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Freshnfruity Rebirth Chapter 1 for lj

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Greetings Sims 2 fans, Greetings Sims 2 fans, and welcome to.. and welcome to.. Chapter 1: The Big Rewind Chapter 1: The Big Rewind

Greetings Sims 2 fans,Greetings Sims 2 fans,and welcome to..and welcome to..

Chapter 1: The Big RewindChapter 1: The Big Rewind

A slightly more mature, college-graduated Tetanus Freshnfruity was strolling past the family home one day when he began to reflect on the last heir poll, and how he could have possibly lost(I said slightly more mature, didn't I?)to his sister Malaria. This train of thought led him back to the innocent days of his youth. . .

“La la la-la, my name's Tetanus and I'm just skipping down the sidewalk,” the kid playing 'lil' Tetanus' sang merrily.

Suddenly the Evil Mime King sprang out onto the sidewalk, directly into lil' Tetanus's path. There was a strange tingly feeling in the child's brain as the villainous fellow began transmitting his message by thought. 'Ho, young midget! I am the Mime King,' he sent, 'I'm here to bestow a gift upon you!' “Go away Mime King,” Tetanus bravely commanded, “You're a bad man and you scare me!”

But of course the Mime King, being evil(and also bigger), did not listen to the boy and without warning he pounced on the child and bit him, passing on the evil as it coursed right into little Tetanus's body!“He-he,” Tetanus giggled, “it tickles just like grandma's applesauce!”

When he was done, the evil mime stood and addressed the child(once again through thought):'Besides the wondrous gift of evil, I have yet another thing I wish for you to have,' the mime thought, waving his arms about dramatically.

“What be this strange object thou hast placed upon the ground for me?” lil' Tetanus said in a weird accent he would no longer use, going forward. 'It be. . erm. . it IS the Nothing Button. It has within it the power to eradicate everything but the one who has pushed it, and it can only be used once, so use it wisely,' the evil mime king explained.

Sneaking a table out of the house, he placed the devious Nothing Button on it. As he lowered his dastardly finger to push it, the world suddenly turned dark around him, as though sensing what was about to happen. The button itself glowed red-hot, as though hungry for his touch. Tetanus hesitated not a moment, but took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pushed the button.

There was an electrical-sounding, high-voltage buzzing and a live-wire sort of “snap”, and when next he opened his eyes and looked around, he stood before the widest, flattest expanse of nothing he'd ever seen. The Nothing Button was of course, gone, disintegrated like everything else.“Hmm. .” He mused thoughtfully, “Well, so much for the family fortune,” he said to himself. “. . . and I suppose this complicates the whole legacy thing. . . well poop,” he cursed, as he realized he'd just gone about it all wrong.

Tetanus was delighted to find, however, that he had not cursed himself to eternal darkness, as he'd begun to suppose. The light returned just as suddenly as it had left. Momentarily in a state of childlike awe, he stared up at the sky, looking for the source.

Grabbing his binoculars from his back pocket, he moved out to what would have been the middle of the lot looking for the light source. And way, way waaaaayy up in the day-time sky what should he see, but something lowering itself to the earth, getting larger as it got closer. 'It's definitely a big, pink bird; maybe it's an old parade balloon,' he thought to himself.

But when she landed, he saw that she was DEFINITELY not a parade float, merely a very large, pink fairy.“I am Tinkletina,” she said, “and I have come to help you. We know not what has caused you to lose your home and family, but such are the powerful forces behind it, we know of only one way to remedy your situation.”

“O great magic of the fairies,” she trilled, “kindly show this innocent man the path back to his family,” she said with a certain air of mysticism, waving her pink fairy wand about with great swoops of her hand.

And with a magical, rubber-band-type “BOING!” the instrument of Tetanus's salvation appeared before him on the lot. Wondering where in time he would go, Tetanus climbed on board.




When the machine came to a halt(with a sound like it was blowing him a raspberry), the pink smoke cleared and Tetanus found himself on a lot which felt familiar . . . and yet the house was the wrong color. What kind of confounded machine was this anyway?? He moved in closer to investigate. . .

“I can shore dig it!!” The mysterious blonde. . .(lady? His brain wasn't sure on that much) declared excitedly as she tore into the ground with her mighty shovel. Her voice was like a man's deep baritone as it (badly) attempted a falsetto; this did nothing to aid Tetanus in his confusion. He guessed it was for the better that she seemed to neither hear or see him, at such close range. . .

