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From Selected ASEAN Banking - Perbanas

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The Efficiency and Inefficiency of the Banking Sectors: Evidence From Selected ASEAN Banking (Kecekapan dan Ketidakcekapan Sektor Perbankan: Bukti daripada Perbankan ASEAN Terpilih) by Abdul Mongid Submission date: 19-Sep-2019 08:02AM (UTC+0700) Submission ID: 1175457619 File name: mongidjeko_511-10mongid.pdf (760.08K) Word count: 9734 Character count: 51262

The Efficiency and Inefficiency ofthe Banking Sectors: EvidenceFrom Selected ASEAN Banking

(Kecekapan dan KetidakcekapanSektor Perbankan: Bukti

daripada Perbankan ASEANTerpilih)by Abdul Mongid

Submission date: 19-Sep-2019 08:02AM (UTC+0700)Submission ID: 1175457619File name: mongidjeko_511-10mongid.pdf (760.08K)Word count: 9734Character count: 51262





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The Efficiency and Inefficiency of the Banking Sectors: EvidenceFrom Selected ASEAN Banking (Kecekapan dan KetidakcekapanSektor Perbankan: Bukti daripada Perbankan ASEAN Terpilih)ORIGINALITY REPORT


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