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FROM THE EDITOR’S PEN - Scriptures for America

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1 FROM THE EDITOR’S PEN First, this preacher wants to thank those of you who have prayed and continue to pray for him, his family, the church and this ministry. He knows what little bit he gets to do for Jesus through the Scriptures for America Ministry is because of those prayers. He also wants you to know he in turn prays for those of you that belong to Jesus, patterning his prayers for you from Ephesians 1:15-19 and 3 John 2. Christian soldiers, keep praying the “Pound and Pulver- ize” prayers we are posting weekly at our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org. The effects of them in the world are obvious for those who have eyes to see. You Gideon Guerillas keep anointing! Over 2,000 buildings have now been anointed (see our website for details). A special hats off to you Texans, it looks like every courthouse in Texas is going to get anointed. Since the ‘Supreme’ Court was anointed (June 7, 2005) much has happened there, but I’ve never heard happen what I heard on the news recently; that Congress renounced, with an overwhelming vote, the ‘Supreme’ Court’s most recent Communistic ruling of negating private property rights. This in in essence saying “you are not Supreme”. It’s all coming down, so keep up the fight and keep anointing; keep Pounding and Pulverizing, you Gideon Guerillas. Remember, it is our faith that overcomes the world--1 John 5:4. Our feature article this month is on destruction, and instructs further on how to destroy those who have been de- stroying us. Hopefully it will assist you to keep on faithing and inspire some of you to get back in the fight. We are not totally destroyed. There is still the remnant and we are coming back. Evidence of the remnant being alive and well is seen in this month’s women’s column, “Wife, Mother and Homemaker”. The feature article on destruction was taken from the notes of the sermon this preacher delivered at the Scriptures for America--Dalles, Oregon Conference we held in October. It was a blessed gathering, and the Holy Spirit’s presence was definitely felt, particularly during the prayers for the sick (James 5:14,15). There were twelve baptisms, and ten mes- sages were preached by four speakers. (see page 21 to order)
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FROM THE EDITOR’S PEN First, this preacher wants to thank those of you who have prayed and continue to pray for him, his family, the church and this ministry. He knows what little bit he gets to do for Jesus through the Scriptures for America Ministry is because of those prayers. He also wants you to know he in turn prays for those of you that belong to Jesus, patterning his prayers for you from Ephesians 1:15-19 and 3 John 2. Christian soldiers, keep praying the “Pound and Pulver-ize” prayers we are posting weekly at our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org. The effects of them in the world are obvious for those who have eyes to see. You Gideon Guerillas keep anointing! Over 2,000 buildings have now been anointed (see our website for details). A special hats off to you Texans, it looks like every courthouse in Texas is going to get anointed. Since the ‘Supreme’ Court was anointed (June 7, 2005) much has happened there, but I’ve never heard happen what I heard on the news recently; that Congress renounced, with an overwhelming vote, the ‘Supreme’ Court’s most recent Communistic ruling of negating private property rights. This in in essence saying “you are not Supreme”. It’s all coming down, so keep up the fight and keep anointing; keep Pounding and Pulverizing, you Gideon Guerillas. Remember, it is our faith that overcomes the world--1 John 5:4. Our feature article this month is on destruction, and instructs further on how to destroy those who have been de-stroying us. Hopefully it will assist you to keep on faithing and inspire some of you to get back in the fight. We are not totally destroyed. There is still the remnant and we are coming back. Evidence of the remnant being alive and well is seen in this month’s women’s column, “Wife, Mother and Homemaker”. The feature article on destruction was taken from the notes of the sermon this preacher delivered at the Scriptures for America--Dalles, Oregon Conference we held in October. It was a blessed gathering, and the Holy Spirit’s presence was definitely felt, particularly during the prayers for the sick (James 5:14,15). There were twelve baptisms, and ten mes-sages were preached by four speakers. (see page 21 to order)

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The destruction “they” intend for us is obvious in the forced vaccination plans “they” have for us, as revealed Novem-ber 1, 2005 by the one so many of you foolishly voted for over Jesus Christ, President Bush. He in his talk stated that birds were responsible for the flu epidemic of 1918 that killed 20 mil-lion people. In this preacher’s message of November 6, 2005, entitled “Those Dirty Birds”, the birds Mr. Bush really meant are the ones Jesus spoke of landing in the branches of the mustard tree in the Kingdom parable of Matthew 13:31&32. That mes-sage, “Those Dirty Birds”, was broadcast on the radio, can be heard at our website and will be sent out on the Scriptures for America Tape/CD Ministry. Concerning radio, we were able to pay our radio bill for the month of October which is now quite substantial, and we were able to pay all the other bills, which were also rather substantial. Thanks, to those of you that helped us do so. Please pray that we can keep it up and keep up on what is now the biggest budget we’ve ever had. The increase in the mail bag and write-ins are showing that increasing the radio budget and radio time was the right thing to do. We are trying to do our part, please help us by doing yours. Our most recent book “No Other Name but Jesus” is going out everywhere and is being graciously received. Since advertising the book in our last DragonSlayer newsletter and since preaching our sermon on October 16, 2005, entitled “God’s Name” (which is archived at our website), many are evangestically responding, and many have gotten re-baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ! All praise and glory be to Him our King, whose name Jesus is above all names!

