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INTEG. AND COMP. BIOL., 42:222-231 (2002) Functional Morphology and Developmental Biology of Zebrafish: Reciprocal Illumination from an Unlikely Couple' L. PATRICIA HERNANDEZ, 2 MICHAEL J. F. BARRESI, AND STEPHEN H. DEVOTO Biology Department, Weslevan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459 SYNOPSIS. Functional morphology has benefited greatly from the input of techniques and thinking from other disciplines. This has been especially productive in situations where each discipline has made significant contributions to a particular research topic. A combination of methodologies from functional morphology and developmental biology has allowed us to characterize feeding mechanics of first-feeding larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). Contrary to kinematic patterns commonly seen in adult teleosts, larval zebrafish showed no lateral abduction during the expansive phase of a suction-feeding event. Instead, dorsoventral expansion of the buccal chamber, more typical of patterns seen in primitive fishes, characterized the expansive phase. Moreover, a pronounced preparatory phase during which the buccal chamber is constricted by the pro- tractor hyoideus was consistently seen in first-feeding larval kinematics. Key kinematic variables associated with first feeding correlated significantly with the hydrodynamic regime as measured by the Reynolds num- ber. Using the tools of both functional morphology and developmental biology we have not only determined which cranial muscles are important for successful feeding but also uncovered important physiological dif- ferences in muscle structure. Muscles necessary for the rapid dorsoventral expansion of the head are com- posed primarily of fast-twitch fibers while those involved in more tonic contractions such as hyoid protrac- tion have more slow-twitch muscle fibers. While most evolutionary developmental studies have examined mechanisms responsible for large evolutionary changes in morphology, we propose that the type of data uncovered in functional studies can lead to the generation of hypotheses concerning the developmental mechanisms responsible for smaller intra- and/or interspecific changes. INTRODUCTION Functional morphology and developmental biology are two disciplines across which a fruitful synergy could develop. However, while many functional mor- phologists understand the importance of developmen- tal history, ontogenetic studies within this field are still relatively rare. Moreover, the notion of combining functional morphology with molecular developmental biology seems especially difficult, since researchers within these fields do not generally collaborate with each other. Functional morphologists often investigate the functional consequences of key evolutionary ad- aptations (Liem, 1974; Liem and Sanderson, 1986), while developmental biologists investigate the mech- anisms generating morphological features. A union of these two fields can allow a deeper understanding of both the developmental origin and evolutionary im- portance of functional adaptations. The union of two disparate fields is likely to be most productive when applied to a research topic in which both fields have made significant advances (Liem and Summers, 2000). The development of cranial form and function is one such topic. Functional morphologists have long recognized that structures involved in feed- ing are often under extreme selective pressures, lead-- ing to the evolution of a wide range of cranial mor- phologies (Liem, 1974; Liem and Osse, 1975). Devel- opmental biologists, in turn, have made great progress I From the Symposium Molecules, Muscles, and Macroevolution: Integrative Functional Morphology presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 3-7 January 2001, at Chicago, Illinois. 2 E-mail: [email protected] in understanding the cellular and genetic basis of cra- nial development (Kimmel et al., 2001; Noden, 1986; Noden et al., 1999; Schilling, 1997; Schilling and Kimmel, 1997). However, functional morphologists have rarely characterized the developmental mecha- nisms involved in changes in feeding structures and developmental biologists have rarely focused on the function(s) of the structures whose development they are analyzing. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become a popular model organism for developmental biologists. They are easy to maintain and breed in the lab, and their embryos are small, develop rapidly, and are optically transparent. These advantages, and the work of many labs, have led to the identification of several thousand mutations affecting development. The creation of a de- tailed genetic map, as well as the characterization of the movements and cell interactions that determine cell fate and tissue form have also led to great advances in understanding zebrafish development. Functional mor- phologists can exploit these same advantages. Recent- ly, the functional morphology of feeding in early on- togenetic stages of zebrafish has been described (Her- ndndez, 2000). Moreover, the development of zebrafish cranial musculoskeletal structures is being character- ized, and the genetic mechanisms responsible for this development are being elaborated (Neuhauss et al., 1996; Piotrowski et al., 1996; Piotrowski and Nus- slein-Volhard, 2000; Schilling and Kimmel, 1997). We believe that the union of functional morphology and developmental biology can significantly impact the burgeoning field of evolutionary developmental bi- ology, and we will first place our work within this 222
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INTEG. AND COMP. BIOL., 42:222-231 (2002)

Functional Morphology and Developmental Biology of Zebrafish: Reciprocal Illumination froman Unlikely Couple'


Biology Department, Weslevan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06459

SYNOPSIS. Functional morphology has benefited greatly from the input of techniques and thinking from

other disciplines. This has been especially productive in situations where each discipline has made significant

contributions to a particular research topic. A combination of methodologies from functional morphology

and developmental biology has allowed us to characterize feeding mechanics of first-feeding larval zebrafish

(Danio rerio). Contrary to kinematic patterns commonly seen in adult teleosts, larval zebrafish showed no

lateral abduction during the expansive phase of a suction-feeding event. Instead, dorsoventral expansion of

the buccal chamber, more typical of patterns seen in primitive fishes, characterized the expansive phase.

