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PREVENTION PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM FUNDING GUIDELINES PREVENTION PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM FUNDING GUIDELINES PLACE FOR LODGEMENT: Please lodge your expression of interest via email. In the subject line of your email, please quote your project title and the reference number listed and send to: [email protected] and cc [email protected]. REFERENCE NUMBER: PPP1921 ISSUE DATE: 23 May 2019 These guidelines outline the intent and nature of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation’s (the Foundation) Prevention Partnerships Program during 2019-2021. More information is available on the foundation’s website at: www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au/2019preventiongrants 2019–2021
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PLACE FOR LODGEMENT: Please lodge your expression of interest via email. In the subject line of your email, please quote your project title and the reference number listed and send to: [email protected] and cc [email protected].


ISSUE DATE: 23 May 2019

These guidelines outline the intent and nature of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation’s (the Foundation) Prevention Partnerships Program during 2019-2021.

More information is available on the foundation’s website at: www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au/2019preventiongrants


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The Prevention Partnerships Program

About the Foundation The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (the Foundation) was created by the Victorian Parliament under the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation Act 2011 specifically to address the challenge of gambling harm in the Victorian community. The Foundation is a statutory body that is funded by the Victorian government and governed by an independent board.

The Foundation’s mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians by working with our communities and government to deliver effective, evidence-based initiatives and innovative approaches to prevent gambling harm and provide support for those seeking help.

More information about the Foundation is available at www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au.

Purpose of the grants program

The Foundation’s Prevention Partnerships Program (the program) aims to help prevent and reduce gambling-related harm within communities across Victoria.

The program has a total of $2 million (ex GST) in funding available over two years from 2019-2021 and applications are open from 23 May 2019.

We are looking to fund programs and initiatives under two streams – smaller grants for capacity building projects aiming to raise awareness of gambling harm, and larger grants for the delivery of innovative primary prevention initiatives to at-risk communities.

Applications for grants are welcome from not for profit organisations, social enterprise, local government and community or public health organisations – in particular, applications from Aboriginal communities, organisations based in regional Victoria and organisations who work with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities are strongly encouraged.

Organisations wishing to apply will need to demonstrate how their project idea avoids duplication of existing prevention and community engagement activities, in particular those previously or currently funded by the Foundation.

To support this, applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Foundation’s existing awareness and prevention programs (see background resources on page 5).

A grants information session will be held to explain the application process and provide an opportunity to ask questions and clarify any requirements (see page 4).

You can also contact the Grants Manager if you have any enquiries about the funding guidelines (this document), a project idea or the application process on (03) 9452 2664. Interpreting services are also available if you require assistance in a language other than English.

Please note that while the Grants Manager can provide general guidance, they can’t help to draft individual applications, and they can’t review individual applications ahead of submission.

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Program objectives* Applicants seeking funding through the innovation in primary prevention (larger) grants, will need to demonstrate how their projects align with the following objectives:

1. Deliver innovative gambling harm prevention initiatives and test new ideas

2. Demonstrate a primary prevention approach, aiming to prevent gambling harm before it occurs

3. Focus on subpopulations and settings, targeting at-risk groups

4. Build evidence for effective practice in the prevention of gambling harm

Applicants seeking funding through the capacity building (smaller) grants, will need to demonstrate how their projects align with the following objectives:

5. Raise the awareness of professionals and community members, on gambling harm as a public health issue and the risks associated with gambling

6. Facilitate conversations to break down stigma around gambling and promote help-seeking

7. Implement projects that aim to reduce gambling harm, including alternative recreation activities

*Please note, the above instructions regarding objectives represent the mandatory expectations for applications within that funding stream e.g. larger grants must address objectives 1-4, and smaller grants must address objectives 5-7. Applicants are welcome to go beyond these expectations e.g. address all seven objectives in their applications, however it should not be assumed that this will increase the likelihood of receiving funding and it is recommended that grant applications are focussed and concise.

What’s on offer? The Foundation is offering grants under two streams – capacity building (smaller) grants from $25,000 to $100,000, and innovation in primary prevention (larger) grants from $100,001 to $200,000.

The funding period for all projects awarded a grant will be August 2019 to June 2021, however applicants are welcome to request shorter project timeframes if preferred, for example 12 or 18 months.

Applications will initially be assessed through completion of an Expression of Interest form, and part of this assessment process will be determining if the funding amount requested by the applicant aligns with the appropriate funding stream.

