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Getting Unstuck: The Proven Formula To Manifest Your Dreams Discover the real secrets of The Law of Attraction www.abundancemyth.com

Getting Unstuck: The Proven Formula To

Manifest Your Dreams

Discover the real secrets of The Law of Attraction


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Before Reading: How Do You Use This Guide

Since you are a subscriber to my newsletter, you will receive my daily emails for one week to

overcome any psychological challenges and free yourself from your fears. This PDF meant to work

together with the daily emails. Think of it this way: This file is the philosophy (the whys) and the emails

are the mechanic (the hows). I suggest you go through this file very quick, read the seven emails and then

go back to this file again. If you have any suggestions or questions, please do not hesitate to email at

[email protected] . I look forward to hear from you.

For your success,

Ahmad SA

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Copyright © 2014 by Ebtkar

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The Law of Attraction is an intangible truism, one that works on the very basic yet powerful

principle of 'Like attracts Like'. In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction creates a positive or a

negative aura around individuals depending on their disposition. If you as an individual,

employee, employer, parent or spouse emanate a positive aura, think progressively and

have a general air of peace, happiness and energy about you; you are likely to attract more.

Conversely, a negative individual with a less enabling disposition is likely to attract

negative energy. This belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are both

created from 'Pure Energy' and there exists a direct, strong bond between the two. The

energy follows the person's psyche and vice-versa.

According to this principle or axiom, the Universe is attraction-based. If you are passionate

about something, have given it great thought and are confident of it coming to you, it will.

Your thought works like a forceful magnet, drawing success to you with the mere act of

thinking about your desires.

Like destiny, prayer and God, the Law of Attraction is a concept, an abstract existence that

you see only with faith rather than actual scientific proof. In essence, if you are looking to

purchase a new car, you are likely to get one if you really 'feel' and believe that you will

have it.

Summing up, the Law of Attraction has concise steps: Ask. Believe. Receive.

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Magic Manta or A Quick Trick? Why It

Doesn't Always Work?

People who believe in the Law of Attraction as a lifestyle are instructed to create lists of

their desires and work on thinking and believing in these lists to obtain what they desire.

Why is it that a few individuals do not get what they wish for? There are varied and

interesting reasons. It is believed that negative energy could be one factor. When we are

making our wishes and desires out of desperation tops this list. You cannot get something

out of desperation. When you ask for something, you really need to feel it. Think of two

instances when you have wanted something because you believe it will make your life

happier and when you have wanted something out of desperation.

Desperation does not yield good results. You are not giving out a positive signal to the

Universe, consequently, the Universe does not return positive results to you. When you put

desperate energy out into the world, you do not receive in return what it is you have asked


The reason the Law of Attraction backfires on so many people is that they believe that a

superficial positive thinking is enough. Controlling your negative emotions with an iron

will, not allowing it to manifest is not the solution to a problem, or indeed a good lifestyle

habit. The Universe interacts with each individual at a far deeper level. If you believe that

merely saying something positive out loud and use continual reaffirmation, either vocally

or silently, you are not likely to make much headway with either your efforts or the

Universe. Voicing what you want is not enough, the Law of Attraction entails that the

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Universe only responds when someone really 'feels' and believes to the core of their being,

that they want, require or desire something.

Any positive message you give yourself countered by your cleverer, more aware

subconscious mind causes a conflict in your being. The Law of Attraction does not manifest

in this situation. Every layer of your being, right from your conscious and subconscious

mind to your heart and soul must be in unison for the Law to manifest.

The reason the law of attraction does not work for most people is because most do not

understand the difference between setting goals, a process of imagination and

conceptualization, and achieving goals, a rational, organized, tangible process. In order to

really activate the Law of Attraction or Resonance, both the logical and the emotional

center of the parts of the brain need to be coherent or in perfect harmony.

Patience Is The Key

Once people have heard of the Law of Attraction, they begin to make lists, visualize and

concentrate continuously on their objects of interest, and by repetition of their desires

expect to be rewarded by the Universe. They are almost always disappointed.

