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Fulbright Commission Italy Newsletter :: Issue 3

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www.fulbright.it 1 July 2009 Linking Minds Across Cultures FULBRIGHT - ITALY NEWSLETTER Issue 3 Dear Fulbrighters and Friends, “La straordinaria eccellenza…!” This was the phrase we heard last month from an Italian teacher describing the young Fulbrighter who had been an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) at her secondary school. There were seven such “ETAs” in Italy during this past academic year, all of whom were lauded for the quality of their teaching. They worked very hard, as they were each assigned to teach at two Italian public schools. In some cases these young Americans made an impact through their innovative teaching not only with the pupils they instructed, but with parents in their local communities and teaching colleagues in their academic environments as well. Time and again, Fulbright stands for excellence: in academic scholarship, and also for the personal qualities exhibited by the grantee. Upon hearing a phrase like “straordinaria eccellenza,” all the hard work of the Commission becomes worth the effort. And it has been a considerable effort. As Dr. Quieti can tell you, the range of challenges we’ve faced this year has been great. Yet, together the Commission’s staff and the members of the Board - Italians and Americans - have put tremendous dedication and effort into devising solutions. We are, I’m glad to report, making progress. The two-way nature of Fulbright is the essence of the program: while the young American ETAs in Italy were deeply affected by their experience, Italian Fulbrighters will be impacted in the same way by their participation in the program in the United States. This spring, I took part in the selection process of prospective Italian Fulbrighters (the results are proudly displayed in the following pages). The extraordinary breadth of expertise and the quality of their presentations was wonderful, though it made the task of selection difficult. The two-way nature of the program, by the way, is closely tied to the bi-national ownership of our Fulbright Commission. The name Fulbright may be American, but the academic exchanges are entirely a joint endeavor. This is also confirmed by the roughly equal financial contributions of our two governments. Last but not least, I am pleased to announce that Minister Francesco Maria Greco, the Director General for Culture and Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has, ex officio, joined the Fulbright Board as its Vice President. This follows the departure of Minister Pl. Gherardo La Francesca, to whom I extend my gratitude for his contribution to the Fulbright Program. And I wish him all the best exploring his own new horizons as Italy’s new Ambassador to Brazil. David Mees President, The U.S.–Italy Fulbright Commission Cultural Attachè, Embassy of the United States of America - Rome Contents Welcome Messages President p. 1 Executive Director p. 2 Italian Research Scholars p. 3 Italian Graduate Students p. 7 Fulbright-BEST Students p. 9 Foreign Language Teaching Assistants p. 12 Fulbright Story p. 13 Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works p. 13 News p. 17 Fulbright Program at Glance For U.S. Citizens p. 18 For Italian Citizens p. 19 Contacts p. 20
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www.fulbright.it 1

July 2009

Linking Minds Across CulturesFulbright - italy Newsletter

Issue 3

Dear Fulbrighters and Friends,“La straordinaria eccellenza…!” This was the phrase we heard last month from an Italian teacher describing the young Fulbrighter who had been an English Teaching Assistant (ETA) at her secondary school. There were seven such “ETAs” in Italy during this past academic year, all of whom were lauded for the quality of their teaching. They worked very hard, as they were each assigned to teach at two Italian public schools. In some cases these young Americans made an impact through their innovative teaching not only with the pupils they instructed, but with parents in their local communities and teaching colleagues in their academic environments as well. Time and again, Fulbright stands for excellence: in academic scholarship, and also for the personal qualities exhibited by the grantee.

Upon hearing a phrase like “straordinaria eccellenza,” all the hard work of the Commission becomes worth the effort. And it has been a considerable effort. As Dr. Quieti can tell you, the range of challenges we’ve faced this year has been great. Yet, together the Commission’s staff and the members of the Board - Italians and Americans - have put tremendous dedication and effort into devising solutions. We are, I’m glad to report, making progress.

The two-way nature of Fulbright is the essence of the program: while the young American ETAs in Italy were deeply affected by their experience, Italian Fulbrighters will be impacted in the same way by their participation in the program in the United States. This spring, I took part in the selection process of prospective Italian Fulbrighters (the results are proudly displayed in the following pages). The extraordinary breadth of expertise and the quality of their presentations was wonderful, though it made the task of selection difficult.

The two-way nature of the program, by the way, is closely tied to the bi-national ownership of our Fulbright Commission. The name Fulbright may be American, but the academic exchanges are entirely a joint endeavor. This is also confirmed by the roughly equal financial contributions of our two governments.

Last but not least, I am pleased to announce that Minister Francesco Maria Greco, the Director General for Culture and Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has, ex officio, joined the Fulbright Board as its Vice President. This follows the departure of Minister Pl. Gherardo La Francesca, to whom I extend my gratitude for his contribution to the Fulbright Program. And I wish him all the best exploring his own new horizons as Italy’s new Ambassador to Brazil.

David MeesPresident, The U.S.–Italy Fulbright Commission Cultural Attachè, Embassy of the United States of America - Rome


Welcome Messages President p. 1 Executive Director p. 2

Italian Research Scholars p. 3

Italian Graduate Students p. 7

Fulbright-BEST Students p. 9

Foreign Language Teaching Assistants p. 12

Fulbright Story p. 13

Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works p. 13

News p. 17

Fulbright Program at Glance For U.S. Citizens p. 18 For Italian Citizens p. 19

Contacts p. 20

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Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 3, July 2009

Message from the Director:I am pleased to introduce the third edition of the US-Italy Fulbright Newsletter and am happy to report that the Fulbright scholarship competitions continue to unveil a myriad of brilliant students and researchers!

This issue provides a short profile from a selection of the 66 Italian grantees who have received a Fulbright scholarship for the academic year 2009-10. As this edition goes to print, we are preparing the Orientation Meeting, hosted by The American University of Rome, for those who will be departing for the US during the summer. On this occasion, they will have the opportunity to meet with Prof. Giuliano Amato, a Fulbrighter himself who studied at Columbia University.

Seventeen grantees will study towards Master or Ph.D. Degrees in a variety of fields including arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences. They will be studying at various universities across the entire US, from east to west, such as New York University, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Texas, San Diego University, all the way to the University of Hawai at Manoa. The Fulbright-Finmeccanica scholarship will cover studying for a Master degree in Engineering Management at Cornell University. The Fulbright-Carlo Maria Santoro scholarship has been assigned for a Master degree in International Relations at the University of Syracuse. Three students (Visiting Student Researchers) will be carrying out research for their doctorate at the Universities of Texas, California at Berkeley and at the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois.

