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FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the...

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FRONTLINE News & Field Reports for The Warrior Class for Graham Cooke July 2013 Frontline News from Graham A back-to-back conference trip to Texas, first to Houston and then to Amarillo to do a filmed School of Prophecy at Trinity with their world class TV crew. Houston: Encourager church always makes me smile. Full of honest, hard working, happy people thrilled to be in Jesus. I spoke on “Understanding Your Spiritual Lens.A new talk that I have been thinking about and practicing life in the Spirit to make the most of how I am seeing in the Lord. This upgrade in my spiritual lifestyle was the reason that I started BrilliantPerspectives.com. Everyone comes to life with a particular lens operating across various areas of life. It is our thinking that is inspired by our perception. Many people have encounters with God but do not press it out in terms of changing our lens prescription and upgrading our mindset in the Spirit. This was the “lens” talk debut and it went as well as I imagined. Encourager Church/ Trinity School of Prophecy Houston, TX June 7-9, 2013 I upgraded the message on “Reframing” our thought life and really enjoyed putting these messages side by side. Together they were a massive hit. On both Sunday messages I gave a talk on “Rest in Relationships.This is a relatively new message (less than two years old), which I’ve already had to split in two because the practice of peace guarantees revelation and encounter, which provokes more peace, etc. A glorious cycle.
Page 1: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual


News & Field Reports for The Warrior Class for Graham Cooke July 2013

Frontline News from Graham

A back-to-back conference trip to Texas, first to Houston and then to

Amarillo to do a filmed School of Prophecy at Trinity with their world

class TV crew.


Encourager church always makes me smile. Full of honest, hard

working, happy people thrilled to be in Jesus. I spoke on

“Understanding Your Spiritual Lens.” A new talk that I have been

thinking about and practicing life in the Spirit to make the most of

how I am seeing in the Lord. This upgrade in my spiritual lifestyle

was the reason that I started BrilliantPerspectives.com.

Everyone comes to life with a particular lens operating across

various areas of life. It is our thinking that is inspired by our

perception. Many people have encounters with God but do not press

it out in terms of changing our lens prescription and upgrading our

mindset in the Spirit. This was the “lens” talk debut and it went as

well as I imagined.

Encourager Church/ Trinity School of Prophecy

Houston, TX

June 7-9, 2013

I upgraded the message on “Reframing” our thought life and really enjoyed putting these messages side

by side. Together they were a massive hit. On both Sunday messages I gave a talk on “Rest in

Relationships.” This is a relatively new message (less than two years old), which I’ve already had to split in

two because the practice of peace guarantees revelation and encounter, which provokes more peace, etc.

A glorious cycle.

Page 2: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

They have a world-class studio and TV capability. The excellence of their operation is astonishing. The

calmness, humor and professionalism of the crew are outstanding. The product that they produce is

brilliant! The theme for this 8 seminar school was, “Creating a Prophetic Mindset.” The intention was to

mix a devotional component with a brilliant thinking element in a life in the spirit context. I wanted

people to feel the pull of the wind of the Holy Spirit. I fully expected people to have encounters with the

Lord as they came undone by grace and goodness. So it proved!

I had a blast on stage. I love the whole filming part of this school. The learning is great; it has given me

a huge desire to find my own studio in Santa Barbara.

Here, every message built onto the previous one. I could feel the ebb and flow in the atmosphere.

Worship was beautiful. The environment was relational, generous and very receptive. A hugely

enjoyable event where the enemy failed to show and we were more than conquerors.

Great to see a number of The Warrior Class present. I love hearing the stories of their progress and

development. TWC is a great community of people learning to be warriors and game changers. It was

nice to see them in an environment where quick growth is easily possible.


Trinity School of Prophecy

Amarillo, TX

June 19-12, 2013

In Amarillo it was great to renew fellowship with

Bill and Kathy Johnson and also our (Theresa

and I) great friend, Rita Reidenauer. We had

some fun times chatting and laughing. I

thoroughly enjoyed catching up with Jimmy and

Kim Witcher, and listening to their plans to

upgrade the Trinity Community.

Page 3: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

FRONTLINE – School of Prophecy in Amarillo Texas!

What an “OMG” experience at the School of the Prophetic in Amarillo, as TWC came together under Graham’s

anointed teachings; I had a personal sense of a family reunion. A reunion filled with times of sharing journeys and

stories, with times of joy, laugher, love and oneness of heart.

