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Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    2011-2012 ANNUAL REPORT

    FWS/WOSA-NA is superbly positioned to support the work Woodstock School continues to do.

    Friends oF woodstock school

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    Presidents Message

    This report covers the period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.

    Tis lag is due to ou nancial cycle, and ou commitment to

    subject ou nances to a fomal audit eac yea. Ou Fiends of

    Woodstoc Scool/WOSA-Not Ameica scal yea is offset so

    as to coincide with the academic year. That means our annual audit

    occurs in the fall, and it is spring or even summer before we have

    te nal statements eady fo pesentation to you and tey fom

    the core of any annual report.

    Te scal yea tat ended on June 30, 2012 coves te last yea

    in which our organization was led by Glenn Conrad, who stepped

    down as President at the Annual meeting in Seattle shortly after the

    end of te scal yea. To ono Glenn Conads yeas of voluntee

    sevice, commitment, time, enegy and esouces, Fiends of

    Woodstock School/WOSA NA has established the Glenn Conrad

    Volunteer Service Award.

    The Glenn Conrad Volunteer Service Award honors and recognizes

    alumni and friends of Woodstock School for outstanding volunteer

    service of time, expertise and commitment, which result in the

    improvement, development and enhancement of the mission,

    vision and goals of FWS/WOSA-NA and/o Woodstoc Scool.

    Deserving alumni can be nominated in April of each year but it

    wont necessaily be awaded eac and evey yea.

    In Januay 2013, te Boad of Diectos of Fiends of Woodstoc

    met in Chicago for their quarterly meeting. Joining the Board

    were Dr. Jonathan Long (Principal of Woodstock School and a

    membe of te Boad of Fiends of Woodstoc Scool/WOSA-

    NA), and Dr. Eleanor Nicholson (Chair of the Woodstock School

    Board of Directors).

    Their reports from Woodstock outlined the progress being made in:

    ecuiting and etaining well qualied teaces; plans to stengten

    faculty continuing education and cetication toug a patnesip

    wit te Univesity of London; and in evising te tuition fee

    stuctue to acieve fainess and nancial stability. Tey ave begun

    Table of ContentsFom te Pesident . . . . . . . . . . . . . This page

    Fom te Executive Diecto . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    FWS Gants 2011-2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    Mountain Peak Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    Our Donors in 2011-12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Memorial Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    The Lyre Tree Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    The Ten Plus Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Board of Directors & Committees . . . . . . . . . 9

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 | 1

    to take dynamic and visionary steps to put Woodstock on a sound

    nancial and scolastic tajectoy and Woodstoc Scool is now

    poised to become one of the leading international schools in Asia.

    Dr. Long and Dr. Nicholson also reported on the continuing need for

    immediate and long-tem nancial suppot fom alumni to expand

    scholarships and student recruitment in underserved regions

    to achieve economic and international diversity. In the 10 to 15

    year time frame, Dr. Long highlighted the need for a campus wide

    renovation of neglected core school buildings that date back to

    1860. This will be a major investment in what is essentially a town

    planning and building campaign for which Woodstock is engaging

    pofessional expetise to suvey and to dene.

    Given tese ealities it clea tat Fiends of Woodstoc needs to

    nurture and strengthen alumni relations and development programs

    in North America that are independent, active, and focused.

    In ode to meet tis callenge, te Fiends Boad of Diectos

    adopted several internal structural changes. We concluded that

    hiring a full time Executive Director was needed and that it would

    be a sound long-tem investment to ie a qualied peson fo tis

    position. Fo te next two yeas te Boad as ageed to engage

    Jane Cummings to continue and extend her activities in North

    America in a new role as the full time Executive Director. One

    of her responsibilities will be help recruit and train her successor.

    Jane is known to many of you for her earlier long-time productive

    work as Executive Director of KW International, Director of

    Development at Woodstock School and recent part time work

    fo Fiends of Woodstoc. Jane will wo wit ou Alumni and

    Fundaising Committees to encouage and gow te involvement

    and support of our alumni.

    It is a critical transformational time for Woodstock School. It is

    blessed with visionary and experienced new leadership, an effective

    new Woodstock Board structure, and rational but ambitious plans

    to strive for excellence, cultural diversity and a large scholarship

    fund to remove economic barriers to access to Woodstock. It is

    also an exciting time fo Fiends of Woodstoc Scool to play a

    more active role in engaging many more alumni in North America.

    As always the Board thanks you for your past support and would

    like to hear your ideas and suggestions of ways in which you would

    like to help us grow as an organization that serves our Woodstock

    alumni community in North America and supports our interest in

    Woodstocs acieving excellence in education.

    Woodrow (Woody) Turner 61

    PresidentFriends of Woodstock School/ WOSA-NA

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012



    w Fu

    F ex

    Grant: $16,000

    A general undesignated fund from

    which funds are disbursed where

    most needed upon grant requests

    received from Woodstock and

    approved by the FWS Board

    of Directors.

    2011-2012 - $10,000 Grant to

    Woodstock for the discretion of

    the Principal to enhance student

    experience such as the purchase of

    athletic equipment. $6,000 for the

    Pincipals Seac of 2010.

