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FREE E-BOOK - SECRETS OF KEFIR THE ONE WHERE … · free e-book - secrets of kefir the one where we...

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WHAT IS KEFIR?Kefir is one of the most powerful probiotics available today. It is an all-natural, traditional fermented food. Composed of 47 different strains of beneficial yeasts and bacteria, all living and thriving in their own environment, kefir is unparalleled in its ability to re-populate your gut microbiome and repair the damage done by antibiotics, sugar, stress and environmental toxins.



WHERE DOES DOES KEFIR COME FROM?It comes from the Black Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe, where the grains were closely guarded by the incredibly healthy, long-lived inhabitants who lived there. Finally the Russian government sent an armed party into the mountains to bring some of the grains out. The grains have now made their way across Europe and have only recently arrived in the UK, spreading their natural probiotic power.

WHAT WILL IT DO FOR ME? Kefir is extraordinarily potent – like bio-active yogurt, but much stronger. If taken every day for 21 days, it will permanently re-establish the good bugs inside your gut, and boost your overall immune system, aiding your body’s ability to get the goodness out of your food, and heal itself.

HOW DOES IT HELP MY SKIN? Your skin is a map of your gut microbiome. When the 2 kg of invisible bacteria living inside your gut is damaged by antibiotics, sugar, stress or environmental toxins, the first place it will show up is on your skin. Until this imbalance is corrected, all the creams in the world won’t resolve your skin problems! Use the kefir to heal from the inside – and from the outside, as we also put it into our soaps and skin creams, to rebalance the delicate living bacteria that reside on the surface of your skin. 21 days to happy skin!

Kefir will aid skin conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis and rosacea, as well as helping with fatigue, anxiety, depression and sugar cravings. Kefir has also been found to have benefits for obesity, diabetes and cholesterol.

HOW IS IT MADE? At Chuckling Goat we make kefir in the ancient traditional style, with raw goatsmilk and real kefir “grains” - actually living micro-organisms that ferment the milk and are strained out of it afterwards, leaving a thick drinking-yogurt style beverage. We also make a coconut water version, for vegans or people who don’t fancy the goatsmilk. The coconut water kefir is more dilute than the traditional goatsmilk variety, and you have to drink more or it in a daily dose – 560 ml of coconut water kefir per day, as opposed to 180 ml of goatsmilk kefir.

DOES IT TASTE GOOD? Heck no! Like any powerful medicine, kefir tastes horrible on its own. It is tart, fizzy and acidic. Many of our clients have complex medical issues, so we don’t flavour it with sugar or anything that could cause mi-crobiome harm or allergic reactions. On the farm, many of us drink it straight, every day, and have actually come to enjoy the intense tart taste. (And health benefits – we are rarely ill! ; ) But at home you can make it taste good, by blending it up with your own preferred combination of fruits and sweeteners. Read on to see seven of our favourite farm recipes for kefir smoothies – or develop your own!

CAN I SHARE MY KEFIR WITH MY PET?You sure can. Kefir is great for dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and goats. Add 10 mls to their food, morning and night, and watch the tummy problems disappear, skin itch problems vanish and coat and skin become glossy and healthy.



Please share your favourite smoothie recipes with us on our Facebook or Twitter page - we always love hearing about new ways to use kefir.

How to Make Drinking KefirYou will need: 1 packet of kefir grains (luckily for us, these are now easily available online!)

1 litre (1 3/4 pints) of fresh milk (we use raw goat's milk, but any type will do).

How to make it: 1. Put the kefir grains in a clean 1-litre (1 3/4 pints) container with a lid (a Kilner

jar is perfect) and cover them with the milk. Don't use a metal container, and be

careful with plastic, because the kefir is acidic (the plastic tubs used for yoghurt

are fine).

2. Sit at room temperature for 8 - 12 hours. More if you'd prefer a stronger, fizzier

or thicker kefir. The kefir may separate - That's okay just shake it up!

3. Strain the grains out of the mixture with a plastic (not metal) strainer.

The resultant strained liquid is your drinking kefir.

4. Then rinse the kefir grains with some fresh milk, and return them to a clean

container. Cover with milk again. Remember that your kefir is a living thing.

Properly cared for, it will live as long as you do.

5. Feed it milk to keep it alive. If it uses up all the available milk, it'll starve.

If you go away or don't need your kefir for a while, put it in the fridge, where

it'll go to sleep! When you're ready for it again, simply put it back on the kitchen

worktop at room temperature.

In it's unflavoured state, kefir is quite acidic - like a fizzy natural yoghurt. We

like to blend it up with ripe bananas, vanilla, organic sugar and avocado for

a supersmoothie. Don't use honey to sweeten it, though - as honey is naturally

antibiotic it will interfere with the probiotics in the kefir.

