrinc Iliiriiiiiater, -Ml«« i \V'.'"."".'' ,.".!"' ""' l ""illl!fs - Ml ' a ' 1 Dentist X-Ray S«rv New Germany Rises Formation of Polish With Kaiser's Fall Republic Announced ."''^ n', u'liii i n T-,, v nni \iVa ! MrH- °- K- -'-- 'J,,:,n": X,.. 'land ' ' "'''' ' °t'" '" >'">^ "\\'ar NI-WS slill oi-cupied a prominent place iii the papei' M;,,I> i,,i, s "" invin-d by .Mis. cowan, b -cause news of the Armistice wa.-s. xivcn nn- n l/ui brief in lake up ihe \vhoL- front page. This inl'onua-!'"'""''"""j" 1 lii'ii fj'iiiu ih,! bailie lines in Kram.-e carried tiic- headings: ; "^'' 'J,,,,„",',', IJRITISH VIGOROUSLY HAMMERING GERMANS sin '' th i,1 -Yf[ t ~Io ''' ITl . ul u.l t . lll j' llluil ' husbands a'l ' a' llal'li ''"H""" L' lirlll «'' i»"'iy at I ''" SHI "" ''CSI.I..IH.I. 1,11 Cola a .Mr. an.l Mrs. J. Cl. M,,,,,,. u,,nlc.l IMIII.JI-H I'.M-.hlffh eojn .i-iil-e al l,rld',e, Mr. and M Possibility of Peace Causes No Diminution of Energy' in 'Pouyding Enemy BENEFIT BRIDGE IS HUGE SUCCtSS Shriller nd Mr. ..lullun. * 1 '*- Jcjl ' nd Mr J II Ke Mr Mr A. RETREAT OF GERMANS IS MORE PRECIPITATE Americans Launch Attack Over Wide Front Well"" . . Into Lorraine nd Mr«. A. Shrill iliary M,.. iu ,,| Ml . H. j. fj M UIJr ,. Me-j ,.,,„, .\| ,.„. j. M . Kl, SHi SIr_ U1UJ j, -s ut l-'red KnndHun, ".Mr. and Mr.s. All this was "front page si tiff." l!iil .further insid Ihe paper, t.'eabnml by Ihe Key- Kt'ini- residc'iit, is mur.- sobering material---moi.; \'ilal 'o i.-iany. ami more migicully inieresti.ig. II is a long list of name.s - JIIM nam -s names of men from Mootly, Texas; t'/han, Ohio; Knlion, Keiitiicky; Long Ueach, California himdir.ls DI ciii.'.s. (owns and hamlets. Tliis j-.-rijon cui'ri 's i lie simple bin imjiressive headline: American Casualty List .••AVaslrngion. Nov. in. The casually fisl i,,sned by .the \»'fir <l-pariment loitay im bides tin; names of lf)li killed in 1U2 died of wounds, three died from accident or uustrs, oiu- died from airphiiie accident, and '- ; ii .lieil : -TjTffoa'Ki-rlnjsuTi^^ttiDSf voimdJd and missing." This is ihe story, i ha i will remain in the hearl.s of those •whose- sons, bro'theis. Ir.isbamls, I'iithe.s and fiiends w -re lijlpuid as long as ihos .•. lel'i belli, id remain. This Is Hi" r<!UHUji for Annisiii-e day' liiU is the day the nalimi will n-x'erently nji.s^rx'i- nr\i Tiie.sday. i Siories headed: .AMIOKK A iNS ADVANCE ; :)(). AIILUS IN 8 DAYS iviiro soon forgot i .'ii dial news did not remain. Ii is iliai sliniile heading and thai list of honuu'd dead iliai .-tlionld be a heritage nl' (ireai imipiralion 10 u:, today. Casualty Lisf Whenever you buy $10.00 worth of goods at tho Beacon Drug Co. Save Our Cash Register Receipts MEN :.. Last Call On ... New Style Gillette Razor and One Blade FREE! With 35c Purchase of Colgate's Rapid Shaving Cream, Colgate's Handy-Grip Shaving Stick or Palm Olive Shaving Cream Beacon Drug Co. 1019 CABHILLO AVENUE Ton-mice, Calf. Telephone 100 . J. R. JENSEN AUorncy-al-Lav (Mliee. Sllilc IOO-ii-7 l-'lrsl Xuliunal IJiinl; Hid,: I'liune Torranee 177 ~" :C..T. KIPPY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Torranee Theatre Bldg. Phone 243 DR. 0. K. FOSSUJVi Dentist X-Iluy Ser\'icu Drs. Lancaster and Shidler PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. me Kitchen falls into line with this new clinder era I'l .RIMIS jour r.ipgc ii'Di niuJcrn alien four-cylinder cars were the ink-. Hut how docs it rank with this present eight-cylinder rr.i? Kitclirm ;irc /allinj; into line . . . becoming js modern in their equipment ,1-, the 1930 garage. Why not yours? lh/l>uint prencnts for 1930 kitclicw a great group of entirely automatic electric ranges as nc»v.ij advanced, a marvclous in hcir w.iy ,is the modern motor car . . . and as efficient and ai l-v'l)ll0iuic.ll. Thciv is J si/.e, a style, .1 cost, exactly suited to your require ments. Yinn lidiion ollicc is showing it now. Edison is instilling ikse modern ranges unia single moderate down payment, with out installation charges or other extras. Edison is giving you the s.iinc rime in pay, and even easier terms, than your husband was j;iv>?ii on his new motor car. Your electric, range will mean as much to you in every way ... in comfort and convenience! in uvinj; uf lime and labor; in pride of ownership. It will cost, of cuurse, only a fraction of the price of ihe most modern motorcar Sec your new automatic electric range today. Then take all ihe time you please to make up your mind .ibout buyin- ii. \Vlicn you learn how easy it is to own, how economical it is i,» I'pct.uc, you probably will nut wait lout;. , Mmc. Teala Billini" i CONCERT PIANIST and TEACHER of PIANOFORTE SEASONS 1930-1031 | . STyjD10S=J-o»-A.iaole» r --837!-j-8*- "1'BuriiiiHton Avo. Telephone Ex' W'l j Torrancu, 1304 Portoln Avo. Tel. 670 Walter L. Jcnkins . "ATTOriNEY ,,,u! COUNSELLOR AT LAW III87 Ml I'rado ! I'hone Torram-c till I Torrimce, (.'alifoinia IJ ERKY"G.TBKINP:Y .\TTOI:\I.;Y .\T-I,A\V l-'8|. W. 6lh St., San Pedro ,-,S Ui - Pliono Son Pcdro 136 ncsidoncc Phone Torrmicc 1B9 Dr. Nornian A. Leake Phyaipian nnd Suru.on Oil ice. I'rii-l'o.il llhl K .- Lorn, r run ens and l-osi A>0. . !DR. VERA M. de FERNANDO OMoop.itlnc Phyaici.in Apt- 303. Craven. Ap.irlm«nli I MM Cravoiu ,»vo. Phono Tor. 970 Will make evonino appointment" every day a(t«r 5 p. m. !; VOUK DUALKK */• v roisoN C DR. C. L. INCOLD OPTOMf I RI81 Pojiullica Bldg., Phun. For. lUi- Houi-a: 9 to 12;. I to 6 Open Evening* by Appointmmil \ from aventt will b Cross! ihe ret l-'ollo' will lie club In Here i erectPd will sti Will l)f of the
Page 1: FREE! Beacon Drug Co. Nov … · TORRANCB HERALD, To Calif. THURSDAY, NOV. 6, With Which Is Consolidated the Lomita News CROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-Publisher MICHEAL STRASZ6R.