Many practitioners of this Law believe that the items on your list will not come to you right

away. Diving timing is no myth! Often, the most spectacular things in your life will take

some time to occur, because the Universe nurtures you to grow and evolve enough so that

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you are able to appreciate and value these events. This aspect of the Law of Attraction

makes tremendous sense. If you are to obtain something from the Universe, you need to be

ready for it. Who but the Universe itself is the best judge of your ability? Therefore, the Law

of Attraction also ensures that only individuals who truly deserve what they desire are

justly rewarded.

Those who are critical, resistant or in any other way contemptuous of the Law will never be

aware of its existence despite the law working even in the negative sphere. Negativity

attracts negativity. This is also one of the tenets of the law. Resistance or impatience is

detrimental to the Law. You want something, you focus on it, you have not yet received it,

you get impatient and frustrated and you become resistant. Typical negative cycle, you only

end up attracting more negative energy. Which is ironic because this is the Law of

Attraction in action, only not the way you would like it.

For the Law of Attraction to work, you need to have total and unwavering belief in it. Once

you have unshakable faith, your desire will manifest if the Universe deems you fit. In fact,

most individuals who have reported that the Law of Attraction has worked for them have

never had an iota of doubt despite them not having achieved their desires. And the ones

who have sadly not received the benefits of the Law have reported voicing doubts at some


Summing up, why does the law of attraction not work for certain people? Lack of faith,

impatience, resistance and wavering belief are the chief reasons. And a lack of a unity

between what their mind and heart truly want.

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Getting The Law Of Attraction To Work For You

- Change Your Current State Of Being

If you find that the Law of Attraction is not working for you, the best way to turn your

situation around is by broadening your perspective. Changing the way you think from the

core of your being, not just the way you express your views and desires. The Law Of

Attraction always yields to belief. You are given what the Universe captures from your

thoughts. Think positive and you are blessed with positive energy. Think negative and you

cast yourself in a negative mould. One aspect of the Law that has been observed throughout

its acknowledged existence is ironically, consistency. You are granted the very essence of

your thoughts. Always!

A consolation, however minute to those who have not yet experienced the thrum of the Law

is that there is no trickery involved. You are never deceived, never lied to and never tricked.

The Universe responds to you and purely you. The vibration you offer is the vibration that

is picked up and returned in higher measure. Change your belief, your thoughts and your

vibration, and you change the way the Universe responds to you. A commonly observed

phenomenon among those who have not received the benefits of the Law is that they are

unaware of the vibrations they are emitting. Despite the Universe achieving resonance with

the inadvertent vibes emitted by the individual, they are unaware and unfortunately,

unhappy with the Law of Attraction. It is vitally important that individuals remember a

single, unverifiable, undeniable fact to leverage the Law of Attraction. The Universe

resonates with You.

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Change your physical and psychological state to change the way the Universe hums. This is the

Law of the Universe; The Law of Attraction.

There are two ways in which you can align yourself with the Universe to truly achieve

resonance and work the Law of Attraction to an advantage. Mental Focus and Bodily


Mental Focus

Possibly the most important limiting factor in an individual's life is mental focus. Focus on

clearing your mind of negative thoughts and you will forge iron relations with the Universe.

It is essential that you change your perspective entirely. Most individuals are caught in an

emotional or psychological dilemma where they desire something but give out an

altogether different vibration, resulting in a failure to commune with the world around you.

Outlined are a few tips to transform your life by re-examining your mental focus. This

involves cultivating a positive outlook, gratitude for your being, rumination or

introspection and humility.

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Cultivating A Positive Outlook Stay positive. Look for a redeeming value in every person you meet and every situation you

encounter. Focus on your blessings and the Law of Resonance will work beautifully for you.

Fill the proverbial glass till it is half full, and the Universe rewards you. This is a hackneyed

Truth perhaps, but an unshakable truth nevertheless.

