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Date post: 11-Aug-2020
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1 From the Pastors Desk By Rev. Freddy Fritz August 2020 Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church, PCA Volume 15 Issue 8 The Need for Fellowship One of my “go to” webpages to follow the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic says that the first case of Covid -19 was confirmed 196 days ago. Our entire world has changed in the last almost seven months as we all have had to deal with safer-at-home orders, quarantining, facemasks, social distancing, and so on. Covid-19 has kept people from connecting with one another. Vast numbers work from home. Almost everyone has greatly reduced interactions with colleagues, friends, and even family. It seems to me that one of the side effects is to highlight our need for fellowship. After God created Adam he took him and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it (Genesis 2:15). Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him” (2:18). God created Eve as a companion and helper for Adam. One of the main features of the early church was fellowship. Acts 2:42 describes the priorities of the early church, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Modern technology enables us to receive teaching and to pray using electronic means. However, fellowship and breaking of bread can only be done together with other people. Covid-19 has disrupted our ability to fellowship with one another in person. It is a loss that I certainly feel and I think many others do too. Some years ago, after many months of waiting, a Russian girl finally obtained a visa to visit her relatives in Canada for three months. She arrived in Canada and was shown around the various attractions, amusements, and entertainments. The young Russian seemed immensely impressed by the amount of things that people were wrapped up with. As the three months drew to a close, everyone expected her to defect and seek political asylum in Canada. She surprised them all by expressing a desire to return to her family in Russia and the small group of believers to which they belonged. She explained that in North America everyone seems wrapped up in “things” and do not have time for people. In Russia, they don’t have many material possessions and consequently they need each other. She wanted to return to a place where people relied on each other, where fellowship was important. God designed us to be in fellowship with one another. That is true for our natural families and friends. But it also true for our spiritual family. We need to be in relationship with one another on a regular basis. That is one reason why Covid-19 is so hard for us. I pray that Covid-19 will soon be eradicated and eliminated so that we can resume our regular fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.
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From the Pastor’s Desk

By Rev. Freddy Fritz

August 2020 Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church, PCA Volume 15 Issue 8

The Need for Fellowship

One of my “go to” webpages to follow the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic says that the first case of Covid-19 was confirmed 196 days ago. Our entire world has changed in the last almost seven months as we all have had to deal with safer-at-home orders, quarantining, facemasks, social distancing, and so on.

Covid-19 has kept people from connecting with one another. Vast numbers work from home. Almost everyone has greatly reduced interactions with colleagues, friends, and even family.

It seems to me that one of the side effects is to highlight our need for fellowship. After God created Adam he took him and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it (Genesis 2:15). Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him” (2:18). God created Eve as a companion and helper for Adam.

One of the main features of the early church was fellowship. Acts 2:42 describes the priorities of the early church, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Modern technology enables us to receive teaching and to pray using electronic means. However, fellowship and breaking of bread can only be done together with other people. Covid-19 has disrupted our ability to fellowship with one another in person. It is a loss that I certainly feel and I think many others do too.

Some years ago, after many months of waiting, a Russian girl finally obtained a visa to visit her relatives in Canada for three months. She arrived in Canada and was shown around the various attractions, amusements, and entertainments. The young Russian seemed immensely impressed by the amount of things that people were wrapped up with. As the three months drew to a close, everyone expected her to defect and seek political asylum in Canada. She surprised them all by expressing a desire to return to her family in Russia and the small group of believers to which they belonged. She explained that in North America everyone seems wrapped up in “things” and do not have time for people. In Russia, they don’t have many material possessions and consequently they need each other. She wanted to return to a place where people relied on each other, where fellowship was important.

