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ftMrtMift J.W.Ti4fcACtI - NYS Historic...

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r ^^0m^mmm '"#.s|tli mm?m «papr S55SSC ! 'fjS»8naSS, esnanmnMi THK rLATTwSBlTRCHI REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, REPUBLICAN. if •watcta. AI-GIST •>'»»'" ,"§•" M X a T I . M a n r aaaf r i a p r i e w 0F THE WEEI. ••vahMcaa roar, ty con » « t i on. teeolnticn* opposing the \* to be carried on bflwwn *•» An*v sad Itaw along the N-w Enrfand » » With the Aodiior of th«> War the pant year by soldiers of the « . & anay aassaatod to 9S,TSi,«l.«. George W. Melville «H Iaa tbefWtlrad Hat Aagnet 1, ba baring ; «r atitv-two yearn. la Oswago, Aagnet 3, * • § appatated to project. COBTM* arsaota- of flOl,- af to Uw- ttw*Mon,kBdttm •iaera, •'*«•»»»>• scheme*, which sometime* have very flimaj- | fonndatioB*. lo seek »mn» flenro tie*d ii< whiffi Ibe pnl'io h»* rot fiderce Tli.a wi.s • the ease with Ihe Consolidated Inveetnioi t ; j Corporation, a Klondike jrol.t mining c.in".- pin)". Tlmt romj'imy lirtd $UWi E ,n>d del. lart piu.l !n I; lad fli'XWi subscribed, W'irh (*••' •iilwetiber* ftpr'ed to pnv if #vpr\I>'.ru tnri r-i <>n" "»"•••! ntlierw »•» ivf. It «»» r»|>:•«: 70! R! *."• Hiirt.ooo. T.e As- m«tnrt .\t!'<n:e\ Genera; for Hie V. >. rv>i»'- o'Tic" IvpnitiioTit was 01 <• of ihe pTomoft of thin preoi >n« pelciw. ^.n-h went njt In smoke. t!e»i.V* Tjner tbe f.dlowirc l'iih otfie.gls were a!sn 1 romnter« of it A. N. Hoslon, Treasurer of llie InUed >lalt» j , Frank Wayiand 1'aimer, pnb!ic printer in ! the government printing rAire at WaohitR-' ton, and Pavid Sloans Stanley, Brii»ai.Vr- 0>neral of the I*. S. Army, ret-red. This i* a Mmplc or what haa Iwn going rn in Washington under the watchful eve of onr fair-premising President. And it is orly one sample of many that conld IM> produced, (Ml that their freshness in the pnblic mini •**«• It onnaceaaary. President Roosevelt baa drawn around him •onto good men, and aiao men who have barn dlaticgolsoed especially for their ability to maaipatate corrupt political elomenta, and that ia on* of the reasons why the American people are !earni og to take hiafair promiaMand good talk with very larjre grains of allow- A carniral of crime and misdoing ap- U law* bam carried on without much MNaytfttmMtflM. Wbatth« talora baa alrMorda at wlit appear later. Pope Fm X W.%SIIIX»T«»> liivn Kit. W.,-: .'.i: Wll,:.' t',.< |TOJ.-!lt r.-C'l'.. <:ft!i..r> ar, I r'-foiin. t! •• . .• f.» r t*. *'!T T N !. '.•' «j\.,»-r oT l"-iij» mii'i>» t-> - » n ' 'r.o>< : • A 1:: 1 '...; 1 1 11 < r , 1. .•wn in- l-i*.'. fii 111.Ml « •111 I'. 'i- N. I. •Ik T. •1 •!! - c\. K. K i l l i l . j r ci. !• i> l'nr;i I!' is«'^is::! ^^^InfJSf'V- ii^l A'l^^c •III'- I.- :r. • 1 . t r 'iri 1 f l wasefedeo-ft**, «aitr««fM»«f rtw X, •, M Ike aefvatk ballot by the fapal • •r : ; i 11* msemii ' -™K'H» -5«S»' S «|**-' for Saito, who was ••Do yoa tawhkb aa aflnaative raa then t* taa rabiag doaat, where be e l eardJaal and donned ita-tba Whlto atoekiagt, taaajwhttataaie, white girdle, laaiaapa. Than attired be ra- il aad anted blataetf on a aatbablgbaatatepof the altar ••'..• I .1- M, ,i. • u .1 h - r. I,-i - ['..in N.-w V I'll: -ri'.;V V <~1S.> •.' I'l; "i :li»> f».-I |l,:ll |.\oll •r-iiip wr.n Mt'nijer. ' t.iu.-r prrriiTf.) f.-r i! .• [iartl,.-r-! .; * arordrurt to #e!l to t!,o War l>. th«» u^t* *-f thi* HI:.! 1 »T S >, !'»• sraunileso and that UmnVt'- prolltn on ihe «a!,. of ":: i»"I elov»»» amonrteit to *1,7'0 ., set forth in Li'tnuer'-t own ' i a Matemert wnttin ••!, c .• - ,- limine roTnir.illee <m \f.o i.' u • f>Tpre«« tiolnlioii ,.f '! .. JI.I'-I- •. lV r»H\!». "Nil riWIT.1..r ..f I', direclij or un ! irert:> —l.o'.l ITI- or in part. ni,v ronirui-t iim.i into m lietmif uf tt, ( > T'iiUr-1 .~i«: otl'u-er or [.erjon au!Iu'r7e] t. irwtx nn thf port ( .(ti,. lut,,,] The ev'uler.re, tiHinir T.in>i.i.>r'-< ow *:.S>'- ment, made in ).H own Lardwri i!.^», niii->t t •• regarded iia uniiii|ie»c!ali!e ard ! ]'r.i\.-> that Iiittaiier ha* ln-.-n cnil'y ••' th« JUII.O violation of the t'i.i:.-d S'ato* »*. < tne f .r which ex-Concreasnian Kdmuml H. Iiriiru^ ha* been indicted by the Brook:wi irrnnd jury. When Ihe farts in thi« ra?e w- re made public Secretary Root ordered an irvetitiiin- tion but in iwuins in»tructior,s to the i Nicer charted with th« inTp^tijation, Mr. Root merely instructed him to ascertain if theron- tract was awarded to the lowest bidder. The President promised a "full and fair investi- gaUoa''of this ease and Colonel Garlington hataMda aa laveatigation believed to be aaytbtaar bwt "fall and Mr," not of hie own volition bat because his powers were limited by Secretary Root, bis superior. Lawyers hare appeared before the Seccretary to plead leniency for Littanor aDd it is feared that their client's elose association with the Presi- dtat will affect Uw Secretary's dedtion. Toe subtle ia awmitwg Mr. Boot's decision with totaraat, bot M eaanot avoid reflecting that iatbeeaaeaf Brigs* jaa taveattgaUon was conducted by the grand Jury "and that Mr. Drigzs, on less positive evidence, will be pelletl to stand trial in a court of justice." jaaaatiga- a* tbe lawat sensational lliey huve as jet unearthed has just come to light through the