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Page 1: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...
Page 2: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

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l:Irs. l1c'.ry Copley Thaw




Pittsburgh, Fa. June 12, 1929


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R~.y S e Holbrook -­Shorthand Reporter300 Law Bulletin Bldg.Pittsburgh, Pa.

Page 3: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

o R G A E

(1) I·ame nt at ion••••••.•••••••••••••••• Guilmont

(2) £uneral Harch from Eroica Symphony.Beethoven

(3) Song of Sorro\': •••••.••••••••••••••• evin

(4) Chant Seraphi~ue•••••••••••••.••••• Guilmont

(5) Funeral ]mrch from A Flat Sonata •••Beethoven

Dr. Charles Heinroth

Dr.Wi lliam L. IcEwan.

I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believeth

in me, though he Dere dead, yet shall he live;

And vmosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never


(John II, 25-26)

Q,UARTET: Eventide.

Abide uith me: Fast falls the eventide,The darkness deepens I~rd, ~ith me abide:When other helpers fail, and comforts flee,Help of the helpless, 0 abide with me:

Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away;Change and decay in all around I see;o thou, who changest not, abide lith me:

Page 4: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

I fear no foe. ~Qth thee at hand to bless;Ills 4ave no weight. and tears no bitterness;Where is death's sting~ where. grave thy victory?I triumph still. if thou abide uith me.

Rold thou thy cross before my closing eyes;Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies;Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;In life, in death, 0 lord, abide °dth me:



Hear ye the uord of God:

Dr. !lilliam L. HcE\ilan.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie doun in green pastures:he leadethme beside the still laters.

He restoreth mJ soul; h~ leadeth me in the paths ofrighteousness fOT his name's sake.

Yea, though I ¥alt through the valley of the shado~

of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rodand thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence ofmine" enemies; thou annointest my head ~ith oil; my cup runnethover.

Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo 1 me all the days'of my life: and I Dill d~ell in the house of the Lord forever.

(Psalm 23, 1st to 6th)

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,believe also in me.

In my father's house are many mansions: If it TIerenot"so, I ITould have told you. I go to prepare a place foryou.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will comeagain, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, thereyo may be e.lso.

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And whither I go ye kno~, and the way ye knoB.

Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we F-nO~ not whither thougoest; and ho~ can TIe know the uay?.

Jesus seith unto him, I urn the TIay, the truth, andthe life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.

Let not your heart be trOUbled, neither let it beafraid.

(st. John 14, 1st to 6th & 27th)

But I TIould not have you to'be ignorant, bretheren,concerning them which ure asleep, that ye sorrow not, evenas others which have no hope.

Por if ~e believe that Jesus died and rose again,even so them also 7hich sleep in Jesus Bill God bring TIithhim.

For this De say unto you by the ~ord of the Lord,that De ~hich are ali'e and Temni- unto the coming of theLord shull not prevent them ~hich are asleep.

For the Lord himself shall d0scend from heaven witha shout, ¥nth the voice of the aTc~angel, and ~~th thetrump of God: and the de~d in Ch?iet shall rise first:

Then ~e which are alive and remain shall be caught uptogether with them in the clOUds, to meet the Lord in theair: and so shall TIe ever be TIith the Lord.

\1herefore confort one another ~~th these words.

(I Thessal. 13th to 18thO

And I sou a ne~ heaven and a nCB earth: for the firstheaven and the first eurth are passed a~ay; and the sea isno more.

And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, comingdovm from GOd out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned forher husband.

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And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,Behold, the tabernacle of God is TIith men, and he will dwellwith them, and they shell be his people. and God himselfshall be vith them, and be their God.

And God shall wipe a~ay all tears from their eyes,and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, norcrying, neither shall therD be any more pain, for the formerthings are passed Qway.

(Rev. 21, 1st to 4th)

Ilay God bless the reading of these portions from

His holy word.


Let us pray:

Dr. William L. McEN/an.