Moreover, a pronounced preparatory phase during which the buccal chamber is constricted by the pro-

tractor hyoideus was consistently seen in first-feeding larval kinematics. Key kinematic variables associated

with first feeding correlated significantly with the hydrodynamic regime as measured by the Reynolds num-

ber. Using the tools of both functional morphology and developmental biology we have not only determined

which cranial muscles are important for successful feeding but also uncovered important physiological dif-

ferences in muscle structure. Muscles necessary for the rapid dorsoventral expansion of the head are com-

posed primarily of fast-twitch fibers while those involved in more tonic contractions such as hyoid protrac-

tion have more slow-twitch muscle fibers. While most evolutionary developmental studies have examined

mechanisms responsible for large evolutionary changes in morphology, we propose that the type of data

uncovered in functional studies can lead to the generation of hypotheses concerning the developmental

mechanisms responsible for smaller intra- and/or interspecific changes.


Functional morphology and developmental biologyare two disciplines across which a fruitful synergycould develop. However, while many functional mor-phologists understand the importance of developmen-tal history, ontogenetic studies within this field are stillrelatively rare. Moreover, the notion of combiningfunctional morphology with molecular developmentalbiology seems especially difficult, since researcherswithin these fields do not generally collaborate witheach other. Functional morphologists often investigatethe functional consequences of key evolutionary ad-aptations (Liem, 1974; Liem and Sanderson, 1986),while developmental biologists investigate the mech-anisms generating morphological features. A union ofthese two fields can allow a deeper understanding ofboth the developmental origin and evolutionary im-portance of functional adaptations.

The union of two disparate fields is likely to be mostproductive when applied to a research topic in whichboth fields have made significant advances (Liem andSummers, 2000). The development of cranial form andfunction is one such topic. Functional morphologistshave long recognized that structures involved in feed-ing are often under extreme selective pressures, lead--ing to the evolution of a wide range of cranial mor-phologies (Liem, 1974; Liem and Osse, 1975). Devel-opmental biologists, in turn, have made great progress

I From the Symposium Molecules, Muscles, and Macroevolution:Integrative Functional Morphology presented at the Annual Meeting

of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 3-7 January

2001, at Chicago, Illinois.2 E-mail: [email protected]

in understanding the cellular and genetic basis of cra-nial development (Kimmel et al., 2001; Noden, 1986;Noden et al., 1999; Schilling, 1997; Schilling andKimmel, 1997). However, functional morphologistshave rarely characterized the developmental mecha-nisms involved in changes in feeding structures anddevelopmental biologists have rarely focused on thefunction(s) of the structures whose development theyare analyzing.

The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become a popularmodel organism for developmental biologists. Theyare easy to maintain and breed in the lab, and theirembryos are small, develop rapidly, and are opticallytransparent. These advantages, and the work of manylabs, have led to the identification of several thousandmutations affecting development. The creation of a de-tailed genetic map, as well as the characterization ofthe movements and cell interactions that determine cellfate and tissue form have also led to great advances inunderstanding zebrafish development. Functional mor-phologists can exploit these same advantages. Recent-ly, the functional morphology of feeding in early on-togenetic stages of zebrafish has been described (Her-ndndez, 2000). Moreover, the development of zebrafishcranial musculoskeletal structures is being character-ized, and the genetic mechanisms responsible for thisdevelopment are being elaborated (Neuhauss et al.,1996; Piotrowski et al., 1996; Piotrowski and Nus-slein-Volhard, 2000; Schilling and Kimmel, 1997).

We believe that the union of functional morphologyand developmental biology can significantly impactthe burgeoning field of evolutionary developmental bi-ology, and we will first place our work within this


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context. Second we will present arguments for the im-portance of undertaking ontogenetic studies in func-tional morphology, and present as an example an on-togenetic study of feeding kinematics. Finally, we wishto illustrate the reciprocal illumination that can resultfrom the union of molecular developmental biologywith functional morphology by outlining our currentand future work.


Although the study of evolutionary developmentalbiology has a long, rich history (for reviews see Gil-bert et al., 1996; Hall, 1998; Raff, 1996), the field isundergoing a resurgence. Major reasons for this resur-gence have been the synergistic use of multiple modelorganisms, the realization that developmental controlgenes are widely conserved across species, and in-creased use of a comparative approach. As a result, itis now possible to identify the developmental mecha-nisms that are responsible for morphological variationsamong different species (Arthur, 1997).

