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Friends and Lovers - Astrology SoftwarePlanet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Libra 12°Li03'...

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Friends and Lovers The Relationship Between Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban This sample report compliments of: Matrix Software 126 S. Michigan Ave.. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 527-2603

Friends and Lovers

The Relationship Between Nicole Kidman

and Keith Urban

This sample report compliments of:

Matrix Software 126 S. Michigan Ave.. Big Rapids, MI 49307

(231) 527-2603

The Astrological Charts

Nicole Kidman Jun 20, 1967 12:00:00 PM AHT +10:00 Honolulu, HI 157W51'30" 21N18'25" Placidus House System

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Gemini 28°Ge52' 10th 01 21°Vi13' Moon Sagittarius 11°Sg47' 03rd 02 20°Li03' Mercury Cancer 20°Ca53' 10th 03 20°Sc35' Venus Leo 14°Le15' 11th 04 21°Sg20' Mars Libra 18°Li48' 01st 05 21°Cp47' Jupiter Leo 05°Le09' 11th 06 21°Aq58' Saturn Aries 11°Ar29' 07th 07 21°Pi13' Uranus Virgo 20°Vi31' 12th 08 20°Ar03' Neptune Scorpio 22°Sc03' R 03rd 09 20°Ta35' Pluto Virgo 18°Vi06' 12th 10 21°Ge20' Midheaven Gemini 21°Ge20' 11 21°Ca47' Ascendant Virgo 21°Vi13' 12 21°Le58'

Keith Urban Oct 06, 1967 12:00:00 PM NZT -12:00 Whangarei, NZ 174E19'00" 35S43'00" Placidus House System

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Libra 12°Li03' 10th 01 22°Cp55' Moon Scorpio 12°Sc23' 10th 02 14°Aq04' Mercury Scorpio 07°Sc05' 10th 03 08°Pi41' Venus Virgo 01°Vi56' 08th 04 09°Ar01' Mars Sagittarius 17°Sg41' 11th 05 14°Ta47' Jupiter Leo 27°Le39' 08th 06 21°Ge01' Saturn Aries 08°Ar46' 03rd 07 22°Ca55' Uranus Virgo 25°Vi55' 09th 08 14°Le04' Neptune Scorpio 22°Sc36' 11th 09 08°Vi41' Pluto Virgo 21°Vi14' 09th 10 09°Li01' Midheaven Libra 09°Li01' 11 14°Sc47' Ascendant Capricorn 22°Cp55' 12 21°Sg01'

Copyright 1985-2003 Matrix Software, Inc.

Astrological Compatibility

Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts, the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other. This is the astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years.This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological connections between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are printed on the previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the charts. Any one of them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were requested. For each individual the two possible sections are: 1) How this person approaches relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is appropriate for all relationships this individual makes. 2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each paragraph interprets a contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text here pertains to this one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature of the relationship.Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as points of conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage the positive and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and lows of the passing years.

Report for Nicole Kidman How You Approach Relationships

You're a demon for details. There is no question in anyone's mind that you have got it all together, at least from an organizational standpoint. You are indeed cool, calm, and collected. Yet there is something missing. You yearn for contact and involvement. You need something to do and someone to care for. Talk about loving punishment -- you feel responsible for just about everyone, and tend to end up with some pretty hopeless cases. And we're talking major dreamers here. You can't resist them -- the woolier, the better. They need your help and can't seem to help themselves. The funny part is that you love it, and them!

Pisces on 7th Cusp

You have a penchant for dreamers, mystics, and the highly imaginative. You love to get carried away romantically, and your friends may find you are unrealistic and often disappointed. You like love right out of a romance novel, complete with a sense of mystery and otherworldliness. You value imagination in a lover, and probably love movies and music.

Neptune Ruler of 7th

You approach relationships with great caution and may even shy away from them. They are not something you are apt to take lightly. If you do enter into one, it is a very solemn business with you, even downright religious. You insist that any bond be a strong one and based on the most serious of reasons. You might just find it easier to join with God and live a religious life than to take a living partner. Not much given to flings, you may prefer to marry late or be involved in a marriage where one partner is much older than the other. Your social life may include priests, ministers, monks, and other very disciplined folks.

