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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions · Part 6 - Submission Summary 6A....

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CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions Fiscal Year 2018 CoC Program Competition U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Planning and Development Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs July 2018
Page 1: FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions · Part 6 - Submission Summary 6A. Summary Part 1: HUD Forms and Certifications HUD requires CoC Program project applicants

CoC Planning Project Application

Detailed Instructions

Fiscal Year 2018 CoC Program Competition

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Community Planning and Development

Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs

July 2018

Page 2: FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions · Part 6 - Submission Summary 6A. Summary Part 1: HUD Forms and Certifications HUD requires CoC Program project applicants

FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Planning Project Application Screens in e-snaps ....................................................................................... 4

Part 1: HUD Forms and Certifications....................................................................................................... 4

Basic Instructions to Access a Project Applicant Profile ........................................................................ 5

SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance; Screens 1A-1F ................................................................. 5

HUD-2880: Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report; Screen 1G .............................................. 8

HUD-50070: Certification of a Drug Free Workplace; Screen 1H ........................................................ 9

Certification Regarding Lobbying: Screen 1I ........................................................................................ 9

SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities: Screen 1J....................................................................... 10

Part 2: Project Information....................................................................................................................... 10

Part 3: CoC Governance .......................................................................................................................... 11

Part 4: Budget Information ...................................................................................................................... 13

Part 5: Attachments and Certification ...................................................................................................... 15

Part 6: Submission Summary ................................................................................................................... 16

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions



This document provides detailed instructions for Collaborative Applicants–the only eligible project

applicant for CoC planning funds–completing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Continuum of Care (CoC)

UFA Costs project application for funding available through the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

for the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition. These instructions provide information for each field

within the CoC planning project application to help Collaborative Applicants address each question in e-

snaps. Additional guides and resources are located on the HUD Exchange website at esnaps: CoC

Program Applications and Grants Management System, by selecting the heading “Submitting

Applications for Project Funding.” Important resources include, How to Access the Project

Application and an e-snaps technical walkthrough, CoC Planning Project Application Navigational


Before reading these detailed instructions, review and have ready access to the following documents

to ensure that projects are consistent with the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition:

• FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA;

• 24 CFR part 578; and

• The McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the HEARTH Act;

HUD encourages CoCs to implement various strategies to end homelessness in their geographic area,

including: prioritizing more PH-PSH units for individuals and families experiencing chronic

homelessness; designing and implementing coordinated entry processes; improving data collection and

evaluation to better measure system level performance; adopting a Housing First approach across their

homeless assistance delivery system; collaborating with other mainstream housing and service

providers; and using performance measures to make local decisions. CoCs can support these strategies

with CoC planning project funds available through the CoC Program. However, in doing so the CoC

planning project application may only request funding for costs outlined in 24 CFR 578.39 and the FY

2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.

Collaborative Applicants may only apply for one CoC planning project application per CoC Program

Competition and the project applicant must be the Collaborative Applicant identified in the FY 2018

CoC Program Registration process (unless HUD has approved a change in Collaborative Applicants

after the FY 2018 CoC Program Registration process). HUD will use the CoC Applicant Profile

information to verify the Collaborative Applicant’s eligibility to apply for the CoC planning project

application. If for any reason there has been a change in the Collaborative Applicant since the close of

the FY 2018 CoC Program Registration process, HUD expects project applicants to follow the

instructions in Section II.F.1. of the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition NOFA.

The CoC planning project application is divided into the six parts listed in Table 1. Each part must be

completed in its entirety for the application to be submitted and considered for funding.

For questions pertaining to e-snaps technical issues, submit a question to the e-snaps HUD Exchange

Ask a Question (AAQ) located at www.hudexchange.info/get-assistance/my-question/.

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


Planning Project Application Screens in e-snaps

Table 1: CoC Planning Project Application Screens in e-snaps

Screen Title

Before Starting

Part 1 - HUD Forms and Certifications

1A. SF-424 Application Type

1B. SF-424 Legal Applicant

1C. SF-424 Application Details

1D. SF-424 Congressional District(s)

1E. SF-424 Compliance

1F. SF-424 Declaration

1G. HUD-2880

1H. HUD-50070

1I. Certification Regarding Lobbying


Part 2 - Project Information

2A. Project Detail

2B. Description

Part 3 – CoC Governance

3A. Governance and Operations

3B. Committees

Part 4 – Budget Information

4A. Match

4B. Funding Request

Part 5 - Attachments and Certification

5A. Attachments

5B. Certification

Part 6 - Submission Summary

6A. Summary

Part 1: HUD Forms and Certifications

HUD requires CoC Program project applicants to submit several forms in the FY 2018 CoC Program

Competition Part 1 of the project application. Incomplete Part 1 screens will be highlighted on the “6A.

