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From NEWS AND ByRadio, Opens Its New Next New · 2017-12-20 · .Mrs. (J. A. Lynn, head cut; Mrs....

Date post: 27-Jul-2020
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From Long Trip Summer Cruise Ends With Target Practice Off Chesa¬ peake Capes. ANNAPOLIS Md.. Au(. 10. . Steaming alonly i,p the bay from HAmy-ton Rn&dg. V* , last nlfbL foue warihijn comprising the midship- men s summer crufsine squadron to anchor in the **ffcoads" tlx miles out from Annapolis, today. ?JM^rkfag the last legr of the annual summer practice cruise for the fu- *ur* naval officers. The cruise will officially end early tomorrow mom- tnsr. when the 1,700 midshipmen will .disembark and «iart on their annua] thirty days' vacation to visit their homes. The ships in the squadron are the ! %Htleshlp North Dakota flaenhin World* and Delaware, and the old Cfnlser Olympia. nf Manila Bay (fame. The snuadron is under theJ cpvnmand of Rear-Admiral Newton 4V*. McNtitly. The cruise becan at 'Annapolis the flrst week in June Whd the itinerary of tho squadron extended as far south as the Pan¬ ama Canal Zone, where the mid¬ shipmen were enabled to gr*t a view of the biff Isthmian waterway, and north tc Halifax. The ships have Just completeo big gun target prac¬ tice off the cape.i of the Chesapeake for th* instruction of the midship- j Ifcejj The oruien-. from -reports that j ttmy? been brought ashore Today, j JjUjis a pleasant one. unmarked by ifciiil particular events. YOUTH SAVES GIRL from drowning i»i* ? *«. Kellinc fifteen feet down an eir.- Mtfckment into a sewer near the Wrpjjit Falls noathouse early yesler- dhV Mis* He len CSrissett, 19 years Wfifr. 4600 Kiarhth street northwest, s|Jftered bruises and probable frao- juiced ribs. She was treated at (Jlnfuetown Hospital and later re- moved home. Jofin H. liraps: University of Marv- %an«l student. dive<J after the Kirl and" held her head above the sur- until help arrived. Clfmbinic lauw: over hand alone a rope. Brass: ir rescuinji her. Castor i a For Infants and Children in USE For Over 30 years A^aya bears _/9 "Mother Why Not Try The Newer Form Of Iron Aad B.Strong and Well and Have Nic« Ro«y Cheeks Instead of Being Ner¬ vous and Irritable all the Time and Looking So Haggard and Old?" "The doctor (rave some to Susie Smith s mother and she wan worse "Ir than you are and now she looks just line." There can be no healthy, beautiful rosy-cheeked women with, out iron. flood physicians have strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more of the newer form of iron.Nutated 'r«Vf0,L ,he|r nervous run-down, iv-h. ,. haeKar<|-looking patients. " 'h* ',r''n K°« the blood ,rom their cheeks and strength and vitality from their bodies This newer form indr?i"ke ir°n ln your blood ana like the iron in certain nr+f>n j'8 highly recommended1 i«»J *an who wi*h quickly to increase their strength, power and crttlurance. It is surprising t?,"2 "lasJ people .uff.r from Iron ncv Z *' "l" *""" " 'r"« ah».lu».|, ! ' rOUr. ,l"ort change food Into mu,7 ". no ."'<><¦' ho. r. *" *.'. J"ur food mere), P* " <hrou»h TOM without doing jou the proper amount of »ood. y.. , t||, .Uemtth out of It. in.I a, , , on«e.|neoce vo. r,""' -'.* I-" .i.kl.-lookl,,. J.7, * ' ¦nt trying to grow |n »,ii drBclcnt Tim .-an tell the wocien with plent. of iron la t»»lr blond. beautiful. healthy rorr- *5.* «f'. »¦"« vl l*UtX Ton ran get Xuiated Iron lma nraggl.t under an ah.olule jnarantee that It ,*111 the same for ,ot| or your maa, r Common Sense i About Eczema and Eruptions! Ton rc,*kl>m* M«<nkw« « right Pimples hfM 2n Dm blood. There e do get- hr sm. Ir~ ^ * ^ la 'a tka .tantlfle Mood ciaanaar.It drteaa holla. hlackbaart^ . *th«r akin aniptloiUL I"*urlUaa ara driven out. t atop Mfinl »ary nloa things Tow Upa turn nat- ayaa Chairman of Council Will Also Serve as City Executive. MEETS TOMORROW Bee Buzzing Near Fair Driv¬ er's Head Causes Auto Crash. THE HERALD BUREAU. A. 8. Doniphan. 727 Klnf Street. ALEXANDRIA, V*., Aug. 30.. Wh«n the new city council, which will operate under the council man* ager plan form of city government, is inducted into office at noon Fri¬ day. a day lor the meetings of that body will be determined. The new council. It is stated, will meet once a week in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, it is understood that Wil¬ liam A. Smoot will be chosen chair¬ man of the new council and as such will also serve as mayor for four year*. It is said that the new couucil will not make any chaug s in the j personnel of the city employes fori the present, at least. The newiy selected nanagur, Wilder M Rich. I of bault Sie. Marie, Mich., will ar-1 rive hero Friday. It is stated that Air. Rich was se- lecied from between forty and fifty! applicants The members of the council wrote live letters to leading business managers in various parts! of the United States and three re-! plied, suggesting that Mr. Rich be! chosen for the position. I'lans are being completed for the presentation of a historical pag- eant, which will be staged here Sep- tember l;' and 13. on the grounds of the Dreadnaught Athletic Club. Four scenes will be presented. Frank A. Steele is stage manager and he has obtained the services of Miss Mahon., assist a ut t0 Mrs Susie Hoot Rhodes. ¦superintendent of the Washington p.a>grounds. The Columbian l*lay-i .is. of thi»i city, have offered the ¦>~i vices of many of the players ot i he com pa n \ Steele will direct those who will have speaking parts, and Miss Mahon will coaeh those se¬ lected for the minuet. Fire Chief E. J. McDermott wll! look after the firemen who participated in the! juigcai.t held in Richmond Five persons were injured this morning on the Camp Humphreys! road a few miles south of Alex- anuria when an automobile crashed into a telegraph pole, 'i lie accident was caused by a bee luzzhig around the head oi Mrs. i harles Valentine, who lost con-1 Irol of the machine. The injured! are: John H. Davis, leg broken.! .Mrs. (J. A. Lynn, head cut; Mrs. Valentine, four teeth knocked out. Two little children of Mrs. Val¬ entine receded minor cuts. Mrs. Valentine, who lives at 117 Har¬ vard street, and the others were treated at the Alexandria Hospi-i tal by Dr. M. D. Dclancy. When an automobile from! Washington toppled ofT the road last night at 11 o'clock. .Mrs. W. E. Robb, giving her address as 708 Virginia avenue southeast. Washington, received slight injur¬ ies to her hand and was treated at the Alexandria Hospital. The machine was badly wrecked. Mrs. Itobb was brought to this city by Richaid Stuart. It is said that the driver of the machine endeavored to get out of the way of an approaching automobile and that this was responsible for the accident. The machine fell about 8 feet. A lawn fete for the benefit of the striking railroad employes ia being held on the lawn at St. Elmo and will be continued the remainder of the week. In the Corporation- Court today Richard C. Burnett qualified as executor of the estate of his mother. Mrs. Margaret Burnett. Mrs. Minnie P. Kniper. 