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From the Editor's Desk - nalcoindia.com (2).pdf · She now holds a bachelor degree in education and...

Date post: 11-Mar-2019
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Editor in Preeti Roy Chand


Editorial BoardManasi SamalPoonam ThakurShagufta Jabeen

Co-ordinatorSabita Patnaik

Design ConceptAswini Sutar

From the Editor's Desk

“I believe in the power of the voice of women”.

“I raise up my voice - not so I can shout, but so that those without a

voice can be heard ……… We cannot succeed when half of us are

held back”………… And that sentiment precisely outlines the

basis of new age women which was voiced by the youngest Nobel

Laureate Malala Yousafzai , the pride of women race. Be bold for

change is her real renaissance. She, a woman, has already

prepared herself to make her contribution to the world of the future.

In the past she has produced her great culture, and in the present

age she has an equally significant yet unique contribution to make

to the socio, economic culture of the New World which is emerging

from the phoenix of the past wreckage. This is a momentous period

of her history pregnant with precious and luminous possibilities

which will further grow in vigour and creative power. April issue of

“Sanginee“ is the celebration of womanhood. From 8th March we

march forward to sing the songs of femininity ………… culmination

of maternity and womanhood as an instinct.

Kudos to the editorial board for presenting a bouquet of creative

writing and recreating the social activities of Nalco Mahila Samiti,

be it Damonjodi, Angul or Bhubaneswar and thanks to the writers

for their commendable creativity.

I believe the members of Nalco Mahila Samiti as well as the

readers will be proactive in social activities to improvise the social

condition, especially of those who are down trodden and are in the

grass root level. Thanks to Nalco officials but for whom the mighty

flow of literature in the form of Sanginee would not have been

possible. It was not possible to extent our helping hands to the

needy without the support of Nalco with whom Nalco Mahila Samiti

works in tandem.

“Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the

ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation”, aptly quoted by

Rabindranath Tagore. We dedicate this issue of Sanginee to the

real lovers, the creators and the restorers of the world.

We wish you Happy Vishu, Naba Barsha, Nua Barasa, Vaisakhi,

Paila Baisakh, Rangali Bihu, Good Friday, Mahaveer Jayanti,

Budhha Purnima and many more good days.

Preeti Roy Chand



MegYe mebosMeI am glad to know that Nalco Mahila Samiti is bringing out the 2nd issue of ‘SANGINEE’ commemorating the celebration of ‘International Women’s Day’ this year.

It is said, woman is God’s most beautiful creation. Because, she has the ability of procreation, an amazing gift of nature, so pure & divine. Why then we are considered weaker sex & remain vulnerable to onslaught of gender bias & discrimination ? Somewhere we are also responsible for not being able to create a distinct & respectable identity for ourselves in the society. That would happen only when you respect yourself and take pride in being a woman. Respecting means defining your own worth as a human being, believing and having confidence in yourself.

I feel extremely fortunate of being a daughter. Being a mother is simply divine for me. As a wife, I have celebrated womanhood. But beyond this I would be happy & have a sense of fulfillment only when my existence is recognized & respected.

I wish & hope, this issue of Sanginee will enlighten its readers the virtue of womanhood and the pride & self-esteem associated with it.

All the best.

(Manasi Samal)Member, Nalco Mahila Samiti

I am delighted to learn that the second issue of ‘Sanginee’ a quarterly magazine is heing published.

This coincides with the recently concluded International Women’s Day on March 8th with a campaign theme, ‘Be bold for change’.

To achieve the expected change in the years to come I urge my friends to be bold and spread this message to all acquaintances.

I wish our Nalco Mahila Samiti a grand success.

(Gaythri Balasubramanyam)Member, Nalco Mahila Samiti

The divine light which you carry within your soul is inherited from God because you are His daughter. Part of the light which makes you so magnificent is the blessing of womanhood.

- Margaret D. Nadauld

efÒe³e Deelceved,

cegPes veeuekeÀes ceefnuee meefceefle keÀer lejkeÀ mes efvekeÀueves Jeeueer mebefieveer Heef$ekeÀe Heæ{keÀj Del³eble Òemevvelee ngF&~ Heef$ekeÀe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ceefnueeDeeW kesÀ Deboj efíHeer ngF& ÒeefleYee keÀes Gpeeiej keÀjves keÀe pees megDeJemej efceue jne nw, Jen mejenveer³e keÀoce nw~ ³en SkeÀ kegÀMeue SJeb meJe&ûeen³e Heef$ekeÀe nw, efpemes Heæ{keÀj ceefnueeSB DeHeves keÀle&J³eeW Deewj DeefOekeÀejeW kesÀ Òeefle peeie© keÀ nes jner nQ~ ceeveefmekeÀ KegMeer SJeb MeejerefjkeÀ-mJeemL³e mebyeOeer yeeleW Yeer Heef$ekeÀe ceW GuuesKeveer³e nw pees DeHeves-DeeHe ceW ceefnueeDeeW keÀer Demeueer Hen®eeve SJeb mecceeve nw~ Heef$ekeÀe keÀe keÀe³e&¬eÀce meg®eeª ª He mes ceveesyeue kesÀ meeLe peejer jnvee ®eeefnS~ Yee<ee SJeb iegCeJeÊee keÀer ¢ ef<ì mes Heef$ekeÀe mejue, mJeeYeeefJekeÀ SJeb Ëo³eûeener nw~ meHeÀue ÒekeÀeMeve nsleg MegYekeÀeceveeSB~

DeeHe meYeer keÀes F&MJejer³e MeeqkeÌle ÒeeHle neW~

(meefJelee ®e¬eÀyeleea)


There is no denying the fact that women in India have made a considerable progress in almost seven decades of Independence, but they still have to struggle against many handicaps and social evils in a patriarchal world. Many evil and masculine forces still prevail in the modern Indian society that resists the forward march of its women folk.