    Au equpm Ga:

    Grant: $4,500

    A special designated project

    established by the Class of 62 to

    upgrade the audio equipment in

    Parker Hall.

    Ga sap

    supp Fu

    Grant: $70,000

    A general Scholarship Fund to

    provide nancial assistance to

    students who could not otherwise

    attend Woodstock.

    2011-2012 Second disbusement

    of a $210,000 grant approved in

    2010-2011 to povide nancial aid

    to vaious students identied by its

    Financial Aid Committee.

    Bp J. wam P

    sap em

    Grant: $12,000

    An endowed fund whose

    investment proceeds are used for

    students who add to the quality of

    Woodstocks student body and its

    social diversity.

    2011-2012 Grant awarded to

    Malika David.

    Jp h. sma

    sap em

    Grant: $20,174

    An endowed fund whose

    investment proceeds are used

    for children of doctors and/or

    administrators at Christian legacy

    hospitals in India and Pakistan.

    2011-2012 Grant awarded to

    Sharhirah and Shanti Mathias.

    ezab wb

    sg Mma sAGe

    sap em

    Grant: $1,500

    An endowed fund whose

    investment proceeds are used for

    deserving SAGE Program applicants

    needing assistance to participate.

    2011-2012 Grant awarded to

    Setse Bush.

    Institutional AdvancementIn te above epot fom Woody Tune, Pesident of Fiends of Woodstoc

    Scool, you will ead of intenal estuctuing and new initiatives fo FWS

    voted upon by the Board of Directors in January 2013. We felt it important

    to report on these changes now because they will affect our work in the

    coming yea even toug tis Annual repot is fo te nancial yea July 1,

    2011 June 30, 2012.

    One of the most gratifying aspects of doing an Annual Report is to

    appreciate once again the extraordinary generosity and steadfastness of a

    large number of Woodstock alumni and friends. As you browse through this

    report, you will see an ever-increasing number of donors who contributed

    at wateve level tey could in 2011-12. You will nd names of fiends

    who have given consistently for more than ten years (some for as manyas twenty-ve) wo ae membes of ou Ten Plus Club. You will get to

    know members of the Lyre Tree Society, individuals who have made the

    ultimate statement of their love for and belief in the future of Woodstock

    by emembeing Fiends of Woodstoc Scool in tei estate plans. You will

    read of those who made a gift in memory or honor of a special friend or

    family member. And you will learn of the extraordinary lifetime generosity

    of those who are members of our Mountain Peak Clubs -- Bundarpunch,

    Kader Dome and Nanda Devi.

    In 2011-2012, we saw an increase of 41.5% in undesignated giving which

    allows te Boad of Diectos of Fiends of Woodstoc Scool to allocate

    support and make grants where most needed. Gifts designated by the

    donor for special projects at Woodstock totaled $36,320. Additional

    contibutions of $65,189 to te Legacy Endowment Fund o individual

    scholarship endowment funds enabled steady growth to our permanently

    restricted endowment funds.

    As FWS entes a new peiod of ambitious pogess in its committed

    support of Woodstock School, we gratefully acknowledge the generosity of

    all those listed in this Annual Report who make it possible.

    Jane CummingsExecutive Director


    Friends oF Woodstock school

    Te FWS Boad of Diectos appoves all gants made to Woodstoc Scool

    from its designated and undesignated funds. The grants disbursed from

    vaious funds eld by FWS in nancial yea 2011-2012 ae detailed below.

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 | 3

    t Baapu

    Mua cub

    We recognize and celebrate the

    following alumni and friends who

    have a lifetime giving of between

    $50,000 and $100,000 to Friends

    of Woodstock School:

    Anonymous Donor

    Joseph Chacko 49

    James Loehlin 51

    Marlin Schoonmaker 67

    t ka dm

    Mua cub

    We recognize and celebrate the

    following alumni and friends whohave a lifetime giving of between

    $100,000 and $500,000 to Friends of

    Woodstock School:

    ralp 39 and Jane Alley ()

    Judith Dillingham 57

    Rick Downs 79

    Aline Lincoln Picens 39 ()

    Lois Lyon Neumann 44

    Bill Parsons 49Magaet Picett Sagan 42 ()

    Betty Bauman Shelley 48

    Winteline Foundation

    t naa dv

    Mua cub

    We recognize and celebrate the

    following alumni and friends who

    have a lifetime giving of between

    $500,000 and $1.5 million to Friends

    of Woodstock School:

    Enest hezlep 37 ()

    Li-chiang Chu 59

    T.Z. Chu 52

    Te Downs Foundation

    Suzanne Tune hani 63

    Robin Parker 48

    David Schoonmaker 62

    ()= Deceased

    GrAnts to Woodstock MountAin PeAk clubs

    ka G. sg Mma

    sap em

    Grant: $5,500An endowed fund whose

    investment proceeds are used for

    students, preferably from India,

    with an interest in its culture and

    development or in teaching or

    non-prot work; or from families

    involved in education; or for

    students with special learning needs.

    2011-2012 Grant awarded toPriyanka Das

    l Famy

    sap Fu

    Grant: $12,000

    To commemorate and reinforce

    the traits of leadership and

    scholarship that were nurtured in

    members of the Loehlin family atWoodstock School.