31, years old. wife of Truman Kniper. of 118 j North Asaph street, died today at the Alexandria Hospital. The body was taken to Wheatley chapel and will be shipped Friday to Allen- town I'a for burial. * ___ Miss Elizabeth Lovejoy. 32 years old. died this morning at the home LadiesKeep Your Skin {Clear, Sweet, Healthy j.With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum GIRL NOW WELL AND STRONG Daughter Took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com¬ pound as Mother Advised Wauseoo, Ohio.."My daughter always had backache and leg arhe at -jcertain period! and could not be on her feet at thoee times. We read abotit Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com¬ pound doing girls so much good so she began to take it. That is two year* ago and she is a different =Jgirl since then, able to do any work she wants to do .although ahe ia still careful not to do heavy work - and so well and strong. We recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all mothers with ailing daughters, and I give you permission to publish this letter aa a testimonial. .Mrs. A.M. Buskholdeb, Route No. 2, Box 1. Waoeeots, Ohio. Something oat of balance will af¬ fect the fjtest clock, causing it to gain or lose. The proper adjustment made, all ia well Soit ia With wo- Sotne trouble may npeet yon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct the cause of the trouble and all disagree able symptoms wig disappear. ' " .v"" , !. i'J '' ¦ RADIO NEWS AND VIEWS Photos By Radio, Inventor's Theme Inventor Jenkins Spenlu at Centra) High.Community Songfest Held. C. Frwcii Jenkins, Inventor. da- 'Ivered a paper lut night at Cen- .ral High Hchool an the transmis¬ sion of picture* by radio. Fallow¬ ing a technical dlaeuulon at the principle^ Involved Mr. Jenkins pre¬ dicted that the future of the prooecs was dependent only on the elimina¬ tion of too complicated apparatus. The process would later Include the transmission of motion pictures. "It may be possibls." stated the speaker, "that criminals will be ap¬ prehended sooner by photographs flashed to headquarters The possi¬ bilities arc that newspapers may a* some date utilise these radio pic¬ tures, particularly for trans-ocsanlc transmission." following the address of Jenkins and reading: by Miss Kith-r Cloyd. Robert l«awrence led the audience in singing popular songs and melo¬ dies. Pictures were shows of the community alng4rs' work In New York City and other renters where had led great numbers In sing¬ ing Lawrence was organiser of the Washington music week. MISS WASHINGTON LISTENS BY RADIO Mis* Evelyn Lewis, selected by the board of judges yesterday as Miss Washington for 1922. was taken to the studio of Harris a,nd Kwlnc. where rsdlo apparatus was installed. Placing the receivers over her ears. Miss Lewis listened' In. The local broadcasting station of White and Boyer was transmit¬ ting at the time. Listeners-ln Society To Meet Tomorrow The National Radio Llsteners-Tn Association will hold a semi-month¬ ly meeting at 1210 G street tomor¬ row evening. Addresses and enter¬ tainment features will be Included in the program. Listening-in Concerts. GENERAL PUBLIC IXVITED. Tsslght at 8. Capitol Radio Sales Agency. 724 Eleventh street northwest. . Peoples Drug Store. Seventh and E streets northwest. Rice's Orsnge Beverage Parlor. Eighth and E streets southeast. Foy's Radio Supply House. 602 Eighth street southeast. Above places store hours also. St«r« Honrs Omly. Program* Dlty. 13 to 1 and 4 (. Ct30 p. Be Doubleday-Hil! Electric Company. 716 Twelfth street. Thomas F. Williams. Inc.. 1124 New York avenue: National Electric Supply 8tore. 1330 New York avenue. Gibson Company. 919 G street northwest. Hlnes Auto Supply Co., 920 D atreet northwest. Quality Accessory Company. 1117 H street northeast. Harry C. Grove. Inc.. 1210 G street northwest. John C. Rau. 624 Twelfth street. White and Boyer. 812 Thirteenth street northwest. Arcade Electric Company. Four¬ teenth and Park road. Lansburgh and Brother. 420 Seventh street. Woodward and Lothrop. Eleventh and F streets. of her niece. Mrs. C. B. Cockrell. Strawberry Farm, Fairfax County. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Pohick Episcopal Church. Services will be conducted by Rex. E. W. Mel- lichamps. rector. Burial will be In Pohick Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. David E. Robe/ took place this afternoon from the residence of her mother. Mrs. Miriam Simpson, 430 South Lee street. Services were conducted by Rev. E. V. Resester. D. D.. pastor of the M. E. Church South. Burial was in the Presbyterian Cemetery. A special grand Jury has been summoned to meet at 10 o'clock Friday. September 8. in the Corpora¬ tion Court. A number of criminal cases will be presented to the Jury. The Jury summoned is composed of: C. B. Swan. Julius Wolf, M. W. <>a:nes. Llewellyn Dyson. Aubrey Shuman. Edward S Goodloe and J. William May. POLICE INSPECTION WILL BE REVIVED The annual police Inspection by the District Commissioners. ovei> looked for several years In the rush of war and post-war business, will be revived this year by MaJ. Danlet Sullivan, superintendent of police, according to announcement yester¬ day. The Inspection will begin on Oc¬ tober 15. It Is expected. The Com¬ missioners will visit all precincts In rotation. Military drill was made a part of the routine of the local police, beginning this week. TAX VALUATIONS SHOW INCREASE Increase in. assessed valuation of District real estate of tSf.0Tt.4tt over the previous year is noted In the annual report for the fiscal yesr ending June 30, lt22. made public yesterday by William P. Richards. District Assessor. Assessed valuation for tbe flacal year Just ending was MT2.I74.3M. while that for the preceding year was t434.7t4.7t4. The assessed val¬ uation for the next year will be based on a full valuation. BRITAIN WILL SCRAP SIX FAMOUS SHIPS LONDON. Aug. JO.Blx of Oraal Britain's moat fa mens warships are to be scrapped In accordance with the Washington agreement for Upn Itatlon of naval armament*, the M> r Iralty haa announced. " . ..<i The ships to be put out'of service are tha battle cruisers Lion and Prfc* cess Royal and the battleahlpe Orioa, Coaeuerer. Monarch and «Hn, all [ veterans of tha battle of Jutland. IN THE AIR T#DAT. WASHINGTON. RU^IIVU RADIO .TATMB, CM* Mm. C W. (Am) . to » a. m..Uv» stock' r.- celpta. marWata 1# a. m..Waath.r nnculi for Nov England, Mtdrtia Atlantic aad Southern Statoa. 