Swami Vivekananda, one of the greatest sons of India, quoted “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved, it is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing. Therefore, the inclusion of Women Empowerment as one of the prime goals in the e ight Mi l lennium Development Goals underscores the relevance of this fact. Thus, in order to achieve the status of a developed country India needs to transform its colossal women force into an effective human resource and this is possible only through the empowerment of women,

Empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to b u i l d s t ro n g e r e c o n o m i e s , a c h i e v e internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability and improve the quality of life for women, men, families and communities.

What is women empowerment ?

Women empowerment means emancipation of women from the vicious grips of social, economical, political, caste and gender-based discrimination. It means granting women the freedom to make free choices.Women empowerment does not mean deriving women rather it means replacing patriarchy with parity. There are various facets of women empowerment, such as Human Rights or individual rights: A woman is a being with senses, imagination and thoughts: she should be able to express them freely, individual empowerment means to have the self-confidence, to articulate and assert the power to negotiate and decide.

Nalco Mahila Samiti, Angul



A Society Cannot Grow if Half of This is Held Back

Ritu Kumar

Meena Bhati was born in a Rajput family living in the Chand village of Pali district, Rajasthan.

In India, the Rajput community does not believe in educating a girl child. Many families do not even wish to bring a girl child to this world as she is considered as a liability. Meena grew up in a society where women were treated with inequality.

Meena was lucky that her parents gave her opportunity to study till class 10. She pleaded her parents to allow her to continue her education but was told to pay attention to household work and be ready for marriage. Very soon she was forced to get married against her wish.

Meena did not know that there was another chance waiting for her. Instead of risking her life with an adolescent pregnancy or being forced to work at home she was re-enrolled in school. Although their parents disapproved, Meena’s husband stood by her side and supported her. She now holds a bachelor degree in education and is taking post graduate courses in Hindi and rural development.

Meena joined ‘Educate Girls’ 6 years ago and rose through the ranks as a field communication manager. She identifies school girls and gives them an opportunity to educate themselves to realize their potential. It is important to take a holistic approach to educate and mobilize communities to realize to take a stand against gender disparity.

Nalco Mahila Samiti, Angul

Educate the Girl ChildShikha Nayak


MûdZâú _ûYòMâûjú

gv cjêeú, jêkjêkúùe Ne `ûUò_WêQò, ^ì@û ùaûjêKê icùÉ a¦û_^û Keò Ne bòZeKê _ûùQûUò ù^CQ«ò... gâ¡û^û^úe Ne @ûRò a§êaû§aùe be_êe... ZûKê icùÉ gùvûkò ù^A ~ûCQ«ò... MêYe _ê@, iê¦e ùaûjì... aXÿò@û ùbûRò.... bMaû^þ Zêc WûK gêYòQ«ò..... Z_iýûe `k _ûAf gâ¡û...ö KòG KòG K[û ùjCQ«ò.... “jñ bMaû^þ K’Y GùZ ^òŸðd ZûKê @ûRò Zû Rúa^ @MÜò_eúlûe ̀ k ù\AQ«ò...” GcòZò ùKùZ K’Y...ö

GùZ K[ûe ccð K’Y... jñ gâ¡û^û^úe aòZò~ûA[ôaû \ò^ MêWÿòKe _éÂûKê IùfûUûAùf ~ûA RûYò ùja NUYû K’Y!

“gâ¡û”.... ̂ û ù~còZò... MêY ùicòZò... icÉue gâ¡ûe _ûZâú _òfû\ò^eê jiKêeú Sò@ùU... ù~CñVò [ôa... _eòùagUûKê jûiýcd Keòù\A[ôa.... _Zkû.... iê¦e MXY.... cêñje iaê @õg Kaòu a‰ð^û bkò... UYû UYû @ûLô, iê¦e ieê @ûuòfûbkò IV, ]ûeê@û ^ûK, jiòù\ùf cêqû_eò \û«..... “gýûck ew” ~ûjûKê ù^A ùKùZ MûÌòK, ùKùZ Kaò ùKùZ ù~ C_cû ù\A MúZ, KaòZû ùfLô[ôùa Zû’e VòKYû ^ûjó.... iê¦e gýûck ewKê ù\Lô aû_û WûKê[ôùf gýûckú... Kò«ê \ê^ò@û WûKê[ôfû Kûkú.... ùZùa ùi ~ûjû ùjC ^û KûjóKò ùcûUûùcûUò bûùa @ûc gâ¡û^û^úKê iê¦eú jó Kêjû~òa.... P¦âKkû _eò aWÿùjaûKê fûMòfû- iaðMêYiµ‰ðû Kjòùf @Zêýqò ùja ^ûjóö _ûV, MúZ, ^ûP, ùLk, iòùfA, ùeûùhA iaê[ôùe @ûMùe... KùfRþùe _òfûcûù^ ZûKê “black

beauty” WûK«ò-^û^úe aò.G. ùakKê ajêZ MêWÿûG aûjûNe _âÉûa @ûiòaû @ûe¸ ùjfû dû’ Zû’ cû¤cùe... _â[c _âÉûaùe ù~ùZùaùk aò]ôa¡ bûaùe _ê@ Ne ^û^úKê ù\LôaûKê @ûiòùf _ê@ Ne bûeò Lêiò ù\LûMùf- Zûuê Pyðûùe cCiûcûù^ gâ¡û ^û^úu aû_û ùKCñ[ôùe aò Kcþ Keò^[ôùf- ùicûù^ c¤ LûA_òA, gâ¡û^û^úe bêeò bêeò _âgõiû Keò-

