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FreeNAS Mini DataSheet

Date post: 10-Feb-2018
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FreeNAS™ Mini  Stora Alianc A powerul solution or the Small Oce/Home Oce environment,  th FrNAS™ Mini ors ntrris aturs in a an aordabl acka. From ull RAID otions to Rmot Rlication to Hot Swaabl drivs, th mini ors a complete solution or the Home or Ofce.  THe FReeNAS OpeRATINg SyS TeM FreeNAS is a community based, Open S ource Operating System (OS) based on FreeBSD and designed or Network Attached Storage. As th cororat sonsor o th FrNAS rojct, iXsstms is roud to or an aordabl, qualid SOHO stora solution runnin FrNAS. FreeNAS ofers a ully eatured, web-based user interace or quick and easy management rom any web-enabled device. With it, ou can mana usr rous and accounts, shars, and rmissions, backu and rstor sstm sttins, monitor sstm rsourcs and vnts, and udat our rmwar. FrNAS also ors a custom Command Lin Intra c CLI or usrs accustom d to that nvironmnt. Just nabl SSH and lo in to mana our sstm. FreeNAS eatures inter-operability with diferent Operating Systems on your network. It suorts Windows Xp , Vista and 7, Windows Srvr 2003/2008, Al® OSX, Linux and Unix as wll as most oular lsstms, block rotocols, and allows or as man as 256 usrs. FrNAS also suorts snashots, rmot rlication, rsnch, FTp and iSCSI. DA T A INTegRI Ty WITH ZFS The Zettabyte File System (ZFS) is designed or maximum data integrity and solvs svral roblms that ar rvalnt in othr lsstms. Th main wa it dos this is b utilizin a tr ormation amon data blocks, whr th arnt block stors chcksum o ach o it’s branch data blocks, makin th ntir data ool slvalidatin . This allows ZFS to rconiz whr th rror lis whn th data dos not match u with th chcksum whr othr lsstms cannot. RAID-Z OpTIONS FreeNAS ofers a ull range o disk management options, with udats on traditional RAID lvls, utilizin RAIDZ and RAIDZ2 instad o th standard RAID 5 and RAID 6 conurations.  Th main di rnc btw n ths is that RAID Z conurations utiliz dnamic stri width.  This mans that vr writ to RAIDZ is a ull stri writ . This eature helps to protect your data in situations that RAID 5 does not, such as in a system crash or an unexpected power loss. It also liminats th nd or RAID hardwar and NVRAM, which ar both xnsiv and slow workarounds. Also, du to th natur o ZFS, our sstm will rco niz corrut data, whras a standard RAID solution ma not. This ivs th ZFS usr an unarallld dr o data intrit at a lowr cost. pOWeRFUL, HIgHLy-eFFICIeNT HARDWARe The FreeNAS Mini comes equipped with a highly ecient Intel® Dual Core Processor,  which tos out at a mr 35W and idls undr 10W . It also boasts 8gB o DD R3 RAM and coms in 4TB, 8TB, 12TB, and drivlss conuration s. Th chassis coms with 4 hotswaabl driv bas or onth driv swas with th OS installd on an intrnal mini ash driv. The Mini comes standard with 1 x 1GbE Network Interace, 1 SATA ort, 2 USB 3.0 orts and 10 USB 2.0 orts. All o this runs on a 200W hihfcinc owr sul , rducin our nr costs and ootrint. WARRANTy AND SUppORT The FreeNAS Mini comes with 1 year o Hardware Support standard, with otions or 2 and 3 ar xtndd trms. Also, or a rasonabl cost, ou can rciv a ar’s worth o FrNAS problm Rsolution Suort rom th iXsstms prossional Srvics T am. Suort coms in an 8x5 srvic modl with unlimitd incidnts and a 4 hour rst rsons within businss hours. Call iXsstms toll r or visit our wbsit toda! 1-855-GREP-4-IX | www.iXsystems.com
Page 1: FreeNAS Mini DataSheet

7/22/2019 FreeNAS Mini DataSheet

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FreeNAS™ Mini  Stora Alianc

A powerul solution or the Small Oce/Home Oce environment, th FrNAS™ Mini ors ntrris aturs in a an aordabl acka.

From ull RAID otions to Rmot Rlication to Hot Swaabl drivs,

th mini ors a complete solution or the Home or Ofce.


FreeNAS is a community based, Open Source Operating System (OS) based on FreeBSD

and designed or Network Attached Storage. As th cororat sonsor o th FrNAS

rojct, iXsstms is roud to or an aordabl, qualid SOHO stora solution runnin


FreeNAS ofers a ully eatured, web-based user interace or quick and easy management

rom any web-enabled device. With it, ou can mana usr rous and accounts, shars,

and rmissions, backu and rstor sstm sttins, monitor sstm rsourcs and vnts,

and udat our rmwar. FrNAS also ors a custom Command Lin Intrac CLI or

usrs accustomd to that nvironmnt. Just nabl SSH and lo in to mana our sstm.

FreeNAS eatures inter-operability with diferent Operating Systems on your network.

