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Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna...

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Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Ac:on Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016
Page 1: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on





Page 2: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  IhavebeenaBuddhist,withTriratna,since1993

•  JoinedtheTriratnaBuddhistOrder2003•  NowresponsibleforTriratna’srela:onswithotherBuddhistsinEurope

•  TodayIamspeakingpersonally.

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Introduc:on•  14yearslivingaBri:shBuddhistcommunityhouse

•  NowIliveinStockholmwithmypartner,whoisalsoordained.

•  TriratnaBuddhistOrder•  TriratnaBuddhistCommunity•  www.thebuddhistcentre.com•  Google‘ABuddhistManifesto’and•  ‘TheTriratnaStory’

Page 4: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  WhymyBuddhismisthebest•  (That’sajoke.)•  WanttosharethewayBuddhistfriendshipchangedmylife

•  WhatImeanby‘Buddhistfriendship’•  WhyIthinkBuddhistfriendshipisessen:altothefutureofBuddhism

Page 5: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


1.  ABuddhistissomeonewhoGoesforRefugetotheThreeJewels-includingSangha

2. Kalyanamitrata–theimportanceofspiritualfriendship

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•  TogoforrefugetotheThreeJewelsincludesgoingforrefugetotheSangha.

•  Onlythearyasanghaisatruerefuge•  butourfellowBuddhistsarethesanghamostavailabletouseveryday.

•  InTriratnaweprac:secommitmenttofriendshipwithotherBuddhists.

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Page 8: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  Ver5calkalyanamitrata• withBuddhistsmoreexperienced• withthoselessexperienced

•  Horizontalkalyanamitrata•  Friendshipwiththoseofsimilarexperience

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•  Informalkalyanamitrata•  Formalkalyanamitraceremoniesformarkingcommi\edfriendshipbetweentwoOrdermembersandsomeonetrainingforordina:on

•  Noceremonyformarriage.•  (Wedon’tmarryanyone,straightorgay-equality!)

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•  WearenotordainedasteachersbutasmembersofanOrder,acommunityoffriends.

•  Wedonothave‘students’or‘teachers’•  Someofusdon’tteachatall,oronlyinformallythroughfriendship.

•  TobecomeamemberofthisOrderyouneedtohavepersonalfriendshipswithexis:ngmembersoftheOrder.

Page 13: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


TriratnaOrderfriendshipsspanincrediblydifferentcultures;forexample•  IndianDalits(formelyUntouchables)with•  highlyeducatedmiddleclassAmericansandEuropeans


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•  Trainedforordina:on1995-2003– studygroups– medita:on–  retreatswithothertraineesfromaroundtheworld

–  friendshipswithOrdermembers–  Includingthewomanwhoordainedme

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Since1993•  17yearsworkingwithinManchesterBuddhistCentre’ssangha(UK)

•  attheClearVisionTrust:Buddhistvideoprojectwww.clear-vision.org

•  OtherBuddhistbusinessesinsamebuilding•  Lived14yearswith6Buddhistfriends•  Many,manyretreatsandOrdergatherings•  Thelast13yearsinaweeklyOrderchapter

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So,myen:reBuddhistlifehastakenplace•  inaworldwidecontext•  inconnectednesswithothersWithmanypeopleverydifferentfrommeItisnotprivate.It’schallenging.Itisfun!

Page 18: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  3-yearstudygroups•  4-monthtrainingcoursesforyoungBuddhists•  3-4monthordina:onretreats•  Shops•  Cafés•  Centreteams•  KarunaTrustfundraisingappealswww.karuna.org

•  BuddhistAc:onMonth(www.nbo.org.uk)

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•  Intensity•  Requiresmorethanaweeklyclassorretreatto‘cook’theego!

•  Livingand/orworkingtogethercreatesopportuni:estostophidingourvulnerability

•  Toallowourselvestoloveandbeloved.•  (Also,it’sfun!)

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Page 22: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  TheECAdoesbusinessasfriends.

•  Spending:metogetherisasimportantasgeongthebusinessdone.

•  Example:namechange2010•  Businessmee:ngsofBuddhists


•  Trustisthekey.

Page 23: Friendship as the future of Buddhism...Friendship as the future of Buddhism Munisha Triratna Buddhist Order and Community EBU event: Buddhism in Acon Rigpa Centre Berlin 1.4.2016 Introduc:on


•  DangerofindividualisminwesternBuddhism,‘my’prac:ce?

•  Narrowdefini:onof‘prac:ce’asmedita:on.•  Othersgiveencouragementandfeedback.•  Otherskindlypointoutmyunskillfulnesstowardsmyselfandothers.

•  Otherswilltestmypa:enceandethics.•  MylifehasbeenchangedbythekindnessofmyBuddhistfriends.

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•  Isola:onamongBuddhistleaders/teachersisdangerous.

•  Theyneedpeersforsupportandfeedback.•  OqentheygoastraybecausetheyhadnocloseBuddhistpeerstochallengethem.

•  Challengerequirestrust.•  Trustisbuiltonlovingcommitment.

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•  Mindfulnessandcompassion-basedinterven:onsareaveryimportantBuddhistcontribu:ontoworldhappiness.

•  ButtheyarenotBuddhism;notacompleteteaching.

•  Mindfulnessisa(personal?)prac:celeadingtowellbeing

•  WellbeingisveryimportantbutitisnotEnlightenment,Insight.

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•  Bodhgaya