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aûjûNee Zò^òcûi aòZòMfûö Zû’ bòZùe @ZòKcþùe ^û^ú Zò^ò[e @ûiò[ôa- _âùZýK [e Ne b©òð Rò^òh ù^AKeò ~ûA[ôa- Nee icÉu _ûAñ fêMû_Uû, cûùi \ò’ cûie ùiø\û_Zâ LRûbûe AZýû\ò AZýû\òö _û* cûi _ùe RYûMfû ^û^ú cû’ ùjaûKê ~ûCQòö cCiûue ùMûWÿ Zùk fûMê^[ûGö cCiû, cûCiú Lae _ûA \êùjñ LRûbûe ]eò _j*ôùf Sò@ Nùeö icê\ò icê\êYòue aýajûeUû UòùK Lû_þQWÿû fûMòfû, Sò@ cêjñUû gêLôfû ù\LûMfû, Z[û_ò c^e @ûguûKê c^ùe Pû_òù\A ijR ùjaûKê ùPÁû Kùfö Sò@ Nùe ^ LûAaûe _eµeûKê cù^_ùKA ~òaûKê aûjûeòfûùaùk ^û^úe gûgê Kjòùf- “Sò@UûKê ù^A~û@... NeKê Mùf ZûKê bf fûMòa... aògâûc c¤ ù^A_ûeòa- GAVò Z ejòùf- ~ûjûùjùf aò Kûce R¬ûk ejêQòö ù\jUû Zû’e bf ejê^ò...ö” K[ûUû Kû^Kê @LûWÿê@û gêbòùf c] cCiû, cûCiú ^û^úKê iûwùe ]eò ù`eò@ûiòùfö ^@ cûi ùakKê VòKþ Pû¦ _eò iê¦eò@û MêfþMêfò@û _ê@ùU ^û^úe ùjfûö icùÉ Lêiú ùjùf, gßgêe Ne ùfûKuê Lae \ò@ûMfûö gûgê gßgêe, ~û@û GcòZò ùKùZRY _ê@ ùjûAQò gêYò, còVû, ^ì@û Rûcû, ^û^ú _ûAñ gûXÿú, Qê@û _ûAñ ùLk^û ù^AKò @ûiò _j*ôùfö _òfûUò bûeú iê¦e ùMûeû ZKþZKþ, \ê] @kZû ewe ù\jKê KkûcPcPþ aûk, @ûLô \êAUû Kkû b@ñe _eò- @[ðûZþ MXÿYUû ^û^ú bkò @ûC ewUû bûA^ûu _eòö icÉu cêjñùe _òfûUòe _âgõiû...

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cù^ûR Kêcûe cògâ



Òeerefle je@³e

Deepe ieeBJe-ieeBJe, keÀmyes - keÀmyesietBpe jne nw SkeÀ veeje,ceQ ntB, SkeÀ ueæ[keÀerDeeHeves ke̳ee cegPes HegkeÀeje?veceeefce iebies yeesueves Jeeues,cesjs Dee@®eue ceW oeie ve ueieevee,SkeÀ keÀv³ee veoer pewmeer,Jen kesÀJeue ª He veneR,SkeÀ ÒeleerkeÀ nw,nw SkeÀ DeemLee,Dece³ee&efole ve keÀjvee~ceQ ntB, ceeleeceQ ntB, keÀv³eeceQ ntB, Yeefieveerpee³eeöpeveveer,cesjer keÀesKe ceW nQ ke=À<Ce keÀe efveJeemeveeefYe ceW ye´ïeeËo³e ceW jece,MegYe´-MebKe pewmeer HeefJe$e ntB ceQ,ntB ceQ SkeÀ Oejesnj mebmke=Àefle keÀerHe=LJeer keÀer jKeJeeueerceejes ve cegPes keÀesKe ceW,vee keÀjes ³en Oejleer Keeueer~DeeHemes SkeÀ ÒeeLe&veenw, YeieJeevemeboerHeve pewmes efMe#ekeÀ yeveeDees,pees yeveeS Þeerke=À<Ce pewmes efMe<³e,pees j#ee keÀjW êewHeoer pewmeer veeefj³eeW keÀer yeejcyeej,veejer keÀe mecceeve nes mebmeej keÀe DeeOeej~ns ceelee, ns efHelee, ns iegªoes DeHeves ye®®es keÀes ³en efMe#eeDeewj mebmkeÀej,leeefkeÀ veeyeeefueie yeeefuekeÀe Deewj veejer keÀeve nes yeueelkeÀej~