God designed us to be in fellowship with one another. That is true for our natural families and friends. But it also true for our spiritual family. We need to be in relationship with one another on a regular basis. That is one reason why Covid-19 is so hard for us. I pray that Covid-19 will soon be eradicated and eliminated so that we can resume our regular fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

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TBPC Ministries

Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church Staff

Rev. Freddy Fritz, Pastor

Melissa Bayley, Office Administrator

LeeAnn DeStefano, Office Assistant

Joanne Campbell, Bookkeeper

Ashleigh Kemp, NTCA Director

Marianne Cali, Nursery

Millie Myers, Music Director and Pianist

Chris Christopher,


Adult Bible Fellowship Ed Jordan

Children Vacant

EmptyNesters Alisa Carrier

Greeters & Welcome Table Brian Carrier

Hospitality Vacant

Men’s Bible Study Jeff Beams

Men’s Ministry Brian Carrier

Missions Vacant

Music Millie Myers

NTCA Ashleigh Kemp

Nursery Marianne Cali

Outreach Vacant

Pastoral Care Rev. Freddy Fritz

Ushers Lenny Chew

Women’s Bible Study Eileen Fritz & Debbie Jordan

Women’s Ministry Suzanne Swenson

Youth Bert Barber

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PRAYforME Bert Barber In Colossians 4:2, the Lord directs us to “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” At the beginning of the upcoming school year, our church is embarking on a ministry designed to focus the prayerful attention of adults on the students in our congregation. This ministry will be called “Pray for Me.” The essence of this initiative is to pair children (school-aged) and youth (grades 6 through 12) with a praying adult. The goal is that each student has one or more caring adults, in addition to their parents, praying for them throughout the year. Parents must approve their child’s participation. One of the most important responsibilities we have as a congregation is to support parents as they “Train up a child in the way he should go” (Prov 22:6a). A most significant contribution to that effort is to bring this next generation before the Lord, to earnestly pray for their salvation and for their growth in Christ. A prayer guide, at a cost of $13.00 to the praying adult, will be necessary. Among other things, we are hopeful that this initiative will grow the relationships between generations in our congregation to the benefit of all. Will you please consider becoming a “prayer champion” on behalf of a student at TBPC? Please see the promotional sheet below for more information. If you have any questions, comments, and/or would like to participate, please contact me at [email protected].

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Dear friends, Thank you for all the ways you serve and contribute to the life of our church! As Paul said to the Philippians, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” I want to take a minute and tell you about another opportunity in the life of our church called the Pray For Me Campaign and invite you to join us in linking the generations of our church community together through prayer. What is it? The Pray For Me Campaign is rooted in the truths that God uses his Word, his people, and prayer to change the world. This ministry creates a vast web of intergenerational relationships and equips adult believers to pass on a sustainable faith to the next generation. How it works? 3 Prayer Champions for every young person in our church! The Pray For Me Campaign connects multiple generations within our church by having 3 Adult Prayer Champions commit to praying for one student or family with small children in our church. A Prayer Champion is someone who boldly goes to the frontlines in the battle for young people’s faith. Each Prayer Champion will be given a name, specific prayer requests, and a Prayer Guide—to use daily and pray through seven biblical essentials of growth for their young person. Will you join us?

1. Do you have a Student (grade 6 through college) you would like to add to the list to be assigned their own Prayer Champion(s)?

2. Do you have young children (grade 5 and under) that you would like to add to the list to be assigned a family Prayer Champion(s)?

3. Do you want to become a Prayer Champion? If any of these 3 things describe you, or you would like to find out more information, please respond. My hope is that this campaign would have a mutual impact of enriching your spiritual life as you minister to these young people. Thank you again for your continued support and service to our church family!

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By Suzanne Swenson

Women’s Ministry hosted a bridal shower at the church for Abigail Taverne on Saturday, July 11, 2020. It was a wonderful gathering of the Taverne and Vincent women plus a gathering of women from TBPC. Our thanks to Kelly Rogers and her committee for organizing such a beautiful event. Marianne Cali prepared and presented the devotion beginning with this beautiful passage:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But when there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away” (1Corinthians 13:4-8).

Marriage is very important to God. Besides the obvious reasons of procreation and companionship, why is it so important? God wanted to give us a picture of what our relationship with him was to look like: personal, intimate, overflowing with love and grace. And he wanted us to pattern our relationships with each other after his relationship with us. All through Scripture we see this picture developing. As I looked at ancient Hebrew marriage customs, I could see how God used them to show us this picture. This is what I found:

The bridegroom must leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife (Christ left heaven to

come to earth to establish the Church, his bride). There must be a betrothal (Christ, through his completed work and the power of the Spirit,

proposes an eternal life with him, which the believer accepts). Once they became betrothed, the bridegroom must prepare a place for them to live (Christ has

gone back to heaven to prepare a place for us to live for all eternity. Also, in ancient times, the bridegroom built an addition on to his parents’ house for them to live. Where is Christ preparing a place for us—in his Father’s house where there are many mansions).