The third year of Fulbright-BEST has been made possible thanks to the Regions of Toscana and Lazio, the Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and private donations, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Fulbright Program in Italy, such as Alcoa, Amgen Dompè, Booz & Co., Enel Green Power, Farmindustria, IBM and Poste Italiane. The 14 Fulbright-BEST grantees will go to Santa Clara University in California for a period of six months to attend academic courses on technological innovation, marketing and finance. In addition, grantees will have the opportunity to do an internship in companies in the Silicon Valley while participating in networking activities promoted by the Universities of Stanford, of California at Berkeley and the business community in California.

Four Foreign Language Teaching Assistants will be assisting Italian language Professors for next academic year at Wheaton College (MA), Russell Sage College (NY), Ramapo College (NJ), and Bard College (NY).

Fourteen Italian Research Scholars will carry out research for a period of six months, in a broad range of disciplinary fields, ranging from music composition and philosophy, to various branches of engineering (electronic, information, mechanical and molecular) and social sciences, including international relations, economics, law, anthropology and sociology. The five Fulbright-Schuman Scholars will undertake their research with a comparative perspective encompassing the European Union and the United States. Italian Research Scholars will go to a variety of universities such as Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, Brandeis, Purdue, Texas, Stanford, University of California at Berkeley, University of Chicago and others across the country. Other scholarships have been assigned for research and teaching and for seminars on American culture.

Following the previous editions, we are reporting on Fulbrighters’ publications and works. We are also informing all alumni about the State Department Alumni website, which serves as a platform for nearly 300,000 Fulbright alumni worldwide.

We are happy to host a short article of our series, The Fulbright Story, about eminent Fulbrighters. In this edition, we present the story of Luigi Gerardo Napolitano, as narrated by Giovanni Caprara. Prof. Napolitano obtained a Fulbright scholarship in 1953 to study micro-gravitational science at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, NY. Later, his NASA shuttle experiments resulted in important practical applications to everyday life.

Finally, the Fulbright Program at-a-Glance gives information on the scholarships available in 2010-11 for Italian and US students, researchers and professors. We encourage applications from qualified candidates!

Please keep in touch with us and inform us in case of changes of your contact details. As always, your suggestions and contributions to our Newsletter are most welcome!

Maria Grazia QuietiExecutive Director, The U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission

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Fulbright - italy Newsletter Issue 3, July 2009


Italian Research Scholars 2009-2010



Music between Americans and Italians: Thoughts and Actions in American and Italian Music - A laboratory for contemporary music that aims to bridge the divide between writing music and making music, between conceiving a sound and the gesture needed to produce that sound, between the lifetime of a sound and the space it lives and dies in. The aim of the project

is to be in deep contact with the American contemporary music life and to promote the performances of Italian music in America and American music in Italy. The laboratory is aimed primarily at scholars, performers and composers as well as to groups and ensembles specializing in contemporary repertoire.

Filippo Perrocco - Research Scholarfrom Conservatorio Stanislao Giacomantonio, Cosenza to Brandeis University, Massachusetts

Music Composition

Synthetic Reasoning: A Pragmatist View - The research will explore the possibility of a synthetic reasoning complementary to the analytic reasoning already well developed in Western philosophy. Synthetic reasoning is the kind of reasoning we use in any hypothesis and in any discovery: scientific, literary,

economic, ethical. We have always been using this reasoning without successfully grasping its rationale, often misunderstood as “pre-logical”, “intuitive”, or “not-rational.” American pragmatism, in particular Peirce’s, suggests a different approach based on the study of signs and creative gestures.

Giovanni Maddalena - Research Scholarfrom University of Molise, Campobasso to Purdue University, Indiana


Integrated Synchronization Circuits for Distributed Wireless Electronic Systems - The objective of this project is to study how a new type of synchronization algorithms devised by the scholar at his home institution could be implemented in the circuit prototypes currently under development at the Berkeley Wireless

Research Center (BWRC) of the University of California, Berkeley. The results of this research could lead to the design of next-generation radio modules able to assure more stable wireless connections and high-precision localization and synchronization services.

David Macii - Research Scholarfrom University of Trento to University of California at Berkeley

Electronic Engineering

Modeling Glitch Noise at the Output of Gravitational Wave Interferometric Antennas and Designing an Optimum Detection Scheme for Gravitational Wave Bursts with a Network of Interferometers - The detection of Gravitational Wave Bursts is highly challenging due to the absence of a trusted waveform model and the frequent instrumental or environmental

glitches at the output of interferometers. I have introduced a statistical model for such glitch component and my research in the US will be devoted to its validation. The study of observed glitches will help the tuning of the model on actual data. An accurate noise characterization will allow the design of an optimum detection scheme.

Maria Principe - Visiting Student Researcherfrom University of Sannio, Benevento to University of Texas

Information Engineering

Measurements and Modeling of Particle Filtration in Diesel Engine Particulate Filters - The diesel engine equips almost all of the Heavy-Duty vehicles in the US. However, it presents relatively high particle emissions (Particulate Matter, PM). In PM, small size particles (nanoparticles) can be particularly harmful, as they have high surface-to-volume ratio and

mobility. Thus, the project aims to perform a fundamental study of current technologies in terms of nanoparticle filtration potential by means of a mixed experimental-modeling approach, during actual filter operation. The activities will be carried out at the West Virginia University (WVU) of Morgantown, under the supervision of prof. M. Gautam.

Vincenzo Mulone - Research Scholarfrom University of Rome “Tor Vergata” to West Virginia University

Mechanical Engineering

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Regulation of AP Endonuclease (Ape1) in Cancer Cells - Ape1 is a hub in coordinating different and vital functions in mammalian cells and its dysregulation has been associated with tumor aggressiveness and drug resistance. The molecular mechanisms responsible for

the fine tuning of this protein are still unknown. The present project intends to deepen our understanding of Ape1’s role in cancers and determine how to modulate its activity for therapeutic applications.

Carlo Vascotto - Research Scholarfrom University of Udine to Indiana University

Molecular Biology

Study of a Gen IV Advanced Lead Fast Reactor Demonstration Project (DEMO):Core Design Rationales and Development - My Ph.D. research project is focused on advanced nuclear systems proposed by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) being explored within the DOE-NERI Gen IV R&D program. I am specializing in Lead Fast Reactor (LFR) technology, having begun some activities concerning a preliminary proposal for the design of a demonstration reactor (DEMO) that could

provide significant support to both the European and the American reference LFR projects. The context of my research at Argonne National Laboratory would be as part of the Nuclear Engineering Division’s work under the Fast Reactors Campaign of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative. Specifically, I will develop DEMO core design and performance analyses through the application of Argonne neutronics computer codes.

