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Front Covers

Date post: 01-Jul-2015
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Front Covers
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Front Covers

Page 2: Front Covers

Overall the cover has an indie/scrapbook feel to it.

The black and white image of the band makes the bright pink text stand out really well. It is, apart from the pink box around the barcode, the only colour on the cover so it’s very eye catching and you’re immediately drawn to it.

As well as giving people an idea of what they can find in the magazine it gives the cover an indie feel, this is because the font and ellipses in between each word add to the scrapbook effect.

The pull quote is in reversed out writing and this looks effective against the pink text is placed on top of.

The typeface of the masthead reflects the magazines name as the ‘A’ especially looks like it has been painted on. The typeface of ‘the chapman family’ also looks like it has been drawn or painted on and the slight smudges around the text really emphasis this.

Page 3: Front Covers

The text in the skyline stands out because of it white background against the darker colours of the rest of the cover.

The cover has a very dark feel to it. The main colours used are black, white, gold and red. Although the red adds some brightness the overall feel of the cover is still dark, reflecting the music of the artists they’ve got on the cover.

The masthead is simple and easily recognisable. The white ‘Q’ on the red background makes it easily visible and it stands out from everything else on the cover.

The text advertising other features in the magazine is mainly on the right third. This could be because they’re confident that their ‘world exclusive’ lead article will be enough to grab any potential buyers attention.

Page 4: Front Covers

The masthead uses a simple font and colours. It stands out because the colours are contrasting to the background they are on and the other colours that are primarily used on the cover.

The cover has a dull feel to it and this means that you’re instantly drawn to the magazines logo and the pink text. This means that the reader sees the two most important things first; the logo and the lead article.

There’s lots of text on the left third of the cover so as well as seeing the lead article a potential reader would also see other things featured in the magazine which may attract them to buy it.
