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From the Man Who Predicted the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks · From the Man Who Predicted the 9/11...

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From the Man Who Predicted the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks "Doug Casey's Next Big Premonition – I Guarantee It Will Change Your Life..." He's been called a "zealot," an "elitist," a "solipsist" and a "financial prophet." He is also considered one of the preeminent authorities on "rational speculation" and for the past 30 years, has predicted major economic and market events that have made him one of the wealthiest men in America. Chances are you'll be shocked by many of his views and opinions...but I strongly suggest you heed his warning nonetheless. "Doug Casey has never been wrong on one of his major predictions. His game plan could make you a millionaire while others are barely keeping their heads above water." ~Simon and Schuster Publishers "A hundred years from now, should mankind survive that long, Doug Casey may well be remembered as one of the great prophets of our time." ~Robert J. Ringer Best–selling author of financial books I'll be the first to admit... In a world largely driven by fear and doubt there is no shortage of self–proclaimed soothsayers, fortune tellers, political propagandists, and religious zealots out there... all of whom who claim to know the "answers" to life's greatest questions. Unfortunately, most of these people are phonies who profit off the ignorance and weak will of others. And they make it truly difficult to believe that people with extraordinary talents actually exist. But today I'm going to tell you about a man named Doug Casey, who for the past 30 years has made his living by accurately predicting future events. I realize that probably sounds impossible to you right now and it's probably not the first time someone has told you about a person who they believe possess some kind of special ability.

From the Man Who Predicted the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

"Doug Casey's Next Big Premonition –

I Guarantee It Will Change Your Life..."

He's been called a "zealot," an "elitist," a "solipsist" and a "financial prophet." He is also considered one of the preeminent authorities on "rational speculation" and for the past 30 years, has predicted major economic and market events that have made him one of the wealthiest men in America. Chances are you'll be shocked by many of his views and opinions...but I strongly suggest you heed his warning nonetheless.

"Doug Casey has never been wrong on one of his major predictions. His game plan could make you a millionaire while others are barely keeping their heads above water."

~Simon and SchusterPublishers

"A hundred years from now, should mankind survive that long, Doug Casey may well be remembered as one of the great prophets of our time."

~Robert J. RingerBest–selling author of financial books

I'll be the first to admit...

In a world largely driven by fear and doubt there is no shortage of self–proclaimed soothsayers, fortune tellers, political propagandists, and religious zealots out there... all of whom who claim to know the "answers" to life's greatest questions.

Unfortunately, most of these people are phonies who profit off the ignorance and weak will of others. And they make it truly difficult to believe that people with extraordinary talents actually exist.

But today I'm going to tell you about a man named Doug Casey, who for the past 30 years has made his living by accurately predicting future events.

I realize that probably sounds impossible to you right now and it's probably not the first time someone has told you about a person who they believe possess some kind of special ability.

But I'm not a marketer, financial guru or salesman. I didn't make this video because I had to. I did it because like many thousands of folks around the world, I have benefited greatly from this man's insight and would like to at least give you the opportunity to do the same.

Understand, Doug is a very private man and he will be the first to tell you that he is neither a divinely inspired prophet nor fortune teller with psychic powers. On the contrary, he is an atheist, and even though he has read the Bible and made a study of many religions, he doesn't believe in a single one of them. As he says, "they're mainly forms of mind control used to wage war, commit murder, and keep societies oppressed."

What Doug does believe in, however, is the predictability of human behavior and the power of causality. It is through this belief that he has predicted future events with such accuracy that he has been invited to appear on hundreds of radio and TV shows including David Letterman, Merv Griffin, Charlie Rose, Regis Philbin, NBC News and CNN. He also participated in several televised debates with Presidential candidates, has been hired to consult with a number of world leaders, and is often the subject of features in periodicals like Time, Forbes, People, and The Washington Post.

On July 13, 2001, for example, Doug wrote a 12–page letter entitled Waiting for World War III. In this letter, he predicted an attack on a U.S. target from an outside enemy. His exact words:

"An attack will soon come from outside American borders, in the form of war. But it won't be declared war in the conventional sense with ballistic missiles. When the attack comes it will be delivered through a much cheaper, more reliable and unexpected form such as a car bomb, boat or plane."

Two months later, on September 11, 2001 ... two American Airline jets and two United Airline planes were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

Call it a coincidence, eerie timing, happenstance, whatever you want.

Again, Doug doesn't claim that he can see the future through a crystal ball... rather; his secret to predicting trends and events in the world revolves around a highly detailed understanding of world culture, politics, history, economics, and the simple laws of cause and effect.

On Feb. 2, 2011 for example, (when the riots first erupted in Egypt) Doug wrote a letter entitled: On Revolution in Egypt and Beyond. Here is an excerpt from that letter:

"Revolution in the Middle East is long overdue. I think this is a fire that will spread not only because every Arab regime is

corrupt, backward, and repressive but because communications like Facebook, Twitter, cell phones, text messaging, and so forth, can organize action on a massive scale far easier than ever before. A broad revolution in the Muslim world is imminent and will soon spread..."

Within weeks of making this prediction... mass demonstrations, riots and anti government protests sprouted up across the Arab world into countries like� Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and most recently Libya.

Again, Doug has no supernatural abilities. But as someone who's visited over 175 countries and lived in 12 of them (four of which he currently calls home), and has been an economic advisor to the leaders of Suriname, Bulgaria, Mozambique, Namibia, Palau and Cameroon...

Bulgaria President Georgi Purvanov

Doug has developed an understanding of governments' secret agendas... a way of thinking that is unaffected by the blabbering of the mainstream media... the courage to go against the crowd... and the ability to see the writing on the wall that tells him when a certain event is bound to happen soon.

This is how he predicted the stock market collapse of 2008, approximately three years before it took place...the "dot–com bubble" in 1999... the China boom back in the early '90s... the bull market of the 1980s... and the current debt crisis that has nearly bankrupt our nation.

Doug doesn't keep his predictions to himself either ... for years he has documented his premonitions on paper so that his friends and family can not only profit from future events but avoid catastrophe as well.