Submission Summary” screen. Part 2 and Part 5 of the application will remain hidden in e-snaps until

all the required information in Part 1 is completed and saved, including all checkboxes certifying signed

forms must be selected or the project applicant will not be able to proceed with the remainder of the


Part 1 of the project application includes the following forms:

SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance; Screens 1A-1F

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


HUD-2880: Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report; Screen 1G. Project applicants will

enter data for this form in the Project Applicant Profile for the combined total amount of all

their organizations annual CoC Program project applications. Once a HUD-2880 is completed

in the Project Applicant Profile, the information will populate with the required information

in all the project applications the applicant submits in e-snaps.

HUD-50070: Certification for a Drug Free Workplace; Screen 1H

Certification Regarding Lobbying; Screen 1I; and

SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities; Screen 1J

Project applicants must update their Project Applicant Profile, including the HUD-2880, prior to

beginning Part 1 of the project application. Most of the information in Part 1 will automatically

populate from the profile. All other fields, including those in white or shaded in gray, are read-only and

are either populated with information from the Project Applicant Profile or other e-snaps data. It is the

project applicant’s responsibility to review populated information and ensure accuracy. To make

changes to information populated from the profile, refer to the Basic Instructions to Access a Project

Applicant Profile below, or refer to the additional instructions available on the HUD Exchange at:

Project Applicant Profile Navigational Guide and How to Complete the HUD Form 2880 in e-


Basic Instructions to Access a Project Applicant Profile

1. Log into e-snaps at https://esnaps.hud.gov/grantium/frontOffice.jsf and click on "Applicants" in

the left menu of the main screen. Important: If working on the project application click “Save”

and then click on “Back to Submissions List” to exit the project application and go back to the

main menu. Then click on "Applicants" from the left menu to access the Project Applicant

Profile using the following steps. (Note: The “View Applicant Profile” link in the left menu

leads to a read-only version of the profile and does not allow editing.)

2. After clicking on "Applicants," click on the folder icon under “Open.” The list of project

applicant profile screens will appear in the left menu.

3. Begin by opening the profile for editing by clicking on “6. Submission Summary” from the left

menu and then click on the "Edit" button toward the bottom of the screen. Once in edit mode,

the entire profile can be updated.

4. After project applicants have completed all updates and screens have been “Saved,” return to “6.

Submission Summary” and click the "Complete" button toward the bottom of the screen.

5. Next, click on "Back to Applicants List" in the left menu, then click on “Submissions” in the

left menu of the e-snaps main screen to open a project application. The updated profile

information should now appear in all Part 1 screens. If information is not showing as updated,

most likely one of the steps above was not completed correctly.

SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance; Screens 1A-1F

Screen 1A. SF-424 Application Type

Only question 5b and the checkbox that follows it on Screen 1A are editable. All other fields populate

from e-snaps or the Project Applicant Profile.

1. Type of Submission. No action required.

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


2. Type of Application. No action required if this field indicates “CoC Planning.” This selection

was made when “registering” a e-snaps Funding Opportunity before opening the application.

The different e-snaps Funding Opportunities include: Renewal, New, CoC Planning, or UFA

Costs. If the field is not correct, return to the e-snaps Funding Opportunity screen and create a

project application using the funding opportunity for “CoC Planning” project. For instructions

for “registering” an e-snaps Funding Opportunity refer to the guide How to Access the

Project Application.

3. Date Received. No action required. This field populates automatically with the date, the project

applicant clicks “Submit” on Screen 6A.

4. Applicant Identifier. No action required; leave this field blank.

5a. Federal Entity Identifier. No action required; leave this field blank.

5b. Federal Award Identifier. No action required; leave this field blank.

6. Date Received by State. No action required; leave this field blank.

7. State Application Identifier. No action required; leave this field blank.

Screen 1B. SF-424 Legal Applicant

All fields on Screen 1B populate from the Project Applicant Profile.

8. Applicant. Ensure the accuracy of the organization’s legal name, address, and contact person.

The legal name must match the name on the organization’s articles of incorporation or other

legal governing authority. Surrogate names, abbreviations, or acronyms should not be listed.