Still Sincerely Stompin’ Snakes, in the Name of Jesus Christ! Pastor Peter John Peters PS--don’t forget, the next 91st Day is Sunday, December 18th at noon, through noon Monday.

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WHAT I LEARNED ABOUT DESTRUCTION Some time back I had a discussion with an old friend that used to be, as we used to say, “In the fight” but has long since quit, and he said “Pete, you are a dinosaur”. The com-ment got me to thinking. Then a few days later I saw a bumper sticker on an old gentleman’s car that got me to thinking more, for he was older than me, me the dinosaur. It said “Proud to be an American”. I’m not really, in my opinion, that old, but I’m old enough to remember a basically crime-free, doors-unlocked, keys-left-in-your-car America, and when I saw the bumper sticker I wondered, what part of America is this gentleman proud about? Is he proud of the crime rate? Is he proud of all of the pedophiles, homosexuals, adulterers, witches, etc. that now safely stroll our streets? Is he proud of the drug addiction and divorce rate, or the fact that we have become the worlds greatest debtor nation? Maybe he’s proud that prayer has been banned in school, or is it the economy he’s proud of? You know the fact that today, husband and wife both often have to work to pay the gas prices, the higher taxes, and to pay for a home for over 40 years. (There was a day in America when a man on a 65¢/hr wage could raise four chil-dren and keep his wife at home and pay a house off in ten years! I know of such a man.) There’s more I could say or add to the list but I know there are some indignantly saying at this point of the article, “It’s still the best coun-try in the world!” Most who stu-pidly say that have never been to an-other country in the world. Say what you want, but a prophet would say “our country has been destroyed!” The strange thing about the destruction is most don’t see it. It takes a prophet’s mentality to see, just as the prophet Habakkuk la-mented seeing destruction; “Why dost thou make me see iniq-uity, and cause me to look on wickedness? Yes destruction and violence are before me…” (Habakkuk 1:3)

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This preacher got in the fight as a teen-ager in the 60’s and has been in it for forty years. Along the way (about 15 years ago) he wrote the book America the Conquered. If he were to write a sequel to it, it would be America the Destroyed. Our morals have been destroyed, our modesty has been destroyed, our manners have been destroyed, our men (and women) have been destroyed, our health has been de-stroyed, our families have been destroyed, our economy has been destroyed; our word, our honor, our values, our music, etc. etc. – all destroyed! Our people don’t see it, but that is the way it is. It takes a prophet to see it and to get others to see it, but it takes the Holy Spirit to get anyone to care. WHAT I LEARNED IN THE FORTY YEAR FIGHT I learned we were not fighting Communism, Socialism, or Liberalism. I learned the conspiracy was not a Communist one, or the Illuminati or CFR, or international bankers or Jews, etc, and I learned (often the hard way) about the destroyers. I learned there are destroyers, just as the Bible clearly teaches us and teaches us in many places. One of which is in Revelation 11:18 where this teaching is sandwiched in with a prophecy concerning God’s plan “to destroy those who destroy the earth”. I learned there are such creatures just as Isaiah 57:4 says in the Septuagint, “Are you not children of destruction – a lawless race?” I first came face to face with these destroying creatures of instinct (II Peter 2:12) in the 60’s when I went off to the Univer-sity to supposedly get higher learning. They were the long hair radicals and leaders in America, prophesied in Deuteronomy 32:42, “…the long haired leaders of the enemy” (NASV). I watched them cut their hair and saw them spread out like slithering serpents, like creeping, infiltrating insects spreading leaven, be-coming lawyers, congressmen (most of whom are lawyers), politi-cal advisors, politicians, clergymen, preachers, professors, doctors, etc. Today they continue to lead our country away from Jesus, His Word and Law, and further and further into destruction. I learned what the Bible teaches--There are destroyers. There really are sons of hell, children of the devil; tares who are enemies, who come to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). There really is a conspiratorial coalition of various ones, as described in Psalm 83:1-8, out to destroy.

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“O God, do not remain quiet; Do not be silent and, O God, do not be still. For, behold, Thine enemies make an uproar; And those who hate Thee have exalted themselves. They make shrewd plans against Thy people, And conspire together against Thy treasured ones. They have said, "Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, That the name of Is-rael be remembered no more." For they have conspired together with one mind; Against Thee do they make a covenant: The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab, and the Hagrites; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them; They have become a help to the children of Lot. Selah.” Psalm 83:1-8 I learned there are builders of Christian civilization and destroy-ers of it. That just as there are hard working, nail pounding carpenters; there are also dark, devious, gnawing termites. The prophet Joel in Joel chapter one describes them as a nation of infesting, destroying insects. I learned our God created them to de-stroy. “… I have created the destroyers to ruin…” (Isaiah 55:16). I learned the fuller prin-cipal (taught in Romans 9:22) ie, that God not only makes vessels for destruction, but that it means made to destroy and be destroyed. “What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience ves-sels of wrath prepared for destruction? Romans 9:22. I learned from prophecy that our God commissioned them to destroy (Jeremiah 4:6-7; Isaiah 10:6), and it is their inward nature to de-stroy. “…Their inward part is destruction itself” (Psalms 5:9). There’s more I learned that I could write about, but I shall sum-marize this part of this writing; I learned that indeed “My people are de-stroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6). But much of what I learned in the 40 year fight and have shared thus far in this article is worthless, for I learned it too late. Sharing it with you now is tanta-mount to closing the barn door after the horses are out. WHAT WE MUST LEARN NOW, BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Obviously we, (the few Gideon fighters still in the fight), must use what has already been learned (too late) and learn some other things before it’s too late. When we do, we shall conquer and prevail, and con-quer and prevail we shall, for the King we follow has never lost a battle. Back to the older gentleman with the ‘Proud to be an American’ bumper sticker. I visited with him and in the conversation I threw some-