Exhausted from her(what he'd decided to call the being) digging frenzy, the mystery woman crawled into bed, allowing Tetanus to have a peek inside her unlocked house, if for nothing more than to verify his latest fears. No, this was definitely NOT the house he'd hoped for. 'Where was that blasted fairy? And how in blue blazes was Tetanus to get his family back now??' Tetanus mused.

The next morning he continued to watch the lady, hoping(desperately pleading more like)for more insight as to why he'd been sent here. “Tootifer, you have one mahvelous perm today,” She crooned to her reflection, again in that same goofy falsetto, “I'll find my lover-man for sure looking this way!” she nodded confidently.

“Tootifer” as she'd called herself, spent the day looking for work, winding up in the Medical career(while waiting to get the posting for the Education career), but the night time is the PAR-TAY time! However at 6a.m. for some

reason, 94 Road to Nowhere was quite deserted. No chance of finding prince charming here. . .

At 88 Road to Nowhere, she found someone to talk to at last!“Hi, I'm Tootie! Want to practice kissing?!” She blurted out. “No that's okay, I . . . have to go flat-iron my teeth for the big dance tomorrow,” Bella shook her head hurriedly. “But – I brought lip gloss!” Tootie tried again desperately. It just wasn't going well at all!

Tetanus followed along silently, wondering at the little notion that “Tootie” rhymed with “Rooty” who was the originator of the Freshnfruity Uglacy. So it was a little more understandable that the time machine could have possibly gotten confused. Meanwhile stepping back out onto the sidewalk at 88 RTNW, Tootifer found herself encountering another possible “contributor.” Would Joe Graham from the gardening club be a possible match?“Hellloooo hot-sticks!” Joe called out to her. 'Naahh,' she thought, surely she could find someone more remarkable than him!

Joe moved on, and next came Gerard Landry. She might have talked to him, but he didn't seem all that interested; he just casually walked right by without stopping. Maybe he just wasn't into scantily-clad blondes, or something.

There just weren't any good ones left in this ol' world!

One day when Tootie had just gotten home from work, she happened to bump into a neighborhood lady named Circe Beaker, who was nice enough to stay and chat for awhile. “Won't my husband Loki be so glad!” Circe exclaimed, “ he's always excited to meet new neighbors!”

The next evening, Circe returned, bringing along her beloved husband, Loki Beaker. For some reason he seemed a little. . shy. “Loki darling, come and meet the nice neighbor-lady!” Circe called to him.“I don't know if I should – is she contagious??” he called from the sidewalk.

“Come on Loki honey – I want you to meet my friend Tootie,” Circe called to her husband from the front porch.“It smells like a plot is cooking here, I still don't think I should go up there,” Loki replied, sniffing the air.

Circe decided to go back to the sidewalk and convince her husband to come shake hands with the new neighbor. “ARE YOU GUYS OKAY WITH MACARONI AND CHEESE OR BEENIE-WEENIES FOR DINNER??' Tootie called as she patiently waited for her friend to finish talking her husband over.Tetanus,watching from behind the lens, still wasn't sure why he'd been dropped off here, except that Circe's negotiating skills were pretty admirable.

The next day Tootie(having been situated in the Education career for awhile now) found herself being promoted to Substitute Teacher! One way or another, from fear or hysterics, those poor children won't be able t0 sit still.. lol

That very fine evening, upon returning from scouring the area for men, Tootie found Loki on her doorstep. “Baby, you are one HOT TAMALE!” She declared, jumping into his arms.“I couldn't get you out of my head either,” Loki said, spitting out a mouthful of her hair.

As they talked out on the lawn, they realized one thing: that they were passionately attracted to each other.“But what are we going to do about Circe? I mean she's my friend and your wife,” Tootie asked him at one point.“Oh rats, you mean I have to tell her about us??” Loki realized with a start.

Putting that bit of unpleasantness aside for the moment, off they went to 94 Road to Nowhere on a casual outing(that is, without keeping score).

“Come in and have a hot dog, turtle-dove - I grilled them for us!” Tootie called to Loki who'd lingered outside to talk with a rather shifty stranger.“Hold on, he's showing me this really cool magic tri – HEY where'd my wallet go?” he wondered loudly from outside.

And soon after the hot dogs they found themselves in the hot tub, keeping quite warm on this late winter's evening.Finally at 6a.m. they got brave enough to kiss!

So cozy was it that they managed to keep themselves entertained in the hot tub 'till the sun came up at 7a.m. that morning!

At 8 p.m. the next evening, Loki dropped in again. Me-oh-my, what a passionate hello that was!