Saturn in 7th House

Report for Nicole Kidman Strengths in your relationships

Others soon learn how responsible you are, and that they can depend on you for real support. Sure, you are perhaps a little too organized and run more cool than hot, but you really do care and never let your friends down. Whatever you do is built upon a solid foundation, and that includes relationships. Too serious? Aloof? Perhaps, but you are loyal, dependable, and don't enter into relationships lightly.

Moon Trine Saturn (orb: 00 18')

An original thinker, perhaps an inventor. You have a very sharp mind, capable of real insight. You are always thinking of new ways to do things or a new use for something. You are great at finding solutions for existing problems where others have run out of ideas. Almost anything can be turned to an advantage, once you put your mind to it. Communication of all kinds, especially computers, electronics, and the new technology, is right up your alley.

Mercury Sextile Uranus (orb: 00 22')

You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you, and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.

Mercury Trine Neptune (orb: 01 10')

People just naturally love you, perhaps because they sense that you really care for them too. This amounts to more than just a minor talent. You have lots of friends, and many relationships. You're just fun to be around. You may hang out with artistic types, or be one yourself. The feminine, in all of its aspects: fashion, beauty, style, etc., is your cup of tea. You love people and working with the public.

Moon Trine Venus (orb: 02 28')

You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone) you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to work.

Venus Trine Saturn (orb: 02 46')

Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money, sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue

with you. Mercury Sextile Pluto (orb: 02 47')

A born lover. You feel right at home with your emotions, and others can't help but remark at your bright, cheery attitude. People like to be around you because you are very expressive and always quick to reveal when you like someone or something. You seldom hide what you are feeling. A love relationship is a real necessity for you and you seldom are without one. You are at home with your sexuality.

Venus Sextile Mars (orb: 04 33')

You were born lucky and have never had trouble finding support and approval from others. You may find that working with people is what you want to do for a career. Whether professionally or not, you will find yourself guiding and directing other people in one way or another. You have a way with other people and could do well in advertising, sales... any occupation that works with the public. If anything, you might have had it a little too easy, been a little too lucky.

Moon Trine Jupiter (orb: 06 38')

Report for Nicole Kidman Challenges in your relationships

You really put a lot of feeling in what you say. Others sense in you high energy and a certain tension that's always there. You have a quick mind, an even sharper tongue, and God help anyone who is foolish enough to try arguing with you. You tend toward impatience and irritability. Those who are close to you know that you often bitterly regret what you may blurt out in an instant.

Mercury Square Mars (orb: 02 06')

You have always felt vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may have a history of avoiding confrontation and self-examination. You are ever so sensitive to ideas of death, helplessness, and vulnerability in general. You see them only too well, and they haunt you. There may well be some childhood experiences that were rough or harsh for you to accept. Any partner will have to tread very gently when it comes to matters of feelings and security. You may tend to dominate a relationship, but without success.

Moon Square Pluto (orb: 06 19')

You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding.

Mars Opposition Saturn (orb: 07 19')

Everyone who comes to know you will remark on your high ideals. You are indeed a beautiful soul, and you probably suffer many disappointments. Friends may see you as unrealistic and otherworldly, afraid to put your dreams to the bitter test of life and actuality. Those close to you may feel that your continual disappointments are a deception on your part, a refusal to face life.

Venus Square Neptune (orb: 07 49')

You may be somewhat of a rebel, with a history of going up against authority. You like to stand alone -- an outrider at the fringe of society -- like the old-time outlaws. You have a knack for separating yourself from the herd. You end up as the loner, although this is not always what you want. You need a partner in this life, a go-between for you and the status quo.

