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Fund vs Cash

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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  • 8/3/2019 Fund vs Cash



    FundsFunds FlowFlow StatementStatement oror StatementStatement ofof

    ChangesChanges inin FinancialFinancial PositionPosition oror aa

    StatementStatement ofof SourcesSources andand UsesUses ofof FundFundshowsshows forfor aa particularparticular periodperiod ofof timetime thethe

    sourcessources fromfrom whichwhich fundsfunds werewere obtainedobtained

    byby anan MFIMFI andand thethe specificspecific usesuses toto whichwhich

    suchsuch fundsfunds werewere appliedapplied..

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    It reports: the movement of funds betweenIt reports: the movement of funds between

    various assets and liabilities during anvarious assets and liabilities during an

    accounting period.accounting period.The following information are required toThe following information are required to

    prepare a Funds Flow Statement:prepare a Funds Flow Statement:

    Balance Sheets of the Current Year andBalance Sheets of the Current Year and

    preceding Accounting Year,preceding Accounting Year,

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    Required InformationRequired Information--Contd.Contd.

    Profit and Loss Account of the currentProfit and Loss Account of the current

    Accounting Year andAccounting Year and

    Related Notes on Accounts, SchedulesRelated Notes on Accounts, Schedulesand Appendices.and Appendices.

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    To show the sources of financial resourcesTo show the sources of financial resources

    To show the uses of financial resources,To show the uses of financial resources,

    To provide information on all financing andTo provide information on all financing andinvestment activities of an MFI,investment activities of an MFI,

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  • 8/3/2019 Fund vs Cash


    Balance SheetBalance Sheet

    TheThe balancebalance sheetsheet providesprovides aa listinglisting ofof allall

    thethe assets,assets, liabilitiesliabilities andand capitalcapital ofof anan MFIMFI

    atat aa givengiven pointpoint inin timetime..

    AsAs such,such, itit isis aa snapshotsnapshot ofof thethe sourcessources

    ofof fundsfunds (liabilities(liabilities andand capital)capital) andand howhow

    thesethese fundsfunds havehave beenbeen appliedapplied (as(as


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    This can be illustrated as belowThis can be illustrated as below

    The design of the balance sheet is basedThe design of the balance sheet is based

    on the accounting equation that states:on the accounting equation that states:

    Liabilities and capital = AssetsLiabilities and capital = Assets

    Liabilities &CapitalLiabilities &Capital AssetsAssets







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    Liabilities & CapitalLiabilities & Capital

    TheThe LiabilityLiability andand capitalcapital sideside of of thethe

    balancebalance sheetsheet usuallyusually comprisescomprises threethree

    categoriescategories ofof itemsitems::

    Member capital (or equity ):Member capital (or equity ):

    Long term Liabilities:Long term Liabilities:

    Current Liabilities:Current Liabilities:

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    TheThe LiabilityLiability andand capitalcapital sideside of of thethebalancebalance sheetsheet usuallyusually comprisescomprises threethreecategoriescategories ofof itemsitems::




    Fixed Assets:Fixed Assets:

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    Sample Balance SheetSample Balance Sheet

    Liabilities and CapitalLiabilities and Capital AssetsAssets

    MembersMembers SharesShares 4545,,300300 CashCash 402402

    MembersMembers SavingsSavings 474474,,925925 BankBank 3838,,579579

    LoanLoan fromfrom SRFSRF 284284,,500500 InvestmentsInvestments 88,,900900

    GeneralGeneral ReservesReserves 5858,,238238 LoansLoans 895895,,278278

    OtherOther ReservesReserves 9494,,200200 FixedFixed AssetsAssets 1414,,668668

    CurrentCurrent LiabilitiesLiabilities 4848,,862862 InterestInterest ReceivableReceivable 4848,,198198

    CapitalCapital andand LiabilitiesLiabilities 11,,006006,,025025 TotalTotalAssetsAssets 11,,006006,,025025

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    Cash Flow SummaryCash Flow Summary

    ThisThis statementstatement isis aa simplesimple summarysummary ofof cashcash inflowsinflows andand

    outflowsoutflows overover aa givengiven periodperiod ofof timetime..