“Do ya really like red-heads, or is it the glasses that get you going?” Tootie asked her secret lover.She was of course referring to his wife who unsuspectingly sat at home at this moment.“No way Angel-Britches, it's you that turns me on, baby!” Loki declared with a flirtatious growl.

“Hey turkey-punches, I forgot to ask you whether you wanted piggy-splatters or goat-rollies with your pizza-” Tootie stopped short in the doorway to find Loki raiding her money tree! Had he only loved her all this time because he could come and steal from her anytime he wanted? Was he really that despicable?? The bigger question was, could she still love him, knowing this?“Uuumm.. okay!” She answered herself aloud.

On their next and biggest date, Tetanus found the couple sharing a romantic grilled cheese lunch at the Beaker mansion, presumably while Circe was away at work. “To she of the instant-noodle hair,” Loki toasted her.“Aaww, that's so sweet!” She cooed in her deep-voice-man falsetto.

There must've been something in those sandwiches(gobs of gopher-guts, maybe?), 'cause Loki and Tootie found themselves in loooovvvee. . .

Taking full advantage of the absence of Loki's wife, they then took to the couch!Tetanus was starting to get a nauseating gut-feeling about that chin of Tootifer's. . .Before he could complete the notion of “Auntie Tootifer” in his thoughts, he was “zapped” out of this reality, and for good! So-long Tetanus, and remember – even the Evil Mime King and his almighty Nothing Button don't do well against the logic of time! In trying to force himself into heir-dom, he rendered himself nonexistent!

Continuing on. . .

But then(with a “dum-dum- duuuummm”) Circe came home!“Nervous told me what was going on here! Grilled cheese was our special dinner!” Circe sobbed angrily, slapping her husband.“That guy Nervous?” Tootie began in her wacky falsetto, “The one with the mohawk?? He is clearly nuts, okay? I mean cuckoo!” Tootie said in defense, doing the finger-motions.“He is a little weird Circe,” her friend from work nodded.“I don't care! Loki you can go off and marry the harlot from the black lagoon, I'M LEAVING!” And with that, she did.

Loki took Tootie out onto the veranda afterwards. He gazed into her buggy little eyes, and she sighed contentedly in return.“HEY that was EASY!!” Loki exclaimed suddenly. “Tootifer, will you be engaged to me?” He asked.“Of course, Loki-kins, of course!!” she whispered with another sigh.

We had a wee bit of a remodel in preparation for Loki's moving in. He also sold off(or put in inventory) most of the stuff in his old mansion, effectively looting it before he moved out. This gave him about $30,000 to play with upon moving in with Tootie! So how is it that he moved in with an mere $2,000?! Loki, what in Jeebus's name did you DO with all those simoleons?? * sigh* I guess the bigger remodel can come later then.

Here's the view from the other side of the front doors, in the living room. On the side opposite the lie detector is a chess board and chairs, and there's a wall-mounted flat-screen t.v. on the wall across from the couch. The floral carpet leads into the combination kitchen and dining area.

Let's turn to the right however, and mosey on into the bedroom which is stylishly suffocating in animal prints; then we'll make our way into the single bathroom in the home which has been conveniently furnished with some of the lootings Loki managed to bring back from his former house. The desk against the wall here is also from that house.

Thought the tour was getting boring did you? Well not any longer! Striped walls add a “whimsical” touch to any interior or exterior. And how about those stolen kitchen furnishings!? Yes all of it, from the counters to the appliances came directly from his old house, which leaves absolutely nothing for his old room-mate Nervous Subject to survive on! Isn't it thrilling?!

“My favorite color? Gooshy Yum-Yum Brown number 963 !” Tootie said into the mirror, mimicking a hair coloring advertisement as she admired the slight alteration she'd made for her future husband. “ HEY is that a mole or a tick?” she wondered aloud, finding a spot on her face.

“You're fitter than before, right?” Tootie guessed enthusiastically, “Woo-wee yes very nice!!”

“Your hair is so brown..” Loki gasped, “ it looks just like chocolate macaroni!” he exclaimed delightedly.

Amazingly Circe is still 61/63, but not a friend. And now she has no phone(we'll have to fix that!). Let's see if our ol' buddy Gerard Landry is willing to take her place!

“Come on in Gerard, before you freeze your hairless little chest off.”

Mmm- mm! Nothing like a big steaming pile of spaghetti and moose-chunks to warm you inside and out!