indictment by the District of Columbia grand jury, of Au- gust W. Macben, former superintendent of free delivery, on several new counts and the simultaneous indictment of seven of his con- federates, the evidence presented to the jury showing that Macben and his partners in crime bad entered into four contracts where- by the government was swindled out of a • a n estimated at $75,000. In two instances Macben awarded contracts for carriers' satch- els, or bags. The specifications called for sbonlder straps and the price was made to include them. Macben then purchased the •boulder etrape from another source, paid for taaaa with government funds and furnished tbem to the manufacturers of the satchels, wearing from the latter the amount thus •aved them, approximately 25 cents per strap, which be and bis confederates divided between themselves. In another instance, ptaeed a contract for small leather by carriers, without asking for an* eaaasd the government to pay 90 tachfortbecaaMbatsecnredarefaad tabianrenTaadaiapalaof aa ceata oa earn la tha last laataaee. Vaeaea •» the Meyer of Leekbavea, Fa., s> •aUboxaa waiebtbe ta paiM. Ia tab) ia- divided pvowta af Wn\*m jg awaWaa ta owhlaai aad etaara »ba _ CL ^-,M^m>f^ * ~'l**K. '1*(t^lW»S«J5 An Anti-( inai < on\«>ntion. «.n tu '.I.lT^i.m f ;ev -:•• I! of I' '1.11 j IP« •I 111 • r i ...I N- •e; I-; •« l»eT. ill t h e t .« t "•, tic m e '." lr.j l'l»;;i itenl-r. I ,oo.i '(in >.ar_'e <• n m i b o . v Y I >>, ni.iini) on i'ie •> «' IT .. » : . .-ii i< t o I i - ;. e nt N - w York u" the r. N A-. in. .•I- -. w r n Survey ot Rn«in<"*<< W o r l d . N>>w York. Jnly 31. K «i P in X <"' '* w.-ek'iy review of trade will ' \\ lo-nor-ow: l"url her evidence Of I lie soii-1 !'i-iJ m>on which Wi'iTiate trade (J e^:a'i.;<:ie.l h\* been furnished by the e<)')»rinit\ w;li which commercial and financial ir« - i;>i:i''ns regard the recent speculative col.npse. Th.re is 1,0 in.licstion that the bmkernL'e f.ii'•ireJ or the I.AW8 OF MEW YORK—«y AutlMrllw. \ IC'TV Saw M-. ,<i . .. T - . n t t l m . ahalt ! If pr»' i I t r.. I I. AN ACT t V .-, -• r ii.' !H'I , \ j r 'i .1 "I.' 1 It ' m.ll 1 , (•.- •ft ll to |,e rway. I! i 1'iuin' 'II\- I iy ar" •siai.co 1 !' IUS r. t' i! I'.- njirnve- . U.lilt.ill l- e.| for i'-' ••'{•i i 1} b.ir- •I t!l:.I In>5 only Co!l«tr ir'lon lif l'or|ie*iialiy tax- It" to be freo of r an- ; i the »• e.I for a.I to I-. T11ditto w'o pr. fi: by a waterway through the .<tiite and are liispoeed lo favor the pres- ent project, a d.lTerent arcutnent ia made. The har^e Ciinai i.-> declared to t>e too small to compete successfully with the Canadian route and with the proposed connections be- tween the lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers that would make a continuous water- way to the Guir of Mexico. A deep-water route to enable ocean-going steamers to take their cargoes at the head of the lakes is what Is wanted, and this, it has been reported, •ay be Biade for less than double the amount required for the 1,000-ton barge canal. Bet- ter yet, each a waterway would be built and maintained by the Federal trovernmeot, in- stead Of exclusively by the taxpayers of the State of New York. The trunk railways running to tidewater have strong objections to a barge canal, a ship canal, or any sort of a canal that comes into dangerous competition with tbem, bat they are not openly parading their reasons. Nevertheless, the other objectors have their beany, if silent, sympathy, and perhaps aid. The proeupcts of the barge canal acneasa ap- pear somewhat clonded. The Company He Keeps. Executive and Ex-Head of the Wrecked Asphalt Trust. Out of the trip to the Pacific coast with the head of the Matthews grocery concern, came Governor Odell's connection with an estab- lishment that sold supplies to State institu- tions. Just now the executive ta enjoying a midsummer jaunt with the police commis- sioner of New Tork city, an official of his own making, who is under grave charges in connection with bis former business relations with the asphalt trust, A person is known by the company he keeps. And it ia prob- ably a matter of choice that the executive delights in such close communion with a man after bis own heart, for has he not been iden- tified at various times with trusts—the ice trust, for instance ? Is be not at present in- terested in a steamboat trust? Was be not at one time enjoying the confidence of those who sought to put through the notorious Banapo deal! Oat of the present trip with the ex-bead of the wracked asphalt trust may there aot c o m •ome«ther connection on the part of the governor with baslnem interests that CM ba farthered by reason of bis oecn- of tbagabatTjatorial chair T Tha peo- ns of last October, wnkh 'aaata aa mar dahating the •apabHeaa raadtdata Car governor, and they baveatmfaiaviad tbahiatoryof Tartouen- ia wfaieb a private ettiwo, but of the 8tate, can with governor, iaeoan ; enjoys the m.ii-i of r , M of ( :i''-. IT W.i .v e lo ! !• .•vre decline in prices •• ..vi'.v f.-l( oiUSide of tore ! tirtn la« been .• itcfin J und trad- o:i than by Uie ,!• - .'•• .tipfovemei -.'i -ir.l ate* 1 ! !' . ' " l"o too <i!'CJf> -tti. 'ii.t : here aro •' -'. '• •• Hi.', and sev. .1 ' i\o Iu-.'n place i T Urgent ord."*. I i "i'si le of ru "v u !!.'