At least two approaches can be taken in evolution-ary development studies, which mirror two classic ap-proaches used to understand the mechanisms of evo-lutionary change. One approach examines the changesin developmental mechanisms that have led to suchevolutionary novelties as the origin of the turtle shell(Burke, 1989; Gilbert et al., 2001). This approachseeks to explain higher-level macroevolutionarychanges-the origin of taxa. A second approach seeksto understand changes responsible for the modificationof structures that have already evolved. This approachseeks to explain smaller evolutionary changes-mor-phological differences between populations or species.Both types of studies are essential in understanding thegenetic mechanisms involved in all levels of morpho-logical evolution. Evo-devo studies have focused onlarge-scale morphological changes and have largely ig-nored smaller scale evolutionary changes in morphol-ogy. We believe that it is in the examination of thesesmaller changes that the union of functional morphol-ogy and developmental biology will be most fruitful.

The degree of morphological change associated withspeciation level events has been largely ignored byevolutionary developmental biologists. The ability offunctional morphology to inform developmental stud-ies depends largely on the structures being examined.If we are interested only in major changes in bodyplan, this will fall squarely within the purview of ex-isting evo-devo studies, where functional morphologycontributes little. Functional morphology can make avaluable contribution in evo-devo studies that examinemuch smaller morphological changes. Both types ofstudies are essential in establishing the types of de-velopmental mechanisms associated with both lowerand higher order levels of morphological differentia-tion across clades. Functional studies allow us to iden-tify key heritable performance variables whose gen-eration can then be examined using the tools of thedevelopmental biologist.


Functional morphology of early ontogenetic stages

Ontogenetic studies in functional morphology pro-vide a powerful approach to understanding the rela-tionship between changing form and function. Studiesthat encompass a wide range of developmental stagescan examine varying degrees of morphological com-plexity and concomitant functional differences withingenetically identical individuals. Such functional stud-ies can highlight the functional consequences of ana-tomical differences as pronounced as those seen incomparative studies without the added logistical prob-lem of adequately assessing phylogenetic relationship(Harvey and Pagel, 1991). Significant anatomical dif-ferences are often associated with ontogeny of feedingstructures (Liem and Summers, 2000).

Feeding studies have played a major role withinfunctional morphology (Lauder, 1 980a; Lauder andShaffer, 1993; Liem, 1974, 1979; Wainwright and Lau-der, 1986; Westneat, 1990; Liem and Summers, 2000).Emphasis has been placed on feeding due to its im-portance not only for ensuring survival, but also forattaining a healthy reproductive state. Early life historystages consistently show greater mortality than laterontogenetic stages, and feeding success may play animportant role in survival during these early stages(Houde and Schekter, 1980). Ontogenetic changes infeeding morphology provide an ideal scenario inwhich to examine the relationship between form andfunction.

The functional morphology of feeding by aquaticorganisms has been extensively studied. However,since most research has been done on adults, the ef-fects of viscous forces have been largely ignored. Dueto their small size, larval fish perceive their fluid en-vironment as significantly more sticky or viscous thando adults. The dimensionless Reynolds number (Re)represents the relative contributions of inertial forcesversus viscous forces in a hydrodynamic situation:

Re = UL/J

Where, L = characteristic length, U = velocity, and v= kinematic viscosity of the water (Vogel, 1981; Webband Weihs, 1986; Weihs, 1980). Reynolds numbers,which vary over several orders of magnitude, signifi-cantly affect the lives of aquatic organisms (Vogel,1981). By convention (Webb and Weihs, 1986), Re <20 indicate that viscous forces predominate, Re > 200indicate that inertial forces predominate, and Reynoldsnumbers intermediate to these extremes indicate thatboth forces must be taken into account (Fuiman,1986). Zebrafish larvae are usually within the viscousand intermediate regimes (Fuiman and Webb, 1988).

Several studies have shown that fish larvae, trappedwithin a low Re environment, function in an aquaticworld significantly different from that of adults (Fui-man and Webb, 1988; Hunter and Coyne, 1982). Thesebasic differences in their physical environment should


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be incorporated into models of feeding mode. For ex-ample, most models assume that during suction feed-ing, inertial forces play an important role in moldingkinematics (Lauder, 1980b). However, due to theirsmall size, inertial forces are relatively unimportant inthe lives of larvae. Given that most anamniotes feedaquatically while at a very small size, the effects oflow Re on feeding kinematics should be known forthese important life history stages.