Being positive is not a hard process, but it isn't only about saying or expressing positive

ideas. You need to feel it from your being. To express a positive idea, you should feel its

force emanate from inside you. This is the subtle vibration that is picked up by the Keeper

of the Law, a wave you will not notice until you have been justly rewarded. To start the

process, begin by focusing on your strengths and turning them over in your mind. Build up

your confidence, love your being, treat yourself occasionally for your achievements and you

will soon find you have a very different perspective of the world around you, as the world

will have of you.

Turning a new leaf is not simple. It requires continual effort and dedication. Like a sport,

you will have to practice being positive. An interesting challenge is to turn a negative

situation into a positive one. There are some situations where you will react badly, or

negatively, either of your own volition or through an external influence. The important

point is to understand why you reacted the way you did, analyze your response and see

how you can profit from the experience. A slow, gradual, steady shift from erratic or

unfocused thinking patterns to a positive, focused outlook will slowly gain you the desired

results from the Law of Attraction.

Cultivating a favorable outlook requires patience. It is akin to planting the seed; watering it

and watching it grow gradually, strong and tall. Acknowledging when to shift your thinking

is the key to creating good vibes that the Universe will absorb. Ask yourself why you want

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something, whether it means that much to you and what you stand to gain out of it to

justify your passion and you will gradually learn to distinguish between what you feel and

what you express.

A step further in this direction is to visualize what you desire and how it makes you feel.

This way, you begin to feel passionately about your ask of the Universe, slowly aligning

yourself with it, with results to your satisfaction. The emotions that are evoked inside you

when you visualize what you want with a clear mind are the vibrations you are sending out

to the Universe. This is a fail-proof method of self-analysis, to help you understand why the

Law not working for you, or conversely, why you achieved what you desired so ardently,

should you be so inclined as to analyze it.


The Universe and you operate on one plane, neither triumphs over the other. Negative

energy you emanate is absorbed by it, as is the positive energy that you absorb from it.

Appreciate the blessings you have. Live and swear by the clichéd truth. Your glass is always

half full, never half empty. When you appreciate everything you have around you, you

transform into a positive person. This is a vital exercise in developing a positive outlook.

When you are thankful for everything the world and the Universe has bestowed on you,

your family, your friends and your fellow beings, you are giving out the very vibes that the

Law of Attraction responds to. The happier you are, the happier you get. The more you are

thankful for, the more you receive.

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Observe Yourself

Improve your mental focus by observing yourself closely. Start monitoring your thoughts.

Observe thought patterns to examine whether you are a positive person or a negative

person. Whether your thoughts revolve around progression or you find yourself depressed

and dejected often dwelling on trivial matters. Introspection often helps in identifying

areas of improvement and correct negative patterns so you are in tune with the Universe. It

is important to stop focusing on the things that are not working for you and concentrate on

the strengths that you have and how you will employ them to achieve what you desire. That

is when the Law of Attraction responds to you.

Humility Like gratitude, humility is an extremely important factor in transforming your life, with

regards to this Law. You are not going to achieve what you desire by demanding it from the

Universe; you achieve it by wanting it, dreaming of it and eventually working for it, slowly,

quickly, gradually or otherwise. When your thoughts are in line with your goals, you give

off the very vibrations that the Universe picks up. It is extremely important that each and

every individual realizes that ego should be curbed. Being humble is an essential quality for

harnessing the Law of Attraction.

Body Besides tuning your thoughts to align with the Universe, body control is another form of

harnessing its energy and vibrations. By controlling the natural rhythm of your body, you

control your responses to the world around you. Altering the way you think and react is not

enough to achieve balance; your body must achieve unity with the world around you. The

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keying to a healthy body is a healthy mind and vice-versa. Help calm and focus your mind

with body control. Exercise, walking and other activities that keep your body fit will give

you a good outlook on life, on yourself and on the Universe.

Chalk out a routine for yourself. Walking, running, swimming, jogging, cycling and a host of

other exercises will keep your body flexible and fit, thus rejuvenating the mind and

improving focus. If you do not like intense workouts, opt for a dance class or frequent

trekking or hiking to keep fit. Strengthening the body strengthens the mind.