Back in August 2005, for example, when the housing market was booming... Doug had a premonition about the imminent collapse of real estate. His exact words:

"What's going on now in the residential real estate market is much like the tech bubble, but potentially much, much more serious than what went on in stocks a few years ago... the bubble is floating on a sea of debt. When it bursts – perhaps pricked by higher interest rates – millions of Americans will be sitting on a pile of debt suddenly much larger than the diminishing value of their assets. And millions of houses will hit the market in distress sales."

As he predicted, the housing market has since collapsed beyond recognition. Last year a record 2.8 million U.S. homes foreclosed (about 1 in 45 households).And home prices are down more than 30% since 2006.

Had you known this real estate collapse was going to happen in advance, however, you may have not only avoided this catastrophe, but actually profited from it as well.

And that is why I made this video. Doug hates to brag about himself. And he hates marketing. As he recently said: "The irony is, if these often touted investment strategies worked so well then the people making these videos would be rich and wouldn't have to try and sell you anything."

Doug also refuses to claim that he is anything but an ordinary guy who believes in evolution and the predictability of human behavior.

But as someone who has personally greatly benefited from Doug's insight over the years I have decided to share his talents with you in the hopes that you will act on his next premonition.

In short, Doug believes that an upcoming event will be detrimental for most Americans, but very profitable for a select few.

So if you've got a few minutes, let me explain Doug's next premonition and why it could change your life...

A Thousand Clowns in WashingtonMy name is Olivier Garret.

You don't know me. I was born in Senlis, France (50 miles north of Paris) and immigrated to Canada when I was 22 years old. I wanted to start a branch for my family's business, which manufactured equipment for the grain industry. Within a year I moved to the U.S to further pursue my education.

Although I have earned a few fancy degrees including an MBA from Dartmouth College and a Master's in Business from the Universite de Paris IX–Dauphine, I have no great abilities or talents that would put me on TV or in the company of world leaders.

Yes, I've made a bit of money over the years.

In the 1990s I was a CEO and general manager for a number of industrial businesses. I've also spent 12 years restructuring, managing, and growing a wide variety of businesses ranging from distribution, medical, energy and even defense companies.

But my life changed drastically when I met Doug back in 2006. I was instantly taken aback by his ability to spot opportunities in places no one else was looking.

And I've since made an absolute fortune by following his every move.

In fact, not to gloat, but my personal wealth has grown more than 5–fold since meeting Doug. Many of my investments have returned 500% or more, sometimes in the span of less than a year.

But I'll be upfront with you... whenever Doug speaks at a conference or appears on television or the radio, the usual reaction to the ideas he presents is of utter disbelief and skepticism.

You see Doug isn't afraid to share his views or opinions with others. Once he was booted off the Phil Donahue show for openly criticizing the U.S. government, entitlement programs, and college education. And in the late 1990s, when Doug met Dick Cheney at an investment conference he refused to shake his hand telling Cheney that he holds him in contempt.

And as far as his personal political beliefs are concerned, you probably won't agree with a lot of what he has to say... For instance, Doug believes the entire U.S. government should be abolished... that democracy is nothing but another form of mob rule where 51% of the population forces the other 49% to do what it wants. He also believes we should abolish both income tax and welfare... everyone should have a gun in their nightstand... and that the U.S. Constitution is a dead letter that has been parsed and interpreted out of existence.

See what I mean? Most people consider Doug a "radical," but he's actually one of the most kind and thoughtful people I've ever met. It's just that his ideas about what have gone wrong in America and how we should fix our country are far outside of the mainstream.

And to my knowledge, the one thing no one has taken argument against Doug is his ability to successfully speculate and predict events brought about by political and economic forces most people simply don't understand or know about.

Doug has even written two New York Times bestselling books about these sorts of


In 1978, for example, he wrote Crisis Investing, which spent 29 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, becoming the bestselling financial book in history. In that book Doug issued this stern warning: "If America continues to spend more than it saves we will eventually default on our loans, destroy our credit rating and debase the value of our currency."

As you know this is exactly what has happened.

A few years later, in 1982, Doug received what at the time was the largest advance ever paid to an author and wrote Strategic Investing, which spent seven weeks on the New York Times bestsellers list. In that book, Doug predicted that the "bull market of the century" would take place during the 1980s. He zeroed in most strongly on blue chip stocks and utilities. He also recommended little–known North

American mining companies some of which generated 1,000%+ returns, and predicted the demise of the Japanese stock market. Since then, the Nikkei 225, (a Japanese stock market index equivalent to the S&P 500) has dropped from 35,000 to 10,000 points.

Again, Doug doesn't keep his premonitions to himself...

For example, back in the early 1970s Doug knew that if the government continued to borrow massive amounts of money it would result in the devaluing of the US dollar and the resurgence of gold as a coveted store of value.

He also knew, at the time, that almost 50% of the world's gold reserves were located in South Africa. So in 1978 he recommended 40 South African gold stocks to his readers. Why? Because not only was the rest of the world convinced South Africa's mining industry was on the verge of collapse but they also believed the price of gold was going to remain stagnant.

But as usual, the public was wrong. These stocks rose up an average of 600% over the next few years, with most returning more in dividends alone than they had originally cost.

No one can predict the market with 100% accuracy. But what Doug has discovered is that you can predict the actions of politicians and policymakers.

In 1998, for example, Doug noticed the price of uranium was highly undervalued as inventory stockpile was low and demand was rising significantly. He also noticed that the reason for this huge price discrepancy was purely political. It boiled down to supply disruption from unstable sources (i.e., South Africa and Russia), weapons conversion, and demand from world governments.

In other words, the price of uranium and the value of uranium companies were solely dependent on government demand. And as governments around the globe began to actively pursue nuclear power as a viable energy option the price would have to rise substantially. With a projected new demand of 1.8 billion pounds, Doug knew – with near 100% certainty – that the price of uranium was going to soon move up significantly.

As he wrote at the time, when uranium was $10 a pound: "A whole new Uranium boom is possible and uranium will trade to over $20 within the next two years, and spike to $40 or more."

Of course, investing in uranium back then was hugely unpopular. Chernobyl and Three Mile Island weren't yet distant memories. But Doug told his readers to buy several uranium stocks anyways. Few investors had the courage to act on this information; but the ones who did saw the following gains:

• Paladin Resources – up 1,333%• International Uranium – up 1,225%• Strathmore – up 660%• Cameco – up 895%

And as you can see in the chart below, not only did Uranium hit $40, it climbed to $135 by 2007.