Note: HUD will contact the person listed in field “f” regarding curable deficiencies or other matters

concerning the project application using the information in the “Alternate Contact” included in the

Project Applicant Profile. It is a best practice that the alternate contact person is the person most

knowledgeable about the project application. HUD recommends organizations provide a second contact

person so that multiple contacts are available.

Screen 1C. SF-424 Application Details

All fields on Screen 1C populate from e-snaps or the Project Applicant Profile.

9. Type of Applicant. No action required. Eligible project applicants are: nonprofits, state and

local governments, and instrumentalities of state or local government.

10. Name of Federal Agency. No action required.

11. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Title. No action required

12. Funding Opportunity Number. No action required.

• Funding Opportunity Title. No action required.

13. Competition Identification Number. Not applicable.

• Competition Identification Title. Not applicable.

Screen 1D. SF-424 Congressional Districts

Some of the items on Screen 1D are required, some are optional, and others are populated from e-snaps.

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


14. Area(s) affected by the project (State(s) only). Required. Indicate the state(s) in which the

proposed project will operate and serve persons experiencing homelessness as defined by 24

CFR 578.3.

15. Descriptive Title of Applicant’s Project. No action required. This field populates with the

name entered when the project applicant created the project from the “Projects” screens in e-

snaps. To change the name, exit the application, go back to “Projects” on the left main menu,

identify the correct project on the list of projects, open the project and edit the name. Once the

application is reopened from the “Submissions” screen, the new project name will appear.

16. Congressional District(s). No action required. HUD uses the district(s) selected here to report

certain project data and award amounts to members of Congress. For help locating the correct

congressional district go to: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/map

16a. Applicant. No action required. The congressional district(s) listed here populate from the

Project Applicant Profile.

16b. Project. Required. Select The congressional district(s) in which the proposed project is

expected to operate.

17. Proposed project. Required. Provide the expected operating start and end dates for the

proposed performance period using the calendar fields provided. If a project application is

conditionally awarded, the official operating dates will be recorded in HUD’s electronic Line of

Credit Control System (eLOCCS) and will be set to the first day of the month according to the

month of the first project expense.

18. Estimate funding ($). No action required. The requested funding amount will be identified in

Part 6 of this project application.

Screen 1E. SF-424 Compliance

Project applicants must complete all the fields on Screen 1E.

19. Executive Order 12372. Required. Project applications submitted in the CoC Program

Competition are subject to the provisions of Executive Order (EO)12372, “Intergovernmental

Review of Federal Programs.” This EO allows each State to designate an entity to perform this

function. A list of states that have chosen to review applications, along with State Points of

Contact (SPOC) are available at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-


States not listed on the resource above have chosen not to participate in the intergovernmental

review process, and therefore do not have a SPOC. If your organization is located within a state

that does not have a SPOC, it may send application materials directly to a federal awarding

agency. For projects proposing to serve persons in more than one state, the project applicant

should contact the SPOC of each affected state as early as possible to alert them to the

application and receive any necessary instructions on the state process used under this EO.

Project applicants should allow time for the state’s review process to occur prior to submitting

their funding application. In cases where the SPOC has not reviewed an application prior to the

application submission deadline, project applicants should submit the application to meet the FY

2018 CoC Program application deadline.

On Screen 1E, select “a” or “b” to indicate whether the application was selected for review by

the state(s) in which the project operates (or will operate). If “a,” indicate the date on which the

application was made available to the state(s). Select option “c” if EO 12372 is not applicable to

this CoC Program project application.

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


20. Delinquent debt. Required. On Screen 1E, select “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the project

applicant owes debt to any federal agency. It is HUD’s policy, consistent with 31 U.S.C. 3720B

and 28 U.S.C. 3201(e), that project applicants with an outstanding federal debt will not be

eligible to receive HUD funds, unless: (1) a negotiated repayment schedule is established, and

the repayment schedule is not delinquent; or (2) other arrangements satisfactory to HUD are

made prior to HUD awarding funds. The explanation of any debt owed, and the repayment

arrangements must be provided on Screen 1E. If arrangements satisfactory to HUD cannot be

completed within 90 days of notification of the conditional award, HUD will rescind the

conditional award with a project applicant.

Screen 1F. SF-424 Declaration

On Screen 1F, project applicants must click the checkbox next to the “I agree” statement. All

fields are read-only and populate from the Authorized Representative listed in the Project Applicant

Profile. By checking the box, the project applicant agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions

associated with this funding request and certifies that data and content in the project application

(including all attachments) are true and correct. Screen 1F must identify the person authorized to act for

the project applicant’s organization and assume the obligations imposed by the all federal laws, program

regulations, NOFA requirements, and conditions for a conditional grant award. All fields are read-only

and populate from the Authorized Representative listed in the Project Applicant Profile and should

be updated, if needed.

