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Friends of Al-Aqsa Report 2010

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12 Years of Campaigning for Peace in Palestine
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12 Years of Campaigning for Peace in Palestine REPORT 2010
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12 Years of Campaigning for Peace in Palestine


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12 Years of Campaigning for Peace in Palestine


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Spot the difference

And much more…

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Friends of Al Aqsa plays a key role in highlighting the injustice faced by Palestinians – whether in the West Bank, in Gaza, in Israel or in the wider Diaspora. Their focus on the Al Aqsa Mosque reminds us all that a sustainable peace requires both an end to occupation and a Jerusalem where the rights of all faiths are upheld in a spirit of equality.

Richard Burden MP, Chair, Britain-Palestine All Party, Parliamentary Group


For any group to stand firm and unwavering in their convictions, in their commitment to the Al Aqsa in Jerusalem, and to all that it represents in these most trying and difficult times, is not only worthy of appreciation, but more of recognition and support.

I had the honour and the privilege to visit with our friends, the Friends of Al Aqsa. I found them very gracious and most welcoming. I also found them a group of people who are totally committed to that which is good, which is just, which is peaceful, which brings harmony among the adherents of the faith traditions, always promoting and strengthening coexistence.

I also found in them people not only concerned about holy places and holy shrines, important as these may be, but more about the people, the Liv-ing Stones in the Land of the Holy One, in Jerusalem, whose hearts and minds are daily focused on Al Aqsa, ever hoping and ever praying that it may regain its liberation from occupation and that free access to it becomes the right of all who wish to draw near to God in prayer.

Wishing you, and all involved, God’s blessing.

Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal, Former Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem

Since it was founded twelve years ago, Friends of Al Aqsa have provided a brilliant service and resource for everyone who cares about the Palestinian case and peace in the Middle East.

Their lobbying of politicians and support for boycotts and the co-ordination they have created with other campaign groups are of so much value.

Anyone who has visited the Dome in Old Jerusalem and appreciated the beauty and significance of that part of the city can understand why it must be preserved for always, for all religions and none. It is a symbol for us all.

Long may Friends of Al Aqsa continue with their work.

Baroness Jenny Tonge









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Friends of Al-Aqsa have been an advocate for the Palestinian cause in Britain for over a decade. There can be little doubt about the influence of this organisation on shaping opinions and directing people at the grass roots level to engage in positive actions to help alleviate the sufferings of the Palestinian people. Friends of Al-Aqsa have provided a vent for frustrations over the stalemate in the region, and continue to guide people to lobby and campaign for justice utilising all the means available, politically and socially in the UK.

We wish them the best of luck in the years to come.

Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Muslim Council of Britain

For 12 years now the scope of Friends of al-Aqsa’s work has been broad and their demand unwavering: peace and justice in Palestine - nothing less. As we at Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East approach our first birthday, I can reflect on an excellent relationship with Friends of al-Aqsa who have been a huge help. They have been open to a flow of information and ideas, always ready to meet with us and work together. They are an inspiration to all of us.

Martin Linton MP Chair, Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East








Congratulations to Friends of Al Aqsa on 12 years of dedicated work defending the human rights of Palestinians, and working alongside the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in its campaigning for peace and justice. We look forward to continuing our cooperation so that we see the Palestinian people achieve through self determination, their own sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital the right of return of the refugees.

Betty Hunter, General Secretary, Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Friends of Al-Aqsa has been doing invaluable work in campaigning for justice for the Palestinians since their inception in 1997. They have played a key role in exposing the reality of Israeli apartheid. It is testimony to their success that they have been subject to vilification for doing so. Friends of Al-Aqsa’s contribution to the broader solidarity movement in educating and organising on behalf of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, their courage, and their resolve, is an inspiration to us all.

Councillor Salma Yaqoob, Leader, The Respect Party

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‘Glory be to (Allah) who did take His servant for a journey by night from the sacred Masjid to al-Masjid al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), whoseprecincts We did bless.’

Holy Quran, Al-Isra: 17:1

Friends of Al-Aqsa was set up in 1997 by a number of concerned individuals who wished to take positive steps to help bring about peace in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and de-fend the sacred al-Aqsa Masjid from the threat of extremist Israeli settlers.

12 years of campaigning, lobbying, educating, writing, and researching has resulted in an enormous shift in the public understanding of the conflict, resulting in ever increasing numbers of people boycotting, campaigning and lobbying their MPs.

Despite the tangible successes, peace in

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Palestine still remains illusive. The conflict which began in 1948, and intensified in 1967, is today jeopardising the health, safety and well-being of every Palestinian in the territories. Particularly in Gaza, the level of suffering has intensified to such a degree that many are calling the situation there a humanitarian catastrophe.

In the West Bank, Israel’s illegal separation Wall has cut off many towns from their farmland and caused thousands of Pale stinians further misery. Children affected by the wall are cut off from their schools, entire villages are sur-rounded and access to health care facilities are impeded. Peaceful protests in town like Bil’in

are met with deadly Israeli force. Yet despite the dangers, Palestinians continue to stage their protests as they have no other choice.