After the betrothal, the bridegroom gave the bride money to make the wedding apparel (Christ has also taken care of that—he clothes his bride in robes of righteousness).

The bride never knew when the bridegroom would finish his work and come for her so she had to be ready for him when he came (and we need to be ready when Christ returns for us).

There is a large celebration when a couple marries (In Revelation, John tells us of The Marriage Feast of the Lamb that is awaiting us).

The husband is the Spiritual head of the family (Christ is the head of the Church). The wife is to be submissive to the husband (The Church is submissive to Christ). And she is to be his helpmate (The Church is the hands and feet of Christ).

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By Suzanne Swenson

Marianne continued by asking how God’s design for marriages is present in today’s relationships? How does a Christian marriage emulate Christ? There are three essential virtues that help a marriage to present the Gospel to a watching world: a servant’s heart, love, and grace. Servant’s heart: I always think of the following scripture when I think of an example of service. We are all familiar with Christ washing the feet of the disciples at that last Passover.

“When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, ‘Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you’”( John 13:12-15).

Now, Abby, I am not suggesting that you and Nathaniel have a foot washing periodically, but I am suggesting that a servant’s heart lends much towards a successful marriage. The world tells us that a marriage needs to be 50/50, but that is not true. Christ gave us, his bride 100% of himself. If we do 50/50 then 50% of the time, we are putting ourselves first instead of our spouse. I know, the world teaches us to take care of ourselves first and then serve others. But, as usual, the world has it backwards! Yes, Christ did take time for himself; he went off often to rest and pray, but it was after serving others. A hard lesson for our human nature is to learn to serve others and put ourselves last. But, when we do, the rewards are unbelievable. Christ served to the point of death on a cross. We, as marriage partners, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can also put our beloved first and serve him/her as Christ serves the Church. “Through love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13b). So, it is not enough to serve. We can wash someone’s feet and grumble the whole time we are doing it. Service must be done through love. We need to remember love is not only an emotion, but it is also an action. It is an action we choose even when our emotions are fluctuating. During the honeymoon years, our emotional love often takes us through the difficult times of adjustment. After a few years, a few kids, when the bank account dwindles, the doctor bills pile up, or a job is lost, etc., etc., then love very much becomes a choice. If we are to emulate Christ, we are to choose to love, calling on him for the ability to do this at these difficult times. And now we come to my last virtue and that is grace. “Unmerited favor.” There are many examples of this unmerited favor; however, having been a preschool director for 20 years, I relate this unmerited favor to the dirty diaper. Not a pleasant job, but someone has to do it. That baby does nothing to deserve having his diaper changed. We do it because we love that child. This same attitude is necessary in a relationship, marriage or otherwise. Abby, when Nathaniel drinks milk straight out of the carton or prefers video games to your company at the moment, or when you burn dinner or don’t get the laundry done on time, these are times to show grace. In fact, “we have all received grace upon grace” (John 1:16). The same grace that we receive, we need to give. And sometimes we even need to give grace, upon grace, upon grace!! “. . . see that you excel in this act of grace also”(2 Corinthians 8:7b). You and Nathaniel are Christians, and as Christians your marriage is going to be watched by the world. I pray that they will be able to see your relationship with Christ and each other as a picture of God’s love for his people and his desire to have that same intimate and personal relationship with them.

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By Suzanne Swenson

Abigail and her Marijo Roberta Vincent The Vincent Family and Marijo Taverne

TBPC Committee The bride and groom having a private moment

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Thank you!

We are so thankful and feel so blessed by all the donations we received of the

preschool reading books needed for our new curriculum. Thank you to everyone

who donated!