There are a number of important constructional is-sues that must be considered when dealing with fishlarvae. Due to their small size, larval eyes take up asignificant portion of the head. Indeed, larval zebrafishhave eyes that are big enough to be unaffected by dif-fraction, a common problem encountered by small or-ganisms (Easter and Nicola, 1996). Otten (1983), in-vestigating ontogenetic changes in cichlid cranial anat-omy, described the potential constructional constraintof the eye on muscles involved in larval feeding. Theeye at first feeding is relatively large and often oc-cludes the space that later in ontogeny will house lat-eral muscles of the cheek (unpublished data, L.P.H.).There are two ways larvae can ameliorate this prob-lem. Rearrangement of key skeletal and ligamentousconnections could offset this constraint (Otten, 1983).Alternatively, different muscles could be used duringlarval versus adult feeding. Either solution acts as a"compensatory design" to deal with space constraintsimposed by a relatively large eye (Liem, 1991).

Evolutionary history plays an important role inmolding present-day kinematic patterns (Liem, 1993),thus rigorous use of the comparative method is nowcommonplace in functional morphological studies(Harvey and Pagel, 1991; Lauder et al., 1993). De-velopmental history may also play an important rolein shaping adult feeding patterns. Both fish and am-phibians must successfully compete in two markedlydifferent arenas before reaching reproductive age. Thedramatic morphological reconstruction that occurs dur-ing amphibian metamorphosis is accompanied by sig-nificant functional changes as these organisms switchfrom aquatic to terrestrial feeding. Given that the feed-ing apparatus changes completely during metamorpho-sis in most amphibians, the kinematic patterns estab-lished during aquatic feeding are mostly lost aftermetamorphosis. This is a potentially much more im-portant issue in fish since they do not generally un-dergo radical morphological transformations whichlead to the establishment of different feeding struc-tures. Whether neuromuscular circuitry and associatedmusculoskeletal machinery established early in ontog-eny affects adult feeding is unknown.

Limitations in experimental techniques have untilrecently slowed progress in understanding the func-tional morphology of feeding in early ontogeneticstages. However, although it remains difficult to di-rectly measure muscle activity and buccal pressure insmall larvae, advances in video recording technologynow allow the filming of larval feeding at a very highframe rate (1,000 frames/sec). Careful quantification of

kinematic patterns during larval feeding coupled withimmunohistochemistry, to carefully assess larval feed-ing structures, will allow us to better understand larvalfeeding mechanics.

We will first describe feeding kinematics of larvalzebrafish. By combining these kinematic profiles withan examination of muscular anatomy we then proposethe likely sequence of muscle firing during feeding.Finally, examination of muscle fiber type compositionbased on immunohistochemical data allows us to il-lustrate how functional and developmental studies canlead to a novel approach within evo-devo studies.

Feeding kinematics

Given how much teleost larvae differ from adults inboth morphology and size, and thus concomitantReynolds number, feeding mechanics in these twostages are likely to be different (Sanderson and Kup-ferberg, 1999). While there is variation in kinematicprofiles of suction feeding among adult teleosts, thetypical feeding sequence entails an anterior to posteriorabduction of bony elements to create a negative pres-sure within the buccal chamber (Lauder, 1985).Through the use of electromyography four distinctphases in feeding kinematics of fishes have been iden-tified. These are a preparatory phase, during which thebuccal chamber is constricted; an expansive phase,during which abduction of cranial elements effects re-duced pressure within the buccal chamber; a compres-sive phase, during which water is moved out of thebuccal chamber through adduction of cranial elements;and a recovery phase during which feeding morphol-ogy returns to its original configuration (Lauder,1980a; Lauder and Lanyon, 1980; Liem, 1978; Liemand Osse, 1975). For many adult teleosts, pronouncedlateral abduction of both opercula and suspensoriaplays a key role in generating a drop in pressure duringthe expansive phase. A preparatory phase, duringwhich the buccal cavity is constricted, has been iden-tified predominantly in advanced percomorph teleosts(Lauder, 1985).

Feeding kinematics of first-feeding larval zebrafish(total length = 4 mm; 5 days post-fertilization) aremarkedly different from kinematic profiles of bothadult zebrafish and other adult teleosts (Hernandez,2000 and unpublished data). Larval feeding kinematicswere characterized by a distinct preparatory phase dur-ing which the hyoid was protracted (compare Fig. IAand B). While the presence of a distinct preparatoryphase has not been identified in all adult teleosts (in-cluding adult zebrafish), among zebrafish larvae it wasa consistent part of the feeding attack. When present,electromyography has been required to identify a pre-paratory phase in adult teleosts (Lauder, 1980b). Giventhat this phase was readily identified in videos of lar-vae (Fig. IB), such constriction of the buccal chamberprior to the expansive phase may be more importantin larval fish. The synergistic effects of a small buccalchamber and viscous medium probably necessitate apreparatory phase. Constriction of the buccal chamber