    2011-2012 Grant awarded to

    Isabella Vogel.

    d Ma

    ta Ga

    Grant: $50,000Established by the Downs

    Foundation to encourage

    excellence in teaching by aiding in

    the recruitment and retention of

    experienced, master teachers.

    2011-2012 Grant of $50,000 to be

    disbursed at the direction of the


    ra B a spa

    c Fu

    Grant: $616

    A special fund to honor the 35th

    anniversary of the Class of 74 to

    be used to establish a Rare Books

    and Special Collections section

    of the Vera Mar ley Library, with a

    corresponding Special Collection atthe Hani Center.

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012



    $10,000 and Up

    Catherine Allegra & Jim Tanner SGPT.Z. Chu 52

    Judith Dillingham 57David Schoonmaker 62Downs FoundationsErnest Hezlep Fund

    $5,000 - $9,999

    Suzanne Turner Hani 63James Loehlin 51

    $1000 - $4999

    Shalini Prakash Agarwal 72Gladys Allen 39Sharon Alley F

    J. Bruce Amstutz 44Helen Dobson Arnott 60Sue Warner Birkinshaw 62

    Joseph Chacko 49

    Martha Alter Chen 60Fredericka Ahrens Cobren 33Glenn 68 & Peggy S. Conrad

    Jane Cummings SMargo Warner Curl 67Sarah Doebler 94SD

    Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger 70Kathleen Horton 59Anne & Dan Lind SWalter Mahler 45Virgil Miedema F

    Lois Lyon Neumann 44SDWillem Parson 49Dorothy Koenig Powers 44 & Erl Dordal SDBetty Bauman Shelly 49

    Jigme 84 & Deki Topden Shingsar 89Harvella Bauman Stutzman 49Edith Theis-Nielsen 60

    Jolene Unruh 61SDMarilyn Webster 81Ted Wright 44

    $500 $999

    R. Maxwell & Jean Alley FJulia Smucker Baccash SPaul Bauer 88Pamela Bradburn 64

    Judith Carpenter-Miller 57John 66 & Barbara ChaeeRoberta Foster Crowell 54

    Philip De Vol 66Frederick & Mary Downs 49Lela Folkers SRobert Griths 52Greg Hartman 65

    Daniel Lemons SGPJoan Merrill Machata 44Tim Manickam 78Anne Marriott 71Roberta Matern 87Kathleen Knox McLean 57Hugh Mumby 43Keith Riggin 74Margaret Loehlin Shaer 56Abby Salzer Stadtlander 48Dora Warren 70

    W. Douglas Wilkens 62Donald Woolever & Cindy Dechenes SGP, SDLi-Chun Chu Wu 50

    $100 - $499

    Kamal Advani 78Peggy Allison 42Ellen Alter SH. Ward Alt er 39Steve 74 & Ameeta Law 73 Alter

    Jane Wallace Anderson 46Gaurav Arora 93Ruth Harper Axelrod 70SDAlbert Bauman 48

    Joyce Baur PDonald Beane SAbhrajit Bhattacharjee 92Verda Hostetler Bialac 55Akshay Birla 05SDSylvia Boecker FDick 45 & Anna Mae Bollinger SLowell Bollinger 39Mary-Louise Wagman Boyer 47

    Philip Braudaway-Bauman 77James Browne 65Stan 42 & Beverly Amstutz 42 BrushMary Proctor Bu rdick 46

    N Laurence Burkhalter 37Walter 51 & Peg BushnellGeorge Carley 56

    John & Ruth Caughley SSneih Dass Charan 48Sheridan Chitambar 63Manish Chopra 83

    Jane Collins Choulett 56Lloyd Claassen 67

    Sue Benham Clack 64Vint Clements 38

    Jon Closson 54Betty McEldowney Conard 55Terry 58 & Charlene Chitambar 51 ConnellKaren Austin Connor 75 Bruce Davis 73

    John Davis 71SDAnna Davydova 01Lois Duerksen Deckert 50Isabel Dillener 78

    Lorrie Doman-Sheydayi 87 SDJean Downie 52Peter Downs 62

    Joseph Duerksen 45Christopher Duncan & Alice Smith SGP SDCarole Carpenter Edison 57Frank Emerson 55Nancy Johns Erickson 70Lorita Shull Fisher 39Robert Fleming Jr. 54Erik Geissal 94

    Susan Hostetler Guipe 62Buord Hamilton Jr 46Gail Harp SPatricia Martin-Jenkins Hartwell 55

    John Hayes FJack Hinz SLindsay Fiske Homan 59Margaret Weeks Holl and 42Stephen Holm 56Anne Burgoyne Holman 54Mary Ina Flisher Hooley 73Gordon Hostetler 51Alice Howes SMargaret Brooks Huston 48Nancy Aldrich Inman 49Ellen Williams Jackson 64

    Jonathan Jantzen 69Peter & Peggy Jenks SPhilip Jones 63

    Jerry Judy 58Paul Kauman 30Kazuyoshi Kawata PDonn & Chelsea Kesselheim SMark & Betty Kniss PQuessie Wylie Krell 42