• chanicTi :•-'• < to :ir, 'l ;• .-J were ex- : T.-o. Mii.li! '.« coiitury'* ' !U'ed prices j ;n J'orkii. .' , i *tie t' >r, e j »'-ir.^e< in ct - ! •• . % l-v f"< of j' .... r.' t f if.. re i< a — I»i k. T• t.r ••V"T, i -;ec,«l- ; : .••'•••u'.. c.vl- i of n:, *" . f'T f • ' T It «' ; t.i aith le I .'. : • r t-77 : • ?h'"-n 1 An :..-t f fi-,. p,... r of New Y t^...'y r.'r imir-d and »i it. h. h< to f or »' "Wert Lai, chap- tndrefl imt-'Nl incr- Pa,nt IC " !T% f t h e i«ht>- la the Result of IMagOaa of Oar NEW & STYLISH BUQQIES. with tb.^ ar»- >f TYI.» State of NVw Tork. ^••t.ite and Asarmbly. do :i .ii i'..|r.' T'tut! I illil'e CH-' n;n:r- on !;< ; le of c.it- ...ireil on!v N I.' >T\ . re H no tit utile o[ current ij''." •'•>;:• : " I T c r,.-;,r:v •'.•'inoi;i>tral.».l to th. loii •jm\-\* btnerg. (i- ;erj t»("'ii c.it,.ii!Ion of prom}'! ,! Rill lire* this Week were 1:10 in the Ft it'-d p l a t e s a.»^":i,st 1S»3 Jn?' \e;ir, and !'• iti Can- ada compared with 1~ a >• ur n^-o. Noah's Only Kvcopted. KaiiHa" »n«l srioeouri Flood* Mint Pisas- »n R«ror.l. Washington, Anc. 1. -Reports received by the weather bureau show that the flood in Kansas and Missouri last spring was the most disastrous ia the loss of property of any flood for which data, exist in the weather bureau service. There have been far great- er losses of iife, bat in the extent of the flood of 1903, the damage to property and grow- ing crons establishes a record. The Kansas City station has submitted a report which ii very completer bat win not be given out for publication until fall data have been obtained from the Topeka station and along the Mississippi- The Topeka. re- port will deal on!y with the local iltaatton at that city. The iTatiiran City report covers in a general way the flood statistics for the Kansas river aodjja tributaries, aad treats extensively of thMood at Kansas (Sty. The total losses repofted aggregate $9,250,000, and the loss of afs is given aa eleven. The flood loeaaa afeng aat Mississippi are largely those to grofcogJropa, bat tha total 1 will be large. Aroflfcg tfee daaaajaw ripurt- * en isi the pnttfffi?«t * «avr channel for the Re Blue at Clue RapMs, which left the mills and factories far removed from the stream. Ac- companying this report will be the recom- mendation of the bureau lor an additional fl x>d service for Kansas. The advisability of ench a service, with river stations at each of the important tributaries of the Kanaas river, will be lully eet forth. Seawanliaka Races. Canadian Yacht Wear the Third Event of the aeries. Montreal, Q ie., July 31.—In a good strong breeze tbe Thorella, the defender in the S*a- wanbaka races, to-day ran away from tbe Kolatoo, the American challenger. The Thorella shot up into die wind witb tbe race won before the Yankee boat had rounded tbe leeward buoy on tbe mat tarn. The Kolntoo came down the last free leg alone, crossing the line 19 minutes aad 56 seconds after the Thorella. The race was over a coarse to windward and return, the mark* two miles apart Tbe coarae was aailed over tkfaa times, giftog a total of IS miles. Toe wind blew from tbe •ootbwest about 20 awtea an hoar. It was a good teat of weather a>aiitb>a. Both boats were aader done ratfc. The Thorella waa •till and strong, and|jaade great gaine in the windward work. 1 be Kolntoo eoald not the psj| wualJ put her oa her baaai eada. Ja baflag aad maaiaaT, the -Mftaa 10- ir^WSiWf rift I'. >• i .. 1 .-.'.- . ),,.,- I r , 1 ' i:- ' .-• K II.« ,<rni t»i- lot (i>-- nr- ;• tlvel , 1 .-..r T . ««; ri .-•v t.,k. CT 1 -t. . -; .1.- '•••.I . -r its ::n.I i x i«.i ar.l ir'.m of ••I .in.l or.. • f th.- lines •1 in.| slttv-riT »ntl- . --p-.r it.- th- S'*i- r» of r. • . •* :-i t h . st.,t^ of "id- \ lo i i..ii't. r t a - n - « of . isrro. ..ri hu-i'lr^d - h«-r.--lo ^T. I..I.-I s.. n* y. as foihm-p; ..noi.'n te|i.ill h.iv*» per- nnd nn,'. .«:'' in-1 ln> •. r.-- • : v . . h-.'.l and o-i- ,!,.\j«... i .... ,...^f ,. r ..•h- n-1 ; • r**"ti.il pr -p- r'\- p.r ttl.-n sh.t II p ^i. nn I-, ti-r.il po» t rs . f i . r- 5 I. Tl..< act sli.ill take ctToct Immedi- m. Iy. St.-it.- .-f v . •*• York. Office of the Secretory of St 'to. ss.: I have compared the preceding with the original law on f.le In thia office, and do hereby certify that the same !« a correct tninscrlpt then-from and of the whole of said original law. JOHN P. O'BRIEN. Secretary of State. We have some new ideas in carriage coo8tnictioa that we would like to have yoa see—smart rigs thai will make tbe neighbors stare; also all the Ever-Reliable Stand-Bys, * In new paint and trim. No dealer can offer yon better bargains than we can. Yoa are urged to call and inspect our stock whether yoa intend purrharirig or not Our goods bear the trade mark of the manufactuivr, which is a guarantee of their quality; and besides this we are be- hind them with the strongest guarantee that ever went with a wagon. If yoa want to save money boy of Ryan. Respectfully, '% LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. [Every low. unless a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall not take effect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 43. article It chap- ter 8. Genfcral Lawa.l ' CHAP. «37. AX ACT to amend the code of civil pro- cedure, relative