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E 0.55E





Er 0.45 -

0.40 50 100


150 200

Time (ms)FIG. I. Pronounced preparatory and expansive phases characterize larval feeding in zebrafish. Lateral views from video taken at 1,000 frames/sec showing: (A) Lateral profile of 5 day-old zebrafish before the start of the feeding strike; (B) Preparatory phase characterized by extremeprotraction of the hyoid; and (C) Expansive phase characterized by extreme head elevation and hyoid depression. The asterisk reflects theposition of the prey item, a paramecium. The arrowhead in B marks the posterior angle of Meckel's cartilage, indicating that the hyoid isextremely protracted. Also note the decreased white area under the eye in IB as compared with IA. D, Kinematic profile of hyoid movementsin a first-feeding larva during a feeding strike. Time zero represents the time at which the hyoid begins to be protracted. The preparatoryphase (B) and expansive phase (C) are indicated. Hyoid depression was measured as the distance between the bottom of the eye and theventral-most point of the hyoid, thus increasing values indicate increasing hyoid depression. The line in D indicates the period immediatelypreceding hyoid depression during which the hyoid is maximally protracted and corresponds to the line in Figure 2C'.

serves to maximize the amount of fluid that can bebrought into the buccal chamber, a task made moredifficult by the viscous nature of buccal flow in larvalfishes.

Unlike kinematic profiles seen in many adult tele-osts, dorsal filming of feeding events revealed no oper-cular abduction at any stage of the strike (data notshown). Indeed, Cubbage and Mabee (1996) showedthat ossification of these predominantly dermal ele-ments is not complete until 9 days post-fertilization (at6 mm TL). Thus lack of opercular abduction was like-ly due to both lack of ossification at this stage (Cub-bage and Mabee, 1996) as well as to reduced size oflateral muscles responsible for such abduction. Thesize and orientation of these lateral abductors is likelyinfluenced by the spatial constraints imposed by theeye (Otten, 1983).

Given this lack of lateral abduction, changes in buc-cal pressure are brought about primarily by dorsoven-tral movement of the neurocranium and hyoid (Figs.1, 2). Head lift (Fig. 2A') and mouth opening (Fig.2B') followed by rapid hyoid depression (Fig. 2C')occurred after the preparatory phase. The extreme de-gree of hyoid depression (Fig. IC), combined with oneof the fastest and most pronounced cranial elevations

ever reported (see Gibb, 1997 for comparisons), indi-cates that dorsal and ventral musculature is responsiblefor generating negative pressure within the buccal cav-ity. The degree and velocity of cranial elevation rivalsthat seen in many specialized adults (Gibb, 1997; Lau-der and Liem, 1981). Such emphasis on hyoid depres-sion and cranial elevation is characteristic of less de-rived fishes (Bemis and Lauder, 1986; Lauder, 1982),suggesting a possible relationship between ontogeneticand phylogenetic changes in feeding mechanics.

Hyoid movements in larvae differed quantitativelyand qualitatively from those at other ontogenetic stag-es. When corrected for differences in size, first-feedinglarvae clearly produced the greatest hyoid depressionof all ontogenetic stages considered (Fig. 3). Moreover,while many adult teleosts have kinematic profiles inwhich time-to-hyoid depression is equal to the timerequired for the hyoid to return to its resting position,the time it took for the hyoid to return to its startingposition in zebrafish larvae was four times as long astime-to-hyoid depression (Fig. 2C). The prolonged pe-riod during which the hyoid was returned to its startingposition may be due in part to the viscous regime inwhich these larvae are feeding (Re = 4.97 ± 0.54),since there is a significant correlation between time to

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a)2' 20-j_0)0 15-

1 10--0

I 5


E 1-


(9 n



25 O*** A'20

15 -. .10~ .- *

5- I 1 1 20 5 1 0 15 2

0 15- B'AI2 -.-

.1 0.1- *-oU..t5 *0 *0.- 0.05 **-

0 025 .

f i 0 5 10 15 I

#~~~~~~ lIR,.

C0.65 - C

0.650.60.6- t45

° IT 04

.)0.5 - TT1.T i i0l 5 10 15 20

Q) 0.05 -

O0° 45 -r I s05

0.4 -

0 50 100 150 200

Time (ms)

FIt. 2. Kinematic profiles of head, mouth (gape), and hyoid move-ments in a first-feeding larva during a feeding strike. Time zero

represents the point at which mouth opening begins. Insets show a

magnified view of the first part of the strike. Cranial elevation (A')

and mouth opening (B') began while the hyoid was still maximallyprotracted. The line in C' indicates the period during which the

hyoid is maximally protracted during the preparatory phase preced-ing rapid depression of the hyoid. Compare line in 2C' to the line

in Figure ID.

hyoid elevation and Reynolds number (r2 = 0.560; P= 0.005). Moreover, there was a significant correlationbetween degree of hyoid depression and Reynoldsnumber (Fig. 3). This Reynolds number describes thehydrodynamic regime associated with suction feedingand uses the diameter of the mouth as the characteristiclength and the mean velocity of prey entering themouth as the measure of velocity.