The current wane in peace talks has left many in the region despairing. For international activists against the occupation, it has been a testing time as increasing pressure is mounted on us by Israel while it seeks to legitimise even the most brutal attacks against Palestinians. Yet, the peace movement continues to grow unabated and that is a fact that keeps each of us hopeful that justice will be achieved. Ultimately, even if our politicians fail to put pressure on Israel to abide by international law and human

rights standards, they can still be brought to account by individuals who choose to boycott and raise awareness until the truth of the occupation can no longer be denied.

Palestinians need to know that they are not forgotten, so that they have the hope which helps them to get through each day. We are here to give them that hope and to eventually help bring about a just and viable peace whereby all people in the region, Palestinian and Israeli, can live in peace and harmony.

Ismail Adam PatelChairman

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The issue of Occupied Palestine is complex and invokes an array of emotions in people all across the world. For Muslims, it is a deeply religious affair, as Palestine encompasses the land ‘Blessed’ by Allah (swt) and houses one of the holiest places of worship - al-Masjid al-Aqsa.

Apart from an 88 year period of crusader rule in the 12th century, Palestine and Jerusalem have been in Muslim hands since 637AD. Under Muslim rule, for the majority of this time, Jerusalem was made free for the followers of all three monotheistic faiths: Jews, Christians and Muslims and the city enjoyed true pluralism.

The occupation of Palestine is a basic human rights issue. Since 1967, the Palestinian population has been robbed of a vast array of rights enshrined in international laws protecting occupied populations.

Israel’s rejection of the applicability of the Geneva Conventions in the occupied territories has deprived the Palestinians of protection of even their basic dignity. The international community has repeatedly failed to secure Israeli compliance with international humanitarian law which was seen most recently in the war on Gaza during December 2008 to January 2009. Despite international condemnation, no Israeli soldier or general has yet been found guilty of the War Crimes that were well documented.

Friends of Al-Aqsa set out with a series of objectives to work relentlessly towards justice


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for Palestinians, peace in Palestine and protection of the sacred and holy Al-Aqsa Sanctuary.

Friends of Al-Aqsa is a non-profit making organisation with a large number of voluntary workers, supported by various international groups and organisations. During the past 12 years, the team has worked hard to establish a pro-Palestine movement in Britain, and is now recognised as one of the leading voices advocating an end to the occupation.


The land of Palestine has been occupied since 1948, following a bloody war between a massive immigrant Jewish population and the indigenous Arab Palestinians. The state of Israel was declared on 14th May 1948 on 78% of Mandate Palestinian land. The Palestinians who escaped being massacred by extremist Jewish gangs such as the Irgun and Stern gangs; fled to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and other neigh-bouring countries. Palestinians have struggled to liberate their homeland since that time.

In 1967, after the 6 Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours, Israel occupied the remainder of Palestinian land (the West Bank and Gaza Strip) and parts of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. Palestinians were once again displaced, some for the second time. The illegal occupying forces have created nearly 6 million refugees, who until this day live in make shift refugee camps and/or as second class citizens in other countries.

Those that remained in occupied Palestine have to shoulder the harsh burden of apartheid laws. Their movement within their own country is restricted; families are split due to harsh residency laws; rights to build houses is restricted stifling the needs of natural growth; arrests and detentions are prevalent with little justification, and indefinite detention a norm. Israeli abuse of Palestinian human rights is well documented by organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, and

Map of 1949 Armistice Line


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span across religious, political, educational, legal and other basic rights.

The dangers posed to the Al-Aqsa sanctuary within the Old City of Jerusalem remains prominent. The Al-Aqsa is a blessed land of 35 acres encircled by high walls and gates. Within this sanctuary lies the beautiful Dome of the Rock and another Masjid given the name al-Masjid al-Aqsa. It is not the structures that hold the greatest significance, although they should be protected if only to preserve the Islamic history and heritage of the site. It is actually the land of Al-Aqsa that Allah (swt) has blessed and referred too many times

in the Qur’an, and its virtues and status were affirmed in Ahadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him).

The Al-Aqsa sanctuary has been under attack since Israel’s 1967 illegal occupation of East Jerusalem. In 1969, an extremist Israeli infiltrated the compound disguised as a Muslim and executed a well prepared plan, setting the Mimbar (pulpit) within al-Masjid al-Aqsa on fire. This Mimbar was commissioned by Nuradeen in 1146AD when the city of Jerusalem was under Crusader rule; to be placed in the al-Masjid al-Aqsa after its liberation, which was duly carried out by Salahadeen 40 years later.


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The centuries old Mimbar was completely destroyed and extensive damage to the rest of the Masjid took twenty years to repair.

Several Israeli excavations beneath the Al-Aqsa Sanctuary are believed to have weakened the foundations leading to cracks in some parts of the Masjid walls. Extremist Zionist organisations such as ‘The Temple Mount Fund’ have openly declared their desire to demolish all the buildings within the Al-Aqsa Sanctuary and replace them with a Jewish Temple. The proposed plans and photographs of this Jewish Temple have been printed in Jewish papers and postcards of the photographs are sold openly in

the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. A scale model of the proposed Temple has been put on view in the lobby of several hotels in Jerusalem.