Sarah Bortot - Visiting Student Researcherfrom Polytechnic of Milan to Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois

Nuclear Engineering

Estrogen Production by Inflammatory Cells Infiltrating the Adipose Tissue - Adipose tissue inflammation is a major link between obesity and insulin resistance. Since obese postmenopausal women have much higher plasma estrogen levels compared with lean women, the aims

of the project are to profile the expression of estrogen receptors in adipocytes, endothelial cells and immune cells present in adipose tissue in relation to body fat mass and gender, and to measure sex steroid hormones in serum and in those same adipose tissue samples.

Andrea Cignarella - Research Scholarfrom University of Padova to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington


Design and Implementation of a 640 Gb/s OTDM System - This project consists in the design and implementation of the first prototype, in the international scenario, of a single wavelength 640Gbit/s complete all-optical communication system with the main objective of eliminating any opto-electronic conversion

and bandwidth limitations due to electronics. In such a way next generation optical networks with enormous channel capacity and transmission speed and low power consumption will be enabled, allowing new services and applications based on multimedia and data communications.

Antonella Bogoni - Research Scholarfrom National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications, Pisa to University of Southern California


Regeneration Schemes on Silicon Chip - The tremendous increase of the internet traffic needs high bit-rate optical transmission systems. The transmission of high bit-rate signals is affected by physical impairments which require inline regeneration. The project aims to design and implement silicon-based integrated all-optical

regeneration schemes for high-bit rate optical signals, enabling regeneration at bit rate up to 160 Gb/s with silicon technology. Among the different solutions the most promising in terms of performance will be implemented and characterized.

Mirco Scaffardi - Research Scholarfrom National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications, Pisa to Cornell University, New York


Ecomuseums, Sustainable Tourism and Local Development. A Comparative Project - The main research objective is to develop theoretical and methodological knowledge that

will ultimately improve the tools for safeguarding and developing local resources in both UNESCO and other organizations.

Nunzia Borrelli - Research Scholarfrom University of Naples to University of Chicago, Illinois

Anthropology & Sociology

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SciencesSocial Sciences (Continued) The project aims to implement both the idea of landscape promoted in the Landscape European Convention and the idea of heritage promoted in UNESCO Conventions.

To achieve the objective, the research wants to investigate theoretical concepts and define some methods able to analyze culture, identity, and identity politics of places.

Mario Padula - Research Scholarfrom University “Ca’ Foscari” of Venice to Stanford University, California

How Individuals are Preparing for Retirement? - The objective of the research project on “How Individuals are Preparing for Retirement?” is to improve our understanding of the economic consequences of demographic aging for individuals’ well-being. The project will make three main contributions to the scientific community. First, we will reach a better

understanding of how individuals will respond to aging at the macro and the micro level. Second, it will measure the ex-ante and the ex-post effects of the pension reforms brought about by the demographic aging. Third, it will explore the role of cognitive failures in accounting for household saving and portfolio choices.


Carla Monteleone - Fulbright Schuman Scholarfrom University of Palermo to Columbia University, New York

International Security, Multilateral Interventions and Legitimacy: The role of US – EU Cooperation - The project aims at analyzing the impact that cooperation between the US and the EU within multilateral institutions has on the legitimacy and effectiveness of interventions, and, more in general, on the

choice for multilateralism and multilateral interventions in the field of security. The project will be carried out at the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, New York, and at the Government Department at Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

International Relations

Marilena Gala - Research Scholarfrom University of Roma Tre to George Washington University, Washington D.C.

The European Security Issue: Turning Points in Trans-Atlantic Relations, from 1950 to 1980 - This research project is aimed at analyzing thirty years of transatlantic relations, from the standpoint of European security. My intention is to focus on key turning points, brought about by the emergence of differing security policy

priorities between Americans and Europeans throughout the central decades of the Cold War, in order to understand how European security dependence on the US evolved in terms of increasing uneasiness to adjust to America’s course of action.

History of International Relations

Sabrina Bruno - Research Scholarfrom University of Calabria to Harvard Law School, Massachusetts

Shareholder Voting Power in Publicly Traded Corporations: a Comparison between European and U.S. Jurisdictions through the Eyes of History - A comparison between European jurisdictions and the U.S. on powers allocated to shareholders of publicly traded corporations (directors’ nomination, remuneration etc., initiative for voting, right to

debate) and on their exercise in practice. The historical background of such allocation will be scrutinized considering the common origin of the corporation, the British East India Company with shareholders being its supreme owners. The implementation of the recent European Union Directive on Shareholders’ Rights N. 36/2007 will be investigated.


Daniele Gallo - Fulbright Schuman Scholar from European University Institute of Florence to Fordham University, NY

The Need for a European Market of Financial Services: Regulation, Competition, and Rights - The research will establish why we need a more coherent, general and European approach in the field of financial services, studied as a whole (banking, insurance, capital markets, social security) and considered as an essential

but defective component of the Market. To this end, the analysis will focus on the four following, closely connected, dimensions: Regulation; Competition, State aids and economic freedoms; Social justice and consumer rights; and the role of the EU in the international context.


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Sara Poli - Fulbright Schuman Scholar from European College of Bruges, Belgium to Penn State University, Pennsylvania

The European Union’s External Action to Establish an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - This project focuses on the ‘external dimension’ of the area of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ) that the Member States would like to establish within the European Union (EU). The project concerns the way the EU can use

international agreements with third countries to strengthen freedom, security and justice in the EU. Its objective is to identify possible legal and political problems that the European Institutions may face in concluding agreements on matters such as illegal immigration, terrorism and organized crime.


Guido Tintori - Fulbright Schuman Scholar from University of Milan to New York University

Terror Attacks and their Impacts on the Migrant Integration Policies in the U.S. and in the EU - The research will reflect upon the nexus of migration, civil liberties and security in the western hemisphere and will evaluate the impact of securitization on the integration policies of the EU and the U.S.. The research

will try to assess what is the reciprocal influence of the U.S. and the EU on their security policy-making and migration policies within the national/regional context, whether, and in which manner, a transatlantic convergence has been or can be developed, also in the light of the emergence of a new discourse of ‘de-securitization’.

Political History

Valentina Mele - Research Scholarfrom Bocconi University, Milan to Columbia University, NY

Multistakeholder Corporate Regulation and Voluntary Codes of Conduct - We are witnessing the rise of voluntary corporate codes of conduct. Much less studied is the fact that these codes are often part of more complex global governance networks initiated by international organizations, in turn coordinated

with NGOs and National Governments. This research aims at contributing to the debate on global governance by focusing on how these initiatives, and the UN Global Compact in particular, challenge the traditional role of governments in regulating corporate behavior.

