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FY19 Accountability Court Grant Webinar... · Webinar Overview & Housekeeping Review of FY19 Grant...

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FY19 Accountability Court Grant Application Webinar COUNCIL OF ACCOUNTABILITY COURT JUDGES (CACJ)
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FY19 Accountability Court Grant Application WebinarCOUNCIL OF ACCOUNTABILITY COURT JUDGES (CACJ)

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Webinar Overview & Housekeeping

Review of FY19 Grant Instructions

Review of FY19 Grant Application

Questions & Answers – Please use Go To Meeting

Chat Feature to type in questions. Allows CACJ

staff to print a log of the questions to create FAQ


Please save your questions to the end. It is likely

that your questions will be answered before the

webinar is finished.

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FY19 Grant Instructions &


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FY19 Grant Timeline

February 19 Grant Solicitation Released

March 23 Grants Due to CJCC

April 19-20 CACJ Funding Committee to Review Grants

Early May CJCC Mails Award Packets to the Courts

Mid May Post Award Webinar for Awardees

June 30 Signed Award Packets Due Back to CJCC

July 1 Award Start Date

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Grant Eligibilty & Need to Know Info


Applicants are limited to local entities for new and existing Accountability Courts. Adult Felony Drug Court, Adult Mental Health Court, and Veterans Treatment Court submissions

are limited to one application per circuit, per court type. State and Juvenile Court submissions are limited to one application per county, per court type (i.e. DUI, Family

Dependency Treatment, Juvenile Drug, or Juvenile Mental Health Court).


Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 23, 2018.

Available Funding

The amount available for distribution will be determined by the legislature during the 2018 session. There is a 10% cash match requirement.

Award Period

July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

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How to Apply

Complete the FY19 Solicitation Packet in its entirety, and then submit the completed application, including all required attachments,

using the link on the CJCC’s website at cjcc.georgia.gov on or

before 5 p.m., March 23, 2018. This form and provided budget detail

are the only acceptable formats for submitting the narratives and

budget for this funding year. Applications must be submitted using

the required format; scanned or handwritten copies of the

application will not be accepted.

Any application that does not adequately answer all applicable questions will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed

for funding. Please read and re-read the instructions before you start

writing your grant application!

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Match Requirement

Applicants must identify the source of the 10 percent non-state

portion of the total project costs and how they will use match funds.

Match is restricted to the same uses of funds as allowed for the state

funds. Applicants may satisfy this match requirement with cash only

(no in-kind services).

You do NOT need to match every item you are requesting, but must

supply a 10% match in the overall budget request. The match must

be from one of the allowable categories.

The formula for calculating the match is: Requested Grant Amount

divided by 9 = Required Match


$5,000 Drug Testing Request/9 = Match

Ex. $5,000/9 = $555.55 (round to the nearest dollar =$556 match


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Existing & Implementation Courts

ONE application format for both Existing & Implementation Courts for

FY19 – change from past years.

NO operating questions on the grant application for FY19 due to the

implementation of the Court Operating Profile.

If you have not completed a Court Operating Profile please contact

Ms. Kim Howard ASAP ([email protected])

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Grant Application Review

Overall quality and completeness of the application.

Demonstration of need including geographic location, local demographics, local statistics, other financial resources, etc.

Adequate correlation between the cost of the project and the objective(s) to be achieved.

Sharing resources among each accountability court within the circuit is strongly encouraged. All applications within each circuit will be reviewed together.

Past compliance with all financial and programmatic reporting requirements;

CACJ Quarterly Data Submission via State funded case management system

Sub-grant Expenditure Request (SER)

De-Obligations – Please just ask for what you need. Two other opportunities to receive funding throughout the year (Supplemental Grants and Emergency Funding).

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Restrictions on Use of Funds &

Supplantation Grant funds will not be allowed to be used for: out of state training, any part of a

salary or pay supplements for state or county paid employees, office space, utilities, furniture (existing courts only), incentives, monthly cell phone charges, case management software (including maintenance and upgrades), vehicles, weapons, office supplies (existing courts only), construction projects and grant administrative overhead.

Funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and cannot replace or supplant funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose

Generally, supplanting occurs when a local government or program reduces local or other available funds for an activity specifically because state funds are available (or expected to be available) to fund that same activity. Example: Coordinator position has been county funded and because you anticipate grant funds to be awarded you should not forgo the county funds for the position – that is supplanting.