1»:»0 a. m..M«t«ro)o(!oal report. 11:11 to Hit V nw-Hop, Chi¬ cago and 8t. r.oula. - 11:W to 11:40 a. m..Fruit and vegetable shipments. 1:40 to 2:25 p. m.Frultn and v«f«Ublu. 2:25 to 1:16 p .m.Crops and sps* ciai market news. 1:45 to 4 p. m..Closing llvi stook. 4:00 to 4:16 p. m..Hay an.l fs*d markets. MondrtV, Wednesday, Frt- 5:00 p. m..W«jA»a*". 5:50 to S p. m..Markstgram. ZMOm Meter*. Spark. 12 m. and 10 p. m..Time signal 10 p. m..Weather report?, ship orders, nav^J press news. WWX-POPTOFFICK DEPART¬ MENT PTATIOW. AO R«4l«»b*SM 11M Meter*. 10 a. m..'Weather report. 10:30 a. m..Fruits and tables. Local w holesale. , 12:40.Livestock, Chicago and St. I' Louis. 8 p. m..Crop and special msrket report Preen ; 3:30 p. in.- -General fruits and vegetables. Press. 5 p. m..Dairy products. New York and Chicago. I 5:30 p. m..Grain report. 1 7:30 p. m..Live stock. 8 p. m..Frulta and vegetables, frees. 9:30 p. m..Weather report. For the remainder of the summer season detailed programs except for iocal concerts will be omttted from this column, but are available at The Herald Office. Radio Depart¬ ment 9M XRTKR9 UXLKftfl OTHERWISE WOTKD. Eaatera f>tas4aN Time. W«l' . DOI IILRDAY HILL ELEC¬ TRIC COMPANY. 4:30 to 5:30 p. m..Program: Baseball scores announced. "Blushes." "Etude MelodJque." "Georgia." Slavonic Dance No. 1 in C minor. "Funeral March of a Marionette." "My Honey's lx>vln* Arms." "The Glow Worm." - 'Neath the South Sea Moon." "Coo-Coo." "Swanee Blue Bird." "Old Fashioned Girl." "High Brown Blues." "lx>ve's Last Word." "Who?" "Llst'nlnj? on Some Radio.'* "J'en Ai Marre." "Romany Love." Baseball scores announced. 8 p. m..Special musical program. WPM-THOI. J. WILLIAMS. IWC. 12 p. m..Epiphany chimes. 12:30 p. m..New# Items and re- ports of stolen automobiles. NOF-*AVAL AIR HTATIOW, AsscMtls. D. Co 419 Metera. 7:45 p. m..Public health lecture. WEAR.THE NECHT CO. 3 to 4 p. m..Music and retail merchant newi% W J H.WHITE AfTD BOTER. 4 to 4;30 and 5:30 to C p. m.. Music ' WJS. NEWARK, FL J. Dally. t a. m. to 5 p m..Musical pro¬ gram on the hour. Reports. 11 a. m. and 5 p. m..Agricultural reports (official). Tsslfkt. I p. m..Continuous program. KDKA.PITTSBURGH. Dally. 9 to 9:15 a. m.. 11:30 a. m. to li m..Music. 2:30 and 6 p. m..Baseball scores. C to 9 p. m..Addresses and music. KYW.CHICAGO. Dallr. 9:25 a. m. to 7 p. m..Reports ana news. 8 p. m..Musical program. WGI_MEDFORn-HlLL9lt>E, MAIf. 10 a. m. and nearly every hour untJ! 9 p. m..Reports. News and Music. W9B-ATLANTA. GA. 4M Meters. Dallr. ! 1 p. m. . Weather reports and. summary for Cotton States. 3:30 p. m..Closing market quota- tions and government reports. 3S0 Meters. 1 p. m. Concert for industrial employes , 6 to 7 p. News bulletins. 8 to 9 a ad 11:15 to 12:15 p. ro.. Address and concert. Jap Views Playgrounds. Y. Haseqawa. official advisor on so- j cial work with the Department of { Interior, of Japan, yesterday toured District playgrounds with Mrs. Susie Root Rhodes, superintendent of play¬ grounds. Haseqawa is making a study of social work and playground activities in the United States and hopes to introduce much of value in his own country when he returns. iHeresComftrt \{or jour feetI J*at a apooaf.1 of rostra. (*<¦ ('«.»'> UoaM root la a foottnb of vara w.t.r aiut a Hw mot.r.1.' anaktac tln4. a<hla(. awulloo, * writj tamt uka o. .aw. Uf. (ran ft la id awatllM- rooraui MtCAxm uovio uf «. NEW THEATER ATTRACTIONS PROMISED FOR NEXT WEEK I x V Strand Opens Its New Vaudeville Season Next Sunday.Other New Amusement*. ¦¦I.ASCO.>.Wh r mm Lnn "Why Men Leave Home." a new eomedy.by Avery Hopwood, will be presented by Wacenhala and Krm- Per at tbe Belaaco next 8unday night. The announcement of the new play Indlcatea that Florence Shirley, usbel Lelshlon and Theresa Maxwell Conover will head the 1»r*e case d*Mlt'K.Jalia Deaa la -Her Owa ¦.¦ey.» »IMcUlU Wl" COn,e 10 th« G«*- Sundsy nlsht In Mark ?* * comedy. "Her Ow, Money." the weather __ r«~Mt fer Tedey ul Imm. moderate temper*tor*, fodir and tomorrow. moderate variable mint* tomorrow l*0*1 I'"P«rit«r1. W..:::::: 2 X ::: « rPz: & I!" ?Z «P» TV if S s- v Hlfheat. $1.0; lowest e5 0 JUlatlva humidity.g , ... H; ! p B » P. ¦.. Tl. * m" Ralefell l* p. m t. « D _ , Hour* ef luukia# g 2 T»r cent of pouibl, fun.hlnr. U. Bepertsrea fr.m larval. lK?a'- 3>I.r alnrr Avfaet 1. p^,,hu"'- . i«e"'''Tai<>' |,r"',I"u,">» aiere Autu«i i. «tT'3rtow«t. "i"' "" u" Tide Conditions. Ulsk «.trr-S:07 .. lM 3 M iT ¦ - anTlO^ p z Hue rtmn.SM .. . p m Moon rian.2:57 p" Di ; Kit. 0:22 i, ui "w O.ndltioni "s.w" ci«r th. Rhfn .< H.TN-r. Fenee.t .1 Flyl«, Weetfeer. l"'""d aed »'a»l,lo» .. Norfolk. Ve.-dfimii, .irar .k. wind. up to !i,m> f«*t w.-hhwlo. to I Ohio.<"l«ir .k» *a" and parti; cloudv -k, ovrr ,.rt wnl variable wind. "P to .1,000 feet. Otker Tamper,turaa. Hisbrat Kain- . . yratrrday. » p. m. fall. A.bery Park. X. J j# 7,, Aahe.llle. N. c Ml J-> Atlanta. Ua M s5 Atlantic City. X. J 7u Baltimore. Jld Birmingham. Ala........' K M Blaetarrk. X. Oak Hi' Jx o.fc Boaton. Mia. Ml «« Buffalo. N. Y 7U M Chicago. Ill 72 7tl Cincinnati, Ohio M 74 «i i-. Cleyei*. Wyo Ml i, *' Cleveland. Ohio ^ Darenport. Iowa R2 * Dearer, tolo km IVa Motae*. Iowa 7H 7# « «in Detmit, Mfrh 74 as Dulutb. Minn.. ns »n Bl P|M. Te* 94 go o* iTe*to?' Tn ** M o. is Helaa. Moat *4 *, n, Indi«na:M>iiB. lod h,, 76 Jirkaoo vllle. Kla Vj 7tt KtttMa1 f*lj. Mo an 0 Little Rock. Ark.... 9^ I«oa AMfelec. Calif M *1 u>«HTtne. ry 74 Marquette, kfieh 70 ail Memphis Teaa M) ao Miami. Fla M j'^l Mobile. Ala ^ i, ' N>w Orleana. Iji Wi H4 I.".' *. T Mi .... North Platte. Nebr 100 92 Omaha. Nebr u «.» Philadelphia. Pa Phoenix Aria.......... ios i«ui rittrtirtk. p,...:::::::: 'yj Portland. Mr . Portland. Orr* «.. . *a It take Cllr. ftak n ot *'. lault, Mo 7h j. .. *1 Paul. Minn 7H . * ^ Man Antonio. Te* pg 04 »an Diego. Calif W> -4 »«n Francisco. Calif... 