Public Administration

Work-Family Reconciliation Issues: New and Old Gender and Generational Contracts. A Cross-National Analysis - The research project intends to investigate and compare work/family balance and reconciliation policies in several European countries and the US. The focus is on families at different working life stages:

parents with young children and adult-worker children with frail parents. The US is a crucial comparative case, because it defies simplistic cause-effect assumptions and because of the important role played by enterprises in policy-making and the market.

Manuela Naldini - Research Scholarfrom University of Turin to New York University


Social Sciences

Salvatore Sberna - Visiting Student Researcherfrom Italian Institute of Humanities (SUM), Florence to University of California

The Infiltration of Mafias into Local Government: Evidence from Italian and US Cases - The research project examines the relation between organized crime and political corruption in local government. The empirical study will focus on mafia’s penetration in 183

Italian cities. The research will provide an analysis of the main Italian criminal organizations (Cosa Nostra, Camorra, ‘Ndrangheta) over time and across several regions of Italy. These case-studies will be compared also with some cases of Italian mafias’ infiltration into US cities.

Political Science

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Italian Graduate Students 2009-2010 Arts

Sustainable New Cities - While developing my Bachelor’s thesis I started to deal with architectural sustainability, focusing on the climate-responsiveness of high-rise buildings. This Master’s program represents the natural continuation of my studies, featuring interdepartmental courses such as energy

systems and urban infrastructure from Engineering, environmental management from Business, public administration from Social Sciences and Law. IIT also hosts the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, a world-renowned Institution seeking advanced research on architecture and urban planning.

Chiara Socciarelli from University of Florence to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)


TFM Program at SDSU - Alberto Massarese will be joining the School of Theatre, Television and Film at San Diego State University in California. The school’s program places a particular emphasis on the relationship between film and theatre. Alberto’s research will focus

on the interdisciplinary aspects of the medium in order to bring back home a more innovative and visual approach to filmmaking and to build an international network of filmmakers for future creative collaborations between Italy and the United States.

Alberto Massaresefrom University of Reading, UK to San Diego State University, California

Film Studies

Anna Follofrom University IUAV of Venice to New York University

Museum Studies is a program in the contemporary theory and practice of museum work that emphasizes both the interdisciplinary study of museums and courses of practical training. This program requires enthusiasm and curiosity: the courses provide a perfect basis for

studying human experience in terms of cultural production. Careers that could be undertaken cover the full range of museum activity: directors, curators, educators, registrars, collection managers, and development, media and public relations specialists.

Museum Studies

Annalisa Vozzafrom Centro Studi Comunicare l’Impresa, Bari to City University of New York

My study objective in the United States is to attend a Master’s degree program in Film Directing. The program aims to prepare aspiring directors to pursue a career in the field of media arts, with emphasis on strong original

storytelling. My ultimate goal is to understand every possibility of the visual medium in order to express an authorial viewpoint and cultivate an individual artistic voice.

Film Studies

Andrea Venezianifrom Conservatorio “L. Refice” of Frosinone to New York University

As a Fulbright student I will attend the New York University Steinhardt School, Jazz Studies Department, pursuing a Master of Music Degree in Performance with a Concentration in Jazz. The Master of Music Degree program at NYU prepares graduates to be innovative

leaders in today’s world-wide jazz scene and it’s constituted of individualized study with world-class artist faculty, intensive rehearsal and performance opportunities at landmark venues including Blue Note Jazz Club, Village Vanguard and Birdland.


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Social Sciences Francesco Fallucchifrom University of Siena to The University of Texas

The Market of Ticket Scalping: An Experimental Approach - The aim of the project for the Ph.D. program in Economics at The University of Texas at Austin is to analyze the secondary tickets market of events adopting Craigslist.org ads as source of data. The goal

is to highlight interactions in a network between professional “scalpers”, who fix the price, and occasional resellers’ strategies used to set their tickets’ price. Finally, the research wants to suggest new sales methods that minimize extra profits for scalpers.

Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi - Fulbright-Carlo Maria Santorofrom University of Perugia to Syracuse University, New York

Vincenzo Bavaro from University of Rome “La Sapienza” to Dartmouth College, New Hampshire


Racial Capital: Cultural Politics and the Performance of Authenticity - My research project in American Studies intends to investigate the literary and cultural production of ethnic minorities emphasizing a controversial symbolic and cultural capital associated to

ethnicity and authenticity, which I term racial capital. By focusing on the literary marketplace and on strategies of authorship, I analyze individual authors’ investment in, or challenge to, established expectations defining and limiting the definition of “ethnic” culture itself.

American Literature

Giacomo Giorlifrom University of Florence to University of Hawaii at Manoa

Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammal Species - The objective of my study is to monitor cetaceans using acoustical techniques. Cetaceans use acoustical cues for communication. This allows researchers to investigate their abundance, migratory routes and reaction to anthropogenic noise by the

use of acoustical techniques. Underwater bio-acoustics is a research field that has been rapidly growing in the past years since it provides information about the conservation status of wild populations and is less expensive than other methodologies used in open and/or deep sea research.


Sebastiano Padovanfrom University of Padova to University of California, Los Angeles

Messenger to Mercury - The Messenger spacecraft will be inserted in a Mercury orbit on March 18, 2011. Mercury is an extreme body, whose characterization as a planet is not yet complete. I will work to combine Messenger data with theoretical models, in order to build a

coherent picture for the formation and evolution of Mercury. Future findings from Messenger and other planetary missions (EJSM, for instance) will improve our knowledge of the Solar System as a whole.


Maria Scandiuzzi - Fulbright-Finmeccanicafrom University of Padova to Cornell University, New York

I will attend a Master in Engineering Management in Cornell University. The program is aimed at engineers who want to stay in a technical environment, but who wish to advance in managerial roles. My career interests focus on

engineering companies and I view the Master as an effective alternative to an MBA degree because it is focused on the mix of technical and project management skills that are valued highly in technical environments.

Engineering Management


International Relations

I have always been interested in specializing in issues related to Iranian geopolitics, culture, history, language and foreign policy, particularly towards European countries and the United States, from both an historical and

an anthropological point of view. After the study period in the United States I would like to work in international organizations or in the diplomatic environment on the role and influence of Iran in the international system.

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Chiara Ferrari from University of Siena to Columbia University, New York

Contractual Models of Inter-firm Collaboration: Multi-party Contracts - The challenges of markets globalization make the issue of enterprises’ growth and competitiveness as topical as ever. I want to analyze the legal tools implemented by enterprises to collaborate and cooperate in order to achieve

a common goal, focusing in particular, on “multi-party contracts” (e.g. consortia or joint ventures). In this framework I plan to deepen the specific areas of contract law and business organization law, carrying on an analysis from two perspectives: a comparative one and a law and economics perspective.