to tbe tees of consta- bles and deputy sheriffs. Became a law. May >, ISM. with the ap- proval of ttae Governor. Passed, tkm- flfths being present " The People of the State of New Tark. represented tn Senate aad Aaasaabrjv do enact aa follows: Section 1. Section thirty-three hundred and twelve of tbe code of civH procedure, fw^y^of'tnt^^eSSa^man^f tlro.l rri'i ninety-nine, is hereby amended. to read as follows: J S312. A constable or a deputy sheriff is entitled, for attending a sitting of a court of reoord. pursuant to a notice from the sheriff, to the follou-in* fees: For ench d.iy's nctunl attendance, in any county io the state, two dollars, except that in the onunties of Albany and tjene- see the romp, nsaticn shall he three dol- lars, and mii.afre as allowed by law to trial juror-; in ouurts of ncord. and ex- c e p t a.l.-o in the county of Westchester. whore the con-pon^ation shall be three dollars per day. Those fees must be paid by the county treasurer, upon the production of the certificate of the clerk, stating the number of days that the eon- Stable or deputy sheriff attended. But th" provisions of this section shall not be applicable to the counties of Kings, New York and Erie. All other acts or section of acts .conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. § 1 This act shall take effect September first, nineteen hundred and three. State of New Tork. Office of the Secretary of State, ss.: I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in thia office, and da hereby certify that thesame is a itmcct transcript therefrom and of the whole of eaid original law. JOHN F. O'BRIEN. Secretary of LAWS OF NEW YORK—By AawJiarity. [Every law. unless a different time abaB be prescribed therein, shall not take eaTect ontfl the twentieth day after it ahail have become a law. Section OX article H ter 8. General LAWS.] CHAP. «. AN ACT to amend the t o w n WW. to the compensation of highways. Became a law. Hay X 1 proval of the fifths being The People o f t h e State in follows: Section L entr-e%ht of'the lks««w<ni««n<l ta • • — . . . at «•<• i s m M . m i * mm i » i Including tha newest ba each Una. Oar prices are the lowest pnasibls considering quality. RICH CUT GLASS Sterling & Sifter PUk. ftMrtMift Lawn Tennis. 1903 Good^. Splitting's and Wright & Ditaons. GoiC R a L F i M L m e . Rob- Our J.W.Ti4fcACtI T ' iig|r" &*^'tasS^iw»=r. MimlSMSRi .;.,«,•» f"»»; * • a. mMM ^Kjg i»^;V" ; .-»i5fets *-iif&"£&* ml?. :JsS: MmM& s=^^^^ %<4$$j&&t&($?&*$. ~% -'^m^^^i^m. i^^g •-'••-, -••V"" ••'' "«"•'%, : !^it 4r- :* »j»«.." j&yi » ^ ^ ^ppi^^^^^i Siil^SSa^llMii •mar -.^ X . ^f.vl «S»«-i*»^»^iSi-*j*6f . afsaavf''- ^gka^-vaa^] " aBr*4 *Bf*!ti.i <*rtRMS8fc Ooveraoraaip of wtaaaabiic Hat enread his .better world, htoeanvaaa for Tork Kla otiB aa I* > of every ksowa eha , thai law) aver crept lato thai .} !•• Fall, aaduw atqnetichable, , at lOTe for virtue, troth, and honesty ia all itsforms,and bow be soteeanly prosus- •d cast owt all the devils that bad entered ftVe world ia general, aad the body potttie ia aafUeanr. And than, wbea aa took the aatb attar tbe laiemted death ot Preaideat lacKalef, tbe ASBericaa people reaaeaiber ksdhag aa tiptoe, ba stretched bis right V very high, and swore in a vary frat i ta caaaelaaUoasry eaeeata the dotiee ef tan Magnate of Frvaidoatot tha Daltod llalaa, aai ta MUfaUj carry oat the poBey aiMaaisdniaisr. aaajadsa Law tab naaa " aifaabaas«laS,S27,nll. A ae» th* baaka held for depositors •l.ftSl, »89,1»C aad raralaa faBda oa flgared ap •11&.5M.M*. Taa aaasber af open aeaaoate was i n » . M i . Thaasaoaatof wa* falt\iwX«ll. aad m aaataM wKa- |B1a;Yif4*a. ««a iatareat paid t»|W,Ml,l<7. far th- previoas Mfaaaaacatad t290.ef0.38o and withdraws*! S*5a,C74,822. The iotereet paid ww f34,lM,eiO. The carreat expeaaes of the banks for the past six awatoa warn fl,- JS7.99S as oaaipsred wtth f L a s M S t a w tha Jery. Waahiagton. Jnly 31.—The grand jary thai afternoon reported the foUowtag iadtcta>aahi as a reeait of recent inveancatioaa iato tha postoffice depart Meat acaadala: LeaaaM i. Stern af BalUnMre, Wliliaa O. Loaf, af Waeblagtoa, aad Aagaat W. Maob saparnataadaat af free aattaary, aa af coaapiraay f dsfraaa taa aaaaMaanat sj _-v gaL__. ^a^^*^Baj|||fl«aBgvva«alBMBaJBraBTc WT IBV Caw* VarawwVsfy aMaTVRni^ ia direct who were compelled to for any desired iaareaas to fan laNwJaf ners. Oa each ocessiooe ba to rarawa Ms riaitors with eopieaafs «kv letter asttiaf forth tarawa*aa; ajaaw eftiMnrtaiP«areaertya>wa1a»toasw| postsaVe aaVtels are I itiimafij Mat' Oat aiaay aoatataateta, tawarlag fbat by •©onto* they woofd farfbar their ta- terests. sohacribed to mining atoek aader these conditions. Po9tcHlje Inspectors are vretttaaT aha w - ioos brokers ia thia eity witb a taw af at>- taieiag JtaAwbtdaw of th* stock a46eafw**T. leararswfctia aa Of bayoaaVhai aplaiaedtltwiaebad esrtain stack enrabBah taa rtatb or taa darsttoa. The wittae* Mmtm of traetaw araaartlea that i 0f9Wt9m iBaf laW ffR'IWIMMMMC 9f 1 thepnrpoeeto aat thai kjrysftaaOwtrlrL mm MsF^ -f '-'•"'-~aT!a^'4B8f|» ^P^^sPtfc.. •r*fj ^s^jail K fcjr ^si fll^fe ^3| ^ft t •* l^tlsssssv;;-. BsssaP *• "\ H^ '- : Jt* * I -4 ^m ws. m> ~ *% Sr^ft^l ^&fLia ^Om •fc-ii^*#i*R*<; #a^Wj * *' ~«!?W-'l!i ,- r ^m„,:s:t.^ ."**ii>"