These groups have been working without restriction from the state and are confident that a Jewish Temple will be built within the Al-Aqsa sanctuary. While this ambition was pre-viously restricted to some extreme elements of the Israeli society, in recent years, it has become a goal of the mainstream Israeli society.

The dangers to al-Masjid al-Aqsa have become heightened with the building of the apartheid wall by Israel, which encircles Jerusalem, cutting

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it off from the rest of the West Bank. This has drastically reduced the Palestinian control over the sanctuary, and extremist Israeli’s have become more vocal in their calls for demolishing the buildings within it. The number of confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli’s around with within the walled sanctuary is also on the increase.

The UN Security Council has passed more than 20 resolutions condemning Israel’s annexation of Old Jerusalem and its military occupation of the West Bank and over 100 times re-affirmed the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. The building of the apartheid wall has lead to the expropriation of even more Palestinian land in the West Bank, and this thinly guised land grabbing exercise has been sold to the world as being in the interests of Israeli security. The route of the wall shows a clear pattern of land confiscation in the most fertile parts of the West Bank. In an Advisory Opinion in 2004, the International Court of Justice declared the path of the wall to be illegal.

Repeated violations of human rights, disregard for International Law, restriction of access into Al-Aqsa Sanctuary and the physical desecration of al-Masjid al-Aqsa has been and is being committed routinely by Israel. The struggle for the liberation of Palestine opposes all of this.


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FRIENDS OF AL-AQSAAims and Objectives

The following aims and objectives are being pursued using all the available peaceful, legal and democratic means:

1. Highlighting Human Rights abuses suffered by the Palestinians

2. Putting pressure on the British government to make Israel respect International Law and human rights

3. Bringing the Palestinian issue to the attention of those concerned with International Law, human rights and UN Resolutions

4. Mobilising international condemnation for Israel’s apartheid policies to be manifested through the boycott of Israel

5. Educating people on the issue of Palestine through conferences, lectures and publications

6. Emphasising the significance and the centrality of the al-Aqsa Mosque to the Islamic faith and the Muslim identity and re-affirming the Muslim historic and religious rights to the area

7. Working in conjunction with international heritage, cultural and humanitarian organisations in joint ventures to advance these aims


Friends of Al-Aqsa enjoys support across Britain. Branches have been established in the following cities:

London, Birmingham, Walsall, Bradford, Preston, Liverpool, Bristol, Dewsbury, Batley, Glasgow and Bolton

FRIENDS OF AL-AQSAAims and Objectives

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Politics and Lobbying

From its inception, Friends of Al-Aqsa has attempted to engage a wide spectrum of politicians of all backgrounds to create policy promoting the end of the Israeli Occupation and redress for the injustices suffered by Palestinians. Friends of Al-Aqsa has held and attended fringe meetings at the annual Party Conferences of the Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrat political parties.

Relationships have been established with numerous MPs across the parties and Friends

of Al-Aqsa also now enjoys the support of some peers. All of this has been essential in achieving a change in the government’s stance on the conflict, and in recent months, the British government is showing signs of becoming more objective of Israeli actions than witnessed historically.

Friends of Al-Aqsa monitors politicians and encourages supporters to lobby their MP’s on specific issues including signing up to EDM’s promoting justice for Palestinians.



The campaigns which have been promoted by Friends of Al-Aqsa are diverse. These include lobbies of Parliament, media responses, awareness days, and boycott action amongst others.

Politics and Lobbying

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Achievements and Successes

Friends of Al-Aqsa remains indebted to the hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters across the country who make our work possible. Our recent successes include:

Aqsa News

Aqsa News was re-launched in January 2006 in the format of a newspaper. This quarterly publication is distributed for free across the country and has drawn praise from many sectors as an up to date information resource which ensures the struggle Palestinians face on a day to day basis is not forgotten.

Boycott Israeli Dates

This campaign was launched in time for Ramadan 2009, and was rolled out nationally. As a result of the efforts of our supporters, the sale of Israeli dated dipped, while the sale of Palestinian Fair Trade dates increased manifold. This campaign will continue in the coming years.


The Friends of Al-Aqsa web-site has seen many changes over the year. It is a vital resource for those looking for a general update on the situation, while also providing links, articles, journals, books, reviews and a whole array of other resources online. The number of hits being received on the web-site is continually increasing.





Boycott Israel

The Friends of Al-Aqsa boycott campaign has been ongoing. We have witnessed a number of successes including:

AMAZON.comFollowing a successful boycott campaign, Amazon stopped an advertising campaign with the Jerusalem Post which intended to donate profits to Israeli Soldiers returning from the Occupied Territories. Eden SpringsThis mineral water company which operates from the occupied territories was forced to close down its operations in Scotland following a national boycott campaign. FreedomCallThis British telecommunications firm terminated its contract with Israeli company MobileMax following Israel’s war on Gaza. Birmingham City CouncilThis local council voted in favour of boycotting all Israeli goods from its premises.

