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From Teller to Facilitator of Learning

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  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    From a Teller to a Facilitator of


    The greatest sign of success for a teacher

    . . . is to be able to say,

    The students are now working as if I didnot exist.

    (Marie Montessori)

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    Slides will be available at


  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    Why do we love to lecture?

    1.We worked very hard

    to learn the subject(s).

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    Why do We Love to Lecture?

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    Why do we love to lecture?

    2.We know our

    students dont know

    most of what we have

    to tell them.


    We went into teaching

    to help students learn

    our subject areas.

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    Why do we love to lecture?

    3.We feel powerful

    when sharing our

    knowledgewe like to

    show off.

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    Why do we love to lecture?

    4. Lecture is expedient.

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    Why do we love to lecture?

    5. Lecture requires

    limited planning.

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    Why do we love to lecture?

    6.We remain in control

    of the learning process.

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    What are the drawbacks to lecture?

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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    1. Lecture is often

    unisensory which

    makes it a much less

    effective way to learn

    than many other

    learning approaches.

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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    2. Requires extended

    attention for the learner

    which is difficult for

    todays learners.

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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    3. It is natural for

    humans to daydream

    we all do it all the time.

    (Smallwood &Schooler, 2006)

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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    4. Students brains will

    begin to habituate the

    sound of our voice

    especially if it isunmodulated

    Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology, Volume

    1, Salkind.

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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    5. Lecture doesnt cause

    the learners to do much


    Except multitasklistening and taking

    notes which diminishes

    the processing time

    needed for


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    Drawbacks to Lecturing

    6. No movement on the

    part of the learners.

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    What does it mean to facilitate?

    In education, it most

    often means supporting

    students in learning

    their course material by

    1. Providing an

    environment for


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    What does it mean to facilitate?

    2. Providing students a set

    of resources such as

    questions, articles,

    research findings,problems, and/or cases

    to engage with.

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    What does it mean to facilitate?

    3. Using authentic

    assessment tools that

    provide our learners

    with meaningfulfeedback that leads to

    further learning.

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    Facilitation is a Learned Skill

    The skill of facilitation is

    something that has to

    be learned.

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    What do facilitators do?

    The facilitator's job is to

    support everyone in

    doing his or her best

    thinking and practice.

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    What do Facilitators Do?

    Initiate activities that getthe full participation oflearners.

    Cultivate sharedresponsibility for thelearning between theteacher and the students.

    (Kaner et al., 2007).

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    What do Facilitators Do?

    Effective facilitation also

    involves thorough

    content knowledge.

    This role ofteacher as

    expert does not change.

    What changes is how

    this expertise is used.

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    Planning Starts with Learning

    OutcomesFour steps

    1. Who will be doing thelearning?

    2.When will the learning becompleted?

    3.What will the students be ableto do or know as a result of

    the learning?

    4. How will you know theylearned it?

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    The Planning Process

    Question 1

    What is the best use of

    my time during class to

    help students

    successfully reach the

    learning outcome(s)?

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    The Planning Process

    Question 2

    What will my students

    do both in and out of

    class to reach the

    learning outcome(s)?

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    The Planning Process

    Question 3

    What resources will I

    need to provide my

    students so they can

    accomplish thislearning?

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    The Planning Process

    Question 4

    What resources will my

    students need to

    provide themselves so

    they can reach thelearning outcome(s)?

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    The Planning Process

    Question 5

    How much time do I

    need to allocate to the

    various parts of the

    instruction, practice,

    and feedback of this


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    The Planning Process

    Question 6

    Will the students work

    alone, in pairs, or in


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    The Planning Process

    Question 7

    How will I assess my

    students learning?

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    Really Important Question!!!

    Do students need

    feedback on what they

    did in class before

    trying additional

    activities like


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    Assessing the Effectiveness of the

    Planning Process

    Question 1.

    What additional help do

    students need to better

    understand the new

    material or become

    more proficient with

    the new skill?

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    Assessing the Effectiveness of the

    Planning Process

    Question 2

    What is the best way todeliver this help?

    A. Teacher

    B. Peers

    C. Tutoring

    D. Media

    E. Practice materials

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    Assessing the Effectiveness of the

    Planning Process

    Question 3

    What resources do

    students need to

    continue their learning?

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    Assessing the Effectiveness of the

    Planning Process

    These questions can

    help us decide what

    practice, assignments,tutorials etc. are most

    effective and keep out-

    of-class learning from

    becoming busy work.

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    Giving Feedback

    Giving meaningful

    feedback that promotes

    improved learning is

    one of the greatest skillsof an effective facilitator

    of learning.

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    Giving Feedback

    Feedback is the key to

    improved learning.