7*» Seattle. Wa«h. w'» ?:-S,rtrd,a ". ^ " « «" T«iri.. obio:;;:;;;;;;;;;- ?i . "M Tlrkaburi. MIm 8, WOULD CURB SALE OF LOW-GRADE COAL Discovery that more than 200 tons of coal, unfit for consumption, has arrived in Washington consigned to a local dealer, has led the Public Utilities Commission to seek the aid of the Department of Justice in an effort to prevent its sale to local consumers, according to in¬ formation received at the District Building yesterday. Last Saturday the Commissioners warned dealers against disposing or Inferior coal. Since then four new carloads are said to have been re- ceived The dealer is reported to have customers ready to take this coal. One order is alleged to have been filled at a price of S16.7S per ton. by Duncan Pen warden. Martha Mc- <3raw and other favorites of the Garrlck Company. IB. r. KEITH**..VaMnffit. Labor Day m-eek will be signal¬ ised by an extra matinee at B. F. Kelth'e on Monday. Pat Rooney and Mirlon Bent In "Ring* of Smoke;" Myers and Hanford; Jes¬ sie Buslej In -Batty;" Bob Ander¬ son and his pony: Davis and Pelle: Bryant and ptewart, "A Couple of Dafrodllls," and Andrleff trio In dances, comprise the bllL STBA*D.Vaudeville. The Strand opens Its vaudeville season next Sunday with a pro¬ gram that Includes "Getting It Over;" Carl and Emma Frabell. wire walkere; Connell. Leona and Zippy In "Verities A La Oarte;" Ja«*k Princeton and ElUlan Wataon; Otto Brothers In "In the First Entrance;" "When Husband's Deceive." featur- ing Leah Baird. CO*MO*.Vaadevtlle. Next week's bill at the Cosmos will bheaded by Ernest Evans and hia dancing girls; W'snda Hawley. In "Bobbed Hair"; Greenlee and Dayton; Robert Rellly. In an Irish romance: Cecelia Maddox and George I-ewis; Orvllle Stamm, "the perfect athlete." and **Jo Jo" Doo- ley. CAYETY.MBlf Jamboree.** Next week the Gayety will pre¬ sent James B. Cooper's "Big Jam¬ boree," with Frank Ward. Charles Ward. Teresa Adams. Gladys Stock¬ ton and Virginia Ware. Scenery and a chorus of beauties, noted for their singing and dancing ability, are features. COLIMBIA."Blood and »a*d.~ Loejv's Columbia, beginning ^Sun¬ day. will present "Blood and Sand." by V. Be la sco Ibanex, with Rodolph Valentino. Lila Lee and Nlta Naldl in featured roles. The screen ver- sion was directed by Fred Nlblo from script by June Mathls. HKTROPOMTA\ .Harold Lloyd fla %ra^aa'i Boy.** Harold Lloyd. In "Grandma's Boy," the first five-reel comedy- drama In which he has ever ap¬ peared, will be shown as the major attraction at Crandall's Metropoli¬ tan next week, beginning Sunday. Mildred Davis. Noah Young and others of note appear in the star's support. The bill will be aug- mented by appropriate short-reel features and special orchestral con- trtbutlons. RIAI.TO."Fieali and Blood - Next week, beginning Sunday. Moore's I\ialto will present Lon Chaney in "Flesh and Blood." A story of a crook's search for free- dom, with a cast including Noah Beery, Ralph Lewis. Jack Mulhall, Edith Roberts. DeWItt Jennings. Kate Price and Wilfred Lucas. PALACE.»**S lee People.** . For the week .beginning Sunday. Loew s Palace will present Willlan. DeMille's screen version of "Nice People." the stage success* of Rschel Crothers. with a cast thst includes Wallace Reld. Bebe Daniels. Conrad Nagel, Julia Faye and others. C'RADALI/*.Charlea Bay Is Staa Oil aad Water.** At Crandall's. beginning Sunday and continuing through Tuesday. Charles Ray will be seen In "Gas. Oil and Water." On Wednesday and Thursday of next week James Kirk wood appear* in Paramount'* version of "The Man From Home." Retty Compson is announced for Friday and Saturday In "Always the Woman." CLE* ECHO PABK. The management of Glen Echo Park has arranged a I^abor Day celebration starting Saturday night and continuing through Monday evening. Extra features have bee* added to the already extensive en¬ tertainment. On Labor Day there will be both afternoon and night dancing to the Glen Echo Orchestra, directed by "Andy" Oehman. fOLOXIAL BEACH. The season at Colonial Beach. Washington's Atlantic City, comes to a close Tuesday, September 5^ The holiday schedule to the beach will be sailings of the largv .steamer St. Johns on Saturday at 2.30 p. m.. Sunday and Monday, l^abor Day. at * a. m.. leaving the beach at 5 p. m. for the return trip. CHESAPEAKE BEACH. Chesapeake Bearh is preparing for a big weekend, culminating in a gala celebration on Labor Day. Special trains will be operated to accommodate the crowds. Fr*»e dancing to dream music continues a daily feature A15 of the amuse¬ ments are running full blast. I. The Aeriola, Sr. Radio Set Installed in your home compute for $73M . A *et of particular interest.the tort of a radio set you'll enjoy. It gets long distance very well.uses V/z-roh dry ce!i battery instead of the cumbersome storage battery. witb tube and pair of phones, $65. Radio Section, Fourth floor. RIALTO 11 A.M..Lut > Dar>.u P.M. U ILTU-MMEM STHT I'niverml Present* PREVOST Iff THE MARRIED FLAPPER ORCHESTRA. II BIIDIAME« OT^NEXT WEEK^B LOR CNAREY it "FLESH »»i BLOOI 5 AFTER THOROUGH £ RENOVATION AND REDECORATION THE STRAND! Sinth at D St. S. W. WILL OPEN J SUNDAY, SEPT. 3 For (*» Season 19:2-23 ^ PLAYING Loew'i Higher Policy of VAUDEVILLE And Selected First Run PHOTOPLAYS -NOTE~VB Watch Sunday Papers for Full Program Announcemtnt * sL CEAHPAHI I METROPOLITAN E L1IT THREE D»T! |B A. M. to 11 P. M. .. I'lrat .National I'rfM ni» | JOHR M. STAHL'S = M*ry .( the Neitk. with a ham- SB <r«| »ew thrills and tkrok* bH the punch of a tfaaea 1 ONE CLEAR A CALL LI.OTD HAHII.TOff. Iff 'THE SPEEDER" New».Srwpheey.Tvplr* 40-Mile Moon- tight Trios Mob.. Wed. Frt. at f:ll.Frrt Boaeiac, Colonial Beach Baa.. TnM.. Thar*, t a. m.; tat.. B JB +. m. Palatial Steamer St. Johns Was Bald A 1ms* taU wot ¦ Mr. Ma 1 woo qaekljr oororod wlU . Ul] U. , Mur otbm mm h? otk« poMM Ul koir growth wkoa oil .la. ItlM. T«l KOTALKO lor rom^M It 1. far mm'*. wm'i mmd cMMoi'i Mr. Too moy obtmim >k«ll loouioo 1W.I. M My bu» 4r« >r» Or nil 10 a. lor jrootW M CLOTHING ON CREDIT U ABI { C ABRAMSO ft. w. W IK Watches, Jewelry IP LOEWS ALACI CwUihu 1I M A. M - last mri Dtn" CUM 11 MULL YOUNG '. the H A \DH or WAMUk* A Metro Piftir* Writ, ELLIOTT IEXTD 'Hy.*L.k Q«t ¦eUw* R^KiaalM «aa4ay "MICE PEOPLE5 with WAtLArC AXD WF-HK BH T5i COLUMBIA Omii.»¦» im i j u | gl .-AST TUBER DATS GLORIA SWA KM MltMM t*. 4rwma mf krr nmr: "HER SILtEl CASE" Hmkl B+mwty Co GLEN ECHO n Tire no nn isuasm JS AKTTSEKEBT FABK 0% p ¦3 ATTRACTIONS 29 An AT THE BIS BALL lew DANCING TO THE BEST HTSIC im OrFIUD IB OB VEAB WASKIWSTOK BT AJTDT OEKMABB-S ENLARGED ORCHESTRA Or It MASTER KITS ICLAM SRIBEIT-BEUSCC Mwwt, nn<1 J J. libah* Tk* Reaaoa'a First Rnllaey* Ht* Tb* SflwjDt Pr^Dt The EXCITERS Hy Msrtia Brown ^Itl Alai Diarkart, TaDalah Raakkfad aad a t.rrat Cmmt Metises Ksturriay NRXT KLNDAT WHY MEN LEAVE HOME Amy Ropw-nrxf « Latent "lirr. A Play of Tk«.f Wk« Uvt. Honor and Diaokry, SEAT* \OW Mat. Today. S.V *> SOW SUN. -her o«\ sonr* H.liter Mai. Mm. lUkw kni B.F.KEITH'S ft MLYra SUM.SH m'TffjKff "Scored".Post "Tiraiarfc, ar At Ika Carakra Tks .Okss^s issiis" st Tul . rsatmriat TkssAsr ItapaasfT ft I TM« GREAT HIIITIRtl WILLIAM KALUGA! ft ftssA ft Aastte. Harry ft Dsasfe 1 Ths Fssr Raktmi fllatsrs. Paid Bsftaa ft Co.. Bsk aai T*r Otksrs z*uuikti turn SuUkkh o*tr wit V.Mr aiBMt f>H Hl.tes. All linlln ASMkK ¦Ml Ul tef. knM. I :1V M. 110k. 1SI 1«S" II* 1 OtWr (tit-l 11 It a. m.. S: ' »¦ » READ HERALD
Page 1: From NEWS AND ByRadio, Opens Its New Next New · 2017-12-20 · .Mrs. (J. A. Lynn, head cut; Mrs. Valentine, four teeth knocked out. Two little children of Mrs. Val¬ entine receded