Please see the terms and conditions within these guidelines for further information on the allocation of funding.

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Important dates

Grant information session

A grant information session will be held at the Foundation in North Melbourne for interested and eligible applicants on Friday 31 May 2019. Please register your attendance for the information session via TRYBOOKING.

To ensure this grants opportunity is accessible to organisation across Victoria, we will record this information session and make it available to watch via our YouTube channel.


Prevention Partnership Program grants open 23 May 2019

Information session (see below) 31 May 2019

Expressions of Interest close 5:00 PM AEST

21 June 2019

Assessment of EOI and applicants notified of the outcome of their application (shortlisted or not)

June/July 2019

Full Application deadline for those shortlisted 9:00 AM AEST

31 July 2019

Notifications to successful and unsuccessful applicants August 2019

Funding agreements executed with successful applicants and projects commence

August 2019

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Key documents and resources

Funding documents Description

Expression of Interest form

The Expression of Interest form to be completed by all applicants. Please complete and return to [email protected] and cc [email protected]

Funding guidelines (this document)

Please ensure you read and understand these guidelines, which contains important information including the terms and conditions, assessment criteria and eligibility.

Background resources Description

The Foundation’s prevention and community engagement programs

This link takes you to information on the Foundation’s suite of prevention and community engagement initiatives. Applicants should take particular note of prevention projects that have been funded previously (follow the link and refer to ‘Prevention Partnership Program’).

How Victorian Communities Are tackling Gambling Harm

This video showcases three of our current funded prevention projects.

Community Projects and Initiatives

This links takes you to several short videos which further demonstrate the work of our current funded prevention projects.

Local Prevention Program evaluation summary 2014 – 2017

The literature on effective gambling harm prevention practice is only emerging, and as such, this evaluation summary of the Foundation’s Local Prevention Program (delivered in 2014-17) provides key insights that will be particularly useful for those interested in applying for our grants and implementing gambling harm prevention initiatives.

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How to apply 1. Carefully read these guidelines, the additional documents and resources (see previous page)

2. Call the Grants Manager if you have any enquiries about the guidelines, your project idea or the application process – (03) 9452 2664.

3. Complete and submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) form by 5:00pm, Friday 21 June 2019, emailing to [email protected] and cc [email protected] - along with any attachments or supporting documentation.

EOIs will then be assessed by the assessment panel against the key selection criteria listed below in Table 1. Applicants who are successful in the EOI process will then be notified by the Foundation and invited to submit a full application (template will be provided) addressing the criteria in Table 2 below.

4. If your EOI application is short-listed, complete and submit a full application by 9:00am, Wednesday 31 July 2019.

Full applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria (Table 2 below), by a panel consisting of both Foundation staff and a non-member of staff (possibly someone with lived experience). The Foundation cannot accept late applications or provide extensions to the closing date for both the EOIs and full applications.

Table 1: Expression of Interest application criteria

Criteria Description

Project summary (weighted 35%)

A brief summary of your project including the overall goal (what problem are you hoping to address), evidence of the problem, target group, setting and key activities you will implement.

Alignment with objectives (weighted 40%)

How your project aligns with the program objectives (page 2-3 of these guidelines)

Organisational capability (weighted 25%)

The capacity of your organisation to deliver your project including; timeframes, project team, previous experience – particularly in relation to your target group.

Value for money (overall assessment, no weighting)

The total grant amount you are requesting, and a detailed budget, including any in-kind contributions or co-funding.

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Table 2: Full application criteria (only for those shortlisted in the EOI process)

Mandatory criteria for all applications

Criteria Description

Project plan (weighted 30%)

Project goal, objectives, key deliverables and timelines, target group, setting, sustainability plan and risk management.

Partnerships and Community Engagement (weighted 20%)

List your project partners, their role in relation to the project, whether they represent a new/existing relationship, engagement plan.

Value for money (overall assessment, no weighting)

The total grant amount you are requesting, and a detailed budget, including any in-kind contributions or co-funding.

Specific criteria if applying for capacity building grants

Criteria Description

Capacity building (weighted 50%)

How your project will build the capacity of professionals and community members to understand gambling harm and take action to prevent harm.

Specific criteria if applying for innovation grants

Criteria Description

Innovation (weighted 25%)

How your project demonstrates innovation (see Definitions on page 11-12).

