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Fund Office Update for ISPC - Jonathan Wadsworth

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Fund Office update for ISPC Rome September 15-16, 2015 Jonathan Wadsworth Executive Secretary, CGIAR Fund Council

Fund Office update for ISPC Rome September 15-16, 2015

Jonathan Wadsworth

Executive Secretary, CGIAR Fund Council

Fund Office functions (staff)

• Fund management & financials (1)

• Resource mobilization (2)

• Governance (3)

• Communications (1)

• Administration and support (2)

Fund Status

Received Confirmed Expected Received Confirmed Expected Received Confirmed Expected Received Confirmed Received Confirmed Expected Total

Carryover balance 32.3 0.5 - 0.2 0.1 - 21.6 21.7 - 9.7 0.0 63.7 22.4 86.1


(a) Prior years' Contributions 0.2 (0.2) 0.1 (0.1) 7.7 (7.7) - - 8.0 (8.0) - -

(b) 2015 Contributions 95.5 14.6 41.3 60.2 0.5 32.0 161.0 13.3 91.4 - 2.3 316.6 30.7 164.6 512.0

(c) Transfers 0.1 6.0 (6.0) - -

(d) 2013 CSP from Bilaterals 3.3 3.3

Total Inflows 131.3 15.0 41.3 60.5 0.5 32.0 196.2 27.3 91.4 3.6 2.4 391.6 45.2 164.6 598.1


2015 1 (83.2) (49.6) (190.2) - (323.0) - - (323.0)

Collection of CSP from W2&W3 4.7 (1.2) (3.5) - - - -

Fund Balance 52.8 15.0 41.3 9.7 0.5 32.0 2.5 27.3 91.4 3.6 2.4 68.6 45.2 164.6 275.1

1 includes commitments for speciall initiatives

Fund Inflows and Outflowsin $ million

as of August 31, 2015

Window 1 Window 2 Window 3 Provisional Total

Balance in the Fund






64 68









Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 Aug-15

As of August 31, 2015in US$ million

Inflows Outflows Fund Balance










2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (proj)

Window 3 Window 2 Window 1

2015 Funding Challenges

• Strengthening of the US$ against major donor currencies

• Donors also experiencing budget cuts across the


• W1/W2 projection currently stands at $240m (down 7%

from start of year)

2016 Outlook

• Most donors’ multi annual commitments end in 2015 and

in process of requesting renewal of funding commitments

• Some donors who experienced funding cuts plan to

rebound from the 2015 level in 2016

• Some donors expected to shift from W1 to W2

• W1/W2 projection for 2016 is $210m

Resource Mobilization &

Partnerships: the context

• FC11: Study recommends RM Strategy

(RMS) development in parallel to new SRF

• FC12: RMS presented, decision to

proceed with intersessional work program

• FC13: Intersessional work program

completed, decision to explore multiannual

pledging opportunities

• FC14: on track to present a new RM Plan

setting out financing for 2nd CRP call

Resource Mobilization

Initiatives • RM work initiatives:

– Re-establishment of the RM Community of Practice (RM-CoP);

– Innovative Financing (IF) instruments (Returnable Capital Funds and Product Development Partnerships): and

– Development of RM Plan with renewed emphasis on multiannual pledging

Next Steps

• Development of RM Plan and

integrated RM Strategy for FC14 – Case for support, including Value for Money

analysis (plus IF and non-CRP products);

– Identification of political and financial anchors;

– Calendar of RM-related events moving ahead;

– Coordinated RM approach across CGIAR.

Ongoing Work

• Continued focus on:

– Aligning work with Transition;

– Attracting new donors;

– Shifting existing donors to multiannual pledging; and

– Exploring new financing mechanisms and roles for prospective partners.