As reader Carl L. writes: "I remembered Doug's words and bought Paladin Resources when it fell to A$0.009 per share. I just cashed out with a 3,100% profit! My mortgage is now paid off... Thanks Doug!"

Again, this wasn't a gamble in the same sense as buying a stock ... this was about

following the government. Understand, the bigger the government gets the more influential their agendas become. In this case, the world governments' active pursuit of nuclear energy created new demand for reactors, and thus more demand for uranium fuel.

This is why Doug believes that anyone who is serious about building or protecting wealth must understand the hidden link between politics and money.

Doug learned this trick from his late father, who in the 1950s bought up farmland in Gaithersburg, Maryland, then a rural area near Washington D.C. He paid around $50 an acre and bought up as much property as he could afford. Over the years, the expansion of the government caused a slew of bureaucrats and big money to descend upon our nation's capital like a pack of vultures. Property values around D.C. shot up into the clouds – especially the property Doug's father bought. The going price rose as high as $50,000 per acre. His father quickly became one of the richest men in America – amassing a $200 million estate – in a relatively short period of time. And all because he understood what most other investors did not: Politics is the key to wealth.

It's a secret Doug has used throughout his life to make money...

In 1971, for example, when Nixon removed the dollar's link to gold, Doug knew that gold would rise. For years it had been artificially suppressed by the government and would quickly reach its fair market value, if given the opportunity. Doug was still in his twenties, but he could read the handwriting on the wall as well as anyone. He watched his investments in gold mining companies jump from 400% to 2,000% as the price of gold climbed to $850. Then, when Reagan took over in 1980, interest rates hit 18% and stocks were trading at 7 times earnings. Doug knew that stocks would boom as the Fed lowered interest rates. The Dow was at 777. Doug predicted it would hit 3,000 by 1990. As it turns out, he was off by only a quarter of a point.

Again, in a world of uncertainty and volatility; you can always count on politicians to form new trends. And you can make a lot of money by investing accordingly.

Remember the "oil crisis" of the '70s? Another classic case of politics in action...

As Doug wrote:

"Oil was selling for $2–$3 a barrel. Naturally, the Arabs were not eager to continue turning over their oil to Americans in exchange for depreciating U.S. dollars. As inflation increased, Jimmy Carter refused to allow gas prices to rise, so instead consumers were left waiting in long lines for gas believing that there was a "shortage" of oil – which of course was a complete lie, manufactured by the government and media. Making money was easy here for the folks who could see through these lies and realize the "shortage" was a fantasy. Oil was bound to rise sharply as the wave of '70s inflation would inevitably lift all commodity prices."

Of course, many folks thought Doug was a paranoid contrarian for publishing this idea. But as I said, Doug isn't afraid to go against the crowd. He told his readers to invest in 23 different oil stocks. Those who did tripled the value of their investments in just 24 months.

On the surface, the kinds of opportunities Doug puts his money into may sound risky... sometimes outrageous. But he's not a gambler. He uses his insight and knowledge to predict governments' next move and then capitalizes on the opportunities they create. Doug often refers to these opportunities as "political distortions" in the market.

And whenever possible, Doug looks for distortions that give him an unfair advantage...

In 1992, for example, Doug found a way to make a small fortune from a Venezuelan gold camp called Kilometer 88. Most folks would never think about investing in Venezuela. But Doug knew that the government there had every reason to support domestic mining interests. He told some folks about this opportunity and those who chose to act, would have made as much as 923% on their capital.

A year later, Doug wrote about an opportunity to make a fortune in what was still Apartheid South Africa. I'm sure this sounded reckless on paper. But this was a calculated speculation based on a political distortion. As Doug wrote: "Most people failed to realize the white ruling class still protected and coddled the diamond mining industry. So I found a way to take advantage of the situation that ended up returning 720% gain."

Again, most people probably dismissed the idea as pure insanity. But as a speculator, Doug is constantly watching for burgeoning trends in the world... trends that are triggered by politicians, the media, and governments.

In August 2006, for example, Doug predicted food production would be threatened by shortages, droughts, government pricing policies, and the biofuel market. So he told his readers to buy the grain markets, especially corn.

Few people actually believed him, but look what happened next:

The price for a bushel of corn more than doubled in less than two years. Those who acted on Doug's premonition would have seen gains of over 5,000%....turning every $500 invested into more than $25,000.

By the summer of 2008, when soybean prices started falling, Doug made an appearance on CNBC and made a prediction about the downward trend of soybean prices... At the time, he had already tripled his money by shorting soybeans, but by October he was up 423%.

Again, through 30 years of speculating Doug has discovered that price movements follow predictable patterns, based on government policies and their impact on the world's markets.

As I said before, by successfully spotting disruptions in the global pipeline of economic and geopolitical events, and having the courage to act on them, Doug has been able to amass a fortune.

I won't reveal exactly how much money Doug as made as it's not my place to do so, but I do know that he's made enough to build his own "Galt's Gulch" in one of the most pristine and secluded regions of Argentina – a 1,360–acre gated community with a wine vineyard, 18–hole golf course, health spa, clubhouse, fine dining restaurants, a polo field, and various other amenities.

Here are a few photos:

And just to give you an idea of the kinds of returns Doug regularly see on his predictions... since 2008 – during one of the worst recessions of the last century – he has produced gains of 553%, 520%, 730%, 850%, 994%, and 1,852%... all in less than 10 months.

So what opportunities are the governments of the world setting in motion today? Well, as I mentioned earlier Doug believes the biggest and most significant event he's seen in more than 30 years is about to begin.

But before I get into the details of his vision for the near future and how a smart speculator could use this event to make a fortune... let me show you exactly how

Doug spots these government–triggered distortions in the first place...

Doug has 3 major rules...

Doug Casey's RULE #1: Find a Crisis The first rule is to find a crisis or freak event in the world. This can be a war, popular uprising, new energy discovery, regime change, or any rare situation that severely affects a country's economy. This rule probably runs counter to what you believe to be safe or true. But let's face it, groupthink never got anyone rich.