Meditation As A Means Of Body Control Meditation plays an important role in controlling the mind. It calms your mind, improves

concentration, sharpens focus and relaxes the body thus helping you harness positive

energy around you. Meditation helps you gently melt any resistance in your path to achieve

your goals quickly, savoring each triumph along the way. Meditation helps clear your mind

of unnecessary tension, stress and anger to focus on exactly what you need and how to go

about it. This way you build up positive energy, see goals clearly and chalk out a practical,

feasible path to achieve your goals.

How To Meditate Effectively

The art of meditation bring together the mind and body for total harmony, both within the

body and with the Universe. Those who meditate often have experienced the Law of

Attraction and are privy to a few of its secrets, its working and the way of the Universe.

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Outlined below are steps to meditate and harness the energy of the Universe to leverage

the Law of Attraction.

Sit still in a comfortable position with your back straight, your head upright, your legs

crossed and your arms lightly placed on your thigh.

Breathe naturally but focus on your breathing. Be aware of each inhalation and exhalation.

With your eyes closed, try to expand your other senses to the vast realm around them and

pick up tiny sounds, vibrations, temperature differences and other signs of the Universe.

Close yourself to the world and open yourself to the Universe. Slowly empty your mind of

all thought and focus on nothing but your breathing. Do not pursue any line of thought,

either happy or unhappy. You must exist without emotion at this point. You are meditating

at this point, or opening your body and mind to the spiritual and physical realm of the

Universe, where your mind is sharpest and your body most relaxed.

Try to meditate as frequently as possible and for a good fifteen minutes. A good practice is

to start your day with a few minutes meditation. With each day, you will notice that your

focus has improved, you are more open to the sights and sounds around you and you are

more sensitive to the Universe. The Law of Attraction is more likely to work for individuals

with a greater understanding of the Universe and their own part in it, altering their

vibration to send out a positive pulse that is picked up by the Universe.

Benefits of Meditation Meditation creates a deep state of relaxation and tranquility in the person, enabling him or

her to focus on one goal or objective, thus eliminating less important obstacles. The art

teaches individuals to train one's mind to shut out trivial, unimportant entities and

thoughts and focus on a single, achievable goal, the large picture and the individual's place

in the scheme of the Universe.

Physiological benefits of Meditation include reduction in blood pressure, decrease in

muscle tension, controlling anxiety and other Pre-Menstrual Syndrome symptoms,

enhancing the body's immune system, rejuvenating the mind, strengthening the body and

increasing mental focus of an individual.

Meditation works for a secondary reason. You are making a conscious effort to pull away

from the bane of everyday life. Stress, anger, frustration, lack of a proper sleep and eating

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pattern, excess alcohol intake, insomnia and other factors that trigger negative vibrations

to the Universe are eliminated when you are meditating. With time, you will learn how to

control and prevent these factors from having any effect on you, thus eliminating negative

energy around you, automatically altering your mental state to focus on happier, more

positive forces in your life, a force that is mirrored by the Universe as a result of the Law of


Meditation has been practiced in India, China and other Asian countries for thousands of

years. The art was meant originally to help deepen man's understanding of the sacred and

mystical forces at play. Today, the effects and health benefits of meditation are well known

and the art is practiced for the peace and relief it gives individuals from the stresses of daily

life. Meditation is considered an alternate form of therapy to traditional medication.

Thus mental focus and body control help and individual harness the energy of the Universe

and create positive vibrations that are sent back to the Universe to leverage the Law of

Attraction for a happier, healthier, successful life.