Dear TBPC family, Thank you for all your prayers this past month as we carried out our changes to the structure of NTCA. Our planning for the 2020-21 school year is well under way; however, the current surge in the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force us to adapt. Both Hillsborough and Pasco Counties have delayed the opening of their schools to August 24; however, at this stage we don’t know if the format will be eLearning only or whether the traditional format will be allowed for those families who elected that option. Based on a survey of our own families, I will be recommending to our NTCA Board of Directors to delay the start of NTCA until September 2, 2020. We will most likely still offer a limited childcare option from August 17, 2020 onwards for students of those families who are dependent on our preschool opening as previously scheduled. Please pray for wisdom as our NTCA Board takes all these matters under consideration. We are urgently looking for VOLUNTEERS in two capacities:

1. Staff Childcare – We anticipate needing a volunteer(s) available on Monday and/or Wednesday and/or Friday to assist with supervising the children of staff with eLearning in our Youth room. It will be from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. There are 7 children. The youngest is in grade 2 and the oldest is in grade 7. The timing is currently August 24 – October 9, but this may change.

2. Substitute teacher assistants – If you have two mornings a month to spare, please consider joining our substitute assistant teacher call list. In the event one of our teachers or assistants fall ill or has a family emergency, we need a list of volunteers able to step in and assist in the classroom. No teaching experience is needed because the full-time teacher or assistant will lead the teaching.

Please continue to pray for the protection of our students and their families and for wisdom as we navigate these unusual times! Ashleigh Kemp Director

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Children’s Church update

We are currently learning from Matthew’s Gospel, chapters 5 – 7 (The Sermon on the Mount). In this series we are learning: how it is only possible to enter God’s Kingdom by trusting Jesus alone, what living as a member of God’s Kingdom looks like in our daily lives, and, to understand the necessity of ongoing prayer in our struggle to remain faithful to Jesus. Parents, please take note of the following:

1. We take an offering at children’s church each Sunday. 2. Please help your child memorize our memory verse:

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Summer Kickball Fun

We are extending our kickball until Friday,

August 14.

We play on Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

Come join the fun!

(Or just come for the ice cream ☺)

Sunday School Update

Sunday School is currently scheduled to restart on

Sunday, September 6, 2020 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Book Corner A wonderful family devotional book, especially for children

aged 4 – 11. It incorporates the First Catechism and centers around two characters, Caleb and Cassie.

A loan copy is available to borrow

from Ashleigh Kemp ([email protected]). It is also

available from the PCA bookstore, www.pcabookstore.com.

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By Karen Guest

Connecting TBPC to the mission field, both locally and globally,

through prayer, sending, and support

Once again, the Missions Committee met via Zoom on July 7. Here are some highlights of our discussions: Norman and Julie Beck (MTW-Cherokee, North Carolina) are in the process of deciding their next assignment as their tenure with the Tribe will end in August. Rev. Andrew Newman (RUF-USF) conveyed his thanks for our church’s support of the campus ministry and also for the special one-time gift he received from the Missions Fund. The Newman family has been attending our church and looking forward to diving into the community of TBPC. Susan Newkirk (MTW-Cape Town, South Africa) has been “adopted” for prayer by the Women’s Bible Study. Intercessor Prayer – Missionary of the Week: How does this keep you informed of our missionaries’ prayer requests and praises? First, missionaries send us periodic newsletters which are sent via email to the entire congregation. Second, ministry leaders have “adopted” individual missionaries for prayer and continue to pray for them and encourage them as needed. Third, Missions Committee members help coordinate the prayer requests and praises with the church office. Finally, the inputs are sent to Melissa Bayley by Tuesday of each week for publication in the weekly Intercessor accompanying the service bulletin. We have seen some improvement in the missionaries sharing their immediate problems and concerns. These last 4 months have been a challenge for most in the field because of the impact of COVID-19. And due to most of our ministries not meeting “in person” it has been difficult to pray together. But you can still pray at home for the missionary you have adopted. Sending cards and emails of encouragement to your missionary is also greatly appreciated by them. Mission Fund: Sufficient funds are available to cover financial commitments to our missionaries. Funds are also available for possibly picking up another missionary to support, for a planned fall missions project, and for the 2021 Missions Conference. Fall Missions Project: Looking ahead to October, the Missions Committee will lead the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Action Packs project. See accompanying article about VOM. Please contact Martine Extermann to volunteer your help with this project. 2021 Missions Conference: Planning is underway. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Herb Ward, Professor of Biblical Studies at Covenant College. Dr. Ward has been an MTW missionary serving in East and South Africa, and has specialized in Muslim studies. Mark your calendar for the Missions Conference, February 19-21, 2021.