Graham stepped onto a ground well saturated with the prayers, sweat, tears and fortitude of Kathy and Bill

Johnson. They have spent years in their calling and opening up a space in the spirit realm for the prophetic truths

of Go to be established. Because of this open space, we were all served a banquet of premium spiritual food

which had the power to change hearts, minds and lives, as never before. It is a new season, a new time in the

Kingdom, as demonstrated by a new teaching of Graham’s regarding the “Lens” of God”; a lens which brings

forth life and erases unbelief, doubt and fear and overcomes the lens of the world, which are the flesh and the

devil. This teaching alone, mixed with a powerful prophetic word, at the end of the conference, was so

astonishing, so amazing, that I was touched in my spirit and know that I came forth from this time with a new

power and authority in His Kingdom. I sense this is only the beginning in Amarillo, a seed that will expand the

Kingdom of God to Texas and beyond. Kathy and Bill’s teachings, activations and applications in the prophetic

were fun, effective and useful in training in the practical application of the prophetic. A great tool – A great team,

to reinforce the powerful words Graham delivered in his teachings.

The opportunity to use that which I had just learned from Graham’s teachings came sooner than expected, on my

flight home, as a time of prophetic prayer, with promises and healing was poured out onto a pre-Christian, who

cried with tears as Holy Spirit Love was imparted to him and changed the lens through which he was viewing his

death sentence to one of Life and Life Abundantly. Nothing like practicing what one has just learned!!!!! Thank

you Graham!! Thank the Lord for the wonderful time of practicing His Kingdom on earth.

Rita Reidnauer The Warrior Class

Kathy Johnson The Warrior Class

TFC Prophetic Leader

Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new

discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual Lens". Get ready for this one. He launched

into a challenging introduction for "reframing and instead of's" by exposing our need for

the eyes of our heart to be enlightened.

Starting with this definition, "A lens either bends or blocks your view", Graham then

traveled through history, using one sketch after another of Biblical & historical characters

who were caught in a lens change. With each lens change, vision was enlightened, the

mind was renewed, and new language followed closely behind resulting in an upgraded

expression of life on earth as in heaven.

He closed the session with these penetrating questions: "What is the lens that dominates

my life right now? Does it need to be changed and/or upgraded? What does God want

me to see that I'm not currently thinking about? What needs to come into alignment with

God's image, not mine? Do I have any kind of weird world view? What is the lens through

which you view the Bible, world, kingdom, experience, fullness? Is it blocking the light or

bending you to another kind of experience and encounter with God? What if we get to live

from an entirely different domain? What would it look like for you to have an ‘out of this

world mindset’? What if you are a citizen of heaven and that makes you extraordinary?"

With joyful expectancy, I'm off to my quiet place with Holy Spirit who has promised to

open the eyes of my heart - giving me a new lens. Want to join me?


Page 4: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

Left to right: Kathy Brown, Rita Reidnauer, Jimetta Mayne,

Kathy Brown, Betty Hutchens, Ellen Scharfenberg, Madeline


Christine Casten I have a friend who went with me to the Advancing in the Prophetic School in February. She's pumped about Graham and the revelation she has learned already. She said there were two things she noticed about the TWC people she met while at the Amarillo school. 1) Humility was visible in every TWC person she met. 2) Unity of the Spirit was very strong, which created an atmosphere of joy and lots of peace. Kudos to the TWC culture! The prayers and modeling promotes a culture of peace and joy that others recognize and are drawn toward. I LOVE being a part of this Company of Warriors!

Ted Mather Perspectives shift and lenses change by recognizing promise and provision. Use adversity as a platform to go up higher and further. Each local church holds a specific identity. Joined together as a body the unified church will overtake communities and nations. What God released in that word holds permission and power to overtake and conquer. For every empty place in your life God has a promise which will cover it. All my life I have chased a void, always just out of reach. No matter how fast I ran it remained out there calling and beckoning. This has affected my life, mostly negatively. Graham has given me a new perspective on my thinking and I am ecstatic. My thinking has been turned upside down!

Mark Barber You get the understanding of revelation when the situation is present to see it in. i.e. Peter's vision in Acts God gives us revelation to upgrade our vision, our thinking and our mindset, so that we will upgrade the language we use about ourselves. The word “airo”, translated “to prune” (Jn 15:1-2) means “to lift up to a higher place”. This completely changed my feelings about being pruned, removing all fear and trepidation. I now look forward to it! Prophecy is a lens changer, it is never ordinary, and it gives people the right to shortcut the process. With the words we are also passing along our own experience in Christ. All so that people will fall in love with Jesus!