    Bethany Kriss 00Jessie Lacy 65Judie Schiller Landry 51Je & Janet Legro SGPRuth Nave Leibbrand 45Russel & Marjorie Liechty SMary Conrad Lo 72William Lucas 43Cameron Lyon 39

    Janet Parsons Mackey FNancy Everton Macmillan 56

    Max Marble 67David Marriott 72Ravi Masih 84Alma Mattison FPatricia Rowland McCrary 64Marianna Presler McJimsey 54Shabnam Merchant 84Arthur Merrill 46Bruce Merrill 52

    June Rodin Michealsen 68Aruna Nayyar Michie 62

    Andrea Stutz Mitchell 76Paul Mitchell 52Tyler & Jill Moore SGP

    John Morgan 51Phillip & Betsy Moyer SGPWillard Muirheid 68Eric Nord 88Vivian Nichol Norden 45

    John & Dorothy Nyce SWilliam Palmer SGPEllen Colvin Parker 35Masud Parvez 92

    Jean Peters PMary Pollock 63SDGabriel Presler 90Carolyn Muirheid Pribble 62

    Rachael Smith Pryor 99Lee Rice 60Nan L. Rick 59

    Jay Roadarmel 85SDBill & Dixie Roelos S

    John & Maxine Rollins PJim Rugh 60Steve Sackman 82Carol Aldrich Sandlin 62

    Kenneth Scherling 47Marguerite Scherling Schweitzer 52Robert Scott 62

    John W. Shaw 49Pat McGavran Sheaor 56Gordon Shull 41Marian Rice Sigmon 56

    Janet Wellons Smith 39R. Grant Smith 55Arthur Smucker 39

    Julia Niehaus Soper 80SD

    Bill & Janet Nixseaman Starr SRobert Stewart 52Robert & Sally Stoddard SMargaret Winfeld Sullivan 51Helen Banker Syswerda 49Lyle Thoburn 55Lokesh Todi 05SDDenise Cacho Troutman 81Woodrow Turner 61Margaret Ross Van Horn 46

    Jean Allison Van Horne 46

    Devanand Vaswani 86Heea Halder Vazirani-Fales 55Paul von Tucher 49Sueann VonGunten SCharlotte Gould Warren 51Marguerite Thoburn Watkins 48Richard Wechter SDavid Weidman 75SDPhilip A. Wellons 60David Wheeler S SDCatherine Whitcomb 66 & Jack Hinz S SDBill & Dorothy Vaugh Whitcomb 42U. Kyaw Win 51Richard Young 64

    2011-2012 donors to Friends oF Woodstock school

    Friends of Woodstock School expresses deep appreciation to the following alumni and friends who contributed to the designated and undesignated funds of Friends

    of Woodstock School between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Their generosity enabled Friends of Woodstock School to provide crucial grants to support its

    programs and grants to Woodstock School.

    Key:S Sta | P Parent | SGP SAGE Parent | F Friend | SD Sustaning Donor | Deceased

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 | 5

    Up to $100

    Kathy Warner Adams60Kenneth Allen 73

    Patti Welles Appel 64Carolyn Reinoehl Baker 58Sarra Bunce Baraily 68SDWilliam & Rosemary Bauer SRaj Bery 45

    Janice Dobson Blankenship 65Barbara Judy Bowes 59Ian Bradshaw 48Victoria Brush 74Sandra Snedden Chenard 55Ken & Marilyn Copp S

    Joyce Reynolds Coupal 45Court Daspit 57Marian Loehlin Davies 43Smitha Dharmaraj Day 85Betty Davis Dean 47Elizabeth Cummings Deitz 44Louis DiOrio F Lucy Wilson Doreneld 67

    Julie Bunce Elving 61Ted & Jane Feierabend P

    Jacob H. Flisher P

    Paul Fox 76Carol Geisler 81Frederick Goeth 66Terrine Gomez SEllen Goodell SCarol Rugh Green 60David Griths 50Constance Cave Grube 75Mildred Loehlin Harris 48Dorothy Foster Harrold 48Robert Harwood 43Carlton Hoke 66Diana Bond Holtshouser 49Mildred Dye Howard 42Esther Jantzen 63Drewer & Maude Johns PBruce Johnson 54Grace Jones SMary Folsom Keller 57Mana Khandvala 85Tom & Cathy Kidder SDwight Kintner SNina Alley Kipp 47

    Willis Wellman Kreitz 61Carol Hay Kubitz 56Sunil Kumar PDavid LeShana 48

    Donald MacKay 55Irvine Manske SNorman Mundhenk 59

    Helen Knox Murphy 42Marjorie Bond Nagus 50Virginia Reynolds Nolan 42Pamela Dawson Normile SRuth Anna Gilson Nycum 42Charles Ogden 48Ruth Thoburn Osborn 55Colette Imtiaz-Xaille Owen 46