This RamadhanDon’t break

your fast with

Israeli dates

Check the labels before you buy.Boycott these dates:

x xx xx


Aqsa News

Boycott Israeli Dates

Boycott Israel


Achievements and Successes

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Hosting the Bishop of Jerusalem

Friends of Al-Aqsa also had the honour of hosting Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal, the former Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, during a visit to the UK in March 2009. The bishop was given a platform in Leicester at a gathering of local dignitaries, and he spoke of the sorrow felt by Christians living in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories.

Bishop Riah is a well-known champion of the Palestinian cause, having travelled the globe in order to draw attention to the atrocities faced by his people in Palestine. The message

of solidarity between the Christian and Muslim Palestinians was resounding.

Eye-Witnesses from Palestine

Events hosted by Friends of Al-Aqsa have include eye-witness accounts from solidarity activists who have visited Gaza, such as the re-nown activist Caoimhe Butterly who spent al-most one year in the besieged Gaza Strip from 2008-2009. Caomihe’s lecture was attended by over 300 people. Her moving account of the pain and suffering in Gaza during and since the war captured everyone’s attention and helped facilitate the setting up of twinning initiatives.



Friends of Al-Aqsa has organised dozens of conferences, seminars, events and fundraisers across the country. Such events are essential in order to educate people at the grass roots level, about the conflict.

Our events are well attended and reflect an increasing awareness about the occupation and the resultant misery that it is creating.

Hosting the Bishop of Jerusalem

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Annual International Conference

An annual international conference is hosted by Friends of Al-Aqsa where speakers from all over the world are invited to take part in debates and discussions, and opine their views and accounts.

Venues have ranged from London to Manchester, and speakers have included rabbis, members of the clergy and Imams. Academic conferences have also attracted big names such as Yusuf Islam, Professor Abdel-Wahab Elmessiri, John Rose, Professor Virginia Tilley, and many politicians.

These conferences are intended to provide a platform to a diverse range of speakers in order to discuss the most pertinent issues relating to the occupation of Palestinian lands with a view to forging a peace that is based on truth, reconciliation and justice.

In order to ensure that the messages emanating from these events are not forgotten, transcripts and audio recordings are made available, and where possible, papers presented by speakers are published in Friends of Al-Aqsa literature.

Local Events and Gathering

Friends of Al-Aqsa is grateful for the large community support that enjoys. As a result, our work has expanded to include facilitating political discussions between the different political parties at the more local level, host-ing guests from Palestine in various localities in Britain, and organising sports events such as football tournaments for local teams. All of this is done with a focus on drawing attention to Palestine and the issues of concern to people.

Annual International Conference Local Events and Gathering

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Report Presented in Parliament

Friends of Al-Aqsa facilitated the presentation of a Report to Parliament, produced by an array of highly acclaimed international lawyers and Academic, titled ‘Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?’ The Report is groundbreaking and presents new evidences and arguments detailing the illegality of Israel’s actions in the Occupied Territories. By presenting this report in Parliament, Friends of Al-Aqsa were able to help bring it to the attention of policy makers.

Other events that have been held in Parliament include press conferences and public meetings. Following the democratic elections held by the Palestinians in January 2006, an event titled ‘The Dawn of Democracy in Palestine’ was organised, which attracted a number of Parliamentarians and solidarity organisations.

An annual lobby of Parliament is also held, where members of the public are encouraged to meet with their MPs and present them with the issues that are of concern regarding Pales-tine. These lobby days are becoming increasingly successful with each year reflecting a growing concern about the situation.


Report Presented in Parliament

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Media Reporting on the Conflict

The media is a constant source of tribulation for the Palestinian cause. Israel’s sophisticated techniques of dealing with the media have resulted in the portrayal of Israel as the ‘victim’ of the Middle East conflict. Even during the at-tack on Gaza in January 2009 where the disproportionate nature of the attack was beyond doubt, Israel still executed a well planned media campaign which sought to justify the attack.

As a result, rarely are the causes of violence identified as the occupation itself, but rather

they are linked to a string of related events which inevitably lead the public to conclude that blame lies with the Palestinians rather than viewing the situation holistically.

The language adopted by many media agencies lead to negative perceptions of the Palestinians, for example, the use of the term ‘militants’ and ‘terrorists’ when referring to Palestinians and ‘authorities’ when referring to the Israeli army, although Israel has no legal authority in the occupied territories, and the Palestinian fighters are largely viewed as a legitimate resistance movement, justified under international law.

Media Reporting on the Conflict

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News Updates

Friends of Al-Aqsa produce weekly updates rounding up the most significant events to have occurred in the Occupied Territories. This information is then sent out to thousands of subscribers on our mailing list, and to MPs and policy makers. These updates are intended to ensure that the suffering of Palestinians does not go by unnoticed. These updates also provide a record of the events which have oc-curred for future reference.

A wide spectrum of reports are included in the weekly updates to reflect the varying perspec-tives on major events and developments in the region.

Engagement with the Media

In order to redress the balance, raise greater awareness of the real facts, encourage objective coverage and combat pro-Zionist views; Friends of Al-Aqsa monitors many of the media agencies closely to ensure fair and balanced reporting. Meetings have been held with editors and producers, and contributions have also been made to media coverage of the conflict in many different forms.