Almighty God, TIho art from everl~sting to everlast­

ing, Thou hast made our lives but a span, and like the

flowers that groTI u~ in the morning, and in the evening are

cut down and wither.

The days of our years, and ~hich are of our might,

are three-score years and ten; and if by reason of strength

they be four-score years, yet is their strength labour and

sorroTI; for it is soon cut off, and TIe flyaway. So teach

us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto


We thank Thee that by the deepest instincts of our

minds and by the receiving of that holy word, we kn07 that

death doesn't end all; but that upon the authority of

the Lord, Jesus Christ, TIho is the truth, ~e know

Page 7: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

that in our rather's house are many munsions, and that where

our Lord is, there ~e shall b~2Iso.

For the revelation of the beauty, of the glory, of

the blossedness and the security of the home prepared for us

wo give Thoe our thanks, for ~hou hast shown ns that there

shell be no more death, neither sorrow nor c~Ting, neither

shall thero be any more pain; and Thy servants shall be ~ith

Thee Mcl they snaIl be like their Lord.

For all T'-'y sf)"int s r!ho from their labors rest, "mo

Thee by faith before the \7orld confessed Thy nnme,Oh Jesus,

be forever blessed.

Seeing ve are cOIT.~aSSCa about ~ith so great a crowd of

vli.tnesses, let us run ':!1t ..~ p~tience the race that is set before

us, looking unto Jo~us, the author f)"nd finisher of our feith.

1~Jc thanE T eo for tl1e goodness and mercy that did

follo\7 t:1Y servant through all the days of her life. We

tharu~ Thee for the lOVing kindness that guided her foot-steps

and for the S,irit of God that enlightened her mind and made

her hef)"rt so full of compassion, that those Jho suffered or

uere in need uere helped.

Let Thy blessing abide upon every agency for the

e~ctension of the ~ingdom of God, or for the care 0 f the

Page 8: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

afflicted, and the poor that Thou didst lead her to help.

Being dead, may She yet speak, and as she rests from her

labours, may her 70rks folloTI her.

Raise up, oh Lord, others of us \n~o shall behold

VIith the same spirit of compassion that nhich \7aS in her

heart, - she \7ho has been in T'~W servi ce; so that Thy lcingdom

may continue to progress until T::y nill shall be done on

earth as it is in heaven.

l€t Thy benediction rest upon her children and upon

those who loved her greatly. Bless all those nho are related

to her by ties of blood,- nIl that multitude nho feel that

they have lost their finest friend.

Comfort us al1 9 oh Lord, and ~ecp us so in the

faith that shineth more and marc unto the perfect day.

TIc ask this humbly, for Jesus s2Ee.

Roc~ of A1ee, cleft for me~

Let me hide myself in thee;Let the ',-Tater undo the blood,From Thy nounded side vhich flo7cd,Be of sin the double cure, ­Save from \T.rath and muLe me pure~


RocE of .Ares.

Page 9: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

While I drau this fleeting breath~

Vrhen my eyes shall close in death,When I rise to TIorlds unkno\7n,And behold thee on thy throne,Rock of Ages, cleft for me;Let me hide myself in thee.

DR. \inLI-lAI! L. McE'.7AH:

In the book of Revelation, the fourteenth

chapter and the thirteenth verse, are these nords:

And I hea~d n voice from heaven s~ingunto me, Write, Blessed ere the-dead ;hichdie in the Lord from hcncefortho Yce, seiththe Spirit, that they may rest from theirlabours; and their \lorks do folJ.o 7 them.,

A great soul has gone home. A great servant

of God rests from her labours, ani her vlOrks do follo\-/ her.

She has earned her rest, for on rriday o£ this present neek

she would have reached her eighty-st..venth birth-day. And for

four years she had been incapacitated from the service that

she loved.

With lund in sight, at close of day,Nigh to the haven 101~ desired,By grace of God Fis servant layA little Imile, for she \1nS tired.