Standard definitions of suction feeding assume thata rapid abduction of bony cranial elements results inreduced pressure within the buccal chamber, whichbrings in a bolus of water that will continue movingthrough the mouth and out the opercular openings. Thetypical kinematic profile seen in adult teleosts suggeststhat this is true for large fish. However such movementof incoming water is not possible within a viscous en-





0 50 100 150

Reynolds number

FIG. 3. Relative hyoid depression is correlated with Reynolds num-ber regime and decreases with ontogeny. When corrected for size,hyoid depression is greatest in first-feeding larvae and decreases inolder stages. Note that as Reynolds numbers increase relative hyoiddepression decreases. FF = first-feeding larvae (3-4 mm totallength); Met = larvae undergoing metamorphosis (6-7 mm totallength); Juv = Juveniles (10-12 mm total length); Ad = Adults(25-27 mm total length).

vironment. In a sticky medium fluid will not continueto flow once skeletal elements have stopped moving.Moreover, since the opercular openings are quite smalland the musculature responsible for abduction is notfully developed, fluid will tend to flow out of themouth as the hyoid returns to its resting position. Ifthe hyoid is elevated too quickly, water and adherentprey will be lost. Both lateral and dorsal filming offailed feeding events corroborated this (data notshown). Given the importance of feeding at these earlyontogenetic stages, where efficient feeding can literallymean the difference between life and death, the effectsof changing morphology and hydrodynamic regimeshould be incorporated into models of feeding behav-ior.

Feeding anatomy

Examination of 5 day-old, first-feeding zebrafishlarvae revealed that while dermal elements of the skullhad not yet developed, many cartilaginous elementswere well formed (Fig. 4). The occipital arch at theposterior end of the neurocranium, the future site fordevelopment of exoccipitals and supraoccipitals, waswell chondrified (Fig. 4). In first-feeding larvae thepalatoquadrate, which suspends the lower jaw, was oneundifferentiated block of cartilage. Contrary to thetrapezoidal shape it bears in adult zebrafish (Cubbageand Mabee, 1996) the larval palatoquadrate (in lateralview) had a more triangular shape (Fig. 4). The ventralposterior edge of the palatoquadrate was attached tothe long anterior process of the hyosymplectic. Thecartilaginous lower jaw was well formed and the re-troarticular process of Meckel's cartilage was alreadyquite prominent (Figs. 4, 5B). Lack of dermal ossifi-cation accounted for lack of both the bony dentary inthe lower jaw and the bony premaxilla within the up-per jaw. The hyoid, interhyal and associated branchial



-V I

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- ,,--Ceratobranchlals 1-5- --- I

FIG. 4. Free hand drawing of cartilaginous elements of the skull ofa 5 day-old larval zebrafish based on Alcian blue staining. Top,lateral view showing the hyoid fully protracted. Bottom, ventralview.

arches were quite large and well formed (Fig. 4). Thehyoid, formed from the combined ceratohyal and epi-hyal, represented one of the most prominent elementsin the head. The interhyal connected the hyoid to thehyosymplectic (Figs. 4, 5B). The hyoid and interhyaltogether constitute the hyoid apparatus (Barel et al.,1976).

Several muscles play a key role in both the prepa-ratory and expansive phases of a suction feeding event.The protractor hyoideus is especially important duringthe preparatory phase. The posterior intermandibularisand interhyoideus (Schilling and Kimmel, 1997) to-gether form the protractor hyoideus (Adriaens and Ver-raes, 1997; Winterbottom, 1974). The protractor hy-oideus originates on the ventral surface of each sideof the hyoid. It is composed of two, bilaterally sym-metrical muscles, which merge in a midline aponeu-rosis and then once again diverge as two separateshorter straps that insert on the ventrolateral surfacesof both sides of the mandible, composed of Meckel'scartilages (Fig. 5A, B). The protractor hyoideus ele-vates the hyoid (Fig. 4) and keeps it protracted (Fig.1B), as the head is elevating (Fig. IB, C). The no-menclature of this muscle has been a contentious issue(Adriaens and Verraes, 1997), yet it is clear that theposterior intermandibularis and interhyoideus work to-gether and should be considered one muscle in func-tional studies. While present as two muscles in the

notopterids and mormyrids, in all other teleosts fusionof these muscles has led to the protractor hyoideus(Winterbottom, 1974).

Two muscles are key to dorsoventral expansion ofthe buccal cavity, which characterizes the expansivephase of a suction-feeding event in zebrafish larvae.The sternohyoideus (sternohyal, Schilling and Kim-mel, 1997) originates on the pectoral girdle and insertsvia a long tendon on the hyoid (Fig. 5A; Anker, 1978).This tendon later ossifies to form the urohyal (Arratiaand Schultze, 1990). The epaxial muscles insert on theposterior aspect of the chondrocranium (Fig. 5A),which later ossifies into the exoccipitals and supraoc-cipital of the skull. Contraction of the sternohyoideusleads to depression of the hyoid while contraction ofthe epaxial musculature leads to cranial elevation.