The next day...“So like I was tellin' ya, never mind that whole prison thing – it was just a silly old phase I went through,” Tootie told her fiance in that lovely falsetto of hers.“Where'd the chocolate macaroni go?” Loki asked, ignoring that last bit.“It can come back if you like but- look- about all that minced balogna, it really wasn't my fault!” Tootie cried as she tried to steer the conversation back on track.

A distracted Tootie goes off to work to shape young, elementary-aged minds a short while later, hair fixed, shaking her head.

Later that day, Jill Smith made a visit. . .“Oh pshaw! Going to jail wasn't all that bad, once I realized that every single stinkin' day was gonna be 'Wacky Macky with Tobaccky day in the cafeteria,” Tootie told Jill.“So did they just layer the mac n' cheese with the tobacco in a parfait or what?” Jill asked.

“So then I went VAROOOMM and the skis went SWISH, and I ran into a big ol' pine tree just like this!” Jill related as she re-enacted her big Mt. Shudderbugget ski accident.

“You really crashed into a tree??” Tootie asked incredulously, laughing.“Well yeah, either that or I was making out with my instructor and I imagined the whole thing,” Jill replied, “ but I sure woke up with a lot of broken bones, whatever the case!”

The next day Tootie got the news that Circe had found a place with a phone, and convinced her to come over to try and repair their friendship.“Hiya friend-of-friends!” She greeted Circe with one big wave.“You're not blonde anymore. I suppose that means I can agree to come in,” Circe replied stiffly.

“And,” Tootie told her as they laughed through their tears, “he even has me wearing the baggies on my hands and feet, in the bed every night!” “He-he-he-heee,” Circe giggled, “ the plastic baggie obsession! I'd forgotten about that one!” she cackled.

“Here you go, a map to the Pagoda in the Shadows and five rocks – You forgive me right?” She asked.“Oho! Of course I do!!” Circe squealed. And then she had to go home.

“And then we made out right here!” she told Vidcund Curious that evening, describing her engagement, day-by-day to Loki.

Then Loki was home, and they could spend a joyous several hours at the chess board.“Loki my punchy-wunch-kins, what shall we name our little ones after?” she asked him.

“How about naming them after money,” He suggested, “seeing as they'll surely cost us a sack-load?” “Naaahhh...” Tootie replied.

“Hey look! A flying bikini-monster!!” Loki pointed over Tooty's head.“Ooh! Where?? What color??” She craned her head this way and that as she tried to find it.

A moment later he pulled almost the same trick.“Darned bikini monster won't quit flippity-floppin on the ceiling,” he commented.“Where do you keep seeing that silly thing??” Tooty asked as she began to look for it again.

With Tootie on the verge of a promotion at work, Loki decides to catch up with his old house-mate Nervous Subject, and maybe even make another friend.“Yeah we're best friends but now our problem is that we need the time to get married,” Loki explained to Nervous.

Hooray, Nervous came over after all!“Well at least she won't look like a beach ball in her wedding dress,” he said comfortingly to Loki.

“Yeah you're right, I do feel pretty safe about that,” Loki sighed dreamily as he began to think on the special day he'd wanted all his life, since a minute ago when Nervous said something!

“Isn't it a little fishy that I feel so safe about that?” Loki asked Nervous.“What's fishy is the texture of whatever's in the middle of my sandwich. Does yours taste kinda. . odd?” Nervous asked hesitantly.

“OH ha-ha, it's not FISH, It's monkey loaf! I knew it tasted familiar!” Nervous laughed in relief.

“You are SO RIGHT,” Loki said pointing, “it's that new Magic Monkey loaf! You know the adds? The little cappuchin with the itty-bitty wand??”Ohh yeah, uh-huh!” Nervous nodded, and then he sang in a chipper tone: “FOR-A MON-KEY TREAT THAT'S FUN TO-EAT, MAAAGIC MONKEY!”

TA-DAA! Tootie has been promoted to High School Teacher!!

Seeing as this(the day of Tootie's promotion) is the only day to do it, they rented an arch and slapped themselves under it, with only whoever was in the house and whoever passed by to witness it! Nervous stayed inside and played chess for the ceremony, and Johnny Smith(Pollination's son) happened to be on the sidewalk. Aren't they PRETTY?

It's almost as though Nervous heard the toasting bottle come out, 'cause here he is, waiting for them to get done. . let's just say they're enjoying the ceremony. lol..

Both the groom and the lackluster best man wait with dry tongues for Tootie to slowly sloooowwwlllyy pour the champagne, just like she's seen it done on television.

“Yaaay, cake time!” Johnny Smith clapped in the middle of the cake-cutting.