With Which Is Consolidated the Lomita News

CROVER C. WHYTE, Editor-PublisherMICHEAL STRASZ6R. City Editor

•1336, El "Pfado^ Tal«f)ho4J>e—Tot-fitftee-444- Torrance, California .---•———

.Edited lit) Gene Darncll --Telephone* 101 anil -1-H

T..' MnxrielU, Mr nd Mrs. Paul Pullo Her! Dy j. E. .MIS .. i-:. .\ni.phy. MI- J>"" »j"Unspfr. Mr. nnU Mm. Joe Stone. I Hafgard, Mm. A. W. Molnr.ut, Mm. : mud, Mrs. W. K ""'""';'J Mr. nnd Mr", t.. 1.. Fordlcr. and j Prank Cloth. Mr*. J. O. Motfro, *nd Frnnl: Thnmieioii. anu

nnd Mr«. O. K. Fosjum. the hgatcitn. Mm. May McKlnU-y. ' Mr*.-Hm

symbol'. Landscapes are uncil ti expic.«s tho spiritual. Tho Jap nno.-ic pictures nti-lvc to be i vulrclM" portn while o Japancs poem in ' fi vocal picture. Tin

new never pntnt people pen



In be nerved lit the publli"::io until S o'clock, after which !il tin re will be a earnlvnl and dun