While electromyography has not been used on first-feeding larvae, analysis of the sequence of skeletalmovements combined with the anatomical analysesmade possible by immunohistochemistry gives a goodindication of the order of muscle firing. Protractionand elevation of the hyoid, clearly seen in Figure lBindicates that the protractor hyoideus contracts first(compare Fig. IA to IB). As the hyoid is held in aprotracted position (Fig. 2C'), larvae elevate the cra-nium through contraction of the epaxial musculature(Fig. 2A'). The final portion of the feeding strike en-tails extreme hyoid depression brought about by con-traction of the sternohyoideus (Fig. 2C'). The rapidmovements brought about by contractions of the epax-ials and sternohyoideus suggest they might consist pri-marily of fast-twitch fibers, while the more tonic con-tractions of the protractor hyoideus suggest it mighthave more slow-twitch fibers (Fig. 5B). Thus, closeexamination of kinematic patterns, coupled with im-munohistochemical data provides vital information re-garding muscle physiology.

Given that the pectoral girdle at first feeding con-sists only of the small cartilaginous scapulocoracoid(Cubbage and Mabee, 1996) and that the sternohyoi-deus originates from the dermal elements of the girdle,which have not yet formed, it would not be surprisingto see the origin of the sternohyoideus move anteriorlyas the head is elevated. Such anterior displacementwould deleteriously affect feeding since there wouldbe a decrease in the maximum ventral excursion of thehyoid, and a concomitant decrease in buccal expan-sion. We believe that the inferior obliquus of the hyp-axial musculature (Fig. 5C) prevents such anterior dis-placement. Posterior fibers of the sternohyoideus oftenmerge with the anterior-most fibers of the inferior ob-liquus (Winterbottom, 1974). By retracting the dermalprecursors of the pectoral girdle, excursion of the hy-oid can be increased. Such pronounced depression ofthe hyoid would be unlikely without retraction of theorigin of the sternohyoideus by this hypaxial muscle.Osse et al. (1997) suggested that Cyprinus carpio lar-vae might retract the pectoral girdle to maximize hyoiddepression. Pectoral retraction through contraction ofthe inferior obliquus combined with slight head ele-


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FIG. 5. Antibody labeling of zebrafish cranial muscles and cartilages. A, ventral view of a 5 day-old larva illustrating relative distribution of

fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers in cranial muscles. All muscle is stained red while slow fibers appear yellow. The protractor hyoideus clearly

contains a greater proportion of slow-twitch fibers than either the sternohyoideus or inferior obliquus. B, lateral view of 5 day-old larva with

all muscles stained red (MF20 antibody; Bader et al., 1982), slow muscle fibers stained green (S58 antibody; Crow and Stockdale, 1986) and

collagen stained blue (II-116B3 antibody; Linsenmeyer and Hendrix, 1980). Note prominent Meckel's cartilage and hyoid apparatus. C, ventral

view of a 5 day old zebrafish larva showing the relationship between the inferior obliquus and sternohyoideus (all muscles stained with MF20

antibody). AH-Adductor hyoideus; AM-Adductor mandibulae: AO-Adductor operculi; DO-Dilatator operculi; 10-Inferior obliquus;

LAP-Levator arcus palatini; LO-Levator operculi; LP-Levator posterior; PH-Protractor hyoideus; SH-Sternohyoideus.

vation may allow for maximum change in buccal pres-sure.

Continuation of the hypaxial musculature into thesternohyoideus is seen in some adult teleosts (Winter-bottom, 1974). If, however, due to lack of lateral ab-duction of suspensorial elements, pronounced hyoiddepression commonly plays a key role in larval feed-ing, this morphological feature may be more importantin larval fish. By contracting during a feeding strikethis ventral musculature not only prevents the originof the sternohyoideus from moving anteriorly, but mayalso facilitate a greater ventral displacement of the hy-oid by moving the origin of the sternohyoideus pos-teriorly. Such movement could facilitate more pro-nounced volume changes within the buccal chamber.

Thus we suggest that other small fish larvae, in whichhyoid depression plays a key role in feeding, shouldall share this configuration of ventral musculature. In-deed, Patruna et al. (1998) and Mascarello et al.(1995), investigating muscle growth in marine larvae,made reference to the presence of such hypaxial mus-culature. Since marine larvae are typically smaller thanfreshwater larvae this adaptation of the hypaxial mus-culature may be more important in marine larvae.