Primary prevention approach (weighted 25%)

How your project demonstrates a primary prevention approach - aiming to prevent gambling harm before it occurs (see Definitions on page 11-12 and Resources on page 4).

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Who can apply? • Applicants must be a single corporate entity such as a not for profit organisation, social

enterprise, local government and community or public health organisation. Individuals or sole traders are not eligible to apply.

• Organisations funded by the Foundation from 1 July 2019 through the following streams are not eligible to apply for these grants - Gambler’s Help services, including CALD Gambler’s Help services, and those funded through the Strategic Partnership Program. However these organisations are welcome to partner with organisations who are eligible to apply for a grant. Please note Aboriginal Gambler’s Help services funded by the Foundation are eligible to apply for these grants.

• Please note that all funding must be used for the community benefit and cannot be used to generate a profit for individuals.

• Eligibility for this program is restricted to entities operating in Victoria.

• The Victorian Government recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s first peoples, and respects and supports the right to self-determination. The Foundation acknowledges achieving social justice, community inclusion and self-determination as the basis to address harm from gambling in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. To further this commitment, the Foundation will preference funding community owned and led organisations to deliver programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

• Where the organisation is not owned and led by that community, the organisation will need to provide a letter of support from an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, Aboriginal Cooperative, or Registered Aboriginal Party, as well as information about the organisation’s previous experience working with that community. Further, these organisations must outline their commitment to employing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and/or consultants.

• The projects working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities, where the applicant is not an organisation that is governed or led by that community/communities, we will require a supporting letter from the local organisation or community group that you aim to work with, as well as information about your organisation’s previous experience working with that community. Please phone the Grant Manager on 03 9452 2664 if you have any further questions.

• Only one application per organisation will be accepted. Partner organisations can, however, be involved in more than one application.

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Evaluation, documentation and reporting requirements Evaluation requirements

• The Foundation is funding ongoing evaluation of funded prevention initiatives, including this grants round, to provide evidence of outcomes and effectiveness and overall program impact.

• Funded organisations will be responsible for working with the evaluator and undertaking data collection, monitoring and reporting on their projects. This includes collecting data on process, impact and outcome measures, the nature of which will be guided and supported by the external evaluator.

• Funded organisations will also be required to participate in an overall program evaluation, managed by the evaluator, which may include participating in activities such as interviews or surveys. Applicants are encouraged to cost for this component of work within their proposed budgets, up to 10% of the overall requested funding amount, or to outline how the organisation will address the resourcing requirement (i.e. through existing staff time).

• Please note that the overall program evaluation commissioned by the Foundation will not include a detailed, individual evaluation on each of the funded projects. If funded organisations wish to complete an evaluation on their project specifically, they may do so but will need to account for associated costs within their proposed budgets, and will still be required to participate in the Foundation’s overall evaluation, as noted above.

Participation and reporting requirements*

Funded organisations will be required to:

• Attend an orientation session and subsequent quarterly forums.

• Complete a detailed project work plan.

• Complete a project logic and data collection plan – which must align with the overall program evaluation framework, developed by the evaluator. The evaluator will work with and support individual projects in the development of the project logic and data collection plan.

• Complete project progress reports, which report on project outcomes and reach, lessons learnt, and expenditure to date.

• Complete a final evaluation and performance report (template to be provided), including overall project outcomes and reach, lessons learnt and final expenditure (due upon completion of the project). The evaluator will be available to support projects in completing this.

*Due dates for all of the above will be determined during contracting and communicated to the successful applicant

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Please see the table below which further clarifies evaluation roles and responsibilities:

External evaluator

Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation

Funded organisation

Program and project logics and evaluation planning

Develop overall program logic and evaluation plan in partnership with the Foundation. Regular review of the program evaluation plan. Source of support and advice to funded organisations e.g. in developing logics and data collection plans.

Work with the external evaluator to develop templates for project logic and evaluation plan. Provide these to funded organisations. Approval/ sign-off on the funded organisations’ project logics and evaluation plans.

Draft and finalise own project logic and data collection plan (with support from the evaluator and the Foundation). Submit these documents to the Foundation. Regular review of project performance against plan, with support from the Foundation.

Collection of data and report writing

Work in partnership with the Foundation to develop reporting templates. Analyse reports from funded organisations (via the Foundation) to undertake evaluation. Collect additional data required from funded organisations, via interviews, surveys or other methodologies that assesses overall program effectiveness. Submit reports to the Foundation on program and project outcomes, based on the evaluation plan.