cegK³e mecHeeefokeÀe, mebefieveer

veejer keÀe


¬eÀesOe, ueesYe, ceesn, mJeeLe&, l³eeieves keÀer,ieYe& mes ner cewves efMe#ee HeeF&~ efvepelJe keÀe yeefueoeve keÀj SkeÀ ve³eer ogefve³ee yemeeF&~ HegjeCe-GHeefve<eo %eeve efyevee nermeJe& ye´ïe efMe#ee ceQves HeeF&~ DeveosKeer, Deve®eener, Devemegveer neskeÀj ceele=lJe keÀer Dece=le-Je<ee& keÀjeF&~ Heie-Heie Hej DeeqiveHejer#ee os keÀj,¢ æ{ keÀoceeW mes Deûemej nesleer ieF&~ DeHeves MetueeW keÀer DeveosKee keÀj,n<e& Guueeme peerJeve ceW ueeF&~ YeieJeeve keÀe Jejoeve neskeÀj Yeer, DeefYeMeeHe meoe mes keÀnueeF&~ mJe DeefmlelJe keÀe Keleje Deepe ceb[je³ee cetkeÀoMe&keÀ nesves keÀer mepee ³eneB ceQves HeeF&~ veejerlJe keÀer HeefjYee<ee yeoueves keÀer efvekeÀì Ieæ[er nw Deye DeeF&~

keÀecevee efmebn

Zû’ @ûLôe C^àòk^ùeC\d jêG iì~ðýöcê\òâZ _Y Zùk Zû’eRjÜe @bòiûeöjiòù\ùf Seò_ùWÿùa÷\ê~ðýe cûkùKûjùe Zû’ _âkde,fêPKûkò ùLköK[û Zû’eIñKûeòZ ]ß^òfêjùe Zû’aòfde ]ß^òö_egùe Ne jêG ÊMð

ccZûeûYú @ûPû~ðý

_YZùe Sêfê[ûG (Zû)aûAPùXÿAe ̂ úWÿöPûfòùe Zû ̀ êUò CùVfùl gZ\kPeY [û_òùf@MYûùe @ûuòjêGgêb flàú_û\öù\aû _ûAñgòkûKê Rúa^ýûilY lY iûeê[ûGicÉ @ûdêhö@aògâûùc, @aòeZaò¦ê aò¦ê Seê[ûGùjûA iê]ûaûeò

~êùM ~êùM ̂ ciýû ùiiaðõijû ̂ ûeúöZû’ Vûeê @ûe¸_êYò ZûjûVûeê ùghöZòâbêaù^ Mê¬eòZZû’ _ûa^ ̂ ûciûeû aògß MûA CùVùjûA GK Êe^cÉùi÷ý ̂ cÉùi÷ý^cÉùi÷ý ̂ ùcû^cüö

Wò-44, ùiKþi^þ-3, \ûc^ù~ûWÿò

gâú]e _eòWÿû

~êùM ~êùM cêñ a¦òZû Rûdû @ûC R^^ú eì_ùecêñ _êYò _û_ ̂ ûgò^ú RMZKê _û_eê C¡ûùeöZýûMùgâ _âZúK cêñ iaðõijû ùcûe @^ý^ûcZ[û_ò cêñ @û^¦òZû PòeKûk _ûkòaûKê ùcûe ̂ ûeú ]cðöij]còðYú iûRò cêñ ijRùe iùRAQò Rwfú Rúa^öijKcòðYú iûRò cêñ icûRKê ù\A_ûùe iêLe i§û^ö\_ð\kò^ú iûRò cêñ MaðKê LaðKùe cjûMaðúue

\êMðZò^ûgò^ú iûRò jÉùe cêñ ]eò_ûùe LŠû I L_ðeccZûe @ûXê@ûùk PòeKûk ùcû ùKûkùe jòõiû _eûjZ^ûeú cêñ KûkRdú cjûKûk ùcû i¹êùL i\û c[û^Zöcêñ jó iéÁòKûeòYú G RMZ ùcû ù\jeê RûZcêñ \êMðû, cêñ ù\âø_\ú, cêñ iúZû iéÁò Kùe aòheê @céZö

iò GŠþ @ûA Wò_ûUðùc<þ, ^ûfþùKû, \ûc^ù~ûWÿò


Zùc Sêfê[ôa Pû¦e ù\ûkòùeGcòZò \ég¥ùU ùKùa@ûLô Pûjêñ[ôfû ù\LôaûKê [ùeG Rúa^ [ûC[ûC ûû

Zceò _ûAñ Z iaê Ê_Ü ù\LûaûÉa G \ê^ò@ûñùei_^ jó aûõ]ô eLôPò iõ_KðcòQ @aû iZ ùjC ûû

Ê_Ü ù\Lû @gßò^ú iìZûe

bìcò bìcû _âKéZò _êeêh iâÁûe @^a\ý iéÁò GKê @ûùeK còk^ùe _â¿êUòZ iõiûee \éÁò ûû

ibýZûe @û\ý _âû« Qaò@û\ûcþ Abe mûù^û\d eaò aòZeòQò CzßiòZ _âMZòe e[ @û\eòQò ~ûZû^ûKê Keò ̂ ûjó \ûaò ûû

RûZò, ]cð, a‰ð @û\ò Cbû ZfûKKê ù^A Pûùf ibû gévk gévkûUû ùK ePòQò @akûe RûZKùe Cbû ûû