r^^0m^mmm '"#.s|tli mm?m





REPUBLICAN. i f •watcta. AI-GIST •> '»» '"

,"§•" M X a T I . M a n r aaaf r i ap r iew

0F THE WEEI. ••vahMcaa roar, ty con »«t i on.

teeolnticn* opposing the

\* to be carried on b f l w w n

* • » A n * v s a d I t a w a long the N - w Enrfand

» »

With the Aodiior of th«> War the pant year by soldiers of the

« . & anay aassaatod to 9S,TSi,«l.«.

George W. Melville « H Iaa tbefWtlrad Hat Aagnet 1, ba baring

; «r atitv-two yearn.

la Oswago, Aagnet 3, • *•§ appatated to


COBTM* arsaota-

of flOl,-

af to Uw-ttw*Mon,kBdttm


• ' * « • » » » > •

scheme*, which sometime* have very flimaj- | fonndatioB*. lo seek »mn» flenro tie*d ii< whiffi Ibe pnl'io h»* rot fiderce Tli.a wi.s • the ease with Ihe Consolidated Inveetnioi t ;

j Corporation, a Klondike jrol.t mining c.in".-pin)". Tlmt romj'imy lirtd $UWi E,n>d del. lart piu.l !n I; lad fli'XWi subscribed, W'irh (*••' •iilwetiber* f t p r ' e d to pnv if #vpr\I>'.ru tnri r-i <>n" "»"•••! ntlierw »•» ivf. It «»» r»|>:•«: 70! R! *."• Hiirt.ooo. T.e As-m«tnrt .\t!'<n:e\ Genera; for Hie V. >. rv>i»'-o'Tic" IvpnitiioTit was 01 <• of ihe pTomoft r« of thin preoi >n« pelciw. ^.n-h went njt In smoke. t!e»i.V* Tjner tbe f.dlowirc l'iih

otfie.gls were a!sn 1 romnter« of it A. N. Hoslon, Treasurer of llie InUed >lalt»j, Frank Wayiand 1'aimer, pnb!ic printer in ! the government printing rAire at WaohitR-' ton, and Pavid Sloans Stanley, Brii»ai.Vr-0>neral of the I*. S. Army, ret-red.

This i* a Mmplc or what haa Iwn going rn in Washington under the watchful eve of onr fair-premising President. And it is orly one sample of many that conld IM> produced, (Ml that their freshness in the pnblic mini •**«• It onnaceaaary.

President Roosevelt baa drawn around him •onto good men, and aiao men who have barn dlaticgolsoed especially for their ability to maaipatate corrupt political elomenta, and that ia on* of the reasons why the American people are !earni og to take hiafair promiaMand good talk with very larjre grains of allow-

A carniral of crime and misdoing ap-U law* bam carried on without much

MNaytfttmMtflM. Wbatth« talora baa

alrMorda at wlit appear later.

Pope Fm X

W . % S I I I X » T « » > l i i v n K i t .

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wasefedeo-ft**, «ai tr««fM»«f r t w X, •, M Ike aefvatk ballot by the fapal

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msemii '

-™K'H» -5«S»'S«|**- '

for Saito, who was ••Do yoa

tawhkb aa aflnaative raa then

t* taa rabiag doaat, where be el eardJaal and donned

ita-tba Whlto atoekiagt, taaajwhttataaie, white girdle, laaiaapa. Than attired be ra­

il aad anted blataetf on a aatbablgbaatatepof the altar

•• ' . . • I . 1 - M, , i . • u .1 h - r . I,-i

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•r-iiip wr.n Mt'nijer. ' t.iu.-r prrri iTf.) f.-r i! .• [iartl,.-r-! .; * arordrurt to #e!l to t!,o War l>. th«» u^t* *-f thi* H I : . ! 1 » T S > , !'»•

sraunileso and that UmnVt'-prolltn on ihe «a!,. of ":: i»"I elov»»» amonrteit to *1,7'0 ., set forth in Li'tnuer'-t own ' i a Matemert wnttin ••!, c .• - ,-l imine roTnir.illee <m \f.o i.' u • f>Tpre«« tiolnlioii ,.f '! .. J I . I ' - I - •. lV r»H\!». "Nil riWIT.1..r ..f I', direclij or un!irert:> —l.o'.l ITI -or in part. ni,v ronirui-t iim.i into m lietmif uf tt,(> T'iiUr-1 .~i«: otl'u-er or [.erjon au!Iu 'r7e] t. irwtx nn thf port ( . ( t i , . lut,,,]