Articles by members of Friends of Al-Aqsa have been published in mainstream and fringe papers including the Independent, the Guardian, Palestine Times, The Muslim Weekly and Muslim News. Such contributions allow us to challenge the Israeli narrative.

News Updates

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Broadcast Media

Members of Friends of Al-Aqsa have also contributed to the broadcast media through interviews and participation in debates which have been aired on the BBC, Channel 5, Sky, Sahara TV, Iranian TV, Islam Channel, Press TV, Al-Jazeera, Iqra, and Nigerian TV.

Contributions to radio include BBC Radio 4, BBC local, Radio Ramadan across the country, Channel Islam SA, Radio Islam and BBC Asian Network.

This engagement with the media ensures that the Palestinian narrative which is so often missing received some coverage. It also allows challenges to the Israeli narrative.

Workshops & Media Monitoring

In order to empower people and educate them on interacting with the media, Friends of Al-Aqsa offers a range of workshops on media monitoring which have been run in many cities.

The aim is to enable people who are frustrated with the media reports on the Middle East to affect a change by interacting positively with the media, educating journalists and offering information, responding to articles and getting letters published, participating in interviews and live shows, and also writing their own articles and comments and offering them for publication.

Broadcast Media

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The first street demonstration called by Friends of Al-Aqsa took place on 21 October 2000 following the Israeli provocation which sparked off the Al-Aqsa intifada. During the first 3 weeks of the Intifada dozens of Palestinians were killed by the Israeli Occupation Forces and a public show of protest was needed. Over 5,000 people participated in the demonstration and a national mood was created which culminated in the 2 million man march in London on 15 February 2003, opposing the occupation of Palestine and the war in Iraq.

Friends of Al-Aqsa has been a leading force in all the ‘Stop the War’ demonstrations and is part of the STW executive. Rallies and demonstrations are an effective method of bringing together people who share the same conviction, and sending out a strong message to the establishment with regards to public opinion.



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Vigils for Gaza

Israel’s ongoing siege on the Gaza Strip began in 2007, and the resultant misery that is being suffered by the Palestinians is unprecedented in the 42 years of occupation of Gaza. The mood of sheer helplessness has permeated throughout the world. In order to show solidarity with the people of Gaza, Friends of Al-Aqsa organised a number of candle-lit vigils across Britain. Similar scenes were witnessed around the world, and images beamed to Gaza showed the beleaguered population that they were not forgotten.

Vigils for Gaza

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Opposing the Gaza War

Demonstrations opposing Israel’s war on Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009 were vociferous reflecting the depth of anger that the ordinary people on the streets felt about Israel’s illegal actions and disproportionate attack against a civilian population.

Every Saturday during the 22 day war, the streets of most of Britain’s major cities saw protestors arrive in droves. In London, despite below freezing temperatures, over one hundred thousand people marched from Hyde Park to the Israeli Embassy. Every religion, ethnic and

racial group was represented, including both Palestinians and Israelis. Friends of Al-Aqsa organised numerous other demonstrations in cities in the north and in the midlands.

The demonstrations in Britain’s cities were mirrored by massive gatherings all over the world including in New York, Paris, Damascus, Tel Aviv, Karachi, and Sydney.

Annual Nakba Commemoration Rally

Each year, a rally is held in order to commemo-rate the Palestinian Nakba of 1948 which saw over 700,000 Palestinians made refugees.

Opposing the Gaza War

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Global Contributions

The issue of Palestine is truly global and Friends of Al-Aqsa has been invited to attend and speak at numerous events across the world. These include meetings at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Geneva, Meetings at the European Parliament in Brussels and a conference hosted by the United Nations in the Far East.

Other events have included speaking tours in South Africa, conflict resolution meetings in Lebanon and Syria, and awareness raising in Europe.


Friends of Al-Aqsa have been a part of a number of conferences and meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland. In April 2009, on the weekend prior to the Durban Review Conference dealing with racism, an alternative ‘Israel Review conference’ was held. This was in response to the decision not to allow Israeli racism and Apartheid practices be discussed at the Durban Review Conference. The event was a huge success, gathering over 150 experts, lawyers, academics, and activists on the issue of Palestine.

Geneva has also hosted a number of official UN meetings discussing the Israel/Palestine conflict, and enabling activists to meet and unify efforts.

EU Parliament

With Europe continuing to allow Israel preferential trade agreements, Friends of Al-Aqsa is spending time lobbying MEPs and has attended numerous meetings in Brussels intended to affect a change in the way Israel is treated by the EU as far as trade is concerned.

Global Contributions Geneva

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Friends of Al-Aqsa participated in a three day International Conference with delegates from across the globe. The event also received the Prime Minister Sato Seri Abdullah Hadzi Ahmad and Foreign Minister Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

We also engage with local MEP’s to ensure that they have a better understanding of the significance of Europe’s trade agreement with Israel and the impact this has on allowing Israel to continue its occupation.

South Africa

The Southern African International Conference on Palestine was attended by delegates from Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The conference was addressed by prominent politicians and Friends of Al-Aqsa was also asked to speak.

Further engagements in South Africa have in-cluded several tours of major cities addressing the causes of the conflict and discussing conflict resolution.