Mm. Knink K. Miller Is chair- j TI man of the afialr and is planning ' n,dn-rt

I Illli TcMllllfr

alfalr. to h- held n ill ,-ich i lub M-ur.


i'n. 11ftrcncf hetwe

h .step In II e. Some of these ninny an SO blocks

idhei-H take only -xphilnliiK the ,ln-

I'hlncHc and Jnp- Id lluit Ihe Chinese

TT r 1 (several Illl.lcMlliifr events lor Ihe : HuiUmn, Merlon Ullbcrl. l-'ninel VA//TIC j'™>lnf-'- W"- «lll I,- ,,HHl«twl li.v!|i,, N | im ,, n . r! ,, v |iCB ue. ll.iml.. . w cuo „„,„,„.,.* fro,,, n, 0 THo uebekui.a, i Hook,,-. M,,,. • i,,,,,. Kddi.- .,„!. •«> ; , .,,, -r•..,»,•,> Mii>nmiiy .1,,,,,,,.P«».——————i__. ^ . ,, , _, IVi.-t Xol.l,. «.imn,lH club, and the- |.,d, McMaHler. Klmer Dill h>. I '""' Ml^ , N '" k '\' U ''-,'. \],,,^.''. t , j j,, JiVac....,.„-.„. r % at Beautiful Ceremony!™:1 "^'v't * ^r' l)r;!':r,,;:r' J !' 1> - ""^'iSv'...'^".:,,:.,.,,^,..-,™,,-,;.•! M ,,. ,«„„,,,.„ „„„»,«„„«,»„

. ^ __•< :- nr ._ TV ' ' ' ' + '*' *' ' " i|r.ue l-'rldiiy cvciiiiiK. 'numbers. "The r.yp.sy Trail n m| .";:.:~::,'~,~ - > ——~—— - * ———^^rr-——•—• .f°~'~; YT1_ M _.__ __..,_.*_ ' Onm.™ 'iinilsh.-il ill" div.Tsiiin i..A japMni'M" SiiiiMi-l." MI-H. JiillKi»r.iliininiii, and ,.-mejxil UK Hccond class j ll'll. .at-Iliu-l'.oaUimr-e at Toriunciy_____L .lei- lie- Act of Match 3. ISTii. nin;- jit -i]

cli'irch when Miss Juan .\e, lalidn. J ila-.iunlcr nf Dr. nnd Mrs. \V. J.

y... .S-.I.UII |i..-r year ^ yVHIhuil .Mllos^CrrcvTsoil of.........Sfi.OO per year >h(. Xt . |1(c ,-,.,.,.,.-„> <;„,.,,,.„.,............. ...................Ic T1|l .

Headlines-and Names-V Jt'iiiicmher those ricrciiiniiig black h--utilities finny; "ver ^'i',!^,). \^,,H ""i^i$^\l\\^~£»w-l

1 rn" Ti'i'iH pages of every newspaper, large and small, daily i.iossoms. sin- >-^ff\>,\ a show, iifi-J weekly, h'raiding the end of ths World war 12 years ! "f pink i,.is.-buds and niy of u iigp next Tuesday? . ".''.• ' "I',',;; |, lix.,,,,.tl , N ,.,.,

__^RkmeMjer-Jjie riotousscpnes of rpjolfing_iit .flu- c.lns,'' ! ,„ ,,„ ,,..;,,, of Hint sanguinary (-(iiil'licl? — the. breathless inonie.it an-i. Miss i-Yanr.-s^-'tri •>• and Mil rt'h..'ii 'tht—m:\vs tame of the '.'iidiiijA' "!' fwii 1 'years bluotl- Bl1 "" •""shed. iiiTVu-rackiiiL; suspense and high-pitched hysteria? ",'.]j',j'"'" ; """' ""^ """ 1 " 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - .,!! A.i ,'clio of the 'tumultuous,events of Monday. Xovent- 1,,,,'eiiveiy. ami <-ani.-,i bu.in.ts 1,1 bcr I I', 1U1S. still .'ings in a yellowed and dog-.uireti- copy • »'•< hid and pink s».,-i pens. t)f a'niewspapir piv.-erved as a "nieinento of those hectic _ |i .li j il '"K,.!,",,!,',"^^ "U'I'K'"'.-'A'I' iJawnVir'"•liU's by'Mr.s. Thomas A. Cowan, of Amelia street. Keyston.-. . sll 't ',\ ••) |.1)V( .' v,,u Truly." accojiU

—.— -.-V revei'bfrant i-lasli of .-symbols of rejoicing •-an(|-8oiiiv--rpm»' n"~hj—iitTrrr-Th^-oilui^-ricTieis.