Stefano Valentefrom University of Genova to Columbia University, New York

My program of study at Columbia Law School will focus on Corporate Law and Financial Markets regulation. In particular, my plan is to gain a deeper knowledge of these subjects from the perspective of the law and economics

methodology. I really count on the fact that this experience will help me to fulfill my long term desire: becoming an Italian legal scholar fully capable of participating in the international academic debate in this field.


Towards a Doctrine of European Preemption: Lessons from the American Federal Model -Well-established in the case law of the European Court of Justice is the principle whereby Community harmonization measures preempt State legislation in the field concerned. But to what extent? The approach hitherto adopted

– viz. focusing on the harmonization model employed – has not yielded satisfactory results in terms of legal certainty. It is thus suggested that a doctrine of ‘European Preemption’ built on the US federal model could provide a clearer understanding of the issue.

Amedeo Arenafrom University of Naples Federico II to New York University


Fulbright-BEST (Business Exchange and Student Training) 2009-2010 Santa Clara University, California

Social Sciences

Autopilots for UAVs based on Robust Multivariable Control Laws - The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is in continuous growth. My project is focused on the design, development and realization of a new generation of low-cost autopilots for UAVs, able to increase the degree of autonomy of such

vehicles. This goal can be achieved through the implementation of adequate robust multi -variable control laws, allowing to perform the simultaneous control of two or more variables, thus increasing the performance of the vehicle, and in the meanwhile leading to a significant cost reduction.

Renato Panesi from University of Pisa

Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering

Entrepreneurship and Management

D-Orbit – Deorbiting Devices - Deorbiting Devices are propulsive apparatus which uses advanced propellant of proprietary formulation, based on nanotechnologies, to give the best performance at the lowest weight (and thus costs). Deorbiting Devices are used in low orbit satellites reentering phases and to remove end-

of-life non-operative satellites from their orbit. Deorbiting Devices represent the solution for the future increase of space pollution regulations constraints: our products bring back into the atmosphere small to medium size satellites in few hours.

Luca Rossettinifrom Polytechnic of Milan

Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering

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R.E.A.L. - Remote Expert Assistance for Lines - R.E.A.L. system employs augmented reality [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9KPJlA5yds] technology in a disruptive way for technical assistance, maintenance and training, as shown in this illustrative video. Our patented technology has been already successfully adopted [http://www.sidel.com/press/press-releases/2007/

augmented-reality-a-real-boost-to-traditional-technical-assistance] in 2007 by Sidel Group, a Tetra Laval company. It enables Clients to improve their technical assistance network efficiency and efficacy and to remotely assist their clients industrial training. REAL addresses the remote services market, expected to be worth $35.7 bn in 2010.

Francesco Ingusciofrom Scuola Superiore di Studi e Perfezionamento Sant’Anna di Pisa

Daniele Cassinifrom University of Bologna

Biomedical Engineering

Entrepreneurship and Management

Fully Customizable Measurement Systems - A new way of thinking portable plantar pressure measurement systems in clinical environment for applications like orthopedics, rehabilitation, biomechanics research and many others is presented. By providing a standard system and its building blocks (sensors) separately, the end user will be able to easily assemble and

customize the device on his own. Thus, one pays only for what he really needs and avoids overcomplexity often not required. In time, more types of sensors will be added and the same concept will be used to expand for measures in any other part of the body. I imagine in the near future a new ‘Lego’ medical world where players aren’t children, but my customers!

HaleTech – Technology Towards Health - Scientific evidence claims that current rehabilitation lacks objective data to assess patient’s conditions and evaluate outcomes of rehabilitation. The HaleTech project wants to address this issue by developing technological systems capable of providing quantitative

data form patient’s body during sessions of domestic rehabilitation. The system provides some sensory feedback to guide the patient in performing correctly his/her exercise. HaleTech system are designed around the user: they are unobtrusive, user-friendly and highly customizable.

Giuseppe Cavallofrom Bio-Medical University Campus of Rome

Biomedical Engineering

Microsystems for Innovative Methods in Diagnosis and Therapy of Cancer - Human immune system is a high-potential resource to fight most diseases, but it generally fails against cancer. Advances in biotechnology are necessary to improve the effectiveness of cancer immuno-therapies. The research I made

at the University of Bologna brought to the development of microsystems which can handle just one or few cells, providing new methods for training cells of the immune system to destroy cancer cells and for better monitoring the effectiveness of cancer immuno-therapies.

Massimo Bocchifrom University of Bologna


Alexandros Chatgilialoglufrom University of Bologna

Lipids in Cell Cultures (LCC): a Biotech Company for Certified Membrane Lipidomics - Cultured cells change their membrane lipid composition due to the culturing conditions, thus creating an indefinite palette of phenotypes. The mission of LCC is to develop innovative culturing

supplementation media and protocols for membrane lipid standardization of different cell lines, according to their original cell type. LCC wishes to support and contribute to the scientific advancements concerning the relevance of membranes in cell biology.


Business/Innovation Management

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Biosensors for Point of Care Diagnostic (POC): A Multiparameter Sensor to Monitor Overweight and Liver Related Diseases - Healthcare home testing is a worldwide $7 billion market. Up to 45% of all medical tests in the next seven years will be conducted outside the hospital laboratory. I propose a small portable amperometric POC biosensor for easy, low cost

simultaneous monitoring of four key physiological parameters: the content of cholesterol, bilirubin, glucose and transaminases, respectively detected by the enzyme cholesterol oxidase, bilirubin oxidase, glucose oxidase and amino transferase. Screen-printed-electrodes and MicroElectrodeArrays will be applied.

Arianna Tibuzzifrom University of Trento

SOA Integration Tool: A New Software Solution for Efficiently and Flexibly Combining Web Applications in the Internet - This project is an application of the research carried on during my Ph.D. It aims at developing and commercializing a software tool that enables the integration of Web applications in the Internet in an efficient

and flexible manner. The idea is to wrap a Web application into one or more Web services that can be used within standard Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs). More specifically, the tool relies on a formal framework to obtain certified Web Services.