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By Karen Guest

Connecting TBPC to the mission field, both locally and globally,

through prayer, sending, and support


Fall Missions Project

What is the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM)? It’s a non-profit interdenominational Christian missions organization dedicated to serving our persecuted family worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ to fellowship with them. History: It was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand who was imprisoned for 14 years in Communist Romania for his faith in Christ. His wife, Sabrina, was imprisoned for 3 years. In 1965 they were ransomed out of Romania and soon thereafter they established a global network of missions, of which VOM is a part. The Wurmbrands based these missions organizations on Hebrews 13:3, which instructs us to “remember the prisoners as if chained with them–those who are mistreated– since you yourselves are in the body also.” VOM describes nations with persistent, severe persecution as “Restricted Nations” and “Hostile Areas.” Restricted Nations: This includes countries where government-sanctioned circumstances or anti-Christian laws lead to Christians being harassed, imprisoned, killed, or deprived of possessions or liberties because of their witness. Also included are countries where government policy or practice prevents Christians from obtaining Bibles or other Christian literature. Hostile Areas: This includes nations or large areas of nations where governments consistently attempt to provide protection for the Christian population but where Christians are routinely persecuted by family, friends, neighbors, or political groups because of their witness. Action Packs: An Action Pack bag is the size of a 3 cubic foot bag of mulch. The packs of 4 bags each cost $7 per pack. We will fill the bags with donated items suggested by VOM (clothing, blankets, etc.) and send them back to VOM (there will be shipping expenses). VOM adds Bible story books for children, shrink wraps each bag, and distributes them to a number of places in the Middle East and Africa where most needed. Some of you may recall that we did this project about 10 years ago and our Action Packs were sent to Afghanistan. This time, our Action Packs will be sent to current restricted nations or hostile areas. Our initial request to VOM is for 12 bags. Martine Extermann is the project leader for VOM Action Packs. Please contact her to volunteer to help.

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Ministry Help Needed!

The AV team is currently in a transition to allow for online streaming. As such, we are in need of additional help to handle the PC side of the job during the Sunday worship ser-vice. If you could help one Sunday a month, it would greatly help us.

It is an easy task to learn and anyone age 15 or older can handle it.

Please contact Anthony Contrata - [email protected] or Leeann Destefano – [email protected].

You are also welcome to stop by the sound board to speak with one of us on Sunday morning and see what the job entails.

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August Birthdays

Jason Skopp August 01

Nathaniel Adawonu August 04

Joanne Campbell August 06

Lillian Ordahl August 07

Deborah Osibodu August 08

Lilly Porter August 09

Averil Massie August 10

Emily Kosanovich August 11

John Otto August 11

Anup Kagalkar August 14

Lenny Chew August 15

Kim Cozzolino August 15

Peter Dishman August 21

Wicke Egbert August 24

Wes Mollard August 25

Mary Ann Peterson August 26

Don Vander Ploeg August 26

Peter Wu August 26

Joe Burns August 27

Robert Barber August 29

Cranston Christopher August 30

George Noel August 31

Suzanne Swenson August 31

August Anniversaries

Massie, Jonathan & Averil August 01, 1999

21 Years

Hess, Larry & Barbara August 06, 1966

54 Years

Neal, Bill & Sandy August 13, 1960

60 Years

DeStefano, Bob & LeeAnn August 14, 1971

49 Years

Pothoven, Ken & Betty August 14, 1964

56 Years

Proctor, Rod & Andrea August 20, 2015

5 Years

Hutton, John & Bonnie August 21, 1971

49 Years

Tyler, Craig & Jane August 21, 2004

16 Years

Cunningham, David & Sharon August 26, 1992 28 Years Childers, Jim & Linda August 28, 1971

49 Years

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Trumpet Staff

Rev. Freddy Fritz, Editor-in-Chief

Andrea L. Proctor, Co-editor

It is the goal of the Trumpet staff to provide articles for learning and growing, news for

connecting with our church family, and information on opportunities for service and participation.

The views and opinions expressed in the Trumpet have not been reviewed or endorsed by the Session.

Please forward articles, pictures, ministry reports, and calendar items for the next edition of the

Trumpet to [email protected] by the 20th of the month preceding publication.