Sun Square Uranus (orb: 08 22')

You are unconventional, at the expense of your own popularity. You did not care to follow in the footsteps of a traditional upbringing, and you may have left some very disappointed parents behind as you set out on your own. Independence and originality for you have been almost a private thing. You have sought it out despite the occasional disapproval of the status-quo. You may be restless and move around a lot. Your desire for personal freedom has always gone against the majority.

Moon Square Uranus (orb: 08 44')

Report for Nicole Kidman Your Relationship with Keith Urban

You can benefit a lot from the support of this person. If you stop and think about it, you couldn't imagine a much more perfect response from the cosmos to yourself than you find in Keith. For one, he is almost totally supportive of you, warts and all. And there is every reason to believe that he could aid you financially, as well as romantically. Good things could happen with and through him. Here is a real opportunity for you to take hold and develop your resources. This is fertile soil for many things.

His Moon in Your Second House

Your meeting Keith was exciting and action oriented. In many ways, you are two of a kind. Chances are that you identified with him at once. After all, he is very much like yourself -- like looking in a mirror. Just the person to draw you out of yourself and get you doing things. He may have brought a sense of adventure and risk into your life. You found yourself doing things with him, daring to live, and making a statement. You found yourself really coming across with him, being all that you can be. As corny as this sounds, the world has really been more responsive to you since you met Keith.

His Sun in Your First House

He becomes very articulate when it comes to matters concerning your finances, resources, and possessions in general. You feel that he truly is concerned with what is best and most productive for you. Here is someone you can really talk to about subjects that most might find dull and unexciting. You find his suggestions to the point and almost always productive. You might like to take him on as a business partner just for his financial insight.

His Mercury in Your Second House

It's not everyone that can have the side-effect of making us feel a little saintlike. This does happen when the two of you get together. He manages to find qualities in you like self-sacrifice and forgiveness that you may have overlooked in yourself. In Keith's "light" your better qualities get exposed. He appreciates your more dreamy and psychological side too. There is a lot of silent rapport there.

His Venus in Your Twelfth House

Keith is quite direct and may tend to come on strong, even to the point of aggressiveness. Or, he may evoke a strong verbal response on your part. Whatever the effect, you will find that interchange with him has the result of moving you to think and to have new ideas. Communication will be brisk and may involve lots of emotion. You could find all of this refreshing, inspiring, and just what you need to set you going on some project involving writing or communication.

His Mars in Your Third House

He will have a very strong psychological effect on you, particularly in regard to the way you live your personal life. High ideals and humanitarian sentiments are fine, but Keith has the ability to lead you to putting these thoughts to work on a day-to-day level. Through him you may learn how to really forgive one another, how to let barbs and harsh

words roll off your back. He can put you in touch with goals more important than money or recognition -- internal happiness and self-respect.

His Jupiter in Your Twelfth House

A serious and perhaps lasting relationship, but not necessarily a romance. Keith can't help but exert a certain influence or control on your social sense -- how you react to other people. You may find it difficult to respond to him, for he might be more at home at a funeral than a party. If you are too loose and free on the social scene, this could be a beneficial person to know. You will learn a lot in a hurry.

His Saturn in Your Seventh House

Never dull, you find Keith's offbeat ways and independent manner exciting. There is always a sense of the unusual or unexpected when you are together. He may lead you off the beaten path, introducing you to new and unconventional people and places. There is a bohemian flavor to this relationship.

His Uranus in Your First House

I am sure both of you wax poetic when you're together. Your imagination is in top form and you seem to rise to the occasion and find just the right words. There is an almost dreamy or unworldly quality about your communications. You get carried away very easily and may sometimes wonder if there is a tendency for you each to delude the other. Who cares? It's just like in the movies!

His Neptune in Your Third House

You found Keith intense and direct from the start. Here is someone you just can't ignore. This can be a very exciting relationship. You feel he can look into inner secrets and will not hesitate to challenge you. Conversations tend to be deep and turbulent. You may find yourself going through major changes through knowing him. There may be a struggle for control or power.

His Pluto in Your First House

Report for Nicole Kidman Strengths in your relationship with Keith Urban

You are always 100% behind Keith. You would make a great campaign manager, and this could also be a good business partnership. You can't help but be supportive of his needs, and he feels that he can always count on you.