In the mid 70s, for example, Doug traveled to Zimbabwe. Back then, the country was called Rhodesia and had a significant white population of around 250,000. And these folks ran the country's commercial agriculture industry, making Rhodesia the breadbasket of Africa.

During his visit there Doug discovered a castle on the Mozambique border – an active war zone at the time. As Doug tells me: "Most people thought I was nuts for even considering such an investment." But Doug knew this war had created a distortion in the country's real estate market. As a result, the asking price for this castle – including all the linen, silverware, golf course, coffee plantation and much more – was only US$85,000 (which even by African standards is cheap). Doug didn't buy the castle, but in 1995, it changed hands for $13 million... resulting in a 15,194% return.

The point I'm trying to make is a crisis creates bargains.

And oftentimes, the mere perception of crisis – whether fancied or real – is enough to create the kinds of distortions that often result in substantial gains.

Let's face it, most people are too afraid to invest in a crisis. They only want perceived safety and big dividends. But the truth is these are the same folks who never get rich. They follow the herd like a bunch of cattle and end up investing in opportunities after the money has already been made. Believe me I used to be one of those individuals.

But I've learned through Doug that finding a crisis is crucial to being a successful speculator... even if that crisis is located in a dangerous, third–world country. Throughout Doug's career he's discovered the biggest opportunities in what most folks believe to be the most unstable and perilous regions of the world.

Consider China 30 years ago...

During those days China was just starting to open up itself up to foreign investment. However, industry remained state owned, inflation was rampant, and there was concern that the mainland was going to forcefully take over Hong Kong. At the time property prices had collapsed because people were afraid the Chinese wouldn't maintain them. So Doug came in, bought a penthouse condo for $40,000 and sold it during the recent real estate bubble for $950,000.

Last year, Doug even flew to Iraq when a contact of his told him about a group of untapped oil deposits in the northern region of the country, formerly known as Kurdistan. Here's a shot of Doug (on the far left) standing in front of one of those deposits.

I realize very few of you have the time or the resources to travel the globe making these kinds of unconventional moves and financial power plays. That's okay... you don't have to. As you can see in these pictures, at the age of 65 Doug still enjoys traveling and investigating opportunities firsthand...

But I will say that after 30 years of trekking the globe it's nearly impossible for Doug to personally investigate all of the speculations he finds. That's why he's spent years hiring a team of individuals who he has trained as his protégés.

One of these individuals, for example, is a mining expert who speaks five languages named Louis James. Louis takes incredible risks on a regular basis in order to find the kinds of speculations that have returned 597% in 10 months and 1,714% in one year. He is also one of the most skilled mining analysts living today.

Doug has hired a skilled mathematician who designs software programs that measure investment variables and can filter out various metrics. He's even hired a Ph.D. professor who's previously authored over 150 scientific articles. In short, this team of experts allows Doug to amplify his ability to trot the globe, kick rocks,

analyze date, and negotiate deals. As Doug says, "it's like having several pairs of eyes and ears on the ground at one time."

Of course, you shouldn't invest overseas unless you've checked the place out firsthand. That's why Doug and his team constantly visit dozens of places, investigating the next crisis or politically caused distortion. Here's a short list just from the past two years: China, Mongolia, Iraq, Columbia, Peru, Chile, Ghana, Mali, Guyana, Philippines, Mexico, Panama, Lithuania, Belarus, Romania, Canada, Croatia, Cost Rica, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, UAE, Canada, NZ, Australia, Thailand, Slovenia, and Hungary...

But finding a crisis is only the first of three very important rules... let me tell you about Doug's #2 rule...

Doug Casey's RULE #2: Always "Befriend" the Local Attorneys and Accountants

When Doug first started venturing around the world, he was on his own...

As he tells me: "I've always been attracted to countries and trouble. Upon checking into my hotel in a crisis country I'd open up the yellow pages and start making appointments with attorneys and real estate agents because their always local centers of influence. Getting an appointment was rarely a problem. They were always happy to meet an American. Before long I was making friends and being invited to dinner. I'd also go to art galleries and the polo club because I know something about those things. That's how you find opportunities and to know worthwhile people, not by taking a tour to see churches and monuments with a bunch of tourist." In short, Doug quickly discovered the power of networking with likeminded individuals who could tell him about opportunities most people never hear about.

In 1981, he even started an organization called the Eris Society to tap into this idea. Once a year, Doug would invite his friends and various individuals who had done something of significance in their respective fields to his home in Aspen to share their favorite ideas. Usually, more than 50% of the attendees were published authors, film producers, doctors, politicians, scientists, historians, artists, philosophers, educators, and multimillionaire investors.

A year later, Doug decided to further extend his networking capabilities by starting his own financial research business, which has since garnered one of the largest subscriber bases in the world. In fact, when Doug travels to a country these days to investigate new opportunities... many of the lawyers, accountants, CEOs, and politicians he meets are his subscribers.

This summer, for example, when Doug went to Egypt immediately after the riots took place, he didn't have to search for politicians or attorneys. Instead, he sent out a letter informing his subscribers that he'd be visiting Cairo. When he got there, he was

greeted by a few dozen of his readers.

After a tour of the city, Doug found that the recent uprisings in Egypt created a distortion in the real estate market... he noticed a few condos that had either been vacated or had never sold and were selling for less than US$115 per square ft. Within the next two years, these properties are expected to sell for $250 per square ft. or more.

But again, if it weren't for this crisis and Doug's network of contacts, he may have known about this opportunity in the first place.

That's why Doug regularly keeps in touch with powerful individuals in every country who keep him informed of new opportunities in their respective regions. It's also why he now has field offices and correspondents in the U.S., Belarus, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Ghana, China, Colombia, Canada, and Uruguay.

Again, in order to be a successful speculator and consistently generate the kinds of gains financial advisors and money managers dreams about, the first thing Doug will do is find a crisis or freak event. After that, he'll utilize his network of contacts to find people who can help him and his readers find an unfair way to take advantage of the situation.

But there is one final rule I need to tell you about. It's the reason why Doug and his team are rarely wrong about their speculations.

RULE #3: The 8 Ps Throughout his 30 years as a speculator Doug is often asked by investors what his secret is to finding winning speculations...

And for last 20 years Doug's answer has remained the same: The "8–Ps".