From Long TripSummer Cruise Ends WithTarget Practice Off Chesa¬

peake Capes.ANNAPOLIS Md.. Au(. 10. .

Steaming alonly i,p the bay fromHAmy-ton Rn&dg. V* , last nlfbL fouewarihijn comprising the midship-men s summer crufsine squadron

to anchor in the **ffcoads" tlxmiles out from Annapolis, today.?JM^rkfag the last legr of the annualsummer practice cruise for the fu-*ur* naval officers. The cruise willofficially end early tomorrow mom-

tnsr. when the 1,700 midshipmen will.disembark and «iart on their annua]thirty days' vacation to visit theirhomes.The ships in the squadron are the !

%Htleshlp North Dakota flaenhinWorld* and Delaware, and the oldCfnlser Olympia. nf Manila Bay(fame. The snuadron is under theJcpvnmand of Rear-Admiral Newton4V*. McNtitly. The cruise becan at'Annapolis the flrst week in JuneWhd the itinerary of tho squadronextended as far south as the Pan¬ama Canal Zone, where the mid¬shipmen were enabled to gr*t a viewof the biff Isthmian waterway, andnorth tc Halifax. The ships haveJust completeo big gun target prac¬tice off the cape.i of the Chesapeakefor th* instruction of the midship- jIfcejj The oruien-. from -reports that jttmy? been brought ashore Today, jJjUjis a pleasant one. unmarked byifciiil particular events.

YOUTH SAVES GIRLfrom drowning

i»i* ?*«. Kellinc fifteen feet down an eir.-

Mtfckment into a sewer near theWrpjjit Falls noathouse early yesler-dhV Mis* He len CSrissett, 19 yearsWfifr. 4600 Kiarhth street northwest,s|Jftered bruises and probable frao-juiced ribs. She was treated at(Jlnfuetown Hospital and later re-moved home.Jofin H. liraps: University of Marv-

%an«l student. dive<J after the Kirland" held her head above the sur-

until help arrived. Clfmbiniclauw: over hand alone a rope. Brass:

ir rescuinji her.

Castor iaFor Infants and Children

in USE For Over 30 yearsA^aya bears _/9

"MotherWhy NotTry The NewerForm Of Iron

Aad B.Strong and Well and Have Nic«Ro«y Cheeks Instead of Being Ner¬vous and Irritable all theTimeandLooking So Haggard and Old?"

"The doctor (rave some to SusieSmith s mother and she wan worse"Ir than you are and now she looksjust line." There can be no healthy,beautiful rosy-cheeked women with,out iron. flood physicians havestrongly emphasized the fact thatdoctors should prescribe more ofthe newer form of iron.Nutated'r«Vf0,L ,he|r nervous run-down,iv-h. ,.

haeKar<|-looking patients." 'h* ',r''n K°« the blood

,rom theircheeks and strength and vitalityfrom their bodies This newer form

indr?i"ke ir°n ln your bloodana like the iron in certain nr+f>n

j'8 highly recommended1i«»J *an who wi*h quickly toincrease their strength, power andcrttlurance. It is surprising t?,"2"lasJ people .uff.r from Iron ncv Z*' "l" *""" " 'r"« i» ah».lu».|,!

' rOUr. ,l"ort '» change food Into

mu,7 ". no ."'<><¦' ho.r. *" *.'. J"ur food mere),

P* " <hrou»h TOM without doing jou theproper amount of »ood. y.. , t||,.Uemtth out of It. in.I a, , , on«e.|neoce vo.

r,""' -'.* I-" .i.kl.-lookl,,. J.7,* ' ¦nt trying to grow |n »,ii drBclcnt

Tim .-an tell the wocien with plent. of ironla t»»lr blond. beautiful. healthy rorr-

*5.* «f'. "» »¦"« vll*UtX Ton ran get Xuiated Iron lmanraggl.t under an ah.olule jnarantee thatIt ,*111 the same for ,ot| or your maa, r

Common Sensei About Eczemaand Eruptions!Ton rc,*kl>m* M«<nkw« « right

PimpleshfM 2n Dm blood. There e do get-

hrsm.Ir~^ *^ la 'a tka

.tantlfle Mood ciaanaar.It drteaa!»

holla. hlackbaart^.

*th«r akin aniptloiULI"*urlUaa ara driven out.

t atop Mfinl »ary nloa thingsTow Upa turn nat-ayaa

Chairman of Council WillAlso Serve as City



Bee Buzzing Near Fair Driv¬er's Head Causes Auto


THE HERALD BUREAU.A. 8. Doniphan.727 Klnf Street.

ALEXANDRIA, V*., Aug. 30..Wh«n the new city council, whichwill operate under the council man*ager plan form of city government,is inducted into office at noon Fri¬day. a day lor the meetings of thatbody will be determined. The new

council. It is stated, will meet oncea week in the afternoon at 3o'clock, it is understood that Wil¬liam A. Smoot will be chosen chair¬man of the new council and as

such will also serve as mayor forfour year*.

It is said that the new couucilwill not make any chaug s in the jpersonnel of the city employes forithe present, at least. The newiyselected nanagur, Wilder M Rich. Iof bault Sie. Marie, Mich., will ar-1rive hero Friday.

It is stated that Air. Rich was se-

lecied from between forty and fifty!applicants The members of thecouncil wrote live letters to leadingbusiness managers in various parts!of the United States and three re-!plied, suggesting that Mr. Rich be!chosen for the position.

I'lans are being completed for thepresentation of a historical pag-eant, which will be staged here Sep-tember l;' and 13. on the grounds ofthe Dreadnaught Athletic Club. Fourscenes will be presented. Frank A.Steele is stage manager and he hasobtained the services of Miss Mahon.,assist aut t0 Mrs Susie Hoot Rhodes.¦superintendent of the Washingtonp.a>grounds. The Columbian l*lay-i.is. of thi»i city, have offered the¦>~i vices of many of the players oti he compa n \ Steele will directthose who will have speaking parts,and Miss Mahon will coaeh those se¬lected for the minuet. Fire ChiefE. J. McDermott wll! look after thefiremen who participated in the!juigcai.t held in Richmond

Five persons were injured thismorning on the Camp Humphreys!road a few miles south of Alex-anuria when an automobilecrashed into a telegraph pole,'i lie accident was caused by a beeluzzhig around the head oi Mrs.i harles Valentine, who lost con-1Irol of the machine. The injured!are: John H. Davis, leg broken.!.Mrs. (J. A. Lynn, head cut; Mrs.Valentine, four teeth knocked out.Two little children of Mrs. Val¬entine receded minor cuts. Mrs.Valentine, who lives at 117 Har¬vard street, and the others weretreated at the Alexandria Hospi-ital by Dr. M. D. Dclancy.When an automobile from!

Washington toppled ofT the roadlast night at 11 o'clock. .Mrs. W.E. Robb, giving her address as708 Virginia avenue southeast.Washington, received slight injur¬ies to her hand and was treatedat the Alexandria Hospital. Themachine was badly wrecked. Mrs.Itobb was brought to this cityby Richaid Stuart. It is saidthat the driver of the machineendeavored to get out of the wayof an approaching automobileand that this was responsible forthe accident. The machine fellabout 8 feet.