TWC and Friends

Jimetta Mayne Graham’s Amarillo Sessions brought true advancement in the Spirit. Lenses, mindsets and languages were upgraded throughout the entire conference. Graham was at the top of his game. He was magnetically animated, as he shared. His joy was evident, and as all around honored and connected with all he shared, you could see a little twinkle and impish grin come across his face. He truly was having fun! The closer for me was the impartation after the Favor session. As he delivered that word my hopeful expectation for every low place in my life was raised up, promises reestablished and my spirit connected with the heart of the Father like never before!

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Allison Bown and Denise Siemens

“Your Truest Identity"

Minneapolis, MN with Allison

We've heard it so many times: "There is no break through without follow through", but it is still rare in the Kingdom that churches and communities commit to an action plan to do it. The Arise group from Lutheran Renewal and their stellar leader Denise Siemens are intentional pioneers acting on that truth. There were break throughs and break outs of "ah-ha" moments all weekend as people saw with the eyes of their heart the passion that God has for who He made them to be and encountered His delight their discovery of it. And I discovered a grand new friend in Denise who also dreams of communities who train, process and laugh together. I truly enjoyed our conversations. TWC members were out in full force and several were able to gathered the next day at Joe & Diana Gray's house for a "dialogue day". Many are part of the OMG: The Orange Moose Group. This community within TWC began as a group of leaders who drove several hours to a central location in Wisconsin once a month to discuss their leadership training at a roadside stop with a giant orange fiberglass moose. It has continued as a company of friends with shared passions and brilliance, who made all of us honorary Moose for the weekend! Enjoy their insights and testimonies. I know I certainly found the entire experience delightful, from the warm welcome of Denise and the Arise community to the time with another group of amazing Warrior Class members. ~ Allison

Participants used pictures to give prophetic encouragements so

that everyone attending left with prophetic input and in another

activation, an inheritance word

Some truths have to be mined by panning, letting the weight of

truth settle. Some need to be intentionally dug out. Others come

as a dynamite "suddenly". Members here practice mining for truth

by letting God talk to them through their own picture.

Abbey Road Moose Crossing

Saturday Evening: The joy of fighting with your Identity, your

prophetic and inheritance words.

Page 6: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

Through one of Allison's activations, I picked up a new piece to my identity in thinking about one of my heroes and the characteristics that made that so: being formidable. It really helped me recognize: I need to step up my training. I thought of how my personal trainer ALWAYS pushes me past the point of where I would have stopped, so it is time for me to step up in my identity as well! My dear friends in TWC/OMG are key influencers, listeners and encouragers along the way. Their support is like the water I so desperately need after going past the point of my normal endurance. The laughter, silliness and fellowship are without doubt some of the best gifts ever! And in sharing my Identity Statement, to tell a room full of Minnesotans that I’m a Packer Fan and getting them to laugh was just an added bonus! - Kelly Megonigle

As Allison spoke about Identity and Relationship, two ideas really stuck with me. They were: Identity gives us Focus, Freedom, and Rest and - We need to cultivate and practice our Peace, Rest and Joy so that we are full for the time we need them. Like the ten virgins we do not want to try and establish them when they are needed most. The one thing that most impacted me though was when Allison asked a few of us to stand and read from our identity statements. It actually cemented that identity within me. To speak it out to those attending and allowing myself to hear it provided a witness within me saying “This IS who I am!” One thing Allison said on Saturday night seemed to be experienced by me the most during Sunday’s time together. It was ‘It’s not just what we do with each other, but who we become together that has eternal significance’. In each of our uniqueness-es, there was such joy in community and the building of relationships. ~ Mark Barber

I came away with intensely joyful

intentionality to expand my intimacy

with Jesus, which will also enable me

to have focus regarding who He has

created me to be.....and knowing

when to say "yes" and when to say

"no". Our TWC day together was the

very first time I ever wore a moose

hat!! I laughed more than I have in

quite awhile. It was so encouraging

to connect with others and hear

testimonies of the way that Jesus

brings transformation in people's


~ Beckie Hayes

I so appreciate time spent with OMGer’s as well as the extended TWC community. There's always plenty of brilliant thoughts, contagious laughter, and heart-felt sharing that leads to ever-deepening friendships enabling us individually and corporately to take and hold new ground for the Kingdom. The phrase “like-minded” takes on a whole new meaning within the TWC community! -Diana Gray

A new upgrade for me was the 4 levels of mining (revelation):

encounter, ebb, muscle time, and the suddenlies. Your revelation put

words to "being ok" in each stage. Especially that the "ebb" time is

significant revelation time. Love that!