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thing out to see how he would respond. Knowing he had once seen and remembered a much better America I said, “This whole country has gone to Hell.” Now what I meant was this country has gone to Babylon, but I knew he wouldn’t under-stand such Biblical terminology, so I used the language I knew he would understand. Understand he did and in agreement he was; which got me to thinking even more. How could he agree and yet display such a bumper sticker? Then, when he spoke to me his own short sermon, I understood. He said to me, “To each his own, live and let live.” He had been taught by the destroyers and conquerors of America a new song to sing. He dare not sing “we shall overcome”, lest they come against him. He best sing “to each his own” if he wanted to be left alone, “live and let live” if he wanted to live and live well, high up on the food chain where he was now living. After all, he had his house paid for and his investments were yielding a good return. So what if the youth and grandchildren most likely would never own a home free and clear? (If things remain as they are). He, as the rest of his countrymen, had been taught a new song by his conquerors. This is Bible. Consider the Bible words of Psalms 137:1-3; “By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down and wept, When we remembered Zion. Upon the willows in the midst of it We hung our harps. For there our captors de-manded of us songs, And our tormentors mirth, saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion." The writer of Psalms 137:1-3 goes on to say in verse 4 , “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” Amer-ica, conquered and destroyed, is indeed a foreign land com-pared to what it once was. And as to how we can sing the Lord’s song; we can’t if we don’t know what it is and don’t have a certain thing it takes to sing it. [We must learn what it is and what it takes to sing it if we are to take this country back for Jesus Christ our King and make His enemies (and ours) a foot stool for His feet (Hebrews 1:13)] Speaking of song, forty years ago they came out with a hit song called, “Eve of Destruction”. What they were doing was putting us on notice, which seems to be a spiritual rule of spiritual warfare that they understand and we need to learn. Goliath, who defied the God (and armies) of Israel for forty days, (I Samuel 17:16) put David on notice of his intent to de-

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stroy him (I Samuel 17:44). David countered and put the destroyer on notice (I Samuel 17:46) of his destruction. Once the Army of the Lord (ie, Christian soldiers) learn concerning the destroyers, they must learn it’s destroy or be de-stroyed in this spiritual war that exists and effects our physical world. We’ve learned they were born to destroy Christian civiliza-tion, and we were born to build it. Now we must learn what we were born again for. What were we born again for? What are we born again to do? Some will say “to build”. That is not an incorrect answer; it is just an incomplete answer. Even then, when it is given, it is given incorrectly, for it is given by those who think they are to build churches. They do not think in terms of building the Kingdom, which involves seeing to it that His Will in Heaven, which is re-vealed in His word, be done on earth. Has anyone ever heard “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10)? In the forty years of destruction, since they put us on notice through their song “Eve of Destruction”, Christians have been building churches. Now, America has more churches than ever before, more sin than ever before, and is destroyed. Jesus said that He would build the church when He gave to Peter the keys to the Kingdom: "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not over-power it. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus said that in order to have the Kingdom we must be born again. “Jesus answered ‘truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God’” (John 3:3). Je-sus went on to say “Truly truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3:5). Thus Peter, who was given the keys to the Kingdom, said to the believers who asked what to do, “…Repent and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). How could it be any plainer and simpler? Yet those in the pulpits of most all those many churches do not say this. In fact they speak against it. Those that do speak against baptism either have to be stupid or snakes, and those that would believe them over Peter

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have to be fairly stupid themselves. Of course God’s people don’t take kindly to prophets calling them stupid, but this didn’t stop such prophets as Jeremiah. “But they are all together stupid and foolish…” “For the shepherds have become stupid…” (Jeremiah 10:8 & 10:21). Jesus taught us the snakes (Matthew 23:33) would work to keep us out of the Kingdom (Matthew 23:13), thus they must keep God’s people from being born again. I John 5:4 says, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the vic-tory that has overcome the world-- our faith”. The Greek word translated “overcomes” means to con-quer, and the Greek word translated “world” means world order. The so called new world order is simply Satan’s kingdom as op-posed to Christ’s Kingdom. The snake-tares who instinctively want their father the devil’s kingdom have slithered into the semi-naries and/or pulpits to teach what Peter did not teach; in order not to be conquered (ie, in order not to be destroyed). Now back to the question. What are we BORN AGAIN to do? To build – yes, but to build the Kingdom, ie, to see that His will is done on earth; but not to build only, but also to destroy as well. To destroy the destroyers! To conquer our conquer-ors! This concept is completely foreign to most Christian sol-diers (most of whom have long since quit fighting). Now before some of you reject this concept, consider the following Scripture: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of for-tresses” (II Corinthians 10:3-4) (emphasis added). Does not the Word teach us we are to DESTROY fortresses? In the old Babylonian physical conquest and captivity of God’s people, spoken of in the Old Testament, the city of Baby-lon itself was a mighty fortress. The prophecy of Micah chapter four describes our modern conquest and captivity as going to Babylon; “Writhe and Labor to give birth, Daughter of Zion, like a woman in childbirth, for now you will go out to the city, dwell in the field and go to Babylon…” (Micah 4:10). We must learn how to destroy with the divinely powerful weapons. The destroyers have been using divine weapons of their own of sorts. It is called divination. That is what is in-volved in what the Bible calls the sorcery of Babylon, which the Bible tells us Babylon has used on us (Revelation 18:23). It has