A lawn fete for the benefit ofthe striking railroad employes iabeing held on the lawn at St.Elmo and will be continued theremainder of the week.

In the Corporation- Court todayRichard C. Burnett qualified asexecutor of the estate of hismother. Mrs. Margaret Burnett.

Mrs. Minnie P. Kniper. 31, yearsold. wife of Truman Kniper. of 118 jNorth Asaph street, died today atthe Alexandria Hospital. The bodywas taken to Wheatley chapel andwill be shipped Friday to Allen-town I'a for burial.


Miss Elizabeth Lovejoy. 32 yearsold. died this morning at the home

LadiesKeepYourSkin{Clear, Sweet, Healthyj.With Cuticura Soapand Cuticura Talcum


Daughter Took Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Com¬pound as Mother AdvisedWauseoo, Ohio.."My daughter

always had backache and leg arhe at-jcertain period!and could not beon her feet atthoee times. Weread abotit LydiaE. Pinkham'sVegetable Com¬pound doinggirlsso much goodso she began totake it. That istwo year* ago andshe is a different

=Jgirl since then,able to do any work she wants to do.although ahe ia still careful not todo heavy work - and so well andstrong. We recommend Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound toall mothers with ailing daughters,and I give you permission to publishthis letter aa a testimonial. .Mrs.A.M. Buskholdeb, Route No. 2, Box1.Waoeeots,Ohio.Something oat of balance will af¬

fect the fjtest clock, causing it togain or lose. The proper adjustmentmade, all ia well Soit ia With wo-

Sotne trouble may npeet yon

Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound will correct the cause ofthe trouble and all disagreeablesymptoms wig disappear.

'".v"" ,!. i'J '' ¦

RADIO NEWS AND VIEWSPhotos By Radio,Inventor's Theme

Inventor Jenkins Spenlu atCentra) High.Community

Songfest Held.

C. Frwcii Jenkins, Inventor. da-'Ivered a paper lut night at Cen-.ral High Hchool an the transmis¬sion of picture* by radio. Fallow¬ing a technical dlaeuulon at theprinciple^ Involved Mr. Jenkins pre¬dicted that the future of the prooecswas dependent only on the elimina¬tion of too complicated apparatus.The process would later Include thetransmission of motion pictures.

"It may be possibls." stated thespeaker, "that criminals will be ap¬prehended sooner by photographsflashed to headquarters The possi¬bilities arc that newspapers may a*some date utilise these radio pic¬tures, particularly for trans-ocsanlctransmission."following the address of Jenkins

and reading: by Miss Kith-r Cloyd.Robert l«awrence led the audiencein singing popular songs and melo¬dies. Pictures were shows of thecommunity alng4rs' work In NewYork City and other renters whereh« had led great numbers In sing¬ing Lawrence was organiser ofthe Washington music week.


Mis* Evelyn Lewis, selected bythe board of judges yesterday asMiss Washington for 1922. wastaken to the studio of Harris a,ndKwlnc. where rsdlo apparatus wasinstalled. Placing the receiversover her ears. Miss Lewis listened'In. The local broadcasting stationof White and Boyer was transmit¬ting at the time.

Listeners-ln SocietyTo Meet Tomorrow

The National Radio Llsteners-TnAssociation will hold a semi-month¬ly meeting at 1210 G street tomor¬row evening. Addresses and enter¬tainment features will be Includedin the program.

Listening-in Concerts.


Capitol Radio Sales Agency. 724Eleventh street northwest. .

Peoples Drug Store. Seventh andE streets northwest.

Rice's Orsnge Beverage Parlor.Eighth and E streets southeast.Foy's Radio Supply House. 602

Eighth street southeast.Above places store hours also.

St«r« Honrs Omly.Program* Dlty. 13 to 1 and 4 (.

Ct30 p. Be

Doubleday-Hil! Electric Company.716 Twelfth street.Thomas F. Williams. Inc.. 1124

New York avenue:National Electric Supply 8tore.

1330 New York avenue.Gibson Company. 919 G street

northwest.Hlnes Auto Supply Co., 920 D

atreet northwest.Quality Accessory Company. 1117

H street northeast.Harry C. Grove. Inc.. 1210 G street

northwest.John C. Rau. 624 Twelfth street.White and Boyer. 812 Thirteenth

street northwest.Arcade Electric Company. Four¬

teenth and Park road.Lansburgh and Brother. 420

Seventh street.Woodward and Lothrop. Eleventh

and F streets.

of her niece. Mrs. C. B. Cockrell.Strawberry Farm, Fairfax County.The funeral will take place at 4o'clock tomorrow afternoon fromPohick Episcopal Church. Serviceswill be conducted by Rex. E. W. Mel-lichamps. rector. Burial will be InPohick Cemetery.

The funeral of Mrs. David E. Robe/took place this afternoon from theresidence of her mother. Mrs.Miriam Simpson, 430 South Leestreet. Services were conducted byRev. E. V. Resester. D. D.. pastorof the M. E. Church South. Burialwas in the Presbyterian Cemetery.

A special grand Jury has beensummoned to meet at 10 o'clockFriday. September 8. in the Corpora¬tion Court. A number of criminalcases will be presented to the Jury.The Jury summoned is composed of:C. B. Swan. Julius Wolf, M. W.<>a:nes. Llewellyn Dyson. AubreyShuman. Edward S Goodloe and J.William May.


The annual police Inspection bythe District Commissioners. ovei>looked for several years In the rushof war and post-war business, willbe revived this year by MaJ. DanletSullivan, superintendent of police,according to announcement yester¬day.The Inspection will begin on Oc¬

tober 15. It Is expected. The Com¬missioners will visit all precincts Inrotation. Military drill was madea part of the routine of the localpolice, beginning this week.


Increase in. assessed valuation ofDistrict real estate of tSf.0Tt.4ttover the previous year is noted Inthe annual report for the fiscalyesr ending June 30, lt22. madepublic yesterday by William P.Richards. District Assessor.Assessed valuation for tbe flacal

year Just ending was MT2.I74.3M.while that for the preceding yearwas t434.7t4.7t4. The assessed val¬uation for the next year will bebased on a full valuation.


LONDON. Aug. JO.Blx of OraalBritain's moat famens warships areto be scrapped In accordance withthe Washington agreement for UpnItatlon of naval armament*, the M>r Iralty haa announced. "

. ..<iThe ships to be put out'of service

are tha battle cruisers Lion and Prfc*cess Royal and the battleahlpe Orioa,Coaeuerer. Monarch and «Hn, all

[ veterans of tha battle of Jutland.



. to » a. m..Uv» stock' r.-celpta. marWata

1# a. m..Waath.r nnculi forNov England, Mtdrtia Atlantic aadSouthern Statoa.

1»:»0 a. m..M«t«ro)o(!oal report.11:11 to Hit V nw-Hop, Chi¬

cago and 8t. r.oula. -

11:W to 11:40 a. m..Fruit andvegetable shipments.

1:40 to 2:25 p. m.Frultn andv«f«Ublu.

2:25 to 1:16 p .m.Crops and sps*ciai market news.

1:45 to 4 p. m..Closing llvistook.

4:00 to 4:16 p. m..Hay an.l fs*dmarkets. MondrtV, Wednesday, Frt-

5:00 p. m..W«jA»a*".5:50 to S p. m..Markstgram.

ZMOm Meter*. Spark.12 m. and 10 p. m..Time signal10 p. m..Weather report?, ship

orders, nav^J press news.


AO R«4l«»b*SM 11M Meter*.10 a. m..'Weather report.10:30 a. m..Fruits and

tables. Local w holesale.,

12:40.Livestock, Chicago and St.I' Louis.