~ Sue Kemitz

The Orange Moose Group Left to right: Ana & Mark Barber, Beckie Hayes,

Allison, Joanie Falk, Kelly Megonigle, Sue Kemitz and Joe & Diana Gray

(Susan Stahnke from TWC was also present)

It was some time ago that Allison was made an honorary member of The Orange Moose Gang – OMG. The time OMG spends together is full of fun, joy and silliness. But more importantly, it is time where like-minded warriors support each other in prayer. And Allison fit right in! Something about Allison waving a pickaxe during the afternoon session said I’d better pay attention! In then in the midst of her talking about the gold mining history near her home – a nugget! In the panning process, collect the rocks from the rushing water. Then in the ebb, sift the water, and the things with weight will tend to stick around. It’s the gold that is left behind at the end of the process. Those attending the conference will never look themselves, their identity, the same way again! ~ Joe Gray

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"Judy Austin, Beth Ledet & Susan Morningstar at

The River with the Stairs from Graham's Limitless

Possibilities conference in its current location.

There's fresh life yet in this photograph for all of us!

Just sayin'

“According to the grace of God which has been given to me, as a wise

master-builder I have laid a foundation…which is Jesus

Christ.” (1 Cor 3:11)

This past weekend, the River Church and the Fresno region experienced

Graham’s ministry as a building prophet. Together with Christa Black, the

church was given foundational revelation which, as we receive and respond will

solidly ground us in alignment with Jesus our Cornerstone.

The Central Valley is a religious region, a “Bible Belt”. Because of the Father’s

great love for Fresno, He gave Graham and Christa Jeremiah’s mandate:

“I have put My words in your mouth - to pluck up, break down, destroy and

overthrow…to build and to plant.” (Jer 1:9-10)

Speaking about the four levels of development of our life in the Spirit, Graham

and Christa tore down our structures that have been erected by religious

striving, and revealed the free gift of righteousness that is ours in Christ. Clearly

and deliberately Graham laid out the experiential path of our growth in Christ as

we go from infants to fully mature sons.

Nepios – infant – learning to receive unconditional Love

Paidion – toddler – the power of imagination and discovery

Teknon – adolescent – identity is the key to transformation

Huios – mature son – we are more than conquerors, territory takers

who terrorize the kingdom of darkness by our Christ-likeness

The combination of Graham and Christa was exponentially powerful as together

they dismantled false perceptions and released Kingdom Truth: Graham the

reasoner, Christa the testimony. Oswald Chambers says: “there is no power so

great as that of a calm, reasoning fanaticism.” Graham was devastating to

the religious mindset as he calmly yet passionately (you know how he does it!)

revealed the true heart and nature of God. Christa was wonderfully

overwhelming as she shared her own journey and experience of being delivered

from abuse, shame, addiction and religious striving by the unrelenting Love of

the Father. Together they revealed God’s true heart and implored: “Be

reconciled to the Real Jesus, the Real God!”

The worship was over the top! Fresh revelation releases joy, renewed passion

and increased intimacy, and there was plenty of it. All that was received

produced a glory atmosphere that will now empower fresh response to Kingdom


“Thank You Father, for Your indescribable free gift!” (2 Cor 9:15)

Ric Peterson

Left around the table: Betty Hutchens, Beth Ledet,

Susan Morningstar, Allison, Carlos Munoz, Judy

Austin, Ric Peterson, Jenny Taylor

The River Church

Worship Team

I was so excited that all the saints I journey with were in the same environment

hearing the same prophetic teaching as me! We have been under Graham's

teaching and training since he first moved to the States and I can say, without

doubt, he is becoming more clear and more concise. His teaching about the four

stages of development made more sense this time as he explained that we can

be in any of the stages at any time. A fully mature son (huios) taking territory, in

some moments still needs to be a helpless babe (nephios), powerless in God's

love. It was very freeing for me! We don't pass out of one stage never to go back,

but live in each stage at different times as we encounter new circumstances.

Suzie Peterson

Page 8: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

TWC Training Day

August 29th

9 am – 4 pm No fee is required for TWC Training Day

a donation will taken to off-set the cost of the conference room/food. Lunch will be provided, please email Teresa to RSVP

See you there!


Individual Registrants: $100.00

Small Group (2-4): $90.00

Large Group (5-50): $80.00

Schedule of Sessions:

Thursday, August 29th:

Doors open at 6pm

*Session 1: 7pm-9:30pm

Friday, August 30th:

Doors open at 8:30am

*Session 2: 9:30am12 noon

*Session 3: 2:30pm-4:30pm

*Session 4: 7pm-9:30pm

Saturday, August 31st:

Doors open at 8:30am

*Session 5: 9:30am-12 noon

Sheraton Portland Airport

8235 N.E. Airport Way

Portland Oregon 97220

Hotel Shuttle

•Fee: Complimentary

•Hours: 24 hours

If you are in Level 1 and want to dialogue about specific parts of this process, there will be a call

with Allison on this day and time. This is for questions and

brainstorming, as well as sharing your journey.