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caused a spell-like sleep to fall upon us to such an extent most can’t see the destruction that has befallen us, and those that can, can’t seem to care. That leaves a remnant that must press on in the fight, which is the theme of that Gideon story of old. At this point let us divert to an interest-ing story, found in the Book of Jasher, in light of a Scripture given in Proverbs 21:22; “A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.” The Book of Jasher tells us that after Moses fled Egypt (Exodus 2:15) and before he went to the land of Midian, he fought as a war-rior with and for King Kikianus, King of Cush. Kikianus had led a crusade against another nation and left his capitol city in the care of the snake Balaam (the same Balaam of Numbers 22) and Balaam’s two sons, who then betrayed him and took over the city, getting the people to install Balaam as the new King. The story is in the 72nd chapter of the Book of Jasher. The following is some of it: “And the people of the land hearkened to him [Balaam], and they swore to him and made him king over them, and his two sons for captains of the army. So they rose up and raised the walls of the city at the two corners, and they built an exceeding strong building. And at the third corner they dug ditches without number, between the city and the river which surrounded the whole land of Cush, and they made the waters of the river burst forth there. At the fourth corner they collected numerous serpents by their incantations and enchantments, and they fortified the city and dwelt therein, and no one went out or in before them.” The story goes on to say that when King Kikianus re-turned he realized he’d lost his city and fought several years try-ing to get it back. He never did win it back and he eventually died. The people of Cush then made Moses their king. Moses wisely surveyed the city and decided to attack the corner that was defended by the snakes that had been brought about by divina-tion. Moses devised a unique way to destroy the snakes, and once the snakes were destroyed, taking back the city was rela-tively easy and done so with the city intact. So it is, if we are to get our country back, we must de-stroy the snake-son’s of hell, who are of their father the devil, and who have used their form of divination type weapons. We must learn how to destroy the destroyer, using the divinely powerful weapons available to us. (I Corinthians 10:3-4;Ephesians 6:10-18).

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The anointing-unanointing oil is just one of them (see our DragonSlayer Newsletter Volume 7, 2005 or order tape/cd #1034, The Secret Weapon Revealed). INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DESTROY THE DESTROYER First we must awaken and get dressed. We must wake up from the sorcery-like spell that has been cast upon us and recognize the unclean among us. We have been asleep to the destruction they have been doing to us, but the Bible tells us they have not been asleep to what they have been doing to us. “…and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their de-struction is not asleep” --(II Peter 2:3) (emphasis added). This process is described in the prophecy in Isaiah 52:1-3; Awake, awake, Clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion; Clothe yourself in your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city. For the uncircumcised and the unclean Will no more come into you. Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captive Jerusa-lem; Loose yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive daughter of Zion. For thus says the LORD, "You were sold for nothing and you will be redeemed without money." Just as when one awakes in the morning and then puts on clothing, so it is stated here. This is being born again, for the Bi-ble tells us when we are baptized into Christ, we clothe ourselves with Him. This means His righteousness is imputed to us, and thus God no longer sees our filthy rags of sin but rather the right-eousness of Christ. “For all you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27). After the clothing is put on, which is strength and right-eousness, we need to (daily) put on our battle dress as Christian soldiers, ie, put on the armor as Ephesians 6:11 instructs us “Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” To the natural man all this seems foolish (I Corinthians 2:14), and such a man will never be part of the supernatural miracle working power of God which gives the victory that has alluded us for the past forty years. Isaiah 59:15-21 teaches us even our warrior God Himself puts on His armor before He does warfare. How much more must we? We fight against “spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12), and we lose the fight, as we have been doing the past forty years, when we do not put on the