    Jim Parker FLyle & Willine Powell SMary Ruth Powell 72SD

    Charles Reckard 74Patricia Riddle 65Esther Shull Riley 57Malcolm Russell 44Binita Santra 83Kenneth & Regina Saum SDavid & Corinne Scott 52Sharon Seto 79 & Steve Ediger SKim Shaf 74Elizabeth Thoburn Sheather 52Elizabeth Hagen Smith 54Margaret Smith S

    Jeannette Asling Solimine 82Kristian Stark 88Ida Alter Strickland 54Ann Higgins Strumpen-Darrie 58Gerald Summers 46

    James & Doris.Swain SJames Taylor 5Theodore Thoburn 49Ruth Unrau PCharles Vrooman 63

    Jane Downs Wallbrown 52

    Margaret Clark Ward 51Wayne Wardwell Jr. 46Charles Warren 38Clare Warwick SKaren Widergren Watase 84

    Judy Benham Weinstein 58James White 47Betsy Woodman 63Alene Wilson Wyatt 55

    In Honor of:Lowell Bollinger

    Joanne Bollinger

    Philip DeVolJohn Chaee

    Jean DownieKenwood United Methodist Church, Milwaukee

    Bob and Eva ForsgrenRichard Young

    Ajay and Sanjaya Mark

    Smitha DayLaura Vazquez

    Denise Troutman

    Ellen WebsterMarilyn Webster

    John WebsterMarilyn Webster

    In Memory of:Anna Lesta Allison

    Sara Jean Van HorneJane Anderson

    Les AllisonPeggy Allison

    Bob AlterKenneth CoppPeter Jenks

    Max and Margaret BenhamSue Clack

    Madison MooreTyler Moore

    Joan C BrowneJames Browne

    Ruth Davies ColvinEllen Parker

    Alice Wright ConkeyJ. Bruce AmstutzAlice Conkey

    Alicey ConkeyAlice Conkey

    Leona CressmanDennis CressmanDouglas Cressman

    Jewel Diorio

    Louis DiOrioBruce FosterRoberta CrowellBruce Foster

    Gene HowardMildred Howard

    Harold HowesAlice Howes

    Allen K. JonesPhilip Jones

    Linda Dobson KroghJoyce Larson LeMasterCarole Edison

    Kathern Eloise Kintner

    Dwight KintnerJohn and Marjorie Loehlin

    Marian DaviesMildred Harris

    James H LoehlinMargaret Shaer

    Gordon MattisonAlma Mattison

    Bob McJimseyMarianna McJimsey

    Doug PickettGlenn Conrad

    Jessie LacyDon and Joy Rugh

    Carol Green

    Air Vice Marshal & Mrs PC SantraBinita Santra

    Susan Stoner ShullLorita Fisher

    Alan Frederick SneddenSandra Chenard

    Thomas StricklerKathy Adams

    Jane AndersonSue BirkinshawMargo Curl

    Dan TerryTom Kidder

    Irvin & Goldie UnruhJolene Unruh

    Verna VauxSylvia J Boecker

    Jack WallaceJane Anderson

    Sally Hazlett and Bill WooleverDonald Woolever

    David YoderServants o Christ Lutheran Church, Indianapolis

    Gf Gv F f W s

    i h i Mmy f Famy a F

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    Marian Adams SBetty Stuntz Allen 42Gladys Allen 39Kenneth Allen 73Elizabeth Templin Alley 42Donald & Peggy Alter SH. Ward Alt er 39Robert Alter 43 & Ellen Alter

    Sarah Alter FJ. Bruce Amstutz 44Jane Wallace Anderson 46Patti Welles Appel 64Gaurav Arora 93Betty Atwater SMary Ellen Ensminger Atwood 54Ruth Harper Axelrod 70Marjorie Helers Baer 44William& Rosemary Bauer SAlbert Bauman 48

    Joyce Baur PDonald Beane S

    Lydia Wright Beaumont 41Walter Bell 61

    Jacquelyn Horton Benjamin 58Raj Bery 45Verda Hostetler Bialac 55

    Janice Dobson Blankenship 65Reid & June Roadarmel Blickensta70Sylvia Boecker FLowell Bollinger 39Richard 45 & Anna Mae Bollinger SRobert Bonham 59Barbara Judy Bowes 59

    Mary-Louise Wagman Boyer 47Pamela Bradburn 64Ian Bradshaw 48Philip Braudaway-Bauman 77Peter Bretsky PEleanor Briggs SHarold R. Brock 42

    Joan Campbell Browne 36Stanley 42 & Beverly Amstutz 42 BrushMary Proctor Burdick 46N. Laurence Burkhalter 37Walter 51 & Peg BushnellAnita Hoke Carlson 60

    Judith Carpenter-Miller 57John & Ruth Caughley SJoseph Chacko 49John 66 & Barbara ChaeeNirmal Chand 51

    Sneih Dass Charan 48Amal Chaudhuri 78Martha Alter Chen 60

    Jane Collins Choulett 56Wallace Christy 58Li-chiang Chu 59T.Z. Chu 52Vint Clements 38

    Fredericka Ahrens Cobren 33Betty McEldowney Conard 55Alice Wright Conkey 36Charlene Chitambar Connell 51Karen Austin Connor 75Bob Conrad 71Glenn 68 & Peggy S. ConradFlorence Byrd Allen Cooper 39Ken & Marilyn Copp SNoel Corser 95