“Wait a minute, who ARE YOU kid??” Tootie exclaimed as she realized they did not know their guest.

Much to my complete surprise, Loki was very polite when it came to feeding his new bride. Because of the way he kept goofing off with their chess games I rather expected a messier shot. :-)

After kicking Nervous and Johnny off the property, it was time to erm. . . get to the point of this whole legacy thing!“Ohh Magic Monkey!” Loki managed to sigh through the drool.“Ohh disco- biscuit!” Tootie got out before all of the growling and barking started.

“Loki wants a hotrod and pregnant Tootie has to go get an alarm for it,” Tootie grumbles as she takes off for the auto shop.

Things are rolling right along for our budding family as Loki comes home promoted to Scholar!

Two things we learn at times like these: cheap linoleum is not good for kneeling on, and a spoonful of sugar does not keep the spaghetti down during pregnancy.

Possibly pregnant? Hungry and exhausted?? Tootie seems to know that you don't have to choose; it's all about compromising. lol

The next thing Tootie discovers is that grilled cheese sandwiches go down no better. lol..

We interrupt this game of chess for breaking . . . I mean popping news!

Loki got a wild-card in which he finally published his work on Extra-Special Relativity, earning himself TWO logic points(only needed 1 for promotion), and a $5,000 grant! Loki's been promoted to Top Secret Researcher despite a middling mood when he went to work! Cool!! What to do with the $15,000 they now have. . .

One thing we did was add on a nursery; to get to it however we had to scoot everything in the bathroom towards the kitchen(to create a walk-through), and why not change out the floor to a snazzier linoleum?

In preparation for the baby it'd be silly not to do a nursery. Here's a nice ugly starter room for one, but if there's any more than that, #2 might have to sleep in the dining room or something..

While we're doing things, what say we plan ahead a little and tack on bathroom #2! It's identical to #1 in layout, except for a a slightly different floor, and it has a different color of toilet. It also has the lower-grade shower-tub combo, hidden by the bookshelf. How exciting!

Here's an easy way to make extra cash while you're stuck at home on maternity leave: pick it from your money tree of course!

What a nice way to give papa-roo Loki a little social time – by talking to his future offspring!

“Your daddy is an EL-E-PHANT, can you say EL-E-PHANT?? I wanna hear you say it!” Loki coached the baby.

The first- born of the new generation of Freshnfruitys is here!! *does a few cartwheels *They're naming them after generic medicines, so welcome their little boy Ibuprofen Freshnfruity!

The first thing Tootie discovers is that the baby's chest cannot be used as a view-finder.

The stupid tub broke again, and I'm tired of calling the repairman for things like this. She started repairing with no mechanical knowledge whatsoever, and by the time it got repaired she'd gained a point! Congratulations Tootie, you now know more about plumbing repair than your husband. lol..

IIIIttt's Ibuprofen's birthday into toddlerhood!! Time to see how he REALLY came out!(you can be the drum-roll)

ba-da ba-da ba-da ba-da. . . .

Ba-da ba-da ba-da BLAM!As little Ibuprofen sprouted into a toddler, his cherubic features came out into the bright light of day. His father Loki looked concerned to say the least. “I dunno hon,” he said to his (off-screen)wife, “I was kinda hoping for the next Clark Gable.”“Well we can't exactly take him back and return him dear!”

And what comes after grow-up time?? Why a little pee-time of course! Ibuprofen makes his first mess for daddy to clean up. Aaawwww. . .

Tootie came home with a promotion to University Guest Lecturer! But some minor mischief was brewing at home. .“I'll just put this here and no one will notice,” the nanny said to herself.This looks like a good time to try out those lecturing skills, and it looks like Tootifer's thinking the same thing!

Ibuprofen has two days before he grows into a child, and all we've worked with him on is his potty-training! Time to sit down and concentrate on one of the other skills he needs. How 'bout teaching him to talk?“TED-DY,” Loki sounded it out for him.“ZE-BRA,” Ibuprofen said back, looking at the bedroom walls. Does it count if he gives you a word, but it's the wrong one?

We ALMOST had finished teaching him to talk when the baby started getting sleepy, and for some reason decided to go for a little crawl, and he took off fast!. From the nursery window you can still see Loki standing in the bathroom, looking lost.“Where did that kid go now??” Loki demanded as he looked all around him.

Good man! Loki found his son's crawl-tracks on the back porch, and like a rugged Outback explorer followed them until he found and caught him, just in time for the end of the chapter! Buh-bye! We'll see ya again when Chapter two rolls into town!