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armor. We put on the armor through Bible reading, preaching, believing, faithing and prayer. When we read or hear a truth and take it in, we gird our loins with truth (Ephesians 6:14). When we believe that truth, it is accounted to us as righteousness, just as the Scripture says in Romans 4:3 “Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”. This believing of truth is the putting on of the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). There is a difference in believing and faith. Faith entails walking in that truth in which one believes. When we do that, we shod our feet in the preparation of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15). Our peace is a measure of our faith. The enemy shoots fear and anxiety and doubt at us to nullify our peace and faith; but we hold onto and lift up our faith like a soldier holds on to and lifts up his shield. This is the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16), and those stones Satan lobs over the shield to hit us in the head (to mess up our thinking) bounce off the helmet of salvation we place upon our head (Ephesians 6:17). We counter and use the sword, ie, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) offensively and de-fensively, just as Jesus used the Word in His fight of faith telling Satan “it is written” (Matthew 4:4). And then, we pray and peti-tion God to act (Ephesians 6:19). We must always remem-ber that prayer is part of the armor and weaponry we have been given for the DESTRUCTION we were born again to do. After, and only after, we have put on our clothes of strength and righteousness and our battle dress of armor, are we ready for the next step in the destruc-tion process we were born again to do. The next step is to obey the commands of our Commander and Chief, our Warrior King. Arise, pound and pulverize, ie, give the en-emy destroyers a good thrashing. "Writhe and labor to give birth, Daughter of Zion, Like a woman in childbirth, For now you will go out of the city, Dwell in the field, And go to Babylon. There you will be rescued; There the LORD will redeem you From the hand of your enemies. "And now many nations have been assem-bled against you Who say, 'Let her be polluted, And let our eyes gloat over Zion.' "But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD, And they do not understand His purpose; For He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor. "Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion, For your horn I will make iron And

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your hoofs I will make bronze, That you may pulverize many peo-ples, That you may devote to the LORD their unjust gain And their wealth to the Lord of all the earth. Micah 4:10-13 This thrashing, which this preacher labels, “Pound and Pulverize” is done with the weapon of prayer. In our Volume 7, 2005 Scriptures for America DragonSlayer Newsletter, our fea-ture article was on the revealing of the secret weapon of the an-nointing and unanointing oil. It was compared to the secret weapon of Gideon’s day, and Gideon’s day was compared to the prophecy of Isaiah 10:26. In that prophetic Scripture, the day of Israel’s exodus out of Egypt is also spoken of, and another weapon is revealed in it; “His staff”! [Gideon Guerrillas, con-tinue applying the oil, and now you are to take on another weapon of destruction; the staff!] This preacher has quite a story to tell you about the staff Moses carried to Egypt, and will tell it in a future sermon and in future radio broadcasts. For now, he will simply state that the staff represented authority; authority given to Moses which he used to destroy the power of the snakes (Exodus 7:12). Jesus has given the “born-again” authority over all the power of the enemy. “Behold I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall injure you” (Luke 10:19). Remember, authority never used or exercised is authority never had. The enemy destroyers despise authority (II Peter 2:10 NASV) for they know it means their destruction. The point is, we must PRAY IN AUTHORITY AND WITH AUTHORITY; that means, among other things, we must pray in the name of Je-sus Christ (not Yashua), for all authority has been given to Him, (Matthew 28:18) and thus they hate that name. (Just as David came against Goliath in the Name of The Lord of Hosts, we must now pray against them in the Name of Jesus Christ). We must become prayer warriors like David was a prayer warrior and pray imprecatory prayers against the en-emy destroyers like David prayed. (See Psalms 94 as an example of such prayers calling forth God’s vengeance.) A prayer warrior prays to the warrior nature of our God; “The Lord is a warrior” (Exodus 15:3). This is how we get Him to go to war. “The Lord will go forth as a warrior, He will arouse His zeal like a man of war…” (Isaiah 42:13)

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This is the awakening of our God by those who them-selves finally wake up to the destruction by the destroyers. “Then the Lord awoke as if from sleep like a warrior overcome by wine.” (Psalm 78:65). This is the hastening of the day of the Lord, which we are commanded to do, which is a day of destruc-tion of the ungodly (II Peter 3:10-12). This is conquering by His Song. CONCLUSION The book of Habakkuk begins with the prophet lamenting the fact that He was made to see the destruction no one else could seem to see, but concludes with the following words. Words left off in the Masoretic text but given in the Septuagint; “He maketh me walk in high places, that I may triumph with His song”. The dinosaur older than me, with the “Proud to be an American” bumper sticker, was singing a new song to his Baby-lonian captors when he sang “live and let live, and to each his own”. The writer of Psalms 137 who refused to forget how it once was before the destruction (Psalms 137:5-6) said “How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?” We can’t if we don’t know it, and we can’t if we don’t have the conquering faith to sing it. It – the Lord’s Song-seems to be the song of Moses, which concludes with the following words: "For the LORD will vindicate His people, And will have compassion on His servants; When He sees that their strength is gone, And there is none remaining, bond or free. "And He will say, 'Where are their gods, The rock in which they sought refuge? 'Who ate the fat of their sacrifices, And drank the wine of their libation? Let them rise up and help you, Let them be your hiding place! 'See now that I, I am He, And there is no god besides Me; It is I who put to death and give life. I have wounded, and it is I who heal; And there is no one who can deliver from My hand. 'Indeed, I lift up My hand to heaven, And say, as I live forever, If I sharpen My flashing sword, And My hand takes hold on justice, I will render vengeance on My adversaries, And I will repay those who hate Me. 'I will make My arrows drunk with blood, And My sword shall devour flesh, With the blood of the slain and the cap-tives, From the long-haired leaders of the enemy.' "Rejoice, O nations, with His people; For He will avenge the blood of His servants, And will render vengeance on His adversaries, And will atone for His land and His people." Deuteronomy 32:36-43