8 p. m..Crop and special msrketreport Preen

; 3:30 p. in.- -General fruits andvegetables. Press.

5 p. m..Dairy products. NewYork and Chicago.

I 5:30 p. m..Grain report. 17:30 p. m..Live stock.8 p. m..Frulta and vegetables,

frees.9:30 p. m..Weather report.For the remainder of the summer

season detailed programs except foriocal concerts will be omttted fromthis column, but are available atThe Herald Office. Radio Depart¬ment9M XRTKR9 UXLKftfl OTHERWISE

WOTKD.Eaatera f>tas4aN Time.


4:30 to 5:30 p. m..Program:Baseball scores announced."Blushes.""Etude MelodJque.""Georgia."Slavonic Dance No. 1 in C minor."Funeral March of a Marionette.""My Honey's lx>vln* Arms.""The Glow Worm."- 'Neath the South Sea Moon.""Coo-Coo.""Swanee Blue Bird.""Old Fashioned Girl.""High Brown Blues.""lx>ve's Last Word.""Who?""Llst'nlnj? on Some Radio.'*"J'en Ai Marre.""Romany Love."Baseball scores announced.8 p. m..Special musical program.

WPM-THOI. J. WILLIAMS. IWC.12 p. m..Epiphany chimes.12:30 p. m..New# Items and re-

ports of stolen automobiles.NOF-*AVAL AIR HTATIOW,

AsscMtls. D. Co419 Metera.

7:45 p. m..Public health lecture.WEAR.THE NECHT CO.

3 to 4 p. m..Music and retailmerchant newi%WJH.WHITE AfTD BOTER.

4 to 4;30 and 5:30 to C p. m..


Dally.t a. m. to 5 p m..Musical pro¬

gram on the hour. Reports.11 a. m. and 5 p. m..Agricultural

reports (official).Tsslfkt.

I p. m..Continuous program.KDKA.PITTSBURGH.

Dally.9 to 9:15 a. m.. 11:30 a. m. to li

m..Music.2:30 and 6 p. m..Baseball scores.C to 9 p. m..Addresses and music.


9:25 a. m. to 7 p. m..Reports ananews.

8 p. m..Musical program.WGI_MEDFORn-HlLL9lt>E,

MAIf.10 a. m. and nearly every hour

untJ! 9 p. m..Reports. News andMusic.

W9B-ATLANTA. GA.4M Meters.

Dallr. !1 p. m. . Weather reports and.

summary for Cotton States.3:30 p. m..Closing market quota-

tions and government reports.3S0 Meters.

1 p. m. Concert for industrialemployes ,

6 to 7 p. News bulletins.8 to 9 aad 11:15 to 12:15 p. ro..

Address and concert.

Jap Views Playgrounds.Y. Haseqawa. official advisor on so-

j cial work with the Department of{ Interior, of Japan, yesterday touredDistrict playgrounds with Mrs. SusieRoot Rhodes, superintendent of play¬grounds. Haseqawa is making a

study of social work and playgroundactivities in the United States andhopes to introduce much of value inhis own country when he returns.


J*at a apooaf.1of rostra. (*<¦('«.»'> UoaM root

la a foottnbof vara w.t.r aiuta Hw mot.r.1.'anaktac tln4.a<hla(. awulloo,*writj tamt ukao. .aw. Uf.(ran ftla idawatllM-

roorauiMtCAxm uoviouf



I xV

Strand Opens Its New Vaudeville Season NextSunday.Other New Amusement*.

¦¦I.ASCO.>.Whr mm Lnn"Why Men Leave Home." a new

eomedy.by Avery Hopwood, will bepresented by Wacenhala and Krm-Per at tbe Belaaco next 8undaynight. The announcement of thenew play Indlcatea that FlorenceShirley, usbel Lelshlon and TheresaMaxwell Conover will head the1»r*e case

d*Mlt'K.Jalia Deaa la -Her Owa¦.¦ey.»

»IMcUlU Wl" COn,e 10 th« G«*-Sundsy nlsht In Mark

?* * comedy. "Her Ow, Money."

the weather__r«~Mt fer Tedey ul Imm.

moderate temper*tor*, fodir and tomorrow.moderate variable mint*


l*0*1 I'"P«rit«r1.

W..:::::: 2 X::: « rPz: &I!" ?Z «P» TV

if S s- vHlfheat. $1.0; lowest e5 0JUlatlva humidity.g , ... H; ! p B

» P. ¦.. Tl.* m"

Ralefell l* p. m t. « D _ ,Hour* ef luukia# g 2T»r cent of pouibl, fun.hlnr. U.

Bepertsrea fr.m larval.

lK?a'- 3>I.r alnrr Avfaet 1.


i«e"'''Tai<>' |,r"',I"u,">» aiere Autu«i i.

«tT'3rtow«t. "i"' "" u"

Tide Conditions.Ulsk «.trr-S:07 .. lM 3 M

iT ¦ - anTlO^ p zHue rtmn.SM .. . p m

Moon rian.2:57 p" Di ; Kit. 0:22 i, ui

"w O.ndltioni

"s.w" ci«r th. Rhfn.< H.TN-r.

Fenee.t .1 Flyl«, Weetfeer.l"'""d aed »'a»l,lo»

..Norfolk. Ve.-dfimii, .irar .k.

wind. up to !i,m> f«*tw.-hhwlo. to I Ohio.<"l«ir .k»

*a" and parti; cloudv -k, ovrr ,.rt wnlvariable wind.

"P to .1,000 feet.Otker Tamper,turaa.

Hisbrat Kain-

. .yratrrday. » p. m. fall.

A.bery Park. X. J j# 7,,Aahe.llle. N. c Ml J->Atlanta. Ua M s5Atlantic City. X. J J« 7uBaltimore. JldBirmingham. Ala........' K MBlaetarrk. X. Oak Hi' Jx o.fcBoaton. Mia. Ml ««Buffalo. N. Y 7U MChicago. Ill 72 7tlCincinnati, Ohio M 74 «i i-.Cleyei*. Wyo Ml i, *'

Cleveland. Ohio 7« ^Darenport. Iowa R2 7«


Dearer, tolo kmIVa Motae*. Iowa 7H 7# « «inDetmit, Mfrh 74 asDulutb. Minn.. ns »nBl P|M. Te* 94 go

o* iTe*to?' Tn ** M o. isHelaa. Moat *4 *, n,

Indi«na:M>iiB. lod h,, 76Jirkaoo vllle. Kla Vj 7ttKtttMa1 f*lj. Mo an 7« 0 i«Little Rock. Ark.... 9^I«oa AMfelec. Calif M *1u>«HTtne. ry 74Marquette, kfieh 70 ailMemphis Teaa M) aoMiami. Fla Mj'^lMobile. Ala ^ i, '

N>w Orleana. Iji Wi H4 I.".'*. T Mi 7« ....

North Platte. Nebr 100 92Omaha. Nebr u «.»

Philadelphia. PaPhoenix Aria.......... ios i«ui

rittrtirtk. p,...:::::::: 'yjPortland. Mr .Portland. Orr* «.. .

*a It take Cllr. ftak n ot*'. lault, Mo 7h j. ..

*1 Paul. Minn 7H .* ^

Man Antonio. Te* pg 04»an Diego. Calif W> -4»«n Francisco. Calif... 7*»Seattle. Wa«h. w'»?:-S,rtrd,a ". ^ " « «"T«iri.. obio:;;:;;;;;;;;;- ?i .


Tlrkaburi. MIm 8,

WOULD CURB SALEOF LOW-GRADE COALDiscovery that more than 200 tons

of coal, unfit for consumption, hasarrived in Washington consigned toa local dealer, has led the PublicUtilities Commission to seek theaid of the Department of Justicein an effort to prevent its sale tolocal consumers, according to in¬formation received at the DistrictBuilding yesterday.Last Saturday the Commissioners

warned dealers against disposing orInferior coal. Since then four newcarloads are said to have been re-ceived The dealer is reported tohave customers ready to take thiscoal. One order is alleged to havebeen filled at a price of S16.7S perton.

by Duncan Penwarden. Martha Mc-<3raw and other favorites of theGarrlck Company.

