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FROM PARISH ASSOCIATE, SUZANNE MALLOY...The Lighthouse page 2 Session News 2018 Presbytery Meetings...

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JULY/AUGUST 2018 FROM PARISH ASSOCIATE, SUZANNE MALLOY Six months. One half-year has already passed since the Thomas Fire and Montecito Debris Flow disasters! This half-year has passed relatively quickly for many of us who escaped harm from nature’s violence. This same time period has elapsed in excruciatingly slow motion for those whose homes and lives were forever changed by the destruction of the largest fire in California history, and by the overnight scouring and alteration of the Montecito landscape. During these six months, the St. Andrew’s congregation has joined the greater community in recovery endeavors. Members who participated in the initial rescue efforts are now committed to collaborating with long term recovery teams to provide assistance to individuals and businesses that have suffered as a result of the disasters. We distributed N-95 masks to neighbors. We slogged debris alongside Habitat for Humanity and Bucket Brigade volunteers. We joined the American Red Cross and worked in shelters. We handed out water to Montecito residents. We raised funds for the Unity Shoppe by hosting the well- attended Honeysuckle Possums concert. We acknowledged and encouraged our neighborhood first responders with signs and with the installation of an honoring bench. We renewed our First Aid and CPR certifications. As a church, we provided funds to the Presbytery Disaster Response Task Force. As individuals and families, we gave our time and our money to many local organizations that are working together to repair the wounds in our community: organizations like Food Bank, United Way, and Direct Relief International. I thank God for you all, a body of Christ that observes the commandment shared with his disciples after he knelt and washed their feet: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” As a congregation, we strive to demonstrate this love; yet, we have much more that requires our action. The disaster recovery efforts will go on for years, long after news media has moved on to other events. And, we mustn’t forget those among us who face daily challenges of being unsheltered, unfed, unhealthy, undocumented, or unloved. Let us continue to discern how we might better follow the example of the early church: “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47)
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Six months. One half-year has already passed since the Thomas Fire and Montecito Debris Flow disasters!

This half-year has passed relatively quickly for many of us who escaped harm from nature’s violence. This

same time period has elapsed in excruciatingly slow motion for those whose homes and lives were forever

changed by the destruction of the largest fire in California history, and by the overnight scouring and

alteration of the Montecito landscape.

During these six months, the St. Andrew’s congregation has joined the greater community in recovery

endeavors. Members who participated in the initial rescue efforts are now committed to collaborating with

long term recovery teams to provide assistance to individuals and businesses that have suffered as a

result of the disasters. We distributed N-95 masks to neighbors. We slogged debris alongside Habitat for

Humanity and Bucket Brigade volunteers. We joined the American Red Cross and worked in shelters. We

handed out water to Montecito residents. We raised funds for the Unity Shoppe by hosting the well-

attended Honeysuckle Possums concert. We acknowledged and encouraged our neighborhood first

responders with signs and with the installation of an honoring bench. We renewed our First Aid and CPR


As a church, we provided funds to the Presbytery Disaster Response Task Force. As individuals and

families, we gave our time and our money to many local organizations that are working together to repair

the wounds in our community: organizations like Food Bank, United Way, and Direct Relief International.

I thank God for you all, a body of Christ that observes the commandment shared with his disciples after he

knelt and washed their feet:

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love

one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

As a congregation, we strive to demonstrate this love; yet, we have much more that requires our action.

The disaster recovery efforts will go on for years, long after news media has moved on to other events.

And, we mustn’t forget those among us who face daily challenges of being unsheltered, unfed, unhealthy,

undocumented, or unloved. Let us continue to discern how we might better follow the example of the

early church:

“All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and

goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together

in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God

and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were

being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47)

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Session News

SESSION NEWS At its May meeting, Session:

• Heard a report from the Pastor about plans for Pentecost Sunday on May 20, including the burning

of the church Mortgage during worship and Stone Soup Lunch hosted by the children and youth.

• Heard a report from the Pastor about plans for the Session Retreat on June 1-3 at Oak Creek

Ranch. Enrico Manlapig, Westmont professor, was the facilitator again this year.

• Heard a report from the CBT team and approved expenditures from the CBT funds for a weed

barrier for the new landscaping, with appreciation for a donation to help pay for the costs. Other

current CBT projects include a Memorial Garden and new plantings for the rose garden area.