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These words reveal His Will. We can, by praying imprecatory prayers in faith and authority, bring about His will in Heaven to be done on earth, which is building the Kingdom and destroying the destroyers, which we were born again to do. This is triumphing with His song, when in the name of Jesus we pray with faith and authority His very will revealed in that song to be done on earth. This is the turning of God’s destruction from us to them. “For in a very little while My indignation against you will be spent, and my anger will be directed to their destruction” (Isaiah 10:25). You Christian soldiers and gutsy spiritual Gideon Guerrillas keep applying the oil and now use this weapon. Pray the prayers we are posting weekly at our Web site www.scripturesforamerica.org. Go to ‘Prayer Alert’. Put on the armor of God, then pray the preparatory prayer, and then pray the Pound and Pulverize with Provocative Impre-catory Prayer. Remember, O LORD, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, "Raze it, raze it, To its very foundation." O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you With the recompense with which you have repaid us. How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock. Psalm 137:7-9 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the vic-tory that has overcome the world-- our faith. And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? I John 5:4-5


Some of us may be dinosaurs, but not quite; for dinosaurs are ex-tinct, and though the number of the remnant still in the fight may be small, we are not extinct. Now we fight back using divinely powerful weapons of destruc-tion and put you; the destroy-ers on notice. You are on the eve of destruction. You will be the ones destroyed!

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(from The Book of Jasher) The Book of Jasher is re-ferred to in the Bible in Joshua and 2 Samuel. The name “Jasher” in He-brew means “the upright” or “correct record”. The most important value of this book is the large quantity of ad-ditional detail it gives to various ac-counts in the Old Testament. For instance, the translator state in his preface: “This book contains a more detailed account of the awful circum-stances attending the commencement of the flood, and of the conduct of Noah toward the terrified multitude who had assembled about the ark, when the fatal moment had arrived, and their doom was irrevocably fixed.” “...Connected with the period of the history is given an account of Nimrod; in which is strikingly depicted the arbitrary and violent char-acter of his conduct and government… “...From this book we learn that Noah and Abraham were con-temporaries. How beautiful the contemplation of the meeting between these two Patriarchs, the one being a monument of God’s mercy, the other having the promise of the favor and grace of God, not only to him-self, but to his seed after him. “...The history of Joseph has always been considered one of the most admirable and interesting on record...This history, in Jasher, en-ters more into detail concerning the affairs of Pontiphar’s wife Zelicah; Joseph’s magnificent procession through the cities of Egypt, on coming into power; the pomp with which he was attended by Pharaoh’s chari-ots, officers, and people, when he went up to meet his father; the affect-ing scene which then took place, together with other remarkable inci-dents….” Following the preface of this book are certificates of endorse-ment from four noted religious scholars of the day, their statements all dated April 1840, the year it was first published, each one giving his en-dorsement to the correctness and reliability of the translation.

The Book of Jasher is available for a donation of $12.00 from: Scriptures for America

PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 www.scripturesforamerica.org

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THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE Note from Pastor Peters: This newsletter is sent out the month we cele-brate Thanksgiving. The following was sent years ago to a newspaper editor by a Christian man thankful for his wife. He was a good Christian man who had been on this preacher’s tape ministry for years,

and he and his wife were doing a good job raising and homeschooling their children. The Bible tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not de-part from it” (Proverbs 22:6). That good Christian man who wrote the following (and whom I considered a friend) departed from us years ago to go be with the Lord, leaving a widow and two teenage children. His daughter, who is now grown, married, and a mother herself is the author of this month’s women’s article: Wife, Mother, and Homemaker. Dear Editor, As Thanksgiving draws near, I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for my wife, who is not, as the world would have us believe, JUST a housewife? The following is a partial list of the qualifications necessary to be a Homemaker in the 90’s. Project Manager, Nurse, Purchasing Agent, Seamstress, Transportation Coordinator, Hygien-ist, Counselor, Psychologist, Chef, Educator, Preacher, Arbitrator, Executor, Judge, Art Critic, Home Economist, Custodian, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Crisis Control, Home Repairer, Music Instructor, Entertainment Manager, and a Sounding Board. However, most importantly she is the missing part that makes her man whole. With qualifications like these, how any woman could accept a position as JUST a secre-tary, or JUST a doctor or lawyer is beyond me. I pray that in the future we can do more to glorify the Homemakers of this land and less to degrade them. Sincerely…

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Wife, Mother, and Homemaker Job Description There are four reasons for which I took the time to write this composition: 1. For my husband; I wanted him to have an idea of what I do while he is hard at work so that he would be proud of me and confident that I was making the most of being a homemaker. 2. As an encouraging account for myself and other women with this job, because sometimes we all get so busy in the day that by the time the day is up all we can see is what we did not get done, and we can’t remember what we did get done! 3. Also as encouragement for new homemakers who maybe don’t realize all that they can be in their new job. 4. For those who would criticize a woman for having the following job, or who don’t realize all that true-or-aspiring Proverbs 31 women have on their plates. Positions: Wife, Mother, Homemaker, in that order Hours: Must be available and on call around the clock Credentials: Must be patient, loving, and a good multitasker. Position 1. Wife 1. Caring for husband a. Cooking good, healthy meals b. Loving him c. Giving him his vitamins d. Massages after a long hard day’s work e. Mending his clothes 2. Listening well to him when he opens up to talk 3. Keeping own appearance and health nice for him 4. Running errands and doing jobs he asks to have done 5. Secretary work 6. Making sure there is a nice, peaceful environment for him to come home to

