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Frustation , Stress , BurnOut , Mental Health and Mental Hygiene

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HUman Behavior in Prganization : Authors Mison and Bersabe . Its all about Frustration , Stress , Burnout , Mental Helath and Mental hygiene .
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• FRUSTRATION is a stirred-up state of hopelessness that result when a person is prevented from reching a particular value-goal to which he has aspired or is prevented from satisfying his physiological needs.

• Frustration, is simply defined is the condition of being thwarted in the satisfaction of a motive.

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• These physiological problems more or less are our basic needs such as food, water, shelter, sex. Meeting such need is temporary. Once satisfied, the frustrating feeling is subdueud. When there is a strong deprivation of these needs, once experiences an unpleasant thwarting is circumtances. A disequilibrium has taking place and when this has been restored, man reverts to his former self.

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• One of the most difficult problemd in this area is one's cultural do's and don'ts. Environmental frustration cannot be avoided, for there are always certain factors in a person's situation which keep him to achieving a degree of personal growth and achievement.

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• The most difficult to resolve as they are within the inner feelings of a person. Psychological frustrations represents a more serious threat to the personality of the individual than to environmental frustrations. If severe enough, they may create considerable emotional tension with accompanying behavior disorder.

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• Stress is the nonspecific psychological and physiological response of the body of any demand upon it. According to Schwartz (1980):

anything pleasant or unpleasant - that interferes with the body's equilibrium is a stressor, or source of stress. Whenever your fired or promote, hit with a brick or caressed by a lover, you experience stress. Any change, positive or negative evoke stress.

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Major Causes of Stress in Organizations•Occupational Demand: Some Jobs

are more stressful than others. Consider the librarian, police officer, surgeon, college profesor, airline pilot. A survey of 130 different occupations confirmed the basic fact that some jobs are more stressful than others. Results indicated that several features of the jobs are realated to the levels of stress they generate.

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• Role Ambiguity: Stress from uncertainly. This occurs when individuals are uncertain about severals matters relating to their jobs. The scope of reponsibilities, how to divide their time between various duties etc.

• Overload and Underload: Doing too much or too little. Employees are asked to do more work than they can handle in a given period of time or employees believe that they lack the required skills to perform a given job. (Qualitative Overload).

Underloads leads to boredom and monotony. "The hardest job in the world is doing nothing - you can take a break."

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• Lack of Social Support: The cost of isolation. Social supports helps individuals deal with stress. One study shows that persons who felt they had the support of thier immediate supervisors reported fewer physical symptoms associated with stress than managers who did not enjoy friendship and support from others at work.

• Lack of Participation in desicion: Helplessness, strikes. People who want a certaon degree of control over their own fate feel that they know a good deal about their work. Thus when they are prevented from participating in desicion making, they experience considereable stress.

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• Responsibility for others: A heavy burden. In any organization some persons are primarily corcerned with, is the hysical side of business (supplies, maintenance etc.) others financial (budget, accounting etc.) and still others with people like supervisors and managers. Research findings report that in general, individuals who are responsible for other people, who must motivate, reward, punish, communicate etc. - experience higher levels of stress than persons who handle other organizational functions.

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• Emotional and Stress Reaction: Emotions are aroused by external stimuli which can instigate aggresive behavior. Emotion associated with pleasure (joy,love) or displeasure (anger,fear,pressure,heart rate,dilatin of pupils etc.) Emotion may be adaptive or disruptive depending on its intensity. At low to high level of arousal it may produce alertness and interst in the task at hand. At the optimum level of arousal, performance may decline and seriously impair the process that control organized behavior. A long term emotional stress can impair a person's physical health as well as his mental efficiency.

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BURNOUT• Burnout is a cumulative

process of gradual wearing down of your reserve, with little recharging of your energies. It is mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. It strikes all ages, sexes and job levels, yet the most frequent victims are those who seemingly are in the most productive years of their life.

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• The "hurried executive" or the kind of person who is burnout prone is often drawn to the fast moving organizations that would hasten his/er burning out. The fast-moving achiever who competently handles all tasks that are given to him/her is rewarded by having the number of task increased. "No" is a word hardly used by the perfectionist; therefore he/she continues to handle a greater than average amount of work. Work overload is a major contributor to burnout. This concept can be presenteed in the following formula: Susceptible Individual + Overload or Crisis = Burnout.

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• Mental Health is a matter of degree. Tere is no hard and fast line that seperate health from illness. It is not a simple matter to diveide the population into two distint group - those who should be institutionalized and those who should not. Many of us at one time or another exhibit traits and pattern of behavior which, if accentuated and continous, would necessitate psychiatric care.

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informal organizations that could hamper the smooth flow of the workif the mutual resentment remains unchecked.

B. Wage Increases - No matter who recieves increases, there is bound to be some resetment because of the resulting disturbances in the status relationship aong the workers.

C. Evaluation of Workers - Is the evaluation to be based simply on quality work? Or should the Human elements

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of willingness to cooperate, conscientiousness, loyalty, and dependability also be considered? And how are these to be measured?.

D. Work And Assignments - In relation to the workers' personalities, one worker may do well under a more permissive one. Some men workers may resist a woman supervisor no no matter how able she is because this situation reverses the traditional role of women in society.

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E. Changes - especially technological changes and changes of any kind, whether they be changes in location, in machine and processes, in products, or in management. Anxieties and frustrations often follow such changes and affect the work of the employees.

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• Mental Hygiene is a branch of psychology which deals with the mental, behavioral and emotional adjustment through the application of principles and practices which have some scientific foundation or truth.

There are three known ways to which the principles and practices of mental hygiene are done.

1. The preventive approach - This is base on the principle that the bast way to insure a well-adjusted individual is to surround him with environmental influences that will enable him to develop his full potentialities, to obatain emotional stability, and achieve personal and social adequacy.

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2.The therapuetic method - concerned with the attempt to correct minor behavioral adjustment through the varous counseling and techniques of psychotherapy, or adjust to the social and/or physical environment of the person in order to help him obtain the amount of emotional security and self-confidence necessary.

3.The curative approach - This is sometime called "preventive psychiatry". It is concerned with the detection and correction of serious but curative behavioral maladjusments.

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Although this is the work of a trained

clinician or psychiatrist, it is helpful for the layman to have at least a fundamental knowledge of the major types of behavioral maladjustment in order that he may have a basis in determining behavioral maladjusment that needs the attention of competent specialists.

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