HUD-2880: Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report; Screen 1G

Prior to beginning project applications, project applicants must update the e-snaps HUD-2880 form in

their Project Applicant Profile. Once the HUD-2880 form is completed and submitted; then Screen 1G

(at the project application level) will represent the necessary information from the HUD-2880 that

resides in the Project Applicant Profile. To correct inaccurate information appearing on Screen 1G,

project applicants must return to the Project Applicant Profile to make updates.

Note: The HUD-2880 uses standard agency terminology that does not clearly match terminology used

for the CoC Program and the CoC project applications. For CoC Program purposes; HUD is clarifying

the meaning of “specific project or activity” and “this application” in Part 1 of the HUD-2880,

questions 1 and 2. The legal requirements of the HUD-2880 as related to the CoC Program mean: any

single organization/applicant equals one application for all accumulated CoC Program project

applications; regardless of how many individual CoC project applications are submitted in a CoC

Program Competition. Therefore, information in an e-snaps HUD-2880 includes the accumulated total

amount of all the CoC Program project applications applying for funds in the FY2018 CoC Program

Competition. For example, if organization XYZ is applying for three separate CoC Program project

applications for an accumulated total amount of $300,000; then an answer of “Yes” is required in Part 1

question 2 of the HUD-2880–as organization XYZ expects to receive assistance in excess of $200,000.

Therefore, the requirements to complete Part II and Part III of the HUD-2880 are required.

Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report form HUD-2880 for CoC Program project


1. Applicant/Recipient Name, Address, and Phone. No action required. This information

populates from the “Authorized Representative” screen of the Project Applicant Profile.

2. Employer ID Number (EIN). No action required. This information populates from the

“Authorized Representative” screen of the Project Applicant Profile.

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


3. HUD Program. No action required. This information populates with “Continuum of Care


4. Amount of HUD Assistance Requested/Received. No action required. This field remains

blank at the Project Applicant Profile level. Upon submission; all separate project applications,

the HUD-2880 data in the profile will represent a single form submitted to HUD. The amount in

this field will be the total funds requested for this project application from the “Summary

Budget” screen and the accumulated total will represent the total HUD-2880 form. Once the

summary budget total is accurate upon submission, this amount will also be accurate.

5. State the name and location (street address, City and State) of the project or activity. No

action required. This field populates with the following message; “Refer to project name,

addresses and grant number entered into the attached project application.” The

information this message refers to is located on the project application screen 1B. SF-424 Legal

Applicant, 3A. Project Detail, and 4B. Housing Type and Location.

HUD-2880 Part I. Threshold Determinations–Project Applicants Only. Part I provides information

to help a project applicant determine whether the remainder of the form must be completed.

1. Are you applying for assistance for a specific project or activity? No action required. This

information populates with “Yes.”

2. Have you received or do you expect to receive assistance within the jurisdiction of the

Department (HUD), involving the project or activity in this application, in excess of

$200,000 during this fiscal year (Oct. 1 - Sep. 30)? For further information, see 24 CFR

Sec. 4.9. The answer to this question must be provided in the Project Applicant Profile for all an

organization’s accumulated total of FY 2018 CoC project applications. If updates are needed to

this question return to the Project Applicant Profile.

If the answer is “No” and Part II and Part III of this form will not appear and can be submitted

after the “I agree” checkbox is selected. If “Yes” is selected, Part II and Part III of the form will

appear and must be completed. For instructions for completing Parts II and III of the HUD-2880

refer to pages 2-3 of this form available at https://www.hud.gov/sites/documents/2880.PDF.

Required HUD-2880 Certification: The “I agree” certification will appear at the bottom of the screen

and within copies of this form in all project applications your organization submits in a CoC Program

Competition. Project applicants must certify in both the Project Applicant Profile and the individual

project applications that the information provided is accurate and complete.

HUD-50070: Certification of a Drug Free Workplace; Screen 1H

The HUD-50070 populates with information from the Project Applicant Profile and relevant data from

the FY 2018 project application. Project applicants must read and certify by checking the box

toward the bottom of the screen. Check to ensure that the Authorized Representative information is

accurate. If any information on this form is not accurate, see “Basic Instructions to Access aa Project

Applicant Profile” above. For further clarification or questions concerning the HUD-50070 review the

full form instructions at https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=50070.pdf.

