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CELL JOURNAL(Yakhteh), Vol 15, No 4, Winter 2014 282 Original Article *[FTQUVCVKE2TGUUWTG#ƑGEVUIn Vitro Maturation of Oocytes and Follicles and Increases Granulosa Cell Death =DKUD5DVKLGL06F 1 0HKUL$]DGEDNKW3K' 1 $OL$PLQL3K' 1 ,VDF.DULPL3K' 2 'HSDUWPHQWRI%LRORJ\)DFXOW\RI%DVLF6FLHQFHV5D]L8QLYHUVLW\.HUPDQVKDK,UDQ 'HSDUWPHQWRI%DVLF6FLHQFHV&ROOHJHRI9HWHULQDU\0HGLFLQH5D]L8QLYHUVLW\.HUPDQVKDK,UDQ * Corresponding Address: P.O.Box: 6714967346, Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran Email: [email protected] 5HFHLYHG-XO$FFHSWHG-DQ Abstract 2EMHFWLYH This study examines the effects of hydrostatic pressure on in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes derived from in vitro grown follicles. 0DWHULDOVDQG0HWKRGV In this experimental study, preantral follicles were isolated from 12-day-old female NMRI mice. Each follicle was cultured individually in Alpha Minimal (VVHQWLDO0HGLXPĮ0(0XQGHUPLQHUDORLOIRUGD\V7KHQIROOLFOHVZHUHLQGXFHGIRU IVM and divided into two groups, control and experiment. In the experiment group follicles were subjected to 20 mmHg pressure for 30 minutes and cultured for 24-48 hours. We as- sessed for viability and IVM of the oocytes. The percentage of apoptosis in cumulus cells was determined by the TUNEL assay. A comparison between groups was made using the student’s t test. 5HVXOWV The percentage of metaphase II oocytes (MII) increased in hydrostatic pressure- treated follicles compared to controls (p<0.05). Cumulus cell viability reduced in hydro- static pressure-treated follicles compared to controls (p<0.05). Exposure of follicles to pressure increased apoptosis in cumulus cells compared to controls (p<0.05). &RQFOXVLRQHydrostatic pressure, by inducing apoptosis in cumulus cells, participates in the cumulus oocyte coupled relationship with oocyte maturation. Keywords: In vitro Maturation, Oocyte, Hydrostatic Pressure, Apoptosis, Mouse Cell Journal(Yakhteh), Vol 15, No 4, Winter 2014, Pages: 282- 293 &LWDWLRQ5DVKLGL=$]DGEDNKW0$PLQL$.DULPL,+\GURVWDWLFSUHVVXUHDIIHFWVLQYLWURPDWXUDWLRQRIRRF\WHVDQG IROOLFOHVDQGLQFUHDVHVJUDQXORVDFHOOGHDWK&HOO- Introduction In vitroPDWXUDWLRQ,90RIPDPPDOLDQRRF\WHV LV DQ HI¿FLHQW PHWKRG WR SURGXFH PDWXUH RRF\WHV IRUWKHLUXVHLQDVVLVWHGUHSURGXFWLYHWHFKQLTXHV ,QGXFWLRQRIRYXODWLRQWRREWDLQPDWXUHRRF\WHVIRU in vitro IHUWLOL]DWLRQ ,9) LV D URXWLQH SURFHGXUH LQQXPHURXVLQIHUWLOLW\FOLQLFV6RPHZRPHQKRZ HYHUPD\IDLOWRUHVSRQGWRKRUPRQDOVWLPXODWLRQ RUDUHDWULVNRIRYDULDQK\SHUVWLPXODWLRQ,90 RIRRF\WHVRIIHUVDQDOWHUQDWLYHVWUDWHJ\WRREWDLQ mature ooF\WHVLQWKHVHFDVHV7KHIHUWLOLW\ rate from matured oocytes in vitro is much lower than those of in vivoVWLPXODWLRQF\FOHVLQGLFDWLQJ WKDWLPSURYHPHQWLQ,90UHPDLQVDFKDOOHQJH 6XSSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI WKH PHGLD ZLWK KRUPRQHV JURZWK IDFWRUV RSWLPL]DWLRQ RI FXOWXUH V\VWHPV DQG HQYLURQPHQWDO DQG SK\VLFDO FRQGLWLRQV RI IROOLFOHV KDYH EHHQ SURSRVHG WRLQFUHDVHTXDOLW\RI,90RRF\WHV,QWKLVVHQVH WKHODWHUIDFWRUVKDYHDQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQWKHVXF FHVVRI,903K\VLFDOIRUFHVDIIHFWIROOLFOHUXSWXUH DQG RYXODWLRQ E\ LQFUHDVLQJ IROOLFXODU ÀXLG SUHV sure due to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in WKHRYDULDQYDVFXODUV\VWHP$GHFUHDVHRIWHQVLOH strength in the follicle wall and increase of the K\GURVWDWLFSUHVVXUHLQVLGHWKHIROOLFOHRUDFRP ELQDWLRQ RI WKHVH HYHQWV LV QHHGHG IRU VXFFHVVIXO IROOLFXODUUXSWXUH3K\VLFDOIRUFHVPD\FDXVH
Page 1: *[FTQUVCVKE 2TGUUWTG # GEVU In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes ... · the cumulus oocyte coupled relationship with oocyte maturation. Keywords: In vitro Maturation, Oocyte, Hydrostatic

