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FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012

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Mass Casualty Exercise 3 Lyme Disease Info 4/5 CYSS Fee Increase 6/7 Think ACS first 8 September Event Flyers 10 Strong Bonds Event 13 Inside this issue: 10th Combat Aviation Brigade Facebook Page HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade FRSA FLASH Friday, September 7, 2012 10th Combat Aviation Brigade 3,290 likes · Help us hit our goal of 10,000 LIKES! hhtp://www.facebook.com/10thCAB
Page 1: FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012

Mass Casualty Exercise 3

Lyme Disease Info 4/5

CYSS Fee Increase 6/7

Think ACS first 8

September Event Flyers 10

Strong Bonds Event 13

Inside this issue:

10th Combat Aviation Brigade Facebook Page

HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade

FRSA FLASH Friday, September 7, 2012

10th Combat Aviation Brigade

3,290 likes · Help us hit our goal of 10,000 LIKES!


Page 2: FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012

Schedule of Events

Page 2 Newsletter Title

September -

“What is there to do in the North Country?” FRG Meeting. On Thursday, 13

Sept. 6 pm in the Brigade Classroom (building 19815 Hangar Access Drive, Wheeler

Sack Army Airfield). Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR) and Army

Community Service (ACS) will be here to share events, discounts and more from post

and the surrounding area.

October -

Let’s get ready to “Trick or Treat!” On Wednesday, 31 October at 1000 am

bring the little people dressed up for a practice run at “Trick or Treating” All the

offices from the Command Group to the S3 and in the HHC HQ building as well, will

be stocked with candy and goodies for all the little Falcon Family Members! This is a

chance for those little ones to fill their bags!!

November -

CPT Jones, 1SG Grady and Kelly (your FRG Leader)

are planning a fabulous Thanksgiving Lunch before the holiday weekend! More to

come on this soon!

December -

Look for information on our Renegade Holiday Celebration at the Hillside Lodge

complete with Hot Chocolate and goodies to eat! We’ll be taking unwrapped toy dona-

tions for the “Mountain of Toys “ drive . And there just may be a visit from the jolly

man himself!!

** And be on the lookout for a very special event in February!

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Fort Drum, local agencies to participate in mass casualty exercise

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Michelle Kennedy

Staff Writer

Fort Drum emergency and support organizations will test their reaction skills during a mass casualty exercise

Sept. 13-14.

Post agencies participate in exercises several times a year; however, the event next week will be a full-scale ex-

ercise for installation first responders, community support and planning organizations, as well as county and

state agencies, according to Terry Byard, Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security installation

emergency manager.

“It’s very important – and I’m very proud of the fact – that all the responder agencies in the North Country

work together to help keep (the area) safe and are capable of responding to (any hazardous) event that could

happen,” he said. “These exercises help us to do a better job of working together as a team.

“It’s important that the community knows that we’re doing the exercise and it’s all to protect them,” Byard


In this particular exercise, agencies involved will respond to a fictional C-130 Hercules plane crash Sept. 13 at

Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield with multiple fatalities and casualties, Byard explained.

Officials on the airfield will be required to activate the accident / crash plan. More than 50 Soldiers will serve

as “injured” role players during the event; first responders who arrive at the scene will have to triage and pro-

vide care to each casualty.

“We’re unique here in the North Country, because a lot of our medical support comes from our local hospitals

and trauma centers,” Byard said. “We also are very limited on ambulance support, so we work very closely with

Jefferson County Emergency Medical Services (and medical examiner).

“Local hospitals in the county have requirements to (participate in exercises) under the National Preparedness

Guidelines,” he added. “By working together, we’re assisting local

hospitals in (meeting their requirements).”

The second day of the event will be a command post exercise to prac-

tice completing administrative and organizational requirements,

such as coordinating for environmental cleanup, tracking patients at

local hospitals, making casualty notifications and communicating

with the Federal Aviation Administration, Byard noted.

“One of the biggest challenges in emergency management … are the

things that happen after the initial incident. We (have to) bring the

community back to normal,” he said. “We have to make sure we fol-

low through all the way to the end.”

Page 4: FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012


Lyme Disease Information

Symptoms/ Early Detection

Early localized stage (3-30 days post-tick bite)

• Red, expanding rash called erythema migrans (EM) or “Bulls-


Fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, and

swollen lymph nodes

Early disseminated stage (days to weeks post-tick bite)

Untreated, the infection may spread from the site of the bite to

other parts of the body, producing an array of specific symptoms

that may come and go, including:

Additional EM lesions in other areas of the body

Facial or Bell's palsy (loss of muscle tone on one or both sides of

the face)

Severe headaches and neck stiffness due to meningitis

Pain and swelling in the large joints (such as knees)

Shooting pains that may interfere with sleep

Heart palpitations and dizziness due to changes in heartbeat

Late disseminated stage (months-to-years post-tick bite) Untreated infection

symptoms may include:

Intermittent bouts of arthritis, with severe joint pain and swelling

Chronic neurological complaints months to years after infection

(shooting pains, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, and

problems with short-term memory)


Wearing light colored clothing so that ticks can be easily identified.

Tucking in pants to boots, shirts into gloves.

Application of insect repellent (containing 20% DEET) and applied per manufactures recom-

mendation to deter ticks and use of permethrin for Soldiers and DA civilians.

Page 5: FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012

HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade Page 5

Frequent self checks for individuals partaking in outdoor activities and working in tick-

invested environments. Special attention should be given to moist dark areas were ticks typi-

cally migrate too.

Clothing should be placed in dryer for 20-30 minutes to kill unseen ticks.

Frequent checks of children and animals.

Proper removal of tick to prevent infected fluid from entering body with washing and treating

area with antiseptic. (Medical professional removal of tick is recommended)

Testing of tick to determine if a carrier of Lyme Disease.

Routine treatment and grooming of household animals with flea and tick prevention medica-


Prevention cont.


Early Localized Stage:

Oral doxycyline,10-21 days in duration

Children do require different regimen

Early Disseminated Stage:

Oral antibiotic therapy up to 28 days

Intravenous therapy if meningitis/heart changes

Late Disseminated Stage:

Intravenous therapy up to 28 days

Currently no vaccination is available for humans; however, Lyme Disease can be treated buy antibiotics.

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Did you know ACS schedules a tour of the

area every Tuesday morning? It is open to all

soldiers and dependants! Call (315) 772-6556

to schedule your spot.

Think ACS First!

Page 9: FRSA FLASH 07 September 2012

Monti Physical Fitness Center Calendar

Tell Fort Drum how they are doing!

Let your voice be heard through

ICE Comments!

ICE is Interactive Customer Evaluation

This is where you can provide all types of feedback on various services offered throughout Fort Drum.

Visit http://ice.disa.mil Enter “Drum” in the search box

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HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade Page 11

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HHC, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade Page 13

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CPT Jones

[email protected]


Jackie Sharpe

O/315-774-1104 or C/315-778-


SFC Grady

[email protected]


Kelly Wright

[email protected]

Still looking for FRG Volunteers!!

Contents of this newsletter are compiled from multiple Military Family news sources. Material presented does

not represent the views or endorsement of the 10th CAB or the Army. This material is for personal use of the

readers. All readers are encouraged to do further research for all applicable restrictions and guidelines.