• Approved a grant of $1,200 from the 1997 Endowment Fund for Emma Voigt to attend and

participate in the Westmont Trailhead Program, June 25 - July 6, a two-week residency program.

• Elected Ruling Elder Sandy Thoits as Clerk of Session for a term of one-year, July 1, 2018 through

June 30, 2019.

• Session, acting as the Board of Trustees, elects the following ruling elders as officers of the

corporation: President – Don Vickers, Vice-President – Mona Wise, Secretary - Sandy Thoits,

Treasurer – Scott Eschbach. Term of Office July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

• Session discussed the topic of getting a new welcoming table for the patio on Sunday mornings.

Additional help is sought for the July 1 Family Fun Faire for the BBQ cooking, set up, hosting and

clean up.

• Session did not meet in June. The next Session meeting is Tuesday, July 17.

Sandy Thoits, Clerk of Session

Let us gratefully remember that “every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above,

coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

(James 2:17)

With gratitude,

Rev. Suzanne,

Parish Associate

2018 Presbytery Meetings

Saturday, September 22 – Paso Robles

Tuesday, November 13 - Goleta

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Our Mission Statement

We worship Jesus Christ together consistent with Reformed/Presbyterian tradition, while:

❖ Learning God’s Word and spreading the Gospel

❖ Supporting each member of our Church family

❖ Caring for others through mission and service throughout our community and the


❖ Openly affirming all forms of diversity in leadership, worship and ministry

Our Vision Statement

As God calls us and equips us by the Holy Spirit, we strive to:

❖ Be a loving, connected family-in-faith of all ages

❖ Affirm Christ’s teaching as the source of spiritual nourishment

❖ Grow in discipleship, leadership and service

❖ Share the joy of God’s love with all


To my Sisters and Brothers at St. Andrew’s,

I want to thank you all, with all my heart, for all you have done for

my family and me over the past years. St. Andrew’s was, and is, an

oasis of God’s hope, love, grace and mercy in a world full of

divisiveness. It is because of you, together with God’s guidance,

that I was able to finally be ordained. Thank you, too, for helping to

make my Ordination such a wonderful event.

Each of you will always have a special place in my heart and in my


Blessings, peace and thanks,

Reverend Paul Davidson

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JULY BIRTHDAYS 06 – John Gonzalez 07 – Kendall Shinn 08 – Nancy McKenzie 08 – Jeffrey Wootton 10 – Enid Englund 11 – Evan Schindler 15 – Chris Davis 17 – Jim Gilmour 26 – Shelby Malengo 17 – Dana Monk 27 – Lindy Moore 18 – Katie Lefley 28 – Marie Sue Parsons 20 – Ariel Bowers 29 – Scott Eschbach 21 – Louise Carey 30 – Paul Davidson 23 – Laura Lee Henderson 31 – Bob Parsons


01 – James Padden-Rubin 03 – Brandon Gonzalez 04 - Barbara Hughes 07 – Joshua Acuna 08 – William Hughes 14 – Kayla Malengo 16 – Cheri Hoeckley-Larsen 18 – Bill Wise 21 – Martha Hitchens 22 – Bob Allbright 25 – Beau Henderson 25 – Andrew Lefley 28 – Bill Oakey


Saturday, July 14th – “Catcher in the Rye” by JD Salinger and on Saturday, August 11th – “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson. All meetings are at 10am in the Vos Room. New members welcome!


2018 Ruling Elder and


Discernment and

Training Program

1. Saturday, July 21, 9:30AM - 1:00PM – Second Training Program. Taking the Lead. For Elders and

Deacons. Location: Diana Lee’s home. Lunch included. Opportunity for learning about being an

elder and deacon, small group sharing, discussion on decision making.

2. Sunday, August 12, 11:00AM – 12:00 Noon – Third Training Program. Checking In. For Elders and

Deacons. Location: At the church. Sharing of experiences, ideas and questions.

3. Tuesday, August 21, 6:00PM – Session Dinner and Meeting. Incoming Elders and Deacons are

approved for ordination/installation.

4. Sunday, August 26, 9:30AM – Ordination/Installation of Incoming Elders and Deacons, during the

worship service. Term of service begins.