Goal setting- Focus Your Being On What You

Desire! In leveraging the Law of it is important that you have clearly defined goals, and more

importantly clear steps to achieving those goals. To truly harness the power of the Law,

your conscious and subconscious mind must be aligned. You cannot want one thing while

you are giving out different vibes to the Universe. The Law of Attraction will never work for


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Why Is It So Important To Set The Right Goals? Your conscious and subconscious mind must be synchronous, harmonious and aligned with

the Universe around you. Once you have set your goals, the message or the vibe you give

out to the Universe determines the response you receive. If you are sufficiently determined,

working towards your goals and ambitions gives off powerful messages which in-turn

attracts positive energy to you; The Law of Attraction. It is important to keep in mind that

merely having desires and chalking out loose goals in not enough to leverage the Law of

Attraction. The Law clearly states the positive energy attracts positive energy while

negative energy attracts negative energy. If you are giving out a positive aura in pursuing

and achieving your goals, the Universe rewards you with more. If your goals do not

motivate you sufficiently, your negative energy translates to a negative response from the

Universe. Nothing gets better, everything just gets worse. The Law is still working for you,

although you do not know it.

A call to action is the most important step in achieving harmony with the universe and

getting the Law to work for you. The Law of Attraction works like a mirror, reflecting

everything you do right back at you. Sometimes it helps to analyze your current life and

lifestyle. If you find yourself in a happy place, enjoying your life, your work, the people

around you and your personal space, you are doing the rights things; things that the

Universe is mirroring. If you are unhappy, dejected, lacking motivation, opportunity and

peace, you aren't doing the right things and the Universe is mimicking exactly that.

Alter your lifestyle and set goals according to your current position. If you are happy, set

goals to ensure you remain that way, if you aren't, help yourself get out of a bad situation

with simple, smart and achievable goals that will help the Universe help you!

How Do I Set The Right Goals? Goal setting at your workplace, at home, for your life, your marriage or for your children

remains the same. You start with a broad plan of action that you fill in with details as you

go along. Breaking a goal into milestones keeps you focused and helps you achieve one part

of your goal at a time. The milestone system is particularly important since it motivates you

to stay positive and follow your goals so you are always in resonance with the Universe.

Envisioning the larger picture, keeping sight of each milestone and edging a step closer to

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your final goal will keep you positive, determined and focused, qualities that create a

vibration that the Universe picks up.

Treat yourself each time you achieve a goal. You will have a sense of accomplishment, a

factor that will boost your self-confidence and keep your spirits up. The Law of Attraction

picks up on positive vibrations from a sense of pride, happiness and complete focus to

reward you with more happiness and positive energy.

While setting goals, make sure you set realistic, achievable goals so that you can accomplish

them. Unrealistic, impossible to achieve goals add to your frustration, kill any

determination and enthusiasm to achieve them leaving you dejected. This is when you emit

negative vibrations to the Universe that is then magnified with the Law of Attraction,

making matters worse.

Outlined below are a few tips and tricks that will help you set and achieve goals.


There is so much a person wants out of life. Each individual has dreams, hopes, aspirations

and goals he or she hopes to achieve. It is essential however, that one sets realistic goals to

be able to achieve them. The more you are able to achieve, the happier you will be, the

better the Universe will respond to you. Setting goals that are hard to accomplish will hit

your self-esteem, which will lead to you consciously or unconsciously send out a negative

vibration to the Universe.

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Achievable And Aligned Goals Nobody knows you better than yourself. You are the best person to judge what makes you

happy and what does not. You know your capacity, your resilience, your determination and

the depth of your desire. You are the best person to set your own goals because you have to

achieve them. Therefore, be sure you ensure goals that are viable, encouraging and aligned

with the scheme of your life. Achieving successive milestones along the path to your final

goal will boost your self-esteem, leaving you happier, positive and rejuvenated, with a fresh

perspective to forge ahead after each victory. The Universe and consequently, the Law of

Attraction rewards your efforts, focus and spirit to achieve everything you have set out to.

Your goals need to be aligned with your value and belief systems. You cannot accomplish

anything if you are not convinced of your goals, the path you have taken to achieve them or

the results you are getting. Find alternatives, better ways and methods to get everything

you desire. Give off a positive aura always and you will be rewarded with happiness and

success by the Universe. The Law of Attraction will work wonders for you.