Through may seaS her soul has passed,Till, as a ship, its canvas fUrled­At even rides ~~th anchor cost,She rested near the eternal \7orld.

Page 10: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

Or, as a pilgrim, old ahd ....,ornWill stay ~ uhile uhen even Ialls~

Th!:'.t in the freshness of the-morn,He may behold the city \1311s.

So she h~d rest; but \1Ukened nOD,She sees the citv toners arise .With morning breezes on her brow~

And light of God ~ithin ner eyes.

Mrs. Thau vns a great personality, ~ith impressive

Iigurc und bc~uti£ul iece; TIith a st~tely grace of bearing,

n kindly spirit, and ~i:h a strong and vigorous mind.

She was prominent in any ccmpn~~, and those TIho once

met her, never forgot her. Sim]le in her tastes, living

reality ~nd despising prot nsc, ~he had a dignity of soul that

needed no adornment- an~ a cournge that never surrendered.

Possessed of great uealth, she TIns not proud, but

lived simply and ~dthout ostentation7 that she might have the

mo re to give. She regarded her8elf as the ste~~rd of the Lord,

and administered her ste\7ardship Iaithfully end rJith conscient-

ious care.

She gave so steadily, that it became a habit of her

life, and in this habit she grev vise and discriminating. She

uas given an instinct that seemed i_spired to Y~oU when and

how and ~here to give help to the needy and to the despondent.

\1hile she gave large sums to institutions, she also

gave largely to DidoDS ~nd to the ~elpless, and to the poor

and needy.

Page 11: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

I never heard her mention any of the gifts she ever

made. MP.ny people have told me of her kindness to them. And

in every land where missionaries heve gone to preach the gospel

of Jesus Christ her name is known and revered for the churches

pnd hospitals; the colleges, asylums, and mission stations; to•which she has contributed, bothin this and in foreign lands;

which \"lould not be doing their work today, except for those

benefactions of Ilrs. Than.

If one could go over the accounts for the forty years

since her husband's death and she became the head of the family,

and mention but briefly her charitable ~nd philanthropic gifts,

it would be an amazing story. But even if that could be told, it

uould not be in accord ~ith her wishes, nor in harmony \rith the

modest spirit vnth ¥mich she made t~ose gifts.

She TIes a devoted mother and an unfailing friend and

a stee.dfast and loyal member of this her o'un beloved church.

She ~as also equally interested in the progress of the kingdom

of God on earth, and a faithful servant of Jesus Christ vdth all

the fullness of meaning that those words can carry.

It uas a voice from heayen that bade the old

apostle John to nrite " Blessed are the dead which die in the

Lord from henceforth. yp.a, saith the Spirit, that they may

rest from their labours; and their norks do follo\ them".

Page 12: FUNERAL SERVICE OF THIRD PRESBYTERIAN - … · THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ... The Lord is my shepherd; ... Surely goodness and mercy shall folIo1 me all the days' of my life: ...

Now the Inborer1 s tnsk is 6 1 er:Nou the battle day is past;NOH upon the farther sho reLands the voyager at last.­Father, in thy grnc ious keepingLenve \7e non thy servant sleeping.

There the tears of earth ere dried;There its hidden things are clear;There the ~ork of life is· triedBy a juster jUdge than TIe.Father, in thy gracious keepingLeave ue no~ thy servant sleeping.

There the sinfUl souls, that turnTo the cross their dying eyes,All the love of Christ shall le~rn

At His feet in Paradise.Fcther, in thy gracious reepingLeave TIe nou, thy servant sleeping.

Earth to earth, and dust to'dust,Calmly now the words we say,Left behind ne \7D.it in trustFor the resurrection day.Father,' in t1W gracious keepingLeave TIe nOTI Thy servant sleeping.

The grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the love of

God. the Fnther, and the felloITship of the Holy Ghost be ~ith

you nIl, forever more. Amen.

o R G A N

FlliiEirn1 March•....•........•....•....•..•.•.........•.• Chopi n

Dr. Charles Heinroth.