Antonella Chirichiellofrom University of Rome La Sapienza

Computer Engineering

Electronics Engineering

How to Establish a New Industry Based on Production and Utilization of Sustainable Bio-fuels using Jatropha Curcas - The need for mitigation of Climate Change, energy security, scarcity and volatility of fossil fuels, are indicating bio-fuels as a potential global business. Jatropha curcas represents an optimal feedstock for bio-fuel production: not-

competing with food crops, low agricultural input, adapted to semi-marginal lands, it reduces poverty and prevents desertification in tropical and subtropical developing countries. Agroils America aims to establish a new industry of sustainable bio-diesel and bio-jet-fuel feedstock in US and other American Countries.

Federico Maria Gratifrom Danish Technical University

Environmental and Territorial Engineering

Domenico Centronefrom Polytechnic University of Milan

MAINs - MAINtenance Solutions - MAINs aims to help maintenance managers or in general equipment users, in taking effective and efficient maintenance decisions in order to optimize time and costs of maintenance interventions

and improve safety and environment aspects. This is achieved through the development of customized solutions based on software and hardware modules built on a new approach for reliability estimation.

Industrial Engineering

Entrepreneurship and Management

Porous Silicon in Photovoltaic - Discovered by chance in 1956 at Bell Labs, porous silicon is now employed in DNA sensing, MEMS, gas sensing, etc. Its advantage over other techniques is due to the non-vacuum and easy scalable process. The present work proposes the application of

this technique for the realization of a cheap and effective antireflection coating for standard silicon solar cell, and for the production of an original free-standing nanostructured substrate for hybrid or third generation solar cell.

Natanaele Baccifrom University of Pisa

Micro and Nanoelectric Technologies

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Learning Italian through Spoken Interaction -My teaching project will basically focus on improving students’ speaking skills. I will work with beginners who have not probably had any experience in Italian, so far. I will not carry on ordinary language classes, since they will not

include grammar lessons: my main goal, in fact, will be having the students speaking Italian intensively, starting from reading various kinds of texts and discussing them. Authentic cultural materials from Italy such as books, pictures, songs or videos will enrich my classes.

Ivana Garitafrom University of Rome La Sapienza to Russell Sage College, New York

As a Foreign Language Teaching Assistant in the U.S., my main goal is that of participating in a cultural dialogue, to exchange ideas and perspectives. Through this opportunity of intellectual and personal growth, I want to

bring my experience in the world, to travel and communicate with my identity, and to cultivate my strong belief in the values of tolerance and togetherness that always guide, in my opinion, the life of a teacher.

Giuseppe Sorrentinofrom University of Naples L’Orientale to Ramapo College of New Jersey

FLTA is a very challenging opportunity in my career because I will have the responsibility to teach Italian at Bard College. I may be asked to teach my own class and to share my culture to

other international students. Also, I am going to live in a great country and to learn about new traditions and way of life. For these reasons, I am sure FLTA is going to be a big step in my life!

Roberto Polo from University of Florence to Bard College, New York

Italian Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) 2009-2010

My name is Daria Angeli and I am one of those people who have been fortunate enough to be selected to participate in the FLTA - Fulbright Program for the upcoming academic year 2009/2010. My destination will be Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts, an area where I have always longed to go. Being a Teacher Assistant there, would mean a lot to me. First of all, having a MSc in Anglo-American Literature with a focus on comparative studies, would certainly give me the chance to enrich my knowledge and to deepen my research

on literary topics, with the not-so-secret hope to produce interesting course material for the pupils-to-be. Secondly, this opportunity could only bring me closer to confirm my career choice. The chance of teaching Italian as a second language would - without doubts - improve my teaching skills, sharpen my techniques and methodologies and raise awareness about the beauty and the significance of the Italian culture among American students. Grateful for this very huge prospect, I must say that I am really looking forward to it.

Daria Angeli from University of Verona to Wheaton College, Massachusetts

Cosimo Palmisanofrom Polytechnic of Bari

Client/Server Contextual Recommender System - It is a set of data mining algorithms for predicting and pushing products/service to be sold to “brick and mortar” firms facing the online market. It consists of a firm-centric RS and of a customer-centric RS application, to be provided

to the final customers for creating customers’ networks, negotiating with the firm, introducing contextual recommendation queries but also to activate prospects. A different recommendation algorithm is customized for different customers in different stages of their lifecycle.

On-line Communication TechnologyEntrepreneurship and


Italian Language

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La storia di Luigi Gerardo Napolitano, maestro riconosciuto a livello internazionale della nuova scienza della microgravità, si può dire che inizi con l’assegnazione della “Fulbright Student Scholarship”, borsa di studio “agognata da molti e raggiunta da pochi” messa a disposizione nel Dopoguerra dagli americani per gli studenti meritevoli. A prospettargli la preziosa opportunità era stato nientemeno che il generale Umberto Nobile, il trasvolatore del Polo Nord in dirigibile e protagonista della drammatica vicenda della “Tenda rossa”. Napolitano era allievo di Nobile all’Università di Napoli, un allievo prediletto del quale aveva constatato le grandi capacità e per questo gli suggeriva, ottenuta la laurea in ingegneria meccanica e poi la specializzazione in ingegneria aerospaziale all’Università di Roma, di volare negli Stati Uniti per conquistare il massimo della conoscenza possibile. Per questo nel 1953 partirà da Napoli a bordo della nave Vulcania e sbarcherà a New York. Qui alla Polytechnic University lavorerà con lo scienziato italiano Antonio Ferri emigrato dopo la guerra oltre oceano diventando uno dei grandi cervelli eccellenti della scienza aeronautica e spaziale americana. Ma qui oltre ad immergersi nella frontiera della

conoscenza Napolitano avrà modo di gettare i primi semi di quel rapporto con l’America che si rivelerà prezioso per il suo futuro di scienziato. Al suo ritorno in Italia, grazie alla preziosa esperienza della “Fulbright Student Scholarship”, Luigi Gerardo Napolitano maturò capacità tali da spingerlo verso la nuova frontiera della scienza microgravitazionale. E i suoi esperimenti a bordo dello shuttle della Nasa apriranno possibilità di applicazioni pratiche molto importanti. La microgravità in orbita è una risorsa da sfruttare per produrre beni utili alla vita quotidiana ma impossibili da ottenere sulla Terra. E Napolitano svelò alcuni dei segreti che permettono di ottenere questi risultati. Purtroppo la prematura scomparsa nel 1991 gli impedì di tagliare altri importanti traguardi ma già era diventato un personaggio internazionale presiedendo per due volte l’International Astronautical Federation. All’agenzia spaziale Europea ESA aveva assunto la responsabilità dei programmi di utilizzo della stazione spaziale e poco prima della scomparsa era stato eletto presidente del CIRA, il Centro Italiano di Ricerche Aerospaziali di Capua.