Creation of the Transition Plan & Team (Approved by FC September 2015)

At FC13 the Fund Council agreed to establish a CGIAR System Organization, including a CGIAR System Council and a CGIAR System Office, building on the existing legal personality of the Consortium 1. the Fund Council Chair should establish a team to:

o prepare a transition plan to achieve the changes and modifications to the system, o oversee implementation of the plan, o support Fund Council and Consortium Board discussions on the required steps to implement the transition, o facilitate communications with Fund Council and Consortium Board in intersessional period between meetings, o oversee preparation of any amended or new legal and other arrangements necessary to achieve the agreed

changes, and o prepare a budget proposal for approval by the Fund Council to cover costs of transition;

2. the following entities should be invited to nominate staff to work with the transition team, as appropriate:

(a) Consortium Office, (b) Fund Office, (c) ISPC, (d) Center DGs group, and (e) Trustee;

3. The transition plan should be circulated by end of July 2015, for approval by mail by the Fund Council by September 2015.

Target for the Transition: The CGIAR System

• The Transition Team’s job is to set up the post-Bogor CGIAR System. Based on the Fund Council decisions to establish a unified governance structure, the CGIAR System (CGIAR) will comprise:

1. an organizational structure, the CGIAR System Organization, that includes a CGIAR System Council and CGIAR System Office, the Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) and the Independent Evaluation Arrangement (IEA);

2. a central partnership with CGIAR research centers located in a range of countries around the world, each a legal entity with its own board and constitution;

3. other partnerships established to contribute to the achievement of the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework (SRF);

4. a CGIAR Fund that provides funding (W1, W2, W3) and bilateral contributions that contribute to the achievement of the SRF; and

5. the CGIAR programs (e.g., CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), Cross-Cutting Platforms).

The Transition Team

The transition team includes the following experts recruited for the purpose of managing the implementation:

o Team Lead o Change Management Specialist o Communications Specialist o Governance and Management Specialist o HR Specialist o Legal Specialist o Supporting analysts

Areas of Work for the Transition Team

• Legal Framework – Legal arrangements: What governing documents, legal agreements and arrangements

and policies need to be put in place to establish an operational the CGIAR System Organization

• Fiduciary Services – Elaboration of fiduciary services to be provided by the World Bank: Work will be

undertaken to determine the scope of fiduciary services to be provided by the World Bank to the CGIAR System Organization.

• Governance – Establishment of the CGIAR System Council: A CGIAR System Council will be established

as the single, new governing body of the CGIAR System Organization. Beginning in January 2016, there will be consultations among eligible contributors, developing countries, and other constituencies to identify the members of the CGIAR System Council.

Areas of Work for the Transition Team

• Predictable and Sustainable Financing – Resource mobilization: FC agreed at FC13 to initiate a multiyear resource mobilization

process to provide a more predictable/sufficient funding for the CRPs – Aligning the cycle of resource mobilization and GCARD and the Funders Forum: The

preparation of a proposal to align the cycle and timing for the SRF and the CRPs, with the convening of GCARD and the Funders Forum.

• CGIAR System Office – Executive Director search: The Fund Council decision on the CGIAR System Organization

provides that the organization will be managed by an Executive Director, who will be appointed by, and report to, the CGIAR System Council.

– Staffing and human resource issues: HR assistance to ensure a smooth transition for staff interested in working in the CGIAR System Office.

Areas of Work for the Transition Team (cont.) • Relationship of CGIAR System Organization (council and office) to centers

– Consultations with the centers, as to how best to structure the collaboration between the system organization and the centers. Work also to clarify the role of the centers as partners in the new system, and to elaborate upon the status of assets generated through CGIAR funded activities.

• Relationship of CGIAR System Organization to the global development agenda

– Consultation with the international development organizations currently partnering with the CGIAR system (FAO, IFAD and World Bank) as to how the new system can promote close linkage of the CGIAR research agenda with the global development agenda in food and agriculture.

– The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) will continue be a key mechanism.

• Relationship with the ISPC – The new strengthened ISPC will be a part of the new CGIAR System but the work is being handled by a separate

task force.