A high profile meeting was also held at the Aparthied Museum and Friends of Al-Aqsa was asked to speak to politicians and influencial policy makers on the issue of Palestine.

Friends of Al-Aqsa enjoys close links with the South African Palestine solidarity movements and has facilitated common aims and objectives through shared projects.


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As Friends of Al-Aqsa increases its influence globally, invitations to speak at conferences and attend meetings internationally are being received more frequently.

Other international venues have included:

Helsinki, Qatar, Malaysia, Lebanon, New York, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Jordan, Palestine and Ireland.


Friends of Al-Aqsa were invited to address a United Nations Asian and Pacific meeting on the question of Palestine in 2009. A paper was delivered detailing methods for conflict resolution on the question of Jerusalem.

This was an opportunity for Friends of Al-Aqsa to draw attention to the failure of peace pro-cesses in the region, particularly where negotia-tions over Jerusalem are concerned.

Another visit to this region also took place in 2007 by invitation from the Prime Minister of Indonesia. The meeting was used to brief politicians on the situation in Palestine.


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The United Nations

In early 2005, Friends of Al-Aqsa was accepted as part of the United Nations network of civil society organisations active on the question of Palestine. This was an important step in expanding Friends of Al-Aqsa’s role on the international stage in influencing international policy on the issue of the Middle East Conflict.

This paved the way for an active role in global UN conferences and meetings to put forward the case for protecting al-Masjid al-Aqsa and the human rights of the Palestinian people.

The UN holds annual meetings dealing with the question of Palestine. In November each year, a day of solidarity is marked in order to draw attention to the ongoing coflict.

Conflicts Forum

Friends of Al-Aqsa is part of the senior advi-sory board of the Conflicts Forum, an Anglo-American organisation whose aims are to establish new understandings of Islam and of Political Islam in a bid to facilitate conflict resolution with mutual respect and understanding between the different players on the stage.

Friends of Al-Aqsa works closely with an array of national and international organisations concerned with achieving peace in Palestine. This includes being affiliated with the following bodies:

The United Nations

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Muslim Council of Britain

Friends of Al-Aqsa is affiliated to the MCB and several or its supporters are members of the executive board or Central Working Committee. MCB is an umbrella organisation dedicated to the common good and to the betterment of the community and country. MCB promotes cooperation, consensus and unity on Muslim affairs in the UK.

Friends of Al-Aqsa and MCB have shared many platforms and have cooperated on joint initia-tives.

Stop the War

Since 2001, Stop the War has been at the forefront of anti-war protests and the promotion of civil liberties. Friends of Al-Aqsa sits on the steering committee. Stop the War protests have attracted millions of people from all over the country since 2001.

The street protests, rallies and demonstrations provide ordinary people with the opportunity to voice their concerns about unjust conflicts around the globe. As such, the Palestinian issue is always at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

Muslim Council of Britain Stop the War

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Friends of Al-Aqsa also utilises a whole host of mediums for communication including Twitter and Facebook.


The Friends of Al-Aqsa website offers a wealth of information and resources for anyone interested in the issue of Palestine. All of our print materials are available online via the website.

Updated daily, the site offers daily news and articles to ensure the issues of importance are not forgotten.

Original book reviews from a wide range of reviewers including academics and activists can be found here. Also, maps, guides, multi-media presentations, document and posters are all accessible.

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Aqsa Journal

The first edition of the Aqsa Journal was produced in 1999. Since then, the bi-annual journal has attracted contributions from an array of international writers, academics and politicians including Ilan Pappe, Father Attalla Hanna, Salman Abu-Sitta, Clare Short MP, Israel Shamir, Daud Abdullah, Martin Linton MP, Reverend Stephen Sizer, Hanan Ashrawi, Ghada Karmi and Ben White to name but a few. The journals are distributed to our Members, libraries, journalists and MPs. They are also offered on sale for purchase by any interested

individuals. The academic discussions and debated carried by the journal are intended to ensure that thinkers and policy makers at the highest echelons are aware of the Palestinian side of the story.

Aqsa News

Our quarterly newspaper Aqsa News has a readership of 75,000. It provides an update on Palestine in order to raise awareness about the continuing crisis faced by Palestinians. The newspaper has been described as one of the best sources of information about the conflict. It is distributed for free.


Israel continues to defy the international commu-nity by resuming its settle-ment building activities in the West Bank and more notably in East Jerusalem. In early August, two more Palestinian families were evicted from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbour-hood of the city. This caused outcry as the homes were immediately occupied by ex-tremist Jewish settlers.

Such incidences are not uncommon, and have been

occurring with increasing frequency as Israel moves to change the facts on the ground in Jerusalem in order to ensure a Jewish majority by demolishing Palestinian homes and evicting families. The eviction of the families in Sheikh Jarrah drew inter-national condemnation with even U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urging Is-rael to refrain from such ac-tions, which she described as “deeply regrettable.” The move was further described as

“provocative” and “unaccept-able” by the US Secretary of State for Near Eastern affairs, reflecting impatience with Israel’s continuing aggres-sive treatment of Palestinians in Jerusalem.