Structure Structure is not necessarily tiresome or boring. To achieve your goals you need to have a

structure or system in place. You will need to be dedicated, regular, disciplined and

organized about achieving your goals. Keep a timetable for yourself or a broad concept of

what you will do to accomplish each milestone and fill in details as you go along. Once you

set the ball rolling, it is important you keep at it to get ahead in your milestone chart.

Individuals cannot expect to be rewarded by the Universe for absolutely no investment of

time or effort from their side. The Universe is aligned with you in every way; physically,

mentally, chronologically and spiritually. Every small vibration, thought and desire that

passes through you is felt keenly by the Universe, magnifying, doubling or returning exactly

what you emanate.

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Getting the Law of Attraction to work for you -

Failure Is The Road To Success

Getting the Law to work for you can be daunting at first. There are so many things you

want, things you want but do not yet know and things you yearn for and yet have no hope

of achieving. What does the Universe pick up from you? Which of these vibrations are being

emitted to the Universe? What if your first attempt to harness the Law of Attraction is a

failure? Most people's first experience with the Law ends in failure. Which is a very good

thing, since only with failure will you learn to control your mind and body, set the right

goals and harness the energy of the Universe to get the Law to work to your advantage.

The fear of failure is the worst fear one can harbor. It prevents an individual from growing

as a person or at the workplace. Fear of failure is a limiting factor that prevents you

achieving your dreams and your goals, and in turn, from leveraging the Law. To give out the

right vibrations you need the right experience. Only with experience comes the wisdom to

tell right from wrong. Correct the mental and bodily habits that prevent the Law from

working in your favor. And that experience comes from pushing one's boundaries without

fear of failure.

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Working Fear To Your Advantage

Fear in any form creates internal conflict. However you can learn how to harness fear to

your benefit. When you face your fears, acknowledge your demons and analyze your

reaction; and you are much more likely to weaken them and break their hold on you. Thus

enabling you to forge ahead and attain your goals.

If you work your fears to your advantage, you not only overcome them but use your fears to

propel you ahead in achieving your goals. When you start acknowledging your resistance to

someone or something, your resistance is slowly transformed to acceptance with

understanding. Your fear then dissipates gently, allowing you to send out more positive

vibrations to the world, attracting positive energy in turn. The Law of Attraction begins to

work for you.

Individuals looking to harness the Law of Attraction should note, however, that a bit of fear

is favorable as it ensures you are humble, grateful for everything you have and keeps one's

ego in check. Uncontrolled fear however, prevents you achieving anything, working against

the Law of Attraction.

Understanding your fear is the first step to conquering it. A good way to battle one's fears is

to write it down or verbalize it to oneself. Saying one's fears out loud or acknowledging it

on paper helps to put the fear in perspective, and it may not seem as bad on hindsight. You

can also tell a friend or a pet about your fears. Articulating the fear is the first step to

controlling it and pressing it to your advantage.

Most people have difficulty expressing and conquering their fears since they believe that

unparalleled courage is required to conquer one's fears. This is manifestly untrue. To fight

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one's fears, all an individual requires is determination to acknowledge, accept and work

towards understand the cause of fear to be able to manage it better. This process is an

excellent phase in a person's life as the Law of Attraction responds extremely well to those

who are trying to conquer their fears. Overcoming one's fears requires a positive force to

be projected. The Universe picks up on positive energy, the Law responds to positive

energy. This is in fact, one of the best ways to get the Law to respond to you. Face your fears

or make the best of them.

Failure And The Law Of Attraction A commonly observed mistake noticed in individuals who fail to leverage the Law of

Attraction is that they give up after the first attempt. This creates negative energy which is

absorbed by the Universe leading to more negative energy being drawn toward the prson.

The Law of Attraction is actually working against the interests and desires of the individual.

If you do not get it right the first time, do not fret, do not be discouraged, and keep trying

till your body and mind line up perfectly with the Universe to harness the benefits of the

Law. The ensuing process of trial and error is a major contributing factor in aligning the

mind and body with the Universe, developing a positive outlook and setting smart, realistic

goals, all essential factors for the Law of Attraction to yield results.