Wü @ùgûK Kêcûe cjû«ò

@¡ðûw geúeKê ùZRòY ùKjò ùKùa iêiÚ a^ò ̂ ûjó aeõ @«ð\ûj aò^ûiòQò aiò ÊûMZ KeòQò ~\êaõg _ûAñ ûû

ùj G icûRe _êeêh _êwa ùKùZ Kûk Keòa eûRZß Mû§ûeúKê _Uò aû§ò ù\A iúZû iûaòZâúKê aêSûA iZúZß ûû

iõiûe ̂ ù\ùf ù\C @ûcKê _êYý ùZûdû @ûLýû Seò~òaû ajò~òaû ZUò^úe iéÁòùe Z ùfLû ûû

aòZeòQê aòZeòaê ]eû]ûùc _ege ùiÜjcd iê]û aò]ûZûe _êYý \eaûùe @ûùc _eû Zêc iûù[ @]û ûû

ùKùZKûùk @ûzû\òZ Keòa ]eûKê \ßûjò ù\A iõÄéZòe cª @_ieò ~û@ ]ôùe g^ò, eûjê ùKZê @ûùc ̂ êùjñ Zêc jûZ ~ª @ûùc ̂ êjñ Zêc jûZ ~ª ûû

@¤û_K, ieÊZú a ò\¥ ûc¦ òe, \ûc^ù~ûWÿò

The Sun’s weeping, all scarlet and red,The sky’s full of his thousand tearstainsClosing the day’s curtains,lifting the duskened ones,arrives the impertinent friendwith greetings, none.

Sweeping away the hustleand setting into the town’s bustle,the boastful moon, beauty unrestrained,has arrived, cutting deep into the blackness.Moon is a friend; friend with a dozen benefits.and none behooving at all.Moon decorates the sky nowwith his twinkling partners spreaded all over.He shines in borrowed lightand basks in stolen limelight.Moon adorns the night-skyand the Sun’s still weeping.But tears won’t be visible now,when moon shines in all his glory.

The Impertinent FriendshipSimran Sahoo

Waiting for pregnant clouds, and wet roads;sultry afternoons, the size of doom,are we? The sun’s losing his blistered head,running around on his hands and feet.Winter is partial and so he complains,But when you’re king, you’re always right.On long nights and short daysthe Sun grows impatient and old.But when Summer’s here,the king shall die, and another shall reign.the moon shall leave, with his ghosts and craters.

These cruelties never end.These indifferences live on,the fountain head of a million pleasures.This war shall never end.between calm and furyuntil that day the Sun gets wearyand takes with him,all his rebellious children.


veejer Fme peiele keÀer peveveer nw ~ Jen ®eens ceeB, yenve, yesìer, Helveer ³ee efkeÀmeer Yeer ª He cesb nes, meoe Fmeer ef®eblee ceW jnleer nw efkeÀ GmekesÀ DeHeves Gmemes ke̳ee ®eenles nQ ~ Hej ke̳ee GmekesÀ DeHeves Yeer keÀYeer ³en peeveves keÀer ®esäe keÀjles nQ efkeÀ GmekeÀer cebMee ke̳ee nw Deewj Jen ke̳ee ®eenleer nw ???

- MeiegæHeÌlee peyeeR



@«ew @ûkû_ KÌ^û _ûYòu ij C_iÚû_^û : iaòZû _…^ûdK

RùY ~^ôgúkû I \ìe\éÁò iõ_^Üû cû’ icûRKê ùbUò ù\A GK iêù~ûMý ̂ ûMeòKö GA[e @«ew @ûkû_ùe @Q«ò @ûc ij KÌ^û _ûYò, @ûA._ò.Giþ. iûMeòKû ^û[u cûZûö ùi Kò_eòbûùa RùY @û\gð Sò@, ùaûjê, _^ôú I cûZûe \ûdòZß ZêfûA PûfòQ«ò Zûjû RûYòaûö

_â. @û_Yue iõlò¯ _eòPd ?

C. cêñ KÌ^û _ûYòö Êûcú gâú _â\ú_ ^û[, ^ûf¨ùKûùe Kû~ðýeZö @ûce Zòù^ûUò K^ýû- iûMeòKû, iàeYòKû I ggòKkûö

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C. Kéhò aògßaò\ýûkde B.Sc. (Home Sc.) QûZâú [ôaû icdeê RùY Êû]ô^ùPZû Z[û Êûaf´ú cYòh ùjaûe Ê_Ü ù\Lô[ôfòö Kò«ê aòaûj _ùe _ûeòaûeòK @iêaò]û ù~ûMêñ Zûjû iûKûe eì_ ù^A_ûeò^[ôfûö a©ðcû^ ùi Ê_Ü iaê Sò@cû^u cû¤cùe aûÉa eì_ ù^CQòö

_â. @û_Yue Sò@cû^u _ûAñ Kò Kò Ê_Ü iRûWÿòQ«ò?