    Joyce Reynolds Coupal 45Eva Neuenhoer Cox 52

    Jean Supplee Crider 42

    Roberta Foster Crowell 54Jane Cummings SMargo Warner Cur l 67Mary Branch Dailey 37Court Daspit 57Marian Loehlin Davies 43Ruth Colvin Davies 36

    John Davis 71Lew & Dorothy Davis PBetty Davis Dean 47Lois Duerksen Deckert 50Elizabeth Cummings Deitz 44

    Marian Griths Demcisak 57Judith Dillingham 57Betty Dodds SLorrie Doman-Sheydayi 87

    Jean Downie 52Frederick 49 & Mary DownsPeter Downs 62Rick Downs 79

    Joseph Duerksen 45William Du45Ray Dunkelberg 59Irene Dunn 46Ann Workman Dwyer 55

    Ruth Yoder Dyal 66Kent & Katherine Eklund F

    Julie Bunce Elving 61Edith Boyce Elvis 41 Frank Emerson 56

    the ten Plus clubMm f ly t sy

    The Lyre tree Society recognizes individuals who have made charitable

    povisions fo Fiends of Woodstoc Scool in its suppot of Wood-

    stock School through a bequest in their will, establishing a gift annuity,

    o designating Fiends of Woodstoc Scool as te beneciay of a life

    insurance policy. Their legacies are the source of endowments that will

    support future generations of students and faculty at Woodstock.

    Among our donors, we have many who have been faithful and loyal in

    tei suppot of Fiends of Woodstoc Scool fo many yeas. Te TEN

    PLUS CLUB honors those alumni and friends who have given for ten

    o moe yeas some fo as many as twenty-ve yeas of suppot. We

    acknowledge and thank you for your steady and generous support.

    Marian Adams SElizabeth Templin Alley 42

    Jane Alley F Donald & Peggy Alter SEllen Alter S

    Robert Alter 43Ruth Harper Axelrod 70Donald Beane SAnne Beckwith 35

    Jacquelyn Horton Benjamin 58Arvid Berg 48Richard 45 & Anna Mae Bollinger SMary-Louise Wagman Boyer 47Robert Boyles 35Zaida Harvey Chidester 35Wallace Christy 58Li-chiang Chu 59T.Z. Chu 52

    Alice Wright Conkey 35 Charlene Chitambar Connell 51Terry Connell 58

    Jane Cummings SMargo Warner Curl 67David Davenport 56Marian Loehlin Davies 43Ruth Colvin Davies 36Bruce Davis 73Elizabeth Cummings Deitz 44Marian Griths Demcisak 57

    Judith Dillingham 57

    Alice Dodds41Erl Dordal FJean Downie 52Lela Folkers SBruce Foster 42Weldon Friesen 59Mark Garrison FNancy Lindell Garrison 64Robert Griths 52Stephen Harper 74Robert Harwood 43

    Josie Thoburn Herndon 52Ernest Hezlep 42

    John Holmes S Paula Holmes SJerry Howard 57Mildred Dye Howard 42

    Iris Hunter 71Richard & Cheryl Jonsson 42Virginia Judd SKaren Krenz SArline Picken Lincoln 40

    Anne & Dan Lind SJames Loehlin 52Joan Merrill Machata 44John Manry 39Margery Miller Mills 35Ruth Sanwalia Nave SLois Lyon Neumann 44Barbara Bond Nutt 47

    John & Dorothy Nyce SWillem Parson 49Ann Leeder Pickett 47Doug Pickett 45Dorothy Koenig Powers 44

    Kittu Parker Riddle 35Keith Riggin 74Norman Roadarmel 45Harold Rockey 43 Arthur Saum 30Frances Brush Schillinger 44David Schoonmaker 62Marlin Schoonmaker 67David 52 & Corinne ScottMary Segall FMargaret Loehlin Shaer 56 Betty Bauman Shelly 49

    Gordon Shull 41Lois Mow Snavely 41Robert & Sally Stoddard SHarvella Bauman Stutzman 49Stanley Subhan 47Helen Banker Syswerda 49Woodrow Turner 61Myra Downie VanUxem 54

    Jane Downs Wallbrown 52Catherine Whitcomb 66Dorothy Vaugh Whitcomb 42William Whitcomb 42

    James White 47

    Barbara WilliamsFH. Thomas Wilson 44Betsy Woodman 63Evans Wyatt 27


    Key:S Sta | F Friend | Deceased

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 | 7

    Ernest Hezlep FundTed & Jane Feierabend P

    LouCelle Golden Fertik SJanet & Jim Finch FLorita Shull Fisher 39Benjamin & Marjorie Fleck P

    Jacob H. Flisher PJoyce Burkhalter Flueckiger 70Lela Folkers S

    Jessica Forbes 83Alice M. Forman 36Douglas Forman 34Bob 49 & Eva S. ForsgrenWeldon Friesen 59