Always remember, his work makes all three of your jobs possible

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Position 2. Mother 1. Caring for children a. Cooking healthy good meals b. Bathing them c. Giving them their vitamins d. Mending their clothes 2. Nurturing and Training, this may take anywhere from 2 to 24 hours a day, (for example, 24 hours during teething or sick season) a. Mending hurts, emotional and physical b. Training on the difference in right and wrong c. Disciplining 3. Home Schooling (if children are at that age), this may take sev-eral hours a day, this is one area where multitasking comes in handy 4. If you have a toddler, changing and washing diapers (if using cloth ones) Position 3. Homemaker 1. Meals a. Planning healthy meals b. Making shopping lists c. Shopping d. Cooking 2. Seasonal Jobs a. Planting in spring b. Gardening all summer c. Harvesting and food preservation in fall d. Winter-proofing in the fall 3. Keeping the house a. Spring and fall deep cleaning b. Weekly housecleaning c. Daily upkeep (like cleaning the mud off the porch everyday that the guys bring in on their muddy feet, this is just one example, ask nearest woman for more) d. Laundry e. Paying bills and filing important papers (if your husband has delegated this job to the wife)

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4. Charity work (i.e. helping someone in need, baking and/or making gifts for others.) 5. Additional credentials and duties helpfully utilized in this job (which many, but not all workers employ) include; a. Seamstress b. House doctor & nurse, may have to help others outside of the family too c. Landscaper d. Bookkeeping (budget managing and planning) e. Educating self (for example, reading pertinent data that will benefit the family and home, such as the Bible, and health & home improvement information) f. Not all women are privileged enough to have the opportunities to do the following, but a growing number of industrious women aspiring to be like the Proverbs 31 woman choose to work extra hard, and either start a business or join their husbands in their business in order to help their husbands and bring in some extra income. These women obviously have double the responsibilities. The job of a Wife, Mother and Homemaker requires full time plus overtime. Many women in this line of work shamefully do not take their job seriously, and therefore give other women in the line of work a bad name (like the notorious housewife we have all heard about that sits on the couch all day eating bon-bons and watch-ing TV). There are the extra activities such as correspondence (phone time, letter writing time, etc...) and extra leisure activities and hobbies (such as playing instruments for women who are also musicians). These are not included in the job description as they are for free time, or to be fit in at the same time as other jobs if possible and nec-essary. A Proverbs 31 woman has no choice but to plan ahead, wisely deciding what is important to spend time on, what is not, and what should wait. the end.

“An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12

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Book Review The Poison Plot, written

by Lily Bea Jenkins, is indeed a rare find. This young imaginative author has written a highly active fiction adventure story for young people that can even leave an adult reader in great anticipation to read the next book in this series which is in the making. Lily’s first book, sub-titled The Adventures of Roderic, stands strong without any future writings by this author. In this story she has incorporated a fundamental principle that would greatly help empower all Christendom in ushering in the Kingdom of God if it were understood and embraced as it should be. It is the concept of respect for authority, which is the very concept Satan and his children work around the clock to confuse and breakdown among Christians. Some other ideas addressed in this adventure story include abiding in the secret place of the Most High God, standing on convictions, acknowledging God’s will and direction, rewards for obedience and God’s blessing on those who love Him. There is an area of error in the author’s salvation message as she does not seem to understand becoming a Christian in-volves water baptism for the remission of sins. However, I (the Pastor’s wife) would highly encourage all Christian families to include this thrilling piece of literature for young readers (and mom’s too) in their libraries. Available for a donation of $14.00 from:

Scriptures for America PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535

If you would like to contact Pastor Peters, please write to him at:

Scriptures for America, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535 or email at [email protected]


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Our Dalles, Oregon gathering was a fantastic, Jesus Christ-filled time, enjoyed by most all who attended. The ten messages delivered there are all avail-

able on tape or CD from Scriptures for America. A suggested do-nation of $35.00 is requested for the complete set. They include “Eve of Destruction, Parts 1-3” and “How To Destroy” by Pastor Peters;

“New Wine, Puckered Skins, Parts 1 & 2” by Pastor Apple-gate; “And Again God Was Angry With Israel” by Red Beckman, two excellent messages from Kenny Anderson, “Pro-Life” and “Israel My Glory”, and a question & answer time with Pastors Peters & Applegate.

Scriptures for America PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535


We thank God for those of you that tithe to us.

"Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, 'How have we robbed Thee?' In tithes and offerings. "You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the LORD of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows. "Then I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it may not destroy the fruits of the ground; nor will your vine in the field cast its grapes," says the LORD of hosts. Malachi 3:8-11

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“Welcome Back to the Family of God

for some Spiritual R & R”

Scriptures for America’s 2006 Rocky Mountain Family Bible Camp!