Transition Plan to Dec 2015

Transition Plan to April 2016

Results Framework


Setting targets











t ta


CRP 2nd Call: criteria (agreed at FC13)

8/14/156/15/151.1.1) Targeted Call

8/15/158/15/151.1.2) Pre-Proposals submitted

9/25/158/17/151.1.3) ISPC review of pre-proposals

10/6/1510/6/151.1.4) CB approval

11/3/1511/3/151.1.5) FC decision

11/3/156/15/151.1) Pre-proposals

11/16/1511/16/151.2.1) ISPC/Centers/CB/FC Berne style meeting

3/31/1611/17/151.2.2) Preparation of full proposals

4/30/164/30/161.2.3) Centers submit full CRP proposals

6/17/165/2/161.2.4) ISPC Pre-Review of CRP proposals (1/2)

6/17/166/17/161.2.5) ISPC/Centers/CB/FC Berne style meeting

7/15/166/20/161.2.6) CRP full-proposals adjustments

9/9/167/18/161.2.7) ISPC Final-Review of CRP proposals (2/2)

10/7/1610/7/161.2.8) CB approval

11/8/1611/8/161.2.9) FC decision

11/8/1611/16/151.2) Full-proposals

12/12/1611/9/161.3.1) Based on FC ‘must have’, revision of some CRP proposals

12/12/1612/12/161.3.2) ISPC checkpoint on ‘must have’ and final recommendations

12/26/1612/13/161.3.3) FC decision by email

12/26/1612/26/161.3.4) CRP/CPA contracts issued

12/26/1611/9/161.3) Final checks

12/26/166/15/151) Final Proposal

Title Start End Qtr 2 2015 Qtr 3 2015 Qtr 4 2015 Qtr 1 2016 Qtr 2 2016 Qtr 3 2016 Qtr 4 2016 Qtr 1 2017

CRP 2nd Call timeline (agreed at FC13)

CRP timeline (agreed at FC13)

Tasks Title Start End

1 FinalProposal 6/15/15 12/26/16

1.1 Pre-proposals 6/15/15 11/3/15

1.1.1 TargetedCall 6/15/15 8/14/15

1.1.2 Pre-Proposalssubmitted 8/15/15 8/15/15

1.1.3 ISPCreviewofpre-proposals 8/17/15 9/25/15

1.1.4 CBapproval 10/6/15 10/6/15

1.1.5 FCdecision 11/3/15 11/3/15

1.2 Full-proposals 11/16/15 11/8/16

1.2.1 ISPC/Centers/CB/FCBernestylemeeting 11/16/15 11/16/15

1.2.2 Preparationoffullproposals 11/17/15 3/31/16

1.2.3 CenterssubmitfullCRPproposals 4/30/16 4/30/16

1.2.4 ISPCPre-ReviewofCRPproposals(1/2) 5/2/16 6/17/16

1.2.5 ISPC/Centers/CB/FCBernestylemeeting 6/17/16 6/17/16

1.2.6 CRPfull-proposalsadjustments 6/20/16 7/15/16

1.2.7 ISPCFinal-ReviewofCRPproposals(2/2) 7/18/16 9/9/16

1.2.8 CBapproval 10/7/16 10/7/161.2.9 FCdecision 11/8/16 11/8/16

1.3 Finalchecks 11/9/16 12/26/16

1.3.1 BasedonFC‘musthave’,revisionofsomeCRPproposals 11/9/16 12/12/16

1.3.2 ISPCcheckpointon‘musthave’andfinalrecommendations 12/12/16 12/12/16

1.3.3 FCdecisionbyemail 12/13/16 12/26/16

1.3.4 CRP/CPAcontractsissued 12/26/16 12/26/16

CRP 2nd Call

More at: http://www.cgiar.org/our-strategy/second-call-for-cgiar-research-programs/crp-2nd-call-pre-proposal-submissions/

ISPC Recruitment

Adding 1 new ISPC position (7->8)

3 departures in 2015

Recruiting four new members in 2015

2 positions by Sept 2015 (in progress)

2 positions by Dec 2015

Extending 3 positions until Sept/Dec 2015

ISPC Recruitment

48 applicants

10 F / 39 M

Crop Scientist (11)

PGR Scientist (3)

Social Scientist (12)

Water Scientist (6)

General (16)

11 interviewed (Aug 24-25)

2 nominations by the SNC (Aug 26)

Approval in process by Fund Council

ISPC Recruitment


Firstname Patrick

Lastname Webb

Nationality UK&USA

Appliedfor SocialScientist


PhD EconomicGeography

Master AfricanStudies

BSc GeographyExperience

MajorDisciplinaryExpertise AgricultureandNutrition

Currentposition PolicyandEvidenceAdviser,GlobalPanelofAgricultureandFoodSystemsforNutrition/AlexanderMcFarlaneprofessor