    CashCash flowflow isis preparedprepared onon aa monthlymonthly basisbasis inin savingssavings andand

    creditcredit cooperativescooperatives..

    CashCash inflowinflow consistsconsists ofof savings,savings, deposits,deposits, shares,shares, loanloan

    repayments,repayments, serviceservice fees,fees, interestinterest received,received, finesfines etcetc..

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    CashCash outflowoutflow consistsconsists of of sharesshares

    withdrawn,withdrawn, savingssavings withdrawn,withdrawn, depositsdeposits

    withdrawn,withdrawn, loansloans issued,issued, equipmentequipment

    purchased,purchased, expensesexpenses paidpaid etcetc..

    CashCash flowflow isis thethe differencedifference betweenbetween thethe

    cashcash flowingflowing inin andand thethe cashcash flowingflowing outout ofof

    thethe CooperativeCooperative..

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    A sample Cash Flow SummaryA sample Cash Flow Summary

    ReceiptsReceipts DisbursementsDisbursements

    OpeningOpening 20002000

    SharesShares purchased purchased 700700 SharesShares withdrawnwithdrawn 300300

    MembersMembers SavingsSavings 80008000 SavingsSavings withdrawnwithdrawn 15001500

    MembersMembers DepositsDeposits 50005000 DepositsDeposits withdrawnwithdrawn 25002500

    LoansLoans repaymentrepayment 75007500 LoansLoans GrantedGranted 1100011000

    InterestInterest receivedreceived 18001800 EquipmentEquipment BoughtBought 30003000

    FinesFines receivedreceived 300300 ExpensesExpenses PaidPaid 34003400

    ClosingClosing CashCash BalanceBalance 36003600

    TotalTotal CashCash availableavailable 2530025300 TotalTotal accountedaccounted 2530025300

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    The Income and Expenditure StatementThe Income and Expenditure Statement

    TheThe incomeincome andand expenditureexpenditure statementstatement isisaa summarysummary ofof thethe incomeincome andand expensesexpenses ofofthethe cooperativecooperative forfor aa periodperiod ofof timetime..

    ThisThis isis alsoalso calledcalled asas profitprofit andand losslossstatementstatement.. UsuallyUsually thisthis isis preparedprepared

    monthlymonthly or or annuallyannually.. TheThe accountingaccountingequationequation cancan bebe expandedexpanded toto includeinclude thethecomponentscomponents ofof incomeincome andand expensesexpenses..

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    The accounting equation can be expanded toThe accounting equation can be expanded to

    include the components of income andinclude the components of income and


    Assets = Liabilities + Capital + IncomeAssets = Liabilities + Capital + Income ExpensesExpenses

    TheThe incomeincome andand expensesexpenses statementstatement listslists allall thethe

    expensesexpenses incurredincurred byby thethe cooperativecooperative duringduring thethe givengiven

    periodperiod ofof timetime andand allall thethe incomeincome earnedearned.. TheThe statementstatementalsoalso showsshows thethe excessexcess ofof incomeincome overover expenditureexpenditure whichwhich

    isis calledcalled asas surplussurplus oror profitprofit..

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    The income and expenditure can beThe income and expenditure can be

    grouped under the following heads:grouped under the following heads:

    Income:Income: Expenses:Expenses:

    --InterestInterest onon LoansLoans --CostCost ofof fundsfunds

    --serviceservice feefee --personnelpersonnel costscosts

    --membershipmembership feesfees --facilityfacility costscosts

    --interestinterest onon investmentsinvestments --operationaloperational costscosts

    --OtherOther incomeincome

    --governinggoverning costscosts

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