T h e ev 'u ler . re , tiHinir T.in>i.i.>r'-< o w *:.S>'-ment, made in ).H own Lardwri i!.̂ », niii->t t •• regarded iia unii i i | ie»c!al i!e ard ! ]'r.i\.-> that Iiittaiier ha* ln-.-n cnil'y ••' th« JUII.O violation of the t'i.i:.-d S'ato* »*.<tne f .r which ex-Concreasnian Kdmuml H. Iiriiru^ ha* been indicted by the Brook:wi irrnnd

jury. When Ihe farts in thi« ra?e w- re made public Secretary Root ordered an irvetitiiin-tion but in iwuins in»tructior,s to the i Nicer charted with th« inTp^tijation, Mr. Root merely instructed him to ascertain if theron-tract was awarded to the lowest bidder. The President promised a "full and fair investi-gaUoa''of this ease and Colonel Garlington hataMda aa laveatigation believed to be aaytbtaar bwt "fall and Mr," not of hie own volition bat because his powers were limited by Secretary Root, bis superior. Lawyers hare appeared before the Seccretary to plead leniency for Littanor aDd it is feared that their client's elose association with the Presi-dtat will affect Uw Secretary's dedtion. Toe subt le ia awmitwg Mr. Boot 's decision with totaraat, bot M eaanot avoid reflecting that iatbeeaaeaf Brigs* jaa taveattgaUon was conducted by the grand Jury "and that Mr. Drigzs, on less positive evidence, will be

pelletl to stand trial in a court of justice." jaaaatiga-

a* t be lawat sensational lliey huve as j e t unearthed has just come to light through the indictment by the District of Columbia grand jury, of Au­gust W. Macben, former superintendent of free delivery, on several new counts and the simultaneous indictment of seven of his con­federates, the evidence presented to the jury showing that Macben and his partners in crime bad entered into four contracts where­by the government was swindled out of a •an estimated at $75,000. In two instances Macben awarded contracts for carriers' satch­els, or bags. The specifications called for sbonlder straps and the price was made to include them. Macben then purchased the •boulder etrape from another source, paid for taaaa with government funds and furnished tbem to the manufacturers of the satchels, wearing from the latter the amount thus •aved them, approximately 25 cents per strap, which be and bis confederates divided between themselves. In another instance,

ptaeed a contract for small leather by carriers, without asking for

an* eaaasd the government to pay 90 tachfortbecaaMbatsecnredarefaad

tabianrenTaadaiapalaof aa ceata oa earn la tha last laataaee. Vaeaea •» the Meyer of Leekbavea, Fa., s>

•aUboxaa waiebtbe ta paiM. Ia tab) ia-

divided pvowta af W n \ * m j g awaWaa ta owhlaai aad etaara

»ba _ CL

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v Y I >>, n i . i i n i ) o n i ' i e

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;. e nt N - w York u" the r. N A-. i n .

. • I - - . • w

r n

Survey ot Rn«in<"*<< W o r l d .

N>>w York. Jnly 31. K «i P in X <"' '* w.-ek'iy review of trade will ' \\ l o - n o r - o w :

l"url her ev idence Of I lie soii-1 !'i-iJ m>on which W i ' i T i a t e trade (J e^:a'i.;<:ie.l h\* been furnished by the e<)')»rinit\ w;li which commercial and financial ir«-i;>i:i''ns regard the recent speculative col.npse. Th.re is 1,0 in.licstion that the bmkernL'e f.ii'•ireJ or the

I . A W 8 O F M E W Y O R K — « y A u t l M r l l w . \ I C ' T V Saw M-. ,<i . .. T - . n t t l m . ahalt !

If pr»' i •

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njirnve-. U . l i l t . i l l

l- e.| for i'-' ••'{•i i 1} b. ir-

•I t!l:.I In>5 only Co!l«tr i r ' l on lif

l'or|ie*iialiy tax-It" to be freo of

r an- ;i the »• e.I for a.I t o I-.

T11ditto w'o pr. fi: by a waterway through the .<tiite and are liispoeed lo favor the pres­ent project, a d.lTerent arcutnent ia made. The har^e Ciinai i.-> declared to t>e too small to compete successfully with the Canadian route and with the proposed connections be­tween the lakes and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers that would make a continuous water­way to the Guir of Mexico. A deep-water route to enable ocean-going steamers to take their cargoes at the head of the lakes is what Is wanted, and this, it has been reported, •ay be Biade for less than double the amount required for the 1,000-ton barge canal. Bet­ter yet, each a waterway would be built and maintained by the Federal trovernmeot, in­stead Of exclusively by the taxpayers of the State of New York.

The trunk railways running to tidewater have strong objections to a barge canal, a ship canal, or any sort of a canal that comes into dangerous competition with tbem, bat they are not openly parading their reasons. Nevertheless, the other objectors have their beany, if silent, sympathy, and perhaps aid. The proeupcts of the barge canal acneasa ap­pear somewhat clonded.

T h e C o m p a n y H e K e e p s .

E x e c u t i v e and E x - H e a d of t h e W r e c k e d A s p h a l t Trust .

Out of the trip to the Pacific coast with the head of the Matthews grocery concern, came Governor Odell's connection with an estab­lishment that sold supplies to State institu­tions. Just now the executive ta enjoying a midsummer jaunt with the police commis­sioner of New Tork city, an official of his own making, who is under grave charges in connection with bis former business relations with the asphalt trust, A person is known by the company he keeps. And it ia prob­ably a matter of choice that the executive delights in such close communion with a man after bis own heart, for has he not been iden­tified at various times with trusts—the ice trust, for instance ? Is be not at present in­terested in a steamboat trust? Was be not at one time enjoying the confidence of those who sought to put through the notorious Banapo deal! Oat of the present trip with the ex-bead of the wracked asphalt trust may there aot c o m •ome«ther connection on the part of the governor with baslnem interests that CM ba farthered by reason of bis oecn-

of tbagabatTjatorial chair T Tha peo­ns of last

October, wnkh 'aaata aa mar dahating the •apabHeaa raadtdata Car governor, and they baveatmfaiaviad tbahiatoryof Tartouen-

ia wfaieb a private ettiwo, but of the 8tate, can with governor, iaeoan

; enjoys the

m . i i - i

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. • v r e decline in prices •• . .vi' .v f.-l( oiUSide of tore ! tirtn l a « been .•

i tc f in J und trad-o:i than by Uie ,!•

- .'•• . t ipfovemei ,» -.'i - i r . l a t e * 1 ! !'

