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FRUTTA NELLE SCUOLE — 2nd Storyboard

Date post: 27-Mar-2016
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Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Happycentro Scene Editing Notes Soot Type Shoot Est. Time Bar Sheet No. Props Set Dressing Scene Editing Notes Soot Type Shoot Est. Time Bar Sheet No. Props Set Dressing Scene Editing Notes © Happycentro 2012 This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained. Soot Type Shoot Est. Time Bar Sheet No. Props Set Dressing Project Frutta Nelle Scuole Pg. 001 ... lo spot si apre un limbo bianco... ... Campo largo. Come piovuti dal cielo, entrano in scena un banco e una sedia... ... Campo stretto. La sedia chiude il movimento iniziale andano a posizionarsi sotto il banco... 01 01 01 02 01 03

Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - RomaHappycentro


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Editing Notes

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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Project Frutta Nelle Scuole Pg. 001

... lo spot si apre un limbo bianco...

... Campo largo. Come piovuti dal cielo, entrano in scena un banco e una sedia...

... Campo stretto. La sedia chiude il movimento iniziale andano a posizionarsi sotto il banco...

01 01

01 02

01 03

Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - RomaHappycentro


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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Project Frutta Nelle Scuole Pg. 002

In un’animazione a passo uno elementi inanimati riprodotti in plastilina e altri materiali, si animano sulla scena.Ogni oggetto muta forma continuamente attraverso transizioni magiche e sorprendenti.

Il palcoscenico è speciale: si tratta di un banco di scuola.

Sul banco arriva un quaderno...

... il quaderno si apre e le pagine scorrono velocemente...

02 01

02 02

02 03



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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 003

da cui escono tante lettere dell’alfabeto, svolazzanti e scintillanti.

SPK (donna o bambino):“Se ti piace l’italiano…”

... le pagine scorrono di nuovo velocemente portando con sé le lettere...

03 01

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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 004

Dalle pagine del quaderno escono dei piccoli numeri animati...

... i numeri hanno fogge diverse e divertenti...

... le pagine si aprono come in un libro pop-up espunta un “segno più” molto grande... compare una cordicella rossa...

SPK:“… ma la matematica di più…”

04 01

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05 03



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Editing Notes

Soot Type

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 005

... La mano di un bambino tira la cordicella e sul banco si apre una botola che...

... “risucchia” la matematica...

... Dalla botola esce un cappello a cilindro a rovescio, da cui spuntano due orecchie da coniglio... mano e cordicella escono di scena...

06 01

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07 03



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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

Soot Type

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 006

... Di nuovo una mano entra in scena...

... che acchiappa le orecchie...

... le tira su, ma sotto invece di un coniglio c’è …una squadretta colorata che si agita a mezz’aria...

SPK:“Se la geometria ti sorprende…”

07 01

08 02

08 03



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Editing Notes

Soot Type

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 007

... Poi, il cilindro “spara” in aria un mappamondo, che resta sospeso...

... Il cilindro cambia forma e diventa un cestello colorato...

... Il mappamondo diventa una mongolfiera.

09 01

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10 03



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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 008

SPK:“… ma la geografia… ti fa volare…”

... in aria svolazzano delle nuvolette in cotone mentre il banco è solcato di piccole onde in carta...

... La cesta della mongolfiera si allarga...

... e “inghiotte il mondo” mentre nuvole e onde scivolano via...

10 01

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11 03



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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 009

... Si chiude un coperchio sulla cesta...

... che si trasforma in un tamburo.Arrivano anche due bacchette e scendono delle mani ad acchiapparle a mezz’aria...

11 01

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12 03



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Editing Notes

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 010

... Il tamburo fa la tipica rullata di “attesa importante”...

... le mani si ritraggono...

… la rullata viene interrotta di colpo dal tipico suono squillante dei piatti da banda, tipo “annuncio importante”. Nello stesso attimo, il tamburo diventa un disco colorato collassando in basso sul banco.

SPK:“…Oggi c’è un’altra materia che ti piacerà sicuro!”

12 01

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13 03



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Editing Notes

Soot Type

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 011

... Dal disco esce tanta frutta e verdura (mele, pere, carote ecc.)...

SPK:“…È la frutta!...”

... subito dopo, da dietro il banco, spunta la sagoma di una bimba...

... che con un gesto della mano sul pancino commenta...

SPK:“… Ti fa bene, ... ”

14 01

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15 03



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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 012

... La sagoma della bimba scende rapidamente e sale quella di un bimbo...

SPK:“… ma soprattutto è…

... Nel mentre fa il suo ingresso una manina con l’indice puntato che ruotando, si avvicina sulla guancia come a dire “che buona!”

SPK:“… buonissima!”

... stiamo sulla frutta un istante...

16 01

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17 03



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Editing Notes

Soot Type

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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Bar Sheet No.

PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 013

... Arrivano, sempre animati, anche un uomo e una donna che masticano soddisfatti...

SPK:“Ed è così semplice da studiare, che piacerà anche a mamma e papà!”

18 01

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19 03

... movimento di camera verso l’alto a sgombrare la scena...

... entra nell’inquadratura una lavagnetta...



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Editing Notes

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PropsSet Dressing


Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

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PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 014

.. la mano di un bambino disegna con il gessetto il numero “3”

SPK ISTITUZIONALE (uomo):“per il terzo anno consecutivo... ”

... il numero viene cancellato rapidamente...

SPK ISTITUZIONALE (uomo):“... continua il grande successo...

... ancora la manina che disegna ora il logo “Frutta nelle Scuole”.

SPK ISTITUZIONALE (uomo):“... del programma “Frutta nelle Scuole”, per diffondere il consumo di frutta e verdura tra i bambini delle scuole primarie.”

20 01

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Editing Notes

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Editing Notes

© Happycentro 2012This artwork is for experimentation use only. You may not use these files for any form of commercial use without contacting [email protected]. Happycentro snc and the designers who have submitted works retain title and ownership of the work contained.

Soot Type

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PropsSet Dressing

Pg.Client/Agency Young&Rubicam - Roma Project Frutta Nelle Scuole 015

... Si abbassa la lavagna e dietro ricompaiono i frutti mentre intorno alla frutta prendono forma delle lettere...

... i fruttini animati sorridono, accanto al super finale “Frutta. La materia più buona.”

SPK (donna o bambino):“Frutta. La materia più buona.”

... chiusura a spioncino. Sul fondo colorato che incornicia i fruttini (che continuano a sobbalzare), campeggiano i loghi istituzionali.

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