Work with the external evaluator to develop reporting templates and provide these to funded organisations. Provide feedback to funded organisations on their reports. Approval/sign-off of funded organisations’ reports.

Collect and monitor project data, as per the planning and reporting templates. Participate in the program evaluator’s interviews, surveys or any other data collection methodologies as required, regarding the overall program effectiveness. Complete and submit reports to the Foundation as per the performance reporting requirements (see section above - Evaluation, documentation and reporting requirements).

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Capacity building and support* To ensure that organisations are well supported in applying for and delivering their projects the Foundation will facilitate a range of capacity building activities for project teams. These include:

• General guidance on funding guidelines, project ideas and clarification regarding application process (noting that this does not extend to help drafting applications or review of applications ahead of submission)

• Access to the Foundation’s professional development centre.

• Access to the Foundation’s information on regulation, statistics and publications.

• Quarterly forums, where project teams will be able to network with other projects, share their learning and participate in tailored knowledge and skill building activities designed to enhance their projects and evaluations.

*Please note that while the Foundation can provide general guidance, they can’t help to draft individual applications, and they can’t review individual applications ahead of submission.

What we will fund • Project proposals that align with the funding requirements within these guidelines

• Costs associated with day to day monitoring of projects, including data collection and reporting, of up to ten per cent of the total submitted budget

• Overhead surcharges, management costs or administrative fees of up to twenty five per cent of the total submitted budget

• Reasonable reimbursement of staffing costs for existing employees that are delivering agreed activities, or costs to engage a contractor

• Design, publication or production costs for materials and collateral where clear Foundation branding is included and/or the Foundation has been provided the opportunity to review said materials (please see our Communication Guidelines)

• Reasonable advertising or media costs for activity promotions

• Reasonable costs of facilitation for approved events related to the project, such as catering, facility hire and administrative costs

• Reasonable costs for travel and conference attendance (after submitting a written request to the Foundation, and if presenting on the funded project, and for domestic travel only)

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What we will not fund • Applications from non-incorporated entities

• Capital works and purchase of equipment e.g. vehicles

• Commercial activities that have no community benefit

• Public advocacy for a particular government policy position, as opposed to promoting awareness of gambling harm

• Evaluation of existing policies or programs

• Applications where the majority of funding is allocated to alternate recreation activities

• Deficit funding of organisations

• Activities that are otherwise the funding responsibility of a local, state or the federal government

• Projects and materials that duplicate work that currently exists or has been previously funded by the Foundation (for those applicants that have been recently funded through the Foundation’s prevention grants, your proposal should clearly demonstrate a differentiation or evolution from the previously funded project)

• Service delivery not related to the project (e.g. the provision of services that is not required for the purposes of the project)

• Activities in isolation from the core project (e.g. videos, films, publications, conference or travel)

• International travel

• Projects that account for such a proportion of an organisation’s total budget that the future viability of the organisation is at risk once the project concludes.

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Terms and conditions By submitting an expression of interest and full application for funds under the Prevention Partnerships Program 2019-21, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below. The Prevention Partnerships Program is being administered by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation (the Foundation). In the event of any inconsistency between promotional and/or marketing materials and these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions take precedence.

Allocation of funding

1. The Foundation is offering grants at two levels – capacity building grants from $25,000 to $100,000, and innovative grants from $100,001 to $200,000. The funding period for all successful projects will be August 2019 to June 2021, however applicants are welcome to request shorter project timeframes if preferred, for example 12 or 18 months.

2. Applications will initially be assessed through an expression of interest, and part of this process will be determining if the funding amount requested by the applicant aligns with the appropriate category listed above.

3. Both the expressions of interest and the full applications will be assessed against the associated criteria listed on page 5-6 of these guidelines. If Applicants require further guidance in relation to the allocation of funding, we encourage you to contact the Grants Manager at the Foundation on (03) 9452 2664.

4. In assessing value for money, the Foundation will consider factors such as the activity to staff ratio proposed by the applicant, and the reach and impact of your project.

5. The Foundation will only fund projects that meet the requirements of the funding application and these guidelines, and maintains discretion to withhold available grant funds if there are not sufficient applications or project quality to justify disbursement of the total available amount.