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    Giving Feedback

    Quality feedback is the

    difference between all

    of the hard work and

    planning that went intoa great teaching activity

    paying learning

    dividends and the

    teaching activity beingjust a great show.

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    Giving Feedback

    The feedback process is

    most effective when

    both students and

    teachers are activelyinvolved in the process.

    Students often see

    feedback as the sole

    domain of the teacher

    (Taras, 2003).

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    Giving Feedback

    Assessments should be

    designed so that

    students can see the

    direct benefits ofattending to the


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    Examples of Effective Feedback

    Divide assignments into stages and provide

    feedback that is essential to completing the

    next stage.

    Give students a provisional grade with

    opportunity to visit, discuss their work, and

    potentially earn a higher grade using the


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    Giving Feedback

    Give feedback that

    focuses more on

    instruction rather than

    correction.The message is how to


    (Hattie & Timperley, 2007)

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    Giving Feedback

    Link feedback to the

    specific assessment

    criteria. A rubric is

    helpful for this step.

    (Nicol & Draper, 2008)

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    Giving Feedback

    Give feedback as soon as

    possible once studentshave made every effort tocomplete the task ontheir own

    (Hattie &Timperley, 2007).

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    Giving Feedback

    Use language that thestudents can understandand that relates directly tothe task and itsimprovement .

    Focus on the effort and thestrategy used.

    Avoid references to theirintelligence.

    (Duncan, 2003, Dweck, 2006)

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    Feedback that Students Can


    Just as we want our

    students to consider the

    reader when they arewriting, we must think

    of the receiver of the

    feedback when we are

    delivering it.

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    Research on Feedback

    The feedback needs tobe very specific to thetask and how the taskcan be improved.

    Research shows thatthis type of feedbackcan have a significanteffect on learningenhancement.(Hattie &Timperley, 2007).


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    Research on Feedback

    Praise, reward, and

    punishment have littleeffect on improvinglearning.

    (Hattie & Timperley, 2007).

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning


    Research on Feedback

    Feedback should berelated to the learningoutcomes.

    The feedback shouldreduce the gap betweencurrent levels ofunderstanding and

    performance, and theultimate learningoutcome. (Hattie & Timperley,2007)

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning



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    Bonwell, Charles C.Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. Ashe-Eric Higher Education Reports, 1991.

    Bowman, Sharon L. How to Give It So They Get It. Bowperson Publishing, 1998.

    Brookfield, Stephen. Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning: A Comprehensive Analysis of Principles and Effective Practices. Jossey-Bass. 1991.

    Buehl, Doug. Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning. International Reading Association, 2001.

    Capacchione, Lucia. The Creative Journal. Newcastle, 1989.

    Cross, K. Patricia.Adults As Learners: Increasing Participation and Facilitating Learning. Jossey-Bass, 1992.

    Dantonio, Marylou & Paul C. Beisenherz. Learning to Question, Questioning to Learn: Developing Effective Teacher Questioning Practices. Allyn& Bacon, 2000.

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    Eitington, Julius E. The Winning Trainer. Gulf Publishing Company, 1984.

    Epstein, Robert. The Big Book of Motivation Games. McGraw Hill. 2001.

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  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning



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    Gibbs, Jeanne. Tribes: A New Way of Learning and Being Together. Center Source, 1995.

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    Klatt, Bruce. The Ultimate Training Workshop Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Leading Successful Workshops and Training Programs. McGraw Hill. 1999.

    Kolb, David A. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice Hall. 1983.

    LaMeres, Clare. The Winners Circle: Yes, I Can. LaMeres Lifestyles Unlimited, 1990.

    Lawlor, Michael, Peter Handley & Michel Lawlor. The Creative Trainer. McGraw-Hill, 1997.

    Luckner, John L. & Reldan S. Nadler. Processing the Experience: Strategies to Enhance and Generalize Learning. (2nd ed) Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 1997.

    Lynn, Laurence E. Teaching and Learning With Cases: A Guidebook. Chatham House. 1999.

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    Meier, Dave. The Accelerated Learning Handbook: A Creative Guide to Designing and Delivering Faster, More Effective Training Programs. McGraw-Hill, 2000.

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    Moon. Jenny A., Learning Journals: A Handbook for Academics, Students and Professional Development. Kogan Page Ltd. 2000.

  • 8/3/2019 From Teller to Facilitator of Learning



    Piskurich , George M. Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right. Jossey-Bass, 2000.

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    Thousand, Jacqueline S., Richard A. Villa & Ann I. Nevin (Eds). Creativity and Collaborative Learning: A PracticalGuide to Empowering Students and Teachers. Paul H Brookes Pub. 2001.

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    The End