Your Moon Sextile His Sun (orb: 00 16')

He finds you willing and able to discuss even the most sensitive, personal, and psychological issues. You naturally understand the changes he's going through, and you have a knack for putting them into words. This could be a fine business relationship because both of you can concentrate on the essentials.

Your Mercury Sextile His Pluto (orb: 00 21')

This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good emotional exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since you both tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.

Your Mars Sextile His Mars (orb: 01 07')

Keith may be one of your most valuable assets and have a great influence on your career and life direction. Through his support you may succeed in finding solutions to many a problem. You work well together and would make good partners.

Your Sun Sextile His Jupiter (orb: 01 13')

You somehow are able to put Keith's dreams and ideals into words. He finds you very imaginative, even eloquent, and may love poetry and music that you write. There is a basic sense of shared ideals, and you have long dreamy conversations.

Your Mercury Trine His Neptune (orb: 01 43')

You just love Keith, perhaps from the very start, and he knows it. You value him just as he is. He dotes on being the object of your affections. This is a very nice combination.

Your Venus Sextile His Sun (orb: 02 12')

This is a good working relationship. Keith tends to bring a real sense of discipline and order into your life. You feel like making a sustained effort when you are with him. You can't help but support his sense for organization and order.

Your Moon Trine His Saturn (orb: 03 00')

You have always known that he loves you, and you can't help but find this charming. You have a sense of being valued and appreciated for the right reasons. This is a warm and affectionate relationship.

Your Sun Sextile His Venus (orb: 03 04')

This is a very romantic relationship. Keith senses your appreciation for his energy and basic sex appeal. He really moves you to new heights in the love department. There is a sense of healthy fun and good energy.

Your Venus Trine His Mars (orb: 03 26')

You have a natural appreciation for his problems and are probably very understanding

with him. You may love his sense of organization and self-discipline. You may be a trifle undemonstrative when you are around him, a little too sober perhaps.

Your Venus Trine His Saturn (orb: 05 28')

Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very healthy. There is a strong sexual rapport. He finds you very supportive when it comes to his feelings and emotions. This is probably a very active relationship. He tends to push you on to be a real provider.

Your Moon Conjunction His Mars (orb: 05 54')

This could be an excellent partnership, whether romantic or otherwise. You feel that you can really get behind Keith and push him on to new heights. Feelings run high, and there is always lots of action.

Your Mars Conjunction His Sun (orb: 06 44')

He has a way with words which you find flattering and interesting, since the subject is often you. He loves to talk to you and may also write you letters. You find him stimulating mentally, and communication is most often smooth.

Your Sun Trine His Mercury (orb: 08 12')

Keith likes talking and communicating with you. You have a knack for bringing out the best in him, making it easy for him to say what's on his mind. He feels your genuine support and enjoys what he finds himself saying and thinking in your presence. He knows that he can speak his mind when he is with you.

Your Mercury Trine His Moon (orb: 08 30')

Report for Nicole Kidman Challenges in your relationship with Keith Urban

There may be some hurt feelings on Keith's part because he feels unappreciated by you. You don't always give him the credit that he feels he is due. He may refuse to give you the kind of support and nurturing that you're looking for. You both tend to be at loggerheads over this.

Your Venus Square His Moon (orb: 01 52')

You never know what to expect with Keith. His need for variety and the unusual may conflict with your own more conservative trends. He may tend to be a rebel, with you always playing the authority figure. Sometimes hectic; seldom boring.

Your Sun Square His Uranus (orb: 02 57')

You don't like the way he thinks and expresses himself. You just don't appreciate many of the things he says to you. This bugs him, and he may insist on going against your own set of values.

Your Venus Square His Mercury (orb: 07 10')

He may feel that you pooh-pooh his fears and worries. His own need for sensitive self-examination and transformation may not appeal to you, with the result that you may sidestep his little confrontations. There could be a bit of a power struggle, complete with explosions.