It suorts Windows Xp, Vista and 7, Windows Srvr 2003/2008, Al® OSX, Linux and Unix as

wll as most oular lsstms, block rotocols, and allows or as man as 256 usrs. FrNAS

also suorts snashots, rmot rlication, rsnch, FTp and iSCSI.


The Zettabyte File System (ZFS) is designed or maximum data integrity and solvs svralroblms that ar rvalnt in othr lsstms. Th main wa it dos this is b utilizin a tr

ormation amon data blocks, whr th arnt block stors chcksum o ach o it’s branch

data blocks, makin th ntir data ool slvalidatin. This allows ZFS to rconiz whr th

rror lis whn th data dos not match u with th chcksum whr othr lsstms cannot.


FreeNAS ofers a ull range o disk management options, with udats on traditional RAID

lvls, utilizin RAIDZ and RAIDZ2 instad o th standard RAID 5 and RAID 6 conurations.

 Th main dirnc btwn ths is that RAIDZ conurations utiliz dnamic stri width.

 This mans that vr writ to RAIDZ is a ull stri writ.

This eature helps to protect your data in situations that RAID 5 does not, such as in a

system crash or an unexpected power loss. It also liminats th nd or RAID hardwar

and NVRAM, which ar both xnsiv and slow workarounds. Also, du to th natur o ZFS,

our sstm will rconiz corrut data, whras a standard RAID solution ma not. This ivs

th ZFS usr an unarallld dr o data intrit at a lowr cost.


The FreeNAS Mini comes equipped with a

highly ecient Intel® Dual Core Processor, 

which tos out at a mr 35W and idlsundr 10W. It also boasts 8gB o DDR3 RAM

and coms in 4TB, 8TB, 12TB, and drivlss

conurations. Th chassis coms with 4

hotswaabl driv bas or onth

driv swas with th OS installd on an

intrnal mini ash driv.

The Mini comes standard with 1 x 1GbE

Network Interace, 1 SATA ort, 2 USB 3.0

orts and 10 USB 2.0 orts. All o this runs

on a 200W hihfcinc owr sul,

rducin our nr costs and ootrint.


The FreeNAS Mini comes with 1 year o 

Hardware Support standard, with otions

or 2 and 3 ar xtndd trms. Also, or

a rasonabl cost, ou can rciv a ar’s

worth o FrNAS problm Rsolution

Suort rom th iXsstms prossional

Srvics Tam. Suort coms in an 8x5

srvic modl with unlimitd incidnts and a

4 hour rst rsons within businss hours.

Call iXsstms toll r or visit our wbsit toda! 1-855-GREP-4-IX | www.iXsystems.com

Page 2: FreeNAS Mini DataSheet

7/22/2019 FreeNAS Mini DataSheet

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Call iXsstms toll r or visit our wbsit toda! 1-855-GREP-4-IX | www.iXsystems.com




Microsot Windows Xp,•

Vista 32/64bit

Microsot Windows 7 32/64bit•

Microsot Srvr 2003/2008 R2•

Al® OSX•

Linux Fir Mdia Srvr•



encrtd Accss: HTTpS•

FTp with SSL/TLS exlicit•

SSH/SFTp Admin onl•

CIFS Host Accss Control•

Instant Alrt via email, SMS & IM•


NFS v3 Rsourc Monitor•

SMB/CIFS Lo & evnt Collction•

AFp Firmwar Udats•




NFS v3•







Raid 0, 1 RaidZ, RaidZ2•

Bad Block Scan + HDD S.M.A.R.T.•

Microsot Srvr 2003/2008 R2•

Raid Rcovr Multimdia•


Al® OSX RaidZ + Hot Sar•


Usr Accounts Manamnt•

grous Manamnt•

Ntwork Shars Manamnt•

Quota Manamnt•

Subdirctor prmissions Suort•


HTTp/HTTpS Connction•

Sslo Clint•

Backu & Rstor Sstm Sttins•

Rstor to Factor Dault•

Rsourc Monitor•

Lo & evnt Collction•

Firmwar Udats•


pBI push Button Installr•

Jail Sandbox or luins•

Multimdia Suort•

DLNA Srvr•

Fir Mdia Srvr•


DAAp iTuns Suort•


ZFS v15•




Rmot Rlication•

Rsnc via SSH•


FTp ovr SSL/TLS exlicit•

Concurrnt Connctions: Max 256•

passiv FTp port Ran Control•

FTp Bandwidth Connction Control•


Wak on LAN•

Schduld powr on/o •


FrNAS™ Mini

4 hotswa driv bas u to 12TB•

o data stora caacit

Sotwar RAID•

On DualCor Lowpowr Intl®•


8gB o DDR3 mmor in a 2 x 4gB•


1 x 1gbe Ntwork intrac•

Onboard Otional scond 1gbe

ort availabl

Sinl 200W Hihefcinc owr•


4TB, 8TB, 12TB and drivlss•

modls availabl

Dimnsions: 8.5”W x 12.5 “D x 8.0 “H•

 Apple® Shares