“Traditionally. kefir grains were thought of as part of the wealth

of a family, to be passed on from generation to

generation”. Shann Nix Jones

NoT YeT TrieD Kefir? Try our Chuckling Goat goatsmilk Kefir: 21 daily servings

• Made with raw goatsmilk• No added sweeteners or gums• No added chemicals or preservatives• Restores your good gut flora

order here

DOES KEFIR CONFLICT WITH THE MEDICATION I’M ALREADY TAKING?No. Kefir is a medical food, not a drug, so it doesn’t conflict with any of your current medication. The one exception is antibiotics. The kefir won’t interfere with the antibiotics, but the antibiotics will kill off the probiotics – like pouring bleach into a river. So rather than waste your money, wait until after your course of antibiotics is complete, then begin your course of probiotics to put the good bugs back in where they can help you. As you take your kefir, you may find that symptoms of ill-health decrease, so that you may be able to come off various medications over time as your gut regains its natural healthy balance.

WHAT SHOULD I USE TO FLAVOUR MY KEFIR?Not honey! Honey is antibiotic, and interferes with the probiotics in the kefir. And definitely not sugar, as eating sugar rains down death on the little Who’s in Who-ville, down in your microbiome!

We recommend Stevia – a natural, plant-based sweetener that is zero calories, can be taken by diabetics and actually has positive health benefits. Stevia can be tough to bake with, as it doesn’t have the nice grainy quality of sugar, but it’s ideal for using to sweeten coffee, tea or kefir. I suggest getting the powdered kind – easy to mix in, just like sugar – but you use less, as it’s about three times sweeter than sugar. The sugar manufacturers tried to keep Stevia off the shelves, but failed – so take advantage of its healthy sweetness! You can find it in Tesco. You can use any kind of fruit that you enjoy. Things that are sweet and creamy balance the acidic tart nature of kefir nicely. Our little boy Benji loves his blended with banana. Coconut oil is great as well – provides a medium chain triglyceride that we don’t normally get in our UK diets, very healing for skin, and tastes terrific. You can also get frozen bags of berries from Tesco – a handful of berries, any flavour that you fancy, and some sweetener, and you’ve got a bespoke frozen yogurt – yummm!

On the farm we use a Nutribullet for blending up our daily smoothies – a great health investment, as it makes smoothies super quick and easy. We recommend that you drink your kefir first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Carry on this regimen for 21 days, to fully re-populate your gut with the good bugs you need to heal from the inside and the outside.

As kefir is so strong, it is possible to experience a detox reaction for the first 3 days, as the good bugs go in there and get rid of the bad bugs. This may include headaches, nausea, runs, spots. Not everyone experiences detox – and unfairly, the worse off your gut is to start with, the more likely you may have a detox reaction. We like to warn everyone about it, though, so you won’t think that it’s “off” or making you sick. It’s not making you sick – it’s making you well! But you might have to feel worse for a few days before you start feeling better. The key here is DON’T STOP! It’s important that you carry on taking the entire 21-day course of kefir. By about day 7, you should be past the detox and start to feel the benefits of improved energy and mood.



1 - Benji’s Special


1. Benji’s special –

180 ml of kefir, 1 banana, avocado and - tsp of stevia. Blend

well. This is the classic, and our little boy's favourite. Great for

kids, and for grown-ups who like it sweet!

2. STRAWBERRY SURPRISE – 180 ml kefir, one handful of frozen or fresh strawberries,

tsp pure vanilla extract, tsp stevia. Blend well. Pretty in pink,

easy on the eyes and the taste buds. You can substitute

raspberries or forest fruits if you prefer.

3. Maple Madness –

180 ml kefir, 2 Tbsp real maple syrup, 4 walnuts. Blend well.

Hearty American frontier flavour, and the walnuts give an

anti-inflammatory boost.

4. BLUEBERRY SUPER-SMOOTHIE – 180 ml kefir, 1 handful fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 tsp maca

powder, tsp stevia. Blend well. The malty-tasting maca

powder gives this lovely purple drink a super-food kick.

5. VIRGIN PINA COLADA – 180 ml kefir, 1 banana, 2 tsp raw virgin coconut oil, tsp stevia.

Add 2 pineapple chunks if desired. A delicious tropical treat -

close your eyes and pretend you're on a sunny beach!

6. BOUNTY BAR – 180 ml kefir, 2 tsp raw cocoa powder, 2 tsp coconut, tsp stevia.

A healthy version of the classic candy bar - great to stave

off those late afternoon sweet-treat cravings.

7. Mean Green supershake –

180 ml kefir, 1 leaf curly kale, 1 Tbsp flax seed, 1 tsp, spirulina,

1 small apple, 1 orange. This is for the hard-core health nut

gives you a power boost that lasts all morning!

Enjoy your kefir smoothies the goats send their regards from

the farm!

With love from our family to yours, Shann Director and

Mum - Chuckling Goat

3 - Maple Madness

7 - Mean Green Super

4 - Blueberry Super


2 - Strawberry Surprise

6 - Bounty Bar

5 - V irgin P ina C olada