IB. r. KEITH**..VaMnffit.Labor Day m-eek will be signal¬

ised by an extra matinee at B. F.Kelth'e on Monday. Pat Rooneyand Mirlon Bent In "Ring* ofSmoke;" Myers and Hanford; Jes¬sie Buslej In -Batty;" Bob Ander¬son and his pony: Davis and Pelle:Bryant and ptewart, "A Couple ofDafrodllls," and Andrleff trio Indances, comprise the bllL

STBA*D.Vaudeville.The Strand opens Its vaudeville

season next Sunday with a pro¬gram that Includes "Getting ItOver;" Carl and Emma Frabell. wirewalkere; Connell. Leona and ZippyIn "Verities A La Oarte;" Ja«*kPrinceton and ElUlan Wataon; OttoBrothers In "In the First Entrance;""When Husband's Deceive." featur-ing Leah Baird.

CO*MO*.Vaadevtlle.Next week's bill at the Cosmos

will bheaded by Ernest Evans andhia dancing girls; W'snda Hawley.In "Bobbed Hair"; Greenlee andDayton; Robert Rellly. In an Irishromance: Cecelia Maddox andGeorge I-ewis; Orvllle Stamm, "theperfect athlete." and **Jo Jo" Doo-ley.

CAYETY.MBlf Jamboree.**Next week the Gayety will pre¬

sent James B. Cooper's "Big Jam¬boree," with Frank Ward. CharlesWard. Teresa Adams. Gladys Stock¬ton and Virginia Ware. Sceneryand a chorus of beauties, noted fortheir singing and dancing ability,are features.

COLIMBIA."Blood and »a*d.~Loejv's Columbia, beginning ^Sun¬

day. will present "Blood and Sand."by V. Belasco Ibanex, with RodolphValentino. Lila Lee and Nlta Naldlin featured roles. The screen ver-sion was directed by Fred Nlblofrom script by June Mathls.

HKTROPOMTA\.Harold Lloyd fla%ra^aa'i Boy.**

Harold Lloyd. In "Grandma'sBoy," the first five-reel comedy-drama In which he has ever ap¬peared, will be shown as the majorattraction at Crandall's Metropoli¬tan next week, beginning Sunday.

Mildred Davis. Noah Young andothers of note appear in the star'ssupport. The bill will be aug-mented by appropriate short-reelfeatures and special orchestral con-trtbutlons.

RIAI.TO."Fieali and Blood -

Next week, beginning Sunday.Moore's I\ialto will present LonChaney in "Flesh and Blood." Astory of a crook's search for free-dom, with a cast including NoahBeery, Ralph Lewis. Jack Mulhall,Edith Roberts. DeWItt Jennings.Kate Price and Wilfred Lucas.

PALACE.»**S lee People.** .

For the week .beginning Sunday.Loew s Palace will present Willlan.DeMille's screen version of "NicePeople." the stage success* of RschelCrothers. with a cast thst includesWallace Reld. Bebe Daniels. ConradNagel, Julia Faye and others.

C'RADALI/*.Charlea Bay Is StaaOil aad Water.**

At Crandall's. beginning Sundayand continuing through Tuesday.Charles Ray will be seen In "Gas.Oil and Water." On Wednesdayand Thursday of next week JamesKirkwood appear* in Paramount'*version of "The Man From Home."Retty Compson is announced forFriday and Saturday In "Alwaysthe Woman."

CLE* ECHO PABK.The management of Glen Echo

Park has arranged a I^abor Daycelebration starting Saturday nightand continuing through Mondayevening. Extra features have bee*added to the already extensive en¬tertainment. On Labor Day therewill be both afternoon and nightdancing to the Glen Echo Orchestra,directed by "Andy" Oehman.

fOLOXIAL BEACH.The season at Colonial Beach.

Washington's Atlantic City, comesto a close Tuesday, September 5^The holiday schedule to the beachwill be sailings of the largv.steamer St. Johns on Saturday at2.30 p. m.. Sunday and Monday,l^abor Day. at * a. m.. leaving thebeach at 5 p. m. for the return trip.

CHESAPEAKE BEACH.Chesapeake Bearh is preparing

for a big weekend, culminating in agala celebration on Labor Day.Special trains will be operated toaccommodate the crowds. Fr*»edancing to dream music continues a

daily feature A15 of the amuse¬ments are running full blast.


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Installed in your home compute for $73M.

A *et of particular interest.the tort of a radio set you'llenjoy. It gets long distance very well.uses V/z-roh dryce!i battery instead of the cumbersome storage battery.witb tube and pair of phones, $65.

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STRAND!Sinth at D St. S. W.


For (*» Season 19:2-23 ^PLAYING

Loew'i Higher Policy of

VAUDEVILLEAnd Selected First Run


Watch Sunday Papers forFull Program Announcemtnt



|B A. M. to 11 P. M.

.. I'lrat .National I'rfM ni»

| JOHR M. STAHL'S= M*ry .( the Neitk. with a ham-SB <r«| »ew thrills and tkrok*

bH the punch of a tfaaea



40-Mile Moon-tight Trios

Mob.. Wed. Frt. atf:ll.Frrt Boaeiac,


Baa.. TnM.. Thar*,t a. m.; tat..

B JB +. m.

Palatial Steamer St. Johns

Was BaldA 1ms* taU wot ¦ Mr.Ma 1woo qaekljr oororod wlU . Ul] U. ,Mur otbm mm

h? otk« poMM Ulkoir growth wkoa oil .la. ItlM. T«lKOTALKO lor rom^M It 1. far mm'*.wm'i mmd cMMoi'i Mr. Too moy obtmim>k«ll loouioo 1W.I. M My bu» 4r«

>r» Or nil 10 a. lor jrootW M



W IKWatches, Jewelry


CwUihu 1I M A. M -

last mri Dtn"CUM 11 MULL

YOUNG'. the H A \DH or WAMUk*A Metro Piftir*

Writ, ELLIOTT IEXTD'Hy.*L.k Q«t ¦eUw*R^KiaalM «aa4ay"MICE PEOPLE5



COLUMBIAOmii.»¦» im i j u | gl



4rwma mf krr nmr:"HER SILtEl CASE"Hmkl B+mwty Co






SRIBEIT-BEUSCCMwwt, nn<1 J J. libah*

Tk* Reaaoa'a First Rnllaey* Ht*Tb* SflwjDt Pr^Dt

The EXCITERSHy Msrtia Brown

^Itl Alai Diarkart, TaDalahRaakkfad aad a t.rrat Cmmt

Metises KsturriayNRXT KLNDAT

WHY MEN LEAVE HOMEAmy Ropw-nrxf « Latent "lirr.

A Play of Tk«.f Wk« Uvt.Honor and Diaokry,


Mat. Today.S.V *> SOW

SUN. -her o«\ sonr*H.liter Mai. Mm. lUkw kni

B.F.KEITH'S ftMLYra SUM.SH m'TffjKff"Scored".Post

"Tiraiarfc, ar At Ika CarakraTks .Okss^s issiis" st Tul .

rsatmriat TkssAsr ItapaasfT ft ITM« GREAT HIIITIRtlWILLIAM KALUGA! ft

ftssA ft Aastte. Harry ft Dsasfe 1Ths Fssr Raktmi fllatsrs. Paid Bsftaa ftCo.. Bsk aai T*r Otksrs

z*uuikti turnSuUkkh o*tr wit V.Mr aiBMtf>H Hl.tes. All linlln ASMkK

¦Ml Ul tef. knM. I

:1V M. 110k. 1 SI1«S" II* 1

OtWr (tit-l 11 It a. m.. S:' »¦ »