6. In recognition of the Foundation’s commitment to self-determination, the Foundation will preference funding community owned and led organisations to deliver programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

7. All funding granted must be used for the community benefit and cannot be used to generate a profit for individuals.

8. Successful applicants will be required to:

o Deliver Victorian-based activities primarily focused on outcomes that will benefit the Victorian community.

o Ensure they are not subject to any current or impending legal action that could impact the financial viability of your organisation.

o Provide a copy of the most recent audited financial statements or other evidence that the organisation is not reliant on the grant funding to operate

o Confirm ABN and bank account details for electronic funds transfer.

o Comply with reporting requirements and evaluation responsibilities as outlined on page 9 of these guidelines.

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o Enter into a contractual agreement (the Funding Agreement) with the Foundation.

Conflict of interest

1. All personnel listed in an application are required to declare any actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest in line with the Foundation’s Conflict of Interest Policy, which requires disclosure to cover the previous four years and any other relevant information. Applicants must include signed conflict of interest statements from all proposed personnel as attachments to the Full Application form (Section 8).

2. Project personnel are required to stipulate that they possess no property, are not engaged in any business, trade or calling that creates a conflict of interest in the work they would conduct as grant recipients for the Foundation.

3. If a conflict of interest (actual, perceived, or potential) is declared or one is considered by the Foundation to exist, the Foundation may seek independent advice as to how this may or may not affect an application.


1. Grant recipients must maintain adequate levels of insurance. Applicants being considered for funding will be required to provide evidence of their insurance (Section 7 in the Full Application form).

Collaboration and co-funding

1. Where multiple organisations are to be involved in delivering a prevention project, these organisations will need to nominate a project lead (the Applicant). The nature of the agreement and arrangements between those involved is a matter for those entities. In all instances, the funding agreement will be between the Foundation and the Applicant, and the Applicant is legally responsible for delivering the project.

2. Applicants are permitted to source additional funding (co-funding) from other bodies to deliver a prevention project. The nature and extent of any co-funding arrangement, needs to be detailed in the financial section (section 6) of the Full Application form.

Publications and media comment

1. The Foundation will issue a media release about the successful grant applications, in consultation with those organisations. Any other media releases or publications in relation to a successful application must be reviewed by the Foundation before they are issued. The Foundation must also be consulted in relation to any media comment a grant recipient intends to make as a result of the prevention project.

2. The Foundation intends to publish information about the funded projects. The Foundation will work with successful applicants to ensure the accuracy of any published information regarding the prevention projects, case studies and/or examples of best practice highlights.

3. Successful applicants will be required to comply with the Foundation’s Communication Guidelines, including acknowledgement of the Foundation’s Prevention Partnerships Program in all communications. Please contact the Grants Manager for a copy of the Communication Guidelines (03) 9452 2664.

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Definitions The purpose of this section is to provide a definition (proposed by the Foundation) on key concepts we have used within these funding guidelines.

‘Application’ means the organisation’s application for funding through the Prevention Partnerships Program.

‘Assessment criteria’ means the criteria set out on page 5-6 of these guidelines.

‘Foundation’s website’ refers to the Foundation’s website www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au

‘Funding agreement’ means a funding agreement between the Foundation and a Successful Organisation for the provision of a grant to implement the Project.

‘Guidelines’ means this document, funding guidelines, available at www.responsiblegambling.vic.gov.au/preventiongrants

‘Innovation/innovative’ can mean a new idea, initiative and/or partnership that offers a fresh approach to an issue. Successful innovation involves learning from what is already known or exists and building upon it, rather than reinventing the wheel. In relation to the Prevention Partnerships Program, applicants might demonstrate innovation through adapting or building upon current projects, or they may come up with a creative new idea to reduce and prevent gambling-related harm affecting Victorians.

‘Primary Prevention’ aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs. In the context of gambling harm, primary prevention approaches aim to prevent gambling harm before it occurs.

‘Public Advocacy’ refers to an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions.

‘Successful application/applicant’ means an application/applicant that is selected by the Foundation’s assessment panel which will result in the Foundation providing a grant to the applicant.

‘Sustainability’ means the potential for your proposed project and any strategies that will embed and sustain its impact throughout and beyond the life of the project.

‘The Foundation’ refers to the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, a statutory authority established under the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation Act 2011, ABN 72 253 301 291, of 14-20 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne 3051

‘The program’ refers to the Foundation’s Prevention Partnerships Program.

‘You, Your’ means the organisation who intends to, or has submitted an application.