CELL JOURNAL(Yakhteh), Vol 15, No 4, Winter 2014 282

Original Article

In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes and Follicles and Increases Granulosa Cell Death

1 1 1 2

* Corresponding Address: P.O.Box: 6714967346, Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

Email: [email protected]

AbstractThis study examines the effects of hydrostatic pressure on in vitro maturation

(IVM) of oocytes derived from in vitro grown follicles.

In this experimental study, preantral follicles were isolated from 12-day-old female NMRI mice. Each follicle was cultured individually in Alpha Minimal

IVM and divided into two groups, control and experiment. In the experiment group follicles were subjected to 20 mmHg pressure for 30 minutes and cultured for 24-48 hours. We as-sessed for viability and IVM of the oocytes. The percentage of apoptosis in cumulus cells was determined by the TUNEL assay. A comparison between groups was made using the student’s t test.

The percentage of metaphase II oocytes (MII) increased in hydrostatic pressure-treated follicles compared to controls (p<0.05). Cumulus cell viability reduced in hydro-static pressure-treated follicles compared to controls (p<0.05). Exposure of follicles to pressure increased apoptosis in cumulus cells compared to controls (p<0.05).

Hydrostatic pressure, by inducing apoptosis in cumulus cells, participates in the cumulus oocyte coupled relationship with oocyte maturation. Keywords: In vitro Maturation, Oocyte, Hydrostatic Pressure, Apoptosis, MouseCell Journal(Yakhteh), Vol 15, No 4, Winter 2014, Pages: 282- 293

IntroductionIn vitro

in vitro

mature oorate from matured oocytes in vitro is much lower than those of in vivo

sure due to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in

strength in the follicle wall and increase of the

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Hydrostatic Pressure and Oocyte Maturation

tissue thinning and follicular rupture by elimina

tory process and the oocyte is freed into follicular

lar wall and ruptures. The amount of cell death in

The spatiotemporal pattern of apoptosis during follicle growth and oocyte maturation is tightly

in the cumulus mass and between cumulus cells

ity. The degree of apoptosis is correlated with de

totic changes in the follicle may support or induce

creased the incidence of cell death in cumulus cells



in vitro grown follicles.

Materials and Methods

Ovarian follicle recovery and culture

ad libitum.

to dissection medium that consisted of Alpha

intact follicles with one or two layers of granulosa cells and some adhering theca cells; ii.

were rinsed three times in dissection medium and transferred to culture medium that consisted of dissection medium supplemented with

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Rashidi et al.


each drop with fresh medium.

Follicle monitoring and measurement

measurement of morphological features were

two perpendicular diameters were measured us

originated from the follicle theca and attached to the dish were not included in the measurements. In

with the longest length and widest perpendicular width.

Experimental protocol

which were defined as intact follicles with a central oocyte surrounded by a granulosa cell

cated and placed in culture medium randomly

transferred to a pressure chamber according to

from in vitro grown follicles as well as the cell death incidence and apoptosis in the cumulus

and apoptosis.

In vitro maturation of oocytes

ly described method with some modifications


Evaluation of nuclear maturationTo assess the rate of meiosis at the end of the

Oocyte viabilityIn this assessment the follicles were mechani

Hoechst/propidium iodide nuclear staining of cumulus oocyte complexes

cells were washed and immediately transferred

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Hydrostatic Pressure and Oocyte Maturation

blue and red fluorescence.