•il. the bride "II Ihe a nil ofWorld War Over! Armistice Signed!

| her' The



TniliL>-._X.n-7-ir Knlf-'lils ,,r (°t>^ ""Illllllill.-'. \V. n. t.:.. KiiiHcopal

T " r-TMlee ricllcl'.-__\latlini.(^-

.Veia-dhnri.'. Siilllrilliy. .\nv. N Uilii l-'elluw.M

dinner and 'carnival dunce at l.-n. <); ! '. h'nll. Lomltii.

_ilwrt7ir: \,,v. , 10 KnlKlil.s of I'ythlasi _lli«'Ctoi-! !< mc-ftlllp,

-^ir.iinlin- »<• t'liniinoroe. Tuftidiiy. NIIV. 11 ArmlHticc

<lnj . WediKHday. N.iv. 11> Keliukulm.

.\l is.siiinary JiniL-Cuunwil-oh-thtr" ___i'hilMti;7TT cliui-eh. fe'n tral

l.ei;i,in Auxiliary 1, e n e fit l,ridi:c t«a nt KlkH Temple, l.ns AiiKeleM. J<nK'lils ..f 1:11- IlllnliliK. 0. K. S.

ION HALLOWE'EN 1 Itny XVhalln. KUII uf .Ml. nil

line, cpli-hnittd lilu tenth hlitlula Friday evenlllK' with n llallowc'e

taffy pull amused the yimim- (riicstdnriliy the eVelllllL-. al'ler w lie i n

' IriMlinientH Uere xerved.1 'n-Hcnl «-rrr A-lberr IVInTiTu

| Junior Walkur. Dick Decchc .Viiriiuin HudHun. Jamca I'ark ll.iriH (Sro.sainan. Toniniv an I'liark-H Uray. WnynO l-lilluii, J'.h

f.Jliyilll. ' Hllljd.l Cl:iel.,n _UiAiil

YullllKT. .Mary \Vhalen. and th yilUIIK hoal, Hoy U'halin.


: A licnei'lt brlil«e tea and fawii

Tun pie ill r.oH Angeles 1K-X iTIiinwIiiy aflerniiun. Xoveml... i:Til,- -affair iM licinj,- Hiionsorcd 1. ihe American Legion, aiixiliur niemlier.-. (if the fourth area, an tie- inn, Is 'derived will he apiilie In the American Uechm auxiliary schnhii.sliip " fluid. Keservation IIIMV l,e inn lie Ihniifi'li Mis l!,,xl

GIVEN THURSDAY 1 .Members- of- .tliu \Vum»l£»-- lllar> uf tile Kpim:iipal eh V were' h,jsteHm.n at a dellK i benefit bridijc hri-iikfiiHl at (.

* .Mra. Raymond Young

bridge. Mm. (;ill Hi-ei.iiil. mill'. : I-'. U. \Viiikler riin.iolnl.iiiij.. ! . * * # -

P. E. WOMEN 1 FORM CHEERIO CLUB 1 An i,ruaiii/.ali,in ' Iliai will

Hirnieil l.-u<l l-'riday..uvcniiiK \ nine nii-in«ii'i-!i of the l.adic.s' i

: Illni-y of t!i.- Pacific Klcctrlc al the home ,,,' MI-M. Marry I'l at l"l; Aiila|,,da. avinile.

i The .Cheerio club will meet

''alfil all wivcK of I'acll'ic *:ic

i attend Ihe ineetinijs. one uf 'linain |,n,|,i,«es ul ihe dub 1.

1 JKllstnin Illlerisl in Ihe mutin r L . In I..W AtiKvli-s: and 1,, am ' entertiiiliiim allair.s for the ' ' lance r. K. women. Mr«. l-'i

awards.— Jac.illuline

il h l-'r.-inli (.'a McNcll wlnnlnir Hie.'ihc plalio.

hel ween—ITirHnK Hi'- intennlssiIhe Illlicilcon and the clllb sesslnn

play of JapiuicMe prints whlcl -WlrH fmrl—11,-rir'Uroo^fff^rffli ivei-e exhibited.