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Special Conditions &

Reporting Requirements

Recipients of this FY19 grant award will be required to complete and submit an

SER and a CACJ electronic data submission report, due no later than 15 days

after each quarter ends. Failure to submit an SER report in a timely fashion

could result in a 10% penalty that will be based on the initial grant award.

Subgrantees are given a 10-day grace before any action is taken (applies to

SER only). The electronic data submission report is generated by the state

approved case management systems. The CACJ will present Implementation

Courts ONLY with the opportunity to select a state approved case

management system on or about July 1, 2018.

Special conditions will outline the grantee's responsibilities, as well as state

regulations that must be followed, as a condition of accepting the grant award

for the approved program. The special conditions will be included in the award

packet and must be reviewed, signed and returned to CJCC by 5 p.m., June

30, 2018.

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FY19 Grant Application

*Excel Format for FY19 Supports Data Analysis of Funding

Requests and Awards.

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Grant Instructions Tab Instructions specific to each section are included at the top of each worksheet. Please read the

instructions carefully.

Each tab in the workbook is labeled according to the budget section, all of the budget sections are totaled and presented on the General Information tab. The funding categories include:

Personnel Requests

Fringe Benefits

Contract Services – personnel that are not paid benefits.

Drug Testing Supplies

Reagent Drug Test Supplies – separate tab this year.

Non-Drug Testing Supplies

Other Costs


CACJ Conference Budget – separate tab this year.

Training & Travel


The grant narrative sections (sustainability, transportation narrative, and court narrative) have remained the same as last year. Please take note.

The Budget Priority section is combined with the court narrative and is the last tab within the application.

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Grant Instructions Tab How this Excel Workbook is Set Up

This document is arranged so that the only information you need to enter is the amount

you are requesting, the units, and the number of units. The workbook does the rest of the

work for you. Do not worry about calculating totals. The cells calculating totals have been

locked and cannot be altered.

Reserve the smaller narrative sections on the budget section worksheets to explain the

expenses for which you are requesting funds. For example, on the Personnel Request

tab, you should specify the names of any personnel for whom you are requesting funds (if

those are known).

How to Navigate Between Worksheets

This Workbook contains numerous tabs. At the far right and left of the visible tabs, you will

see ellipses (...). To expose tabs that you cannot currently see, click on the ellipses. You

can also click on the tab name and, once you get to the farthest right or farthest left tab,

the following tab will appear.

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Grant Submission & Attachments Saving and Submitting your Workbook

After downloading this workbook, please save it with your CourtName_CourtType_2019GrantApp. Save continuously as you enter information so you do not lose your work. Once you have completed the workbook, please submit it via CJCC's website at: https://cjcc.georgia.gov/funding-opportunities

Once there you will see a link for the FY19 grant application. Please submit this completed workbook and separate attachments.

PLEASE NOTE! --- Depending on attachment size it may be necessary your to convert your Excel document into a PDF before submit the application.

Attachments to Include with Submission:

FY19 Grant Application.

Certification of Accountability Court Funding.

Contracts/MOU with current treatment provider (implementation courts may be exempt from this requirement).

Organizational Chart – template provided on CJCC and CACJ websites.

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General Information Tab

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General Information Tab

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Other Funding Sources Tab

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Sustainability Narrative Tab

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Personnel Request Tab

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Fringe Benefits Tab

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Contract Services Request Tab

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Contracted Services Request Tab

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Drug Testing Supplies Tab

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Drug Testing Supplies Tab

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Drug Testing Supplies Tab

(Narrative Section)

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Reagent Drug Testing Supplies Tab

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Non-Drug Testing Supplies Tab Manual Entry (no formulas)

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Equipment TabManual Entry (no formulas)

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CACJ Conference Budget Tab

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CACJ Conference Budget TabNarrative Section

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Training & Travel Tab

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Transportation Narrative Tab

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Transportation Request Tab

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Court Narrative TabSame as Past Years

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Court Narrative Tab Same as Past Years

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Conclusion … Total Requested Funds

Calculates Automatically!**Total Funds on General Information Tab. Please Remember to Manually

Enter in Match Funds**

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Questions & Answers Where to go for help:

CACJ & CJCC staff contact information on the CACJ



If you have someone outside of your accountability

court write the grant application for you, it is your court’s

responsibility to be sure the information contained in the

grant application is accurate and completed.