Terminal deoxy-nucleotidyl transferase-mediated (dUTP) nick-end labeling (TUNEL) were mounted in glycerol onto a slide and placed

total cell number.

Statistical analysis

ResultsFollicle and oocyte measurement

in vitro

Table 1: Follicle and oocyte diameters during cultureDay 12Day 9Day 6Day 3Day 1N

Follicle diameter

Oocyte diameter

Mean diameters ± SEM were calculated.

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Rashidi et al.

Fig 1: Morphology of mouse follicle during in vitro growth.The cultured isolated follicle on day 1 (A), day 3 (B), day 6 (C), day 9 (D) and day 12 (E, F). ; Theca cells monolayer,





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Hydrostatic Pressure and Oocyte Maturation

Viability and in vitro maturation of oocytes

Nuclear staining of the cumulus oocyte complexes

fragmented and condensed nuclear cumulus

was scored as follows. Viable cells contained

chromatin which included discrete clusters of

spheres of condensed chromatin (significantly more compact and smaller than normal nuclei) as seen in figure 2.

Table 2: Viability and IVM of oocytes derived from in vitro grown follicles48 hours24 hours





Control group; No pressure exposure and experiment group; Exposure to pressure. GV; Germinal vesicle, GVB; Germinal vesicle breakdown, MII; Metaphase II and PA; Parthenogenetic embryo.

Table 3: Cell death in COCs derived from in vitro grown follicles24 hours0 hour

Non-viable cellsViable cellsTotal cellsNon-viable cellsViable cellsTotal cellsNGroups



aa a






Control group; No pressure exposure and experiment group; Exposure to pressure.

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A. Control group; without pressure exposure. B. Experiment group; Exposure to pressure. Viable cells; Blue-stained smooth nuclei or multiple bright specks of condensed chromatin, Dead cells; Pink-stained nuclei with multiple bright specks of fragmented chromatin or more spheres of condensed chromatin and ; Dead cells.C. Characteristics of viable and dead cell, ; Fragmented nucleus and ; Condensed nucleus.


TUNEL labeling chromosomes counted as single nuclei; frag

were smaller than 'healthy' interphase nuclei.

displayed morphological characteristics of apoptosis (condensation and fragmentation) and bi

Table 4: Apoptosis in COCs derived from in vitro grown follicles24 hours0 hour

Apoptotic index Total cells Apoptotic index Total cellsNGroups



Control group; No pressure exposure and experiment group; Exposure to pressure.

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Hydrostatic Pressure and Oocyte Maturation

hours of pressure exposure.

A. Phase contrast picture from control group. A'that had no pressure exposure. B. Phase contrast picture from experiment group exposed to pressure. B'






in vitropressure. The hydrostatic pressure increased the

rate of oocytes. The from both groups was similar and independent of

to hydrostatic pressure.

in vitro

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Rashidi et al.

meiotic maturation lead

in vitro between

reached a diameter similar to that of fully grown oocytes in vivo.

in vitrowhich should imitate in vivo

tant biotic parameters are organic substances in

and uniformly at each point of the in vitro pro

in vivo conditions. It has been reported that a

ment with a high hydrostatic pressure consid


bits (20). These measurements were obtained by inserting a large micropipette into the fol

licular licular pressure was recorded. The main finding of these studies showed that were

tions and waste paracrine correlation between

to hydrostatic pressure. These results indicated

in vitro.

oocytes spontaneously underwent apoptosis dur

sumption and supporting cytoplasmic maturation

cyte. The signals that produced by cumulus cells


mented and condensed. The percentage of these

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Hydrostatic Pressure and Oocyte Maturation

types of nuclei in cumulus cells were increased in

tion and condensation of nuclei are two mor

sidered to be apoptotic cells that significantly

to hydrostatic pressure.

rate of cumulus cells that underwent apoptosis and probably

pressure plays important roles in cell shape and

has been dominated by a focus on genes and

optotic effects of hydrostatic pressure and the


latory process. According to the results of this

the apoptosis rate of cumulus cells; the latter may

pressure had a mild effect on the incidence of cell death in cumulus cells but no aberrant effect on


in this article.

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