C. _âùZýK ùiÜjgúkû cû’ _eò cêñ c¤ Sò@cû^u _ûAñ @ù^K Ê_Ü iRûWÿòQòö ùcû i«û^ ù\ge C^ÜZòùe ijûdK ùjùf @aû @^ý Kûjûe ijûdZû Keò_ûeòùf cêñ iaêVûeê @]ôK Lêiò ùjaòö

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C. iûMeòKûe i`kZû Laeùe ùcû @ûLôeê @û^¦ûgî Seò_Wÿò[ôfûö GùZ \ò^e iû]^ûe iê`k ZûKê còkò[ôaû gêYò aògß^òd«ûu _û\Zùk _âYZò Xûkò[ôfòö Rank-199 RûYò I.P.S _ûAaû ^ò½òZ bûaò @Zý]ôK Lêiò fûMò[ôfûö KûeY Zû’e _òfû\ò^e Ê_Ü iûKûe ùjfûö Kò«ê cêñ iàeYòKûe E.S. Exam _ûAñ \òfäúùe aýÉ [ôfòö

_â._ûA[ùô f Z[û_ ò a ò KûjKó ò ùi ibò fò þ ibiðò þ _ûA ñ ùPÁû Ke[ê ùô f ùKùZ @ûùUµUùþ e ùi KZé Kû~ýð ùjùf?

C. Cy _\û]ôKûeú ùjûA ù\g ùiaû Keòaû Zû’e flý [ôfûö iûMeòKûe _òZû RùY AùfKÖòâKûf A¬ò^òdeö Zûue _âgûi^òK ùiaûùe ù~ûM ù\aûe Azû bò^Ü KûeYeê i`k ùjûA_ûeò^[ôfûö ùi _â[ùc @ûA.@ûA.Uò. LWÿM_êeùe A¬ò^òdeõ _Xÿòaû _ûAñ cù^û^úZ ùjûA[ôùf c¤ _ûeòaûeòK KûeYê ùiVûùe _Xÿò^_ûeò eûCeùKfû @ûA.A.iò.ùe gòlûfûb Keò[ôùfö cûZû _òZûu AzûKê iûKûe Keòaû _ûAñ Gbkò ^ò¿©ò ù^A[ôùfö

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C. cû’ Z cû’UòGö ùi ]^ú ùjC Kò Meòaö cû’e iÚû^ iaê@ûùWÿ icû^ö i«û^e i`k Kûc^û ij C©ùeû©e C^ÜZò _âZýK cû’ Pûjó[ûGö cêñ c¤ ùicòZò bûùaö jñ Sò@cû^u cû¤cùe ùcûe icÉ Ê_Ü `kaZú ùjaûe @ûgû eLôQòö

_â. Sò@e i`kZûùe @û_Yue @a\û^ aû akò\û^ KòQò ùicòZò @Qò Kò?

C. iûMeòKûe i`kZû Zû ^òRe ^òÂû I @¤aiûd ù~ûMêñ i¸a ùjûAQòö cêñ ùKak cû’ jòiûaùe ùcûe K©ðaý KeòQòö

ùi Z RùY A¬ò̂ dò e [ùô f, bf PûKeò ú c¤


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C. @^ý \êA Sò@u _ûAñ Z @ù^K Ê_Ü @Qòö KòQò iûKûe ùjûAQò, @ûC KòQò iûKûe ùjaûKê ~ûCQòö icd jó Gjûe C©e ù\aö

_â. @û_Yue ̂ òRe ùgâ iKeûZàK MêY K’Y iaê?

C. bMaZ _âû¯ò _ûAñ Rúa^ C›Mð Keòaû jó ùgâ iKûeûZàK iêLö aòbê_û\ fûb aò^û Rúa^e KòQò cìfý ̂ ûjóö G gòlû ùcû @û¤ûZàòK Mêeêu Vûeê fûb KeòQò Gaõ ùcû i«û^cû^uê c¤ gòLûAQòö

_â. @û_Yue ùKCñ MêY MêWÿòK @û_Yu Sò@cû^u _ûLùe ejê ùaûfò @ûgû Ke«ò?

C. iûjiòKZû, _ùeû_Kûe, bMaZ ù_âc Giaê Sò@cû^u _ûLùe ejê ùaûfò @ûgû eLôQòö

_â. @û_Y ùKùa _ê@UòG ùjûA[ôùf bf ùjûA[û«û!! bûa«ò Kò?

C. ùKùa ^êùjñö @ûRòe ~êMùe _ê@Sò@ bòZùe @ûC KòQò `eK ^ûjóö MéjùKûYcŠ^û ^ûeú @ûRò _âùZýK ùlZâùe _ê@cû^uê Vûeê @]ôK \lZûe ij icÉ Kû~ðý iµû\^ Keò_ûeêQ«òö Gjò ù_âeYû cêñ Sò@UòKê _òfû\ò^eê ù\A@ûiòQòö iûMeòKû I Zû’e \êA bCYú GjûKê _âcûYòZ KeòQ«òö

@^ý \êA Sò@u _ûAñ @û_Yue KòQò ÊZª @bòkûh _â.ùicû^u CùŸgýùe Zûuê Gaõ Zûu cû cû^uê KòQò Uò° \ò@«êö

C. @ûRò _âgûi^òK ùiaû _eúlû _âÉêZ ùjC[ôaû _òfûcû^uê GZòKò Kòjaò Kò ùicûù^ ^òR C_ùe \éXÿ aògßûi eL«êö \éXÿ Azûgqò ijòZ @Käû« _eògâc i`kZûe PûaòKûVòö ùicû^u cû’cûù^ ^òRe _òfû C_ùe @ûiÚû eL«êö ^òRe aògßûi I ù_âeYû \ßûeû i«û^ cû¤cùe [ôaû icÉ i¸ûa^ûKê i`k Ke«êö icd I ]^e @_aýd iû]ûeYZü cû’ cûù^ ̂ bûa«êö

_â. GK K^ýû i«û^e i`kZû icMâ ^ûeú RûZòe i`kZû ö G[ôùe @û_Y aògßûi eL«ò Kò?