Functional morphologists are not only interested inthe way that morphological complexes function, theyare deeply concerned with how such anatomical fea-tures have evolved over time. Functional morpholo-


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gists add to the work of developmental biologiststhrough their knowledge of muscle anatomy, remod-eling, and fiber type. Developmental biologists con-tribute not only tools such as immunohistochemistry,but also their knowledge of what genes are involvedin the proper development of assorted morphologicalfeatures. Functional morphologists can generate hy-potheses regarding the nature of morphological changewithin a clade. Developmental biologists can then ex-amine which developmental mechanisms have led tomorphological changes.

Using the tools of both functional morphology anddevelopmental biology we have determined not onlywhich cranial muscles are important for successfulfeeding but have uncovered important differences inthe proportion of physiologically distinct muscle fibersin these muscles. Since the protractor hyoideus is usedto hold the hyoid in a protracted position until rapidcontraction of the sternohyoideus, we would expect tosee differences in the relative degree of slow-twitchand fast-twitch fibers that make up these muscles. In-deed, there is a greater proportion of slow-twitch fibersin the protractor hyoideus than there is in the sterno-hyoideus, inferior obliquus, or anterior epaxial mus-culature (Fig. 5B).

Muscle fiber composition is hereditary in mice(Suwa et al., 1996); thus this is an important trait uponwhich natural selection can act. If as stated by Liem(1991), "functional demands dictate the precise tim-ing, mechanically adaptive shape, and strategic kine-matic connections of emerging structures during de-velopment" in larval fish, strong selection may existfor the proportion of slow and fast fibers in each mus-cle. Understanding of the cellular and genetic mecha-nisms regulating muscle patterning may suggest whichdevelopmental mechanisms are responsible for minorinterspecific differences in muscle fiber type differen-tiation.

The genes that regulate the development of slow andfast fiber type identity in cranial muscles are unknown.In the trunk, Hedgehog signaling from the notochordspecifies slow muscle precursors very early in devel-opment (Barresi et al., 2000; Blagden et al., 1997;Currie and Ingham, 1996; Du et al., 1997; Stickney etal., 2000). Soon after specification these slow muscleprecursors migrate radially away from the notochordto form a superficial layer of slow muscle; the re-maining deep musculature is composed of fast fibers(Devoto et al., 1996). Hedgehog genes (sonic and tig-gy-winkle) are expressed in the notochord and floorplate (Chandrasekhar et al., 1997; Ekker et al., 1995;Krauss et al., 1993) and may help specify cranial mus-cle fiber type identity. Future work entails document-ing the precise distribution of slow and fast fibers incranial muscles important in feeding. The develop-mental mechanisms by which muscle fiber type isspecified in those functionally relevant muscles willthen be investigated. We will also use zebrafish ge-netics to test several signaling pathways for their rolein specifying muscle fiber type in cranial muscles.

Functional studies have allowed us to determinewhich muscles are important in feeding and character-ize the relative contraction speed of these muscles.Identification of muscle fiber types using immunohis-tochemistry confirmed that muscles used for fast con-tractions contain more fast muscle fibers than muscleused for slow contraction. By examining fiber type dis-tribution we have identified a heritable, functionallyrelevant performance trait. Fiber type distribution is atrait that may vary among species or even betweenpopulations that have diverged in feeding mode. Giventhat we are investigating the genetic mechanisms thatlead to fiber type specification, future work entailsidentifying the genetic mechanisms involved in ef-fecting interspecific differences in fiber type distribu-tion within feeding musculature.

Developmental studies are the only ones that canestablish how novel morphologies originate. Naturalselection will cull failed experiments but only changesin developmental mechanisms can generate the diver-sity that natural selection acts on. Many evolutionarydevelopmental biologists have embraced this reemerg-ing field due to its great promise in uniting formerlydisparate disciplines. We suggest that consideration offunctional data when generating developmental mech-anistic hypotheses may allow us to understand howfunctionally relevant traits under strong selection haveevolved. Developmental genetic methods, combinedwith rigorous phylogenetic methodologies (Mabee,2000; Wagner et al., 2000), give promise that evolu-tionary developmental questions, posed from the timeof Darwin, can finally be tackled.


We wish to thank Ann Burke for providing helpfulcomments on the manuscript. LPH is indebted to KarelF Liem for his constant support during completion ofthe functional morphological aspects of this study. LPalso wishes to thank Beth Brainerd for use of videoequipment and lab space as well as years of fruitfuldiscussions. We are especially grateful to Lisa Zac-kowski, Ron Gordon, and members of the WesleyanUniversity Animal Care facility for excellent care ofour zebrafish colony. This work was supported by NSFgrant BSR-8818014 to Karel F Liem and a DonoghueFoundation Investigator Award and NIH grant RO1HD37509 to SHD.


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TITLE: Functional Morphology and Developmental Biology ofZebrafish: Reciprocal Illumination from an UnlikelyCouple

SOURCE: Integrative and Comparative Biology 42 no2 Ap 2002WN: 0209107521007

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