Certification Regarding Lobbying: Screen 1I

Per 2 CFR part 200, all federal agencies must require project applicants to submit the Certification

Regarding Lobbying form, which populates with information from the Project Applicant Profile and

relevant data from the FY 2018 project application. This form helps to clarify which organizations must

select “Yes” on the next screen for the SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbing Activities form. Project

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


applicants must read and certify by checking the box toward the bottom of the screen. Check to

ensure that the “Authorized Representative” information is accurate. If any information on screen 1I

is not accurate, see “Basic Instructions to Access a Project Applicant Profile” above.

SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities: Screen 1J

The SF-LLL populates with information from the Project Applicant Profile and relevant data from the

FY 2018 project application. The requirement related to lobbying as explained in the SF-LLL

instructions states:

“The filing of a form is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any

lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,

a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of

Congress in connection with a covered Federal action.”

For further clarification or questions on the SF-LLL see the full form instructions at


Does the recipient or subrecipient of this CoC grant participate in federal lobbying activities

(lobbying a federal administration or congress) in connection with the CoC Program? Select “No”

if your organization and subrecipient(s) are not engaged in lobbying associated with the CoC Program.

Select “Yes” if your organization or subrecipient(s) is engaged in lobbying and answer the questions as

they appear on the screen. Project applicants must read, certify, and sign by checking the box toward

the bottom of the screen (the check box will not appear until project applicants answer the question

above). Check to ensure the “Authorized Representative” information is accurate. If any information

on this form is not accurate, see “Basic Instructions to Access a Project Applicant Profile” above.

Part 2: Project Information

Screen 2A. Project Detail

All fields on Screen 2A are required to be completed for submission of this application.

1a. CoC Number and Name: Required. Select the CoC number and name from the dropdown

menu to which the project applicant intends to submit this project application. Selecting the

correct CoC is critical. The dropdown menu contains all CoCs that were registered in the FY

2018 CoC Program Registration process and is listed according to the CoC Number (e.g., NE-

502) and CoC Name (e.g., Lincoln County CoC). Based on the selection made in this field,

when “Submit” is selected on Screen 4A, e-snaps will send this project application to the CoC


1b. CoC Applicant Name: Required. Select the name of the Collaborative Applicant for the CoC

to which the project applicant intends to submit the project application. The dropdown menu for

this field are based on the CoC Number and Name selected above. This list is populated with the

CoC’s designated Collaborative Applicant name that registered during the

FY 2018 CoC Program Registration process.

2. Project Name: No action required. This field populates from the e-snaps “Project” screens and

is read-only. If the project name is incorrect, exit the project application screens and open the e-

snaps “Project” screens by selecting “Projects” from the left menu to correct the information.

3. Component Type: No action required. This field populates with “CoC Planning.”

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FY 2018 CoC Planning Project Application Detailed Instructions


Screen 2B. Description

Screen 2B must be completed to include a comprehensive and concise description of the project.

References to ineligible activities or failing to provide an adequate description of the project may

significantly reduce the likelihood of funding.

1. Provide a description that addresses the entire scope of the proposed project and how the

Collaborative Applicant will use grant funds to comply with the provisions of 24 CFR

578.7: Required. The project description must clearly describe the proposed CoC planning

activities that will be carried out by the Collaborative Applicant with the grant funds and how the

funds will support the CoC in carrying out the provisions of Subpart B of 24 CFR Part 578. The

Collaborative Applicant should clearly demonstrate that the funding through this project

application will be used to coordinate the implementation of a housing and service system to

prevent and end homelessness within its geographic area.

2. Describe the estimated schedule for the proposed activities, the management plan, and the

method for assuring effective and timely completion of all work: Required. The description

must clearly demonstrate the estimated schedule of implementing the proposed activities, the

management plan in place to ensure timely start of the project if awarded, and a description of

how the Collaborative Applicant will complete the proposed activities.

3. How will the requested funds improve the CoC's ability to evaluate the outcome of CoC

and ESG projects? Required. The narrative should include the Collaborative Applicant's

increased capacity for evaluation, and how that capacity will allow for the evaluation of the

performance of both CoC Program and ESG Program funded projects.

4. How will the planning activities continue beyond the expiration of HUD financial

assistance? Required. Since planning grants are non-renewable and funding varies from year to

year through the CoC Program Competition, the narrative should provide a brief description of

how the planning activities paid for by the grant funds will continue beyond the grant term listed

in this application without HUD funds.