Your Sun Square His Pluto (orb: 07 38')

There may be some problems in communication. You may find it difficult to talk with Keith, or attempts at communication end up in a standstill. His attitude and manner may leave you feeling frustrated, unable to communicate.

Your Mercury Square His Sun (orb: 08 50')

The fact that you find it difficult to put up with his need for confrontation and self-analysis may cause resentment. Your lack of support in this area may lead to explosive times and hurt feelings. You are tired of the tension and don't feel like putting your emotions through one more transformation.

Your Moon Square His Pluto (orb: 09 27')

He may not appreciate your feelings and emotions, and may not like your moods. You may tend to ignore his values and ideals and take them too lightly. He senses that you may not support his sense of values. There could be a kind of cold war going on.

Your Moon Square His Venus (orb: 09 51')

You may find his influence limiting and even oppressive at times. He may tend to cling to you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority problems. He may view you as harsh or restrictive.

Your Sun Square His Saturn (orb: 09 54')

Report for Keith Urban How You Approach Relationships

Who would expect from your dignified and staid manner that you require so much mothering from a partner? Your natural business sense and conservative nature in general might point to your hooking up with a real no-nonsense and even cool type. Not the case. You are attracted by feeling and emotional types, and a good strong display of emotion never put you off, although you may prefer it in the privacy of your home. You find it hard to be demonstrative, yet you love to be cared for and even babied.

Cancer on 7th Cusp

You need lots of love and attention, and you don't mind being mothered a bit, either. You like partners who are emotionally sensitive, supportive, and nurturing. A bit of mothering goes a long way with you.

Moon Ruler of 7th

Report for Keith Urban Strengths in your relationships

Good things tend to come your way, and you could end up with a lot of money, property -- possessions of all kinds. You are by nature generous, and probably give as much as you get. There could be a love of travel and exploring, finding your own way through life. You tend to appreciate authority, your elders, and conservative values. Others will value you for your warmth and openness. You are quite fortunate.

Venus Conjunction Jupiter (orb: 04 17')

You communicate very well, and it is easy for you to give others a feeling for whatever you're thinking. You tend to believe that there is almost no problem that cannot be handled with words, by talking it out. You could be a fine speaker. Your natural sensitivity for the feelings and thoughts of those around you makes you a valued community member. Needless to say, you want a partner who is at home with feelings and -- above all -- likes to talk.

Moon Conjunction Mercury (orb: 05 18')

You have great emotional control, and this allows you to pace yourself in ways average people cannot. You can keep control when others lose it. This suggests the capacity for sustained effort on your part which may manifest in a natural athletic ability. Your relationships, which tend to be long lasting, are easy going. There is an accent on leadership and masculinity.

Sun Sextile Mars (orb: 05 38')

Report for Keith Urban Challenges in your relationships

Often, through no fault of your own, you find yourself at odds with authority, the law, and conventions in general. Maintaining a good self-image may be difficult. There is a tendency to leave things unfinished, or to not do a thorough job. Success for you comes thru hard and precise work. You need a partner who will work with you while you find your own way.

Sun Opposition Saturn (orb: 03 17')

A history of insecurity, possibly fear of confrontation and of getting to the heart of things. Competitive to the point of power struggles. Frequent blow-ups. Things tend to build up to the point where you go through some big transformation and start over. Your attempts to control relationships end with your feeling rejected. A very understanding, psychologically oriented partner is in order.

Mars Square Pluto (orb: 03 33')

Report for Keith Urban Your Relationship with Nicole Kidman

In Nicole you sense that here is someone who instinctively understands and is supportive of your deepest hopes and dreams -- all that is best in you. You were probably good friends right from the start, and this friendship may be more important to you than any love relationship that develops. You both could be part of a group or a cause, and matters of conscience and ideals are something that you both can get behind. When you are with her, your more altruistic ambitions and aims seem to come to the fore.

