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G321: Planning - Equipment, Costume, Props

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Planning for our thriller scene. This is all about the Equipment, Costume and Props.
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G321: Planning Ellie, Joe, Beth and Beth
Page 1: G321: Planning - Equipment, Costume, Props

G321: PlanningEllie, Joe, Beth and Beth

Page 2: G321: Planning - Equipment, Costume, Props

EquipementA list of vital equipment we will use during and after filming.

Not to be confused with props!

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VT Tape

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Tracking Dolly

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iMac & Final Cut

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We as a group have enlisted certain priorities of our equipment. The camera and tape are obviously important as they are needed to just film the footage. The dolly is needed however it may be difficult to use. This is because of the terrain which we are filming on. The majority of our shots are outside on uneven terrain such as fields and woodland tracks. This will cause our footage to be bumpy which we want to avoid. However our indoor shots are mainly still shots so therefore we will only need to use the tripod. The tripod is extremely useful as we can change the height and create smooth panning shots from it. Final Cut is the editing software that we will be using. Each member of our group has had experience of using this software and we believe that we could perfect our scene by using this. Using this software we can also create ‘darkness’ which we may not be able to film. Our scenes are set in dusk/darkness however if it is too dark the footage may not be clear enough to see on the camera. So editing will be used to ‘add’ darkness to the scene. If the weather is appearing to change from scene to scene we can also add/take away noticeable differences in the scenes.

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Costume: Detective

For our detective, we are hoping for him to wear a high collared long coat. This fits with the common connotations of detectives. This will be similar to Sherlock's (seen left). We are also basing the colours and persona of his character on Se7en and Shutter Island.

His look should also be disheveled and very uncut, unlike Sherlock. This will create connotations of lack of control.

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Costume: Young Girl

For our character known as Charlotte Adams, we have decided to dress her in old fashioned (making sure not to go too old fashioned, but old enough to create connotations of innocence, ageless and vulnerability). In her hair there will be a red ribbon which will be focused on in our opening scene and would have been a focal point throughout the rest of the film. Despite the cuteness of her attire, the young girls clothing will be extremely muddy and worn as if she's struggled against something or someone.

A dress like this but hopefully

in a different colour.

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Costume: The Shade

The Shade in our opening scene has to be evidently the villain and make the detective an obvious victim/hero. This is done by giving the costume dark and mysterious tones. We have decided to do this by Covering up every single part of the Shades body, including sheltering their face slightly with their hoodie. This should create connotations of mystery as the audience and the victim don’t know what hided under the clothes. Another aim for this costume is the it stays simple and easy. An inspiration for this is the Grim Reaper.

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Costume ConclusionAn important factor with planning the costume is where we are going to get it. Many of the items of clothing we already have in our own wardrobes, however some will need to be purchased. These can be found online on eBay or other online stores, or charity shops.

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PropsA list of all the props we are hoping to use in our film. Again,

not to be confused with equipment!

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Props: Red Ribbon

This red ribbon is vital in our production. As mentioned in the costume section for the little girl, this ribbon will represent many different things during the film. We have chosen this darker colour because we wanted red (connotations of blood and danger) but we wanted it to be darker (connotations of mystery, dirt, and ageing).

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Props: Lamp Post

This lamp post will be a vital location prop. This is the place where our detective will see the young girl for the first time in our opening sequence. We have chosen the lamp post because we are hoping that it’ll be dark enough so that the lamp post will be turned on. This means that there will be a ‘natural’ spotlight on the young girl. An inspiration for this was the film poster for The Exorcist which shows a natural spotlight.

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Props: Photographs &

NotesThese photographs and notes will feature in flashback scene. They will be stuck on the walls, screwed up on the floor and just generally creating a mess everywhere. The images will be of the young girl, the shade, and several other characters (surveillance style) which would have been revealed later on in the film. The notes will say confusing yet intriguing things such as ‘THEY’RE WATCHING’ etc. These will create connotations of distress and obsession. An inspiration for these notes is mainly from the Slender stories.

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Props: Casebook

This casebook is extremely important as it will reveal to the audience that there is a case (most likely a disappearance or murder) of the little girl we saw previously. It will also reveal that the case has been closed for quite some time, which shows the extent of our detectives obsession and craziness –both common themes of thrillers.

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Props: String Connectors

These pieces of string are

very iconic with

thrillers/detectives. They

are often used to link the

significant places in

investigations and the fact

that they are in the

detectives room shows us

that the case is extremely

personal. They won’t just

connect places – they will

connect people, places

and documents.

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Props: Police Gear

Our detectives background

is obviously with the police

force. Therefore we hope

to have some police

badges, vests etc to

scatter around the room in

order to reveal his past.

We are planning to get

these props from Beth W’s

dad who works with the

police force.

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Iconic Props

We have chosen these props because they are very

iconic and recurring in thriller films. The sense of

mystery and obsession behind the photos and the

past behind them will intrigue the audience.