C. K^ýû i«û^e i`kZû ^ò½ò« bûaùe icMâ ^ûeúue i`kZû ùaûfò Kjòaòö @ûRòe ^ûeú _âcûY KeòQò ù~ ùi KûjûVûeê Kcþ ̂ êùjñö

_â. ~\ò Ke«ò ùZùa @û_Yu Sò@e i`kZû ^ûeú icûRe @MâMZò _ûAñ ùKùZ\ìe @Mâie ùja?

C. iûMeKò ûe i`kZû RùY ù_ûfiò @`iò e bûaùe _gâ ûiò̂ K ùiaû Zfê ûAaû ij ̂ ûeúcû^u icÉ @iaê ]ò ûK ê\eì Keaò û _ûA ñ ùi ^½ò d _dâ ûi Keaò ö ^ûeúcû^u ê^bò Kðò , @ûZà̂ bò eð gúk Z[û aò̂ dú MYê e @]Kô ûeYò ú ùjaû @ûagýKö icûRùe C^ZÜ ò _ûA ñ RùY ^ûeú ùag þ bf bûaùe Meê \ê ûdZò ß ù^A _ûeaò ùaûf ò ùcûe agò ûß iö

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@«ew @ûkû_ cû]êeú _Šûu ij


C.ùcû’ bòZùe ùfLûùfLô _ûAñ \û^û aû§ê[ôfûö Kò«ê Gùa @^êba KeêQò ùfLûùfLô ù~còZò ùKûC ùKùZ R^àeê ùcû ij PûfòQòö

ùfLûùfLô _âZò ùKùa I ùKcòZò @ûMâj iéÁò ùjfû?

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C_iÚû_^û : ]eòZâú gZ_[úRúa^ùe lZ, fêj, @aùgûh, NûZ _âZòNûZ @û\òKê _ûù[d Keò KaòUòG MXÿò[ûG Zûe Kûaò¥K iõiûeö aúRUòG _[e Zùk Pû_òùjûA ejò[ôùf c¤ _ûYò, _a^ I @ûùfûKe iõÆgðùe ùi @uêeòZ ùjûA CVò[ûG ù~còZòö ùi @uêe \òù^ fZû @aû \îc ùjûA Vò@û jêG, _fäaòZ jêG, cjKòZ Kùe icMâ iõiûeö @ûc ^ûf¨ùKû _eòaûee RùY Ê^ûc]^¥û KadZâú gâúcZú cû]êeú _Šûö @ûfêcò^û eò`ûAù^eúùe Kû~ð¥eZ gâú aò_ò^ aòjûeú _ûZâue ]cð_ZÜú cû]êeúö ^òRe Kûaò¥K cû]êeòcû Gaõ iéR^ _âZòbûùe ùi iéÁò Keò_ûeòQ«ò GK ÊZª _eòPdö Zûueò ij GK @«ew @ûkû_ö



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_â. @û_Yu iûeÊZ iû]^ûùe ù_âeYû KòG?

C. iZ Kjòaò Z G ùLûfû @ûKûg, C\ûiú i¬, cûUò, _ûYò, _a^ jó ùcûe ù_âeYûö Nùe @agý ùcû ^òRe @ù^K cùZ G \òMùe C›ûjòZ KeòQ«òö

_â. ùKCñ aòhdaÉê @û_Yuê ùfLòaûùe ùLûeûKþ ù~ûMûA[ûG?

C. Rúa^e lZ, fêj, @aùgûh, @ûC Pûeò_ûLùe ù~ùZ NUYû, \êNðUYû ùfLôaûùe ùLûeûKþ ù\AQ«òö

_â. iûjòZý iû]^ûùe ùKùa ùKøYiò iõNhðe i¹êLú^ ùjûAQ«ò Kò?

C. ùaû]jêG ̂ ñû...ö _Xû_Xò icdùe _ûVùe aýûNûZ ùja ùaûfò ^^û, ùaûC ZûMò\þ Keê[ôùfö Kò«ê iaêeò @RYûZùe jó ùcû ùfLûùfLô @ûe¸ ùjûA~ûA[ôfûö

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C. iûjòZý I iõiûe bòZùe _û\ [û_òaû GùZ ijR ^êùjñö ù~còZò LŠû]ûeùe _û\ eLôaûö GcòZò aò jêG iõiûe K[û aêSêaêSê ùKùZùaùk @bòcû^ Keòai«ò g±cûù^ö @ûC ùKùa ^ ù`eòaûKê ]cK aò ù\AQ«òö ùiùZùaùk ùcû’ @ûLòùe fêj @ûC IVùe _âû[ð^û [ûGö Z[û_ò aò Pûùf iõiûe...ö iaêVò Zêce aêSûcYû @ù_lû Keò[ûGö

_â[c _âKûgòZ ùfLû?

M_ ùfLôaûeê @ûe¸ ùjûAQò ùcû iéR^ ~ûZâûö Kò«ê


C.ùicû^u iû[þ ̂ [ôùf cêñ GAVò, @û_Ycû^u iûcû^ûùe Vò@û ùjaûe iûjûi Keò^[û«òö

_â. @û_Yu eP^û c¤eê @û_Yu _âòd KéZú ùKCñUò I KûjóKò?