We are pleased and blessed to announce our return to Camp Wondervu, in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado, for the 2006 SFA Rocky Mountain Family Bible Camp, to be held July 30--August 6, 2006. There is now new staff on hand as well as some new facilities at Camp Wondervu, including 2 new large dorms, 12 new hotel-type rooms and 4 new family rooms. There is also plenty of room for tents and campers. Recreational activities include rock-climbing, paintball, a rope-course, fishing in the re-cently stocked mountain-top pond, and good fellowship as well. Our theme for this year’s camp is “Welcome Back to the Family of God for some Spiritual R & R”. We intend to have a more relaxed camp schedule for 2006, and we are asking you to help us plan it. Please send suggestions for speakers, topics, and skits, and inform us if you would like to bring a message. Let us know of musicians to contact, or if you have music to bring. Also know that we need volunteers for children’s classes and for camp help. More information to follow in future newsletters. We look forward to your ideas and suggestions for this return to Camp Wondervu, and please keep this project in prayer, as it is a lot of added work for the SFA Ministry staff.

Also, Plan now on attending Our 2006 Annual SFA



May 26, 27 & 28, 2006

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FROM THE WEBMASTER When we started the live internet broadcasts on Sunday mornings, we had about 20 people go to our website and log in. Today, we have grown to thousands logging on to the live broadcast every Sunday morning. We could do as others have done and supply only prere-corded programs, but our congregation tells us

they look forward to the live broadcasts. We are trying to keep on the cut-ting edge of this new technology and are probably one of the very few that are doing LIVE broadcast via the internet. Praise Jesus for this outreach opportunity! To do live streaming over the internet it takes a “server” (a com-puter that sends out the broadcast from a central point). As more and more people log on, the servers become very inefficient in supplying a good picture. I know that many of you have experienced this problem, via a bad picture or disruption, but know that we are constantly working to im-prove the reliability of this important ministry service! One alternative we have discovered, which would improve our audio & video stream from the Church, is satellite transmission, rather than our existing T-1 line, However, this would require $5,000.00 in equipment and an annual service cost of $7,680.00, adding $12,680.00 to our budget the first year, and $7,680 per year after that. Therefore, we are working diligently to provide a good, high quality service with our existing streaming equipment! We started with one server, then two, then three, and now we are adding a fourth server! This is very expensive, as you can imagine. However, when our God brings more people to the broadcast, we must move ahead to fill the need. We pray you will continue to help out with this ministry service. We are archiving the Sunday broadcasts both in video and audio for your download or replay. We are also supplying the previous weeks Sunday morning broadcast for the “Early Morning Church” at an earlier time every Sunday morning. (See the link below at the website, www.scripturesforamerica.org for the pro-grams). The growth has been on a very fast track and we appreciate your continued prayers, patience and support. [email protected]

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SFA DVD’s Here is a partial listing of DVD’s

now available from Scriptures for

America Ministry. See our website for continuous

updates, (suggested donation

of $5.00-$7.00 each).

Branson, MO 2005 Music and Our Youth, by Art Reed Branson, MO 2005 Prayer Clock, Rick Strawcutter Branson, MO 2005 Priming the Pump in Branson, Missouri, Pastor Peter J. Peters Branson, MO 2005 Friday Night Sermonettes, Branson, Missouri, Pastors Poch, Strawcutter & Applegate Branson, MO 2005 Behold, Elijah is Here, Pastor Charles Jennings Branson, MO 2005 The Secret Weapon Revealed, Pastor Peter J. Peters Branson, MO 2005 HIS Name is Jesus!, Pastor Gene Applegate Branson, MO 2005 Move On Higher By Letting Go of the Yoke, Rick Strawcutter Branson, MO 2005 For the Secret Weapon to Work…, Pastor Peter J. Peters Branson, MO 2005 Using the Holy Spirit as a Weapon, Pastor Gene Applegate Branson, MO 2005 The Coming Biblical Reformation, Pastor Charles Jennings Branson, MO 2005 Numerology in the Bible, Dr. Ed Transano Branson, MO 2005 Save Yourself, Pastor Peter J. Peters Branson, MO 2005 Treasure in an Earthly Vessel, Pastor Ron Poch Branson, MO 2005 Saturday morning, songs, etc... 05/16/2004 Sunday Service, Pastor Peters in Colville, WA

and from The LaPorte Church of Christ:

05/08/2005 Cutting Down the Groves--Tolerating Jezebel, Part 1 05/15/2005 Judge! & Tolerating Jezebel, Part 2 07/03/2005 Pastor Gene Applegate-- 07/10/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 5 07/17/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 6 07/24/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 7 07/31/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 8 08/07/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 9--Triumphing with His Song 08/14/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 10--Kindling the Fiery Wrath 08/21/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 11 08/28/2005 The Answer To Ask Gideon Part 12--Another Target 09/05/2004 SUNDAY SERVICE - PETERS 09/11/2005 Action To Take In the Wake of a Hurricane 09/18/2005 SUNDAY SERVICE - PETERS 09/25/2005 Don’t Let That Day Overtake You 10/09/2005 God Made Moses, and God Made Moses’ Mouth