Part 3: CoC Governance

Screen 3A. Governance and Operations

Screen 3A requires project applicants to detail important aspects of their CoC’s governance structure

and operations.

1. How often does the CoC conduct meetings of the full CoC membership? Required. Select

an option from the dropdown menu to indicate how often the CoC conducts meetings with the

full CoC membership–meaning the group organized to carry out the responsibilities required


24 CFR 578.7.

2. Does the CoC include membership of a homeless or formerly homeless person? Required.

Select “Yes” if the CoC membership includes at least one homeless or formerly homeless

person. Select “No” if there are no homeless or formerly homeless members of the CoC.

2a. For members who are homeless or formerly homeless, what role do they play in the CoC

membership? (Select all that apply) Required. Select the role(s) that most accurately reflect

the current affiliation of the homeless or formerly homeless CoC member(s). Select all that

apply. For CoCs that do not include a homeless or formerly homeless person as part of the CoC

membership, select “None.”

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3. Does the CoC's governance charter incorporate written policies and procedures for each of

the following? Required. Select “Yes” for each of the following if it is included in the CoC’s

governance charter (or incorporated by reference). Select “No” for each of the following if is

not included in the CoC’s governance charter.

a. Written agendas of CoC meetings?

b. Coordinated Entry? (Also, known as centralized or coordinated assessment)

If No, please explain why written policies and procedures for Coordinated Entry

have not been incorporated into the CoC's governance charter? This question will

appear if “No” is selected for question “b” above. Note: The establishment of

Coordinated Entry system is a regulatory requirement. An example explanation could be

that the CoC is currently drafting or reviewing such procedures for incorporation.

c. Process for monitoring outcomes of ESG recipients?

d. CoC policies and procedures?

e. Written process for board selection?

f. Code of Conduct for board members that includes a recusal process?

g. Written standards for administering assistance?

4. Were there any written complaints received by the CoC in relation to project review,

project selection, or other items related to 24 CFR 578.7 or 578.9 within the past 12

months? Required. Select “Yes” or “No” if there were any written complaints, from any

source, received by the CoC in relation to project review, project selection, or other items related

to 24 CFR 578.7 or 578.9 within the past 12 months prior to the FY 2018 CoC Program

Competition application deadline. If “Yes” click on “Save” for 4a text box to appear.

4a. If yes, briefly describe the complaint(s), how it was resolved, and the date(s) in which it was

resolved. This question will appear if “Yes” is selected for question 4 above. Describe the

written complaint(s) from any organization related to the project application review, selection or

other items related to 24 CFR 578.7 or 24 CFR 578.9 within the 12 months before the FY 2018

CoC Program Competition application deadline and include how the complaint(s) was resolved

and date of the resolution.

Screen 3B. Committees

Screen 3B provides an opportunity for project applicants to list the CoC committees that meet regularly

regarding CoC-wide planning and policy. Provisions at 24 CFR 578.7 requires CoCs to create

additional committees, subcommittees, or work groups.

In the table for 3B, provide information for up to five of the most active CoC-wide planning committees,

subcommittees or workgroups, to address homeless needs in the CoC’s geographic area that recommend

and set policy priorities for the CoC. The table includes a brief description of the role and the frequency

of the meetings. Only include committees, subcommittees or workgroups, that are directly involved in

CoC-wide planning and not the regular delivery of services such as delivery of housing and services or


Examples of CoC-wide planning and policy committees, subcommittees, or workgroups are: project

review and selection; discharge planning; disaster preparedness planning; completion of the CoC

Application; conducting the Point-in-Time (PIT) count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC); ensuring

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equal access in all CoC Program-funded projects; 10-year coordination; Housing First; coordinated

entry; HMIS, etc.

Committee Name: List the name of the group

Role of the Committee: Briefly describe the content area, policy or planning function of the

committee. This field has a maximum of 750 characters.

Meeting Frequency: Use the dropdown to indicate how frequently the committee meets

throughout the year.

Names of Individuals and/or Organizations Represented: Provide a list of the individuals and

organizations who regularly participate in the committee meetings.

Part 4: Budget Information

Screen 4A. Sources of Match

The “Sources of Match” screen is applicable to all project applications. For detailed information that

describes CoC Program match requirements see 24 CFR 578.73. Additionally, HUD strongly

encourages project applicants to review the FAQs posted at www.hudexchange.info/coc/faqs/, by

searching for the keyword “match.”

Note: Program income generated through CoC Program funds may be used as match.

1. Will this project generate program income as described in 24 CFR 578.97 that will be used

as Match for this grant? Required. Select “Yes” or “No.” If “Yes,” the following questions

will appear. If “No,” no further response is required.