* * *


.Miss Helena \Vhltfonl of. I'as

'"'f Wnmen'H club Wednrsdny afli l'" s i noon. Mi'ns U'ldlford "npoki- "'" i Oriental all. (rlvliijf an Inleresli

' InnlKlrt Into art .if Japan a C'hillll. The difference between Hie arts of the «estenl «ivj'ld and tin- eiiBtcrn world is caused by Ihe ; difference III -.'their- symbols. __.\111 |iio|iles tvurk out their ldslo;-y and i

UHS-.COHIUUU: i-danuu, and financially. Mr.».

Ihankcd the eliih nf the card parly

niwhl ft.r MIC.E

. are two ll':arl ul II " iilinertiivc

, Whilfurd.

.HIT belv tinTli

ProfessiQnal —Directory^


---Thai's ihe big blacli headline that precede;! tha story: |'i|'|' i'll '1 . s_jii--large tj'i)e. "Washington. Nov. 11.—The war will end tiiisj " M |.'-!'i'n7,tv^Horning at ti' o'clock, Washington lime, 11 o'clock Paris'»ed.iinK

time. The arniJslit.- was signed by the (Je.'inan i ;'presenia- "" i-nd.-.- i<.n-,-^rf ,,n -KiiKi-acia , ^ twt'.s at mi'.liiigh:. This statement was made by Ihe Slat:- i j',.',';"',',',' *''' '""' Vll< ''"'' '""'"-'^epartnu'iil ;ii :.?::'iil this iiinrniiiyr——xiw;—a^unuinet-iiieiit I w m—mrtrh.—ai—isiajUunnsffiutM'I M ''••<• l; 'i.v tHniply said. "I'll..1 armistice has been sign-.id.'" _ ,sir,,-i. ^^"^ : "• <'• I'uxi


line I AT JOINT AFFAIR ,; oc- i I .us AiiKclc.s County Council ..I net-.! the American Legion and Aineri-

n- ivenin-. Dr. J.-y."|ean l.v?i«n illixiliary will hold a vc a brief talk, ask- , joint insinuation of ol flcern ill the s lie cant in favor ofi .Masonic Temple In J.ons Uwu-ll lirolit hosidtalK to -|fp j tomorrow evening at 1 o'clnek.

I .Mr. Hubert i lax free. He slated that if' this ; * -f d Mi. Jack . proposition can-led it would grout-' HALLOWE'EN

IS.-aeh. as ! l> lienefii tb,; Jar,.,| Sidney Tor-; BRIDGE PARTYr.-inci^,MemnHaT liiiniiital inaBniUch Mrs. May .MeKin

tln^TTVnV o'f • thrill J'.illil in l,,xe.M lust 'ycur."10"'! ,-l'nl, "mem'l Mrs. W. «'. llarnell and Ml

l-ri-.;ii|tlil ul Ih- I'll Mis. Dun llarnan! jnildleily chairman.

t.i (hi: Tor

founded on I lie dlf- leienee 111 l heir philosophy and teclmUiuc. In the west man has IM-I-II I he ,-enter of art. The hu­ man figure hns been used to ex-',.,,.. uresn ideas. In the cast man has °"'C turned to nature lor hl» Ideals

)r. A. P.Physician and Surgeon

isidfr.. 1:111 Sarloii Av


lie iffic IIB

Kaiser and German Staff Flee to Holland; People in Revolt

J3erlin Occupied By~~ Revolutionist Force


.presented |or.having r iVA A J^IVIK AU ; DRS. MITTS & MITTSi. ihe an- j Woman's Benefit Associationl CHIROPRACTORS

•j TORRANCE REVIEW NO. 37 , Office Hours Evenings l | Hattio Shuoo, President ,J A..\l.—Ii Noon Mini.. •\\Vil., l-'rl.

1 r.M.—.1 I'.M. 7 In U IDLTi i.'abrillo A \, mie

Above KIII-I-K fale 'uriaiicc Tel. :;77

IH-IIII of the l.adie.i of tlie IMcifk: Klectri

e hour Ihe honic.ss wrved re- juicnl.s at a tahle attractivelv 1 Moots Second and Fourth T •alid with Hallowe'en up-' Women's Clubhouse, menls. I-resent were Mrs. Engracia Avenue

I; .Miller. Mra. Her! ilrcen. 7:30 P.M. Cus IVIIIK. Mrs. Luther Hyde,'__.___.^.____^.