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May 20th




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Neighborhood First



Pentecost Sunday



MAY 27, 2018

Thank you to all

who came out to

sing to Fred!

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My mom and I are enjoying the routine of placing our coins in the Cents-Ability container we

made at the May luncheon. On September 16, we will be bringing a donation to St. Andrew's

that represents our commitment to sharing our resources with those in the world who do not

have food security. The prayer we learned, "Lord, for those who have hunger, give bread. For

those who have bread, give a hunger for justice" is written on our offering can. It has been a

good discipline for us to remember those in need as we rejoice in our ability to share a meal


People have told me that their cans are getting full! Ours too! We have been using one penny to

represent each of our daily meals. When we run out of our stash of pennies, we will be counting

the contents of the container, making a note of the amount, putting those same pennies back in

the "available" stash, and continuing on with our addition of pennies to the can. When it is full

again, we will be repeating that process. At the end of the summer, we will add up all the sums,

multiplying it by 10 (an amount we decided on when we started, so that our actual donation will

be 10-cents-a-meal). The resulting donations (in the form of cash or a check to St. Andrew's - so

we don't bury our offering counters in thousands of pennies) will be brought to church on

September 16th to be sent to the Presbyterian Hunger Program.

We hope that you will join us in making giving for hunger & justice a habit in your home.

Julie Sommers

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MAY 20




The Worship Team is seeking

special music for the summer

Sundays when our choir is taking

a break. The choir will sing on

July 1st

and August 5th

. If you

would like to share your gift of

music with the congregation on

any other Sunday this summer,

please contact Christopher Davis

at 619-405-3218 or

[email protected]

Serving meals at Transition House with JOY

the third Friday of each month!

Thanks Diane, Tom, Susan and Lydia for June service.

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Coming this Fall

The Challenge Of Paul, Theme 3: Paul & Justice

• Session 1 Baptism as New Creation

• Session 2 War and Slavery

• Session 3 War and Patriarchy

• Session 4 Saint Thecla

Theme III, PAUL & JUSTICE, focuses on what Paul understands the “life in Christ” to mean.

Paul describes Christian baptism as “dying to the values of Roman society and rising into a new life in

Christ in which there is neither Greek nor Jew, Male nor Female, Slave nor Free.” Radical Paul, says

Crossan, taught early Christians that to be alive in Christ is to be dead to the normal hierarchies that

characterized Roman life and the Roman world.

Dr. Crossan describes a fundamental Roman confidence in a world where the victor stands over the

vanquished and the conqueror stands over the conquered. Jesus, radical Paul would say, rejects that

worldview and invites all into a community of mutuality, equality and justice.

Meditation for JULY/AUGUST

“Sometimes I go to church with the attitude that I am doing you a favor by showing up, Lord.

Sometimes I sit in my pew waiting for something I dislike so I can go away unmoved,

unrepentant, unchanged. Sometimes I show up only to find out how you can improve my life.

Forgive me, Father, for making my body get up and attend church while allowing my heart and

mind to stay asleep.

Forgive me for taking your mercy without giving you my love.

May I not allow myself to grow fat and weak by consuming all your blessings for my own

enjoyment and pleasure, but instead help me to grow strong by turning all your blessings into

words and acts of unselfish praise.”

By Julie Ackerman Link


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Ice Cream Social a Tasty Treat!

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We are in need of volunteers to run the

audio and visuals at the 9:30am Sunday

service at St. Andrew’s. Training will be

provided. If you can help (for audio),

please contact Dave Sommers at

[email protected] or 805-708-7108

or Michael Padden-Rubin at

[email protected] or 805-

682-7891, or (for visuals): Sandy Thoits

at [email protected]

Thank you!



Saturday, September 15

9:00am – 2:00pm

At the church.

If you are interested or

have any questions,

please contact

Pastor Brett Becker or

Sandy Thoits


Please submit articles and photos by Tuesday, August 21st,

as the Newsletter is going out on August 30th

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St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Dr. Brett Becker, Pastor

4575 Auhay Drive

Santa Barbara, CA 93110

Phone: 805-967-6327

Fax: 805-967-9530

Web: www.standrewspcusa.org



St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

4575 Auhay Dr.

Santa Barbara, CA 93110