The 8–Ps is a thorough question–and–answer process that Doug and his team have crafted over the years which they apply to every speculation they uncover. This helps filter out which opportunities are worth considering and which have the best odds of returning a profit.

As Doug says, "I try not to do something unless I subjectively think it's a better than even shot that I'm right, and if I'm right that there's 10–1 potential over a discrete time period. This way I can be wrong several times and still make a lot of money on average."

For example, in 2001, Doug told his readers to buy some specific large pieces of beachfront property in the Cape Province of South Africa. On the surface, this probably sounded terrifying to most people. The common perception of South Africa is that it is an ugly, arid, war–torn and race–divided land. But after putting this opportunity through his "8–P" process, visiting the country's Cape Town areas and speaking with several local officials, Doug discovered that these properties presented an enormous opportunity for investors. And he was right. Since then, these

properties have shot up 5 to 10 times in value.

A few years earlier, Doug traveled New Foundland, one of the most remote regions of Canada. Again, few people would ever consider investing in a frozen tundra. But by applying his "8–P" process to the situation and utilizing his contacts, Doug discovered an amazing opportunity there. In fact, when Doug got back from his trip, one of the geologists he met noticed a formation of unique rocks that led to the formation of the world–class Voisey's Bay nickel discovery. Doug had a private placement in the company that owned this swath of land. Its share price went from $1 to well over $100 a share

So what exactly are the 8–Ps?

In short, the 8–Ps are a close examination of the people, property, phinancing, paper, promotion, push, price and politics surrounding a given situation. I can't go into too much more detail about the 8–Ps in this video, but I can tell you about the most important event coming to America in more than 30 years...

You see, in 2006, I quit my CEO job in the manufacturing industry to help Doug turn his very profitable premonitions and speculations into a functional business.

Since then I have been working under Doug's tutelage and he has taught me virtually everything he knows about speculating, which is how I've been able to share all of this knowledge with you.

Now, let me tell you upfront: I am a businessman... not a marketer or speculator. I don't travel around the globe or crawl around in mines like Doug and his team. I sit in our office in Stowe, Vermont, and run our business. But being that Doug is a very private person and doesn't like to brag or even talk about his investing philosophy, I have opted to do this video in order to prepare you for the future and expose you to the kinds of opportunities that Doug and his team find on a regular basis.

As I've been saying Doug believes that an upcoming series of events will likely change the fabric of our society and offer a number of new opportunities for people like you to take advantage of. Let me explain...

The Greater DepressionFor years now we've been watching the U.S. economy and social system deteriorate faster than a burning match.

You may think otherwise and believe that things are improving. But facts don't lie...

For starters, the homes we live in, which represent the single largest egg in the nest for most households, show no signs of recovering lost values. Take a look: Home values have fallen by nearly 30% since 2006, and continue to plummet to this day...

This next chart, if it were being viewed in a doctor's office, would have people scrambling for chest paddles... It shows how the number of U.S. residents receiving food stamps in America as a percent of the population has grown from 8% to nearly 20% over the past decade alone. That's over 60 million people now relying on the government and people like you to feed them...

And there's this grim chart, showing that the unemployment rate is going in the

complete opposite direction of where it should be heading...

The blue line represents the employment–population ratio while the red line shows the unemployment rate, which has more than doubled since 2008.

And if things couldn't get much worse, there is now 7 trillion US dollars circulating in foreign countries. As America cannot deal with its massive debt and consequent credit rating downgrade, foreigners are already getting nervous holding these dollars. Almost any sort of financial calamity could scare some central bank into exiting its dollar position wholesale. And once one of them starts, the race will be on, as no one wants to be left holding the bag.

And the situation isn't much better elsewhere around the globe. As Doug says, "As fast as things are going down the drain in the U.S., it's even worse in the Eurozone. The number of donor countries is shrinking while the number of recipient countries is growing. It's not just Greece... its Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France is next. At this point there's no way out. It's not just Europe and the U.S. Both Japan and China are next."

So what happens when bankrupt countries like Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain gobble up the latest bailout and saunter back to the trough for more?

The net result is that uneconomic patterns of production and consumption are going to be liquidated – they have to be – and that's going to smash a lot of people's rice bowls.

In fact, Doug and his team believe that when the huge masses of people in this country find out that unemployment benefits and welfare can no longer be extended

it will result in mass hysteria and violent outrage. Yes, it can happen here, and it's going to.

I realize Doug is not the only person out there who believes this, especially in today's volatile environment. The difference is, while most Americans will get completely wiped out by the crisis currently underway, Doug believes speculators will see a number of new opportunities to get rich.

Don't get me wrong... As a first generation immigrant I truly love the concept of America because it is an idea that has inspired the world. But over the last several decades I have grown quite scared of what this country has turned into – a social welfare state where the most irresponsible people are rewarded for doing nothing and hardworking Americans are robbed of their wealth. To be honest, it feels like I'm living in the socialist environment in Europe that I sought to escape from many years ago. It seems that the average American has become so degraded that he looks to the government to solve everything. With voters like that growing in numbers, the government can only become more interventionist. This will be a calamity for most Americans... but for prudent speculators there may be no better time to be alive.

As Doug writes: "Governments' everywhere are creating trillions of new currency units. That's bad news in many ways. But the good news for speculators is that this crisis will create new market bubbles. Some markets will collapse. For instance I wouldn't want to own a McMansion in the suburbs, or a so called "collectible" car or bond. Meanwhile other markets are going to turn into manias as investors try to hide from a collapsing dollar. The precious metals market and mining sectors are the first markets to come to mind in that regard."

The point is you shouldn't be scared of these events. There's nothing you can do about changing them. No political party can turn around this ship. The fact is, America is now economically, morally, and intellectually bankrupt.

At $75 trillion in government obligations, the debt level has accumulated to an amount so enormous that it will be impossible to pay back. The chart below for instance, shows that the current deficit is at a completely new level, even in comparison to the two world wars.

And instead of cutting back on entitlement programs, military spending, foreign aid to countries that hate us, and other ridiculous expenses... the government has chosen to print more money, postponing the inevitable collapse of the entire system.

But instead of worrying about it, I recommend you learn how to speculate from Doug and make a fortune... no matter how grim your long–term outlook of the future may be.

As I've told you I have personally benefited from Doug's insight over the years, increasing my personal net worth 5–fold... a feat I never would have accomplished on my own.