Her Moon in Your Eleventh House

Meeting Nicole has got to be good for you, at least for your health and personal habits. She is sure to give you a hand at implementing all those many projects that you have never gotten around to doing, like eating better, cutting down on this, and so forth. She is really able to get you to work on taking care of these kinds of details. And she cares for you in about every way you could imagine. Where else could you get this kind of service? In many ways she is your own conscience come alive. Working hand and hand with her should take a great burden off your mind.

Her Sun in Your Sixth House

When the two of you get together for an intensive talk session, watch out. You love to discuss the details of work and matters relating to your health, self-improvement, and general well-being. She brings out ideas on how to improve and care for yourself. On the down side, both of you can slip into a very critical vein, especially of others. You may find yourself working together in some editorial or managerial capacity.

Her Mercury in Your Sixth House

She finds you more sexy than just attractive. You felt this quality from the first. Her appreciation for you is quite bare and direct. It cuts through words and needless explanations. You can't resist. It's as if she already knows the real you and likes what she finds. She handles the most sensitive areas of your personality without even asking your permission. She knows what to do. A very exciting condition.

Her Venus in Your Eighth House

Nicole is on a one-person campaign to bolster your career and public image. She seems to know which way you are headed and wants to give you a boost in that direction. She is very ambitious when it comes to your career and is always pushing to improve your prospects. Although this can be tiresome, and you may not always be in the mood for improvement, it is mostly beneficial. She really does know what she is doing.

Her Mars in Your Tenth House

Nicole may have been the means for you to meet many new people in your life. You like to be in the public and feel social when you are with her. She makes it easy for you to respond to others, understand them, and share in the common experience of life. She could be instrumental in leading you into a career involving the public or bringing your current career into greater public attention. There is a real sense of comradery with you two.

Her Jupiter in Your Seventh House

Nicole loves routine. She takes the domestic scene very seriously and especially loves to work around the home. You may find this helpful at times, but more likely you will experience it as restricting. There is a sense of heaviness, as if limits have been set on the experience of just living out a day. On the up side, there is a great sense of security and provision.

Her Saturn in Your Fourth House

Nicole could be a teacher for you -- sort of a life teacher or guide. Not what you would call a tranquil relationship, it may be subject to fits and starts. When you are with her, you may experience real insight into the nature of life -- spiritual ideas. She has unusual and possibly quite radical views of religion. Her approach is what is so different. It is possible that through her you discovered an entirely new way of looking at your life and the world. It's on again, off again.

Her Uranus in Your Ninth House

Your friends may find Nicole enchanting. She brings an almost otherworldly quality into your friendships, partly due to her strong idealism and eloquence. She could have the effect of uniting a group around their common center of interest. Music and the arts come to the fore. At times you may feel this relationship has an unreal quality to it, that it lacks all sense of practicality.

Her Neptune in Your Eleventh House

A different kind of teacher. Nicole tends to view life and philosophy just the way you do. She may take the lead when it comes to introducing you to new ideas and getting rid of worthless pipe dreams. She is an intellectual challenge, and does not hesitate to throw ideas of yours out the window that she finds not to the point. You will seldom find someone who is as intellectually aggressive, a kind of mental purgative. She can change your basic philosophy of life.

Her Pluto in Your Ninth House

Report for Keith Urban Strengths in your relationship with Nicole Kidman

You understand how she feels, and you find it is easy to cheer her up and generally facilitate her emotionally. She is very supportive, even protective of you. This is a healthy relationship.

Your Sun Sextile Her Moon (orb: 00 16')

This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good emotional exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since you both tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.

Your Mars Sextile Her Mars (orb: 01 07')

You have always known that she loves you, and you can't help but find this charming. You have a sense of being valued and appreciated for the right reasons. This is a warm and affectionate relationship.

Your Sun Sextile Her Venus (orb: 02 12')

You just love Nicole, perhaps from the very start, and she knows it. You value her just as she is. She dotes on being the object of your affections. This is a very nice combination.

Your Venus Sextile Her Sun (orb: 03 04')

She loves the way you act and come on. Your basic energy and motivation appeals to her. You may find yourself on stage and performing for her. This makes for lots of fun and great romance.