By Giovanni Caprara

Luigi Gerardo Napolitano Maestro della Nuova Scienza della Microgravità

Fulbright Story

Luigi Gerardo NapolitanoAlumnus (1953-1954)Polytechnic Institute -

Brooklyn, NY

Fulbrighters’ Publications and Works

They Call me Muslim by Diana Ferrero (2003-2004)

In popular Western imagination, a Muslim woman in a veil – or hijab – is a symbol of Islamic oppression. But what does it mean for women’s freedom when a democratic country forbids the wearing of the veil? In this provocative documentary, filmmaker Diana Ferrero portrays the struggle of two women – one in France and one in Iran – to express themselves freely.

In 2004, the French government instituted an “anti-veil law,” forbidding Muslim girls from wearing the hijab to school. Samah, a teenager in Paris who, at 14 decided to wear the veil, explains how the law attacks her sense of identity – and does not make her feel liberated. “Who says that freedom is not wearing anything on your head?” she asks. Half a world away in Tehran, “K,” forced to wear the hijab by the

Islamic regime, defiantly wears it her own way – and her translucent scarf loosely draped over her hair puts her at risk of arrest. When Ferrero films her at home, K, comfortable in a tank top and shorts, says, “They call me Muslim... But do you see me as a Muslim? What do you have in your mind for a Muslim person?” Beautifully shot and finely crafted, THEY CALL ME MUSLIM highlights how women still must struggle for the right to control their own bodies – not only under theocratic regimes, but also in secular, democratic countries where increasing discrimination against Muslims and sexism intersect.

Women Make Movies. They Call Me Muslim. Available at: http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c698.shtml [Accessed: June 12, 2009].


The Fulbright Story

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A yearning for adventure, a desire for fulfillment, and the need to get on with life after an unsuccessful liaison brings Harriet Sackett to the village Vitorchiano in the heart of the Italian countryside. The year is 1922. Her intention is to photograph and research Etruscan tombs on behalf of the theosophical society. Some months later Sarah, Harriet’s friend since childhood, and her husband Stephan, Harriet’s cousin, meet up with Harriet in Florence. Sarah becomes deeply worried about Harriet’s welfare and on her return to London sends her housekeeper, Mrs. Parsons to help out for a

while. Almost immediately an urgent telegram summons them back to Italy. Mrs. Parsons had arrived to find Harriet emaciated on the point of collapse and unable to communicate. The atmosphere in the country cottage is deeply unsettling and the only clue to her condition is the discovery of a diary – a diary documenting a passionate relationship with a mysterious Federico del Re.

Lappin, L. (2004). The Etruscan. Galway: Wynkin de Worde

The Etruscan by Linda Lappin (1978-1979)


Come il barbiere di Stalin, che non si sentiva responsabile dei crimini del dittatore, ciascuno si sente pulito e pensa sinceramente di non aver nulla a che fare con misfatti e inadempienze che constata ogni giorno: eppure anche noi flirtiamo con il male. Qualche volta lo serviamo. Pensionati e lavoratori, politici e cittadini, dipendenti pubblici e privati, lavoratori dipendenti e popolo delle partite IVA siamo l’un contro altro armati, convinti che altri siano i responsabili. D’Anselmi invece se la prende con le personali responsabilità di ciascuno. Il messaggio finisce per essere tuttavia ottimistico e non catastrofista

perchè riconsegna a ciascuno la chiave della propria felicità. Puntando l’attenzione sul lavoro delle imprese e delle istituzioni l’autore svolge un’analisi puntuale dei diversi settori dell’economia e del sociale, crea un database sterminato di scempiaggini che si perpetrano e di cose buone che si fanno, e presenta cosi uno spaccato della nazione e l’agenda per una cultura dell’attuazione.

Bonomi, A. (2008). Il Barbiere di Stalin.Università Bocconi Editore.

Il Barbiere di Stalin by Paolo D’Anselmi (1978-1979)

America: Un liberale guarda alla terra della libertà by Paolo L. Bernardini (2004-2005)

Un penetrante reportage dall’America e sull’America di un liberale europeo che attraverso brevi flash, annotazioni, e appunti riesce a condurci senza censure e dogane ideologiche entro i confini dell’Impero.Tra la Pennsylvania e il Missouri, tra Boston e l’Alabama, l’autore si confronta con luoghi, istituzioni, realtà imprenditoriali e culturali che rendono nitidamente percepibile la freschezza

e la vitalità di questa nazione non ancora del tutto guasta dal progressivo espandersi del Big Government.L’America, una galassia piena di stelle che neanche l’astronomo più diligente potrà mai conoscere in tutta la loro varietà.

Bernardini, P.L. (2008). America: Un liberale guarda alla terra della libertà. Liberilibri. 270.

In Deliberative Environmental Politics, Walter Baber and Robert Bartlett link political theory with the practice of environmental politics, arguing that the “deliberative turn” in democratic theory presents an opportunity to move beyond the policy stalemates of interest-group liberalism and offers a foundation for reconciling rationality, strong democracy, and demanding

environmentalism. Deliberative democracy, which presumes that the essence of democracy is deliberation - thoughtful and discursive public participation in decision making- rather than voting, interest aggregation or rights, has the potential to produce more environmentally sound policy decisions and a more ecological regional form of environmental governance.

Deliberative Environmental Politics: Democracy and Ecological Rationality by Walter F. Baber (2008-2009) and Robert V. Bartlett (2006-2007)

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Media and Public Spheres, now available in paperback, presents empirical studies of print, recorded music, movies, radio, television and the Internet that reveal how media structures public spheres as well as how people use media to participate in the public sphere. They explore the nature of public spheres, how they are deliberative, egalitarian, exclusive or

alternative, and the dilemmas that each of these present. The studies include cases of media, present and past, in North America, Europe and Asia.

Butsch, R. (2009). Media and Public Spheres. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 286.

Media and Public Spheresby Richard Butsch (2007-2008)

The new book covers the bases: the 19th century terror of the crowd in the discussion ofaudiences; the bizarreness of the Payne Fund studies into cinema; the mass comm panics; the so-called new world of the Internet; and so on. Butsch is again right to draw our attention to how quantoids reinvent old studies and rehearse old reactionary anxieties. It’s an older story even than he suggests. The emergence of private, silent reading in the ninth century, which ended religion’s monopoly on textuality, was criticized as an invitation to idleness. In the 12th century, John of Salisbury warned of the negative impact of juggling, mime, and acting on unoccupied minds. As printed

books began to proliferate in the early 18th century, critics feared a return to the disorder of the post-Roman Empire. Erudition would be overwhelmed by popular texts, just as it had been by war. When Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther came out in 1774, its suiciding hero was deemed to have caused numerous mimetic suicides among readers, and the book was banned in many cities.