And I want to give you the same opportunity. You see, for the past 18 months Doug and his team have been searching the world for bargains and ways to protect themselves from the demise of the U.S. dollar and U.S. economy. Here's what they've found...

Fortunes in the New WorldOne of the things Doug and his team are constantly looking for are ways to capitalize on the world's growing need for energy whether its oil, gas, coal, or even geothermal power.

And right now, they have found a company in Canada that is going to revolutionize the energy industry, for millions and millions of people around the world (especially in Europe). It's a super–safe speculation that could potentially earn you profits of 500% or more over the next few years.

I realize that sounds like a big promise, but consider that in 2008, for example, Doug and his team discovered the first large Western European shale gas project and recommended the company that was positioned to benefit most –Cuadrilla. Within one year Doug's readers had the chance to make a 620% gain.

And now, Doug and his team have come across a similar opportunity with a company in Canada.

I can't reveal too many other details on this situation in this video per Doug's request... But I do know that Doug and his team have spent weeks preparing an extensive 40–page special report entitled: Fortunes in the New World, which we'd like to send to you. It explains exactly how you can profit from this enormous energy discovery in one of the most unlikely places.

But this isn't the only speculation Doug and his team are looking at right now...

The Gold Program I Guarantee You've Never Heard of...

For as long as I've known Doug he's been one of biggest "goldbugs" I've ever come across.

And he's made a ton of money for himself and his readers by investing in gold–related opportunities most people have no idea even exist.

Of course, gold is no longer the bargain it once was. But Doug stills believe gold prices will go much higher... and that it remains to be the best store of wealth in the world, especially as the Federal Reserve will undoubtedly continue to print trillions of new currency units resulting in the collapse of the dollar and price hikes on everyday goods.

Unfortunately, most people simply can't afford to pull tens of thousands of dollars out of their account and buy a few gold bullion bars. They just don't have the savings for it.

Doug and his team, however, have recently found a unique program that allows you to begin accumulating real gold and silver with as little as just $100, and to store your gold and silver in secure vaults in Zurich, London, or New York. This way you don't have to worry about theft, fire, or any of the other risk associated with self–storage.

If you're interested in this idea, you can learn more in Doug's report: Fortunes in the New World, which tells you exactly what you need to know to enroll in this unique program. It's backed by a well–established online gold investment service... and takes 15 minutes to set up. I've honestly never seen such a brilliant way to stockpile gold and silver.

But as a "goldbug" and speculator, Doug doesn't just look for ways to accumulate precious metals. Anyone can do that. Doug and his team specialize in finding the kinds of behind–the–scenes gold speculations that no one else knows about...

Recently, for example, Doug's team traveled to one of the most obscure countries on earth... a former British colony notorious for holding large, elephant–sized gold deposits, similar to those found in Africa. The difference is, unlike most of Africa, this small country of 750,000 inhabitants is pro–mining, pro–business and their GDP per capita has risen by more than 50% since 2001. The current government has also lifted barrier on foreign activity and investment and this has helped the economy return to growth.

The irony us, this country is probably one of the last places on earth investors think about when it comes to gold. Most people have never even heard of it, let alone know where it's located. In fact, since the early 1990s when the government opened the country to foreign investment, no less than ten mining companies starting exploring the country. And not much has changed over the years. In fact, today there are around 20 companies exploring for gold there, most of which are small and medium–scale miners that few investors know about.

However, during their recent expedition to this region Doug's team found two very exciting speculations... One involves a company sitting on a world class discovery that has been outlined as having 6.9 million ounces of gold, as of September 2011. The other is developing an 8.4 million ounce gold–copper project.

In the past few decades, these are exactly the kinds of speculative gold plays that have helped Doug's readers amass fortunes:

As one reader, William M, writes: "I owe much of my retirement security to taking a small flier on IUC at $0.27 per share (a Doug Casey 1998 recommendation) and watching it climb to about $16 after becoming Denison Mining.Another Casey recommendation from the late 90's was Gabriel Resources. Again, I made a small investment and watched it go from .60 to about $6.10. A sincere thank you for your efforts."

Then there's Dominick G. who says: "I started buying gold six years, and with discipline and the help of you folks, my speculations will allow me to retire from my own law firm by the end of this year."

Another reader Mark F. says: "I had bought & recently sold shares of Brett Resources, Exeter Resources, and Romarco Minerals, and made 2–fold, 4–fold, and 6–fold respectively. Thanks again!"

Of course, I'll be the first to admit that mining and energy stocks are a dime a dozen. They come and go like flies. But as I've been telling you, Doug and his team specifically look for the kinds of unique situations that 99% of investors have no idea exist. This is how they've been able to consistently produce massive gains in this sector of the market, including:

Altius Minerals 4,329% Realm Energy 520%Uranium Energy Corp 1,852% Northern Peru Copper 510%Telus Corporation 994% Osisko Mining 459%Northland Resources 922% Gammon Gold 434%Stream Oil and Gas 850% International Tower Hill 386%First Majestic 782% Reservoir Capital Corp. 375%ABN 730% Mansfield Minerals 288%Glamis 681% Golden Queen 218%

This opportunity could soon find its way onto that list. But again, I'm not at liberty to reveal too many details here. It would be unfair to Doug's readers. But I can tell you that Doug and his team have compiled everything you need to know about this opportunity in their new research report: Fortunes in the New World.

In this report, you'll learn the identity of this company and Doug's specific recommendations on the best ways to go about buying it. You'll also learn everything you need to know to take advantage of the energy speculation I told you about earlier as well as full details on how to set up your Gold "Direct Deposit" Account.

This report isn't sold anywhere – not for any price. But it is yours for free, if you decide to join us. Let me explain...

The Casey PhylesAs I mentioned earlier... throughout his career Doug has always valued his relationships with others and he's learned how to utilize his vast network of contacts to find opportunities in the world most people have no idea exist.

The irony is, Doug generally dislikes most people and is often perceived by others as being an elitist. But in actuality, he merely prefers to associate with like–minded individuals.

And can you blame him? Most Americans now believe the best way to make money is to get something for nothing... from the government. It's pathetic.