"BULOVA" WATCHES1503 Cabnllo Ave. - Phone 157-R

| laid,-s. Til,- bridal JlKJlif «as ae- icenlid ui ihe ia«fc appoinlnielli^

ll-kiid : liobliie l,ou Kvaini.^WWS'lidnii ADiy,

liiilli.-tins I'olloNviHl \vitli details of the taking of thei urcy. iir.'Ui!j-ron ^Scith 'Vtmii \MI-. ("lermnn capital by Wires "of th«,- Soldiers uiul Workmen's! Ldioy Grey, 'all uc.-ciunifiia; Mr. '.""'"' "' ''' l '-'"'"' j|1 '" J i';«- I'diih-r. j C'ni.icil aii'l of. Uie. garnison-going ov,.'r to the new govern—j tiu^iL-f"-tc_jiiL/L'oiniiion; ^ Miss ,", "•|', i ,' l | ] || 1!!,'||'""| ,. 1 '"' l ^;vlhi |"^ jj.,.^,!','^'! i.ii'iii. The lale i-'i'i'-derich .Rberl, then vice presKlcnt of th,; !,'/ "I'l^nnd-ia" ijj'ieii-' .\ir' taiid'"\i'r'-r ' " l ""' lunchc-on wen- .\ir.s. "'\>. \ Jovial liemoc/alic pany in (i.ermany, was named lo t-arrv r. i;. i.iriin-y and loiaine Wriiicn ' "•'"'' °' Hawthorne. .Mra. cimi-ies j•HI Ihe chancellorship. - •*"••<•" Kaincrinc Iliiriiiiiater, -Ml«« i \V'.'"."".'' ,.".!"' ""' l ""illl!fs - •Ml 'a ' 1

DentistX-Ray S«rv

New Germany Rises Formation of PolishWith Kaiser's Fall Republic Announced ."''^ n', u'liii i n T-,, v nni \iVa ! MrH - °- K-

-'-- 'J,,:,n": X,.. 'land ' ' "'''' ' °t'" '" >'">^"\\'ar NI-WS slill oi-cupied a prominent place iii the papei' M;,,I> i,,i, s""

invin-d by .Mis. cowan, b -cause news of the Armistice wa.-s. xivcn nn- n l/ui brief in lake up ihe \vhoL- front page. This inl'onua-!'"'""''"""j" 1 lii'ii fj'iiiu ih,! bailie lines in Kram.-e carried tiic- headings: ; "^'' 'J,,,,„",',',


sin ''thi,1 -Yf[ t~Io '''ITl . ulu.l t . lll j'

llluil ' husbands a'l ' a' llal'li''"H """ L' lirlll «'' i»"'iy atI ''"SHI"" ''CSI.I..IH.I. 1,11 Cola a .Mr. an.l Mrs. J. Cl. M,,,,,,. u,,nlc.l IMIII.JI-H I'.M-.hlffh eojn

.i-iil-e al l,rld',e, Mr. and M

Possibility of Peace CausesNo Diminution of Energy'

in 'Pouyding Enemy


Shriller nd Mr. ..lullun.

* 1 '*- Jcjl '

nd Mr J II Ke




Over Wide Front Well"" . . Into Lorraine

nd Mr«. A. Shrill iliary M,.. iu ,,| Ml. H . j. fj M UIJr,.

Me-j ,.,,„, .\| ,.„. j. M . Kl,SHi SIr_ U1UJ j, -s ut • l-'red KnndHun, ".Mr. and Mr.s.

All this was "front page si tiff."l!iil .further insid • Ihe paper, t.'eabnml by Ihe Key-

Kt'ini- residc'iit, is mur.- sobering material---moi.; \'ilal 'o i.-iany. ami more migicully inieresti.ig. II is a long list of name.s - JIIM nam -s names of men from Mootly, Texas; t'/han, Ohio; Knlion, Keiitiicky; Long Ueach, California himdir.ls DI ciii.'.s. (owns and hamlets.