Miller, T. 2009 Jan 28. Richard Butsch: The Citizen Audience: Crowds, Publics and Individuals. International Journal of Communication [Online] 3:0. Available: http://ijoc.org/ojs/index.php/ijoc/article/view/484/319

The Citizen Audience: Crowds, Publics, and Individualsby Richard Butsch (2007-2008)

La Società del Giardino: Un Percorso Illustrato by Starleen K. Meyer (1994-1995)

The inspiration for this book is found in my deep fondness for La Società del Giardino, for the principles of friendship, for the pleasures of social life and of culture on which it was founded, and for its tranquil atmosphere, friendly, rich with beauty, and consonant with the discreet spirit of the Milanese. Seen in this light, the present volume - realized in the same year the 225th anniversary of the founding of the club was celebrated - is balanced between ease of

consultation and completeness, in order to offer to the club’s guests a framework of information, to the club’s member a synthesis, and to both an illustrated panorama of the art, the palazzo and the history of the club still characterized by vitality.

Meyer, S.K. (2008). La Società del Giardino: Un percorso Illustrato. Milano: Galli Thiery Stampa.

(Continued) Baber and Bartlett defend deliberative democracy’s relevance to environmental politics in the twenty-first century against criticisms from other theorists. They critically examine three major models for deliberative democracy, those of John Rawls, Jurgen Habermas, and advocates of full liberalism such as Amy Gutmann, Dennis Thompson and James Bohman- and analyze the implications of each of these approaches for ecologically rational environmental politics

as well as for institution, citizens, experts, and social movement. In order to establish that democracy is ecologically sustainable and that environmental protection can (and must) become a norm of culture rather than a mere fact of government, they argue, new models of ecological deliberation and deliberative environmentalism are required.

Baber, W. F. and Bartlett, R. V. (2005). Deliberative Environmental Politics: Democracy and Ecologi-cal Rationality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 264.


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This essay will examine one of the five “strategic spheres” of Rome’s 2004 Piano Regolatore (master plan) for the historic city, the Tiber River and consider proposed interventions and programming by artist Kristin Jones (no relation to the author). Hardly an unknown or marginal element in the city, the Tiber has historically dominated whole regions of Rome, which it has served as the main artery for commercial, military, transportation, and drainage infrastructure up to the 19th century. Yet the Tiber River has threatened

the life of the city with violent acts of periodic flooding throughout its history, which led to the construction of embankments to control its inundations. Consequently, during the modern age, the Tiber’s presence and vitality in Rome have been diminished when compared with the preceding three thousand years of life along its banks.

Jones, K.B. February (2009). Rome’s Uncertain Tiberscape: Tevereterno and the Urban Commons. The Waters of Rome. Number 6. pp.1-12.

Rome’s Uncertain Tiberscape: Tevereterno and the Urban Commons by Kay Bea Jones


Caputi, I. (2008). Costellazione Cancro. Plurilingual Journal of Creativity and Criticism. Editrice Società Fiorentina.Volume ii, 119.


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Join the State Alumni Website and Exchanges Connect!

Join STATE ALUMNI, a prestigious, password-protected website created exclusively for alumni of U.S. government exchange programs! The Fulbright Community on STATE ALUMNI brings together current program grantees and alumni – as well as serves as the program’s professional support network for nearly 300,000 Fulbright alumni worldwide. To join, go to: https://alumni.state.gov/register or http://exchanges.state.gov.

ExchangesConnect is a growing global community of people interested in cross-cultural dialogue and international exchange. It is open to anyone who wishes to join, and its purpose is to form an online community of individuals dedicated to building bridges among cultures and making a positive contribution to the world. There are several affinity groups within ExchangesConnect, including one for the Fulbright Program. It is particularly useful in helping prospective candidates learn more about the Fulbright Program. Register for ExchangesConnect at http://connect.state.gov/main/authorization/signUp.


On April 9, 2009, the newspaper La Repubblica reported that a group of young researchers from the Department of Agriculture of the University of Turin, in collaboration with Prof. Alberto Alba and professors from the University of Modena and Milan discovered that bacteria named Wolbachia may in fact be attributed for the sex change of its host insects. A current Fulbright Grantee, U.S. Graduate 2008-2009 Margaret Sherriffs, from the University of California, is currently conducting her research and field and greenhouse experiments at the University of Turin in cooperation with the Alma Lab. Her research involves the study of co-evolution between Wolbachia bacteria and its insect hosts. Because Wolbachia is transmitted only from mother to offspring, males are essentially

“dead-end” hosts. Consequently, Wolbachia strains have evolved the ability to manipulate host reproduction to increase production of infected females. In the case of two analyzed insects, these bacteria would be responsible to make genetic male embryos develop into females. The study has been accepted and will be published briefly in the research journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. This study could have a considerable effect in the study of epigenetics, which involves changes in phenotype (appearance) or gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence, as it may represent the core of numerous severe pathologies.

Margaret Sherriffs (US Graduate 2008-2009 at the University of Turin) in the News

News News

Rotary Event: The U.S. - Italy Fulbright Commission Receives a PrizeApril 6, 2009 - Jolly Hotel, RomeOn April 6 2009, The Rotary Club Roma Sud-Ovest organized an event to celebrate the strong bonds between Italy and the USA. The most representative American cultural organizations in Rome received an award by Gen. Luigi Magliuolo for their role in bridging culture between the two countries. In addition

to Fulbright other organizations that received an award were: the Center for American Studies, the American Overseas School of Rome, the American Academy in Rome, the Marymount International School Rome, and The American University of Rome.

Maria Grazia Quieti, Executive Director The U.S. - Italy Fulbright Commission, receives a prize from Gen. Luigi Magliuolo, President Rotary

Club Roma Sud-OvestFulbright-Rotary Club Napoli Posillipo ScholarshipJune 8, 2009 - Rotary Club Posillipo, Napoli

On June 8, the Rotary Club Napoli Posillipo and The U.S. - Italy Fulbright Commission celebrated the new scholarship for research programs addressed to Italian students that are currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in Architecture or Engineering. The Commission’s Public Affairs

Officer, Isabella Lanciotti, illustrated the details of the scholarship and U.S. Consul General in Naples, Patrick J. Truhn, gave a speech on the economic policies enacted by President Barack Obama.

Margaret Sherriffs

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Program at Glance Program for U.S. Citizens A.Y. 2010-2011

for more information please visit www.fulbright.it

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Program at Glance

Program for Italian Citizens A.Y. 2010-2011 and A.Y, 2011-2012

for more information please visit www.fulbright.it

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