The UN Special Coor-dinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry stated that the evictions of these families constituted violations of both the Geneva Conventions and Israel’s ob-ligations under the Road Map for peace.

Despite the scathing criti-cisms levelled against Israel following this move, the state has ignored them and issued further 88 eviction orders for houses nearby.

Before 1967, Jerusalem was split into the Israeli West Jerusalem and the Palestin-ian East Jerusalem. Follow-ing the occupation by Israel of East Jerusalem in 1967, Israel has pursued a number of deliberate measures aimed at ensuring a Jewish majority in East Jerusalem, including

building a massive settlement belt around the city and cut-ting it off from the remainder of the West Bank; restricting residency rights of Palestin-ians within the city; refusing planning permission to Arab families in Arab populated areas; revoking citizenship rights from approximately seven thousand Palestin-ians and moving increasing numbers of extremist settlers into Arab populated areas with a view to driving out the native populations.

Jerusalem Under Threat

Following over 2 years of siege and war in the Gaza Strip, leading child psychia-trist Dr Abdel Aziz Mousa Thabit has confirmed that ap-proximately 65% of young people in the enclave suffer severely from Post-Traumatic Stress disorder (PTS).

Dr Thabit has studied the effects of violence and trauma on children for 20 years, and described the condition asso-

ciated with PTS as including headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting, inability to concen-trate, panic attacks, anxiety, and irritability.

Dr Thabit described his experiences with the chil-dren of Gaza, stating “I’ve observed much change in the children. They are more anx-ious, more fearful. Children are panicky because of the explosions. Children want

to leave. You hear it. They feel there is no hope, that the world can’t do anything for them and they can’t do any-thing for themselves.”

In the short term, the af-fects of the PTS will mean that these children are deprived of a normal childhood and face enormous physical and psy-chological health challenges. In the long term, the trauma-tising of these children will have a profound effect on Gaza’s future. It is thought that the impact of this trauma may lead these children to the

extremes in years to come. From studies carried out

15 years ago on children af-fected by the Israeli violence of the first Intifada, in adult-hood, many continue to suf-fer from Post traumatic stress in at least a mild form. Dr Thabit warns that “they be-come fighters.” 15 years ago, he issued similar warnings including the likelihood of an increase in violent behaviour from traumatised children. This has in fact materialised in Gazan society as these children reach adulthood.

In light of the recur-ring acts of Israeli violence against the people of Gaza, the affects of the stress mean an entire lost generation of children. Those who have studied the psychological impact inflicted upon Gaza’s children believe that PTS dis-order and other psychologi-cal consequences may last a lifetime. Only if the violence is stopped and the children of Gaza given adequate psycho-logical support can this real-ity be changed.

More on Page 2 >

65% of Gaza’s Youth Suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Boycott Israeli Dates x x xx x

Friends of Al-Aqsa Update

Ismail Patel

Comments & OpinionsJonathan Cook & Natalie

Abou Shakra

Page 9 > Page 3 > Page 6 > Page 13 >


The Children Who Suffer

Both in Gaza and the West Bank, it is the children who continue to be the ones who suffer the most from Israel’s occupation.

Page 2

Israeli Government seeks to Silence its


Page 3

Global Peace Index Places Israel at 141

out of 144

Page 5

Book Reviews

Page 11

Viva Palestina US Convoy

Page 4

Ramadhan AppealThe crisis in the Occupied Territories must come to

an end

Gaza In RuinsA look at the ongoing suffering of Palestinians in


Friends of Al-Aqsa produces a range of literature intended to educate the public, media and policy makers on the major issues surrounding the conflict. Much of this is distributed free of charge.

Volume 11 | Number 2Spring 2009 AQSA


Labour Friends of PalestineMartin Linton

Baby Girl’s Power Struggle with IsraelJonathan Cook

Israel Investigated, But Will it Repent?Ramzy Baroud

Myths, Rhetoric and Hidden AgendasDr Maria Holt

Why One State?Ismail Patel

Aqsa Journal

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Over 3 million information leaflets have been printed and distributed by Friends of Al-Aqsa, detailing different aspects of Palestinian life under occupation. The leaflets are in high demand from other solidarity organisations and are a vital resource for educating people on the details of the conflict by providing bite size chunks of information on specific areas. Titles include:

Al-Aqsa Mosque Under Attack (1967 - 2008)The USA & IsraelChildren of Palestine

Illegal Israeli SettlementsIsraeli Apartheid PoliciesGaza The Full StoryIsrael’s Weapons of Mass DestructionIsrael (Divest and Boycott)Denying Water to PalestiniansIsolating BethlehemThe Centrality of Al-Aqsa MosquePalestinian PrisonersThe WallThe Palestinian NakbaRemember PalestineChristians in PalestineRight of ReturnIsraeli War Crimes


Fully referenced Reports have been produced on issues such as the Nakba and Gaza Conflict in order to ensure that details of the history are not forgotten and that redress for War Crimes can be pursued. These reports are intended to produce information that is accessible for people from all walks of life.

Friends of Al-Aqsa publications such as these reports are supported by many individuals including MPs and campaigners, many of whom have endorsed them.