. ' " l"o too <i!'CJf> -tti. 'ii.t : here aro •' -'. '• •• Hi.', and sev. • .1 ' i \ o Iu-.'n place i T

Urgent ord."*. I i "i'si le of ru "v u !!.'• chanicTi :•-'• <

to :ir, 'l

;• .-J were ex - : T . - o . M i i . l i !

'.« coiitury'* ' !U 'ed pr ices j ;n J 'orki i .

.' , i *tie t '> r ,e j » ' - i r .^e< in

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"Wert • L a i , chap-

tndrefl imt-'Nl incr-P a , n t

IC " !T% • f t h e i « h t > -

la the Result of IMagOaa of Oar

NEW & STYLISH BUQQIES. with tb.^ ar»-

>f TYI.» S t a t e of NVw Tork. ^••t.ite and Asarmbly. do

: i . i i

• i ' . . | r . '

T ' t u t !

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C H - ' n;n:r-on !;<

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re H no t i t u t i le o[ current ij''." •'•>;:• : " I T c r,.-;,r:v •'.•'inoi;i>tral.».l t o t h . loii •jm\-\* btnerg. (i- ;erj t»("'ii c.it,.ii!Ion of prom}'! ,!

Rill lire* this Week were 1:10 in the Ft it'-d p lates a.»^":i,st 1S»3 Jn?' \e;ir, and !'• iti Can­ada compared with 1~ a >• ur n^-o.

N o a h ' s Only K v c o p t e d .

KaiiHa" »n«l srioeouri F lood* Mint P i s a s -»n R«ror. l .

Washington, Anc. 1. -Reports received by the weather bureau show that the flood in Kansas and Missouri last spring was the most disastrous ia the loss of property of any flood for which data, exist in the weather bureau service. There have been far great­er losses of iife, bat in the extent of the flood of 1903, the damage to property and grow­ing crons establishes a record.

The Kansas City station has submitted a report which ii very completer bat win not be given out for publication until fall data have been obtained from the Topeka station and along the Mississippi- The Topeka. re­port will deal on!y with the local iltaatton at that city. The iTatiiran City report covers in a general way the flood statistics for the Kansas river aodjja tributaries, aad treats extensively of thMood at Kansas (Sty. The total losses repofted aggregate $9,250,000, and the loss of afs is given aa eleven.

The flood loeaaa afeng aat Mississippi are largely those to grofcogJropa, bat tha total

1 will be large. Aroflfcg tfee daaaajaw ripurt-* en isi the pnttfffi?«t * «avr channel for the R e

Blue at Clue RapMs, which left the mills and factories far removed from the stream. Ac­companying this report will be the recom­mendation of the bureau lor an additional fl x>d service for Kansas. The advisability of ench a service, with river stations at each of the important tributaries of the Kanaas river, will be lully eet forth.

Seawanliaka Races. Canadian Yacht Wear t h e Third E v e n t o f

the aeries. Montreal, Q ie., July 31.—In a good strong

breeze tbe Thorella, the defender in the S*a-wanbaka races, to-day ran away from tbe Kola too, the American challenger. The Thorella shot up into die wind witb tbe race won before the Yankee boat had rounded tbe leeward buoy on tbe mat tarn. The Kolntoo came down the last free leg alone, crossing the line 19 minutes aad 56 seconds after the Thorella.

The race was over a coarse to windward and return, the mark* two miles apart Tbe coarae was aailed over tkfaa times, giftog a total of IS miles. Toe wind blew from tbe •ootbwest about 20 awtea an hoar. It was a good teat of weather a>aiitb>a. Both boats were aader done ratfc. The Thorella waa •till and strong, and|jaade great gaine in the windward work. 1 be Kolntoo eoald not

the p s j | wualJ put her oa her baaai eada. Ja baflag aad maaiaaT, the

-M f taa 10-

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x i « . i ar . l i r ' . m of ••I .in.l or.. • f th.- l ines •1 in . | s l t tv -r iT »ntl-. --p-.r it.- t h - S'*i- r» of r. • . •* :-i t h . s t . , t ^ of " id- \ l o i i..ii 't. r t a - n -« of . isrro. ..ri hu- i ' l r^d - h«-r.--lo ^ T . I..I.-I s.. n* y. a s foihm-p; . . n o i . ' n te|i.ill h.iv*» p e r -nnd nn,'. .«:'' in-1 ln> •. r.-- • :v. . h-.'.l and o-i-,!,.\j«... i....,...^f ,.r . .•h-• n-1 ; • r**"ti.il pr -p- r ' \ -p . r ttl.-n sh.t II p ^ i . nn I-, ti-r.il p o » t rs . f i . r-

5 I. Tl..< act sli.ill t a k e ctToct Immedi-m . Iy. St.-it.- .-f v . •*• York. Office of the Secretory

of St 'to. s s . : I have compared the preceding wi th the

original law on f.le In thia office, and d o hereby cert i fy that t h e s a m e !« a correct tn inscr lpt then-from a n d of t h e w h o l e o f sa id original law.

J O H N P. O ' B R I E N . Secretary o f S ta te .

We have some new ideas in carriage coo8tnictioa that we would like to have yoa see—smart rigs thai will make tbe neighbors stare; also all the

Ever-Reliable Stand-Bys, *

In new paint and trim. No dealer can offer yon better bargains than we can. Yoa are urged to call and inspect our stock whether yoa intend purrharirig or not Our goods bear the trade mark of the manufactuivr, which is a guarantee of their quality; and besides this we are be­hind them with the strongest guarantee that ever went with a wagon. If yoa want to save money boy of Ryan.