The famous adage, failure is the stepping stone to success holds true here as well. Only with

failure to harness the law will one truly understand the pulse of the Universe and

transform his or her being to side with it. Only with repeated failures can there be

improvement and with each stage of improvement the Law of Attraction can be better

understood and cultivated to achieve one's desires.

This works like a two-fold process, where the individual seeking to harness the Law of

Attraction achieves his desires through the Law, in-turn transforming his mind, body and

thought process to align with the Universe. With each shift in thinking pattern, desires vary,

become less materialistic and slowly incline towards bettering oneself to seek true union

with the Universe. Failure then takes on a new meaning, representing merely each stage in

your quest to truly harness the Law of Attraction.

Welcome failure, learn from it and seek union with the Universe through failure. This is

when the Law of Attraction will work best for you.

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Faith And The Universe

The Law of Attraction, the Universe and the evolution of man's spirituality is hinged on a

powerful, intangible and omnipotent concept of Faith. Faith ties the body, mind, soul,

Universe and Law together. Without faith there can be no hope, without hope there is no

drive and without drive there is no desire. Desire drives individuals to achieve

transformations in their lives that power the Universe with positive energy. Without faith

in the Law, in the Universe and in the power of the mind and body, the Law of Attraction is

negated, obsolete or redundant. Faith is the most powerful factor in triggering positive

vibrations in an individual, absorbed by the Universe that responds in kind.

Most people however are under a mistaken impression that to have faith is to control. In

fact, it is the diametric opposite. To have faith in someone or something is to relinquish

control completely and let time take its course. It is this faith that creates the right

vibrations in an individual that synchronizes with the Universe. Faith is a powerful

projection of a positive force. The Law of Attraction bends to intense faith.

The Universe always rewards deep faith, as it is a positive force, energy or aura that

strengthens everything around it. The believer is answered in kind by the Law of

Attraction, rewarding him or her with a granting of heartfelt desires.

In some ways, the Law of Attraction can be synonymous with faith. If you are looking for a

better life, a better future, a suitable vocation, partner, an education or any material desire; you are reckoning with the Universe to achieve your innermost desires. This could be

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likened to faith, where you believe the Universe will grant you your cherished wish or

desire. The Law of Attraction works the same way. Think about what you truly want, feel it truly in your mind and heart and the Universe responds to you. Faith and the Law work

very much in the same way. There is a subtle difference however. Faith is an aid, an intangible tool to help to create positive vibrations by the power of suggestion or belief, a

means to the Universe and the Law. The Law is an ultimate arbiter, responding to each and every individual living to mirror their perception of the Universe.

Conclusion - The Law of Attraction and YOU As hard as it is to prove something as abstract and intangible as the Law of Attraction, there

have been astoundingly clear scenarios where the Law has been sharply felt. The Law of

Attraction, at its core is a startling simple concept. Envisage a large mirror you are standing

in front of. If you smile, the mirror smiles back, if you frown, the mirror frowns. There is no

deceit, there is only you. The Law works in exactly the same way. Send out a positive pulse

and the Universe standing behind the mirror that is the Law, sends one back to you; send

out negative energy and the Law of Attraction channels that right back at you.

Harnessing the Law to create a better lifestyle is not hard. It requires no expertise, no

analysis of complex human interactions. Just you. Altering one’s body and mind to attune

oneself with the thrum of the Universe creates self-awareness, vital for the Law to work.

Setting smart, realistic goals to boost one's sense of self-worth enhances positive vibrations

that vibrate through the Universe to turn the Law around in your favor. And finally,

immense faith in the Universe is the final and most essential quality in an individual

looking to reap benefits from the Law of Attraction. Combined, these three powerful factors

not only help one to leverage the very powerful and profitable Law of Attraction but

transform the life and being of an individual to harmonize with the Universe such that the

individual, the Law of Attraction and the Universe blend together seamlessly; as One in

nature and form!