Tliis j-.-rijon cui'ri 's i lie simple bin imjiressive headline:

American Casualty List.••AVaslrngion. Nov. in. The casually fisl i,,sned by .the

\»'fir <l-pariment loitay im bides tin; names of lf)li killed in 1U2 died of wounds, three died from accident or

uustrs, oiu- died from airphiiie accident, and '-; ii .lieil :-TjTffoa'Ki-rlnjsuTi^^ttiDSf voimdJd and missing."

This is ihe story, i ha i will remain in the hearl.s of those•whose- sons, bro'theis. Ir.isbamls, I'iithe.s and fiiends w -re lijlpuid as long as ihos .•. lel'i belli, id remain. This Is Hi" r<!UHUji for Annisiii-e day' liiU is the day the nalimi will n-x'erently nji.s^rx'i- nr\i Tiie.sday.

i Siories headed:


iviiro soon forgot i .'ii dial news did not remain. Ii is iliai sliniile heading and thai list of honuu'd dead iliai .-tlionld be a heritage nl' (ireai imipiralion 10 u:, today.

Casualty Lisf

Whenever you buy $10.00 worth of goods at tho

Beacon Drug Co.

Save OurCash Register


MEN :.. Last Call On ...New Style

Gillette Razorand One Blade

FREE!With 35c Purchase of Colgate's Rapid Shaving

Cream, Colgate's Handy-Grip Shaving Stickor Palm Olive Shaving Cream

Beacon Drug Co.1019 CABHILLO AVENUE

Ton-mice, Calf. Telephone 100

. J. R. JENSENAUorncy-al-Lav(Mliee. Sllilc IOO-ii-7

l-'lrsl Xuliunal IJiinl; Hid,:I'liune Torranee 177


Torranee Theatre Bldg.Phone 243

DR. 0. K. FOSSUJViDentist

X-Iluy Ser\'icu

Drs. Lancaster and Shidler


me Kitchen falls into line with this new


I'l .RIMIS jour r.ipgc ii'Di niuJcrn alien four-cylinder cars were the ink-. Hut how docs it rank with this present eight-cylinder rr.i? Kitclirm ;irc /allinj; into line . . . becoming js modern in their equipment ,1-, the 1930 garage. Why not yours?

lh/l>uint prencnts for 1930 kitclicw a great group of entirely automatic electric ranges as nc»v.ij advanced, a marvclous in hcir w.iy ,is the modern motor car . . . and as efficient and ai


Thciv is J si/.e, a style, .1 cost, exactly suited to your require­ ments. Yinn lidiion ollicc is showing it now. Edison is instilling ikse modern ranges unia single moderate down payment, with­ out installation charges or other extras. Edison is giving you the s.iinc rime in pay, and even easier terms, than your husband was j;iv>?ii on his new motor car. Your electric, range will mean as much to you in every way ... in comfort and convenience! in uvinj; uf lime and labor; in pride of ownership. It will cost, of cuurse, only a fraction of the price of ihe most modern motorcar

Sec your new automatic electric range today. Then take all ihe time you please to make up your mind .ibout buyin- ii. \Vlicn you learn how easy it is to own, how economical it is i,» I'pct.uc, you probably will nut wait lout;.

, Mmc. Teala Billini"i CONCERT PIANIST and


SEASONS 1930-1031 | . STyjD10S=J-o»-A.iaole»r --837!-j-8*-

"1'BuriiiiHton Avo. Telephone Ex' W'l j Torrancu, 1304 Portoln Avo. Tel. 670

Walter L. Jcnkins. "ATTOriNEY ,,,u! COUNSELLOR


III87 Ml I'rado! I'hone Torram-c till I

Torrimce, (.'alifoinia


l-'8|. W. 6lh St., San Pedro

,-,S Ui - Pliono Son Pcdro 136

ncsidoncc Phone Torrmicc 1B9

Dr. Nornian A. LeakePhyaipian nnd Suru.onOil ice. I'rii-l'o.il llhlK .-

Lorn, r run ens and l-osi A>0. .

!DR. VERA M. de FERNANDOOMoop.itlnc Phyaici.in

Apt- 303. Craven. Ap.irlm«nli

I MM Cravoiu ,»vo. Phono Tor. 970

Will make evonino appointment" every day a(t«r 5 p. m.


Pojiullica Bldg., Phun. For. lUi-Houi-a: 9 to 12;. I to 6

Open Evening* by Appointmmil


from aventt will b Cross!ihe ret

l-'ollo' will lie club In Here i erectPd will stiWill l)fof the