LAWS OF N E W YORK—By Authority. [Every low. unless a different time shall

be prescribed therein, shall not take effect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 43. article I t chap­ter 8. Genfcral Lawa.l

' CHAP. «37. AX ACT to amend the code of civil pro­

cedure, relative to tbe tees of consta­bles and deputy sheriffs. Became a law. May >, ISM. with the ap­

proval of ttae Governor. Passed, t k m -flfths being present "

The People of the State of New Tark. represented tn Senate aad Aaasaabrjv do enact aa follows:

Section 1. Section thirty-three hundred and twelve of tbe code of civH procedure,

fw^y^of ' tn t^^eSSa^man^f tlro.l rri'i n inety-nine , is hereby amended. to read a s fo l lows:

J S312. A cons tab le or a d e p u t y sheriff is enti t led, for a t t e n d i n g a s i t t ing of a court of reoord. pursuant to a notice from the sheriff, to the fol lou-in* f ees : For ench d.iy's nctunl a t t endance , in a n y county io the s ta te , t w o dollars , except that in the onunties of Albany and t jene-see the romp, nsat icn shall he three dol­lars, and mii.afre a s a l lowed by law t o trial juror-; in ouurts of n c o r d . and e x ­cept a.l.-o in the c o u n t y of Westches ter . whore the con-pon^ation sha l l be three dol lars per day . T h o s e fees m u s t be paid b y the c o u n t y treasurer, upon the production of the certif icate o f the clerk, s t a t i n g the number of d a y s t h a t t h e e o n -Stable or deputy sheriff a t tended. B u t th" provis ions of th is sect ion shal l no t b e appl icable to the count ies of K i n g s , N e w York and Erie. Al l other a c t s or sec t ion of ac t s .confl ict ing h e r e w i t h are hereby repealed.

§ 1 T h i s a c t sha l l t ake effect September first, n ineteen hundred and three. S t a t e o f N e w Tork. Office o f t h e Secre tary

of S ta te , s s . : I h a v e compared t h e preceding w i t h t h e

original law on file in thia office, and da hereby cert i fy t h a t t h e s a m e i s a i t m c c t t ranscr ipt there from a n d o f t h e w h o l e o f ea id original l a w .

J O H N F . O ' B R I E N . Secre tary o f

LAWS OF NEW YORK—By AawJiarity. [Every law. unless a different time abaB

b e prescribed therein, s h a l l n o t t a k e eaTect ontfl the twentieth day after it ahail have become a l a w . Sec t ion OX ar t i c l e H t er 8. General L A W S . ]

C H A P . « . A N A C T t o a m e n d t h e t o w n WW.

to t h e compensa t ion o f h i g h w a y s . B e c a m e a l a w . H a y X 1

proval o f t h e fifths b e i n g

T h e P e o p l e o f t h e S t a t e i n

fo l l ows : Sec t ion L

e n t r - e % h t o f ' t h e

l k s « « w < n i « « n < l ta • • — . . .

at «•<• i s m M . m i * mm i » i

Including tha newest ba each Una. Oar prices are the lowest pnasibls

considering quality.


Sterling & Sifter PUk.


Lawn Tennis. 1903 Good^. Splitting's and Wright & Ditaons.

GoiC R a L F i M L m e . Rob-


J.W.Ti4fcACtI T' i ig|r"



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. afsaavf''- ^gka^-vaa^]

" a B r * 4 *Bf*!ti. i<*rtRMS8fc

Ooveraoraaip of wtaaaabiic

Hat enread his .better world, htoeanvaaa for Tork Kla otiB aa

I * > of every ksowa eha

, thai law) aver crept lato thai . } !•• Fall, aaduw atqnetichable,

, at lOTe for virtue, troth, and honesty ia all its forms, and bow be soteeanly prosus-•d t© cast owt all the devils that bad entered ftVe world ia general, aad the body potttie ia aafUeanr. And than, wbea aa took the aatb attar tbe laiemted death ot Preaideat lacKalef, tbe ASBericaa people reaaeaiber

ksdhag aa tiptoe, ba stretched bis right V very high, and swore in a vary f rat

i ta caaaelaaUoasry eaeeata the dotiee ef tan Magnate of Frvaidoatot tha Daltod llalaa, aai ta MUfaUj carry oat the poBey aiMaaisdniaisr.

aaajadsa Law tab naaa "

aifaabaas«laS,S27,nll. A ae» th* baaka held for depositors •l.ftSl, »89,1»C aad raralaa faBda oa flgared ap •11&.5M.M*. Taa aaasber af open aeaaoate was i n » . M i .


wa* falt\iwX«ll. aad m aaataM wKa-|B1a;Yif4*a. ««a iatareat paid

t»|W,Ml,l<7. far th- previoas Mfaaaaacatad t290.ef0.38o and

withdraws*! S*5a,C74,822. The iotereet paid ww f34,lM,eiO. The carreat expeaaes of the banks for the past six awatoa warn f l , -JS7.99S as oaaipsred wtth fLasMStaw tha

Jery .

Waahiagton. Jnly 31.—The grand jary thai afternoon reported the foUowtag iadtcta>aahi as a reeait of recent inveancatioaa iato tha postoffice depart Meat acaadala: LeaaaM i. Stern af BalUnMre, Wliliaa O. Loaf, af Waeblagtoa, aad Aagaat W. Maob saparnataadaat af free aattaary, aa af coaapiraay f dsfraaa taa aaaaMaanat s j

_-v gaL__. ^a^^*^Baj|||fl«aBgvva«alBMBaJBraBTc WT I B V Caw* VarawwVsfy aMaTVRni^

ia direct who were compelled to

for any desired iaareaas to fan laNwJaf ners. Oa each ocessiooe ba to rarawa Ms riaitors with eopieaafs «kv

letter asttiaf forth tarawa*aa; ajaaw eftiMnrtaiP«areaertya>wa1a»toasw| postsaVe aaVtels are I itiimafij Mat'

Oat aiaay aoatataateta, tawarlag fbat by •©onto* they woofd farfbar their ta-terests. sohacribed to mining atoek aader these conditions.

Po9tcHlje Inspectors are vretttaaT aha w -ioos brokers ia thia eity witb a t a w af at>-taieiag JtaAwbtdaw of th* stock a46eafw**T. leararswfctia aa


bayoaaVhai aplaiaedtltwiaebad esrtain stack enrabBah taa rtatb or taa darsttoa. The

wittae* Mmtm of traetaw araaartlea that i

0f9Wt9m iBaf laW ffR'IWIMMMMC 9f 1

thepnrpoeeto aat thai


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