Leaflets Reports

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Forty Ahadith & Dome of the Rock

These two booklets are distributed free of charge across the country. They are intended to remind Muslims about the sanctity of Masjid al-Aqsa and the Muslim architectural heritage that exists within the Al-Aqsa compound. Tens of thousands of each have already been distributed.

Palestine Beginner’s Guide

First published in 2005, this book has been re-printed twice due to popular demand. Palestine Beginner’s Guide charts the history of Palestine

from ancient times to the current conflict. Its simple language and format has made it popular with both adults and younger readers. The con-tents of this book makes it an ideal resource for schools and it has also been promoted for such use.

Further Titles

Other titles have also been published by Al-Aqsa Publishers on the theme of Palestine. This wing of Friends of Al-Aqsa is expected to expand in future to meet demand.



Al-Aqsa Publishers

One of the publication wings within Friends of Al-Aqsa is Al-Aqsa Publishers which has produced a number of books and booklets.

Forty Ahadith and Dome of the Rock

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N &


















Spot the difference

And much more…

Act ivi ty

History of Masjid Al-Aqsa

Abu Huzayfa

for childrenEncouraging Participation

Educating young people on the conflict and empowering them to take action both socially and politically in order to help bring an end to the conflict is an important aspect of our work.

Friends of Al-Aqsa produces a range of books/ educational materials which are intended to facilitate the education of young people on the importance of Masjid al-Aqsa to the Islamic faith, the history of the region and the present day conflict.


In order to encourage young people to take an interest in the issues and to facilitate their own research into the area, Friends of Al-Aqsa sets annual competitions for school children and for students at university.

GCSE Teaching Materials

By producing teaching materials for GCSE age pupils, Friends of Al-Aqsa in ensuring that a skewed version of the history of Israel/Palestine is not being taught at schools.

Friends of Al-Aqsa Competition 2010

Key Stage 27 - 11 year olds

Design a posterWin £150

Key Stage 311 - 14 year olds

Write an articleWin £200

Key Stage 414 - 16 year olds

Produce a leafletWin £250

Get Creative

Palestine Masjid Al-Aqsa

Design Write Produce

For more information and rules see overleaf

Encouraging Participation Competitions

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In recent years, the oppression of the Palestinians has become more intense, especially for Palestinians living in Gaza. In the West Bank, although they do not suffer from the crippling siege, Palestinians are not faring much better.

What has become clear is that despite that intensity of Israel’s military onslaught against civilians, despite substantive evidences of war crimes and despite the deliberate creation of a humanitarian catastrophe; Israel is still not being held to account by the international community.

Early hopes of a shift in US policy on Israel have been dashed by an apparent unwillingness to put pressure on Israel to conform to international laws. Even European governments are merely abstaining from votes at the UN General Assembly rather than against Israel’s interests. While the issue of building settlements in Jerusalem still remains contentious, there seems to be little hope that there will be convictions for War Crimes allegedly committed in Gaza.

While many may have lost hope in politicians, they should remain hopeful that we as an international community of civil societies can make a difference. When we protest in our thousands, it sends a clear message. When we lobby our politicians, we are telling them that their unquestioning support of Israel is no longer acceptable. When we inundate supermarkets with calls and boycott action, we can affect whether or not they stock Israeli products. When we challenge the media, we are challenging the Israeli state narrative. All such actions amount to something, and we will achieve victory through them, God willing, and free Palestine from occupation and safeguard the Sacred Masjid al-Aqsa.

Supporters of the Palestinian struggle are increasing in numbers all over the world. Friends of Al-Aqsa hopes that this is just the start of a truly international movement which will not stop until Palestine is liberated.

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Since 1997 we have had the support of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters. We thank each and every one of you for championing this cause, and for caring about the Palestinian issue. With this support and by the will of Allah (swt), Friends of Al-Aqsa has become an internationally recognised NGO striving for the liberation of Palestine.

Despite the successes, all of our efforts need to be renewed and doubled now, to ensure that Israel feels the pressure of international pressure, in the form of economic, social and academic boycott. Such castigation internation-ally only reflects the treatment that Palestin-

ians have received from the state of Israel for decades.

At the forefront of our minds, we should keep the thoughts of all of those who have given their lives to this conflict. Those like Tom Hurndall and Rachel Corrie who paid the ultimate price for trying to protect Palestinian children and homes. The thousands of Palestinians who were deliberately killed by bullets and bombs, many of whom remain nameless to us.

And the innocent Israeli civilians who were forced to pay the price for their countries’

occupation of another person’s land. All the victims of this conflict are mourned equally.Despite the high price the Palestinians are paying for their resistance, the spirit of the Palestinian people remains bright and alive. Their message is clear; the Israeli oppression will not diminish the Palestinian struggle for their homeland, and Friends of Al-Aqsa with all its supporters are just one of many organisations around the world that will tirelessly continue working for peace and justice in the Holy Land.

We thank you for your support and hope that this will continue in the future.

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Newspaper Books

Journals Seminars

Lobbying Media


Friends of Al-AqsaPO Box 5127

LeicesterLE2 0WU

+44 (0)116 212 5441 | www.aqsa.org.uk | [email protected]