    Erik Geissal 94Frederick Goeth 66Ellen Goodell SRichard & Melita Graber SCarol Rugh Green 60Robert Griths 52Susan Hostetler Guipe 62Suzanne Turner Hani 63Gail Harp SStephen Harper 74Dorothy Foster Harrold 48Patricia Martin-Jenkins Hartwell 55Earle Harvey S

    Robert Harwood 43 Arden & Janna Haug S

    James Havens 57Josie Thoburn Herndon 52Peter Hesbacher 54Marjorie Hill 42Ruth Graham Hilliard 40Lindsay Fiske Homan 59Margaret Weeks Holl and 42Stephen Holm 56Diana Bond Holtshouser 49Mary Ina Flisher Hooley 73

    Gordon Hostetler 51Mildred Dye Howard 42Alice Howes SAndrew Hume 39Margaret Brooks Huston 48Nancy Aldrich Inman 49Donald Isaac 41Zarin Greenough Jacobson 85Mark James 72Esther Jantzen 63

    Jonathan Jantzen 69Peter & Peggy Jenks SDrewer & Maude Johns PBruce Johnson 54Dale S. & Lois Kniss 72 JonesRichard Jonsson 42Kathryn Judd 68Virginia Judd S

    Jerry Judy 58Kazuyoshi Kawata P

    Mary Folsom Keller 57Phyllis Hall King 52Dwight Kintner SMark & Betty Kniss PLynn Roadarmel Kowalske 46Quessie Wylie Krell 42Carol Hay Kubitz 56

    Jessie Lacy 65Judie Schiller Landry 51David LeShana 48Ruth Nave Leibbrand 45Anna Mae Whitcomb Lennington 49

    David 41 & Isobel Scott 42 LewisRussel & Marjorie Liechty SAnne & Dan Lind SMary Conrad Lo 72Dora Lockley 37

    James Loehlin 51William Lucas 43Cameron Lyon 39Wilbur Lyon 40

    Joan Merrill Machata 44Donald MacKay 55

    Janet Parsons Mackey FTim Manickam 78

    John Manry 39Max Marble 67Eunice Jones Mathews 32Alma Mattison FDavid McCulloch 70Etta McCulloch SGladys Taylor McGarey 37Mabel Hamilton McGill 41Rachel Gamboe McGuire 40Marianna Presler McJimsey 54Shabnam Merchant 84Arthur Merrill 46

    Bruce Merrill 52June Rodin Michealsen 68Margery Miller Mills 35 Paul Mitchell 53Richard Moomaw 43Phillip & Betsy Moyer SGPHugh Mumby 43Norman Mundhenk 59Helen Knox Murphy 42Marjorie Bond Nagus 50Lois Lyon Neumann 44Virginia Reynolds Nolan 42Vivian Nichol Norden 45Barbara Bond Nutt 47

    John & Dorothy Nyce SRuth Thoburn Osborn 55Fred Osgood 44Gilbert Osgood 59

    Ruth Morris Paige 66McKenzie Parker 46

    Robin Parker 48Tony Parker 51Willem Parson 49

    Jane Pendley SJean Peters PBetty Anne Vestal Phillips 42Ann Leeder Pickett 47Doug Pickett 45 Mary Pollock 63Lyle & Willine Powell SDorothy Koenig Powers 44 & Erl DordalFranklin 61 & Paula Presler

    Carolyn Muirheid Pribble 62Charles Reckard 74Mark Reckard 78Roger Reynolds 48Lee Rice 60Kittu Parker Riddle 35Patricia Riddle 65Esther Shull Riley 57

    Jay Roadarmel 85Norman Roadarmel 45Bill & Dixie Roelos S

    John & Maxine Rollins PRuth Kesselring Royal 57Lloyd & Susanne Rudolph P

    Jim Rugh 60Margaret Pickett Sagan 42Carol Aldrich Sandlin 62Kenneth & Regina Saum SKenneth Scherling 47David Schoonmaker 62Marguerite Scherling Schweitzer 52David 52 Corinne ScottMargaret Loehlin Shaer 56Kim Shaf 74

    John W. Shaw 49

    Pat McGavran Sheaor 56Elizabeth Thoburn Sheather 52Betty Bauman Shelly 49Gordon Shull 41Marian Rice Sigmon 56Anna Allison Skalak 41Colin Skinner 52

    Janet Brown Smith 61Joan Greene Smith 47R Grant Smith 55Arthur Smucker 39Lois Mow Snavely 41

    Julia Niehaus Soper 80Abby Salzer Stadtlander 48Bill & Janet Nixseaman Starr SRobert Stewart 52Ruth Mary Stewart 45Robert & Sally Stoddard S

    Thomas Strickler 40Helen Hill Sturbaum 48

    Harvella Bauman Stutzman 49Gerald Summers 46G. William Supplee 40

    James & Doris.Swain SSusan Scott 67 & Ron Swanson SStanley Swenson 61Virginia Switten SHelen Banker Syswerda 49

    James Taylor 52Edith Theis-Nielsen 60Arthur Thiessen 40Lyle Thoburn 55

    Theodore Thoburn 49Jolene Unruh 61Margaret Ross Van Horn 46Myra Downie VanUxem 54Heea Halder Vazirani-Fales 55Sueann VonGunten SCharles Vrooman 63Elizabeth Moody Wagner 33