But in today's global environment where the Internet and social networking allow us to connect with people across oceans in a matter of seconds, we no longer have to make friends or associate with the leeches who happen to live close to us.

We can form groups, join organizations, alliances, and speak with people of like mind regardless of where they live. This is exactly how I came to know Doug and decided to build a business around his insight. We call it Casey Research.

My guess is, you probably haven't heard of us before. You see unlike other financial research businesses we don't rely on mass marketing or radio and television ads to attract attention. We use the power of networking...

In fact, thanks to the Internet, we have set up voluntary communities of individuals who share the same beliefs as us. We call them Casey Phyles.

Stemming from the Greek word phila, which means "love," the basic idea of a phyle is that man is a social animal, and we tend to run with others who are like us – or who love what we love. A phyle is not limited by race or language or geography – or, most importantly, by borders on maps – although it could be, if its members chose to be so limited.

As Doug writes: "I have less affinity with my neighbors in Aspen than I do with my friends in the Congo – even though we're of a different race, religion, culture, and mother language. Why? Because some Congolese think the way I do and care about the same things I care about."

The concept and philosophy of phyles is a guiding principle of our business, which is why Doug and his team have been busy building phyles around the globe for years. In fact, thanks to the Internet, there are now "Casey phyles" in every continent. These are people who generally agree with many of Doug's political beliefs and align themselves with his investing style. There's a Casey phyle in Auckland, one in Montevideo, a half a dozen have sprouted up in the Los Angeles area, Toronto and Vancouver have Casey phyles, there's one in London... Really, we've lost track of how many there are, but the number seems to grow every week. What do members of Casey phyles do?

Some phyles operate as dinner clubs, other simply have discussion meetings. Some collect dues and have some form of structure; others are completely free–form. We don't try to control or tell these individuals how they should do things, nor do we have any interest in doing so. We don't collect fees or directly profit from these Casey phyles either.

But there is one thing all Casey phyles have in common...

They consist of individuals who think and act outside the box of mainstream thought. Some choose to act on Doug's insight and others don't invest at all.

If you are interested in joining a Casey phyles, we can provide you with all the contact info you need once you gain access to our database. If's there's already a Casey phyle in your area, our team and I will put you in contact with them. If there isn't, and you want to volunteer to start one, we'll put out the word and see if others in the area are interested.

Joining a phyle and spending time with like–minded individuals is easy. Anyone can do it. But today I want to give you the chance to hear about Doug's top ideas as he uncovers them.

This way you'll know exactly what he's doing with his own money.

Here's how you can get started....

Access to the Underground: In 1979, Doug began publishing his premonitions and speculations in a monthly advisory newsletter called, Casey's International Speculator.

As the name implies the purpose of this publication was to disclose the speculations Doug uncovers and invests his money into on a regular basis. And for the next several decades he did just that....

But over time Doug realized that in order to expand his operation and investigate the world's greatest opportunities he would need to hire individuals who specialized in different aspects of the financial markets with whom he could confide in and pass along his knowledge to.

I briefly mentioned one of these individuals earlier. His name is Louis James.

Louis has extensive knowledge in economics, finance, stock analysis, geology, and mining. In fact, if he's not flying in a plane to some desolate region, he's crawling underground in mines and tunnels analyzing rock and uncovering some of the biggest resource discoveries in the world.

For example, here's a picture of Louis climbing down to a mine in Ecuador...

Here's another photo of Louis right before heading underground to investigate a silver–lead–zinc mine in the desolate Yukon Territory of northern Canada...

A month before that he was kicking tires on a new dual–boom jumbo drill rig in San Jose, Mexico investigating a new gold–silver mine.

In short, Louis is willing to do just about anything to investigate a new speculation... and he has generated one of the most impressive track records of anyone in the business as a result.

That is why Louis now coordinates with Doug to write International Speculator.

Of course, Louis communicates with Doug on a daily basis in order to discuss his every detail of his findings.

In fact, after our readers have time to invest in a new speculation, Doug and Louis will often put their own money into these recommendations.

A few months ago, for example, Louis suggested Frontier Gold, which he'd already told readers had excellent takeover potential. On this recommendation, Doug got in at $8.95, and in less than 3 months the stock went up to $14.50 – for a 62% gain – based on a takeover offer from gold mining giant – Newmont Mining.

So in many cases, by following Casey's International Speculator recommendations, you'll be investing right alongside Doug and his team.

As I've been saying, finding a crisis, making connections with the right people, and calculating the risk of every opportunity through the "Eight Ps", is how Doug has become so famous.

Many of the opportunities Doug has profited from, I've alluded to in this presentation – making a fortune off oil in the '70s, gold in the late '80s...and mining stocks in the '90s... All of these speculations were relayed directly to readers of Casey's International Speculator.

As one reader writes: "Doug Casey has seen all this way ahead of time – I was reading his stuff in the late '90s and he was talking about buying gold and investing in china and the coming collapse of the U.S. economy. This guy knows his stuff."

Another fellow writes: "Doug Casey is one of the wisest men on the planet. His philosophy is consistent within itself (and in relation to reality), even at the highest level of the hierarchy. This is what makes him right so much of the time."

In the coming years, Doug and his team believe the opportunities to profit from this sector of the market will be the greatest we've seen in our lifetime. That is why they are busy trotting the globe looking for remote opportunities where others aren't looking...

And as you can see from these photos, these guys don't just sit on their butts all day in front laptops. Their constantly on the ground looking at speculations with their own eyes ... even if it means standing in 110 degree heat or in a frozen tundra.

Again, the key to our business's success is not mass marketing or sales promotions...

We are a global operation who vet the people, property, politics, financing and every other variable that goes along with a speculation. Its hard work and I highly doubt anyone in this business does the kind of due diligence that Doug and his team perform, but this is why we are able to consistently produce massive gains for our readers regardless of what's going on in the economy.

For example, here is just a sampling of gains currently in the Casey International Speculator portfolio:

• Premier Gold (PG) + 116.9% gain • Alexco (AXU) + 144.5% gain• First Majestic (T.FR) + 602.7% gain• Fortuna Silver Mines (T.FVI) + 161% gain• Medusa Mining (T.MLL) + 95.3%• Silver Wheaton (SLW) + 630.8%• Almaden Minerals (AMM) + 348.7% gain

• Intl. Tower Hill (THM) + 329.8% gain

Again, as a speculator Doug doesn't gamble with his money. While others risk 100% of their wealth on "conservative investments" that may return 10%, Doug only believes in putting up 10% of your money on speculations that can yield +1,000% with the potential for a 10–1 win.