Previousposition DeanforAcademicAffairs,FriedmanSchoolofNutrition,TuftsUniversity

Yearsofexperience 30

Years/positionwiththeCGIAR Yes/ProgrammeDirector

Strategiccapacity Yes








Firstname Rodomiro

Lastname Ortiz

Nationality Peru

Positionapplied PlantGeneticResourcesScientist


PhD PlantBreeding&Genetics

Master PlantBreeding&Statistics

BSc Biology




Currentposition Faculty(Chair)ProfessorofGenetics&PlantBreeding,


Previousposition SeniorAdvisor

Yearsofexperience 33



Strategiccapacity Yes







CRP IEA Evaluations

Centers submit full CRP proposals

*Genebank CRP starting in Jan 2016 (tbc)



finalized and presented


Centers submit CRP pre-proposals

CRP Evaluations

Fund Council

CRP Proposals



Approval decisions

Fund Office Communications Securing investments for a food-secure future

• Increase awareness of the importance of agricultural research and global public

goods to achieving the SDGs and addressing climate change & other challenges.

• Raise the profile of CGIAR and the Fund among donors, potential investors and

other key audiences to support resource mobilization efforts.

• Demonstrate CGIAR’s unique role in advancing top-level science for the benefit of

poor smallholders and how our research helps to transform their lives.

• Showcase concrete impacts made possible by donor investment and highlight

CGIAR’s "value for money" proposition.

• Collaborate with CO colleagues to present CGIAR as one unified entity (e.g.,

corporate Annual Report, social media, website integration).

• Partner with & support initiatives of CGIAR Communications Community of Practice.

CGIAR Roundup e-newsletter

Share research initiatives, scientific discoveries & impact stories

Ensure that donors & potential investors

have fresh examples of CGIAR’s work

and its benefits at their fingertips

to justify funding to

key decision-makers

Returns to Investment in CGIAR Research

Recognizing that future funding will be increasingly tied to demonstrating how

CGIAR research leads to development impact, the Fund Office launched the

“Research for Results” Briefs

Raising the Profile of the CGIAR Brand

in Major Mass Media

Press campaign on Center & CRP research under the CGIAR brand

Discovery of beans that can beat the heat could

save “meat of the poor” from global warming

• Story went global, covered

by major outlets (e.g., BBC,

The Guardian, Reuters,

Science, NPR)

• Carried by most international

wires and outlets in dozens

of languages

• Story tweeted by Bill Gates,

reaching ¼ million followers

• Recognize donors who

provide pooled funding thru

Windows 1&2 of the Fund

Communications on the Fund and

Fund Council Business

Providing timely and targeted information

Prepare speeches, talking points, PPt presentations and briefing

materials for Fund Council Chair & Executive Secretary, e.g.:

• Clinton Global Initiative/Sourcing from smallholders

• Alliance to End Hunger/Power of science & technology

• World Bank Annual Meetings/donor & CGIAR briefings

• Crawford Fund Conference keynote

Identify and meet the information needs of Fund Council

members & Fund donors

Produce Fund Office report to the Fund Council and Funders

Forum and detailed summaries of the meetings

Messages from FC Chair & Executive Secretary to provide

updates on the Fund & FC business to Center DGs, CRP

leaders, Board Chairs

Promoting Greater Connectivity between the

CGIAR and World Bank Agendas

Enhancing CGIAR’s Visibility within the Bank

• Document how CGIAR research contributes to the Bank’s

mission and is needed to achieve the Bank’s twin goals of

reducing poverty & ensuring shared prosperity.

• Showcase how the results of CGIAR research are used in

Bank projects for development impact.

• Develop briefs for World Bank President, Management

and Board on the high returns for world’s poor to

investment in CGIAR technologies & innovation.

• Disseminate CGIAR stories & news on weekly basis

through Bank newsletters, Agriculture & Food Security

portals and social media channels.

In 1971, World Bank President McNamara and Norman Borlaug shared a vision:

mobilize agricultural science & technology to combat poverty and hunger.

The result of their vision? The creation of CGIAR.