1a. Briefly describe the source of the program income: Required if project applicant selected

“Yes” above. Enter a description of the source of program income.

1b. Estimate the amount of program income that will be used as Match for this project:

Required if project applicant selected “Yes” above. Enter estimated amount in the field


The match information entered in e-snaps should be based on the current commitments at the time of

project application, covering the requested grant operating period (i.e., grant term), and NOT

based on projections. HUD expects the amount(s) listed on this screen to be accurate, with a

commitment letter(s) in place that includes at least the same amount(s) as those listed in this screen.

Match contributions can be cash, in-kind, or a combination of both. For match to be counted as cash or

in-kind, amounts must be used for CoC Planning eligible activities. For CoC Planning projects match

must be equal to or greater than 25 percent of the total grant request. Example: If the “Total

Assistance Requested” for a CoC Planning project is $100,000 then the project applicant must secure

commitments for match funds equal to or greater than $25,000.

The primary “Sources of Match” screen presents a summary for match that will aggregate multiple cash

and in-kind commitments entered in the detailed screens. Click the add icon to enter match

information on the “Sources of Match Detail” screen(s). Project applicants will be required to identify

the following information for each match commitment:

• This commitment will be used as Match. No action required, “Yes” is the default.

• Type of Commitment: Required. Select Cash or In-kind (non-cash) to indicate the type of

contribution that describes this match commitment. If applications include third-party In-Kind

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match project applicants should attach MOU(s) documentation that confirms the in-kind match


• Type of source: Required. Select “Private” or “Government” to indicate the source of the

contribution. Funds from HUD-VASH (VA Supportive Housing program) and other federal

programs are eligible sources of match so long as they do not prohibit their funds to be used as

match for another federal program and are considered Government sources.

• Name the Source of the Commitment: Required. Enter the name of the organization

providing the contribution. Be specific and include the office or grant program as applicable.

• Date of written commitment: Required. Enter the date of the written contribution.

• Value of written commitment: Required. Enter the total dollar value of the contribution.

Click “Save & Back to List” to save the information and return to the primary “Sources of Match”

screen. Click “Save & Add Another” for each match commitment. To view and edit detail screens

click the view icon. To delete a detail screen, click the delete icon.

After the project applicant saves the primary “Sources of Match” screen the total match will

automatically populate the “Summary Budget” screen where the 25 percent match requirements will be

calculated and applied. If the amounts on the “Summary Budget” screen are too low, additional match

funds must be added in the “Sources of Match Detail” screens.

Screen 4B. Funding Request

All fields on Screen 4B must be completed for submission of this project application.

1. Will it be feasible for the project to be under grant agreement by September 30, 2020?

Select “Yes” to indicate the project will begin operating by September 30, 2020. Unobligated

funds will not be available after September 30, 2020. If “No” is selected, project applicants will

not be able to submit this project application in e-snaps.

2. Does this project propose to allocate funds according to an indirect cost rate? Required.

Select “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the project has an approved indirect cost plan in place

or will propose an indirect cost plan by the time of conditional award. For more information

concerning indirect costs plans, refer to 2 CFR 200.203(c)(2) and contact your local HUD CPD

field office. If “Yes,” project applicants must respond to the following questions:

2a. Please complete the indirect cost rate schedule below: Complete at least one row using

information from either your approved plan or your proposal.

Administering Department/Agency Indirect Cost Rate Direct Cost Base


2b. Has this rate been approved by your cognizant agency? Select “Yes” if the indirect cost rate

was approved by your cognizant agency. A copy of the approved indirect cost rate must be

attached to the project application. Select “No” if it has either not been submitted to or was

submitted but was not approved by your cognizant agency.

2c. Do you plan to use the 10% de minimis rate? Select “Yes” only if you plan to use the 10

percent de minimis rate as described in 2 CFR 200.203(c)(2).

3. Select a grant term: No action required. This field is populated with the value “1 Year” and

cannot be edited

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The project and funding request information is followed by an itemized budget chart and summary. A

quantity AND description must be entered for each requested cost. The itemized budget chart

includes 8 eligible costs for CoC planning projects listed in 24 CFR 578.39:

1. Coordination Activities

2. Project Evaluation

3. Project Monitoring Activities

4. Participation in the Consolidated Plan

5. CoC Application Activities

6. Determining Geographical Area to be

Served by the CoC

7. Developing a CoC System

8. HUD Compliance Activities

Note: There is no “Other” budget line item available. The listed budget line items are broad and

project applicants must select the most relevant eligible cost listed for each requested expense.