Every month, we issue a comprehensive edition of Casey's International Speculator – delivered directly to your email inbox. With this publication, readers like you have immediate access to:

• Weekly updates on breaking news impacting our recommended stocks.• Searchable archives with background information on some of our favorite

resource companies.• A library of valuable special reports we've put together over the years.• An interactive list of the stocks currently being followed in our portfolio, along

with links to research charts and information on corporate structures, management, and more.

Casey's International Speculator is a dynamic, in–depth research advisory that details a new opportunity every month as well as regular updates on the recommended investments in our portfolio. This way our readers stay completely informed on all of our top speculations.

As someone who runs this business I can honestly tell you that the only way we stay afloat is through loyalty and support from our readers. We don't sell hype or the next hot stock story just to get attention. We rely solely on the quality of our research and the performance of our recommendations. And I can proudly say that we not only have a very loyal readership base but our business continues to grow every year. In fact, Casey Research has recently been named to the prestigious Inc. 5000 list of the fastest–growing, privately held companies in America.

With that being said, access to our research isn't free... this is a business, not a charity. And even though we are a "phyle" of individuals who share the same beliefs and work under the guidance of one man, we pay salaries and have expenses just like any other business.

To cover our expenses, we normally charge $995 a year for Casey's International Speculator. But as I'll explain, I'm giving you a HUGE discount to this publication as part of this exclusive, one–time deal, courtesy of Doug himself.

And remember, by taking a trial subscription, you'll also gain access to the Fortunes in the New World report I told you about earlier at no charge.

But that's not all you'll receive.

$3,500 into $15 million

You'll also receive our flagship publication, The Casey Report.

This monthly letter is the embodiment of what I've told you about: Trends. It focuses on burgeoning big–picture trends, whatever the market sector, and how to take advantage of the distortions and special opportunities that arise from these trends.

Our chief economist Bud Conrad, for example, has shown how, by making just four trades over the last four decades – into the right sector at the right time – you could have turned $35 into $150,000 ... or $350 into $1,500,000 ... or $3,500 into $15 million.

And you could have done that without using any leverage or dealing with anything complicated or exotic. Here's the chart:

Of course, it would be highly unlikely that anyone could time the markets like this. As Doug always says, "Trying to perfectly time the market is a fool's game." That's why we here at Casey Research discover an undervalued sector that is bound to go up and then find the best profit opportunities arising from it. Readers of The Casey Report have benefited as a result:

• "It has now been seventeen months since I found Casey Research." Thank you for my wonderful archival printer, and my first class tickets to Australia, that allowed me to take all my equipment with me. I had the money for these things (or felt free to spend it) because of what Casey Research taught me," writes reader Sally R.

• "I'm in the top 5% with 7 figures – I started in 1999 with mid–5 figures (thanks Doug and company!!!), "says Ryan C.

• "So glad I started a subscription to The Casey Report." writes Bill H. "I can't

imagine all the work your organization must have to do to bring all this information together – and most importantly – write in such a way that the average person like me can understand most of it. You have the finest written and most honest and most intelligent publication on the economy that I have ever seen."

Depending on the trend, Doug and his team may recommend blue chip stocks, long–term bonds, precious metals, mineral exploration stocks, foreign real estate, tech stocks, an exchange–traded fund (ETF), a mutual fund or a physical commodity. For the more astute speculators, they also include option and futures plays.

Typically, the regular price for The Casey Report is $349 per year. But as part of this special offer, you won't pay anywhere near that price.

Never Done BeforeNormally if you were to subscribe to both of the research advisories I just told you about – Casey's International Speculator and The Casey Report – you would pay $1,344 per year. And that doesn't include our new report:Fortunes in the New World, which we would charge around $300 for. But it's certainly worth a lot more than that. One of Doug's books, for example, goes for something like $500 on Amazon. Together, you'd be looking at $1,644 for all of this information.

At that price, for all of that research, which comes as a result of hundreds of man–hours Doug and his team spend cultivating...I would consider $1,644 a bargain.

But you won't pay that much – not even close. If you respond to this special offer, you will receive all of the research I mentioned – a one year subscription to Casey's International Speculator, a one year subscription to The Casey Report, and a copy of our new report Fortunes in the New World – for just $695.

That price is criminally low. It's less than what we charge when we actually offer a discount for Casey's International Speculator by itself.

So why are we doing this?

Because we believe that the looming Greater Depression ahead will be one of, if not the most profitable time in history for speculators. Once you see our research for yourself... and the networks we've developed over the years, I think you'll understand the full value of what we do. And don't worry, next year, once you're hooked and hopefully basking in your new Casey–inspired fortune, and living free from the prying eyes of Boombus americanus and dirty Uncle Sam and realize you can't live without the opportunities we uncover at Casey Research, I think you'll know you made the right decision.

And yes even though this is a great deal I'm not going to make you pay for something unless you are absolutely satisfied.That's why I'm giving you a 90–day window to try

these services. If you're not fully satisfied we will give 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

Just to recap, your subscription includes:

• SPECIAL REPORT: Fortunes in the New World• 12 monthly issues of Casey's International Speculator• 12 monthly issues of The Casey Report• A subscription to Conversations with Casey... FREE: This weekly

publication is essentially a ticket to Doug's mind where he talks about the economy, markets, politics, society... and anything that matters in life. The purpose of this publication is to teach you how to think and act outside the box of mainstream thought and to give you Doug's personal take on what's in store for the economy and how to prepare yourself for the crisis ahead.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and claim your 40% discount. If our research is not everything you expect, and more, you'll be refunded every penny you paid.

Thank you for your time.


Olivier GarretDecember 2011

P.S.: I almost forgot to mention, we've also put together two very helpful reports called "Welcome to the Greater Depression" and "Welcome to the Greater Depression, Part II." These reports have everything you need to know about what's going on with the big picture – including Doug's predictions about what's coming up in the very near future. These reports are yours for free, just for accepting this offer.As soon as you sign up, I urge you to read these reports immediately.

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