    Jane Downs Wallbrown 52Christine Duerksen Waltner 46Margaret Clark Ward 51Wayne Wardwell Jr. 46

    Judy Ebright Warner 57

    Charlotte Gould Warren 51Dora Warren 70Marguerite Thoburn Watkins 48

    John Webster PMarilyn Webster 81David Weidman 75

    Judy Benham Weinstein 58Beti Weir Weiss 45 Mark Welch 57David & Ann Weldy SAlice Whipple 35Catherine Whitcomb 66 & Jack Hinz S

    John E. Whitcomb 69William 42 & Dorothy Vaugh 42 WhitcombJames White 47Frederick Whitfeld 37W. Douglas Wilkens 62Harold Wilkinson 49Ruth Baur Willimann 54David Wilson 37Penny Wilson 74U Kyaw Win 51Lista Paulus Winger-Eger 49Betsy Woodman 63Bruce Woolever 50Ted Wright 44Li-Chun Chu Wu 50Alene Wilson Wyatt 55Nancy Badley Zantiny 32

    Key:S Sta | P Parent | SGP SAGE Parent | F Friend | SD Sustaning Donor | Deceased

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012



    FinAnciAls 2011-2012 Friends oF Woodstock school, inc

    Statement o Financial Position

    For period ending June 30, 2012 2012 2011


    Cash and cash equivalents $140,398 $888,090

    Investments $2,457,152 $1,901,969

    Accrued interest receivable $0 $5,374

    Loan receivable - current $7,500 $5,000

    Promises to give - current $51,000 $50,000

    Prepaids and deposits $2,564 $13,266

    Total Current Assets $2,658,614 $2,863,699

    Loan receivable - long term $0 $10,000

    Promises to give - long term, net $170,415 $210,875

    Endowment investments $1,201,514 $1,186,352

    Assets held in trust $326,669 $336,415

    Total Assets $4,357,212 $4,607,341


    Current Liabilities

    Deerred revenue $41,753 $25,392

    Grants Payable - current $70,000 $120,000

    Total Current Liabilities $111,753 $145,392

    Grants Payable - long term $70,000 $140,000

    Total Liabilities $181,753 $285,392

    Net Assets:

    Unrestricted $1,919,654 $2,122,687

    Temporarily restricted $846,757 $855,403

    Permanently restricted $1,409,048 $1,343,859

    Total Net Assets $4,175,459 $4,321,949

    Total Liabilities & Net Assets $4,357,212 $4,607,341

    A copy o the Audited Financial Statements prepared by JacobsonJarvis & Co, PLLC is available upon request.

    Statement o Activities

    For Year Ended June 30, 2012

    Unrestricted TemporarilyRestricted




    Contributions $137,676 $36,320 $65,189 $239,185

    Reunion and GeneralMembers Meeting

    $30,341 $30,341

    Interest and dividends $57,064 $13,767 $70,831

    Net gain on investments -$141,874 -$23,324 -$165,198

    Gain on assets held in trust -$12,691 -$12,691Net assets releasedrom restrictions

    $35,409 -$35,409 $162,468

    Total Income $105,925 ($8,646) $65,189 $324,936


    Program services (incl. Grants) $103,672 $103,672

    Management and general $104,582 $104,582

    Fundraising $100,704 $100,704

    Total Expenses $308,958 $308,958



    Program . . . . . . . 33%

    Management & General . . 34%

    Fundraising . . . . . . 33%

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 | 9

    Woodow Tune 61 President

    Malin Scoonmae 67 Vice-president

    Buce Davis 73 Treasurer

    David Scoonmae 62 Secretary

    Pritam Advani 76

    Catherine Allegra (P)

    Lorraine Doman-Sheyadi 87

    Anne Lind (S)

    D. Jonatan Long Principal, Ex-ofcio

    Aum cmm

    Loaine Doman-Seyadi 87 Chair

    Shalini Prakash Agarwal 72helen Dobson Anott 60

    Akshay Birla 05

    Sarah Doebler 94

    Sue Tune hani 63

    Marianna Presler McJimsey 54

    kim Sa 74

    Doug Wilkens 62

    David Weele Administrative Manager

    Fu rag cmmT.Z. Cu 52 Chair

    Pritam Advani 76

    Cateine Allega (P)

    Akshay Birla 05

    Sarah Doebler 94

    David Schoonmaker 62

    Jane Cummings Executive Director

    Fa cmm

    Buce Davis 73 ChairPritam Advani 76

    David Schoonmaker 62

    Marlin Schoonmaker 67


    Fiends of Woodstoc Scool, Inc.

    724 2nd Street | Mukilteo, WA 98275

    Phone: 425-353-8422 | Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.friendsofwoodstockschool.org

    Jane Cummings Executive Director

    David Weele Administrative Manager

    boArd oF directors

    We are proud to be part of thesupporter group, who have madea difference. It is a pleasure to seeWoodstock grow and thrive.

  • 7/30/2019 Friends of Woodstock School Annual Report 2011-2012


    Friends oF Woodstock school724 Second Street, Suite A | Mukilteo, WA 98275

