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G-pedia Causes of WWI During the time of World War I, there were many defensive alliances. For example, When Austria- Hungry declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. This occured in many countries causing a World War. Also imperialism, militarism, and nationalism had a big part in causing WWI. Militarism caused each country to create a strong army, when they saw that other near by countries were building there up, creating a standing army. Many countries during this time wanted to imperialize, for wealth and power. This increased competition for land caused confrontation between countries. People had a lot of pride for their countries (Nationalism). This made people want to fight for their country, increasing the troops in their Amred Forces, and making them ready for war. Content 1. Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Schlieffen Plan Warfare 7. References 1914 Soldiers Fighting in WWI Date Started: July 28th 1914 Date Ended: Nov. 11, 1918 Casualties: over 35 Million Total (civilians included)
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 Causes of WWI During the time of World War I, there were many defensive alliances. For example, When Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia, Russia got involved to defend Serbia. This occured in many countries causing a World War. Also imperialism, militarism, and nationalism had a big part in causing WWI.  Militarism caused each country to create a strong army, when they saw that other near by countries were building there up, creating a standing army. Many countries during this time wanted to imperialize, for wealth and power. This increased competition for land caused confrontation between countries. People had a lot of pride for their countries (Nationalism). This made people want to fight for their country, increasing the troops in their Amred Forces, and making them ready for war.



Content1. Militarism• Alliances• Imperialism• Nationalism• Schlieffen Plan• Warfare 

     7.  References  

1914Soldiers Fighting in WWIDate Started: July 28th 1914

 Date Ended: Nov. 11, 1918 Casualties: over 35 Million Total (civilians included)    

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Militarism is the glorification of one country's army, and their readiness to go into war if need be. 

 There was fierce competition between Germany and France. When Germany started to build up their navy, Great Britain was filled with the fear of Germany attacking them. Once Great Britain started to build up their Navy as well, Germany saw this and wasn't pleased with it at all. Both were ready to fight, even though the building of Germany's Navy had nothing to do with Great Britain in the first place.  Competition for colonies stirs mistrust among European  nations. Mutual animosity spurs European countries to engage in arms race. 


Propaganda posters like so, were used:

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Alliances are agreements between two countries to protect one another. The goal of an alliance is to protect each other. Alliance also means a friendship. It is basically saying, "I won't attack you, if you don't attack me." The alliance with Russia dropped and Russia then became allies with France. BEFORE WWI, Russia and Serbia were alliances. Also, Germany and Austria-Hungary, France and Russia, Britain France and Belgium, and Japan and Britian were all alliances. Bosnia had land that both Serbia and Austria wanted. Serbia and Bosnia were both part of Slavs so Bosnia would rather have Serbia take over their land than Austria. In 1907,  Britian, France and Russia formed the Triple Entente. Other alliances are The Dual Alliance, Austro-Serbian Alliance, the Triple Alliance, and the Franco-Russian alliance

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Imperialism is a policy of extending a country's power and influence through military of diplomacy force. An example of this is when the European countries took over most of Africa for resources, power, and labor. By 1900, British Empire extended over five continents and France had control of many large lands in Africa. The amount of lands "owned" by Britain and France increased rivalry with Germany in the fight for imperialism. There were positive and negative effects of imperialism during this time. Some of the positive effects were that the bigger countries showed the smaller countries new inventions such as the telegraph and the newspapers and schools. They also made bridges and improved the roads and railways. There were also negative effects of imperialism. The people from the smaller countries had no freedom and had to follow the rules of the mother country. The Africans were used as slaves because the people of the mother countries were white so they thought they were naturally superior to them. This is also known as Social Darwinism. Britain expanded control over India. Britain considerered India its "Jewel on the Crown."

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Nationalism is a devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism. Pride in one's country. Nationalism in the Balkans leads many groups to demand independence growing nationalism leads to competition among nations. Europe enjoys peace in late 1800's but the problems lie below the surface meaning    An example of this is Germany was very nationalistic and wanted to prove they were better than everyone else so they built up their navy bigger than Britian's. This also ties into militariasm because they were trying to make their navy and wepons bigger and better. (Mr.Gesualdo's class notes) Europe enjoys peace but in the late 1800s problems arise. Growing nationalism leads to competition among nations. Nationalism in the Balkans leads many groups to demand independence.  

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Warfare Trenches: Trench Warfare was a new type of combat commonly used in

WWI, that was efficient but caused men's feet to rot away because of the water that settled at the bottom of the trenches. From standing in this cold water for hours, feet were rotted away, and needed to be amputated.

During World War I the soilders used rifles, pistols, machine guns, bayonets, torpedoes, flame throwers, artillery, and smokeless gunpowder. These weapons were used in the trenches, Zeppelins, planes, boats, and tanks. Bayonets were used by the French and the bolt-action rifles by the British. The bayonet was upgraded to the machine gun which was the main weapons used by the soilders. Artillery, or mounted field guns that weighed more then 900 pounds and need crews of 12 men, were also used

Chemical Warfare: WWI also started the use of gasses. The two main types of gasses used were; Mustard Gas, and Chlorine Gas. Mustard gas was deadly.  It was odorless, so enemies could not tell if they were being gased. Mustard gas caused skin blisters, eye sores, vomiting, and internal/external bleeding. It can last up to five weeks. Chlorine gas has a smell of pepper and pineapple. Victims experienced chest pains, burning throat, and suffocation. It can last up to 48 hours. 

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Schlieffen Plan

  The Schlieffen Plan was a plan thought out by Germany to attack, and defeat France, then turn around and defeat Russia. Germany decided to quickly advance to the outskirts of Paris, ready for attack. This plan didn't work, and Germany was defeated at the first Battle of Marne against France. Whilst France and Germany were fighting in the Eastern Front, the Russians came in and attacked them on the Western Front. This is called a Two Front war.



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Crisis in The BalkansIn the early 1900s the Austro-Hungarian empire and Serbia both wanted to take over the Slavic people on the Balkan Peninsula. Serbia wanted the land because they were Slavs like the people on the Balkan peninsula. Austria- Hungary just wanted the land so they could expand thier land. The people on the Balkans wanted to be left alone. In 1908 Austria-Hungary Annexed Bosnia and Herzegovnia. The Serbians were very angry. On June 28, 1914, a Serbian rebel murdered the Austo-Hungrain archduke and his wife. Austria declared war on Serbia and the Russians declared war on Austria siuce they were allied to the Serbs. This started WW1.

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Referenceshttp://europeanhistory.about.com/od/worldwar1/f/faqww1start.htm  http://www.researchhistory.org/tag/britain-enters-wwi/  http://americanhistory.about.com/od/worldwari/tp/causes-of-world-war-1.htm http://myweb.lmu.edu/jdevine/talks/KismMilitary.htm  World History: patterns of interaction, Chapter 29, Section 1 http://libcom.org/library/nationalism-further-reading-guide  World History Chapter 27 sec 1 http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/FWWcasualties.htm  http://americanhistory.about.com/od/worldwari/tp/causes-of-world-war-1.htm   http://www.historyonthenet.com/WW1/causes.htm#Militarism http://www.fresno.k12.ca.us/divdept/sscience/history/imperialism_colonialism.htm  Mr. Gesualdo"s Class Notes