A call for those who have completed Level 2 and are

working on their Warrior Journal will be coming soon!

Level 1 Training Q & A Call – July 8th at 4 pm (PST)

Our monthly prayer call will be on July 28th at 4

pm (PST).

We will be praying for Graham and Theresa, the Santa Barbara Prophetic School, Mind of a Saint

and the assignments from July.

with Teresa Morrison

These calls are for listeners and participants Sign up today!

Page 9: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

TWC Training Day


Team Brilliant is excited to be hosting Mind of a Saint at The Hyatt Regency Orange County. It is conveniently located in Anaheim,

CA just 20 miles from John Wayne Airport and only 1.4 miles from Disneyland. For your convenience there is a Super Shuttle

available from the airport to The Hyatt for only $10. Beyond that, we have special rates lined up for our conference delegates, so

don't miss out on your chance to take advantage of great savings in a beautiful location.


1. Book at the Hyatt Regency Orange County by September 16th and receive a 35% discount on single, double, and quadruple

occupancy rooms. **Normal rate is $179 per night, now $119 per night for delegates. There is limited space so don't miss out!!

2. Discounted upgrades for larger rooms and suites are available on a first come first served basis.

3. Discounted parking rates available for all delegates.

4. Delegates who book a room at the Hyatt will receive a special delegate package, including free goodies from Team Brilliant!


Conference room rates are available for 3 days before or 3 days after the event! Wanna come a few days early or stay a few days

late to relax and enjoy the many hotel amenities and convenient location? Or even take a few days to visit Disneyland? With the

discounted rates and the hotel’s shuttle service to Disneyland this could be a perfect time to visit! A brilliant conference and a three-

day break in a great location at great prices… what could be better?

SPECIAL RATES are available October 14-22nd only if you book before September 16th.

You may also book by phone. Call the Hyatt Regency, Anaheim (888-421-1442)

October 17th 9 am – 4 pm

No fee is required for TWC Training Day a donation will taken to off-set the cost of

the conference room. See you there!

Hyatt Regency Orange County

11999 Harbor Blvd.

Garden Grove California 92840

Online Pre-registration:

Individual - $110 per person

Small Group (2-4) - $100 per person

Large Group (5+) - $90 per person

If you wish to connect with other TWC members to create a group, feel free to make those arrangements personally. There is no automatic

discount for being a member of TWC. There is a 35% discounted rate at the Hyatt Regency.


Walk-in Registration:

Individual - $120 per person

*Please note that there is no group rate for walk-in registration.

Page 10: FRONTLINE - The Warrior Class...TFC Prophetic Leader Graham opened Amarillo's 2nd Advancing in the Prophetic School with a shocking new discussion on "Understanding Your Spiritual

TWC Assignment Schedule 2013

Send questions, comments or testimonies to:

Teresa Morrison – [email protected]

Also visit Brilliant Book House for Graham's materials at:


The Warrior Class

for Graham Cooke

Teams Assignments Intel Due

June to October Santa Barbara School of Prophecy Hot Shot Team Anytime


11-12 Spokane, WA Diamond & Momentum June 7

20-22 Fontana, CA Watchmen & Lightbearers June 14


2-4 Austin, TX Gold & Northern Lights June 21

8-10 Defiance, OH Stonebridge & Dream June 28

29-31 Portland School of Prophecy Pioneer & Vanguards July 20


12-14 The Rock Church Warrior Eagles & Lionheart August 2

26-29 Aglow International Conference Discovery & Diamond August 12


11-12 Carlsbad, CA Momentum & Gold August 30

17-19 Anaheim, CA (Mind of a Saint) Every Team Sept. 5

20-23 Amarillo Prophetic Watchmen & Freedom Fighters Sept. 6

24-27 Houston Devotion School Stonebridge & NorthernLights Sept. 13


4-25 Australia Lightbearers & 3 other teams TBA

"Assignments may be adjusted based on changes in Graham's schedule. Unless notified of a change, follow the dates and

locations listed here.“

Please copy this page and use it for a reference not only for your assignments, but for providing continued prayer coverage for

Graham as he travels. You are also free to submit intel for any event to your Team Leader.


Ric Peterson

Susan Stahnke

TWC information gatherer:

Lecia Retter