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There is no occasion for women to consider themselves subordinate or inferior to men.

- Mahatma Gandhi




Nalco Mahila Samiti, Bhubaneswar has been rendering social services in and around Bhubaneswar. Similarly, Nalco Ladies Clubs at Damanjodi and Angul are also actively contributing their services in and around the plants and townships. It has been the endeavor of these bodies to reach out to the people of all age groups of all sections of our society. Some of the major highlights are given below.

Ÿ On 02/01/2017 NMS members participated in the Foundation Day lecture programme by presenting cultural show. Along with other dignitaries Smt. Preeti Roy, the President, was also present.

Ÿ During the celebration of Foundation Day on 7th January, 2017, the first issue of our quarterly magazine ‘Sanginee' was released by Mr. Balvinder Kumar, Secretary Mines, Government of India, in the august presence of Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD and Smt. Preeti Roy, President NMS.

Ÿ On 12th January, 2017, on the occasion of Vivekananda Jayanti which was celebrated as Youth Day, Smt. Preeti Roy, President along with Smt. Sabita Pattnaik graced the Annual Day function of Vivekananda Siksha Kendra, BDA Colony, Bhubaneswar.

Ÿ Members of NALCO Mahila Samiti led by Smt. Preeti Roy, President visited Janani Ashram, a care and rehabilitation centre for mentally challenged women at Charbatia, Cuttack on 22/01/2017 and donated a Washing Machine. Woollen garments were also distributed to 23 inmates of the centre. On behalf of the centre Ms. Sanjukta Bhartiya, Secretary received the Machine and appreciated the noble gesture.

Ÿ NALCO Mahila Samiti, Bhubaneswar celebrated 68th Republic Day in a different manner. Along with other

At Bhubaneswar

members, Smt. Preeti Roy, President visited the Open Learning System (OLS), an organisation for differently-abled children and hoisted the tri-colour. On the occasion, Smt. Roy handed over a Grinder to the organisation and distributed drawing sets and biscuits to the children. Among others, Smt. Poonam Thakur, Advisory Committee member was present.

Ÿ A demo of Pattachitra paintings and clothes including Sarees, Suits etc., with Pattachitra paintings imprinted on them, was arranged in the meeting of NALCO Mahila Samiti. The members applauded their exposure to the rich culture and tradition of Odisha. Learning the heritage art was a joy.

Ÿ An Orthopaedic Awareness Camp was organised by NALCO Mahila Samiti, Bhubaneswar in Mahanadi Niwas Auditorium on 28/02/2017. Dr. Sarthak Pattanaik, renowned Ortho Specialist from Sunshine Hospital, Bhubaneswar addressed the audience. Smt. Preeti Roy, President, NALCO Mahila Samiti chaired the function and spoke on the occasion. Smt. Poonam Thakur, Dr. L Satpathy and Dr. J Panda were present. The demo session as well as the interactive session was highly informative, educative and effective.

Ÿ Smt. Preeti Roy, President graced the International Women's Day function organised by NALCO in NALCO Bhawan Auditorium as Chief Guest. Dr. S Samant, Registrar, KIIT University was the Chief Speaker. Smt. Gayatri Balasubramanyam was also present as guest of honour.

Ÿ The News Paper Daily “Sambad” in association with NALCO celebrated International Women's Day with lots of fun and merry making in Mahanadi Niwas Auditorium. While Smt. Preeti Roy, NMS President graced the occasion as chief guest, Shri Sanjeev Roy, Director (P&T), Shri Soumya Ranjan Pattanaik, Founder of Eastern Media Limited and Sambad and Smt. Monica Nayar Pattanaik, Managing Director of Eastern Media were present.



Ÿ Study Materials & School bags were distributed to girl students of Malu Saunta School, Mathalput

Ÿ 143 numbers of Mosquito nets were distributed to inmates of Balika Ashram, Chaugaon, Padmapur on the occasion of Republic Day.

Ÿ Nalco Ladies Club celebrated Sawan festival . Mehendi competition among the members & Cultural Programmes were the major attractions.

Ÿ A family picnic was organised in the month of December at Panchapatmali Mines Nursery. Fun games among the members & kids were the major attraction

At Damanjodi

At Angul

Ÿ Every Year, Ganesh Puja & Saraswati Puja are celebrated at Archana Dance & Music School.

Ÿ Husband's night was celebrated on 12th February 2017 with pomp & show. The main attraction of the celebration was Odissi dance by Sushree Rajashree Praharaj. Game show, songs by husbands & ladies club members enhanced the glamour of the show.

Ÿ Women's Day celebrated by Nalco Ladies Club, Angul on 8th March 2017. During the celebration, a Panel discussion was coordinated by Smt Debjani Mishra. Smt Amita Nayak, Smt Anushree Mandal, Smt. Rumjhum Chaterjee and Smt Rita Biswas sang on the occasion. Dance was performed by Smt. Rachana Rimjhim and Smt. Sujata Upadhyaya had delivered her speech on the occasion.


Celebrating Womanhood...

At Bhubaneswar

At Angul

At Damanjodi


Readers are requested to send their articles to the Coordinator or throughst

E-mail to [email protected], before 31 May 2017. - Editor


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