Once applicable costs are identified, project applicants must enter the quantity, description, and

requested dollar amount for each activity (see below for additional detail). Note: Match is read-only

and entered on Screen 4A. In addition, there are no administrative costs budget line item as

administrative costs are not applicable for UFA Costs projects.

Eligible Costs: Required. For items 1 through 8, enter the “Quantity AND Description” and

amount of assistance for each activity for which funds are being requested. Quantity and

description details should be thorough (e.g., staff position title–1 FTE @ $45,000 including

benefits or 50 hours @ $25 per hour including benefits). Note: Simply stating 1 FTE is NOT

providing quantity and description details” and limits HUD’s understanding of costs being

requested. Failure to enter adequate “Quantity AND Description” will result in HUD placing

conditions on the conditional award and will delay funding. Once quantity, description and

annual requested amounts have been entered in one or more of the items, click “Save.”

Total Costs Requested: No action required. This field is automatically calculated based on the

total amount requested for each eligible cost.

Cash Match: No action required. This field is automatically populated based on the

information entered on screen “4A. Sources of Match.” If the information needs to be changed,

return to screen “4A. Sources of Match” to make changes to this field.

In-Kind Match: No action required. This field is automatically populated based on the

information entered on screen “4A. Sources of Match.” If the information needs to be changed,

return to screen “4A. Sources of Match” to make changes to this field.

Total Match: No action required. This field will automatically calculate the total combined

value of the cash and in-kind match. If an ineligible amount is entered, the system will report an

error and prevent application submission. To correct an inadequate level of match, return to

screen “4A. Sources of Match” to make changes.

Total Budget: No action required. This field will automatically calculate the total of all the

above fields when the project applicant clicks the “Save” button.

Part 5: Attachments and Certification

Screen 5A. Attachments

Screen 5A includes several links labeled Other Attachment(s) that are available for additional supporting

documentation, as needed.

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Note: If project applications include third-party In-Kind match on Screen 4A a separate 5A attachment

screen will appear that should be used to attach Memorandum of Understand (MOU) or Memorandum

of Agreement (MOA) documentation that confirms the in-kind match commitment.

Screen 5B. Certification

Screen 5B is populated with the name and information of the project applicant’s Authorized

Representative from the Project Applicant Profile. Project applicants must select a date to complete

the certification. If the project applicant is a Public Housing Authority (PHA), the PHA number must

also be provided here. Project applicants must read, certify, and sign by checking the box toward the

bottom of the screen. By completing the certification, the Authorized Representative agrees to the terms

and conditions provided on the screen, on behalf of the project applicant’s organization. Project

applicants must complete the certification to submit the project application. To make changes to

information populated from the profile, refer to the Basic Instructions to Access a Project Applicant

Profile above.

Part 6: Submission Summary

Screen 6A. Summary

Screen 6A provides a summary of the complete and incomplete project application screens and the

“Submit” button. The “Last Updated” column provides the status of each screen listed, and the date

the screen was completed. The “Mandatory” column indicates whether a screen must be fully

completed to submit the project application to the Collaborative Applicant in e-snaps. After the Project

Applicant Profile is confirmed accurate, all required project application screens are completed, and all

appropriate attachments are uploaded into e-snaps, the project application can be submitted in e-snaps.

All submitted project applications are sent to the CoC identified on Screen 2B.

Any date (MM/DD/YYY). If a date appears under the “Last Updated” column, the screen

identified on the same row in the “Page” column indicates the date the project applicant

completed or revised the screen.

No Input Requested. If “No Input Requested” appears under the “Last Updated” column,

there are no mandatory fields on the screen identified in the same row in the “Page” column.

Please Complete. If “Please Complete” is listed in the “Last Updated” column, the screen

identified in the same row in the “Page” column has not been completed and there are remaining

requirements or errors that must be addressed. Navigate back to that screen and complete the

necessary fields. Any field with an asterisk (*) must be completed before the project application

can be submitted. Look for notes and warning messages at the bottom of the “Submission

Summary” screen for details about relevant fields needing updates.

After the application is submitted in e-snaps, use the “export to PDF” link to save the application as a

PDF or to print a hard-copy of the application. The PDF version of the application serves as a record of


For more information concerning the FY 2018 CoC Program Competition, visit the HUD Exchange at:

esnaps: CoC Program Applications and Grants Management System and the CoC Planning Project

Application Navigation Guide.