Your Mars Trine Her Venus (orb: 03 26')

She looks to you for support for her need for self-analysis and emotional probing. You probably have spent many a late night helping her through a change or two. You find her intensity workable, and you don't mind that she puts you through some emotional changes of your own.

Your Moon Sextile Her Pluto (orb: 05 43')

Nicole is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. She urges you on to perform at your very best. There is a lot of energy between you, and this could be a very productive relationship for you both.

Your Mars Conjunction Her Moon (orb: 05 54')

She manages to exert a good influence on your drive to succeed, bringing discipline and order that you may lack. There could be a long-term and hard-working relationship. She manages your talents with skill and understanding.

Your Mars Trine Her Saturn (orb: 06 12')

You understand her emotions and like the way Nicole feels about life. She can really move you to take action and accomplish things. There could be a shared love of sports, even a competitive feeling. This could be a long and romantic relationship.

Your Sun Conjunction Her Mars (orb: 06 44')

You find it easy to talk to (sometimes at) Nicole, and you think about her a lot. She encourages you mentally, and may support some communication project you are involved in -- speaking, writing, etc.

Your Mercury Trine Her Sun (orb: 08 12')

She finds you very supportive and easy to talk to. Nicole has a knack for understanding how you feel about something, putting your feelings into words that make sense to you. You might find yourself encouraging mental pursuits on her part -- writing, speaking, communications.

Your Moon Trine Her Mercury (orb: 08 30')

You both probably love music, theater, and -- above all -- the movies. She finds you very supportive when it comes to her dreams and fantasies. You probably find it easy to get lost together in any of a number of imaginative activities. You tend to get emotionally very clear and high when the two of you are together.

Your Moon Conjunction Her Neptune (orb: 09 40')

Report for Keith Urban Challenges in your relationship with Nicole Kidman

Power struggles are likely, as well as harsh feelings. Your drive and ambition may tend to ignore her need for confrontation and analysis. You may refuse to face sensitive issues. This is a very emotional, and possibly explosive, relationship.

Your Mars Square Her Pluto (orb: 00 25')

You may find her influence limiting and even oppressive at times. She may tend to cling to you, and there is this sense of never being able to really get going. There may be authority problems. She may view you as harsh or restrictive.

Your Sun Opposition Her Saturn (orb: 00 34')

She may not appreciate your feelings and emotions, and may not like your moods. You may tend to ignore her values and ideals and take them too lightly. She senses that you may not support her sense of values. There could be a kind of cold war going on.

Your Moon Square Her Venus (orb: 01 52')

A basic lack of communication, particularly regarding Nicole's career decisions. She tends to go against your way of thinking, or you refuse to talk about this subject with her. It may be difficult to communicate.

Your Mercury Square Her Jupiter (orb: 01 56')

Sudden outbursts of temper and unusual emotions may color this relationship. Your inner drive and feelings may tend to go against her need for independence and freedom.

Your Mars Square Her Uranus (orb: 02 50')

She doesn't appreciate the way your mind works. Your words are wasted on her. You may find yourself being mentally critical of her ideals and sense of values. She doesn't like the way you think.

Your Mercury Square Her Venus (orb: 07 10')

Nicole may feel that she doesn't have your support when it comes to matters of career and life direction. There may be hard feelings. You may find the decisions she makes upsetting to you emotionally. Her basic philosophy of life can sometimes be at odds with the way you are feeling.

Your Moon Square Her Jupiter (orb: 07 14')

She may not always think highly of you and is not afraid to let you know when this is the case. You may sometimes tend to discount what she says and squelch communication. You don't always like what she thinks.

Your Sun Square Her Mercury (orb: 08 50')

There may be some hurt feelings on Nicole's part because she feels unappreciated by you. You don't always give her the credit that she feels she is due. She may refuse to give you the kind of support and nurturing that you're looking for. You both tend to be at loggerheads over this.

Your Venus Square Her Moon (orb: 09 51')
