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Full illustration organic paddy cultivation methods tts-presentation1

Date post: 27-Jul-2015
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We have selected three acres of barren land which was not in use for past five years(To minimize residual chemical levels used in previous cultivation)

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Soil testing was done for five land sample according to standard procedure

and the test reports were obtained from government soil testing lab

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The land got irrigated at one side

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Irrigation pipes were buried to other parts of the land

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We laid pipe line about 400 feet in-order to irrigate the other parts of the land

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Rest of the parts of land also got irrigated

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Land was ploughed after irrigation

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Green fodder seeds of multiple crops were mixed and spread all over the lands

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Multiple crops have ability to absorb multiple nutrients from soil and atmosphere.

Hence when they get threshed back to the soil, they provide multiple nutrition’s to it .

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Seeds of multiple crops were germinated

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Crops grown to a height of 2 feet tall in two months after sowing

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Crops grown to a height of 5 feet tall at the end of third month.

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The cops were threshed and buried back to soil by tractor

Before they started to blossom

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Soil was left irrigated for 15 days to aid proper composting of greens. In this

process the mulched parts of the plants becomes food for soil microbes and gets

converted to composted manure for upcoming plants. Composting process

generates heat, hence the cultivation process has to be started after cooling of soil.

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VAM (vesicular arbuscular mycorhizae)was mixed with dry sand.VAM is a fungus

which binds to plant roots and help them to absorb nutrition from soil easily.

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VAM mixture was sprinkled over the land

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The Land got puddled and levelled such that VAM will reach the root depth

Phosphobacteria and Azosphirillum were mixed with Neem seed powder and sprinkled uniformly over land

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Traditional variety of south Indian rice seed were purchased from a private

organization known as CIKS(Center for Indian Knowledge Systems)

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The name of the rice is “KULLA-KAR”.

It is used to make famous south Indian breakfast called idly and dosai.

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Rice saplings were grown in separate place

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Saplings of twelve days old were transported to the place of plantation. The

saplings grown on land were better than that on mat in hot summer climate.

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Saplings got planted in straight line as per SRI (System of Rice Intensification)

plantation method using marked rope

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Rest of land also got planted with rice saplings

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The row to row spacing between plantation was maintained around 25 cm

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Ten days after transplantation

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Fifteen days after transplantation

( Irrigation got stopped due to acute water shortage)

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Twenty days after transplantation

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Thirty days after transplantation(still not irrigated)

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After 25 days we rinsed our bore-well with pneumatic compressor and got water

by lowering the submersible pump from an initial depth of 82 to 98 feet.

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Forty days after transplantation(paddy land got irrigated after 26 days)

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Here kindly note that,

• Due to organic farming process the paddy with-stood 25 days of drought and

even kept growing.

• The green manure provided before transplantation stored enough moisture and

released it slowly to paddy. This enabled the plant to withstand extreme hot and

dry climate of summer pervaded in our village.

• We also noticed paddy grown by chemical farming process at the same time in

our village got dried-up within ten days of drought and turned like yellow straw.

Weeding was done initially after ten days of transplantation but, we noticed the

crops were more stronger and healthier than the weeds.

• We notice the gap between the plants reduced by time by bunching of new stems

from a single plant.

• Since the Sun’s rays reached the ground, rodents didn’t get good hiding place

from predators. Hence damage to crops by rodents were prevented considerably.

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Fifty days after transplantation

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Compost tea solution was prepared and provided to paddy land

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Sixty days after transplantation. The plant got to an height of about four feet (weeds were suppressed by crops)

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Seventy days after transplantation, grains started to appear

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As the grains started to appear more, the leaves turns to light yellow

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Panicle with rice clusters reached a length over half feet

and trend to bend by grains weight

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Eighty days after transplantation, panicle with grains grown to length of one feet

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Grains started to mature and bend due to grain weight

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Eighty five days after transplantation

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Ninety days after transplantation, grains got matured but half green in color

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Paddy got ripen by 100 days and ready for harvest

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Paddy got harvested by a harvester machine

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The rice straw were collected for cattle feeding

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Straw from organically cultivated paddy got piled-up

in our place for future cattle feeding

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Heap of harvested rice

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We got 900 kg of very good quality rice grains per acre in first harvest

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Boiled and Milled rice ready for consumption

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Future programs and expectations:

We expect more increase in quantity of rice in next harvest, since we found a drastic

improvement in the Quality of soil like the softness, more number of earth worms and

humus due to organic farming.

We did manual harvesting in corners of land where harvesting machine can't reach and got

60 kg of rice. This rice will be used as rice seed for next plantation.

We prefer manual harvesting for seed production because machine harvesting may break

the germination tips of rice.

We got enough seeds for large area cultivation, next time.

We have also learnt many new techniques to improve the rice production.

We shall discuss about new rice varieties, multi- cropping, post harvest processing and

marketing strategies in the next subsequent presentations.

kindly wait for our next presentation upcoming soon.

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